
What to put in a lunch box for a child: school snack ideas for a whole week. Fifteen ideas for summer lunch boxes

School time is coming and everyone, especially young mothers, begin to puzzle over what to give to their beloved child with them.

It's great when the school has a canteen with good balanced diet, but often even this is not enough for a young lively to get enough. Very often the situation is reversed: food is scarce, replete with sausages, cookies and buns. How to keep this with you in a hot and fresh – .

An excellent lunch for a student, regardless of his age, should include a variety of products, and it is also desirable that the student eat it all, and not give it to a dog or an eternally hungry friend (in this case, prepare two servings in advance, as it will still be give away).

Children are often embarrassed to unwrap homemade preparations and eat them if no one is eating around. The pocket money that parents give to buy food goes to chocolates and crackers from the nearest kiosks or is put aside in a piggy bank for something “cherished”.

In general, the task of feeding the student tasty, but useful is not so simple, but solvable. Even if you are sure that the son or daughter is eating in the dining room, read the article.

School lunches will definitely save you money and guarantee the quality of your child's nutrition (you can also get satiety from a pound of chocolate).

I tried to think variety of options homemade food that you can give with you.

Imagine such a square box, divided into sections (not only imagine, but also buy, please). Let's talk about what should be in it.

Instructions and ideas for building the coolest launch Box, you will find .

Whole grains

Always Choose Whole Grains Over Refined Whites flour products and porridge. Whole grains (they are also -) will give the child a long-term boost of energy and enough vitamins. So, excellent thinking and memory, physical activity and good mood.

What whole grain options can I give to take away?

  • whole wheat bread
  • bread made from flour coarse grinding
  • whole grain pasta
  • pasta from hard varieties wheat
  • whole grain biscuits (such as Nordic)
  • homemade

What kind of dishes can these be?

  • sandwich with whole grain bread, a thin layer of butter, lettuce, cheese. You can add a thin layer of baked meat or even a meat patty.
  • boiled buckwheat or rice(but from unpolished rice) with vegetable or meat sauce or olive oil
  • whole grain pasta with cheese
  • sometimes you can give durum wheat pasta- also, for example, with cheese and vegetables


Use the ones that the child likes, but focus on the season. Our immune system responds better to local, genetically familiar and childhood, products. In order to protect the child from a possible decrease in immunity, try to supply him with local and seasonal fruits.

Prepare fruit for fast consumption: Wash, peel and cut into small pieces. If it's an apple, you can sprinkle it with citrus juice to keep it from turning brown.

IN winter season it can be dried berries: cranberries, cherries, raisins, dried apricots, etc. But remember that the concentration of sugars in dried fruits higher, and this is a risk for milk teeth. To clean your teeth, give vegetables with solid fiber with you (about them just a little lower).

Curd mass with fruit

Finely chop the fruit or crumble the dried fruit and mix with the curd mass. You can sweeten or.

Frankly, I'm not a big fan of fructose, as it promotes fat gain. But if you have a mobile child, a spoonful of fructose will perfectly support his energy for a long time.

fruit smoothie

You can give it with you in a thermos: a few berries or pieces of fruit, mix dried fruits with yogurt and add a little stevia (or fructose). If the smoothie is too thick, thin it with milk.

Add some herbs to this smoothie, for example, spinach or mint (spinach is quite difficult to recognize, as it is practically tasteless, just try to chop it well enough).

Fruit salad

If the child does not like smoothies, but likes to nibble, cook fruit salad: cut the fruit, add a sweetener (you can use a little honey if there is no allergy) and mix with yogurt.


Many children have a short conversation with vegetables: “I won’t, that’s all!”. Although my son and I have the opposite: he willingly eats vegetables, but categorically does not eat fruits!

With protein products

As I wrote a little earlier, vegetables can be chopped and added to cereals, mixing them with cheese, meat, or even legumes. In such a neighborhood, vegetables are more difficult to separate, they are perfectly camouflaged and appearance, and to taste. Hungry young detective will definitely swallow and lick his fingers!

Let's take fresh vegetables with us in a convenient and interesting form for quick absorption. Wash the carrots, peel and cut into sticks. Do the same with cucumbers. If the child loves, you can also give Jerusalem artichoke and celery to gnaw with you.

Cabbage that a child carries around in his backpack for several hours (or maybe all day) will smell unappetizing at all, so I do not recommend packing it for lunch.

ketchup effect

This phenomenon means that anything can be swallowed with ketchup. I saw children's ketchup for sale, which contains only tomatoes, sugar and spices. But still I do not advise giving it: the taste of food is completely masked and the sauce pushes the main dishes into the background.

