
Cherry jam in jelly. Cherry preserved in jelly - more tender than jam, with a bright summer aroma of fresh cherries

Here comes the time preparations for the winter. Although it is not the end of the season of vegetables and fruits, it is already time to prepare conservation. Fruits such as cherries, currants and many others are ripening now in full swing. there are a lot this year, so let's prepare an unusual recipe. It will be a cherry in gelatin.

Using this recipe, you can both store such cherries all winter, so you can actually eat directly when cooked. Well, literally in a day. This recipe is not difficult at all. As you already understood from the name, this is a five-minute. Before you start cooking five-minute cherry jam with gelatin, first you need, of course, to know what is needed for this recipe.

What you need to cook cherries in gelatin:

  • Cherry - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 150 gr.
  • Water - 400 ml.
  • - 1 teaspoon.

Five-minute cherry jam with gelatin - recipe

At the very beginning of the process of cooking cherries in gelatin, let's wash the cherries. Try to thoroughly rinse the cherries. Let the water drain and dry the cherries on a towel.

Prepare gelatin. Pour 1 teaspoon of gelatin into any container.

Pour gelatin into cold water. You will need about 2 tablespoons of water to fill the gelatin.

Pour 150 g of sugar into the container in which you will cook the cherry. It is best to cook in enamelware if you have a small amount of berries. If you have a lot of cherries, then use non-enamelled dishes.

Let's pour out 400 ml of water.

We put our pan on the stove and boil for exactly 5 minutes, stirring well.

While the cherries are cooking, the gelatin will already swell. Try to buy instant gelatin. You can buy sheet gelatin. It is more expensive, but it is colorless and of higher quality.

Pour the swollen gelatin into a saucepan with boiling cherries. Mix everything well. It is necessary that the gelatin is completely dissolved. It should be noted that the mixture should not be brought to a boil. As soon as you see that the mixture begins to boil, immediately remove the pan from the stove.

In pre-prepared, sterilized jars, fill with a mixture of cherries. The mixture will turn out liquid, don't let that scare you.

At this stage, we see that there is still foam on the top of the jar. Remove foam with a teaspoon. The main thing is to remove all the foam so that the jam does not ferment.

After that, you need to close the jars with lids, which were previously sterilized.

Let the jars cool completely. When the jars have cooled, they need to be placed in a cool place. It is better if it is either a refrigerator, or a basement, a cellar. After you place the five-minute jam, it will be ready in a day. It will completely harden and become a full-fledged jelly. Cherry jam five minutes with gelatin the taste is very pleasant, sweet and sour, the cherries remain whole and soaked in syrup. The jelly itself is very stable and pleasant to the taste. Bon appetit.

Cherry jam five minutes with gelatin. Photo

Summer is the time for fresh fruits and vegetables. Hostesses are engaged in harvesting and preserving nutrients for the whole year. Positive emotions during tea drinking with fragrant jelly from fruits and berries from the garden are provided. The process of preparing such a delicious dessert will not require much time and effort if you strictly follow the recipe and refuse gelatin.

It is easy to prepare delicious cherry jelly for the winter without gelatin. Take:

  • Fresh berries, in the absence of which neither jam nor compote will turn out. The fruits are carefully processed (washing, drying, pitting).
  • Sugar, which helps to preserve the excellent taste of the product.
  • Agar-agar is a natural substitute for gelatin, produced from brown algae. Such an additive needs pre-treatment (soak overnight before use).
  • Pectin is a substance that is present in certain quantities in berries and helps to eliminate toxins from the body. This additive, a gelatin substitute, is purchased in ordinary stores (sold in the form of a powder).

How to make cherry jelly for the winter without gelatin

Cherry recipes for the winter help housewives surprise their sweet tooth. The dish can also support their health. Learning how to make cherry jelly is easy. To do this, you will have to familiarize yourself with the recipe, which looks like this:


  • Cherry tree fruits - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • pure water - 100 ml;
  • lemon juice - to taste;
  • vanillin or vanilla sweetener - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation of jelly without gelatin:

  1. Prepare the berry (wash, dry, separate from the stone).
  2. Crush the juicy pulp to a mushy state and transfer to a deep container.
  3. Add water.
  4. Place on gas and cook for 5-7 minutes. At this time, you will have to constantly stir the contents, in order to avoid burning.
  5. Cool the resulting mass.
  6. Separate the juice (squeeze through cheesecloth or use a sieve).
  7. Add sugar, vanillin, lemon juice to the resulting liquid.
  8. Place on fire and cook, stirring until signs of thickening appear (20-30 minutes).
  9. Pour the resulting mass into molds, jars and leave to cool.

