
Feijoa: useful properties, calorie content. How to eat feijoa

- fragrant fruit with a dense green peel, in our country its popularity is not as high as, for example, in South America. tropical trees Lately began to cultivate in the south of Russia: in the Caucasus and in the Crimea. From there, they mainly deliver fruits to Russian markets.

In its tropical homeland, feijoa produces several crops a year, it is mainly used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. New Zealand famous for its yoghurts, ice cream and alcohol based on this fruit. Produce New Zealanders and soap, shampoos, as well as other detergents with feijoa extract. The thick green rind is brewed into tea.

Feijoa tastes and smells a little like pineapple. Recipes with it are interesting and simple, but in order to taste well exotic fruit It should only be consumed when fully ripe. The only problem is that ripe fruits very fragile, easily damaged and spoiled. That is why on the shelves of stores you can see unripe fruits.

To beneficial features feijoa were able to fully manifest, having brought from the store, it must be left to ripen for several days. This time will be enough for the fruit to become soft and sweet.

When choosing a product on the market, you should carefully inspect it for damage. There should be no scratches, dents or cuts on the skin - such fruits are not suitable for use. The optimal skin color is dark green without brown spots. The shape and dimensions are allowed in the range from 5 to 10 cm in diameter. A good, ripe fruit has a white and fragrant jelly similar pulp, sometimes it is yellowish, which indicates the maturity of the fruit. The more ripe the feijoa, the healthier it is.

Who is shown the use of feijoa

Feijoa is the only plant that can compare with seafood in terms of iodine content, which is so necessary for the human body. As you know, iodine improves brain activity and memory quality. Its deficiency is fraught with general weakness and fatigue. The water-soluble iodine compounds present in this product are well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Feijoa fruits, in addition to iodine, contain many useful substances, in particular:

  • pectin;
  • sucrose;
  • fiber;
  • vitamin C;
  • malic acid;
  • micro and macro elements.

Largely due to the rich composition of feijoa, it is recommended to use for patients,. Also with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and weakened immunity. exotic treat helps to improve metabolism, reduce arterial pressure and restore normal heart rhythm. Feijoa essential oil copes with some skin problems: it relieves inflammation and heals small wounds. The dense green skin, rich in antioxidants, is dried and added to tea. In order for the beneficial properties of feijoa to really appear, you need to choose the right product. Its flesh should be light or transparent. pulp white color means that the fruit is unripe, and brown and does indicate depravity.

Green delicacies are used to make jams, jams, desserts, salads and different sauces. Feijoa is in harmony with seafood dishes, cod and other types of fish.

If you decide to try feijoa, but don’t know what to do with it, we offer you several options for using an exotic fruit:

  • fresh fruits can be consumed with a peel that has enough tart taste. cut in half, delicious pulp are eating dessert spoon;
  • feijoa is added to cereals, and a wonderful jam or jelly is made from its pulp;
  • used as a filling for pancakes, muffins and other pastries;
  • vodka is insisted on these fruits, added to cocktails. Some even adapt to make wine from it;
  • combining milk, sour cream and the pulp of several ripe fruits feijoa makes a great smoothie. You can also add fruits, cocoa or ice cream there to complete the taste.

How to eat feijoa. cooking recipes

There are no special rules for the use of this fruit. You can simply cut the ripe fruit in half, gently scoop out the pulp with a spoon and enjoy. pleasant taste. You can also cut the tip of the fruit, then squeeze it into your mouth or onto a plate. It is not forbidden to eat feijoa along with the skin. Some believe that this is how it is preserved most of vitamins and microelements.

In cooking, there are many recipes for preparing this dietary product. Feijoa pulp is stuffed with fish, served as a side dish for meat and other dishes. Pork and poultry acquire spicy taste thanks to fragrant fruits.