Can be given with vegetables healthy sauce such as pesto or hummus. You can mix yogurt with finely chopped herbs and salt if your baby likes this taste.

All together and different

A great lifesaver idea is a mixed salad. It can include everything: pasta, some legumes, boiled chicken or fish, croutons, vegetables, cheese and sauce.

If you have a special container for storing soup, great! You can provide the student with hot vegetable soup, which he will eat with a sandwich.


Many parents are reluctant to bring something dairy with them as it can go bad quickly. To prevent this from happening, freeze in the evening a small amount of yogurt in an airtight container. In the morning, put it with the rest of the food, closer to the sauce or meat, to prevent them from spoiling.

The curd mass does not spoil for a long time, but if you are worried, freeze it too. By noon, she'll be up and running.


It is very important to give the younger generation animal proteins. But if the child is categorically against cutlets and meat in general in his lunch box, look for other options. Children are strongly influenced by their peers, and if no one around is having lunch with cutlets, they may also refuse. In this case, the child can be given either an additional cutlet, which he will treat to a friend (there will be a company to eat together). Or do not give meat and fish with you, but offer them at home.

What proteins, besides meat and fish, you can give your child with you

  • hummus which I have already mentioned. It can be both a side dish and a sauce for vegetables, sandwiches, cereals
  • nuts(if there is no allergy) - in whole, in the form of additives or oil (if you find it on sale)
  • boiled eggs(I personally couldn’t stand them as a child, but suddenly your child loves them!)
  • eggs may also be included homemade sauce, which you will give to vegetables or to which you will grease a sandwich. Remember that before adding them to this sauce, they need to be boiled for about a minute in a double boiler. Without boiling, you can use quail eggs.
  • dairy(if there is no allergy, of course): cheeses, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt. Cheeses are also better prepared, for example, cut into cubes

With all of the above, you just have a lot of options for healthy lunches for schoolchildren!

Let's once again list the options for dishes in the student's lunch box:


  • proper bread top and bottom soaked in grease
  • leaf salad
  • lubricant: sauce/butter/jam/peanut butter/curd mass/bean paste/hummus
  • base component: slice of meat / fish / cutlet / hummus / bean paste
  • additional “goodies”: slice of cheese / boiled eggs, chopped / tomato wedges / nuts

Porridge / pasta:

  • buckwheat porridge with stewed vegetables: carrot, zucchini, onion on a grater
  • buckwheat porridge with legumes and vegetables
  • buckwheat porridge with meat and vegetables
  • rice porrige with chopped vegetables and cheese
  • rice porridge with vegetables and fish
  • sweet rice porridge with fruits/dried fruits and stevia
  • pasta with any kind of filling, also chopped on a grater (grind meat and fish on small pieces and stir)
  • sweet pasta (if you like) with butter and fruit


  • in general, if exactly eats
  • in the form of peeled and cut pieces
  • berries
  • as an additive to sweet dishes: curd mass, pasta
  • in the form of a smoothie
  • in the form of fruit salad
  • as an addition to a mixed salad (if you like)


  • in the form of additions to sandwiches
  • in the form of sauce (for example, pesto)
  • for cereals and pasta
  • in the form of a smoothie (add a little to sweet smoothies - spinach, carrots, celery)
  • like sticks with sauce
  • in the form of a salad
  • and like soup


  • meat/fish cutlets
  • in sandwiches
  • in mixed salads
  • in soup
  • along with cereals and pasta, mixed
  • in sauces (also eggs)
  • in the form of cheese - in pieces / in pasta / in sauces
  • in the form of curd mass with raisins
  • in the form of a smoothie with various fillings
  • in the form of milk or yogurt
  • whole nuts or as an addition to salads, sauces, curd mass

After preparing such a tasty and useful menu All you have to do is pack it right! The chances of lunch being eaten depend quite heavily on serving. I don’t really want to eat oatmeal porridge that has cooled down and spread over the box.

Be sure to read about how to creatively design a lunch box for your child.

I hope you can give me some tactical tricks, because my son is still far from school!

Such a cupcake, because of its composition, will be a wonderful snack for a schoolboy. For example, bananas are excellent source energy and, thanks to endorphins, improve mood. They contain great amount vitamins and minerals. Including calcium, which helps brain activity child. Hazelnuts are rich in protein. Together with raisins, they supply the body with energy and strength, and also fill the body with important trace elements.

