
Wedding preparations. Preparing a beautiful candy bar

Western traditions have become very popular for weddings in Russia and the CIS. From there, modern couples learned the already well-known themed celebrations, off-site marriage registrations, the European arrangement of tables during a banquet ... They did not bypass the "sweet" side of the Western celebration - Candy Bar. This interesting detail of the buffet event looks beautiful, helps to emphasize the style of the wedding, gives guests the opportunity to enjoy delicious sweets at any time.

What is Candy Bar?

Candy bar is the so-called European "sweet table". It is a buffet table, on which there are various types of sweets, lollipops, cakes, cookies, marmalade, etc. When there is a break between dances or numbers of the competitive program, the candy bar allows the main characters of the wedding and everyone present to enjoy delicious sweet dishes. Such a structure is used everywhere - during weddings, during birthdays, anniversaries, at any other parties.

At a wedding, a bar with treats will be a wonderful decoration detail - all elements of the table with sweets can be matched in a single color scheme. Candy Bar does not cancel the appearance of the birthday cake at the end of the banquet. A table with sweets will be a great decoration for the hall while those present are waiting for the cake. Already at the very beginning of the holiday, the candy bar will pleasantly surprise those who come with its beauty, original design, and unusual dishes selected by the newlyweds.

At the end of the wedding banquet, the newlyweds can announce to the guests that they can take all the sweets that are present in the candy bar with them. So, a pleasant compliment from the beginning of the holiday will turn into an unexpected gift. Newlyweds can prepare bonbonnieres in advance for each person present, so that one or more elements of the candy bar fit there. Please note that most of the dishes by that time can already be eaten. It is advisable to stock up on an additional set of sweets that will wait in the wings in the kitchen, already packed.

What is included in the wedding candy bar?

What elements to choose for a candy bar for a wedding - to decide, first of all, future spouses. The set of sweets will depend on the style of the celebration, the personal taste preferences of the bride and groom, as well as the time of year if a fruit table is planned. If the newly-made spouses want to please everyone, they need to choose many different types of desserts - light and airy, with a lot of cream and toppings, nuts, fruit, chocolate, etc. What sweets are suitable for a wedding candy bar?

All kinds of sweets and desserts

Having decided that Candy Bar will be present at the wedding, the future spouses will have to select food options for it. It is better to give preference to light desserts that do not create heaviness in the stomach, as well as those sweets that will be easy to pick up or eat right away. It is unlikely that guests will be comfortable snacking on something that can stain the suit if not handled properly. Here are some sweets that are usually used to decorate a candy bar:

  • Strawberries in chocolate. This option is appropriate in cases where the wedding takes place in the summer, during the ripening season of this berry. Then buying or preparing such a dish for a candy bar will not cost too much. Instead of strawberries, newlyweds can use other fruits. For example, bananas, raspberries, oranges, tangerines, grapes, pitted cherries. Sweetness can be served both simply on special napkins, and on long elegant toothpicks. Decorate the dish with coconut, nut chips, powdered sugar.

  • Fruits in caramel. Such a sweet dessert for a quick snack will definitely appeal to wedding guests - a variety of fruits with a crispy crust are delicious. Serve this sweet to the guests in the candy bar in the form of pieces on toothpicks or small skewers on wooden skewers.

  • Cupcakes. These airy sweet cakes are reminiscent of cupcakes with filling on top and inside, they will become bright details of the candy bar. Newlyweds can offer those present at the wedding to choose some kind of cupcakes with different fillings. At the time of ordering these sweets, future spouses will have to look through many different ways to design a candy bar and choose the appropriate option.

Cake pops. Such an unusual dish looks festive, original and interesting. Sweetness is biscuit balls covered in chocolate or chocolate glaze, decorated with all kinds of confectionery elements. This detail of the candy bar is especially loved by children, it attracts attention and stimulates appetite. Cake pops are usually served on wooden skewers.?

