
How and when to dye eggs with onion skins. Period, period, comma - the krashenka came out cool! Do-it-yourself krashenki: how to cook a decoction of onion peel and paint eggs for Easter

After peeling the onion, do not rush to send its peel to the trash can. Onion peel has healing properties, contains a large amount useful substances and it can be used for a variety of purposes.

In this article we will tell you what exactly can be done from a decoction of onion peel.

How to dye Easter eggs with onion skins

Take onion peel, put it in a saucepan and fill with water, bring to a boil. The longer you cook the husk, the richer the color will be. Then carefully place the testicles in a saucepan with broth and leave them for 10-15 minutes. When the eggs are cooked, take them out and put them on a plate to cool.

How to make a healing decoction

A decoction with onion peel is used for hypertension and atherosclerosis.

To prepare it, take 5 tbsp. spoons of needles of fir or spruce, 3 tbsp. spoons of rose hips and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of onion peel, put in a container, pour 700 ml of water, put on fire for 10 minutes. Then leave it to infuse all night. Strain through cheesecloth in the morning and drink for 2-3 months.

For hair

A decoction of onion peel is excellent tool for hair care. They can be rinsed in hair or added to nourishing masks. The decoction strengthens the hair, makes it strong and shiny, and also eliminates dandruff. Onion peel contains quercetin, which can make hair shiny and smooth. It is also rich in a large number of useful micro and macro elements.

You can make a decoction of onion peels very quickly, literally in 10 minutes. To do this, take a handful of husks, pour a glass of water and boil in a saucepan. If there is no time, then you can dilute the broth cold water and rinse your hair.

Hair Mask

To give your hair shine and a healthy look, you can make a mask of onion peel, honey and burdock oil.

Take a tablespoon of husk, pour three tablespoons of boiling water over it and leave it for 1 hour in a warm place. After the allotted time, add a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of burdock oil to the container. Apply the resulting mixture to the roots and distribute along the entire length with a comb. Leave the mixture on for 20-30 minutes and then rinse off. big amount pure water.

Today we will analyze in detail how much to cook Easter eggs in order to evenly color them later or decorate them in some other way. And the success of this whole process depends on the choice quality product. So, what you need to pay attention to when choosing and then when cooking.

Step 1 Determine the quality

So, you came to the supermarket or the market and choose eggs. Feel free to open the box if you are looking at the eggs in the store or ask the seller at the market to show you the product closer. Bring the egg up to your nose. Even so in a simple way you can determine the freshness of the eggs.

If possible, you need to take a couple of eggs and lightly knock them against each other. By the sound, you will immediately identify cracked eggs with microcracks, which are guaranteed to burst during cooking.

Step 2 Decontaminate

Wash eggs thoroughly before boiling running water. So you wash away most bacteria present on the surface. Many eggs have microcracks and even boiling will not protect you from infection if you do not take care of hygiene in advance. Use a kitchen sponge with which you can even out the roughness.

Step 3 Check for freshness and cook

Additionally, you can check the freshness of eggs by lowering them into water. If the egg immediately sinks to the bottom, it is fresh. Eggs that float to the surface should simply be discarded. Now let's analyze the scheme of how much time to cook eggs in order to get the desired option: with a liquid yolk, in a bag or in a steep one. Use the diagram in the photo.

Dip the eggs in cold water, bring to a boil, then open the lid of the pan, reduce the heat so that the eggs continue to boil, but the water does not boil and cook for the number of minutes.

For Easter eggs it is better to boil eggs either hard-boiled, or at least in a bag. But they should not be digested, otherwise the yolk will begin to change color. If the eggs are fresh, then in order to grab both the yolk and the protein, you need 5 minutes over moderate heat.

Step 4 Boil the eggs and color

If you are going to boil eggs in onion peel take them out of the refrigerator first. At least one hour before cooking. Pre-onion peel should be boiled for about 30 minutes, and then lower the eggs. How long to cook eggs in onion skins?

It all depends on what color you want to achieve. If you use red onion skins, the color will be the most intense, brown with a purple tint. Don't forget to add two teaspoons of salt to the water. For a beautiful brown hue, boil eggs in onion skins for 10 minutes.

P.S. Cool eggs and brush vegetable oil. So they will acquire a beautiful shine. Holy Christ's Resurrection!

Easter table- it's not only cakes and cottage cheese easter, sausage and boiled pork. Traditionally, at Easter, we also paint eggs - this is very old custom, with his interesting history. Some - literally in all the colors of the rainbow, others - just stick bright stickers. You can call me a conservative, but I want to show you how to dye eggs in onion skins. This method is closest to me, since my grandmother used it. It turns out that we use natural dye that everyone in the house has. The eggs turn out to be a beautiful brownish color, as if velvet (the density of the color depends on the amount of husk, more on that later).
The process of dyeing Easter eggs with onion skins is very simple, but it still has its own nuances so that they do not burst. I am happy to share with you everything I know about him.


- 1 large handful of onion peel (in a free state it takes up a volume of 1.5 liters);
- 7 chicken eggs;
- 1 liter of water.

How to color eggs with onion peel:

If you want to paint eggs with husks for Easter, then you will need to worry about the source material in advance. I start collecting the husk about a month before the Bright Resurrection of Christ - during this period I just get right amount. Peeling the onion, remove the dry husk and carefully sort it out. If there are areas with a damaged inner layer, we throw them away. The selected dry husks are carefully folded into plastic bag, and on the eve of Easter we take out everything that we have collected and ... we begin to serve as a priest.

