
Milk chocolate ganache cream recipe. Chocolate ganache for cake coating: recipe with honey

Ganache is a thick, hardening chocolate cream. It is used as a finishing coating for cakes and pastries.

It can also be applied to the cake before applying the mastic.

The chocolate mass perfectly levels the surface, hardens remarkably, and has a pleasant taste.

But for all this to be true, ganache must be prepared correctly. To your attention a selection of the most popular recipes.

Chocolate ganache for cake coating - general principles of preparation

The thicker the ganache is, the thicker the coating layer will be and vice versa. If you need to make a thin glaze, the mass is applied in a warm state. If you want to get a thick coating, then cool the ganache and only then spread it over the surface.

General principles for product selection:

Chocolate. Dairy bars are not suitable for ganache, it is chocolate that is needed, and with a high cocoa content. Preferably 65-70%. Only in this case, the product will melt well, solidify, and give the cream a good taste.

Sugar. Used for taste, any coarse or fine sand will do, but not powder.

Milk, condensed milk, cream, sour cream. They dilute the taste of chocolate, make the ganache softer, more pliable, and do not allow it to harden quickly. One of the products or two or more can be used, it all depends on the recipe chosen.

Oil. Added very often. We take natural, produced in accordance with GOST, that is, the fat content will be at least 72%. Otherwise, the ganache will not turn out the way it should, it may not freeze.

Cocoa. It is advisable to choose natural black powder without sugar and other additives in the composition. Cocoa can be added to chocolate or used on its own, but the taste in this case will not be as deep and rich.

Of course, these are not all the ingredients used. There are recipes with honey, milk powder and cream, with various other additives. The cream preparation technology may also change slightly.

Chocolate ganache to cover the cake: a recipe with condensed milk

One of the easiest chocolate ganache recipes to cover a cake. This amount is enough for a product with a diameter of 23 cm. But, a lot depends on the thickness of the layer, temperature and density of the mass.

1. We chop the chocolate, if it is not small, we throw it into a bowl and put it on a steam bath. Melt to a liquid state.

2. Cut the butter into small pieces, put in another bowl. We soften. It is advisable to do this in advance.

3. Beat the butter with a mixer for five minutes and add condensed milk in parts. We bring the mass to homogeneity.

4. Add a spoonful of cocoa powder to make the cream deeper and more beautiful.

5. Remove the chocolate from the steam bath. Cool slightly, but don't let it dry.

6. Pour the chocolate into the cream and beat. If the mass turns out to be liquid, then leave it for 5-10 minutes so that the ganache becomes thicker, but do not keep it for a long time and do not put it in the refrigerator.

7. Use the ganache to cover the cake immediately while it is soft and pliable.

Chocolate Ganache to Cover the Cake: Whole Milk Recipe

To prepare this ganache, plain whole milk is used, it is better to take it with a fat content of at least 3%.

1. We put a saucepan for a steam bath on the stove, while the water is heating, we crumble the chocolate. Can be cut with a knife.

2. Pour the chocolate into a bowl or into a saucepan smaller in diameter, set to melt.

3. Warm up the milk and add to the chocolate.

4. We continue to heat in a steam bath until all the ingredients of the chocolate cream are melted, the mass becomes homogeneous.

5. Remove from heat, cool slightly.

6. Add a spoonful of chocolate mixture to the softened butter, stir. Then pour another spoon and so on until both creams turn into a homogeneous mass.

7. Throw a little vanilla to taste, or pour cognac. We stir. Let the ganache cool down a bit and you can use it!

Chocolate ganache for cake coating: recipe with honey

Recipe for honey ganache to cover chocolate cake. The cream turns out incredibly fragrant and very tasty. There is no need to add sugar to the mass, since it is also in the tile. It is important to use fat cream with a mass fraction above 30% in this recipe.

110 g dark chocolate.

1. We combine cream and honey, send it to heat in a water bath.

2. While the mixture is heating, you can chop the chocolate into small pieces. We shift it to honey and cream. Continue to melt the cream until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

3. Remove from heat, cool to a warm state.

4. We introduce softened butter. Since it is added a little, it is not necessary to whisk separately.

5. Stir. As soon as the cream becomes homogeneous, you can cover the cake!

Chocolate ganache for cake coating: recipe with cocoa powder

Economy version of chocolate ganache cream to cover the cake. Important! In order for the cream to turn out delicious and in no way inferior to the coating of full-fledged chocolate, you need to use high-quality cocoa powder. Sugar can be added to taste more, but not more than 2 tablespoons, otherwise the consistency may suffer.

