
How big tasty is made. Delicious Big Tasty Sauce

Fast food has the disadvantage of being incredibly high in calories and heavy to eat. digestive system. But what if you outwit the burger producers and cook hearty Big Tasty at home from natural and most fresh food. Ready for experiments? Then go ahead!

Sesame Bun Recipe

Of course, you can also buy a burger bun in the supermarket. But the final taste of the whole dish depends on how correct the process of preparing the bun is. You do not want to sacrifice your gastronomic pleasure, do you?

If not, stock up on the following food package:

  • 360 g wheat flour;
  • a glass of milk;
  • st.l. Sahara;
  • 3 g dry yeast;
  • the third part of ch.l. salt;
  • chicken egg;
  • sesame and st.l. vegetable oil.
  • Yeast dissolves in lukewarm milk. All the remaining ingredients (except sesame) are introduced into the liquid, after which a rather steep dough is kneaded.
  • A container with a flour base is placed in heat for 40 minutes.
  • As soon as the volume of the mixture increases a couple of times, it will need to be divided into 8 identical lumps, each of which rolls into a ball 10 cm in diameter. The latter must be flattened to a centimeter thickness.
  • Then the Big Tasty buns are placed on a baking sheet, which is better to cover with baking parchment, and left warm until the primary volume increases.
  • Sprinkle risen pastries with sesame seeds and bake for 20 minutes at temperature regime equal to 200 degrees.

how to cook cutlet

While the buns are baking, you can start making meatballs.

  • pepper;
  • salt;
  • kilogram of minced beef;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

What to do with all this:

  • Put the minced meat in a bag, and roll it out with a rolling pin until the meat layer is a centimeter thick.
  • Using a round glass, cut out patties about 10 cm in diameter from the beef layer. Salt, pepper and fry each.

how to make sauce

The highlight of the Big Taysty - special sauce"Grill", because of which, in fact, the burger is wildly popular.

To make it you will need:

  • 7 tbsp purchased or homemade mayonnaise;
  • half a dry beef bouillon cube;
  • tsp wine vinegar;
  • some red and black ground pepper;
  • ½ tsp dry onion and garlic;
  • half tsp liquid smoke.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Putting it all together

Knowing the composition of Big Tasty and having prepared all its elements on your own, you can start assembling the burger. There will be eight of them, of course, if you did not initially double the number of ingredients.

So, for one serving you will need:

  • one sesame bun;
  • one beef cutlet;
  • iceberg lettuce;
  • Emmental cheese;
  • onion rings and tomato mugs;
  • Grill sauce.

These ingredients are combined into certain sequence. First, each bun is cut in half, placed in slices on a grill pan, and fried a little.

Then all the other ingredients are placed on one of the slices, and only in this order:

  • rich layer of sauce;
  • a pair of onion rings of large diameter;
  • lettuce leaf, pre-torn by hand;
  • a couple of slices (it is more convenient to take circles) tomato;
  • cutlet;

Then all this is covered with a second bun. Big Tasty is ready!

Calorie content of the dish

The calorie content of a real Big Tasty is no less than 880 kcal, which gives a person a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

The creators of the burger claim that it brings with it only one benefit, since the composition is of exclusively natural origin.

For example, the same beef from which cutlets are made, even if it has high calorie content but rich in proteins, minerals, amino acids and vitamins. Onion and tomato give the dish a fresh and "summer" taste at any time of the year, thus uplifting, while cheese replenishes calcium in the body.

As for the damage, it is increased concentration carbohydrates and fats covering 43% daily requirement human body in such. This means that Big Tasty is not the best choice for daily snacks and satisfying hunger during a diet.

It's no secret how harmful fast food is to the human body. But it's also no secret how delicious this unhealthy food! And sometimes you want to pamper yourself, for example, with a Big Tasty sandwich, the calorie content of which is 850 kcal. What if you don't follow him to a restaurant? fast food, and cook at home, from kneading the dough to assembling the layers of the burger? detailed instructions attached!

Bun with sesame seeds

One of critical components at Big Tasty, it's a sesame seed bun. The taste of the finished burger depends on its quality. Let's start with how to properly cook this bun yourself.


