
Leaders in sales of in-line cakes. Marketing research of the confectionery market in the Russian Federation

The information was prepared for the Publishing House "Sphere" according to the data from the marketing research "Confectionery market in Russia", as well as assessments and opinions of experts from the company TEBIZ GROUP

Full version of the study: Analysis of the confectionery market

Publishing house "Sphere": What is a confectionery product? what types of confectionery are there? How much does the average resident in Russia consume?

Tebiz Group:

Confectionery products are food products that are high in calories and contain a large amount of sugar. There are flour and sugar confectionery products. The first type includes products in which the main ingredient is sugar. Explicit representatives of this group are sweets, marshmallows, caramel, chocolate, marmalade, marshmallow. The second type includes products in which the main ingredients are sugar and flour. As an example, you can select cookies, cakes, pies, cakes, gingerbread, waffles and muffins.

The average resident of Russia in 2012 ate 23 kg of sweets, of which 12 kg were sugary products, and 11 kg were flour products.

Publishing House "Sphere": What are the results of the country's confectionery industry? Where are the main production facilities located? Which enterprises have the largest output volumes?

Tebiz Group:

In 2012, the volume of confectionery production in Russia increased by 1% (for comparison, in 2011 the increase was 6%). For the market now, the ability of confectioners to show imagination and release fundamentally new or modified products on the market on a regular basis is of great importance.

The leader in the production of confectionery products in Russia is the Moscow region. In 2012, about 10% of all domestic products were produced in this region. In second place is Moscow, its figure is slightly lower and amounts to 8%. Closes the top three with 6% St. Petersburg. Lipetsk and Vladimir regions each produce 4% of the total Russian production.

The leading Russian enterprises producing confectionery products in Russia are: OJSC "Mars" (Moscow region), OJSC Lipetsk confectionery factory "Roshen" (Lipetsk region), CJSC "KONTI-RUS" (Kursk region), OJSC "Craft Foods Rus" ( Vladimir Region), ROT FRONT OJSC (Moscow), Rossiya Confectionery Association OJSC (Samara Region), KDV YASHKINO OJSC (Kemerovo Region), Slavyanka Plus OJSC (Belgorod Region), Chipita St. Petersburg" (St. Petersburg), OJSC "Confectionery concern Babaevsky" (Moscow), CJSC "Confectionery factory "Slavyanka" (Belgorod region), OJSC "AKKOND" (Chuvash Republic), OJSC "Bryankonfi" (Bryansk region), Ulyanovsk branch JSC "Confectionery association "SLADKO" (Ulyanovsk region).

Publishing house "Sphere": What results did the retail trade show in 2012? Are there any major changes?

Tebiz Group:

Based on the preliminary estimates of the retail audit, we can say that the volume of trade in confectionery products in 2012 increased to 620-630 billion rubles. This is more than in the previous year by 7-8%. The largest sales volumes are predictably recorded in the capital of Russia. Moscow provides 18% of all-Russian revenue from the trade in confectionery. However, its share has declined over the past few years, so back in 2009 the contribution of the capital to the structure of retail sales in Russia was estimated at 20%. For such massive and stable sectors as the bakery and confectionery market, this is a significant change. Following the capital with a share of 6% comes the Moscow region. The third place with the same indicators is shared by the Sverdlovsk region, the Samara region and St. Petersburg (4% each region). In 2012, the most significant progress was seen in Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory and Voronezh Region.

Publishing house "Sphere": How is the situation with prices on the market? Which of the confectionery products has risen in price more than the others?

Tebiz Group:

Retail prices for all types of products of the confectionery industry have been showing positive dynamics for quite a long time. 2011 showed the highest rate of growth in average annual prices for sweets over the past few years. Among the leaders are marshmallows and marshmallows (17.0%), chocolate (13.7%) and gingerbread (12.8%)

As for the situation in 2012, at that time there was a moderate increase in product prices. The recorded dynamics for various categories of confectionery varies from 6.5% to 9.4% per year. The main points of growth in the product-price plane are jam and jam (9.4%), marshmallows and marshmallows (9.2%), chocolate-glazed sweets (8.4%).