They cannot be subjected to heat treatment, because in this way they turn into gruel. In its raw form, this product is able to retain its properties for no more than 7 days, so you need to use it for food immediately after purchase. Here are a few interesting recipes cooking feijoa at home:

These and many other recipes will help diversify your festive and daily diet, however, remember that feijoa cannot be washed down with milk, it is better to give preference fermented milk products. For example, you can season feijoa fruit salad with yogurt.

MirSovetov does not recommend tropical fruit for people with diabetes, because this fruit contains sucrose. Like many overseas delicacies, feijoa can produce allergic reaction in the form of hives and redness on the skin, so before using it, it is better to test for sensitivity: try to eat a piece, and wait half an hour. If everything is in order, then you can enjoy the delicacy without fear.


Dear readers, today we will continue our conversation about feijoa. I already told you about. Everyone remembers my words from my article that if you are not familiar with feijoa and have not tried it, then life has passed by. Well, we all smiled together, and now we will talk in more detail about this wonderful berry - and precisely the seasonal berry.

Compared to other fruits and berries, this tropical fruit has appeared on our market quite recently and is still little studied by buyers. I would like to introduce you to him better, so that you also buy feijoa in season with great pleasure, like me.

In the middle of the 18th century, a boy named Joao da Silva Barbosa lived in the capital of Brazil. He was very fond of nature and grew inquisitive, read books, encyclopedias. I spent hours watching life in the anthill, waking up at sunrise to watch the flowers bloom. He often walked with friends and told them about everything in the world: why moss grows on trees on the north side, why berries can be poisonous, how to distinguish birds by their voice. After university, taking a new surname Feijo, he was one of the participants in the creation of the Museum of Natural History in Lisbon. Joao devoted his entire life to studying the flora of the Cape Verde Islands, Portugal and Brazil, writing books on geography, toponymy and botany. Subsequently, a hundred years later, the botanist Carl Otto Berg discovered a new fruit tree in Portugal and named Feijoa in honor of Silva Feijo.

Where does feijoa grow?

Feijoa are considered to be native to the subtropical regions of South America: Paraguay, Southern Brazil, Uruguay and Northern Argentina.

As an undergrowth, this tree grows in the wild forests of South America. Feijoa is a subtropical plant and every opportunity to plant it in tropical areas has been unsuccessful.

By the end of the 19th century, feijoa was brought to France, then in 1900 to Sukhumi and Yalta, and at the beginning of the 20th century to California, where this exotic fruit spread well. In 1913, the fruit tree was brought to Italy and the entire Mediterranean. This plant of the subtropical strip has also conquered more northern regions. On the Crimean peninsula, a fruit tree can withstand frosts down to -11C without damage.

Currently, feijoa is grown mainly in household plots in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Krasnodar Territory.

Feijoa is very popular among flower growers - amateurs who grow it like an exotic tree in room conditions.

Thanks to beautiful flowers and leaves with a silvery coloration, feijoa is often used in the form of decorative plantings. In some hot countries, parks and squares are still decorated with feijoa fruit trees.

Feijoa. Photo

This is what the feijoa berries themselves look like, which we can buy in the market or in the store.

And here is what a feijoa tree looks like. The photos were sent to me by Viktor Bessonov, a regular reader of my blog and the author of several very interesting articles. Victor grew feijoa at first at home in a flower pot.

And here is what this tree looks like (still very small so far) in its summer cottage. Victor himself lives in Rostov-on-Don.

Types and varieties of feijoa

For use in cooking, tropical fruit varieties differ slightly from each other.

The first variety of feijoa that Europeans learned about was brought from Brazil in 1890 by the French botanist Edouard André and planted on the Riviera. Seven years later, the first harvest was harvested, and a year later, E. Andre published his work describing the plant, hearths, flowers. In honor of the botanist, this variety was named - Andre. This variety is well known in the Mediterranean countries and in California.

