
The cream holds its shape well. How to make cream and decorate a cake with it? To prepare the cream, you will need

Cream for decorating the cake, prepared with necessary rules and recommendations, will make homemade dessert spectacular and worthy addition to the solemn feast. With it, you can not only beautifully decorate the delicacy, but also mask the flaws that formed during the baking of the cakes.

How to make cream for decorating a cake?

To do long-lasting cream for decorating the cake, it is important to follow good recipe and know some subtleties of technology. Almost any filling option can be thickened and used to decorate cakes.

  1. Sour cream or curd cream for decorating a cake, it keeps its shape well if a special thickening powder is added to its composition. It will be difficult to make roses from it, but the minimum beautiful decoration very possible.
  2. Protein cream is the most demanding in preparation, therefore it is necessary to make it taking into account all the recommendations. He is the most malleable in creating all kinds of shapes.
  3. Cream cheese always turns out thick and dense, but Philadelphia and mascarpone are not available to everyone. You can use any cream cheese that you can find in the store.
  4. The recipe for a successful cake decorating cream can actually be created on any basis by adding to the composition good oil, thickened with gelatin or a special powder.

Wet meringue is the perfect protein cream for decorating a cake. You need to take responsibility for the preparation of ingredients. Separate the proteins, carefully making sure that particles of the yolk or shell do not fall into total weight. The cream is whipped, adding powder gradually, and it is recommended to use a purchased sweetener, do not grind it yourself.


  • squirrels - 5 pcs.;
  • powder - 400 g;
  • lemon juice- 1 tsp


  1. Proteins use room temperature. Start whipping, adding powder.
  2. Put on water bath, wait for the powder to dissolve, without ceasing to beat.
  3. Continuing the stroke of the device, remove from heat, pour in the lemon juice and beat until firm, smooth peaks.
  4. Use this cream immediately to decorate the cake.

To decorate the cake is very easy to prepare, does not require complex ingredients and keeps its shape very well. All kinds of figures are excellently obtained from it, it is important to use it very chilled. The finished cream should be lush, light, smooth and shiny.


  • oil 82.5% - 400 g;
  • powder - 2 tbsp.;
  • milk - ½ tbsp.


  1. Beat soft butter with sugar until light in mass at low speed of the mixer.
  2. Pour in milk at high speed.
  3. Refrigerate before use.

This cake decorating cream recipe will do. pastry bag. Charlotte, in classic version, not very dense, rather the opposite - light, delicate, therefore it will be difficult to make flowers and other figures from it. To thicken the cream a little longer, brew the mass and add more butter. Desserts are decorated with heavily chilled cream.


  • yolks - 5 pcs.;
  • powder - 200 g;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • oil 82.5% - 250 g.


  1. Bring milk and sugar to a boil.
  2. Grind the yolks, add a thin stream to hot milk, beat the mass with a mixer. Bring to a boil over low heat.
  3. Cool the cream to room temperature.
  4. Beat soft butter until white. lush mass.
  5. Pour the gradually cooled milk base into the oil base, continuing the mixer.
  6. to decorate the cake should be smooth, shiny and airy.

This cake decorating cream recipe is more like thick icing or ganache. As it cools, it becomes thick and dense. When making it, you need to take into account what more content chocolate cocoa beans, the better and faster cream will thicken. Cream is needed as fat as possible 33-35% or special confectionery.


  • dark chocolate - 200 g;
  • confectionery cream - 120 ml;
  • powder - 70 g.


  1. In a saucepan, warm the cream with powder, do not boil.
  2. Throw the broken chocolate into the liquid mass, mix well until the pieces dissolve.
  3. Chocolate cream for decorating the cake is used chilled.

To avoid difficulties and prepare the perfect one, use confectionery cream or vegetable. They are perfectly whipped, do not delaminate, are easy to color and flavor. So that the mass does not come out too cloying, you can add a small pinch of citric acid, it will balance the taste well.


  • cream 33-35% - 400 ml;
  • powder - 150 g;
  • citric acid - a small pinch.


  1. Whip the chilled cream until fluffy, sprinkling powder and lemon.
  2. Beat on high speed until stiff peaks.
  3. Use this cake decorating cream right away.

Dense and smooth for decorating a cake has long established itself in the design biscuit desserts. It does not impregnate cakes well, but with decoration homemade treats will do great. Its taste is not sugary at all, the consistency is always smooth, it lends itself well to coloring.


  • cream 35% - 100 ml;
  • mascarpone - 250 g;
  • powder - 50 g.


  1. The chilled cream is whipped to peaks.
  2. Pour in the powder.
  3. Continuing the course of the corollas, mascarpone is introduced.
  4. Beat and apply cream cheese to decorate the cake immediately.