  • 360 grams of wheat flour;
  • 1 stack milk;
  • 1 table. lies. sugar sand;
  • 3 grams of dry yeast;
  • ¾ tsp. lies. salt;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 table. lies. sunflower oil;
  • sesame.


  1. Dissolve yeast in slightly warm milk. Add the rest of the ingredients and knead a stiff dough. Cover the container with it with a warm, damp towel and place in a warm place.
  2. After about 40 minutes, the dough should double in size. Then it must be kneaded and divided into 8 parts, each of which is rolled into a ball, and then rolled into a cake with a diameter of about 10 cm, and a thickness of 1 cm.
  3. Put the prepared cakes on a baking sheet covered with a baking mat or parchment, put in a warm place for half an hour. When the buns have risen, sprinkle them with sesame seeds.
  4. Place the baking sheet in the oven. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

meat cutlets

Buns for "Big Tasty" are ready. It's time to move on to the next important step - cooking meatballs.


  • 1 kg of minced beef;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Lay ground beef between layers. food film and roll it out with a rolling pin, trying to tamp the meat as tightly as possible. The layer should be about 1 cm thick.
  2. Using a round mold with a diameter of ten cm, cut cutlets from the rammed minced meat. Pepper and salt them to taste. Fry cutlets in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil.

Special Sauce

Without what "Big Taysty" will not be itself? Naturally, without the sauce "Grill". Hot and spicy, it helps to bring out the full flavor of muffins, vegetables and meat cutlet making the sandwich more flavorful.


  • 7 table. spoons of mayonnaise;
  • ½ cube of bouillon (beef);
  • ½ tsp. lies. dry onion;
  • ½ tsp. lies. dry garlic;
  • ½ tsp. lies. liquid smoke;
  • 1 teaspoon lies. wine vinegar;
  • on the tip of a spoonful of red and black pepper.


The process is very simple: mix all the ingredients for the sauce - that's all the magic.

How to cook "Big Tasty" at home?

After preparation necessary components sandwich, you can proceed to its final "assembly".


  • 1 bun with sesame;
  • 1 beef cutlet;
  • leaf lettuce "Iceberg";
  • 2 slices of Emmental cheese;
  • tomato;
  • Grill sauce.


So, the assembly of "Big Tasty" begins with the preparation of the bun: it must be cut lengthwise, each half fried in a grill pan. Next, you need the top "lid" of the muffin. Lubricate it liberally with a specially prepared sauce and lay out the layers of the filling in the following order:

  • onion rings (a pair of circles);
  • pieces of lettuce, torn by hand;
  • two tomato slices;
  • a plate of cheese;
  • cutlet;
  • second plate of cheese.

Close the sandwich with the bottom of the bun and turn over. Time to enjoy!

Fast food has the disadvantage of being incredibly high in calories and heavy on the digestive system. And what if you outwit the burger manufacturers and cook hearty Big Tasty at home from natural and freshest products. Ready for experiments? Then go ahead!

Sesame Bun Recipe

Of course, you can also buy a burger bun in the supermarket. But the final taste of the whole dish depends on how correct the process of preparing the bun is. You do not want to sacrifice your gastronomic pleasure, do you?

If not, stock up on the following food package:

  • 360 g wheat flour;
  • a glass of milk;
  • st.l. Sahara;
  • 3 g dry yeast;
  • the third part of ch.l. salt;
  • chicken egg;
  • sesame and st.l. vegetable oil.

Cooking steps:

  • Yeast dissolves in lukewarm milk. All the remaining ingredients (except sesame) are introduced into the liquid, after which a rather steep dough is kneaded.
  • A container with a flour base is placed in heat for 40 minutes.
  • As soon as the volume of the mixture increases a couple of times, it will need to be divided into 8 identical lumps, each of which rolls into a ball 10 cm in diameter. The latter must be flattened to a centimeter thickness.
  • Then the Big Tasty buns are placed on a baking sheet, which is better to cover with baking parchment, and left warm until the primary volume increases.
  • The risen pastries should be sprinkled with sesame seeds, and baked for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

how to cook cutlet

While the buns are baking, you can start making meatballs.