After that, in California, breeders bred three more varieties of feijoa, which became widespread:

  • Choiseana - early ripe variety with dark green large (up to 7 cm) fruits;
  • Coolidge is a large-fruited variety;
  • Superba - a round or pear-shaped fruit, very large (up to 80 g)

Feijoa variety Besson grows in South India, with small fruits. oval shape, soft to the touch. The peel of this variety is green with a burgundy or reddish tint.

In our country, breeders have bred several varieties of feijoa:

  • Nikitsky tuberous;
  • Nikitsky fragrant;
  • Light;
  • Crimean early;
  • Firstborn.

When does feijoa ripen?

Feijoa ripens in late autumn - early winter.

Smell, taste and aroma of feijoa

For me, the aroma and taste of feijoa resembles a mixture of strawberry, pineapple and kiwi aromas. Well, so unusual, and so delicious. And what is very important - it is useful! Try it, and you yourself will understand all its charm.

Feijoa. Sales season in Russia. Price

On the shelves of Russian shops and markets, feijoa appears from the Caucasus, where it was brought before the war. The sales season in Russia starts from October - November, since at this time the feijoa actively bears fruit. In Yaroslavl, I always try not to miss the sales season of this amazing berry. The beginning of October and the whole of December - you can always buy these berries in the market and in stores. The price we have now for 1 kg is 150 rubles. It is also more expensive. But not so long ago I bought it at this price.

Feijoa calories

Calories 100 g exotic fruits- 49 kcal per 100 grams of berries.

How to choose feijoa?

Before you buy tropical fruits- remember that feijoa becomes useful when it ripens. They are harvested unripe, so that during transportation the fruits do not overripe and do not deteriorate.

If you buy feijoa, pay attention to the fruits and consider a few subtleties:

  • fruits should be chosen those that are larger. They are the most helpful. I try to buy just such fruits, up to 10 cm in length;
  • inspect the feijoa from all sides, it is necessary that the fetus has a whole, even, without dents and damage to the skin. good fruit feel firm and elastic. Dark large spots should not be. Small spots - there is nothing to worry about;
  • if the fruit is hard, then most likely it is not ripe and can be left for several days at room temperature for ripening;
  • if the fruit is soft when pressed, it means that the feijoa is already ripe and should be used immediately for food;
  • ask the seller to cut the feijoa and look at the color of the flesh. In a good ripe fruit, the flesh is transparent with a creamy tint. If the flesh is white, then this means that the fruit has not yet ripened. If the flesh is brown, this means that the fruit is overripe and has begun to deteriorate;
  • overripe feijoa should not be bought, as it will quickly begin the fermentation process;
  • the ripe fruit has a rich dark green skin.

I suggest you watch the video material in which the expert, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Alexander Kulenkamp tells how to choose a high-quality ripe feijoa fruit, what to look for when buying.

How to store feijoa?

Feijoa should be stored in the lower section of the refrigerator, for vegetables and fruits for one to two weeks. This section creates optimum temperature for storage and other products are not saturated with the smell of fruit.

During storage, feijoa fruits lose some moisture and become only sweeter. When buying up to one kilogram, feijoa can be eaten in fresh.

In the conditions of an apartment, feijoa can be stored only if the fruits are not ripe.

For more long-term storage feijoa is better to grind and mix with sugar. In this form, it can be stored all winter in the refrigerator, useful and taste qualities while not being lost. I have already shared mine on the blog. universal recipe for health, as I personally have been making such a health recipe for many years. You can read it.

How do you eat feijoa?

As I said, feijoa pulp tastes like a sweet and sour combination of strawberries, pineapple and kiwi, a very refreshing and pleasant aroma.

The pulp of a ripe fruit resembles jelly, so there is no feijoa, just like other fruits. Attempts to cut the fruit into slices will fail - the flesh will slip out and spread.

How to eat feijoa with or without peel?

Very often I was asked how to eat feijoa with or without peel? I can say one thing that it is best to eat feijoa with a teaspoon, cutting the fruit in half, along the midline. And the peel has a tart bitter taste and it is better not to use it fresh.