Most white cream for decorating the cake - curd. It comes out dense, keeps its shape well, but for its preparation you need a smooth, smooth curd mass without any grains. The use of crystalline sugar is not recommended, it melts during whipping and the mass becomes less dense. Use purchased powdered sugar, starch is often added to its composition, it will have a beneficial effect on quality ready cream.


  • curd mass - 500 g;
  • powder - 150 g;
  • oil 82.5% - 150 g.


  1. Beat the butter until white, adding powder.
  2. Enter curd mass, beat until fluffy.
  3. Use the cream completely chilled.

Ideal thick cream for decorating the cake - marshmallow. It is not at all difficult to prepare, and if you need to create relief pattern on a confectionery product the best recipe. He is able to transform even the most modest dessert, adding a delicacy original view And delicious taste. Two ingredients are enough to make it - marshmallows and butter.


  • marshmallows - 10 halves;
  • oil 82.5% - 150 g.


  1. Melt marshmallows in a water bath and in a microwave oven.
  2. Beat marshmallow mass, adding oil.
  3. The cream hardens instantly!

Armed with good suitable recipe decorating cakes with cream at home will not seem such an overwhelming task. You can make a dessert without special equipment.

  1. The protein cream keeps its shape well, therefore the most beautiful figures. Passing a special burner over the surface of the cake, you will get an excellent decor in the form of caramel meringue.

  2. Original ideas for decorating a cake with cream

    Beautiful option for decorating the cake with cream

  3. To decorate the cake with butter cream, you will need a pastry bag or a syringe. All kinds of spatulas will help to effectively decorate the sides of the cake.
  4. Interesting ideas for decorating a cake with buttercream

    Beautiful cream cake decoration

  5. Cream cheese is perfect for decorating bare cakes. Looks especially good with chocolate and red biscuits.

  6. Cream cheese for cake decoration - The best way dessert decoration

    Mascarpone cream for decorating the cake keeps its shape well

    Beautiful cake decorated with cream cheese

  7. Charlotte cream is suitable for decorating simple flowers and decorating the sides of the cake.

  8. Light cream charlotte for cake decoration

    Delicious and thick cream beautiful decoration cake

  9. Decorate the cake chocolate cream, you can use a thick cream or ganache in the process, which is used to smooth the surface or form smudges.
  10. Cream ganache for a beautiful cake decoration

    How to decorate a cake with chocolate cream in an original way?

    An unusual option for decorating a cake with chocolate cream

  11. Thick curd cream keeps its shape perfectly and will fit both for a layer of cakes and for a spectacular dessert design.
  12. A good way to decorate a cake is to decorate with curd cream

    Thick curd cream for cake decoration

  13. Marshmallow cream is prepared easier than any other, while it keeps its shape perfectly and freezes instantly. Using different nozzles for a pastry bag, you can decorate your homemade product in an unusual way.

  14. Beautiful cake decorated with marshmallow cream

    Original cake decoration with marshmallow cream

It is impossible to resist mouth-watering cakes that turn into real works of art. Confectionery- a large field for the wild imagination of sweet cooks. The most skilled craftsmen will be able to create whole worlds from whipped cream and a variety of creams. But they exist for every taste and request!

Good housewives work wonders in their kitchen! Each sorceress has her own little tricks and secrets of creating birthday cake. Works are rewarded with the delight of the guests and their crazy eyes at the sight of man-made beauty!

By focusing on taste qualities dessert, do not forget about the design. An integral part of the creation of the next masterpiece is a cake decorating cream that holds its shape well. Let's figure out how to properly decorate the "head of the holiday", and finally arrange all the cherries on the cake.

Confectionery cream is an important part of the cake, which, in addition to decorating, has the function of impregnation. It is he who does simple cakes delicious dessert. Impregnation holds together all the components, creating a new melody of taste, a symphony of gastronomic pleasure. Therefore, there are different kinds creams for decorating the cake. And this is a weapon, having mastered which, you will conquer more than one heart!

We bring to your attention specially selected recipes. This is a compilation the finest subtleties and technologies. Having them in your arsenal, you can always create incomparable and original jewelry cakes at home. Let's start with the main, basic version.


His classic recipe quite simple in execution and accessible to novice housewives. You can even make figurines different forms. The main rule is that such a cream should be very cold. And it is the lightest in consistency, with a shiny smooth surface. A feast for the eyes!

  • Butter 82.5% - 400 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 400 g;
  • Milk - 100 ml.

1. Soften the prepared butter with a regular fork.
2. Beat it with a mixer until an airy white foam is formed, adding powdered sugar.
3. Pour in the milk while increasing the mixer speed.
4. Refrigerate before use. We continue our journey into the magical world of decorating cream cakes.


This option is the most capricious of all. Therefore, follow the instructions strictly word for word, step by step! But on the other hand, it is the easiest to model, it is possible to create real masterpieces of confectionery art from it.

  • Egg whites - 5 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar - 400 g;
  • Lemon juice - 5 ml.