Publishing house "Sphere": What is the share of foreign-made goods on the market? Has accession to the WTO affected the Russian market?

Tebiz Group:

The Russian confectionery market is in the TOP-5 of the world's largest markets. It presents a large number of confectionery products from world concerns with well-known brands (Snickers, Mars, Roshen, Kraft Foods, etc.). Nevertheless, the products of these brands are produced directly in Russia: foreign companies built/acquired production facilities in the country where they planned to sell them to increase the profitability of their business.

The share of imported goods in the Russian confectionery market is only 12%. This value has remained unchanged over the past few years.

Accession to the WTO did not have a significant impact on the Russian confectionery market. The volume of imports in 2012, as well as in 2011, showed a dynamics of 4%. As for export deliveries from Russia, their volume remained at the level of the previous year. Customs duties for the past year have not changed.

Publishing House "Sphere": How has the volume of the market changed in recent years? What types of confectionery are the most popular among Russians?

Tebiz Group:

After the events of 2008, experts' opinions about the market were divided. Some of them thought that during the crisis, the population will consume more sweets (a way to please yourself and improve your mood during stress). The other part predicted a reduction in the volume of the confectionery market, based on the upcoming decrease in the level of real incomes. The latter turned out to be right about 2009, when the market showed a negative growth rate of 3%. However, then the market trend changed and during 2010-2011. the market showed positive dynamics at the level of 5-6%. In 2012, the Russian confectionery market also grew, but only by 1%. This indicator makes it possible for the existence of many scenarios for the further movement of the market. According to Tebiz Group forecasts, the most likely scenario is the market stagnation at around 3.3 million tons for the next few years.

  1. sweets glazed with chocolate (21%);
  2. biscuits (including biscuits and crackers) (20%);
  3. cakes and pastries (8%);
  4. chocolate and chocolate products (8%).

In the middle of 2015, the Russian market of flour confectionery products (cakes, cakes of non-durable storage) experienced difficulties - the monthly rate of decline in production volumes reached 6%. Until November, the trend did not change, so we can expect a further drop in production volumes.

Russian enterprises showed multidirectional dynamics in the production of flour confectionery products throughout 2015. According to the study, to fluctuations in production volumes had a downward character. At the end of November 2015, the volume of production in volume terms decreased by 2% y/y, which may indicate a slowdown in decline. At the same time, the cumulative decline in production volumes for 11 months of 2015 amounted to 4% y/y.

It was caused by a drop in demand from the population: over the period under review, real incomes decreased by more than 3% y/y, the Central Bank and the Ministry of Economic Development recorded a gradual transition to a savings consumption model. Households are now looking to optimize their spending by opting for cheaper products, refusing to buy without a reason. The minimum values ​​falling in the middle of the year are also explained by the absence of significant national holidays in this period.

Dynamics of production of flour confectionery products in Russia

The volume of production of flour confectionery products in Russia

The volume of production of flour confectionery products in value terms has a steady upward trend even in 2015. Thus, in January-November 2015, the volume of production in value terms was 7% higher y/y. The cost of production of products increased significantly due to the rise in price of raw materials imported from abroad, including cocoa powder, which affected the final cost and production growth rates.

The market of flour confectionery products in Russia: the geography of production

The largest volume of production among all federal districts falls on the Central Federal District: in the 3rd quarter. 2015, 25% of the total volume was produced there. In second place with a share of 20% is the Volga Federal District, in third place is the Southern Federal District with a share of 15%. Together, these federal districts account for 60% of Russian production in Q3. 2015. The stable distribution of shares in the total volume of production throughout 2015 shows a uniform intra-annual use of capacities in all federal districts.

Currently, domestic food prices in Russia continue to rise. This is due to both the limitation of imports and the growth of costs due to the rise in the cost of material and technical resources, raw materials and borrowed funds.

Against the backdrop of falling incomes of the population, which led to a reduction in consumer demand, enterprises have to reduce the cost of production by using cheap, lower quality raw materials.

