
The benefits of warm water for the human body. Drinking regime as the basis of proper nutrition. How to properly balance drinking regimen

There is no need to talk about the benefits of water for our body: it is the source of all life, we remember this from biology lessons. The question is different - how to drink water correctly in order to help the body maintain a normal weight and generally be in good shape? Being guided by the principle “if you want to drink - drink, if you don’t feel like it - don’t drink” is not enough. Without further ado, we asked Andrey Petrov, the founder of the Seryab natural drinking water brand and the founder of the New Mineral Technologies company, who knows a lot about water, for a competent opinion.

The benefits of water are many! It is important for our organs to function. When it comes to hydration, cool water is always the best option or should you choose warm water? According to Ayurveda, the use warm water Helps stimulate digestion in the morning.

Health experts recommend drinking warm water with lemon. lemon water stimulates digestion and flushes out toxins. When you drink warm water, you are not only hydrated, but also benefit from its cleansing benefits. Help: If you're dealing with a headache or inflammation, drinking water can help ease the pain.

Should I drink a glass of water on an empty stomach?

Yes, this is a very useful habit. During the night, the body loses a lot of moisture, and it is logical to make up for the loss by waking up. After all, moisture leaves the body not only in a dry or hot room, but simply as a result of physiological processes, along with breathing. By the way, with breathing leave the body and calories, "burnt" as a result of active physical exertion. Have you thought about it?

It stimulates blood flow to tissues and is excellent remedy from menstrual cramps. Constipation: One of the main causes of constipation is dehydration. Drinking warm water for constipation can move things around smoothly, stimulating blood flow and having a calming effect on the intestines.

Whether it's cold or warm water, you need to stay hydrated and listen to your body. Listen to what your body is trying to tell you. When you get out in hot weather you will be thirsty for cold water. Similarly, when you have a cold, you need hot water.

When does cold water serve you best?

Health experts believe that there are certain cases where warm water is more appropriate than cold water, and vice versa. Exercise: Physical activity raises body temperature. In addition, we lose a lot of water and electrolytes in the process that need to be replenished. Drink cold water to remove the water from the water and let it cool down. Weight Loss: When you're trying to shed pounds, drink cold water instead of warm water. It boosts metabolism and helps store calories to facilitate weight loss.

Is it bad to drink water while eating?

No, it's not harmful. Such reasoning is carried out solely on the basis of the use of other drinks with meals: sweet carbonated water containing artificial sweeteners or caffeine, non-natural juice drinks and other liquids that are extremely unhealthy for digestion and metabolism. Drinks of this kind activate completely different processes in the stomach, and while eating, it, the stomach, is distracted by the digestion of the chymotic fluid that got inside with food. Unlike natural drinking water, which complements our body.

What is drinking regimen and how to establish it?

Cold water is not a cure for obesity, although it does help your weight loss efforts. Hot and cold packs play an invaluable role in the fight against pain. They are especially used to treat acute or severe pain and have also been shown to relieve muscle pain and muscle tension.

Hot compresses cause the blood vessels to dilate, which in turn increases blood flow to the area. It also calls heat to the surface, stimulating muscle relaxation. The contrast of the cold compress makes blood vessels on the surface to compress the blood, which causes them to move away from congested and inflamed tissues. This blood carries away waste products and is replaced by fresh oxygenated blood that is full of nutrients which helps speed up the healing process. It also has an analgesic effect and helps reduce inflammation.

For compresses you will need two small towels, two containers, hot and cold water and appropriate essential oils, if used. Fill container hot water - tap water, it should be hot enough and refill another container cold water. If you are using essential oils, add 4-6 drops to a container for hot water. Soak a towel in hot water and squeeze excess water. Fold the towel perfectly to make a compress and place on the affected area for about three minutes.

We, after all, consist on average of 60% of water. By the way, it is very useful to drink a glass or two before meals in order to prepare your stomach for the meal. Sometimes, it can help not to eat too much, because the stomach is insidious and can just “thrive for a drink”, and not eat. This happens throughout the day. And while eating, you can safely drink water between meals. From the point of view of gastronomy, an extremely useful observation is interesting: if you want to refresh your receptors, you need to drink non-carbonated water and next dish will play bright taste again.

Meanwhile, prepare cold pack similarly with cold water. Once the warm compress is removed, replace it with a cold minute. It is important to always end with a cold compress, especially in areas where inflammation can occur. You can use hot and cold water compresses separately. Warm compresses are good for back pain, rheumatism, menstrual cramps, arthritis, earache, and toothache, while cold compresses are good for headaches, neck strains, insect bites, kinks, falls, and tension.

