
Cold smoked mackerel with liquid smoke. Smoked mackerel with liquid smoke, onion peel and tea

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

mackerel with liquid smoke very similar to real smoked. Smell, taste are different, of course, but not much. We'll show you how to make this at home.
Today, mackerel is one of the most affordable fish. List all of her beneficial features can be very long. It is indisputable that this fish is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. It contains such necessary vitamins as A, E, C, H, PP and B vitamins. And such microelements: iron, potassium, magnesium, fluorine, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, manganese, chlorine and many others. Diet this oily fish you can’t name it, but the fats of this fish are very useful and do not contain harmful cholesterol. Mackerel contains a lot of protein, including so necessary for a person amino acids. Eating such fish is especially useful for children, pregnant and lactating women.
Cold-smoked mackerel is 3-5 times more expensive than fresh-frozen, so it's hard to afford to buy it as often as you want. Once at a party I tried mackerel smoked in liquid smoke. Now I cook it all the time. Of course, the taste is a little different from the usual smoked mackerel from the store. Also, you will surely like
Smoked mackerel at home with liquid smoke and tea - photo recipe.

For the brine you will need:
- 1.5 liters of water;
- 8 bags of ordinary black tea (without flavorings);
- 6 tbsp. l. salt;
- 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
- 12 tsp classic liquid smoke.

How to cook with a photo step by step

We put a container of water on the stove. We put there all the components of our brine except liquid smoke.

Bring the brine to a boil, let it boil for 5 minutes. Cool the brine. We pour liquid smoke into it.

We wash the mackerel. We take out its insides. Cut off the head and tail. Experienced housewives can take out the insides of a slightly frozen fish with a teaspoon. Then the finished fish looks more beautiful.

The brine is poured into big jar or other suitable container with a lid. We put the fish in there. We remove the jar in the refrigerator (balcony, basement) for three days. During this time, the so-called smoking of mackerel with liquid smoke takes place.

We get our smoked fish from the bank. Remove excess brine from mackerel with a paper towel.

Cut into pieces and serve.

All! Delicious smoke flavored fish is ready. Serve traditionally: with potatoes or rice. Such a mackerel with liquid smoke for beer is good!
Try to cook the same

Mackerel is incredibly tasty and healthy fish. Great for diet and baby food. Smoked mackerel can rightfully be considered a table decoration. To be sure not only of beauty, but also of taste, it is better to cook smoked mackerel yourself and be sure of its benefits to the body.

Mackerel is rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Fish fat- a source of health and beauty. The use of mackerel helps to strengthen the immune system. B vitamins have a beneficial effect on metabolism and contribute to the rejuvenation of the body.
There are several cooking methods. Below we will talk about smoking mackerel with liquid smoke. This method saves time and is suitable for people who do not have a smokehouse.

First of all, you need to get a quality raw product. As with choosing other fish, you should pay attention to appearance and smell.

Fresh fish should not have foreign, rancid odors.

The skin is even, shiny, slightly moist, without damage, with an iridescent tint.

Gills - without mucus. From pink to bright red.

The abdomen is flat, without spots.

The eyes are transparent. Not cloudy, not yellow.

Freshly frozen mackerel should not differ in appearance and smell from fresh.

The briquettes should have a minimum of ice.

Preference should be given to even specimens of medium size.


Preparing the fish is not difficult. Freshly frozen mackerel it is necessary to defrost (preferably in a natural way). Wash, remove entrails and gills. Dry with paper towel.

The cost of smoked mackerel is two to three times higher than fresh-frozen. You can save money by buying fresh fish and marinating it at home using liquid smoke. Mackerel with liquid smoke will be ready in just two days, and you will be sure that the technology of its preparation is observed, since everything was done by hand.

Marinade preparation

To marinate 1 kg of fresh mackerel, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 120 g of salt;
  • 70 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 liter of filtered water;
  • 75 ml of liquid smoke;
  • Black tea 4 teaspoons.

A saucepan of water is placed on the stove, brought to a boil and, without removing it from the heat, salt and sugar are added. Tea is poured into boiling water, mixed, the saucepan is removed from the stove and set aside to cool. Liquid smoke is added to the brine, which has cooled to room temperature, everything is mixed well and filtered through a sieve to separate tea leaf from the marinade.

You can prepare a brine for smoking in liquid smoke according to a similar recipe, only replacing black tea onion peel. The more husks you can collect, the richer the color of the finished mackerel will be. The husk is washed well, placed in a pot of water and boiled for 5 minutes. After that onion broth it is set aside and infused for about 2 hours - during this time the water becomes brown. The husk is filtered through a sieve, and salt, sugar are dissolved in the resulting liquid and liquid smoke is added - the marinade is ready for smoking fish.