1. Beat the prepared proteins, they should be at room temperature. Slowly pour in the icing sugar, not breaking away from the proteins.
2. Heat the resulting mass in a water bath until completely dissolved powdered sugar. In the meantime, keep whisking.
3. Remove from heat, add lemon juice and continue beating until smooth peaks form.


It is a favorite of children and adults. Taste of childhood! Remember those delicious eclairs? Here are some tips for making the right custard:

  1. only fresh milk with sufficient fat content, about 3-3.5%;
  2. flour premium;
  3. if you cook a thick cream, it will be ideal for leveling the surface and errors;
  4. density can be adjusted by the amount of flour;
  5. having a neutral taste, goes well with various additives: cinnamon, vanilla, cognac, coffee.

And now the recipe itself!

  • Milk 500 ml;
  • Flour 120 g;
  • Powdered sugar 230 g;
  • Butter 100 g.

1. Dissolve the powder in half the volume of prepared milk.
2. Add flour to the second part of the milk. Mix well to get a sticky, thick liquid.
3. To avoid the formation of lumps, use a blender or mixer. It turns out a dense homogeneous mass.
5. In a large bowl, mix the two milk mixtures. Here begins the process of "kneading", which cannot be stopped until fully prepared cream.
7. Put the semi-finished cream on very slow fire.
8. Stir until formed desired consistency.
10. Add chopped butter, vanilla sugar to it.


To prepare the perfect butter cream, buy only vegetable or special confectionery cream. Don't guess! And the result will please!

  • Cream with a fat content of 33-35% - 400 ml;
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • Citric acid - 2 g.

1. Chill the cream ahead of time. Then whisk thoroughly until lush foam.
2. Sprinkle powdered sugar and citric acid.
3. Use a mixer. On the highest speed, beat until firm peaks form.

By the way, such a buttercream will be great option for decorating a cake or cupcakes from a syringe.

Sour cream

We present to you simple recipe magic cream! He will become the best option for impregnation sponge cake, while also relevant for decoration!

  • Butter - 150 g;
  • Sour cream - 150 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g.

1. Put sour cream (chilled) in a container.
3. Mix part of the sour cream with powdered sugar. Here is butter, softened.
4. Beat all the products with a mixer until thick.
5. Pour in the rest of the powdered sugar. Beat the cream for another 5 minutes.
7. Get a gentle, airy mass that is ready to use!

Cream Charlotte

It is refined, thin and delicate. There are plenty of decoration options too! From it you can make festive roses that will delight you and your loved ones and create a joyful atmosphere! You can decorate using a pastry bag.

  • Egg yolks - 5 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • Milk - 150 ml;
  • Butter 82.5% - 250 g.

1. Boil milk plus sugar.
2. Rub well egg yolks.
3. Introduce them in a thin stream into the milk.
4. Beat the resulting mass with a mixer.
5. Put on a slow fire. Bring to a light boil.
7. Cool the cream.
8. Beat the melted butter until fluffy.
9. Combine the milk mixture with the oil.
10. Continue to work with the mixer.

It turns out luxurious air cream with glitter! Therefore, it is used quite often when decorating cakes and impregnating them!


This option is similar to frosting. Also thick and thick. It will reliably protect the surface of your wonderful dessert!

  • Dark chocolate - 200 g;
  • Confectionery cream - 120 ml;
  • Powdered sugar - 70 g.

1. Heat cream and powdered sugar in a small container. Do not bring to a boil!
2. Dip chocolate bars into the resulting liquid.
3. Mix thoroughly.
4. Wait for the chocolate to dissolve completely by stirring the mass.
5. Cool the cream to use.

Chocolate boom is guaranteed!

Cream Cheese

It is made from mascarpone or other curd cheese. Perfect for decorating cakes! For a layer, it is better not to use it, the cakes may remain dry. Or pre-process the cakes.

  • Cream with a fat content of 35% - 100 ml;
  • Cheese - 250 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 50 g.

1. Whip the cream until thick peaks appear. Cream must be chilled.
2. Add powdered sugar.
3. Enter the cheese, without stopping whisking with a mixer.

Now you are fully armed in your kitchen! Any dessert can become a work of art in your skillful hands! The recipe database is here! It remains to pick up necessary inventory, tools, and go ahead - conquer the sweet peaks!

Hurry up and share in the comments which recipe you have chosen for yourself!


This universal cream, suitable for a layer of biscuit cakes, and for decoration, keeps its shape well, ideal for all kinds of oil roses and flowers in the Malaysian technique, as well as for covering the cake under mastic. Afraid of heat.


  • 100 gr butter;
  • 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

For such a cream, you need to take high-quality butter, due to long whipping, the taste of the cream is not oily, but creamy. Butter should be softened, of a creamy consistency, similar to what happens if you leave the butter in a very hot weather. Start whipping the butter by adding in small portions powdered sugar. After all the powder has been added, beat at medium speed for 10-15 minutes until an airy, fluffy mass is obtained. If necessary, cool slightly in the refrigerator. IN Soviet times it was the most popular cream for the cake. Another variety of it is butter cream with condensed milk. To do this, beat 200 grams of butter and half a can of condensed milk.