It is incredible to know the wonderful benefits of hot and cold water applied wisely to inflamed or painful areas. Legionella is a bacterium found in nature in any form fresh water, and if it's hot, better. From the habitat, bacteria colonize water networks in cities. It is safe there, but the net serves to get to places where it can infect and cause legionellosis, such as air conditioner cooling towers.

Should I drink during/immediately after a workout?

Of course, yes - both during and after. Sport is one of the situations where you can’t rely on the feeling of thirst, it comes late. During sports, it makes sense to drink a little every 15-30 minutes. If your goal is to improve your health, appearance and well-being - it is best to drink water during classes.

The disease is not transmitted from person to person drinking water. A person becomes infected by inhaling aerosols contaminated with bacteria that enter the lungs. Air conditioner cooling towers expel water into the atmosphere in the form of particles, so they are hotbeds of legionellosis. The same applies to sprinkler irrigation, heated swimming pools, spas, and hot water evaporating from showers, especially if the pipes are dirty. Hospitals are another focus as bacteria become resistant to antibiotics.

Then it causes Legionnaire's disease, pneumonia, which can be fatal. Of the 182 infected, 29 have died. There is another, milder form of the disease called Pontiac fever, which is similar to the flu and is easily cured. The disease usually affects the elderly and immunocompromised people, for whom it can be fatal. It is more common in men and is very rare in children and young adults. Tobacco increases the risk of suffering from this disease. The incubation period varies from 2 to 10 days.

It fights antibiotics like erythromycin. Health approved the rule seven months later than what was announced. Health warns that the risk in private homes is minimal, even though it is recommended to use grease sifters in faucets and disinfect them with bleach once a year.

Beware of lime deposits and other particles in the hot water of the water heater

Tap water is considered drinking water because the water is treated in a wastewater treatment plant before it is distributed. But be careful, drinking tap water can be detrimental to your health due to the germs it can hold onto. Hot water dissolves contaminants much more than cold water. It is for this reason that the composition of hot water is different. Indeed, heat promotes limestone deposits in pipelines. So if your water is already limestone, your hot water will be even bigger.

After classes you can drink both water and specially prepared drinks that help restore the body after exercise. Our company produces natural sports drink KINETIK containing natural tonic extracts, mineral-vitamin complex and some fructose. In fact, this is the same set of ingredients and elements that many professional athletes mix in a blender. This recipe contributes to a more complete recovery after exercise, so that you come to the next lesson in best form. After all, the main thing in sports is regularity, without it there will be no sense.

Also, the elements that make up your piping can be damaged faster with hot water than with cold water, especially if your pipes are not well maintained. If you drink hot tap water under these conditions, you run the risk of absorbing endocrine substances and other highly chemical particles.

Treat your tap water to reduce the proliferation of bacteria and scale

To avoid using harmful substances When feeding tap water, it is best to filter it. There are several ways to filter tap water to eliminate bacteria and scale. Depending on your budget and your needs, you have a choice between in the following ways.

How often should you drink plain water per day?

Better - often and little by little. Keep a bottle of water close at hand - on your desk, in your car, in your bedroom on your bedside table. This is the easiest way to achieve the effect natural saturation when the body is balanced with a constant flow of fluid. Over time, it will be possible to notice how well-being and general processes improve - digestion, sleep, performance - just from such a thing as a drunk glass of ordinary mineral drinking water.

Filter pitcher, very easy to use; Active carbon, still little known but very effective; Reverse osmosis, the most efficient of all, but quite expensive to buy, Filter faucet, sink or shower: very practical and efficient. Hot stone massage, also called "hot stone", is one of the most popular today. It is widely practiced in sanatoriums and beauty salons in France and around the world. Today it is the most famous "exotic" massage of the clientele.

In many countries a lot of care is done through hot stones, which are classified in the so-called "Stone Therapy". Let's take a closer look at the origin of this massage, its underlying principles and what are its implications for the massaged.

The use of hot stones for well-being and care dates back to ancient times. The stones were also used by the Japanese in amma, one of the oldest forms of massage in Asia. Japanese techniques allowed heat to penetrate and stimulate tsubo, or acupuncture points.

Stones were also used in Egypt, Africa played an important role in the healing rituals of these ancient cultures. Similarly, many ancient European cultures used hot stones for therapeutic purposes: to relax muscles, relieve tension, or heat saunas. In the Hawaiian Islands, hot stone massage has long been used by traditional Aboriginal healers. Polynesians use hot stones for their protective and healing properties for a very long time.

Is it important to drink 2 liters of water per day, or is it a prejudice?