  • Bananas - 3 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 35 ml;
  • kefir - 140 ml;
  • flour - 220 g;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • hazelnuts - 50 g;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch;
  • vanilla sugar- 5 g;
  • baking powder - 5 g;
  • salt - a pinch.

For muffins and pastries, it is better to use slightly overripe bananas. Break them into pieces, put in a bowl and mash with a fork. Add eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar, olive oil and kefir to bananas, mix. Sift flour with baking powder, cinnamon and a pinch of salt, knead into a dough. Chop hazelnuts with a knife, add to the dough along with raisins. Grease a cake pan with olive oil using a brush, spread the dough and bake at 180°C until done (about 30 minutes).

Cottage cheese wafers

Any student will always eat at a break with great pleasure delicious waffle. In addition to it, you can cut fruit into a container and give it with you along with yogurt or milk. Cottage cheese must be present in the diet of children. He is rich in special curd protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body and broken down into amino acids needed to build other proteins. Cottage cheese is also rich in calcium, phosphorus and B vitamins.

  • Cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • kefir - 130 g;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder - 4 g.

For this recipe, you will need an electric waffle iron. If it is not there, then you can bake the dough like pancakes, but it will be a completely different dish. Cottage cheese needs a homogeneous, pasty. If the cottage cheese is with grains, then scroll it through a meat grinder or rub it through a sieve. Grind cottage cheese with a fork with sugar and eggs. Add kefir and olive oil, mix. Pour the sifted flour with baking powder into the dough and knead the dough. The baking time for waffles depends on the power of the electric waffle iron.

Sandwich with chicken and yogurt sauce

All kids love sandwiches, but simple sandwiches with cheese or sausage there is no benefit. However, if some components are replaced with more useful ones, then you get an excellent sandwich for a student. For example, it is better to replace bread with cereal, adding complex carbohydrates to the snack. Chicken breast contains important child's body protein, as well as iron, necessary for the formation of hemoglobin in the blood of the child. Fresh vegetables contain fiber and many vitamins. And yogurt sauce contains beneficial bifidus and lactobacilli, which normalize bowel function and improve immunity.

  • Cereal bread;
  • baked and boiled chicken breast;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • hard cheese;
  • Greek yogurt;
  • dill;
  • garlic (optional)
  • salt.

Lightly toast the cereal bread in the toaster. Cut chicken breast, cheese, tomatoes and cucumbers into thin slices. Make a sauce out of yogurt by adding finely chopped dill, salt and, if desired, garlic. Grease the toast with sauce, put the chicken breast, cheese and vegetables. Close with a second piece of bread.

Chicken muffins with green peas

Not every student will agree to snack on chicken and green peas during a break. But if you give it with you in the form of a cupcake, you will eat it for a sweet soul. Due to the main incidents, such cupcakes are rich in protein and fiber. Among the useful properties of green peas is the ability to quickly increase the efficiency of the brain and supply all body systems with energy, which is extremely important for schoolchildren. It also promotes the absorption of calcium, which is found in in large numbers in ryazhenka.

  • Ryazhenka - 300 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • green pea- 100 g;
  • butter- 70 g;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • baking powder - 5 g;
  • salt.

Defrost green peas first. Cut the chicken into cubes of 1-1.5 cm. Grate the cheese on coarse grater. In a bowl, mix the ryazhenka, eggs and melted butter. Add flour sifted with baking powder and salt, knead the dough. Add chicken, cheese, green peas and finely chopped garlic to the dough. Mix all the dough until smooth. Divide batter into cupcake liners, filling about 2/3 full. Bake for about 30-40 minutes at 170°C.

Oatmeal cookies with apples

Even snacking on cookies can be made healthier by cooking them with yogurt, oatmeal, and apples. Apples contain many beneficial trace elements and help strengthen immune system organism. Baked apples save everything beneficial features fresh apples. They contain pectin. This substance fights microbes and removes cholesterol and toxins from the body. Oatmeal is a powerful source of energy due to the presence of complex carbohydrates that burn slowly in the body, so a person remains full for a long time. At regular use oatmeal improves digestion and removes toxins. Benefit oatmeal cookies fully commensurate with the benefits of oatmeal.