  • Cookies "Macaron". This French dessert for the candy bar has won the love of the sweet tooth from all over the world. The biscuits are made using ground almonds and food coloring is also added to produce mouth-watering sweets in the desired color. Then two baked cookies are combined with a delicious filling. Macaron is ideal for decorating a candy bar in the style of Paris and beyond. Newlyweds can order them in any color, according to the theme of the wedding.

  • Marshmallow. These European sweets are a cross between marshmallow and marshmallow. Marshmallows come in a variety of colors, flavors, shapes, and sizes. What treats will be in the wedding candy bar depends on the preferences of the newlyweds. Marshmallows are served in special small vases or on toothpicks.

  • Cream baskets. Lush, airy cream in biscuit baskets, beloved since childhood, will definitely appeal to those present. To keep the cakes fresh, future spouses can order sweets with fruit filling or berries placed inside the basket for the candy bar. Such a dessert is served on a regular or tiered tray.

  • Oriental sweets. If an exotic wedding is planned, the bride and groom can make a candy bar with oriental treats - it will be unusual and interesting. Guests will be able to discover something new, to taste tastes unknown to them until this day. But such sweets may not be to everyone's taste. In addition, put something more familiar on the table of the candy bar - chocolates, cookies, marmalade.

  • Sweets from around the world. If the style of the celebration reflects the traditions of a certain country, find out about the favorite desserts of its inhabitants, and then treat them to the guests at the wedding, offering them among the sweets of the candy bar. Such a surprise will definitely surprise and delight those present, will provide an opportunity to better understand the culture of another state. But, as in the case of oriental sweets, carefully select desserts, and write the composition on special plates.
  • Chocolate fountain. This miracle device is suitable for a rich wedding, it looks amazing. Newlyweds can rent a chocolate fountain. Such devices come in different sizes - for small weddings and large-scale weddings. Near the fountain, place fruits and other dishes that guests can "dip" in melted chocolate.

In addition to the above sweets, you can use any others that you yourself like. These can be glazed gingerbread, sugar marmalades, chocolates, rafaello, dried fruits, caramelized nuts, icing, profiteroles, truffles, lollipops. Ideally, more than seven types of sweets are selected for the candy bar so that people invited to the wedding can eat a piece of each dessert. Portions should be small, best of all - for one or two bites, so that it is easy and convenient to have a snack during a program break or between dances.

Drinks in matching colors

To maintain the style of the wedding, it is advisable to select sweets in the appropriate tones, this also applies to drinks. Newlyweds can decorate the candy bar with a variety of juices - apple, orange, strawberry-banana, cherry, as well as punches - alcoholic and non-alcoholic. A good drink for a table of sweets will be compote, cooked on fresh fruits or dried fruits. To intensify the color, the bride and groom may add some food coloring to their drinks.

Making a sweet table at a wedding - photo

An important part of decorating the banquet hall as a whole is the decoration of the candy bar at the wedding. One of its main tasks is to attract attention. It is good if all the sweets are of the same color or several suitable tones, for example pink, white, sand. The beautiful decor of the candy bar will look good during a photo shoot. The main elements of decoration are, first of all, appropriate dishes, as well as textiles, printing, figurines.

Tableware that matches the theme

Dishes are an important part of the decor of a wedding candy bar. Charming jars with lids, cute crystal bowls, vases, multi-tier coasters, multi-colored trays, cups will be the perfect decoration. It is desirable that all elements of the dishes match each other in style, be of the same color or close. For themed weddings, boxes, large open shells from pearls, jam jars, baskets, even bird nests can act as stands for sweets.

Additional accessories

The right mood will be created by additional accessories for decorating the candy bar. There are many options for its decor, interesting ideas will be discussed below. Newlyweds should think carefully about what elements will be most suitable for the wedding:

  • Natural flowers. Such a solemn, elegant design will look great.
  • Photos of the newlyweds. If the main characters of the wedding put several joint pictures on the table with sweets, guests will be able to admire them while choosing treats.
  • Statuettes, figurines. Decor elements of the candy bar, reflecting the theme of the wedding, are ideal for the event.
  • Textile. Tablecloths, ribbons, lace napkins, bows - all this should be done in the same style, harmoniously combined with each other.