We will need:

  • pepper;
  • salt;
  • kilogram of minced beef;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

What to do with all this:

  • Put the minced meat in a bag, and roll it out with a rolling pin until the meat layer is a centimeter thick.
  • Using a round glass, cut out patties about 10 cm in diameter from the beef layer. Salt, pepper and fry each.

how to make sauce

The highlight of Big Tasty is the special Grill sauce, which, in fact, is why the burger is wildly popular.

To make it you will need:

  • 7 tbsp purchased or homemade mayonnaise;
  • half a dry beef bouillon cube;
  • tsp wine vinegar;
  • a little red and black ground pepper;
  • ½ tsp dry onion and garlic;
  • half tsp liquid smoke.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Putting it all together

Knowing the composition of Big Tasty and having prepared all its elements on your own, you can start assembling the burger. There will be eight of them, of course, if you did not initially double the number of ingredients.

So, for one serving you will need:

  • one sesame bun;
  • one beef cutlet;
  • iceberg lettuce;
  • Emmental cheese;
  • onion rings and tomato mugs;
  • Grill sauce.

These ingredients are brought together in a specific sequence. First, each bun is cut in half, placed in slices on a grill pan, and fried a little.

Then all the other ingredients are placed on one of the slices, and only in this order:

  • rich layer of sauce;
  • a pair of onion rings of large diameter;
  • lettuce leaf, pre-torn by hand;
  • a couple of slices (it is more convenient to take circles) tomato;
  • cutlet;

Then all this is covered with a second bun. Big Tasty is ready!

Calorie content of the dish

The calorie content of a real Big Tasty is no less than 880 kcal, which gives a person a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

The creators of the burger claim that it brings with it only one benefit, since the composition is of exclusively natural origin.

For example, the same beef from which cutlets are made, although it has a high calorie content, is rich in proteins, minerals, amino acids and vitamins. Onion and tomato give the dish a fresh and "summer" taste at any time of the year, thus uplifting, while cheese replenishes calcium in the body.

Big Tasty sandwiches with juicy cutlet And fresh vegetables both adults and children love it. It is very easy to prepare them at home.
To simplify your task, you can buy round rolls in the supermarket.
But homemade is much tastier! They are made from ordinary bread dough.
- something like this, the hostesses begin stories about their sandwiches of the type and format that are served in "fast food restaurants."
(it is very correct that all this is in quotation marks - and the restaurant, and fast food, and food)

Do at home what they give in Mac or King? What for? For a special taste or a great view? - do not make me laugh.
Here you can cook for a child - very quickly our children "sit down" on this "fast food". So let it better at home get his fast food.

Naturally, no one is going to repeat exact recipe a Big Tasty sandwich, for example, with all its "E" and other "tricks".
It is enough if the homemade sandwich is tasty and outwardly similar to the "branded", let's say.

It is better to cook such a sandwich yourself and from normal products than to drag your son to a "fast food" and wait until you finally get this imported "dose" of cholesterol mixed with monosodium glutamate.

Which is what I do, periodically. I mean, I make sandwiches at home.
(Though not sandwiches, actually and by and large)
True, to be honest, I bake buns every two years, approximately. Well, one and a half. Given this photo shoot.
Buns are still easier to buy. Although, if you make the dough in a bread machine, as here (note - I take the dough already ready and do not show the "kneading" process - I fell asleep and forgot! Until it squeaks), then it is quite possible to bake buns more often.

So, we are making the "king" of the quick assortment - the Big Tasty sandwich!
(It will take six hours from start to finish, no less.)


For the Big Tasty Sandwich we need:

For cutlets:
- beef - 300 g;
- pork - 300 g;
- salt - 0.5 tsp;
- pepper;
- a little soy sauce.

For 4 buns:
- warm milk- 150 g;
- sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
- salt - 1 tsp;
- dry baker's yeast- 4 grams (teaspoon without top);
- margarine - 30 g (or 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil);
- flour - 3 cups;
- sesame.

For sauce:
- ketchup - 3 tbsp. l.;
- mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;
- mustard - 1 tsp.

For design and assembly:
- leaves fresh lettuce;
- tomatoes;
- toasted cheese;
- onion rings marinated in vinegar with sugar.