  • Yogurt - 120 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • softened butter - 50 g;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • oatmeal - 100 g;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • baking powder - 5 g;
  • ground cinnamon - 1/3 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cut the apple into cubes about 1 cm in size. Put all the ingredients in a bowl, knead the dough. Line a wide baking sheet with baking parchment. Spread the dough with a tablespoon at a distance of 3-4 cm from the neighboring cookie. Preheat the oven to 175°C. Bake cookies for 15-20 minutes.

25/02/2016 19:36

Every morning, millions of mothers around the world send their children to school, and while the child learns science, parents hastily draw up a children's lunch menu for tomorrow.

After all lean buckwheat the kid will not be full from a school cafeteria or two mother's sandwiches with a doctor's sausage, and there is little benefit from such snacks. A schoolchild needs a vitamin-rich and must-have energy food. Good, huge selection products in supermarkets today allows the child to collect a useful complex lunch box for every day.

Putting a lunch box to school: the most useful products

In order for the child to forget about school buns with baking powder, stabilizers and flavor enhancers forever, you will have to work hard on compiling daily menu. To do this, use our short list the healthiest foods for your baby to take with you.

Most healthy foods for a school child:

So, the products necessary in the children's diet have been determined, the task is small - to assemble a comprehensive lunch box, so that the child enjoys lunch and boasts of a caring mother to classmates.

5 options for complex lunches for a schoolchild

Lunch box idea #1

Sandwich: 2 pieces whole grain bread, lettuce, rings fresh tomato, pieces of mozzarella, parsley.

Hot or garnish: Sliced ​​boiled chicken breast vegetable puree, tomato sauce home cooking(for chicken).

Sweet and to the tooth: Canapé-shaped fruit cuts, miniature homemade muffins with nuts or small pancakes with jam (pre-cut).

Drink: Sweet black tea.

Lunch box idea #2

Sandwich: burger bun, thin slices cheese, flat patty ground beef, spinach, egg rings.

Hot or garnish: Couscous, sliced ​​turkey fillet, mixed vegetables, steamed or warm salad. For vegetables, you can use broccoli, peas, carrots, bell peppers, eggplant, beets, corn and other products available in your area. Make your dish colorful by mixing diced or chipped vegetables, and pine nuts will be a delicious addition.

Sweet and to the tooth: Cottage cheese pancakes with honey, pieces of dark chocolate or granola in sticks from oatmeal with dried fruits, grapes.

Drink: cocoa with milk or drinking yogurt.

Lunch box idea #3

Sandwich: Lavash rolls smeared with dressing from processed cheese and chopped parsley, basil. As a filling, you can take chicken ham, pieces of rabbit fillet or other meat, as well as potato chips baked in the oven, cherry tomatoes.

Hot or garnish: Omelet, vegetables in strips or cubes mixed with steamed rice.

Sweet and to the tooth: Crackers, baked apples, spinach biscuits, or carrot almond candies.

Drink: Still water, vegetable smoothie or tea.

Lunch box idea #4

Sandwich: Hot french sandwiches with hard cheese, mustard or garlic sauce and salmon slices.

Hot or garnish: Soup puree with black bread croutons, chicken pancakes (if there is no meat in the sandwich) or vegetable pancakes, tomato rings on top, mozzarella cheese, feta or other homemade sour cream sauce.

Sweet and to the tooth: Sweets made from dried fruits and nuts, rolled in sesame seeds. If the baby is allergic to nuts, prepare the Clouds dessert from baked apples: you need to beat them into a puree, add gelatin and heat the mass, then pour the blank into a mold and cool until completely solidified. Ready dessert cut into cubes - and our apple clouds are ready!

Drink: vegetable juice, Herb tea or drinking yogurt.

Lunch box idea #5

Sandwich: Envelopes with meat, pies-tubes with cabbage, buns with garlic and herbs or toast from whole grain bread with melted cheese (any child can taste) and bell pepper or any other filling.

Hot or garnish: Fish zrazy with quail egg or fish soufflé, cutting from fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes), from hot - ginger cream soup with carrots or broth with meatballs.

Sweet and to the tooth: candied fruit from orange peels, homemade chocolate curds or coconut cookies. Sliced ​​churchkhela is also suitable as a dessert ( Georgian delicacy thickened walnuts grape juice), pieces of baked pumpkin in a honey crust or fried bananas.

Drink: Black or herbal tea.

Moms take note!

The lunch box must have wet wipes and small camping cutlery for the convenience of the baby (completeness depends on the dishes that you give with you - for something you need a fork or spoon, other products can be pierced on a skewer).

As you can see worthy ideas a lot for a complex lunch box, and collect full lunch It will not be difficult for a school child if you give free rein to your imagination and listen to the wishes of the child.