IN culinary dishes tropical fruits are added to snacks, salads, sauces are prepared from it. General Prescription how to eat feijoa, no, it all depends taste preferences.

And for the soul, we will listen today Rolf Lövland and Fionnuala Sherry Song from Secret Garden Canzona . Amazing music and great video. I listened and enjoyed. I hope you will also have a rest from the hustle and bustle of our lives. Listen to good music. It gives us an unforgettable state inside.

I wish you all the best winter mood, simple pleasures. Give your warmth, care to people close to you.

see also





    06 Mar 2017 at 19:19









    Tatiana Palomi
    27 Feb 2016 at 1:05


    Irina Gavrilik
    03 Feb 2016 at 10:36








Feijoa - what is it and what is it eaten with? Is it a vegetable or a fruit? What does it taste like? This is how most of the people of our country will react. Is this exotic fruit name for you? It is not surprising, because South America is considered the birthplace of this fruit, therefore, on the territory of Russia, this name remains mysterious and mysterious. However, in Europe and the USA this tasty and useful fruit won more than one million fans. Let's figure out what feijoa is, what it tastes like, how to eat it and what are its beneficial properties.

You will learn everything about this curiosity from our article.

Feijoa fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals. This additional source iodine for our body, and also this berry contains manganese, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium and other useful trace elements. The exotic curiosity is rich in vitamin C, so it will help to cope with viral diseases autumn and winter.

Feijoa is neither a vegetable nor a fruit., A unique berry. Are you surprised? Then read on. The feijoa fruit grows from an evergreen small tree or shrub. This plant needs a subtropical or tropical climate. Brazil is considered the birthplace of culture. The berry got its name in honor of the discoverer - he was a Portuguese by nationality and a naturalist by vocation, Juan da Silva Feijo.

Widespread in South America, Europe and also in the south Russian Federation. With us, this curiosity grows in the Krasnodar Territory, the Crimean Peninsula, as well as in the Caucasus.

What does feijoa taste like

This berry is very juicy, its flesh is fleshy and unusually tasty. With its divine aroma and taste, it resembles a mixture of strawberries, pineapple and kiwi. Quite an exotic explosion of flavors, isn't it? However, for each person it will be its own unique taste, which will resemble a mixture of different fruits.

On the green sweet potato feijoa is similar in appearance. It has a dense dark green skin that is smooth to the touch and shiny in appearance, but does not have the characteristic villi of a kiwi. It is an oblong fruit of small size. You will not meet him at every fruit stand.

What types are

World varieties:

How to eat feijoa: with or without peel

You bought feijoa for the first time and do not know how to eat this berry. We will show you how to eat it correctly.

Feijoa peel is very tart, especially if you bought an unripe fruit, and has a rather specific taste, as they say, for an amateur. Therefore, if you like to surprise your taste buds, you can use this berry as a whole, along with the peel. This combination is especially good in a salad. Just cut the feijoa into circles and enjoy.

If you are not a fan of extreme tastes, then we advise you to use only the pulp of the fruit. To do this, simply cut off the top and scoop out the pulp with a small spoon.

What dishes can be prepared from this exotic berry

It is better to consume the feijoa fruit fresh without exposing it to heat treatment.

The following dishes are most often prepared with this berry:

  • fruit salads. Feijoa adds sophistication and uniqueness to this regular dish. Try to make a fruit salad and add this berry and the dish will sparkle with new colors.
  • The pulp of the fruit goes well with dietary meat. For example, with chicken, rabbit, turkey. Try the classic meat salad For festive feast and add feijoa. At the very least, you are guaranteed to surprise your guests.
  • Any desserts. It goes well with mousses, ice cream, cottage cheese, and other delicacies.
  • Feijoa jam. However, this jam is not boiled, but only the fruit pulp is ground with sugar. You can not add sugar, because the fruits already have enough sweetness. By the way, you can grind the fruits along with the peel without peeling the berries. This will intensify the taste of the jam.
  • Tea with dried feijoa peel.