1. We take out the oil in advance in a warm room, you can cut it into cubes so that it softens faster.

2. First combine cocoa and sugar, stir. Grains of powder will rub against the sand, there will be no lumps.

3. Now dilute the sugar mixture with milk, stir and put in a water bath. But you can cook such a cream in a regular saucepan with a non-stick coating. In this case, turn on a small fire and cook, stirring constantly so that the cocoa does not burn.

4. As soon as the sugar dissolves, the cream becomes homogeneous, you can remove it from the stove.

5. Cool the chocolate mass a little and put the softened butter. Stir quickly until smooth. It's okay if the butter melts. As the cream cools, it will still thicken.

6. We use ganache to cover the cake or decorate cakes, ice cream, homemade sweets.

Chocolate ganache to cover the cake: a recipe for cream with chocolate

Another very simple ganache recipe, but it is important to use at least 30% heavy cream for it. It uses both chocolate and cocoa powder.

170 g of dark chocolate;

1. We heat the cream to a hot state, but do not boil. Up to about 70-80 degrees.

2. Add granulated sugar combined with cocoa powder. If they are poured separately, lumps may appear. Stir cream quickly. Leave for a few seconds and remove from heat.

3. We crumble chocolate. Can be chopped quickly with a knife. Transfer to a bowl.

4. Pour the chocolate pieces with hot cocoa cream. Cover the bowl for a couple of minutes to melt the pieces.

5. Open, stir.

6. Add softened butter. But, if the cream is of high quality, then it is possible without it.

7. Pour cognac for aroma. This amount is enough for the cream to give off a little walnut, but at the same time it does not feel alcohol.

Chocolate ganache for cake coating: recipe with milk powder

A recipe for chocolate ganache to cover the cake, which can be prepared not only with milk powder, but also with cream. It will turn out even tastier, since the fat content of the product will be higher.

50 g of dry milk;

60 ml fresh milk;

1. Crumble chocolate, put in a water bath.

2. Add sugar to powdered milk, dilute it all with fresh milk or ordinary water, put it separately on the stove and heat it up to 50 degrees.

3. Beat the butter with a mixer, gradually add milk to it. We do this slowly so that the oil absorbs all the liquid.

4. Remove the melted chocolate from the water bath, mix well. It shouldn't be hot. If necessary, then cool a little.

5. We introduce the chocolate mixture into the butter, without stopping whipping the cream.

6. Ganache is ready! To taste, add vanillin or cognac to it, as we did in the previous recipe. Use the cream immediately before it hardens.

Chocolate Ganache to Cover the Cake: Orange Peel Recipe

In fact, you can make a cream with lemon zest, but there will be a completely different taste and aroma. Choose a citrus of your choice. Do not forget to wash it thoroughly with a brush and pour boiling water over it.

200 g dark chocolate;

1 st. l. orange peel or 1 tsp. lemon peel;

1. Build a water bath. Put all the chocolate in the upper bowl, after chopping it into small pieces. We start melting.

2. The zest needs to be chopped, add immediately to the chocolate.

3. Warm up the milk with a pinch of salt. If you want to get a sweeter cream, then pour two or three tablespoons of sugar, but no more.

4. As soon as the chocolate and zest warm up and become homogeneous, add butter, stir.

5. Next, pour in a thin stream of milk, do not rush.

6. Warm up the ganache for another minute in a water bath and remove.

7. Cool to a warm, but not cold state. Use to decorate the surface of the cake or for any other purpose.

Ganache hardens quickly and you can't cover the cake? Place the bowl in a saucepan of warm water, let the mixture heat up and stir constantly. Pick up the icing immediately from it, cover the cake.

White chocolate is much more capricious than dark. It may not melt at all if the product is of poor quality or even a drop of water gets in.

Fans of homemade cakes used to look with envy at cakes prepared by French confectioners. Such confectionery products delight with their beauty and originality. The secrets of the French masters have been revealed, and now every housewife can make cream ganache for a cake in her kitchen.