  • Balloons. Helium decorations of the candy bar with sweets will create a truly festive, cheerful atmosphere.
  • Cards with the names of dishes. So that the guests of the wedding celebration know the name of this or that sweetness, what is included in its composition, where it comes from, print out cards with the relevant information in printing for the future spouses.
  • Candles. These details will help create a cozy atmosphere at the wedding. Graceful long or small candles will elegantly decorate the table with sweets.

Where can I find label templates?

Candy Bar can become not only a place for sweets, but also a stand for bonbonnieres. Their guests will take with them. Boxes with sweets, as well as sweets, chocolates wrapped with labels with the names of the newlyweds and parting words for guests can serve as small gifts for those invited to the wedding. You can find templates for labels for sweets on the Internet or draw them yourself. The selected option must be printed in the printing industry.

Master class on decorating a candy bar with your own hands

To decorate a sweet table with your own hands, you will need: a large tablecloth or fabric of a suitable color, several boxes, elegant plates, multi-tiered coasters, sweets, skewers or toothpicks. The first thing to do is to cover the table with a tablecloth. Then wrap the boxes with the same fabric or a suitable tone, put the largest one back, the smaller ones closer. On them, the heroes of the occasion can put some treats on trays and coasters, and arrange other dishes with sweets on the table. See in the video below how to arrange a candy bar:

Rustic or rustic wedding decor is a popular fashion trend. To make a table with rustic sweets, the heroes of the occasion should choose natural fabrics - cotton, linen, wool. Burlap and coarse threads are perfect as a decoration for a candy bar. As coasters, trays for dishes, use wooden plates, jars of jam. It is good if the table with sweets is made of wood. Knitted napkins, bottles, candles will serve as an excellent decor for a candy bar.

Ideas for organizing a sweet table in Provence style

Provence style is beautiful, picturesque plants, an abundance of lilac, pink, white, natural materials, delicate pastel colors, French sophistication in the design of dishes. The main characters of the wedding can cover the table of the candy bar with a linen tablecloth, richly decorate it with lavender flowers, peonies, field herbs. As a treat, pasta cookies, cupcakes, gingerbread cookies, croissants are suitable. Additionally, the candy bar will be decorated with lace napkins, bows, candles, flower-patterned plates, elegant trays.

Video recipe for cupcakes for a candy bar at a wedding

Cupcakes are the perfect sweet treat for a candy bar. The design style and color can be anything - orange, blue, pale pink, lemon. To save money, you can cook a delicious dessert yourself or entrust the production of sweets to close relatives and friends. The video below shows a detailed recipe for creating original sweet cupcakes for a wedding candy bar:

Candy Bar at a wedding is delicious and beautiful. Many do not understand its meaning, but guests at the buffet will be happy to have a bite to eat something sweet, especially if the buffet lasts an hour or two. This is an opportunity to try sweets and have time to get hungry for a banquet dinner. And if you do not have a banquet planned, then such a sweet table is simply necessary at the buffet table!

What such a sweet table can consist of, who makes it, how to choose and order it, where to put it and what not to forget, I will tell you now using the example of one of our weddings, which took place in mid-September.

Candy bar is a spectacularly designed buffet table with a variety of sweets and sometimes even drinks.

A good effective candy bar is usually the result of teamwork:
the bride dreams
- the organizer listens and suggests
— the decorator develops the design
– accessories, dishes, floristry are selected
- a table is searched, a tablecloth is sewn, a backdrop or top decoration is being prepared
– confectioners, by order of the organizer, make all the necessary goodies

On the wedding day, everything is set up, the dishes are thoroughly washed and rubbed, and lastly, confectioners arrive and lay out the “sweets” on the dishes.

Candy bar can be far from alone, it can be supported by other pleasant entertainment in the composition. In our pictures, in addition to the “kendik”, an apparatus with cotton candy and a cart with a chocolate fountain and “Tutti Frutti” fruit skewers were added. There was a photo zone nearby in style and all this served as a decoration for the ceremony, which will be a separate story.

The decor is not so difficult to choose, but the bride never knows how to fill the sweet table. Most often I hear: "I want it to be beautiful and that's it." And then the organizer begins to think.