How to prepare fish

Freshly frozen mackerel is used for smoking in liquid smoke. It is necessary to choose whole even carcasses, without mechanical damage, with clean smooth skin. The fish is thawed and cut: the head is separated, the insides are taken out. The defrosting process should not be delayed; you need to cut the fish as soon as it becomes soft. Gutted carcasses are washed well first in warm water, then in cold running.

Mackerel with liquid smoke can be smoked raw. In this case, it must be washed more thoroughly, especially under the gills.

Smoking process

Prepared carcasses are placed in an enameled or glassware, filled with brine and covered with a lid. The smoking process will take at least two days, and all this time the dishes with the fish are in the refrigerator. Every 12 hours (morning and evening) the mackerel is turned over for even treatment with liquid smoke. After two days, the fish is removed from the brine and washed. Its skin acquires a beautiful uniform bronze hue after smoking.

If smoked mackerel with liquid smoke was cooked whole, it must be gutted, and only then rinsed well. At this stage, the preparation of the fish is not finished, the next step is drying.

How to dry fish

A loop of thin strong twine is tied to the tail of each fish, and hung up for drying. It is best to hang the mackerel on outdoors under a canopy or in the shade of trees. If this is not possible, it can be hung on a balcony or in a room in a draft, placing a container under the bottom to drain the marinade. IN summer time a thin cloth or gauze is thrown over the dried fish to protect it from insects. Smoked mackerel will be in limbo for 2 days, after which it can be removed.

Already finished fish rubbed vegetable oil, it will make the skin of mackerel soft and give it an appetizing look.

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How delicious is smoked mackerel in a duet with boiled potatoes. However, not everyone knows what delicious fish with golden skin, you can easily cook at home! You will be surprised at how simple and easy it is - fill the fish with brine and simmer it in it for about 2-3 days - that's the whole secret of cooking.

Nobody who has tried this fish delicacy, will not guess that the mackerel was not purchased in the store! Write down this wonderful recipe so that when the holidays come, be sure to use it.


  • 1 fresh frozen mackerel
  • 2 tea bags
  • 50 ml liquid smoke
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 1.5 tsp granulated sugar
  • 5-10 ml vegetable or olive oil
  • 1 empty plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters.


1. Frozen mackerel should be allowed to defrost for 4-5 hours at room temperature or move it overnight from the freezer to the refrigerator. After that, the fish must be cut off the head and take out all the insides. At the same time, do not cut the abdomen - take it out through the cut from the head. Be sure to rinse the carcass after cleaning both inside and out.

2. Brew in a container strong tea using 0.9-1 l of boiling water. It is advisable to take a very strong variety of tea so that the tea leaves turn out to be almost black!

3. Pour into it granulated sugar and salt, then pour in liquid smoke, stir well so that all the crystals dissolve in the tea leaves. Let the brine cool down.

4. C plastic bottle remove the cork and press it lightly, and then cut off the neck with scissors. Rinse it inside and pour in the prepared brine. Gently lower the washed mackerel carcass directly into the bottle, into the brine, holding the tail. Since the water will push the carcass out, it is necessary to dip it completely into the brine with an effort, and pinch the tail with clothespins or come up with another option, otherwise it will not stain. In this form, the mackerel must be kept for about 2-3 days, every day turning the carcass into a new position so that there are no unpainted areas on it.

5. After this period, remove the carcass from the brine and let it dry.

The white meat of mackerel is healthy and tasty, no matter how it is cooked. There are many ways to cook: fish can be baked in the oven, stewed, marinated. You can also smoke fish. Smoked fish has bright aroma and taste, and perfect for a festive table.

Smoking mackerel - preparing food and utensils

There are several ways to smoke fish at home, however, no matter how you decide to do it, mackerel must first be prepared.

Fish should be bought in "verified" stores, where you definitely will not meet expired goods. A good frozen fish should have a uniform carcass without friability and odors. In no case do not buy a fish if there is not a thick layer of ice on it, because sellers often hide its poor quality by this.

There are two ways to smoke fish. The first (and only true) is to cook fish in a real smokehouse. The fish will be saturated with sawdust smoke and acquire an incomparable aroma. However, it is unlikely that every housewife has such a device at home. In this case, use the second method, using liquid smoke. This pseudo-smoking will allow you to get delicious fish without huge labor costs. It is liquid smoke that will be the second main ingredient after fish. Additives in 200 ml and this is enough for eight to ten times cooking.

Accelerate the process of "smoking" mackerel air grill, in which desired temperature propelled by moving blades.