Cream for ganache cake: recipe

Do you like to bake cakes in your free time, and their unusual creative decoration is your hobby? Then you probably need to master the technique of making ganache cream to decorate confectionery. Most often, such a cream is used specifically for leveling cakes and decorating. But for the impregnation of cakes, it is better not to use ganache.

If you believe the legends, then the ganache cream has French roots and it was invented quite by accident. One confectioner, due to his awkwardness, spilled cream into melted chocolate, for which he was scolded and called ganache. It turns out that in translation from French this word means blockhead.

So, a lot of time has passed since then, and the resulting product has become an exquisite cream, known throughout the world. The name has remained - ganache. Today you will learn how to prepare chocolate ganache cream for a cake.

On a note! Milk or dark chocolate is used to make ganache. Even better - choose a confectionery glaze.


  • 0.5 kg of butter;
  • 1 kg of chocolate icing.


Cooking cream according to the French recipe

Even the most experienced and eminent confectioners baked goods are not always perfect. To hide all the shortcomings, the cakes must be "primed" or "putty". Cream ganache is ideal for coating the cake.

As already mentioned, there are several options for its preparation. You can make ganache with cream and chocolate.

On a note! Take not only bitter or milk chocolate as a basis. For example, white chocolate or confectionery icing is used to decorate wedding cakes.


  • 0.3 kg of milk chocolate;
  • 0.3 kg of dark chocolate;
  • 0.3 l cream with a fat concentration of 20%.


On a note! If you need to make a multi-colored ganache, use white chocolate and food coloring. By analogy, a ganache cream is prepared for a mastic cake. If the mastic is not very elastic, take cream with a high percentage of fat and dark chocolate.

Universal cream ganache

Cakes are associated with the holiday. Unfortunately, festive events are not too frequent guests in our lives. If you like to spoil your household and often cook cakes or cookies, you can use ganache cream to decorate such pastries. And its recipe is very simple.


  • cow's milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • cognac - 1 tsp;
  • cocoa powder - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 160 g;
  • granulated sugar - 0.3 kg.


  1. Sift the cocoa powder through a fine sieve.
  2. Add sugar to the same bowl.
  3. Mix dry ingredients. In no case do not allow the formation of lumps.
  4. Now pour in cow's milk at room temperature.
  5. Once again, mix everything well.
  6. Pour this mass into a heat-resistant dish and send it to the stove.
  7. Boil the mixture for a quarter of an hour. Don't forget to stir it constantly.
  8. Remove from stove and cool slightly.
  9. Now add soft butter.
  10. Add cognac.
  11. Beat the cream with a blender or immersion mixer.

On a note! Ganache cream prepared according to this recipe can be used to decorate cookies, muffins, and cakes. Checking its readiness is simple: put a little cream on a saucer. If the drop holds its shape, then you have made the perfect ganache.

Culinary experiment

It was mentioned above that ganache is not suitable for lubricating cakes and filling confectionery. Improve the recipe a little, and you will get the perfect filling, prepared according to the recipe of French confectioners.


  • dark chocolate - 0.1 kg;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • 50 g strawberries.


  1. We wash the strawberries with running water.
  2. We remove the tails.
  3. Grind the berries to a puree consistency.
  4. Lightly heat the cream in the microwave.
  5. Break the chocolate bar into pieces.
  6. Combine with cream.
  7. Mix well and add soft butter.
  8. Strawberry puree grind in a sieve and add to the bulk.
  9. Once again, mix well until smooth.
  10. We insist the cream in the refrigerator until thickened.
  11. This ganache is used for filling and decorating pastries.

In fact, ganache is a mixture of chocolate and cream. Good chocolate contains cocoa butter, which melts when heated and solidifies when cooled. It is the oil that allows the ganache to become thick and viscous after cooling. If chocolate is made using other oils (shea, coconut, palm) - it may behave differently, require different proportions of cream, or even crack after solidifying on the cake ...

Good affordable professional chocolate - brand Callebaut. Sold in specialized confectionery stores, and online. Affordable - in terms of price / quality ratio compared to mass-market chocolate bars.

The exact proportions of cream and chocolate will depend on the composition of the chocolate, the fat content of the cream, and the required thickness, so here I will describe the principle of operation, what to look for, and what you can / cannot do when working with ganache ... and my adjusted proportions from which you can build on .