The organizer at this place must fish out two factors:
- the budget that the bride is ready to allocate for sweets
- what dishes and decor the decorator has, and of course, what kind of color scheme we have at the wedding
Knowing these factors helps to make the most optimal order without complicating anyone's life.

Of course, especially demanding brides will not mind tasting sweet sets. And they, too, cannot be denied this, think over in advance what you will treat your customers to and order a few things for them a few days before the holiday.

The most standard sweets for "kendik":
- small cakes
- cake pops (cakes on sticks)
- cupcakes (cupcakes with cream)
- baskets with cream and fruits
- macarons (light cookies with cream)
- marshmallow, meringue, marshmallow (little things)
- portioned desserts in cups: tiramisu, panna cotta, etc.

Another sweet table is great with drinks - juices or lemonades in a beautiful design. Here we have dispensers with taps, there is juice.

It is very important that next to the handsome candy bar there is a table with dessert utensils, glasses, patty plates and napkins. On the table itself, this beauty can interfere with the picture, but guests will have a hard time without these important devices.

You can, of course, put a waiter, but you must admit, it is much more exciting to cut the cake yourself, choose from an assortment of sweets and share emotions with guests. Self-service is a pleasant part of the ritual.

If you have a candy bar, this does not mean at all that you need to give up a buffet table, let those who do not like sweets have a shrimp on a skewer or vol-au-vent with caviar before the banquet.

A table with champagne will perfectly complement the exit bar, where bartenders can prepare any cocktail for any guest. And let guests who do not drink low-alcohol drinks drink a glass of vodka or a little whiskey at the buffet table.

To our deep regret, the territory near the restaurant where this wedding took place is rather limited and the “rear” view of our green lawn is not as attractive as we would like, but there was no alternative corner for our sweet fair.

But if you have the choice and opportunity, try to have something uniform as the background for your sweet table. If it is cool and drizzling with rain / heat and the sun is scorching, a tent or room is a great option, the back wall can be separately decorated with ribbons, frames, pompons.

If you think that such a table will be unclaimed, you are deeply mistaken, sometimes the bride did not even manage to see the candy bar, as the guests “swept away” everything before her appearance at the ceremony.

Recently, there has been a tendency to make such decorated buffet tables not only with sweets, we personally have already managed to make at one of the weddings instead of Candy bar Beer bar - a coolly decorated table with a bunch of hearty snacks and delicious foam. In autumn, a wine bar with cheeses and wine is relevant, and for lovers of Japanese or Italian cuisine, this can also be something special.

If you don’t want to make a themed table, then negotiate with the restaurant and effectively arrange a buffet table. For example, we have a service for those who do not like restaurant snacks - we make a decorated full-fledged buffet with homemade goodies: pastries, snacks, fragrant cookies, cheese cap pies, etc.

In general, please yourself despite the difficult times. Such a table will definitely become a feature of the event, it will be remembered by the guests on Instagram.

Organization: Alexandra Marchenko and Art de Vivre agency
Photo: Andrey Novozhilov
Decor: Maria Demyanova and Sea Buckthorn Studio
Sweets: Mister Biscuit Company

Want to surprise your baby? Create a holiday for him, the decoration of which will be a candy bar with your own hands. Believe me, you can arrange it on your own. This will take a little of your time.

Modern Candy bar with unusual decor and sweets

It is worth saying that this name hides, known to everyone, a sweet table. But not everything is so simple.
Here, a special role is given to beautiful design. Such a table often becomes the backdrop for many holiday photos.

Initially, a sweet buffet decorated traditional wedding ceremonies. No American wedding is complete without a candy bar.

Life does not stand still. Today, do-it-yourself children's candy bar is becoming more and more common. The new tradition was very well received by the kids. It becomes more and more popular every day.


The main varieties of candy bar in our country

It is quite natural that the question arises: what are the varieties of a sweet bar?
The solution to the issue depends solely on the imagination of the parents planning the holiday.
Only they determine the role that will be assigned to the table with sweets at the holiday of the child.