Daily requirements vary from body weight, metabolism, physical activity and external factors. Two liters is a kind of easy-to-remember landmark for the “average” person rather than a rigid prescription. Of course, we also get moisture from vegetables, fruits, soups and drinks (except alcohol and caffeine-containing, they are diuretics and promote the removal of fluid from the body) and a significant part of these two liters enter the body in this way. So it's not about forcibly swallowing two liters of water in addition to all other sources of moisture. However, most of us are likely to drink too little anyway. It is worth trying to drink at least half a liter of water extra a day (preferably right in the morning) - and soon you will be able to feel the difference.

To find one of its most important origins, you need to travel to the American continent. Hot stones have always been used for well-being, relaxation and pampering. This Amerindian tradition has endured for centuries, and the hot stone massage technique is used to prevent fatigue and improve blood circulation.

Hot stone power

Basalt pebbles, once collected, are polished and smoothed to make them easier to glide over the human body. The magnesium iron silicate that composes them has the property of retaining heat for a very long time, the heat that it will slowly diffuse in contact with the skin.

This massage requires active massage preparation and a lot of organization before your client can lie down on the massage table. To prepare your hot stone wellness therapy session, you will need various materials. First of all, of course, a hot stone oven whose water temperature must be properly regulated. Then a set of hot stones, consisting of basalt stones.

Consider starting your oven heating up quickly, because it can run up to a good half hour, and it's a good idea not to wait too long for your customer. At a good temperature, you can put a few drops essential oils into hot water to dispel the sweet smell in your massage room. You will also need a wooden or plastic spatula with slots to drain the stones when you take them out of the water. You can also opt for washing nets where you place your stones in groups and you bring them into the oven.

Those who play sports or are in a hot climate, and two liters may not be enough. Therefore, the motto of our company is: “To live better, you need to drink more!” Drinking too much water - in a way that causes harm, and not just sets your teeth on edge - is almost impossible, and you should not be afraid of this. This can only apply to artificial water - bottled purified tap water, artificially enriched with chemical elements - which brings more harm than benefit.

What temperature water is good to drink?

The most physiological drink water room temperature . Of course, on a hot day it is nice to drink cold water - there is nothing to worry about, especially if you drink in small sips. But still, it is worth abandoning the “half-liter volleys” of ice water: not only will you not be able to understand what you are drinking, there are also chances to chill your throat.

Should I drink more water in summer?

The best indicator of "should you drink water" is thirst. Naturally, in the summer we experience it more often, so the most healthy way to quench it is pure natural water. Another thing is that, regardless of the time of year, we are exposed to additional factors that contribute to the loss of moisture by the body and can dry out the skin and mucous membranes without causing, like heat, feelings of thirst. This is dry air from an air conditioner in an office or car, and central heating batteries that also dry the air in an apartment or house, and sports in cold weather, when there is less thirst. The same influence is diuretic foods, such as coffee, which remove water from the body. So Viennese coffee or ristretto - along with a glass of water - this is a very competent recipe! you will start to lose weight and look better, but you will also feel completely different. It is difficult to achieve such a result only by diet or sports with indiscriminate nutrition. Water is not magical dietary remedy but a basic necessity for the body. But among other things, the body needs other trace elements with vitamins in order to lead an active and rich lifestyle!

What is drinking regimen and how to establish it?

Drinking regime- This is the most rational order of drinking water during the day. At the same time, the drinking regimen is directly linked to proper nutrition, since in addition to eating, for human body vital and sufficient water intake. After all, water takes part in the processes of thermoregulation, dissolves mineral salts, carries out the “transportation” of nutrients within the body, removes metabolic products from the body, etc. Research by scientists has already proven that use optimal amount water can minimize the manifestations such chronic diseases as back pain, migraines, rheumatic pains, as well as lower blood cholesterol levels, normalize blood pressure and promote weight loss.

How to properly balance the drinking regimen?

With insufficient water intake, blood viscosity increases, the load on the heart increases , heat transfer processes are disrupted, performance is reduced.

And at the same time, with immoderate drinking, the load on the kidneys can increase 10 times.

Did you know that with breathing alone, a person loses almost half a liter of water daily. On average, every day we spend about 2.5 liters of water during breathing, sweating, in the process of removing waste products from the body with urine and feces, as well as for other physiological needs.

It is estimated that a person weighing 56 kg should consume an average of 8 glasses of fluid per day to make up for these losses. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water a day! To more accurately determine the body's need for water, it is also necessary to take into account factors influencing an increase in the need for drinking fluids . Age plays a role here as well. physical activity, and climatic factors, and working conditions.