Very simple and quick recipe without cooking

Preparing a homemade dessert is for those who like to please themselves with a healthy and tasty product in the cold season. This procedure does not take much time, at most - 1 hour. How to cook cherries for the winter so that they do not lose their properties? It is necessary to make a dish that can preserve a large number of useful elements found in fresh berries. To do this, you will have to prepare the following ingredients:

  • cherries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

To easily prepare jelly with cherries, you have to follow the following instructions:

  1. Prepare the fruits (rinse thoroughly, remove the seeds, dry).
  2. Grind the product using a blender.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. To stir thoroughly.
  5. Distribute the resulting consistency in pre-prepared dishes and put in a cool place (basement, pit, refrigerator).

Seedless Cherry Jelly Jam

To create such an unusual type of delicacy as cherry jelly for the winter without gelatin, an acidic variety of berries is perfect, because these fruits are large, fleshy. When cutting, the pulp is easily separated from the stone and gives a large amount of juice. After all, he gives the dessert such elegant forms. To make cherry jelly jam for the winter without gelatin and seeds, you will have to prepare the ingredients, including:

  • fresh berry - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml;


  1. Prepare the berries (wash, peel).
  2. Let the berries rest to remove excess liquid.
  3. Add water, sugar to the container, start heating. Gradually, a syrup will turn out, which should begin to caramelize when cooked.
  4. Add fruits, cook until boiling.
  5. Cool the resulting mass at room temperature.
  6. Return the cooled jam to the stove and boil until “puffing”.
  7. Distribute the resulting jam into clean containers.

Cherry in redcurrant jelly

For this kind of dessert, you will need the ingredients:

  • fresh cherry - 1 kg;
  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • water - 350 ml per 1 kg of berries.
  • sugar - 700 g per liter of juice.

Cooking process:

  1. Remove stalks, twigs and other debris from cherries and currants.
  2. Rinse them and let the remaining water drain.
  3. Armed with a spoon or rolling pin for rolling out the dough, crush the fruits in a saucepan, add water, put on fire (boil until juice forms).
  4. Strain the juice through a sieve and start boiling.
  5. Add sugar, constantly stir the mass, removing the foam.
  6. Boil 30 min.
  7. Put the finished mixture in a special dish.

How to make frozen cherry jelly

If it is not possible to get fresh fruits, but you want to enjoy a healthy dessert, then you can buy frozen berries and make cherry jelly from them. Make it simple. Have to take:

  • frozen berries - 300 g;
  • boiled water - 600 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g;


  1. Defrost the berry (the use of water for this purpose is prohibited - in order to avoid the loss of beneficial properties of the fruit).
  2. Squeeze out the juice using a blender or a wooden mortar.
  3. Pour the pulp formed after squeezing with water and add sugar.
  4. Put the mixture on fire, bring to a boil.
  5. Cool and divide into jars.

cherry juice recipe

A delicious cherry jelly for the winter, the recipe of which is based on the use of natural juice, will delight any person, and it will not take much time from the hostess. To create such a masterpiece, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • juice - 0.75 l;
  • pectin - 1 sachet;
  • cherry fruits - 20 g.

Cooking process:

  • Take a deep container, place some of the juice there and put on fire.
  • Add pectin to the contents of the bowl (this procedure is done slowly to avoid the formation of lumps).
  • Pour the remaining juice into the resulting mass, cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Pour the finished consistency into a convenient form and put it in a cool place.

Delicious cherry jam jelly recipe

Most people keep a jar of jam at home. It happens that there is a little product left, but there is nowhere to put it. What to do in such a situation? You can use the jam jelly recipe and give your family an unforgettable dessert. To implement this idea, you need to collect the following ingredients:

  • lemon juice - 100 ml;
  • jam - 150 g;
  • pectin - 80 g;
  • sweetener - to taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take a saucepan or a deep bowl, combine lemon juice and pectin in it.
  2. From the rest of the jam, separate the berries from the syrup.
  3. Pour the syrup into the lemon-pectin mixture, start cooking.
  4. Boil for a minute.
  5. Remove from stove and pack in jars.

Video recipe for harvesting cherries for the winter

Cherry jam is the favorite of almost everyone. . This wonderful dish is distinguished by its sophistication, color, and of course taste. Cherry jam is good to use in winter for colds, if the famous raspberry jam is not at hand. It is best to prepare several types of cherry jam. As a rule, housewives prepare two types of jam. This is a thick viscous in order to drink tea with it in winter.