Pickled onions for a sandwich can be bought at the market, or you can pickle yourself - it's easy. We cut the onion and put it in a bowl with vinegar in half with water and a couple of teaspoons of sugar for two to three hours.

Ingredients for making the Big Tasty sandwich. Naturally, the main thing in this sandwich is a cutlet, or a burger, or a hamburger, or - absolutely no matter what tricky import word you call this cutlet, the only difference of which is a round shape.

(You can, of course, following everyone who unanimously writes about a burger as a type of sandwich, argue that this is such closed sandwich. However, it will not be a great exaggeration to say that a burger is actually a cutlet or hamburger inside the sandwich is. A hamburger is a pork round cutlet from ham Ham, ham. And chicken is chicken, and so on, you understand. At least, that's how the concept is invested in "burgers" in the meat industry, which does not care about "sliced ​​buns" and other bells and whistles put on sandwiches in general and Big Tasty in particular. There the concept is simple burger = round chopped cutlet).

But, the most important thing in Big Tasty is the sauce. If you think that the sauce presented here is too simple - do not hesitate, the sauce is even simpler in the "fast food".
And note that this homemade sauce closer to, that is, to the one they eat themselves, and not to the one they poison us with. I must say that the variants of this dish are quite different depending on the place of its preparation and sale.



Doing the usual yeast dough. Mix the ingredients, add flour little by little. It may need more or less - it is impossible to accurately measure. (if cooked by hand)
The dough shouldn't be too hard or it won't fit well.

We put the dough in a warm place, for example, to the battery, for 4 hours. When it suits, we roll it into a thick cake and cut out mugs with a large cup.

Top with milk or egg white, sprinkle with sesame seeds, let it come up for 40 minutes and send it to the oven.

The buns are ready.

Cutlets for Big Tasty

For cutlets, we take pork and beef in half and pass through a meat grinder.

salt, add soy sauce mix well and form into balls.

Flatten the cutlet on a cutting board so that it is one and a half times larger than the roll in diameter (when frying, it will greatly decrease).

We fry cutlets in a pan, as regular cutlets without miracles.

Sandwich Sauce

For the sauce we take ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard. We mix everything thoroughly. If there is any house plum sauce(tkemali, for example), then you can add a little of it - it turns out very tasty.

Big Taysty assembly

Now it remains only to collect our sandwiches. Cut the bun roughly in half.

Brush top and bottom halves generously with sauce.

And a few tomato rings.

Cover with the top half of the bun. The sandwich is almost ready.

We send Big Tasty for a minute in the microwave to melt the cheese.
We serve the finished Big Tasty sandwich to the table.

These sandwiches can be prepared in advance and put all the ingredients in plastic bowls and keep in the refrigerator. Then it remains only to get them, collect and warm up.
Delicious "imported" breakfast is ready. Delicious and much healthier than the fast food.

Bon appetit!

the following recipes are often watched with Big Taysty:

for reference:

Variants and composition of the Big Tasty

If you are very hungry and there is no other way to refresh yourself except for McDonalds, then you will definitely stop at Big Tasty sandwich like one of the biggest on the McDonald's menu. (and edible)

Big Tasty is similar to the Big N' Tasty sandwich sold in the US. This sandwich is one of the latest in a line of products introduced by McDonald's specifically to compete with Burger King's WOPPER sandwich.

It is worth noting this point - the sandwich is not made for the visitor, but for competition! It's subtle.

Big N' Tasty first appeared in 1997 in California as a test product. At the same time, another sandwich, the Big Xtra, was being tested in the northeastern United States. With such simultaneous testing, McDonald's tried to identify the winner and leave only one product on sale. Big N' Tasty won and was featured nationally. Its introduction to the US menu was to coincide with the opening of Disney California Adventure Park in 2001.

The composition of the Big Tasty sold in Russia and Europe is quite different from the American version.
The oriental version is a bun specially designed only for this product, Big Taysty sauce, fresh onion, iceberg lettuce with more coarse cut, tomatoes, Emmental cheese and of course a large beef cutlet, weighing about 150 grams.
Big N' Tasty in America is a bun flavored with ketchup, mayonnaise, fresh onion, two slices of pickled cucumber, tomatoes and lettuce. At the same time, the meat is smaller: about 120 grams.