The most common options include:

  • Candy table with a compliment. The menu consists of one hundred percent of a variety of sweets. The main idea is to give each little guest a special box or package that resourceful adults have collected in advance. Agree that the crumbs will be pleased to remember the past holiday, feasting on a dessert-compliment at home with a cup of fragrant tea.
  • Snack table. It is supposed to be served with treats consisting of cheese and crackers, light salads or fruit snacks. The menu can be both savory and sweet, and sometimes there is a mixing of dishes. Mostly, it is found at the holidays of adults or teenagers after fourteen years. At a younger age, children simply will not be able to appreciate it.
  • Buffet. All the abundance of dishes prepared for treats are located. However, there are no restrictions. Food may or may not be sweet. A combined option is possible.

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Thus, the following positive points stand out:

  • A unique holiday atmosphere filled with magic is created.
  • Candy bar will become one of the most beautiful photo zones.
  • There is an opportunity to experiment with the latest culinary trends and tastes.

The main components and variety in the candy bar menu

In general terms, the menu offered for the sweet table is as follows:

  • Berries and fruits are a great option. They can be served both in the form of a fruit salad (portioned), and canapés, edible baskets. Cream and caramel, sweet sauces (berry or fruit) will come to the place.
  • Cake pops are a stylish table option. This seemingly simple treat is as beautiful as it is delicious - delicious biscuits put on a stick. It is impossible not to fall in love with them. The confectioner who prepared them can be safely called a master of his craft, creating exquisite masterpieces.
  • Cupcakes are small biscuit-based cakes. They are also called mini-cupcakes or muffins. They are decorated with powder or cream cap, mastic or glaze. They come with filling and without it (empty). The choice depends on the age category of guests and the hero of the occasion. As toddlers grow, muffins get more complex, and conversely, it's best for toddlers to choose something simple.
  • Cake or eclair, a basket of cream or cookies. The main thing is that it can be eaten in one bite, taking it with your hands.
  • Marshmallow. Use airy marshmallows, which are very easy to decorate. You need a product that resembles the work of professionals - dip the marshmallows successively into the icing and into the sugar balls.
  • Macarons are the most delicate dessert that even looks appetizing. A pleasant pastel shade to the cream and dough is given by special dyes. Macaroons are a type of French biscuit consisting of two layers and a filling.
  • Themed sweets. If the specifics of the holiday allow, you can diversify the table with sweets of a certain ethnic group. For example, oriental sweets. But, this is not a very popular option for kids - it is rather for adults.

We got a little carried away with the food. It's time to remember about the drinks in the candy bar.

What can be offered? Here are some rules:

  • Juices, fruit drinks, lemonade or compotes are a constant leader at a children's feast, especially with an extraordinary design (packaging). Cheap and delicious.
  • Children under three years old - limit yourself to water. It is better if it is in sports-type bottles or with a nipple. Many kids have not yet had a chance to try the juice, besides, someone may have an allergy. Forget sugary fizzy drinks.
  • Give up jugs until the child is twelve years old. Take care of separate cups (portions) for each guest. Alternatively, personalized bottles or jars with funny labels are sometimes created. Having tubes would be a good idea.
  • Cocoa or tea is served at a certain time (once). It is worth paying attention to the fact that only an adult should distribute hot drinks. We'll have to make sure that the kids do not frolic with cups. After all, no one needs burns.
  • A milkshake is also offered at designated times. The most delicious drink settles very quickly.

What else you need to read:

How to choose the right dishes for the table?

Thinking over the table setting, do not forget that it is for children. That is why items that fall into children's hands should be made of impact-resistant materials (unbreakable dishes). It can be tempered glass or high-quality plastic.

No matter what format was chosen for the wedding celebration, the candy bar will become an original and noticeable detail of the holiday. Candy-bar (in translation - "sweet table") is an elegantly served buffet table, which contains sweets, fruits, juices. Such an unusual element of the celebration, which is one of the fashionable wedding trends, will not only delight guests with delicious sweet dishes, but will also become a spectacular element of decor.