#2 Butter cream Charlotte

Flourless custard, good for layering and decorating cakes, for caps on cupcakes.


  • 200 gr butter;
  • 6 tablespoons of milk;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 eggs.


Boil milk with sugar. IN separate saucepan lightly beat the eggs with a whisk and, without interrupting the beating, pour hot milk with sugar here in a thin stream. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture almost to a boil, remove from heat and cool slightly. While the mixture is cooling, beat the butter until fluffy white mass. In the process of whipping the butter, pour in the cooled egg-milk mixture in a very thin stream, beat until a fluffy cream is obtained.

#3 English custard

Custard blends perfectly with custard and puff pastry. It can also be used as a filling for tartlets, profiteroles. Without this cream, it is impossible to imagine a Napoleon cake or eclairs.


  • 500 ml milk
  • 150 g sugar
  • 4 yolks
  • 50 g flour
  • 1 vanilla pod.


Grind the yolks with sugar, add flour. Cut the vanilla pod in half and sharp knife scrape out the seeds, put them in milk. Bring milk and vanilla to a boil. Reduce fire to low. Gradually add the egg-flour mixture in small portions, stirring constantly. Continue stirring until the cream thickens. Cool the cream. So that it does not form on top dense crust, directly cover the surface of the cake with cling film.

#4 Cream Patisser

This is a kind of custard, used for a layer of cakes, eclairs, tartlets, can be served with pancakes and crepes. In Patissier cream, unlike the classic english cream instead of flour, starch is used, it is thanks to him that the cream never curdles on fire.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 g of starch;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 vanilla pod.


Cut the vanilla pod in half, scrape out the seeds with a sharp knife and put them in milk, slightly heat the milk with vanilla and leave to brew for half an hour. Mix eggs, cornstarch and sugar in a saucepan. Add half a glass of milk and mix well again, then add the remaining milk and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. When a lot of bubbles pop from the bottom, boil for another 2 minutes and remove from heat. Add oil and cool, the cream will become thick. Very good cream cake.

#5 Cream Muslin

Add whipped cream to Paticière cream (100 ml of cream per 300 g of cream) and you will get Muslin cream. This cream is well suited for Millefeuil and Napoleon.

#6 Swiss butter meringue

Worldwide known as Swiss Buttercream Meringue, a favorite of many pastry chefs. Great cream for decorating cakes and cupcakes! Holds its shape well and looks very nice. Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 72 hours.


  • 3 proteins;
  • 90 grams of sugar;
  • 250 gr butter;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanillin.


Place egg whites and sugar in a saucepan. Build a water bath, while the pan with proteins should be steamed, i.e. must not come into contact with water. Heat the mixture, stirring vigorously with a whisk. Once the sugar is completely dissolved, remove from the bath. The mass should be homogeneous and smooth, grind a little mixture between your fingers, there should be no grains of sugar. Add a pinch of salt and beat with a mixer at high speed until sharp peaks. The mass should be glossy, dense, if you turn the container with proteins over, they should remain motionless.

Take softened butter, the butter should be High Quality, this is important for the taste and texture of the cream. Whip until fluffy white.

Then add the whipped butter to the protein mass by a teaspoon, and here it is very important point, you need to beat the mass after each portion of the oil so that the oil is completely dispersed in the proteins. Add vanillin, dyes to the finished cream.

This cream is well suited for flowers in the Malaysian technique.

#7 Cheese cream or cream cheese

Another extremely popular cream. The easiest to make, very tasty, slightly salty due to cream cheese (or cottage cheese, Cremette, Almette, Hohland). It holds its shape well, it makes beautiful caps for cupcakes, it is also used to layer and decorate cakes and pastries. Perfect cream for the cake.


  • Cream 33% - 100 gr
  • Cream cheese - 500 gr
  • Powdered sugar - 70 gr


Whip cream to sharp peaks. Be careful not to over beat the cream, otherwise the butter will separate. Cream must be cold! You can also chill the whisk and the bowl in which you will whip the cream. Then add powdered sugar and cream cheese and beat again until smooth. Refrigerate for an hour to stabilize.

There is one more popular recipe cream cheese with butter. It has an excellent structure for decorating cupcakes and cakes, for example in the Malaysian technique.


  • Cottage cheese or cream cheese - 500 gr;
  • Butter 82.5% fat - 180 gr;
  • Powdered sugar - 150 gr.


The main condition is cold cheese, butter at room temperature. Mix all ingredients in a mixer bowl. Keep refrigerated.

#8 Italian meringue

The densest of all meringues. Suitable for decorating cupcakes, cakes, tartlets.