Need to drink more water under the following conditions:

  1. Increasing ambient temperature
  2. disease state and fever body
  3. Increased content protein in the diet
  4. Active physical exercise
  5. Women who are breastfeeding
  6. If you smoke
  7. If you like frequent feasts
  8. With an increase in body weight
  9. If you drink coffee or strong tea(more than one cup a day)
  10. If you drink alcohol

How to drink water? What water to drink? How much water should you drink?

We asked Elizaveta Murzich, a consultant at the School proper nutrition».

1. I drink little water (1-3 glasses), but how to drink water?

Start drinking water gradually: the first three days 4 cups (2 before breakfast, 1 before lunch, 1 before dinner), then add 0.5 cups every day. You need 2-3 weeks to reach required amount 2.5-3.5 liters (depending on your weight).

2. What kind of water to drink: mineral, regular or boiled?

The ideal option is ordinary water, passed through a filter or purchased at a store. Mineral water only non-carbonated can be used, because. carbon dioxide leaches calcium from the body. Boiled water dead in nature.

3. I can't drink plain water how to be?
Try adding lemon to the water (it will help burn fats additionally), and the taste is more pleasant. Can be added to 150 gr. water 100 gr. juice without sugar.

4. Do tea and coffee count as liquid?

Yes, they count. But black tea and coffee have a diametrically opposite effect - the caffeine they contain promotes the removal of fluid from the body, leading to dehydration and the development of cellulite. Try to use fruit, herbal and green teas, preferably without sugar. Coffee 1-2 cups allowed.

5. I have swelling in the evening, what is the reason?

Most often, evening swelling occurs due to the fact that your body has not received the required amount of fluid during the day. Also try to cut down on foods with high content sodium salts, because they promote water retention.

6. And if the swelling is in the morning?

Try to perform the main fluid intake in the morning. The last glass of liquid for such people should be drunk before 20.00. Do not abuse salty and spicy.

When it's hot, try to increase the amount of water by another 1-2 glasses, because. at this time, the body loses more water.

7. How can I tell if I'm drinking enough fluids?

Pinch your hand. The skin should quickly return to its original position. Otherwise, increase the amount of liquid. Another way is to pay attention to your urine. Ideally, urine should be clear, if it is dark and smelly, you need to drink more water.

8. Can I drink two glasses of water at once?

In principle, yes, but our task is to speed up metabolic processes with the amount of water. Water is recommended to drink in small portions taking sips at short intervals.

9. Why is it undesirable to drink cold water?

Cold in dietology is considered water with a temperature below 20C. Since the drinking regimen is directly linked to proper nutrition, such water is not very suitable, because:

Never quenches thirst. Temperature in gastrointestinal tract a person - 36C and above, when cold water gets there, the mucous membrane cools and the fermentation processes (that is, digestion and absorption) are inhibited. The vessels in the intestinal mucosa reflexively shrink from the cold, water does not enter the blood from the intestines, and the body cannot “get drunk” for a long time

It increases the intoxication of the body: cold water that has not had time to enter the bloodstream stagnates in the intestines, gradually heating up. During this time, she manages to soften and dissolve toxins. When the water warms up, harmful toxins are absorbed along with it.

10. Why is it undesirable to drink hot water?

Slows down work taste buds tongue, so there is no reflex "start" of the intestinal mucosa

Thermal irritation of the intestinal mucosa slows down digestion and absorption

From hot water, the villi of the intestinal mucosa stick together, and therefore the suction surface of the mucosa decreases sharply. Because of this, the absorption of water is much slower and worse.

11. What is the best temperature to drink water?

For the digestive system perfect water- room temperature 20C-25C. Warming up in oral cavity and the esophagus, it enters the stomach, already at the right temperature.
Therefore, it is better to drink water at room temperature.

12. How to drink water correctly: before meals or after?

Half an hour before meals and one hour after. In this case, the incoming liquid will not harm digestion.

13. I have heard that those who drink a lot of water (2-3 liters per day) must definitely take multivitamin complexes?

Yes it's true. For example, mineral salts (sodium, potassium) are excreted from the body with water. This leads to dry skin, fatigue, muscle cramps and dizziness. Water-soluble vitamins are also washed out with water. Try to use high-quality vitamin and mineral complexes.

If you stop using enough water, then your metabolism is disturbed, and you again begin to retain water, begin to suddenly gain weight and lose the desire to drink. Most The best way The solution to this problem is to give the body what it needs - a sufficient amount of water.

All individual questions on adjusting the drinking regimen with various diseases, edema, health problems I consider as part of the project " Nutrition School »

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