If you think well and properly organize a candy bar at your wedding, you will be able to:

  • create an excellent festive mood and an indescribable atmosphere;
  • it is beneficial to emphasize the style of the celebration;
  • create an original corner for photo shoots;
  • surprise your guests with treats, give them the opportunity to get acquainted with new tastes;

In order to impress your guests with this surprise, you need to take into account a number of important points.

Decoration is no less important than the sweets themselves.

One of the main tasks of a candy bar is to attract attention. That is, visually, it should have such a design so that each of the invitees has a desire to approach this beautiful and full of delicious treats table. A sweet table at a wedding should match the theme, style, color scheme of your celebration, that is, be a unique continuation of the main concept of the wedding. Therefore, when designing it, it is important to pay special attention to the choice of color palette, textiles, dishes, accessories, floristry.

Candy bar for weddings in different styles

The design of the buffet table should be designed in the style chosen for the wedding. There are many decor options, it all depends on your imagination.

- Rustic style
For a rustic wedding table with sweets, natural fabrics can be used: cotton, linen, wool, burlap, coarse threads. Well, if the table itself is made of wood. Plates, trays, coasters can also be wooden. An excellent decor will be knitted napkins, candles. From treats can be presented biscuits and cookies with various types of jam, honey, small pieces of pies with berry-fruit filling.

- Provence style
For such a wedding candy bar, white, pink, lilac tones, beautiful picturesque plants, natural materials, lace napkins, elegant trays, dishes with floral patterns are preferred. Cookies, cupcakes, croissants, gingerbread cookies are suitable as treats.

- East style
At a stylized oriental wedding, for decorating a candy bar, you should give preference to red, white, emerald colors. Textiles should be distinguished by the richness of the fabric and the luxury of patterns. In this case, such oriental delicacies as Turkish delight, baklava, halva, sherbet are perfect.

Choosing a color palette

To make the sweet table bright, noticeable, newlyweds often prefer white, emerald green, different shades of red, purple, pastel blue, pale pink. Of course, the choice of basic tones for decorating a candy bar is a matter of taste. But the main thing at the same time is that the chosen colors and shades correspond as much as possible to the style of the wedding celebration. The treats themselves, as well as the tablecloth, napkins, dishes, signs with inscriptions, flowers, etc. are decorated in the chosen colors.

Original and stylish dishes

It is better to choose beautiful, light dishes, preference is for transparent glass, because all vases or dishes should even “show” their contents from a distance. Depending on the chosen wedding style, you can also use ceramic and plastic dishes, bowls, jars with lids, bowls, multi-colored trays, caskets, baskets, etc. The main thing is that all these elements are combined with each other.

For different types of treats, dishes can be selected in round, square, triangular, elongated, twisted shapes. Such a variety of forms will help emphasize the abundance of a sweet buffet table. It is worth noting that it is not necessary that the dishes be the same. To make an accent and combine all the containers for sweets into a stylish composition, they can be decorated with the same ribbons, flowers, and any other thematically suitable accessories.

It is better to arrange sweet dishes on the table at different levels. The first level - flat plates, the second - vases with legs, the third - multi-tiered coasters. If desired, you can make a symmetrical layout, when in the center of the table there is a high multi-tiered stand, for example, with cakes, and other sweets are placed in the same order to the left and right of it.

decorative elements

A stylish modern candy bar should have its own unique twist. Various additional accessories can become such a special note:

- Natural flowers
Elegant floral arrangements will give tenderness to the candy bar, make it stylish and attractive. In order not to get away from the chosen theme and create a single space for the holiday, for a sweet table it is worth preparing bouquets of the same flowers that are used on the main banquet tables or in the bride's bouquet, groom's boutonniere.

- The background
A beautiful background will help your sweet table not to get lost among the bright colors of the celebration. For its design, you can use light curtains, helium balloons, light elements, inscriptions from three-dimensional letters, flowers.

- Photo of the newlyweds
You can put several pictures of the bride and groom on the table with sweets so that guests can admire them when choosing treats.

- Candles
Long or short elegant candles will decorate the table and help create a romantic atmosphere.