  • 2 egg whites at room temperature
  • 40 ml water
  • 120 gr sugar
  • a pinch of salt


Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks.
Make syrup from sugar and water. To do this, mix sugar with water, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. While the syrup is cooking, beat the whites with a pinch of salt until sharp peaks. Continuing to beat the whites, pour the syrup in a thin stream. After pouring all the syrup, beat for another 3-4 minutes. The cream is ready to go.

#9 Chocolate ganache

It is ideal for covering a cake with fondant, it can also be used to decorate cakes and cupcakes, to make toppings for desserts.


  • high quality chocolate
  • cream with a fat content of at least 33%

For a dark ganache (50-60% cocoa content) you will need 2 parts dark chocolate and 1 part cream with at least 33% fat. If the ambient temperature is quite high, you need to take 2.5 or even 3 parts of chocolate.

For milk ganache(30% cocoa content) you will need 3 parts milk chocolate and one part cream of at least 33% fat. In warm weather, the amount of chocolate should be increased to 3.5-4 parts.

For white ganache need to take 3 parts white chocolate and one part cream of at least 33% fat. In warm weather, as with milk ganache, increase the amount of chocolate to 3.5-4 parts. In general, white chocolate is the softest chocolate, white chocolate ganache tends to spread in the heat, so many confectioners are not very willing to work with it in the warm season. If you are a beginner, it is better to start with a dark or milky ganache.


Chop the chocolate very finely with a knife.

Pour the cream into a deep saucepan with thick walls, put on medium fire, keep on fire until small bubbles appear on the surface, remove from heat. Cool slightly until the bubbles disappear and pour in the chocolate, tilt the pan from side to side so that the cream covers the chocolate and leave for a few minutes to melt the chocolate. Then gently stir the mass until smooth with a silicone spatula, you can use a whisk, but it must be absolutely dry! Place the saucepan over a VERY low heat and stir until all the chocolate pieces are completely dispersed, the mass should be glossy and smooth. Pour the ganache into a microwave-safe bowl, cover with cling film and leave overnight at room temperature for stabilization. Before use, heat in the microwave at the lowest power.

#10 Lemon Kurd

This one is amazing delicious cream used for filling cakes, cupcakes, tartlets. It can be served as an independent dessert. And this cream is made very simply and quickly. The cream is based on lemon juice, you can replace it with any citrus fruit juice or a mixture of them, but they must be sour, so the eggs do not curl.


  • 2 eggs
  • 2 lemons
  • 100 gr sugar
  • 30 gr butter


Remove the zest from one lemon and mix it with sugar. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and pour it into the sugar and zest. To get more juice, dip the lemons in boiling water for a few minutes. Lightly beat the eggs with a fork. Add to juice with sugar. Let it brew for half an hour so that the zest gives off its aroma. Strain the mixture! Place the strained mixture in a saucepan, add oil and cook over low heat until thickened. Store in glass jars in a refrigerator. The cream turns out to be so tasty that you can immediately increase the proportions of the cream multiple times and cook a larger amount of it.

Any cake will look unfinished if not decorated. Decorating a cake with protein cream is minimal in terms of time and products. Properly prepared, protein-based cream holds its shape perfectly, can be dyed with food coloring, allows you to create various flowers, patterns, using a special bag or syringe. congratulatory inscriptions and so on.

Protein cream for cake decoration can be different types. The simplest is prepared from proteins and powdered sugar; gelatin, flavors, cocoa powder can also be added to it. In addition, the cream can be brewed (custard protein cream has a denser consistency). So, let's master the steps of preparing the right protein cream for decorating cakes.


From egg whites you can prepare several types of cream, which vary depending on certain components in the composition. You can decorate your product with one of the following compositions:

  • basic raw is made on the basis of egg whites and sugar (powdered sugar);
  • protein-oil with the addition of butter;
  • protein cream with gelatin;
  • also cream on egg whites can be custard (whipped in a water bath).

Protein-oil cream for decoration is also used in the creation of Swiss and Italian meringue, is the basis for the muslin cream.

The easiest to prepare and decorate is the basic protein cream, which does not boil down and remains raw. In fact, this is the basis for meringue, used in fresh(does not bake in the oven). However, such a mass can be unstable. Therefore, to make the mixture more dense and strong, gelatin is added to it.

Butter cream is also slightly different in structure - it is glossy, more dense and oily, and also holds its shape well when working with a pastry bag. In principle, making a protein cream for decoration is not difficult, no matter what products are used.