Consider the recipe for the European Big Tasty sandwich.

Bun - its diameter according to the McDonald's standard ranges from 119 to 125 millimeters. In terms of composition and palatability no different from other buns.

Big Tasty Sauce - it is he who gives all the taste to the sandwich, for which many visitors love him. One Big Tasty is dosed with 30 milliliters of sauce.
The composition specified by the manufacturer includes: vegetable (rapeseed) oil, egg yolk, sour cream, vinegar, sugar, salt, starch, smoke flavoring and a bunch of E's, as usual. Translated into Russian, we have before us one of the variants of mayonnaise mixed with sour cream and "liquid smoke".

fresh onion - the most common white onion, comes to restaurants already chopped.

Iceberg lettuce - just a slightly different cut of lettuce than Big Mac lettuce.

Tomatoes - McDonald's uses the most ordinary tomatoes which can be bought at the store.

Emmental cheese - same texture as yellow cheddar cheese. There are as many as three pieces on a Big Tasty sandwich: one for meat and two for meat - it perfectly stabilizes the entire structure, thanks to its ability to melt evenly.

Sandwich Meat Big Tasty - main ingredient sandwich after sauce. It is a chopped steak made from 100% beef (usually flank). Supplied centrally, respectively, frozen. Grilled separately. Most often, it is the frying time of the meat that explains the long wait for the order.

Big Tasty sandwich calories - is almost 850 kilocalories.

To eat or not to eat? That is the question...
It depends on how hungry you are, and how much you already weigh, I guess.

For sauce:

  • Mayonnaise (preferably light) - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Tomato ketchup - 1 tablespoon.
  • Mustard - 1 teaspoon.
  • Apple cider vinegar - half a teaspoon.
  • Sugar - half a teaspoon.
  • Liquid smoke - half a teaspoon.
  • Salt, pepper - a pinch each.

How to make a delicious homemade burger?

The first thing I did was meat. For a more smoky taste, I decided to add bacon to the minced meat. But you don't have to do this, because original recipe he is not.

Cooking burger patties

Chopped up bacon small pieces and sent to minced meat.

And he kneaded the minced meat properly, knocking it off several times (he threw it in portions onto the work surface with force), so that excess air would come out of it. So it will become more elastic and the cutlets will not fall apart during frying. Ready stuffing I divided into 4 portions and began to form cutlets.

I made each patty about 25% larger in diameter than the bun, as it will shrink significantly when frying. The thickness of the cutlet I got was about 1 cm.

Readiness was checked by cutting the cutlet a little.

Prepared toppings

While the meatballs were cooking I prepared the rest of the ingredients. I cut the tomatoes into circles, I cut the onion into half rings and chopped the iceberg lettuce.

Making the Big Tasty Burger Sauce

I also made the sauce. I just mixed all the ingredients that I indicated above until smooth.

As for the buns, it is better, of course, to cook them yourself, but this extra cost time and I'm lazy and so I just bought Bun Boys ready-made buns. They will perfectly replace the originals. I cut the buns lengthwise and dried them on small fire in a frying pan without adding oil. This is done so that the sauce does not turn the buns into porridge.

All components are ready, it remains to assemble our big taysty. You need to do this in reverse order. I spread the sauce on the top of the bun. Added an onion.

Two tomatoes.

And two slices of cheese. It is better to make sure that the cutlet is still hot and the cheese melts a little.

And completed the picture with the bottom of the bun. He pressed the burger and turned it over.

Bang! tastiest Big Tasty burger ready!

P.S. You probably thought: “What the hell is needed? It’s easier to go and buy these Big Tasty in McDuck, it will come out for the same money.”

And you will be right about something. Since I spent about the same amount of money as I would have spent on ready-made burgers. But at the same time, I can say that I have a lot of ingredients left, such as: liquid smoke, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, vinegar, half a head of lettuce and even a few slices of cheese. And this means that at next preparation burgers, you will need to buy fewer products. And here we already win about 50% of the cost from each Taystee. In addition, a burger prepared by one's own hand always chews a little more pleasantly.)) So my verdict is - cook big tasty at home definitely worth it. this recipe

Bye everyone! Good luck!

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