Onion peel is very light, so it will not sink immediately. Lightly “melt” it with your hand or with a spoon so that it is covered with water.

We put the pot on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for small fire 12-15 minutes. Already after 5-6 minutes after the start of boiling, the broth will acquire a beautiful brown color. (But in order for the color to be stable, we do not stop cooking.)

Then we filter the broth through a colander into another pan (in which we will boil the eggs). And set aside to cool - if you immediately start painting the eggs and lower them into hot water, they may burst.

While the decoction of onion peel (this is, in fact, paint) cools down, we prepare the eggs.
Wash eggs thoroughly. Rinse off dirt and sticky particles. Carefully remove the color markings with a brush (for eggs bought in a store).

Carefully lower the eggs into the cooled onion peel broth. We make sure that the eggs do not hit each other - otherwise, during cooking, they may burst in this place.
The eggs must be completely covered in liquid so that the coloring occurs evenly. If suddenly some of the eggs protrude from the liquid, add a little cold water or transfer the eggs to another pan, where there would be less empty space between them, they would adjoin each other more tightly - then less liquid will be needed to completely cover them.

We paint eggs in onion peel with a gentle boil for 10 minutes. By the way, see how you can.
Then we take out the eggs, put them in a bowl or pan and fill them with cold water. We keep 2 minutes under running water, and then we just hold it for 8-10 minutes cold water. Then we take the eggs out of the water, put them on a plate and stand until they cool completely.

A decoction of onion peel can be used again for coloring eggs. Eggs dyed in this broth will be the same color as the first batch. So for coloring a large number eggs it is not at all necessary to collect a lot of onion peel. You just need to color the eggs in batches.

We wipe the cooled eggs dry (the part that came into contact with the plate when cooling will be wet) and spread on holiday dish or in special stands. Now you know how to paint eggs for Easter with onion skins. It's not hard at all, right?

It is advisable to use domestic chicken eggs for coloring - they have beautiful, bright yellow yolks, they are tastier.
Eggs must be fresh - in order to avoid unpleasant moments at the table.
The surface of the painted eggs can be smeared with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil. In this case, the eggs will acquire shine, but will lose their velvety. So choose what you like best.
Store dyed eggs in the refrigerator. At a temperature of +2 to +4 degrees, eggs can be stored for up to 20 days (but is it worth it to store eggs for so long? It’s better to paint so much to eat them in 3-4 days).

But without the fridge boiled eggs can be stored for a short time, about 12 hours. At the same time, the eggs have time to save taste qualities and nutritional properties.
Therefore, when coloring eggs, it is desirable to take into account both the appetites of eaters and the shelf life of boiled eggs.
If you see that you have colored eggs left out of work, then make some kind of salad out of them, for example,

Dear friends, on the eve of the upcoming holidays, I want to tell you how to paint eggs in onion skins for Easter. This method is the most reliable: the eggs turn out to be a beautiful brownish color, like velvet, and the protein of the peeled eggs is completely white, without any hint of paint. In addition, onion peel is a natural dye, it does not cause concern, like multi-colored paints that are sold in stores. Onion peel can be found in everyone in the house.

For her to gather enough, it is enough just some time before Easter (3-6 weeks - it depends on the amount of onion consumed by your family), when peeling the onion, do not throw away the husk. Painting eggs with onion skins is a fairly simple but exciting activity, children especially love it and will gladly help you in this matter. And how to paint eggs in onion peel, I'll tell you now.


  • 1 large handful of onion peel (in a free state it takes up a volume of 1.5 liters);
  • 7-10 chicken eggs;
  • 1 liter of water.

How to paint eggs in onion skins for Easter:

Peeling the onion, remove the dry husk and carefully sort it out. If there are areas with a damaged inner layer, we throw them away. We carefully put the selected dry husks into a plastic bag, and on the eve of Easter we take out everything that we have collected and ... we begin to perform the ritual.

First, put the onion peel in a colander and wash it with running water.

We place the husk in a 2-liter saucepan. Pour 1 liter of cold water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 12-15 minutes. Already after 5-6 minutes after the start of boiling, the broth will acquire a beautiful brown color (but in order for the color to be stable, we do not stop cooking.)

Then we filter the broth through a colander into another pan (in which we will boil the eggs). And set aside to cool - if you immediately start painting the eggs and dip them in hot water, they may burst.

While the decoction of onion peel (this is, in fact, paint) cools down, we prepare the eggs.

Wash eggs thoroughly. Rinse off dirt and sticky particles. Carefully remove the color markings with a brush (for eggs bought in a store).

Carefully lower the eggs into the cooled onion peel broth. We make sure that the eggs do not hit each other - otherwise, during cooking, they may burst in this place. The eggs must be completely covered in liquid so that the coloring occurs evenly.

If suddenly some of the eggs protrude from the liquid, add a little cold water or transfer the eggs to another pan, where there would be less empty space between them, they would adjoin each other more tightly - then less liquid will be needed to completely cover them.

Bring the pan with the eggs to a boil and cook at a gentle boil for 10 minutes.

Then we take out the eggs, put them in a bowl or pan and fill them with cold water. We hold for 2 minutes under running water, and then we simply stand for 8-10 minutes in cold water. Then we take the eggs out of the water, put them on a plate and stand until they cool completely.

A decoction of onion peel can be used again for coloring eggs. Eggs dyed in this broth will be the same color as the first batch.
