
Chicken breast raw calories per 100. What is useful Boiled chicken breast fillet

Chicken breast is a dietary product containing a minimum of fat and a maximum of protein. The breast is a loin of a chicken on a keel bone with a cartilaginous barrier dividing the breast into two equal parts. The meat is pale pink in color, soft, fibrous, ready-made - white, dryish, well divided into fibers, the taste is pleasant, neutral, without a specific smell or taste.

How many calories in boiled chicken breast

Despite its availability and neutral taste, chicken breast is rich in vitamins and minerals. This product is recommended for people of all ages, children, athletes, the sick and the healthy.

calories The product depends not only on the composition, but also on the method of its preparation:

  • 100 g of raw fillet have a calorie content of up to 115 kcal;
  • 100 g chicken breast boiled is 95 kcal;
  • baked or fried chicken with an appetizing golden crust has already 200 kcal per 100 g;
  • breast with bones - 137 kcal per 100 g;
  • breast with skin from 165 to 220 kcal per 100 g.

chicken skin- the fattest part of the breast, its calorie content is 212 kcal per 100 g. Yes, and many nutritionists recommend that people who are losing weight eat breast without skin, very often its fat content covers all the benefits of consuming the product.

Boiled breast is healthier, because in the process of cooking, water washes out the fat present in the fibers, making the product more dietary. But the broth in which the meat was cooked is saturated with 20% of the vitamins and minerals contained in the composition of the meat, which is why it is so valued and recommended for use, especially during the period of illness.

Composition and nutritional value

As part of the fillet, there are many vitamins and microelements necessary for a person for a balanced diet and good health. The product is light and quickly absorbed, for which it is very much appreciated in dietary nutrition. And how much protein is in chicken breast, boiled or baked! Let's take a closer look at the composition of chicken white meat:

B vitamins

Other vitamins

The vitamin list is wide and has a positive effect on the functioning of all body systems:

Minerals and trace elements

The list of minerals is as large as the vitamin one:

Perhaps this list is incomplete, but the main groups of vitamin and mineral composition are named. In addition, chicken breast is a source of protein. 100 g of boiled fillet contains from 20 to 30 g of protein.

White meat is present on the menu of people of all ages, it can be given even to children under one year old as the first complementary foods. Fillets are especially in demand among athletes who need animal protein to gain mass and improve muscle tissue function. Fillet is also present in the menu of athletes for drying, during the period of the strictest diet and weight loss, when it is necessary to saturate the body with low-calorie foods.

How cooking affects calories

When cooking boiled fillet, most of the fat is washed out of the tissues, which facilitates the structure of the meat. The broth becomes saturated and tasty, but nutritionists recommend boiling the fillet in three waters, that is, draining the water after 10 minutes of boiling. The most useful will be the broth in which the chicken was cooked, it will be devoid of fats and harmful components that manufacturers stuffed chickens for rapid growth. By the way, it is very useful to eat boiled fillets cooked without salt.

100 g of boiled chicken contains:

  • 30 g of proteins;
  • 1.5-2 g of fat;
  • 0.5-1 g of carbohydrates.

Boiled meat turns out to be dry and, if cooked for a long time, it is also tough, which will be unpleasant for many, but the calorie content is the lowest.

Here, fried meat is another matter, it is juicy, appetizing and outwardly looks more attractive than boiled, but its calorie content goes off scale - 200 kcal per 100 g. The trouble is that the fillet absorbs oil and fat during cooking, on which it is cooked, besides his own fat has nowhere to go and is concentrated in the fibers of the meat.

Baked fillets are healthier than fried ones if cooked properly. To preserve all the nutrients and make the dish tasty and healthy, use a baking sleeve or foil. You can use parchment paper by wrapping the meat in a tight envelope. With this method of cooking, the meat is steamed from the inside in its own juice, saturated with the aroma of herbs and becomes juicy and tasty. Calorie baked chicken fillet - 120 kcal per 100 g.

You can reduce the calorie content of baked meat if you first boil a piece, and then bake it in the oven with spices. Calorie boiled baked meat - 110 kcal.