School breaks are very short, and the cafeteria does not always have the children's favorite dishes. Most often, buffets sell compotes with buns or unleavened cereals with tasteless gravy - so the child remains hungry throughout the school day, and this negatively affects health.

And even if the mother managed to cook lunch with her, often the kid simply refuses to open his lunch in front of his classmates - yes, the mood of our children depends very much on the opinion of their peers about their every step. Simply put, food in its usual form, according to children, looks unfashionable, and embarrasses the child in front of others, so it’s better to starve than to eat porridge with a cutlet in front of everyone.

But mothers never back down from their goals, and share their secrets of transformation wholesome food to your favorite.

Tips for parents - make lunch beautiful!

  1. Chops or meatballs are good at home, but in lunch boxes they look too homely. To encourage a child to use meat dishes with an appetite, stock up on culinary molds. Agree, miniature cutlets in the form of stars will look very original, and the baby will not be able to resist such useful beauty. Today, in utensil stores, you can also find special presses or pans for making flat patties, like in hamburgers - this magical device will not take up much space in the kitchen, and will come in handy. caring mother.
    There is another interesting idea for minced meat- a mold with which you can cook a cutlet with a filling. For example, add grated cheese inside - when frying, it will melt and give the cutlets a twist.
  2. Boiled chicken breast or any other poultry it will look more appetizing if you cut it into cubes - it’s more convenient for the child to eat without getting his hands and clothes dirty, and you can divide the portion into several times.
  3. Eggs many children in school years do not like. But if your child is taught to trust a wise mother, be sure to pack one or two in a lunch box boiled eggs, having previously cleaned them and cut each in half or into four slices - the student should not spend a precious break on cleaning food and fight with large pieces.
  4. Vegetables rarely cause delight in children, and eat vegetable salad from a lunch box it will be inconvenient, and dressings (mayonnaise, sour cream, vegetable oil) only speed up the process of spoiling the dish. And it’s not worth talking about greasy stains on a school shirt. But you can teach your baby to eat raw or steamed vegetables in a playful way. To do this, do not be too lazy to cut carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and other desired vegetables into strips, slices (can be dried in the oven, like chips) or cubes.
    A mixture of multi-colored cubes of vegetables looks especially interesting. Well, in order for the child to be interested in such a game, set him the task - how many straws of vegetables will be eaten at school, how many minutes will be added to today's cartoon viewing or to a standard time walk with friends. Believe me, such a challenge will be accepted by the child with a bang!
  5. Fruits most often they are sent to the school backpack as a whole, but it is not always convenient to eat them on the go, and sometimes hunger overcomes in the classroom - you can’t get them Big apple right in front of the teacher. Canapes will come to the aid of mom: cut the fruits into cubes or slices, and string them on special skewers, alternating with berries.
    Like vegetables, hard fruits can also be cut into straws, or you can use metal culinary cutters to cut out fancy shapes. It is better to separate the grape berries from the branches in advance so that it is more convenient for the baby to eat them. It is worth remembering that sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits quickly deteriorate, so it is better to sprinkle them with lemon juice (for example, this saves an apple from quickly browning), and remind the child that the first break is just made for such a breakfast. The main thing is that the kid has time to have a good breakfast before school - fruits are not the best option on an empty stomach.
  6. Cheese - an essential ingredient in the diet of a schoolchild, but dairy products spoil quickly, so parents, as a rule, do not put them in a children's lunch box. The output will be all the same cutlets with cheese filling or chilled cheese slice- if you send it to the lunch box in the morning directly from the refrigerator, by the end of the second lesson the product will just warm up to the ambient temperature, and the baby will be able to have a hearty snack.
  7. Cottage cheese - another perishable product. But here for moms there is useful idea: if the child does not like cheesecakes, but prefers a sweet curd mass, cook it in the evening and freeze (you can also add pieces of fruit). Sutra send the curd mass from the freezer directly to the lunch box - and to school lunch she will thaw.
  8. Whole wheat bread - These are complex carbohydrates that provide a long-term boost of energy. Whole grain cereals, biscuits, breads and other whole grains are a rich source of vitamins and fiber needed for correct operation gastrointestinal tract and health digestive tract generally.
  9. Sauces - an integral part of our diet, and for children, sauces often serve as the basis of lunch - the kid soaked the sauce with a piece of bread, but forgot about meat and porridge. To wean a child from harmful shop ketchups and mayonnaise with flavor enhancers, mom needs to learn how to make even more delicious and healthy dressings for dishes, so that the sauce does not interrupt the taste hearty lunch but only added to it. From simple options: homemade ketchup(tomatoes, vegetable broth, garlic, a little salt, vinegar, other spices are also allowed), curd-creamy sauces (cream, cottage cheese, herbs), sour cream dressings(sour cream, herbs, olive oil) and many others. Remember what sauces your child likes, and try to reproduce the recipe at home from natural products.
  10. Sweets We have been adored since childhood, but store-bought sweets contain a lot of preservatives that are harmful to health. Homemade cheesecakes, sweet cherry pies, muffins, or granolas made from nuts, cereals and honey will come to the rescue for mom. By the way, sweet muffins can be baked even from vegetables - carrots, pumpkins, broccoli.
  11. Beverages should not take up much space in a school backpack, and be sure to give your child only healthy drink- no store-bought soda with dyes! Sweet black or herbal tea in a thermos, cocoa, pure water still, unsweetened homemade drinking yogurt or fruit smoothie, and vegetable juices(buy small bags so that the baby can drink a portion of juice at a time and free up space in the lunch box).
  12. First meal - Definitely take your child to school homemade soup inconvenient, but this difficulty can be circumvented.
    Just whip vegetable soup blender until liquid puree, pour it into a sealed box or thermos for food, and nice addition for a hot dinner there will be crackers (only without salt and seasonings) from black bread, fried at home in the oven.