Recipes for smoking mackerel:

Recipe 1: Smoking Mackerel

Required Ingredients:

  • Mineral water for brine - 1.2 liters
  • Mackerel - 3-4 carcasses
  • Sugar - 1 1/2 tablespoons
  • 1 tablespoon liquid smoke
  • Husk from 2 onions

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the fish. To do this, first clean it, cut off the head and tail, gut it well. Don't forget to remove the black film.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, heat, add salt, sugar, onion peel, bring to a boil, then remove from heat. Strain the marinade, set aside. Add liquid smoke.
  • Fill the fish with the resulting marinade, and hold it under load at room temperature for 26-30 hours. After that, turn the fish over and put it in the refrigerator for two days, also under load. Turn the fish every day.
  • Recipe 2: Smoking mackerel (cook 2 days)

    This recipe is similar to the previous one, but by changing the brine recipe, you will “smoke” the fish faster, in about two days.

    Required Ingredients:

    • 1 liter of purified water for brine
    • Mackerel - 3-4 carcasses
    • Husk from two onions
    • Sugar - 2-3 tablespoons
    • Liquid smoke 1 tablespoon

    Cooking method:

  • pouring mineral water in a saucepan, put the onion peel there and, bringing to a boil, cook for 25 minutes.
  • Then remove the broth from the heat and leave for 10-12 hours, then add salt, sugar and liquid smoke to the marinade.
  • Clean the fish, cut off the head and tail, remove the offal and fill it with the resulting brine. Press down with a load and put "smoked" for 2 days in the refrigerator. Don't forget to flip the fish.
  • Recipe 3: Smoking mackerel in an air grill

    If you have an air grill, then you do not need to wait long for the fish to “smoky”. In addition to liquid smoke and salt, prepare in advance plastic bag for marinating mackerel.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Liquid smoke - 2 tablespoons
    • Mackerel - 4-5 carcasses

    Cooking method:

  • Let's prepare the fish. Gut her, cut off her head and tail. Lubricate the inside with salt (about one tablespoon per carcass), smear the carcass itself with liquid smoke.
  • Put the fish in a bag, add liquid smoke there and tie it tightly. Leave the mackerel to marinate for forty minutes. Then take it out and give it a good wipe so that the fish is dry.
  • Turn on the air grill, set the temperature to 200 degrees. Place the fish on the middle rack and cook for 25 minutes.
  • Recipe 4: Smoking mackerel (using an electric smoker)

    Do you have a small home smokehouse? In this case, you can completely do without liquid smoke. The recipe is simple, and the fish turns out to be as close as possible to the taste of smoked fish. Don't forget to prepare fruit or alder sawdust, a spoonful of tea and sugar for the smokehouse.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Mackerel
    • Lemon - ½ pieces

    Cooking method:

  • Cut off the head of the fish, remove the offal, wash, grease the inside with salt.
  • Cut the lemon into slices, put inside the fish and place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  • Take the fruit sawdust and place it on a pallet. Sprinkle one tablespoon of sugar and black fine leaf tea on the sawdust.
  • Wipe the fish dry and lower it into the smokehouse. Mackerel should cook without smoke for the first 10 minutes, then insert the tray and cook with smoke for 25 minutes. Then turn off the electric smokehouse, but do not remove the lid, let the mackerel lie there for another 20 minutes.
  • Recipe 5: Smoking mackerel (using a country smokehouse)

    Smoked fish will give you less trouble if you have a country smokehouse. The recipe is simple, but in any case, the fish will need to be marinated for a day in the refrigerator.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Mackerel

    Cooking method:

  • Prepare the mackerel before smoking: cut off the head and tail, gut. Rub the inside of the fish with salt, then place it in the refrigerator for 20 hours.
  • Put sawdust (fruit or alder) on the bottom of the smokehouse with a layer of 1 centimeter.
  • Lay the branches of the apple tree on the grid, on them - the carcasses of the fish. Smoke mackerel for 20 minutes.
    • Is liquid smoke harmful? This question is often asked by those who want to cook fish at home without a real smokehouse. However, which is rather curious, almost the entire store smoked fish has long been prepared with the help of liquid smoke. After all, “smoking” products in this way is quick and cheap. Of course, liquid smoke is not useful, but soaking the product with real smoke is not entirely useful. So, if you decide to enjoy smoked mackerel, just enjoy delicious dish, the main thing - not very often.
    • Before you smoke fish in a smokehouse or air grill, you need to thoroughly blot it with napkins so that it becomes completely dry.
    • It is very important when preparing the fish to remove the black skin-film inside. It is very thin, but if it is not removed, then the finished fish will be bitter.
    • Some cooks advise lubricating the mackerel carcass not only with salt, but also a small amount Sahara. So the fish will turn out more tender to taste. Take brown sugar for this purpose.
    • When making fish brine, add some soy sauce. Fragrant liquid will convey fish easy nice smell. In addition, a little spice will not interfere with the brine. Suneli hops, allspice peas, dried basil, parsley roots would be appropriate.
    • Chefs do not recommend cutting the carcass into pieces before you smoke the fish. If you cook mackerel as a whole, then the fish will turn out to be more juicy.