You can diversify the diet menu boiled smoked chicken unless there are health restrictions. To do this, boil the fillet until tender in two waters. Drain the first after boiling, along with all available harmful substances that accidentally or purposefully fell into the meat. Next, mix the boiled meat with liquid smoke and fry in a grill pan or smoke over an open fire, but it is advisable to take firewood only from fruit trees. calories such a delicacy 160 kcal.

Chicken skewers are also low in calories. Properly cooked meat on hot charcoal will cost you 116 kcal per 100 g of product.

In addition to independent dishes, boiled white meat can be used to make salads, appetizers, soups, stews and even pates.

Buying a quality product

When buying meat, be sure to inspect the piece: it should not be deformed, torn, dull, windy, or smell bad. It is best to buy chilled product with a damp shiny surface, so you can be sure of its quality and freshness. A properly prepared dish will benefit your health and the health of your family.

For dieters, it is important to know the calorie content of boiled breast in order to control their weight. As you know, this product is often included in the menu for weight loss, because it consists of useful components and does not pose a threat to the figure. Moreover, according to nutritionists and medical workers, chicken breast is of particular value in boiled form without skin. As you know, it is in the skin of the chicken that contains the greatest amount of fat.

On a note! Chicken meat in the breast area is slightly dry. When raw, it has a pale pink hue, and after cooking it becomes almost white. As for the taste, it is neutral. Boiled chicken fillet is dense, contains visible fibers. It is important to be able to properly boil the meat, otherwise, with prolonged heat treatment, it can become tough.

Calories in boiled chicken breast

Many people know that the calorie content of this product is small - boiled chicken breast without skin in the amount of 100 grams contains only 120 kcal. Meat with skin has a slightly higher calorie content. For people who have set themselves the goal of losing weight, frying chicken is not recommended, since the number of calories in this case increases dramatically. But these are not all negative properties, because the load on the digestive system also increases. Finding out how many calories are in boiled chicken breast is easy enough if you look at the data in the table.

Calorie table of boiled chicken breast

Table BJU boiled chicken breast

On a note! To increase the amount of nutrients in chicken breast, you need to cook it in a certain way. First, the product must be washed. Then add water and bring to a boil. Drain the liquid, rinse the fillet again and pour cold water over it. Salt, remove the foam formed on the surface of the broth, cook until tender over low heat. This method of cooking is relevant for meat bought in a store. By draining the first water, you can get rid of most of the chemicals. If a home product is used, such manipulations are not necessary.

When fresh chicken fillets are boiled, the weight of the meat decreases, which occurs as a result of the removal of water. In this case, part of the calories goes into the broth.

Composition and useful properties

In addition to the relatively low calorie content of chicken breast, a positive feature of the product is a large amount of proteins in its composition. This is the most useful part of the chicken carcass. Chicken fillet in the brisket has a unique composition:

  • sulfur;
  • chromium;
  • magnesium;
  • cobalt;
  • phosphorus and other trace elements.

In addition, boiled chicken breast contains vitamins of groups B, C, PP, A, E and others.

On a note! The brisket fillet contains 4 times less fat than the leg meat of the same chicken.

Boiled chicken breast is beneficial for the human body. It enriches it with the necessary protein, without loading it with extra calories, bad cholesterol and fat. And the protein contained in the fillet is perfectly digested. If you cook the chicken correctly, it will turn out not only low-calorie and healthy, but also very tasty. There are a huge number of dishes in which chicken breast is present, so the menu will not be monotonous.

Benefits for weight loss

By eating boiled chicken breast, athletes enrich their body with healthy protein without the threat of receiving a large number of calories contained in fats and carbohydrates. It is worth recognizing the obvious fact that not only people associated with sports use the valuable properties of the product. Often, boiled chicken breast is included in the menu when losing weight. According to nutritionists, it is enough to use it several times a week as a main dish to keep the weight within the normal range.