And the second type of jam, as a rule, goes for some recipes or in baking. Today you will learn how to make an unusual jam. This is jelly jam. For such a jam, you need very sour cherries, but along with this, the berries must be fleshy and full of juice. And such cherries are, as a rule, cherries of early varieties. Due to its acid, jam turns out like jelly. When preparing such a jam, it is best to use pitted cherries.

After all, it is the stone that gives the jam a subtle touch of almond flavor. The jam does not turn out too sweet, on the contrary, it is sour. Therefore, jam-jelly is very good to eat when a person is sick. You can not cook jam for a long time. In this recipe, the cherry is cooked for a very short time. And the color is amber cherry.

What is required for cooking cherry jam jelly:

  • Cherry about 1 kg.
  • Sugar 1 kg.
  • Water 1 glass
  • Sterile jars and lids.

Cherry Jelly Jam - Recipe

First you need to wash the cherries well. Rinse cherries under running water. Let the cherry lie down for a while so that the cherry dries out a little.

Pour 1 kg of sugar into the pan.

Add 1 glass of water to sugar. Mix the contents of the pot well and put on fire. The syrup should be boiled until it begins to caramelize. Be careful not to build up too much sugar on the sides of the pot.

When the syrup stops dripping quickly from the spoon, add cherries to the pan.

The photo shows how thick the syrup is. This is the consistency the syrup should be.

When the jam boils, then it must be removed from the heat and allowed to cool completely.

When the jam has completely cooled, then it must be put back on the fire and brought to a boil. Next, you need to boil the jam until it starts to “puff”, so to speak. From the pan, not a gurgling will be heard, but “puff”, “puff”. That's when you need to remove the jam from the fire. By the time the jam was cooked for about 30 minutes.

Before decomposing into sterile jars, you need to remove the foam from the jam. Carefully remove all foam with a teaspoon.

Jam should be transferred to clean sterile jars and sealed with lids.

Tender, juicy, sweet and sour - that's all it is, a wonderful beauty-cherry. Recipes for the winter suggest harvesting this healthy berry in the form of jam, jam, jelly and vitamin drinks. Preservation can be done in an enamel pan, a copper basin or a slow cooker. The finished sweet product in all variants turns out to be unusually tasty, surprisingly fragrant and saturates the body with natural vitamins, which are so necessary on cold winter days.

Cherry - a recipe for winter pitted jam

To make cherries for the winter according to this recipe, you will have to tinker a lot. But the finished dish fully justifies all the efforts and turns out to be indescribably tasty, thick and rich.

Essential Ingredients for Pitted Cherry Jam Recipe

  • cherry - 4 kg
  • sugar - 5 kg

Step-by-step instructions for pitted cherry jam recipe for winter

Cherry Jam Pyatiminutka with bones - a recipe for the winter

I want to cook cherries for the winter, but there is neither time nor desire to mess around and choose bones for a long time? Then this simple but very tasty recipe will help you. It will take about half an hour to prepare, and in the end you will get a completely unusually refined sweet dish with a delicate, seductive aroma. You just need to eat a delicacy within a year, otherwise the bone will begin to release harmful substances and spoil the bright and juicy fruit and nut shades.

Necessary ingredients for a five-minute jam recipe with seeds

  • cherry - 2 kg
  • gelling sugar - 1.6 kg
  • almond nuts - 150 g
  • cherry liqueur - 4 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions for making five-minute cherry jam for winter

  1. Sort the cherries and remove the stalks. Wash the berries well, dry on a kitchen towel, place in a deep container and sprinkle with gelling sugar.
  2. After 2-3 hours, put the bowl with the fruit and sugar mass on the fire, bring to a boil, remove the foam that forms on the surface and boil for no more than 5 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, pour in the liquor, add the almonds, cut into thin slices, mix everything well, arrange in sterilized jars, cork with lids and cool completely. Everything, five-minute cooking with bones is ready. We put it in the refrigerator or cellar before the onset of winter.

Cherry jelly for the winter - a delicious recipe

Everyone has long been accustomed to cherries in the form of jam or jam. Therefore, if you want to make something tasty, but unusual out of sweet and sour fruits, use this recipe and prepare marmalade jelly with whole berries for the winter. This original dessert will surely please your loved ones and be one of the first to eat it.