Confectionery market: Due to falling incomes and the devaluation of the ruble, Russians reduced their consumption of chocolate products in 2015, but began to eat more cookies, gingerbread and waffles, according to data from research company Nielsen.
In the category of confectionery in 2015, sales of chocolate fell the most, according to the data of the Nielsen Russia research company provided by RBC. Compared to 2014, sales of chocolate products decreased by 3% in physical terms, which is explained by rising prices and a decrease in the purchasing power of Russians. “Chocolate is not an essential item, so its consumption is declining,” explains Sergey Glamazda, director of the food market group at Nielsen Russia. This statistics is confirmed by the international research company Euromonitor International. According to its data, sales of chocolate and chocolates in Russia in 2015 in physical terms decreased by 3.1%, to 716.6 thousand tons.

According to the Center for Confectionery Market Research (CCR), the consumption of chocolate products fell even more - by 8.4%, to 3.99 kg per person per year. The executive director of the CCR, Elizaveta Nikitina, explains this by the fact that, first of all, Russians refuse expensive, in particular imported, products. In 2015, imports of chocolate and products containing cocoa fell by 27.6%, according to calculations by the Moscow World Trade Center based on statistics from the Federal Customs Service.

The fall in demand for chocolate turned out to be beneficial for manufacturers of flour confectionery products: sales of cookies, gingerbread and waffles increased in 2015 by 6%, 7% and 9% respectively in physical terms, according to Nielsen data. In monetary terms, sales of biscuits increased by 21%, gingerbread by 24% and waffles by 25%.

Changes in Russian preference are explained by the price factor, says Glamazda. According to Rosstat, a kilo of biscuits in Russia in January cost an average of 140 rubles, gingerbread - 118 rubles, and chocolate and chocolates - 752 rubles. and 570 rubles. respectively. The growth rates of prices for chocolate and chocolate products during the year were noticeably higher than for gingerbread and biscuits. While chocolate rose by an average of 33.5%, the cost of gingerbread rose by only 16%.

The increase in sales of long-term shelf-life confectionery products to RBC was also confirmed by Dmitry Kostygin, the main owner of Lyubimy Kray Confectionery Association JSC (manufacturer of cookies and gingerbread under the Posidelkino and Orange Sun trademarks). The largest producers of chocolate and chocolates in Russia are United Confectioners (TM Krasny Oktyabr, Rot Front and Babaevsky), Mars Inc (Mars, Snickers, Twix, Milky Way, Dove, Korkunov, etc.). ), Ferrero Group (Ferrero Rocher, Kinder) did not respond to requests from RBC.

Analysts at Nielsen also note a significant increase in retail chain private label biscuit sales. In 2014, private brands of retailers in terms of sales in physical terms overtook the market leader for the first time - the Yubileinoye brand of the international company Mondelez Int. According to Nielsen, in 2014 the share of private labels was 18.7% against 15.8% for Yubileiny. In 2015, retailers' products already accounted for 21.1% of the market, while Yubileiny's share decreased to 15.6%. A representative of Mondelez did not answer questions from RBC. “Russia is a critically important market for us, in the top ten, and in the categories of biscuits and chocolate, it is one of the most important countries for us,” said the head of Mondelez Int. Irene Rosenfeld in an interview with RBC in November 2015.

Confectionery market.

Confectionery market. Annual review.

The Russian confectionery market is a highly competitive, dynamically developing sector of the economy with a very high export potential. In previous years, the state of the market was largely affected by the depreciation of the national currency in 2015, a sharp decline in income and purchasing power of the population, which in turn led to a decrease in the consumption of sweets in Russia. The consumption of imported confectionery, primarily chocolate and flour products, decreased the most. The export of Russian chocolate and chocolate sweets, as well as the export of various types of cookies, muffins, waffles and rolls, remained in the volumes of the previous year, but fell sharply in value terms. But back in 2014, the export of Russian-made sweets exceeded $1 billion. turn - one of the key trends in the Russian markets of chocolate, chocolates, biscuits and other flour confectionery. Now we can already say that most of the consequences of the crisis have been overcome by the industry. Exports have recovered and are growing, the consumption of sweets in the domestic market is recovering. The Confectionery Market Research Center regularly conducts market research with varying degrees of frequency. An analysis of recent trends in the Russian confectionery market has shown that significant qualitative changes are taking place in the industry as a whole. The structure of consumption of confectionery products and the amount of expenses for them are changing. "Shallows" the packaging of flour confectionery products with a short shelf life. Significantly improved indicators affected the export of chocolate confectionery. At the same time, for a long time, the markets for sugary confectionery products (marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade), caramel, as well as flour confectionery products (cookies, waffles, muffins, rolls, gingerbread) were in a more favorable position compared to chocolate, as consumer demand shifted towards cheaper confectionery products.