But this does not mean that you can only eat boiled chicken breast without including other foods on the menu. Despite the large amount of useful substances contained in the loin of a chicken carcass, other valuable components are also required for the development of the human body. For example, missing trace elements are present in sea fish and other types of meat.

On a note! In accordance with the diet, it is enough to consume up to 400 g of boiled chicken breast without skin per day. Moreover, it is desirable to cook meat without salt.

On the basis of boiled chicken breast, you can even arrange fasting days.


Despite the obvious benefits and low calorie content, boiled chicken breast also has contraindications. In some cases, this product will have to be eaten with caution or completely abandoned.

So, the contraindications for use are as follows:

  • allergy to chicken protein;
  • age up to six months;
  • kidney disease - a large amount of animal protein creates an increased burden on the kidneys.

With reduced physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle, you should not eat a lot of chicken fillet, because the kidneys may not have time to process protein.

Since boiled chicken breast without skin has a low calorie content and contains many useful substances, it is recommended to include it in the menu of each person in the absence of contraindications.

Meat plays an important role in building and repairing muscle tissue. However, fatty meats contain a fairly large amount of calories, so chicken breast is the best option for it. This is perhaps the most valuable part of the chicken, which combines a number of undeniable advantages. Chicken breast has become an effective tool for weight loss due to its low fat content. The basis of the chicken breast is protein, it makes up 84% of the energy ratio. The low calorie content of boiled chicken breast allows it to become the basis of many modern diets. Chicken breast can be found in any store or market. This product is much cheaper than analogues, for example, turkey fillet. However, chicken fillets cooked through conventional cooking such as boiling, frying, or roasting will taste quite dry.

Calorie content of chicken fillet depending on the method of preparation

Chicken fillet or breast contains 113 kcal per 100 grams of the product. If the fillet is on the bone, then the calorie content increases to 137 kcal. Chicken breast with skin contains 164 kcal.

The calorie content of boiled chicken breast is very low - only 95 kcal. All other calories of boiled chicken breast remain in the broth itself.

The calorie content of steamed chicken breast is also low, and is only 113 kcal. This cooking method is suitable for those who follow their figure.

Energy indicators are also low in smoked chicken breast. They are equal to 119 kcal per 100 grams of product, but it should be borne in mind that this cooking method cannot be classified as healthy food due to various additives and preservatives used in the preparation of smoked meat.

It is not recommended for people who want to lose weight to eat fried chicken breast. The calorie content of such a dish will be 197 kcal. Thus, boiled chicken breast has the fewest calories, so this cooking method is best for people who want to correct their figure.

Composition of chicken breast

Chicken breast is 84% ​​protein, which is approximately 23 grams in 100 grams of the product. 15% fat, equal to 2 grams and only 1%, or 0.4 grams of carbohydrates. The inclusion of chicken breast in the diet allows you to properly balance nutrition, aimed at increasing muscle mass and burning fat. From chicken, you can get the required amount of protein, and replenish the body with carbohydrates with the help of other products, such as cereals and vegetables.

The composition of the chicken breast includes a large amount of minerals and vitamins. Vitamins are necessary for participation in all processes occurring in the human body. They are a catalyst for many processes, including protein synthesis. Thus, without the intake of the required amount of macro- and microelements, weight loss and muscle building will be impossible.

Vitamins support natural immunity, which is simply necessary during physical exertion. Chicken breast contains almost all of the components of group B, as well as A, C and PP. It contains choline, which directly affects the functioning of the adrenal glands and kidneys. In addition, choline helps cleanse the liver of unnecessary fats. The potassium found in chicken breast regulates blood pressure and acts as an electrolyte. It promotes the transmission of nerve impulses. Chicken breast contains many macro- and microelements, such as sodium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, chlorine, phosphorus and others, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

Chicken is considered dietary meat. Of course, if it is boiled, and not fried or smoked. In almost every diet, you can find a recommendation for eating, and we mean chicken fillet. Why so, what is special and how many calories are in chicken breast? Let's figure it out.