If you decide to assemble a lunch box for children to school, you need to make sure that the food is healthy. Fill fresh vegetables, fruits, meat balls, boiled rice as a side dish and whole grain bread. Lay down to make the food look funny. Most The best way To accomplish this is a special cut, you can even use rice tins and egg stencils. And if you add marshmallows or candies, you will put together the most delicious lunch box for a child. And acquire a hobby appropriate for a caring parent.

Prepare the pesto sauce, excluding the addition of nuts. Take a flatbread made from wholemeal flour, you need to wrap the filling in it. First lay the pita bread with beet tops (chard), spinach and watercress sprouts. Then lay out the following ingredients: carrots, fried red paprika, sun-dried tomatoes and goat cheese. Wrap and pack in wax paper. Vegetarian roll and the sauce is ready. Additionally: beetroot salad, cherry tomatoes, black bean crackers, chocolate candies, raspberries, fruits (apple, mango, pineapple, watermelon).

Crispy chickpea flour squares can be dipped in pesto. Assemble a lunch box from the following ingredients : sugar peas in pods, vegetable sticks (celery, carrots, cucumber, bell peppers, radishes), orange or grapefruit slices, pomegranate seeds in chocolate.

Make waffles with rice and chickpea flour. Now fill the lunch box compartments with bright ingredients: carrots, purple cauliflower, soybeans, blueberries and physalis berries, glazed sunflower seeds.

Boil buckwheat soba noodles in boiling water for 4-8 minutes; drain and rinse. Then make a tamarind sauce, pour into a bottle. To prepare a roll, you will need a sheet of translucent rice paper to be dipped in warm water. Then roll up the stuffing: spinach, soba noodles, julienned carrots, cucumber and tofu.

Fill the lunch box compartment with carrots, planed as for Korean carrots; stack rolls with tofu, buckwheat noodles and spinach. In the other compartment, place a pad of rice garnished with sesame seeds. Lay another branch silicone mold for cupcakes, and top with corn. Introduce your child to exotic fruits and put on a pad of rice, maybe a hairy rambutan. Fill the remaining compartments of the lunch box with black bean crackers and glazed sunflower seeds.

Prepare couscous from whole grain as indicated on the package. Or boil 1 tbsp. of water, add a little less than 1 cup whole grain couscous, and cook until liquid is absorbed, 10 to 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand, fluff with a fork. Put the roasted paprika on the couscous pad, sprinkle with sprouted wheat. Additionally: oatmeal granola, fruit mix(mango, kiwi, blueberry and pomegranate)

cook full breakfast with waffles, top with natural yoghurt with lemon juice. Fill a large compartment with carrot salad. For salad, chop carrots and beets, it is seasoned with a spoon of the same natural yogurt.

Fill in the remaining compartments: bear-shaped jelly gummies, blackberries and physalis berries, on carrot salad fold in the bean sprouts and watercress sprouts.

Your child will surely love this egg experiment: How to make regular egg"golden". Before you boil an egg, pay attention to how to make it "golden", this is an occasion to play with food.