Proportions for obtaining a thick ganache suitable for pasta fillings:

  • On dark chocolate Callebaut 54% - 1 part chocolate to 1 part cream (33%)
  • On the milk Callebaut 33% - 3 parts of chocolate to 2 parts of cream (33%)
  • On white chocolate Callebaut 28% - 2 parts chocolate to 1 part cream (33%)

Pieces are by weight, not by volume.

If desired, you can replace part of the cream with thick berry puree to get new flavors.

If you need a thicker texture - like for truffles to sculpt with your hands - reduce the amount of cream, increase the percentage of chocolate (for example, we take 70% instead of 54%). The ganache can be chilled and reheated - if you don't like the thickness - just add more chocolate/cream, reheat gently and chill again.

How we work:

1. We break / cut the tile into pieces of 1 cm. So it will be easier to melt it. If you decide to try Callebaut, it already comes in drops, which is much more convenient.

If it is warm at home and the chocolate has not been stored in the refrigerator, then simply heat the cream in the microwave or on the stove, and pour it over the chocolate (if a film appears, strain through a strainer). This should be enough to melt the small pieces that we cut.

If suddenly the chocolate also needs to be warmed up (it’s cold at home, or it was stored in the refrigerator), or it’s just too lazy to mess with the cream - pour the cream into a cup of chocolate, and warm everything together in the microwave, in pulses of 5-15 seconds. I'm lazy and that's what I do. The most important thing here is not to leave the microwave, and make sure that the chocolate does not overheat. While the chocolate is hard - we check every 15 seconds - we took it out, mixed it. As soon as it starts to melt - every 10. If very small lumps remain - every 5. Each time they took it out and mixed it.

If the lumps cannot be stirred, and the whole mass is already ready, strain through a strainer until the mixture is liquid.

If there is no microwave, we first try to warm the cream, if this is not enough, we put the mixture on a steam bath and bring it to mind already on it. In no case do not put directly on the fire - the mixture will begin to burn. You can try to keep on weight over the stove, and constantly interfere))

3. Next - cool, or use immediately, depending on what we want to get. If you need a filling for pasta, we cool it in the refrigerator for 3 hours so that the ganache thickens and can be laid out. If you need to pour a cake with smudges, we cool it a little (up to ∼40 ° C), and water it - the cake is cold, and if our mixture is also very cold, the smudges will solidify immediately, and not roll down the sides. In general, here you need to experiment))


  • Ganache can be cooled and then heated again - calmly store the leftovers in the refrigerator (I lived up to a month), and when needed - heat, only gently - in a water bath, or in the microwave also in pulses of 10-15 seconds.
  • If, after cooling, it seems to you that it is still liquid, and you need to thicken it, just add more chocolate to the mixture with ganache and heat everything together. Cool again, and look for the perfect proportion.
  • You can put it in the freezer, for example, if you want to make a filling for a cake (this is generally a bomb). But at the same time, it does not freeze into ice - due to the high fat content, it only becomes a little thicker, and you can have time to peel it off the film in a couple of minutes and stick it into the cake before it thaws to an untransportable state ... and yes, for the filling it should be thicker than indicated above so that the cakes do not squeeze it out. The proportions are below.
  • You can use cream of lower fat content, but they need less. I even somehow did it with milk - for dark chocolate this is not particularly critical, but with white and milk chocolate I want more creamy taste that heavy cream gives. Yes, and the texture will be different, so don't be surprised if it suddenly cracks on the cake because all the liquid has been absorbed...
  • Butter can be added to ganache - from the proportions above it will be + 10% of the weight of cream (and puree). Oil thickens the mixture even more when cooled, gives shine, taste, and makes the texture more plastic.
  • By the way, cream for ganache can be flavored in a cold or hot way - this will give additional shades of taste and smell =) This will be an article about it, because. there are some nuances))
  • And you can also mix several types of chocolate to get a more interesting taste - more on that below.
  • It can be dyed with ordinary gel dyes (not special fat-soluble for chocolate), perhaps dry ones too, but I haven’t tried it - just stir it in cream - due to the fact that there is a water component in the cream, the dye molecules will combine with it and color the whole cream ))
  • If you want to make a perfectly even top of a ganache cake (and not fill the sides clean) - cover the cake in two stages. First, wrap it with an acetate film over the boots (a file, a film from flowers will do - the main thing is to disinfect and secure it well so that there are no gaps), then pour the ganache, cool. Then create smudges and decorate. Here's what it looks like:


For the filling, I use two types of Callebaut chocolate - dark 54% and milk 33% with a light caramel flavor. The two of them make an amazing composition.