And what is generally useful in this berry? Maybe it’s still more useful to eat a banana or an apple that is familiar to us than a foreign curiosity? It is up to you, of course, to decide, however, first familiarize yourself with the beneficial properties of this berry, and then make a choice.

Beneficial features:


  • Diabetes. The fruit contains a large number of sugars, so the use of diabetics is contraindicated.
  • Excess iodine in the body.
  • Individual intolerance.

How to choose the right berry

On the shelves of our country, feijoa fruits can be found in the fall. It is during this season that the berry ripens and becomes available to our population. How to choose a tasty and juicy berry? What to look for when buying feijoa?

Give preference to fruits large sizes. It is believed that such berries will bring maximum benefit for your body.

By appearance it will be difficult to determine the ripeness of the fruit, so rely on tactile sensations. Feel the fruit - it should be slightly soft to the touch. But the skin of the fruit should be smooth and dark green, without damage and any spots. If you see spots on the skin, it means that you have an overripe fruit in front of you, which will certainly affect its taste.

It’s better to choose a green unripe fruit that will “come to condition” in a few days than to buy a rotten one and immediately throw it away. Be sure to wait until the fruit ripens at home, otherwise its taste will not please you very much and you are unlikely to want to try this exotic curiosity again.

Feijoa Recipes

healthy salad for losing weight


  • Beets - 1 pc.;
  • Any nuts - 50 grams;
  • Greens optional - 10 grams;
  • boiled chicken breast- 150 grams:
  • Spices that you like, salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Olive oil + lemon juice - for salad dressing.

Boil the beets, peel, combine with all the other products that we will pre-cut brunoise (cube). Make dressing from olive oil and lemon juice, salt, pepper, mix and tasty, and most importantly, healthy and low-calorie dish is ready.

Fruit salad"Exotic"


  • Your favorite fruits (we will take kiwi, banana, orange, apple and feijoa);
  • Sour cream or yogurt for dressing - 30 grams;
  • Any nuts are a handful.

Peel and cut fruits, season with sour cream or yogurt and mix. Lightweight and fast festive dessert ready!

Cocktail "Explosion of flavors"


  • Banana;
  • Apricot;
  • Kefir;
  • Feijoa.

Place all fruits in a blender and pour over kefir. Beat everything well until smooth. delicious cocktail ready!

Feijoa and cranberry tincture

This tincture has a very pleasant, slightly tart, sweet and sour taste. And it exudes a divine aroma! Be sure to try making this tincture if you love and use alcoholic cocktails..


  • Vodka - 400 ml;
  • Feijoa - 300 grams;
  • Cranberries - 100 grams;
  • Sugar - half a glass;
  • Water - 7 tablespoons.

First of all, we will prepare the cranberries: rinse well under running water and grind with a blender. Cut the feijoa together with the peel, after washing the fruits. Cook sugar syrup, bring sugar and water to a boil and pour into a jar of vodka. Add berries, mix, close the lid and put in a dark place. Forget about the tincture for a week, but it is better to let it brew for a month. Strain before drinking.

Feijoa for cosmetic purposes

This exotic berry is not only eaten, but also with the addition of the pulp of the fruit, excellent face masks, lotions and other cosmetics are obtained. Here are some homemade recipes cosmetics. You can cook them very easily and simply.

Moisturizing mask for dry and sensitive skin

Take one yolk chicken egg, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and pulp from one feijoa fruit. Mix our products and apply the mask on the pre-cleansed skin of the face and neck. Leave the mixture on for 15 minutes, then rinse warm water. Wipe off the rest of the mask with a cotton pad. Lubricate the skin of the face and neck with a moisturizing day cream. This mask perfectly nourishes, softens and moisturizes.