Required Ingredients for Cherry Jelly Recipe

  • cherry - a full three-liter jar
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • food gelatin - 75 g
  • water - ½ l

Step-by-step instructions for cherry jelly for the winter

  1. Wash berries without stalks very well, discard in a colander and wait for excess liquid to drain. Then remove the seeds from the fruit.
  2. Pour the gelatin into a deep enameled bowl, pour water over it and leave for a while so that the crystals swell.
  3. Place the peeled berries in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and put on a slow fire to warm up. When the fruit mass boils, boil it for 5 minutes, making sure that the sugar does not stick to the bottom and does not burn.
  4. On the next burner, heat the gelatin and ensure that the granules are completely dissolved. When this happens, add a viscous liquid to the cherry mass, mix thoroughly and remove from heat.
  5. Pour the finished jelly into sterilized jars and roll up with tin lids until winter. Cool completely and put in the refrigerator or cellar.

Cherry compote for the winter with seeds - a delicious and simple recipe

Cherry compote, prepared for the winter according to this recipe, turns out to be sweet, tasty and perfectly quenches thirst. However, it should be borne in mind that the drink must be consumed within a year. Then hydrocyanic acid will begin to stand out from the bones and the delicacy will turn into a product harmful to humans. Therefore, if you plan to prepare a large batch of cherries for the winter, you will have to spend time and effort to remove the seeds from the berries.

Essential Ingredients for Winter Compote Recipe

  • cherry - 1 kg
  • sugar - 500 g
  • water - 3 l

Step-by-step instructions for a cherry compote recipe for winter

  1. Remove the stalks from the cherries, wash the berries and arrange them in dry, sterilized jars.
  2. Boil water over high heat, pour jars with fruits over it, cover with tin lids and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Then pour the fruit liquid back into the pan, add sugar and bring to a boil.
  4. Pour hot sweet syrup over berries and roll up quickly.
  5. Close the jars with a blanket and wait for them to cool completely. Store until winter in a cool, non-sunny place for no more than one year.

How to make cherry jam for the winter in a slow cooker, a simple recipe

Cherry jam made in a slow cooker has a pleasant, delicate texture and rich taste. The berries retain their shape well and do not sag during long-term heat treatment. To make the aroma sound more vivid, you can add a pinch of cinnamon or a small bag of vanilla sugar to the fruit mass 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking. The recipe allows for this.

Essential Ingredients for Slow Cooker Cherry Jam Recipe

  • cherry - 2 kg
  • granulated sugar 2.4 kg

Step-by-step instructions on how to make cherry jam for the winter in a slow cooker

  1. Sort the berries, wash well and remove the stalks and seeds. Fold the peeled fruits into a multi-cooker bowl, sprinkling abundantly with sugar.
  2. Activate the "Extinguishing" mode and cook the fruit mass for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. When hot, lay out in sterilized jars, roll up the lids, turn upside down, wrap with a blanket and leave to cool completely. Then put in a closet or any other cool, dry place, protected from direct sunlight.

Cherries in their own juice for the winter, a delicious recipe

Useful substances, vitamins and various microelements are contained in cherry fruits. The recipe for the winter, proposed by the author of the video, tells how to make a sweet dessert from this berry in your own juice. Homemade preparation is more liquid than jelly, jam or jam in a slow cooker. But, despite this, the berries retain their neat shape and do not become limp even during long-term storage. The delicacy is ideal as a pleasant addition to all kinds of hot drinks, and can also be used as a dip for pancakes or ice cream.

A jar of magic jam because it tastes like freshly made cherry jelly. Carefully, by shifting cherry jam in jelly into a creamer, you can please your guests with a delicious natural dessert! It’s even hard to believe that this is cherry jam in jelly that you have prepared for the winter.


  • For a 3 liter jar:
  • Cherry;
  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • gelatin - 70 grams;
  • sugar - 1 kilogram.

P step by step recipe cherry jam in jelly

  1. Peel the cherries from the stone, based on a 3-liter jar.
  2. Dilute gelatin in water, let it swell.
  3. Pour the cherry with sugar, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Warm the gelatin in water a little, but note that it does not need to be brought to a boil. It just needs to dissolve well.
  5. Gelatin, pour into boiling cherries, mix well and turn off the heat.
  6. Arrange the cherries in sterilized jars and roll up the lids. You can close with nylon lids, but then the cherry will need to be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.
  7. According to this recipe, one 3-liter jar and 6 jars of 0.5 liters are obtained.

Fragrant cherry jam in jelly will remind you of summer in winter and will give you a wonderful mood and positive emotions!