The proportion for the filling in a cake with a diameter of 18 cm (the filling itself is 16 cm in diameter, ∼1 cm high):

  • Milk chocolate - 115 gr
  • Dark chocolate 54% - 40 gr
  • Cream 33% - 90 gr

It turns out to be thicker than in proportions at the very beginning, and does not squeeze out under the weight of cakes and cream. At the same time, I use it to cover cakes and create smudges (for 18 cm, take half a serving. For a perfectly even top using acetate film - a full one just in case).

  1. We measure the chocolate, pour the cream.

  2. We begin to warm up in the microwave in pulses of 15-10-5 seconds. Stir every time. At first it may seem that the chocolate does not melt, but floats in grains. If the chocolate is good, on cocoa butter, then in the end it will mix with cream - see photo 3. Detailed melting steps:

    After 15 sec.
    + 10 sec.
    + 10 more sec.

  3. Strain if necessary.
  4. The mixture has already cooled down, and you can cover the cake with it. But what usually happens if you just water the cake and try to level the top with a spatula.

For the filling in the cake, I wrap the ring with cling film, lay the sides with acetate film, put it on the board, and then pour the ganache. I freeze it in the freezer for about 3 hours. Then I collect the cake, and only when I need to insert the filling, I quickly and accurately peel off the films and use it. Not the most pleasant occupation, but I like the result))

I am writing, and I think that it would be easier and faster to squeeze it through a pastry bag ... I must try - if you get the same even layer - a perversion with a freezer =D

I have already written in detail. I suggest starting with the basics - ganache. Ganache is a mixture of cream, chocolate and butter in different proportions, additional flavoring ingredients are also allowed. But let's take everything in order.

The texture of ganache is denser than usual creams, if you hold it in the refrigerator (both in a bag and in a cake), it becomes very dense - a great property for filling, you will find out later why.

Remember the approximate proportions for ganache:

- White chocolate ganache: 2 parts chocolate, 1 part cream (33%), 10% butter

- Dark chocolate ganache: 1 part chocolate, 1 part cream (33%), 10% butter

- Milk chocolate ganache: 3 parts chocolate, 2 parts cream (33%), 10% butter.

Butter is added here both for shine and to make the filling more tender and pliable when you bite into it. You can not add) In addition, you can replace part of the cream with thick puree (berry, fruit).

First, white chocolate ganache.

Preparing ganache is very simple - you need to melt the chocolate, mix with cream, wait for the mixture to cool and add butter. You can melt chocolate in a water bath, pour boiling cream or simply break chocolate, pour cream and heat in the microwave.

I do heating in pulses of 15 seconds: put in the oven, heat for 15 seconds. Take out, mix well and put back in the oven. Don't overheat the chocolate, it will curdle. So we do 15 second impulses. Please note that both the cream and the cup are heated with chocolate, which means that by stirring the whole mixture we melt it. Very comfortably.

Stir the mass until smooth, let it cool slightly and add the butter. We stir again. And pour into a pastry bag.

We twist the bag (you can tie it with an elastic band or a clip for milk bags). Put it in the refrigerator. There it will solidify decently in 3-4 hours, it is ideal to hold the night. Before filling the pasta, it is better to take the ganache out of the refrigerator for an hour so that it reaches room temperature - this is the ideal temperature when it does not flow yet, but already holds its shape well.

Now the dark chocolate ganache. Here I made it a little more complicated by adding strawberry puree.

Everything is the same here. I replaced only half of the cream with strawberry puree. To do this, the berry was ground in a blender.

When stirred until a homogeneous smooth mass, cool slightly again and add oil.

And then we filter the strawberry puree through a sieve.

Mix and pour into a pastry bag. We also put it in the refrigerator.

Ganache is also made on milk chocolate (I gave the proportions at the very beginning). This is the principle of taste and color. That is, you make the filling of the color and taste that you like best. Of course, the lighter the chocolate, the stronger the taste of the puree with which you replace part of the cream will be felt. But I made such options to preserve the color (white and chocolate).

Apply the finished ganache (cooled) to the pasta halves - strictly in the center, getting a ball 1 cm high. Cover with the second half on top and press a little. This is how the ganache (and any other filling for pasta) is distributed perfectly evenly and to the height you need (someone likes 2 mm, and someone likes 5 mm of filling).