Lotion for oily skin

Prepare an alcohol-based lotion. To do this, take 50 grams of alcohol and mix with the pulp of a ripe feijoa berry. Leave for a week in the dark cool place. Strain and use the lotion in the morning after cleansing and in the evening before bed. Apply a small amount of liquid on a cotton pad and wipe the face and neck. Moisturize your skin with cream.

This lotion perfectly refreshes, tones and cleanses the skin of the face, removing excess secretions of the sebaceous glands.

From this article, you learned that there is such a wonderful berry with unique taste- feijoa. This is truly very useful product, which we advise everyone to include in their diet. Its properties are multifaceted, the benefits of the fetus are undeniable. Iodine is contained even more than in seafood. What other arguments are needed for you to try this natural storehouse of vitamins? Rather, run to the store or the market and buy this exotic curiosity for the whole family!


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The dark green feijoa fruit is rather plain in appearance. The more amazing it is to feel exotic fragrance, someone reminiscent of the smell of strawberries, someone - kiwi, and someone - pineapple. The taste of this juicy berry, rich in iodine, is also quite unusual. But how do you eat feijoa to get the most out of it? (Yes, yes, do not be surprised, in Russian the word "feijoa" is feminine!)

In its purest form

Without a doubt, it is most beneficial to eat the fruit exotic plant in its raw, so to speak, unprocessed form. Although this is not so exotic: of course, feijoa grows in Brazil, and in Argentina, and in Uruguay, and in New Zealand, but it is grown in the Krasnodar Territory, and in the Crimea, and in Abkhazia, and in Georgia, and in Armenia…

The main advantage of feijoa is in iodine, which is contained in it in huge quantities. Most content a valuable element for health is noted in fruits growing as close as possible to the sea coast. Therefore, in diseases of the thyroid gland, feijoa should be included in the diet as often as various seafood.

So, how to eat feijoa - with or without peel? If you do not really like the tart-bitter-sour taste, you can, of course, cut off the upper dark green layer with a knife: for example, the Japanese do this, which peel even grapes. But the most useful feijoa- with peel. By eating such a fruit, you will get a lot of substances necessary for the body. In addition to the already mentioned iodine, this is vitamin C, and sucrose, and Apple acid, and pectin, and natural antioxidants. You just need to learn how to choose the most delicious and ripe feijoa correctly.

To do this, give preference to fruits that, when pressed with your fingers, feel like ripe banana. Please note that the peel is not dark spots: if they are, the berry is stale, and there are fewer vitamins in it. A uniformly colored green skin and a sweetish aroma are signs of a quality fruit. When buying feijoas from the market, ask them to cut one of them in half. The pulp should be light, translucent, gelatinous, similar to jelly. If it is white, the berries are not yet ripe, if brown, on the contrary, they are overripe and unsuitable for human consumption. Unripe fruits ripen well at room temperature.

Wash the berry thoroughly and enjoy it unusual taste and aroma. Feijoa pulp is tender and sweetish, and the peel, as already mentioned, is bitter-tart-spicy with a sourish tint. It is in it that contains the most iodine and powerful antioxidants that help in the fight against oncological diseases. The black "tail" is not worth eating.

If you are still not a supporter of eating the peel, then it will suit you next way: wash the feijoa, put the fruit on a cutting board, cut it in half and scoop out the pulp from each half with a teaspoon. It is especially convenient to eat fairly large fruits. The peel, by the way, can be dried and then brewed together with any kind of tea.

About the difference between large and small fruits feijoa and which ones are more useful, you can learn from a short video:

Culinary experiments

But in pure form you can't eat a lot of feijoa. Therefore, thrifty housewives prepare grated berries for future use, and also make delicious salads, compotes, preserves, jams, sauces, desserts and fillings for baking. Here are just a few options on how you can cook feijoa.

Raw feijoa "jam"

The easiest way to do vitamin preparation from feijoa - wash the fruits (peel if desired, cut off), cut off the tails, grind (or chop with a blender), mix with sugar or honey, transfer to jars and refrigerate. Chopped walnut or hazelnut kernels can be added to the mixture. For 1 kg of feijoa, 0.7-1.0 kg is taken granulated sugar. This is very healthy treat to help strengthen the immune system.