Spread quinoa and brown rice with sunflower seed paste.

Vegetables (cut into strips of carrots, beets and cucumbers) pierce with a wooden skewer.

Divide the rest of the ingredients into sections: And sunflower seeds, grapes, blackberries and physalis berries, bon-pari lollipops.

spaghetti pasta whole grain flour boil in boiling water for about 10 minutes; throw it in a colander. Prepare the pesto sauce, excluding the addition of nuts. Mix sauce with pasta, cherry tomatoes and pea shoots. Dip German pretzel pretzel in melted chocolate.

Additionally: soya beans edamame; sweet peas and chopped bell peppers.

In the remaining compartment of the lunch box, place the fruit mix: cut exotic fruit with black seeds (pitaya), mango and strawberries; add grapes and blueberries.

Soak brown rice for a while so it takes less time to boil. Or cook for a couple. Combine it with marinated tofu in one of the lunch box's bowls. Place the roasted beans or chickpeas in another bowl.

Put a couple of pieces of candy in caramel sprinkling ().

Additionally: on the leaves of lettuce chicory, place orange slices "kara kara"; add blueberries and pomegranate.

Cook a tortilla in a pan with three types of flour: oatmeal, flaxseed and whole grain (see recipe). You can wrap fried tofu in this flatbread. Place these ingredients in one of the compartments of the lunch box. Put a leaf of lettuce in there. IN sealed container Pour in the sauce for dipping the tortilla, fermented soybean hoisin sauce.

Additionally: Romanesco florets and cherry tomatoes; orange slices; pomegranate seeds; bear-shaped jelly gummies with Coca-Cola flavor.

Prepare dumplings stuffed with tofu, Swiss cheese, chard and mushrooms.

Additionally: edamame soybeans with carrots, mango with blackberries, natural fruit marmalade, nori seaweed.

Knead batter for batter: with flour, milk, eggs and baking powder. Dip the pea pods in the batter and deep fry. You can also add chopped mint pods to this dough, and fry in a pan in the form of pancakes. Combine fritters with smoked tofu, stick it on a skewer.

Additionally: carrots of different sizes and colors, pineapple and grapes, jelly marmalade in sugar sprinkling with citrus taste.

Boil round grain rice. Shape the sushi into a square shape filled with avocado and sweet potato.

Additionally: smoked tofu leaf skewered, cherry tomatoes with celery, blackberry and mango, dragee in chocolate glaze.

Cook samsa with potatoes, spinach or peas. For dipping patties, make ginger and mango chutney. Additionally: edamame soybeans and stenciled bell pepper, cantaloupe melon and grapes, alphabet shaped cookies.

In the bowl of a food processor, combine the broccoli, pistachios, and lemon juice. Take corn tortilla tortilla, lay one part with sheep's cheese, or smoked cheddar, lay out the filling; fold in half. Heat up the pan with vegetable oil, you need to fry two tortillas folded in half. Fry the tortillas for 5 minutes. from each side; Press the flatbread down with a spatula, and drive all over the pan so that the flatbread absorbs all the oil. Roast until golden color until the cheese is melted, thereby holding the tortilla together. Your broccoli quesadilla is ready, cut it into quarters. Additionally: banana-buckwheat muffin, candied pineapple, cucumber, apple c, glazed seeds.

In a blender, load the pulp of one avocado, 1/2 tbsp. cottage cheese cream cheese and cilantro, a spoon olive oil squeeze some lime juice. Whisk for a minute.

Take gray bread for sandwiches; cut off the excess to make a heart. Cut a small piece (200 gr.) of boiled salmon and mix with avocado dressing. Make a salmon sandwich.

For salad: chop celery, carrots and radishes, add soy sprouts. It comes with an avocado dressing.

Fill the lunch box compartments with tangerine and grape slices, cereal crispbread, raisin bran dry biscuits (biscuits).

Boil quinoa or any cereals (millet, bulgur, dagussa; wheat, spelt, barley).

Saute zucchini, carrots, leeks, kale and cauliflower, grapes. Place in one of the compartments of the lunch box on a pillow of quinoa. In the remaining compartments, lay out the cucumber, crackers, raspberries, pineapple, dragee in chocolate icing.

In a bowl with warm water soak the rice noodles so they can be separated. Heat a frying pan with oil, fry the tofu until golden brown, as well as kale and Peking cabbage, spinach, mushrooms, rice noodles; if the noodles are dry, splash water on the bottom of the glass. Dress the dish with tamarind paste mixed with lime juice.