Basic protein cream

The traditional cooking method, which can decorate any cakes and desserts quickly and in an original way, is the main protein-based raw. Recipe for protein cream for cake decoration:

  1. Take proteins and powdered sugar, based on the proportion of 1 protein / 2 tablespoons of sugar (powdered sugar is better). From medium-sized eggs, you will get about 70 grams of finished cream. Accordingly, you can increase the proportions of the ingredients to get the amount you need. Additionally, a pinch of citric acid or salt can be added to the cream. Salt is used to obtain a fluffy mass of protein in the process of whipping, citric acid removes the excessive cloying of the mixture.
  2. So, we take out the chilled egg, carefully separate the proteins into a clean and fat-free container. We make sure that not a single drop of the yolk gets inside.
  3. Proteins are whipped without adding other components at first at medium speed, after about a minute the speed is increased, bringing to maximum. The whole whipping process should take about 15 minutes. As a result, you should get a fluffy foam, about 3 times more in volume than the original mass of the protein.
  4. Readiness is checked by consistency. Stable peaks are protrusions on the surface of the protein foam that do not fall off or spread.
  5. Sugar or powdered sugar is gradually added to the already prepared whipped foam. It is best to pour it directly onto the beaters of the mixer so that it does not grab into lumps. At the very end, we introduce citric acid - dilute a pinch of acid with a couple of drops of water and add it to the mixture.
  6. Any flavors and colors, such as vanillin, cocoa powder, food colorings, are introduced at the very end into the finished foam.

You need to use such a cream for decorating a cake at home immediately, until it has lost its airiness, and then put it in the refrigerator. Remember that with protein cream you can’t make small details. Best of all, large flowers, leaves, zigzags, sides for a cake are obtained from it. Also, with a cream at home, you can level the cake under mastic or icing.

Protein custard for decorating a cake does not differ in composition, but differs significantly in cooking technology. Both main components are mixed directly on steam bath, during which the protein is partially folded, the mixture is thicker and as embossed as possible.

Protein Custard Recipe:

  1. Separate the proteins from the chilled 3 eggs, pour into a clean dish, previously wiped dry.
  2. Boil the syrup separately. For it, you will need 70 milliliters of water and 250 grams of finely ground sugar. Pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water, stirring, bring to a boil. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, boil for a few more minutes so that the mixture thickens slightly. We take a test on a soft ball - drop a large drop of syrup into a cup of chilled water, remove the resulting lump, if you can roll a ball with your fingers, the syrup is ready.
  3. IN hot syrup add acid (you can also lemon juice), stir to dissolve it.
  4. Now organize a water bath on the stove, in a saucepan without water of a smaller size, start whipping the whites when the water in the lower container boils. It is necessary to start the whipping process in parallel with the preparation of the syrup.
  5. When protein blend becomes lush and stable peaks appear on it, pour hot, almost boiling in a thin stream onto the whisks sugar syrup. This must be done very carefully so that the sugar does not take lumps.
  6. Whisk for one minute and immediately remove the bowl from the heat. Now the mass must be immediately cooled, without ceasing to beat. To do this, you can put it in a pan with cold water. Whisk the mixture until completely cooled, about 15 minutes. continuous work mixer.
  7. Ready custard protein cream when turning the bowl should not spread or fall out. You need to use it to decorate the cake immediately, most often they use it for this. cream injector or a bag, there are many workshops on this topic.

It is necessary to apply such a composition on a completely dry coating. For example, on soft glaze, other creams or too soaked biscuit cakes cream may leak. This capricious mixture is not afraid butter cream, mastics, as well as dry cakes from any dough. The cream can also be colored using gel or other food coloring.

Cream roses and leaves, popular in the design of cakes in Soviet times and today, are made just from oil-protein cream. It keeps its shape perfectly even at room temperature, cooked, it does not spread and it turns out to be more porous and dense than the base one. But unlike ordinary oil, it is more airy, tolerates staining well, and thanks to its good relief, it can be used to create various decorations.

The proportions are as follows: for one large protein chicken egg you will need 50 grams of sugar or powdered sugar and 80-100 grams of butter (high-quality, not margarine or spread). To cover the surface of a medium-sized cake and create small decorations, a volume of cream made from 3 proteins will be enough.

Before making a protein cream using this technology, it is necessary to cool the eggs, and remove the oil from the refrigerator and hold at room temperature:

  1. Mix the whites with sugar with a whisk, do not beat until stable peaks, put in a water bath. The water in the lower container should barely boil, the bowl should not touch the water. Stir the mixture constantly so that the egg whites do not curdle.
  2. When the sugar crystals dissolve, remove the saucepan from the water bath, add vanilla and start beating with a mixer at medium, and then at maximum speed.
  3. IN this case sharp hard peaks will not work, the mixture comes out soft and tender, with a smooth relief. When the mixture is slightly warm, add soft butter cut into cubes. Continue whisking until the ingredients are combined.
  4. At the very end, you can add the food coloring you need, and then beat the cream for about 2 more minutes.

Before making the protein cream according to this recipe, you can practice on the raw protein base cream. A dessert or cake decorated with it must be immediately removed in the refrigerator so that the oil in the composition does not flow.