It is known that for an athlete or a losing weight person there is nothing better than white meat. It, as you can understand, is white when cooked (compare with any other meat or look at the same poultry drumsticks), is better absorbed by the body and contains less myoglobin. It is included in the list of the most fat-free meat along with rabbit, turkey (also breast), and some types of fish.

Suitable for athletes gaining mass due to protein (you probably heard about the "champion breakfast" - chicken breast with rice), losing weight, pregnant women (the breast is almost tasteless, so it rarely causes rejection).

Boiled breast is the safest part of chicken for those who are afraid of getting fat. Take a look at its location if you have a whole carcass or part of it in front of your eyes. Breast - two pieces of fillet on the chest of a bird, completely defatted, there are no veins, bones or cartilage in it, it is just pure meat. From one species alone, it can be understood that there is a minimum of fat here.

Almost all meat contains vitamins, this is absolutely normal for muscle tissue, but B vitamins predominate in chicken. It is difficult to say who specifically will benefit from B-vitamins, it is easier to simply list their effects on the body:

  • Participation in the growth and development of cells;
  • Prevent stress, depression, disorders of the nervous system;
  • Strengthen muscles;
  • Promote the rapid breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, the absorption of proteins;
  • Support the cardiovascular system;
  • Help maintain immunity;
  • Good effect on the condition of the skin.

As you can see, the list of useful properties is such that chicken fillet can be considered a medicine. Partly because of this and because of the price (the cost of raw chicken is lower than, say, beef), it makes up a large part of the meat diet in kindergartens, hospitals, schools and rehabilitation centers. Thanks to this diet, patients can maintain the balance of essential substances in the body without getting excess fat.


A small number of calories and nutrition in one attract all those who want to lose weight and not start. Even a completely clean chicken fillet is not a problem for an adult to eat, not to mention dietary dishes that can be prepared from it.

100 grams of raw skinless chicken contains 110 calories.. This is very little, no matter what category of people you look at. Unless for a small child with his tiny calorie intake per day, chicken can make up a decent part of the diet.

For a losing weight woman, whose approximate norm per day is 1200 calories, this is also an insignificant amount, you can safely cook chicken even in the most strict diets.

But with a nutritional norm (female and even more male), where from 2500 to 4000 calories, the body will not even notice such an amount. It is also worth highlighting a special category - men who are engaged in hard physical labor (workers and military). Such men are supposed to have 4500-5000 calories per day, so there is no chicken in their diet - it will only take up space and time for cooking.

Calorie boiled chicken fillet will be only 170 calories, and fried or smoked 210 and 184 calories, respectively, despite their very nutritious appearance. Little, right? So, the energy value of baked chicken fillet is only 101 calories. This is due to the fact that during the roasting process, the meat loses its protein content.

Do not forget that only the calorie content of the meat itself is taken into account - if you fry the chicken in oil, you are unlikely to get a healthy product, it is better to use a grill.

If you look closely at the list of substances in chicken fillet, you will notice that it contains no carbohydrates at all. Carbohydrates are very necessary for the body, like all substances equally, but their excess most often leads to excess weight. If for some reason you decide to temporarily limit the intake of carbohydrates into the body, then chicken is the best thing you can eat.

For 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet, there are 25 grams of pure protein. No wonder athletes noticed the chicken, almost forever prescribing it in any sports diet. Along with cottage cheese, chicken is incredibly effective for gaining mass, plus protein doesn't go along with fat. Fat content - 7.5 grams per 100 grams, for meat this is very little.

As a result, we can see that the chicken contains nothing but protein and fat necessary for the body in small quantities, which makes its breast one of the most useful and affordable dietary products.

healthy meals

There are only 15 calories per 100 grams of chicken broth, it is incredibly nutritious and warming - it is not surprising that many even take chicken broth in thermoses with them, because on a cold winter day it can be the perfect lunch.

Making fillet broth is incredibly simple - put the meat in water for just half an hour, then remove the chicken and strain the liquid.