Put the finished pasta in the refrigerator (in an airtight container) for a couple of hours (ideally at night). At the output, you will get strong pasta that will not fall apart, will respond well to transportation (even in the warm season) and will delight you with a delicate elastic texture.

There are other more non-classical and (to say the least) strange types of fillings. The rule is the same - if there are enough people in the comments, I will add more interesting recipes.

By the way, cream (especially for white ganache) can be flavored. That is, add mint, other flowers and herbs, spices to them. Then heat to a boil, and strain through a sieve over the broken chocolate. Further, everything is the same.

In this way, light, barely perceptible aromas of mint, lavender are obtained, someone flavors with buckwheat!)

Ganache is a delicacy that came to us from France. Thanks to its excellent taste, it has become a great alternative to butter cream. Ganache under mastic is very easy to prepare and decorate cakes with it. Below we bring to your attention several well-known ganache recipes for mastic. In particular, we will consider options for how to make chocolate ganache for mastic.


There are several varieties of mastics using chocolate (white, black and milk). In all cases, the ganache recipe is slightly different. However, we are interested in the preparation of ganache cream for mastic. To do this, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 100 grams of chocolate, which must be at least 58%.
  • 100 grams of butter.

Other recipes for how to make ganache are also known, for example:

  1. Milk chocolate with cream. Proportion ratio: 300 grams per 200 milliliters.
  2. From white chocolate under mastic with cream. Proportion ratio: 400 grams per 200 milliliters.
  3. Dark chocolate with cream. Proportion ratio: 200 grams per 200 milliliters.

Making chocolate fudge

So, you can cook from three varieties of chocolate. Consider the option of self-preparation of French cream based on white.

Cooking process

  1. For cooking, you need to prepare 300 ml of cream and 600 g of chocolate.
  2. First of all, the chocolate is chopped.
  3. The cream must be put on gas and brought to a boil, then quickly removed.
  4. It is best to use a container with a non-stick bottom to heat the cream. Be sure to stir the cream so it doesn't burn.
  5. As soon as you remove the saucepan from the heat, immediately throw chopped chocolate into the cream.
  6. Next, take a silicone spatula and mix everything thoroughly.
  7. Gradually, the tile will become soft.
  8. If you have an immersion mixer, then the task is greatly simplified.
  9. Pour the cream into a bowl, add the main ingredient and immerse the mixer with a special nozzle on the knife into it.
  10. The mixing process must be carried out until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Advice! Do not lift the mixer constantly up/down. Otherwise, you will form foam, which is bad.

  1. Next, take a cling film and cover the finished mixture with it so that there is no air left under it. As a result of the fact that you run your hands over the film, it should stick to the mixture.
  2. If there is air, then there is a risk of crusting.
  3. After that, put on another film, only on top of the container.
  4. Now put the ganache for the cake under the mastic in the refrigerator for the whole night.
  5. In order for the mass to thicken, it must cool completely.
  6. Remove the ganache from the refrigerator three hours before use in the morning to bring it to room temperature.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Advice! If the mixture turned out to be quite liquid, it can be whipped again with a mixer, only with ordinary whisks.

Following this simple instruction, you can prepare ganache for various confectionery. It will be a great addition to homemade desserts.

Chocolate ganache and bird's milk

Due to the fact that the finished mixture is very plastic, it can be used in combination with different cakes. Hot chocolate alone cannot be used to coat bird's milk. But the ganache glaze is a great solution. This is one of the popular cakes that housewives bake at home. You can hide the entire filling with ready-made creamy ganache on cream. Here you can take dark chocolate as a basis, which in combination with a cake will be very tasty.

Cream cake leveling

Chocolate ganache for leveling the cake has the perfect consistency. For this, a special confectionery spatula is used. As a result, the mastic for leveling the cake allows you to achieve a perfectly smooth surface. Sufficient plasticity also allows you to cover not only the top of the cake, but also the side.


So, we looked at the intricacies of how to make ganache with your own hands. The use of ganache on desserts will be a great addition that will not spoil, but enhance the taste of a dessert, such as cakes. Candy can be used as a decoration. If the dessert itself is white, then dark icing will be the perfect combination. Do you know other subtleties of cooking? Feel free to comment on this article!