On gelatin

Cream with gelatin is guaranteed to harden, so it is used by novice housewives, it is also suitable for creating complex decor, for example, small leaves or flowers. It is also suitable for greasing the sides of the cake and the top, it can be used to decorate cupcakes, muffins, desserts. For it you will need:

  • 5 large proteins;
  • 1.5 cups of powdered sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of instant gelatin;
  • 10 tablespoons of plain water;
  • 5 grams of citric acid.

The preparation is quite simple:

  1. Pour gelatin into a small container and fill with cold clean water. Leave it for about 15 minutes for the mixture to swell. Then warm up gelatin mass in a water bath or on the slowest fire, but do not bring to a boil. Melt all the gelatin crystals, then set aside to cool.
  2. In a clean bowl, beat the whites until fluffy foam, at the very end add citric acid and sugar.
  3. After that, pour in the chilled gelatin in a thin stream, beat for about 5 more minutes until the components are combined.

At first, the cream will be quite soft and liquid, but after decorating and cooling the cake in the refrigerator, it will harden and become more dense due to gelatin. If the mass seems watery to you, you can put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes so that the gelatin begins to solidify. In this case, it is important not to miss the moment when the cream is still soft, and you can decorate the dessert with it.

And now we decorate the cake with protein cream - we transfer it to a pastry syringe or a bag with a relief nozzle, use part of the cream to grout the side surface, and squeeze out a beautiful side and other decorative elements from the bag as desired, for example, flowers and leaves. Decorating cakes at home will no longer be a problem for you.

Any cake will look unfinished if not decorated. Decorating a cake with protein cream is minimal in terms of time and products. Properly prepared, protein-based cream retains its shape perfectly, can be dyed with food coloring, allows you to create various flowers, patterns, congratulatory inscriptions and so on using a special bag or syringe.

Protein cream for decorating a cake can be of different types. The simplest is prepared from proteins and powdered sugar; gelatin, flavors, cocoa powder can also be added to it. In addition, the cream can be brewed (custard protein cream has a denser consistency). So, let's master the steps for preparing the right protein cream for decorating cakes.

Several types of cream can be prepared from egg whites, which vary depending on certain components in the composition. You can decorate your product with one of the following compositions:

  • basic raw is made on the basis of egg whites and sugar (powdered sugar);
  • protein-oil with the addition of butter;
  • protein cream with gelatin;
  • also cream on egg whites can be custard (whipped in a water bath).

The protein-oil cream for decoration is also used in the creation of Swiss and Italian meringues, and is the basis for cream muslin.

The easiest to prepare and decorate is the basic protein cream, which does not boil down and remains raw. In fact, this is the basis for meringue, used fresh (not baked in the oven). However, such a mass can be unstable. Therefore, to make the mixture more dense and strong, gelatin is added to it.

Butter cream is also slightly different in structure - it is glossy, more dense and oily, and also holds its shape well when working with a pastry bag. In principle, making a protein cream for decoration is not difficult, no matter what products are used.

Basic protein cream

The traditional cooking method, which can decorate any cakes and desserts quickly and in an original way, is the main protein-based raw. Recipe for protein cream for cake decoration:

  1. Take proteins and powdered sugar, based on the proportion of 1 protein / 2 tablespoons of sugar (powdered sugar is better). From medium-sized eggs, you will get about 70 grams of finished cream. Accordingly, you can increase the proportions of the ingredients to get the amount you need. Additionally, a pinch of citric acid or salt can be added to the cream. Salt is used to obtain a fluffy mass of protein in the process of whipping, citric acid removes the excessive cloying of the mixture.
  2. So, we take out the chilled egg, carefully separate the proteins into a clean and fat-free container. We make sure that not a single drop of the yolk gets inside.
  3. Proteins are whipped without adding other components at first at medium speed, after about a minute the speed is increased, bringing to maximum. The whole whipping process should take about 15 minutes. As a result, you should get a fluffy foam, about 3 times more in volume than the original mass of the protein.
  4. Readiness is checked by consistency. Stable peaks are protrusions on the surface of the protein foam that do not fall off or spread.
  5. Sugar or powdered sugar is gradually added to the already prepared whipped foam. It is best to pour it directly onto the beaters of the mixer so that it does not grab into lumps. At the very end, we introduce citric acid - dilute a pinch of acid with a couple of drops of water and add it to the mixture.
  6. Any flavorings and dyes, for example, vanillin, cocoa powder, food coloring, are introduced at the very end into the finished foam.

You need to use such a cream for decorating a cake at home immediately, until it has lost its airiness, and then put it in the refrigerator. Remember that with protein cream you can’t make small details. Best of all, large flowers, leaves, zigzags, sides for a cake are obtained from it. Also, with a cream at home, you can level the cake under mastic or icing.


Protein custard for decorating a cake does not differ in composition, but differs significantly in preparation technology. Both main components are mixed directly on the steam bath, during which the protein is partially folded, the mixture is thicker and as embossed as possible.