Feijoa salad with beets

An original and simple recipe.

You will need:

  • 150 g feijoa,
  • 400 g beets,
  • 20 halves walnuts,
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of any vegetable oil,
  • salt.


Boil the beets in their skins, peel and chop. Peeled feijoa fruits cut into slices. Chop the halves of the walnuts. Mix all the ingredients, season with oil, salt.

Feijoa salad with citrus

A dish perfect for cold, inclement weather and cold season.

You will need:

  • 200 g chopped feijoa
  • 200 g peeled and chopped tangerines or oranges,
  • 1 lemon, peeled and chopped
  • 100 g chopped walnut and hazelnut kernels,
  • 50 g raisins,
  • sour cream,
  • powdered sugar,
  • salt.


Mix all ingredients. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with finely grated orange zest.

So, the only recipe how to eat feijoa does not exist. It all depends on appetite and taste preferences. Choose any of the ways you like - and enjoy exotic taste this miracle fruit, which will replenish your body's reserves of iodine for the entire period of winter-spring beriberi.

Feijoa was first discovered in Brazil, since exotic fruit gained popularity all over the world. Currently, the berry can be found in the vastness of our country, mainly the product grows in the southern regions. Feijoa has a rich chemical composition containing essential trace elements for human body.

Choosing the Right Feijoa

  1. To choose worthy fruits, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the shell. The peel should not have damage and dents. ripe berry to the touch smooth, dense and elastic.
  2. If you cut an exotic fruit, the flesh should be transparent and fleshy. In this case, the taste of feijoa will be fully revealed.
  3. When choosing a product on the market, ask the seller to cut the berry, so you can make sure it is whole and ripe.
  4. If the flesh is white, the fruit can be considered immature. Do not despair, place the fruits at home in a warm room. After a few days, the feijoa will acquire the proper maturity, it can be consumed.
  5. Exotic fruits are harvested unripe, the berries ripen during transportation. Feijoa also tends to spoil quickly. If, when cutting the fruit, you saw the pulp of a dark color, refrain from buying.

The benefits and composition of feijoa

  1. When studying feijoa, it turned out that the fruits contain a high rate of iodine. The enzyme is easily absorbed by the body, because it is in a water-soluble form. It has been scientifically proven that berries are an order of magnitude superior to red fish and seafood in terms of iodine content.
  2. If you eat only a few fruits a day, in this way you will replenish daily allowance iodine in the body. It is strongly recommended to use exotic berries for people who have problems with the thyroid gland. It is also worth including feijoa in the diet of children and the elderly.
  3. It is highly recommended to consume fruits if you live in metropolitan areas. Feijoa contains ascorbic acid, which actively prevents colds. Thiamine is involved in the normalization of metabolic processes, maintaining the work of the heart muscle and brain activity.
  4. The presence of riboflavin in the composition of berries is responsible for stabilizing the level of hormones in the body. In addition, the enzyme is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells, the breakdown of fats and the renewal of fibers and tissues. Nicotinic acid normalizes the work of the pancreas and the activity of the digestive tract. The enzyme reduces pressure and prevents the development cancer cells.
  5. Due to the content of pantothenic acid in feijoa, the work of metabolic processes in the body is restored. The enzyme actively suppresses a number of ailments and is able to cope with pancreatitis, allergies, liver diseases, tuberculosis and bronchitis.
  6. Pyridoxine helps to build enzymes that are necessary for the work of all the muscles of the human body. Chemical substance effectively affects the muscles with convulsions, spasms and numbness of the limbs. At the same time, pyridoxine slows down tissue aging at the cellular level.
  7. Feijoa is rich in niacin, an enzyme that is an integral part of the central nervous system. The substance is actively involved in protein metabolism and has a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system. Due to the easily digestible fats and proteins that feijoa is rich in, it can be classified as a dietary product.
  8. in peel exotic berries contains leukoanthocin and kahetin, chemical enzymes are recognized as the most powerful antioxidants. Substances resist the harmful effects of the environment. In addition, kahetin and leukoanthocin prevent the formation of cancer cells and pathologies.