Chicken doesn't have to be eaten separately from all foods to get the most benefit. An excellent option would be to bake the fillet in the oven and add it to a side dish (it is better to choose some kind of porridge, because the combination of chicken and potatoes, for example, is harder for the body to digest) or to vegetables. Chicken with vegetables is a whole complex lunch that will be much healthier than simple meat. Moreover, with the help of vegetables, the dish will be absorbed faster and after eating there will be no heaviness in the stomach, even if you have eaten a hearty meal.

Recently, steamed chicken cutlets made from fillets have become very popular. Of course, frying them until crispy in oil will not work then the whole point is lost, but the benefits of this dish are beyond doubt. Instead of bread, we recommend adding potatoes to them, and you can cook diet cutlets in a regular saucepan. In such cutlets there will be a lot of meat that will not harm your health and digestion, and you can get enough of them for a long time.

The main thing that you should remember when cooking chicken fillet is the taboo on butter. If you want the meat to retain all its beneficial properties, not to absorb excess fat and not cease to be called dietary, it should be steamed or in the oven.

If you really want fried chicken, use the grill - there are many miniature, kitchen models. It will be sad to spoil such healthy meat with cooking, especially since it can easily be made tasty without fat, oil and roasts, as opposed to the stereotype, thereby eliminating its harm.

In the end, the athletes turned out to be infinitely right - chicken is affordable, dietary, protein-rich meat, and its breast combines all these properties to the maximum. Whether you are losing weight or gaining mass along with hard training in the gym, chicken breast will be the perfect nutritional option for you.

Your feedback on the article:

Boiled chicken is a favorite product of all nutritionists. Experts advise using it for children, adults and the elderly. Any proper diet includes this type of bird. How many calories are in boiled chicken? This indicator depends on the part of the carcass.

Cooking chicken by boiling is the best way. So it retains all the useful substances and does not acquire excess energy value. As close as possible to the boiled dish, chicken skewers marinated in vinegar are approaching. Other types of processing only increase the calorie content.

Boiled breast - dietary product number 1. It will be a gentle addition to many dishes - salads, rolls, soups, pates and minced meats.

One hundred grams of cooked meat without skin contains 95 kilocalories, while a raw fillet without a bone is estimated at 113 kcal, and with a bone - at 137 kcal. If you boil the breast together with the skin, then with 100 grams of the dish, 164 kcal will enter the body.

One hundred grams of chicken contains 23 g of protein, approximately 2 g of fat and 0.4 g of carbohydrates. Such indicators make it easy to calculate the daily amount of products to meet the protein norm. When losing weight and maintaining normal muscle mass, it is recommended to use 1.3-2 g per 1 kg of body weight.

The calorie content of boiled chicken, as you can see, can vary markedly.

Each part of the carcass has a different energy value:

  • boiled drumstick without skin - 110 kilocalories per 100 grams, with skin - 161 kcal;
  • boiled thighs without skin - 160 kcal per 100 g, with skin - 185 kcal;
  • boiled legs without skin - 170 kcal per 100 g;
  • boiled wings - 181 kcal per 100 g.

If we talk about chicken offal, their energy value is also low. Boiled stomachs give only 94 kilocalories, liver - 166 kcal, heart - 182 kcal.

Valuable composition and benefits

Chicken contains a large number of important substances for the body. These are vitamins (A, groups B, E, F, K, PP and H), minerals (selenium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, cobalt, sulfur, chromium, fluorine, zinc and others), important amino acids. Carbohydrates and fats are practically absent, which makes it possible to include poultry in many diets.

Meat helps in the treatment of diabetes, peptic ulcer, gout. Regular consumption of boiled chicken prevents the occurrence of hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis, heart disease.

Older people should especially focus on poultry in their diet. The meat of young individuals is most beneficial, as it is rich in vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein and glutamine. It is preferable to use homemade chicken, since the store-bought product contains harmful substances that are deposited as a result of specific feeding.

Boiled chicken dishes are healthy food and give the body energy. Meat-based broth helps to cure a recent cold or to restore defenses after surgery. A rich broth will relieve the effects of food poisoning and energize a weak body. Boiled chicken is a great food for pregnant women.