Protein Custard Recipe:

  1. Separate the proteins from the chilled 3 eggs, pour into a clean dish, previously wiped dry.
  2. Boil the syrup separately. For it, you will need 70 milliliters of water and 250 grams of finely ground sugar. Pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water, stirring, bring to a boil. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, boil for a few more minutes so that the mixture thickens slightly. We take a test on a soft ball - drop a large drop of syrup into a cup of chilled water, remove the resulting lump, if you can roll a ball with your fingers, the syrup is ready.
  3. Add acid to the hot syrup (you can also use lemon juice), stir to dissolve it.
  4. Now organize a water bath on the stove, in a saucepan without water of a smaller size, start whipping the whites when the water in the lower container boils. It is necessary to start the whipping process in parallel with the preparation of the syrup.
  5. When the protein mixture becomes fluffy and stable peaks appear on it, pour hot, almost boiling sugar syrup onto the whisks in a thin stream. This must be done very carefully so that the sugar does not take lumps.
  6. Whisk for one minute and immediately remove the bowl from the heat. Now the mass must be immediately cooled, without ceasing to beat. To do this, you can put it in a pot of cold water. Beat the mixture until completely cooled, this is about 15 minutes of continuous work with a mixer.
  7. Ready custard protein cream when turning the bowl should not spread or fall out. You need to use it to decorate the cake right away, most often they use a confectionery syringe or bag for this, there are many master classes on this topic.

It is necessary to apply such a composition on a completely dry coating. For example, on soft glazes, other creams, or overly soaked biscuit cakes, the cream may leak. This capricious mixture is not afraid of butter cream, mastic, as well as dry cakes from any dough. The cream can also be colored using gel or other food coloring.


Cream roses and leaves, popular in the design of cakes in Soviet times and today, are made just from an oil-protein cream. It keeps its shape perfectly even at room temperature, cooked, it does not spread and it turns out to be more porous and dense than the base one. But unlike ordinary oil, it is more airy, tolerates staining well, and thanks to its good relief, it can be used to create various decorations.

The proportions are as follows: for one large egg white, you will need 50 grams of sugar or powdered sugar and 80-100 grams of butter (high-quality, not margarine or spread). To cover the surface of a medium-sized cake and create small decorations, a volume of cream made from 3 proteins will be enough.

Before making a protein cream using this technology, it is necessary to cool the eggs, and remove the oil from the refrigerator and hold at room temperature:

  1. Mix the whites with sugar with a whisk, do not beat until stable peaks, put in a water bath. The water in the lower container should barely boil, the bowl should not touch the water. Stir the mixture constantly so that the egg whites do not curdle.
  2. When the sugar crystals dissolve, remove the saucepan from the water bath, add vanilla and start beating with a mixer at medium, and then at maximum speed.
  3. In this case, sharp hard peaks will not work, the mixture comes out soft and tender, with a smooth relief. When the mixture becomes slightly warm, add soft butter, cut into cubes. Continue whisking until the ingredients are combined.
  4. At the very end, you can add the food coloring you need, and then beat the cream for about 2 more minutes.

Before making the protein cream according to this recipe, you can practice on the raw protein base cream. A dessert or cake decorated with it must be immediately removed in the refrigerator so that the oil in the composition does not flow.

On gelatin

Cream with gelatin is guaranteed to harden, so it is used by novice housewives, it is also suitable for creating complex decor, for example, small leaves or flowers. It is also suitable for greasing the sides of the cake and the top, it can be used to decorate cupcakes, muffins, desserts. For it you will need:

  • 5 large proteins;
  • 1.5 cups of powdered sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of instant gelatin;
  • 10 tablespoons of plain water;
  • 5 grams of citric acid.

The preparation is quite simple:

  1. Pour gelatin into a small container and fill with cold clean water. Leave it for about 15 minutes for the mixture to swell. After that, heat the gelatin mass in a water bath or on the slowest fire, but do not bring to a boil. Melt all the gelatin crystals, then set aside to cool.
  2. In a clean bowl, beat the whites until fluffy foam, at the very end add citric acid and sugar.
  3. After that, pour in the chilled gelatin in a thin stream, beat for about 5 more minutes until the components are combined.

At first, the cream will be quite soft and liquid, but after decorating and cooling the cake in the refrigerator, it will harden and become more dense due to gelatin. If the mass seems watery to you, you can put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes so that the gelatin begins to solidify. In this case, it is important not to miss the moment when the cream is still soft, and you can decorate the dessert with it.

And now we decorate the cake with protein cream - we transfer it to a pastry syringe or a bag with a relief nozzle, use part of the cream to grout the side surface, and squeeze out a beautiful side and other decorative elements from the bag as desired, for example, flowers and leaves. Decorating cakes at home will no longer be a problem for you.