Additionally: bell pepper and cucumber, lemon muffin with cream cheese cream cheese and raspberry filling, strawberry.

To fill the lunch box you will need: rice balls; grilled artichoke hearts, broccolini, Bell pepper; cherry tomatoes and mozzarella; strawberry; sunflower seeds in glaze.

Prepare the pesto sauce, excluding the addition of nuts. boiled pasta toss with broccoli florets, sun-dried tomatoes and pesto. (It is recommended to take pasta made from red lentil flour). Additionally: boiled carrots, black currant and raspberry, natural fruit marmalade, rice crackers. To dip the crackers, make an eggplant dip.

What could be easier: to collect fresh delicious ingredients for soup, salad or granola in a jar / bottle and take it with you to work. When you want to have a snack, all you have to do is pour hot water Or add dressing and stir. Ksenia Tatarnikova, blog author smart cookies, tells how to cook delicious and quick lunch in a new way.

I first heard about salads in jars from my sister - she has been living in Berlin for a long time, and recently it has been customary for them to take such colorful pretty jars or bottles with them to work, and in them - salads, pickled vegetables, granola, oatmeal and even cupcakes!

Easier than ever: put the ingredients in a jar and pour hot water before use or add yogurt if we are talking about granola. It remains only to mix or let it brew for ten minutes - and voila! - lunch is ready. You can cook it the day before and put it in the refrigerator, vary the ingredients according to your mood, your own taste and budget possibilities.

Here are some tips on how to assemble the jar:

- it is better to pour dressing or liquid on the bottom;

- then - "heavy" ingredients like vegetables and boiled legumes;

- on top - "light" greens and herbs, berries and boiled rice, pasta, soba, (so that the cereal does not become watery at the bottom of the jar due to dressing);

- finally, on top - nuts, seeds, pieces of dried fruits, crackers.

Quick noodle soup in a jar

Put in a clean dry glass jar with a wide lid: 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 1/2 tsp. lemon juice, 1/4 bouillon cube(you can make homemade vegetable broth and freeze), 1/4 tsp. grated ginger(optional), 1/2 tbsp. grated carrots, 1/2 tbsp. chopped straw Chinese cabbage, a handful of chopped parsley / spinach / cilantro, pepper to taste. Place a handful on top rice noodles(break with your hands). Close the lid and store in the refrigerator (no more than a day).

Let the mixture stand before eating. room temperature 15 minutes. Then pour boiling water (water should cover the noodles) and leave to brew for 10-12 minutes. Stir gently. You can eat the soup straight from the jar or pour it into a bowl.

What else can be used in quick soup: dried shiitake mushrooms, sweet corn, slices or paneer, seaweed, bean sprouts, watercress, pieces of spicy and bell pepper, green onion, kimchi.

Multi-colored salad in a jar

By analogy with a quick soup, you can take it with you on the road.

"Eastern": put a dressing of yogurt, salt, pepper, finely chopped cucumber, chili pepper and parsley on the bottom of the jar, top 3-5 tablespoons of cooked orzo pasta, 2-3 chopped sun-dried tomatoes, green onions, 3-5 tablespoons of boiled (canned, washed and discarded in a colander), a handful of iceberg lettuce. Stir gently before eating. Stored in the refrigerator for a day.

"Motley": beat with a whisk and put a dressing of olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice on the bottom of the jar, apple juice, Dijon mustard and finely chopped chives. Top with slices of tomato, carrot, yellow bell pepper, fennel, mushrooms and lettuce. Stir gently before eating.

Quick breakfast for work

Lay in layers in a glass container. fresh berries or fruit, thick natural yogurt, and on top - granola (baked muesli) or nuts. Crispy fruit parfait is ready! Don't forget to bring a spoon with you. It is better to take separately and add right before meals. And yogurt and fruit can be put in the refrigerator in advance.

Proven combinations, for different days:

blueberries/blueberries + walnuts

raspberry/blackberry + granola

apricots, cherries/cherries + cashews

Vietnamese pickled vegetables

Clean and cut into strips long cucumber, daikon and 3-4 small carrots. Mix 200 ml rice vinegar(no additives), 2 tsp. sea ​​salt, 150-200 g of sugar and 200 ml of water until the sugar dissolves. Put the vegetables in a jar, pour over the marinade, close the lid. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour, preferably 3-5 days. Take it out, put it on, decorate with greenery and enjoy!