  1. Pediatricians strongly recommend introducing feijoa into daily diet baby with extreme caution. Otherwise, you run the risk of causing intolerance in the child even after 1 berry.
  2. If complementary foods went without adverse effects, feijoa will bring the child only invaluable benefit. Due to the high content of iodine in the product, the baby will not feel tired. The berries will also positive effect for thyroid function.
  3. Feijoa has proven itself as effective product in strengthening immune system. Thus, when regular use the body's resistance increases. The child is not threatened various diseases viral infections and mushrooms. It is strongly recommended to consume fruits in the off-season.
  4. You should also be careful if the child is at risk of developing overweight or diabetes. Berries can be consumed, but it is worth limiting their daily amount and constantly monitoring the body's reaction.

Feijoa benefits for pregnant women

  1. Girls who are in position need to take nutrition with special responsibility. The main criteria remains that the products must be balanced, healthy and varied. During pregnancy, the formation of the fetus and its organs occurs.
  2. Try not to succumb to various temptations in terms of junk food, during pregnancy it would be desirable something useless. Experts recommend using girls in position various vegetables and fruits that grow in your climate. IN cold period everything is more complicated.
  3. It has been scientifically proven that feijoa, despite its exoticism, is excellent for the fairer sex during gestation. In addition to the micronutrients listed above special benefit carries ascorbic acid and niacin. Enzymes are easily absorbed by the body.
  4. Also tropical berries include high content iodine and iron. Minerals are easily absorbed by the blood and form the fetus without signs of disturbance. It is also worth considering the fact that if your doctor has prescribed iodine-containing vitamins for you, you should limit the use of feijoa. An excess of a trace element is just as harmful as its deficiency.

  1. It has been scientifically proven that feijoa has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect. With the help of various infusions, decoctions of fruits and leaves, abrasions on the skin can be healed. Remedies are great for bleeding gums and toothache.
  2. To do nourishing mask for the face, it is enough to combine the grated fruit with the yolk of the egg. As a result, the skin will receive a charge beneficial trace elements, microcracks and creases will be smoothed out. Also, the dermis will acquire an even tone, smoothness and velvety.

Contraindications and possible harm to feijoa

  1. The product is so unique that it has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.
  2. It is necessary to be careful with the fruits of individuals who may have allergies and hypersensitivity to iodine. As practice shows, such phenomena occur in rare cases.
  3. Therefore, if you are allergic, carefully monitor your health. In case of any deviations, immediately stop eating exotic berries.

Rules for the use of feijoa

  1. In order for feijoa not to leave you indifferent and bring maximum benefits to the body, you need to eat only ripe fruits. The snag can only be in the event that the berries did not have time to ripen. As described earlier, feijoas are harvested unripe.
  2. If you purchased fruits in this form, do not despair, the product can be kept in a warm room for several days, after which you can enjoy the pulp unique taste. In the process of ripening, feijoa will acquire a jelly-like filling, and the peel will noticeably thinner.
  3. The method of eating feijoa is very similar to kiwi. You can remove the peel from the berries and chop into pieces. Also, the upper part is cut off from the fruit and eaten with a dessert spoon, taking the pulp out of the cavity. Do not forget that if the feijoa is fully ripe, it can be consumed whole. As you know, it is in the peel that almost all the benefits are concentrated.

If you suffer from chronic fatigue, obesity, beriberi or a breakdown, experts strongly recommend including about 6 feijoa berries in your daily diet. After a few days you will feel better. In addition, the fruits are rich essential oils who are involved in strengthening protective shell person.

Video: the benefits and harms of feijoa