- Plates
For each sweet dish, you can prepare plates. In order for these cards to harmoniously fit into the overall design, they should be made in the same style as all wedding printing. The inscriptions on the cards can be very different, for example:
- names of treats ("Chocolate cupcakes with lemon cream");
- explanatory inscriptions about the composition of the delicacy;
- funny inscriptions (“We are the most delicate cakes. Do you want to know what we have inside? Then take a bite!”)

What sweets and drinks to include in a candy bar

First of all, it is worth highlighting the basic requirements for sweets that will be present on your sweet table:

  • They should keep their great appearance at room temperature;
  • They should be varied enough so that the candy bar looks rich, and the guests can choose a treat to their liking;
  • It is advisable to make portions of sweets small so that it is easy and convenient for guests to try different types of desserts.

What sweets to choose for a candy bar depends on the personal preferences of the newlyweds, the style of the celebration, the season (when planning fruit desserts). To please all guests, it is worth picking up several different types of treats. A variety of cakes, cookies, tubes with filling, portioned sweet pies, marmalade, cream baskets, lollipops, glazed nuts will certainly please your guests. In addition to these well-known candy bar treats, they also often choose:

- Cookies "Macaron"
A small light cookie baked from proteins, almonds, sugar and sealed with a delicate cream. These cookies are varied in taste, thanks to which they won the love of many sweet teeth.

- Cupcake
A mini-cake can be with cream, mastic, fruit filling. The advantage of a cupcake is a very appetizing look and delicate taste.

- Meringues
Air meringue, executed in different colors.

- Fruits in caramel
For this dessert, guests can use strawberries, bananas, oranges, tangerines, cherries, grapes. Fruit with a crispy caramel crust can be served on skewers.

- Chocolate fountain
This dessert looks amazing and tastes amazing. Near the fountain itself, you need to put dishes with different fruits, which guests will “dip” into melted chocolate.

You can complement the candy bar with a variety of juices, alcoholic or non-alcoholic punches.

Important practical points

When filling trays and vases, you need to remember the number of guests. After all, prepared sweets should be in abundance so that all those invited can try every kind of treat. In this case, it is desirable to use several varieties of dessert, so that there is a choice for every taste.

Features of a candy bar for a wedding in nature

Candy bar can be organized not only in a restaurant or cafe, but also in the case of a wedding in nature. Since it is rather problematic to know the weather on the wedding day in advance, it is worth considering where the table will be located in good and bad weather.

In order for sweets to please your guests with both appearance and taste, it is desirable:
- set a table with desserts in the shade or in a pre-prepared tent;
- it is better to cover sweet dishes with transparent glass lids for serving dishes;
- you can place bowls of ice on the table to cool the sweets a little;
- for decoration, you can use all kinds of natural materials: as coasters - cut wood, for decoration - flowers, moss, leaves, twigs.

What can replace the buffet table for a candy bar

If the style of the wedding allows, then instead of the usual table, you can use an old chest of drawers, decorative coffee tables, barrels, vintage dressing tables, shelves and even a piano.

Guests can take their favorite sweets with them.

You can make sure that guests can take some sweets with them after the wedding. This will be a certain sign of attention from the newlyweds, which will surprise and add a big plus to the overall impression of your wedding. For sweet gifts, prepare small boxes, bags, bags with the initials of the newlyweds or with words of thanks.

For what period to think about ordering a candy bar

The sooner you start choosing desserts and decorating the sweet table, the better. After all, it takes enough time to develop a candy bar that should be combined with the unique style of the wedding. It is better to think over and prepare all important issues in advance, at least a month in advance, so as not to solve the difficulties that have arisen hastily on the eve of the celebration.

Candy-bar is a trend of modern weddings, which serves as an excellent element of decor, while giving a good mood and reminding guests of the romance of your celebration. Listen to our advice, and you can organize it in an interesting, unusual and very beautiful way.

Photos: matthewchristopher.com, weddingfrance.files.wordpress.com, frenchweddingstyle.com,

weddingnewsday.com, thesweetestoccasion.com, weddingwire.com, weddingsromantique.com, bridalguide.com, thatcutelittlecake.com