In recent years, there has been almost complete import substitution - the volume of imports of sweets (all types of confectionery products, including imports of chocolate and chocolates, imports of biscuits, waffles, rolls and muffins) to Russia has almost halved since 2014. Since 2015, consumer prices for all types of confectionery products have increased significantly - by almost 30% since 2015. Moreover, the largest increase in prices in Russia was noted in the segment of sugary confectionery products, in particular, the most significant increase in prices occurred in the markets of chocolate and caramel.

An analysis of the confectionery market also showed that in the event of a sharp fall in the ruble exchange rate, as was the case in 2015, the industry is switching to recipes that are more accessible to consumers, with a lower content of expensive cocoa products (cocoa butter in the first place or the purchase of cheaper raw materials). in foreign markets), an increase in the production of products with fillings and chocolate coating and a reduction in the production of chocolate itself, since the rise in prices for raw cocoa made the production of chocolate less profitable.

According to the forecast of the Center for Confectionery Market Research, in the markets for cakes and pastries (flour confectionery products with a short shelf life), as well as in certain segments of the marshmallow, marmalade and marshmallow markets (sugar confectionery products) and a number of positions in the markets for cookies, waffles, muffins and other flour confectionery long shelf life products are expected to stagnate in consumer demand, while the market for chocolate products, chocolate and sweets is expected to further recover. In general, in the coming year, the confectionery market will see an increase in demand for sweets, increased competition and further market consolidation.

The study is provided in .pdf format. Size - 280 pages, contains 125 different tables, graphs and diagrams. For all questions regarding the acquisition of the study, please contact: .

The CIRC also conducts research to order on a monthly basis: assessment of exports and imports of confectionery products, retail prices, assessment and forecast of consumer demand

Quarterly analysis of the confectionery market

The Confectionery Market Research Center regularly conducts operational market research once a quarter, within which it provides operational data on the production of chocolate, chocolates, biscuits, wafers, cakes and pastries, as well as prices, export and import volumes of such types of confectionery products, as flour confectionery, chocolate, chocolate and sugar confectionery. In addition, the study contains data on the current world price situation for the basic raw materials for confectioners - cocoa beans and palm oil. Data on the volume of imports of cocoa beans, cocoa, and cocoa raw materials, palm oil. Production volumes of cocoa and palm oils, as well as world prices for the main types of raw materials for confectioners: sugar, cocoa, palm oil.

Based on official statistics and market information, the Center carefully monitors existing trends in the confectionery market. The ongoing analysis of the confectionery market reflects the latest marketing data by region and seasonal specifics of consumption, which allow you to quickly assess the main trends in the current state of the chocolate, chocolate and sugar confectionery markets, as well as flour confectionery.

The study is provided in .pdf format. Size - 100-130 pages, contains about 50 different tables, graphs and diagrams. For all questions regarding the acquisition of the study, please contact: contacts.

Monthly monitoring of the market and prices

Up-to-date data on key segments of the Russian confectionery market allows you to orient yourself in the situation in time and make the most informed decisions. Monthly studies of the price situation in sales of such types of confectionery products as cakes and pastries, chocolate and chocolates, cookies, waffles, rolls, muffins, gingerbread, marshmallows, marshmallows and so on, conducted by the Center for Confectionery Market Research, contain the most up-to-date data on prices for most types of confectionery products, data on their production, import and export, as well as operational marketing analysis of key trends in the consumption of sweets in Russia and the main sales markets for Russian confectionery products.

The segment of flour confectionery products in Russia is at the stage of saturation. To increase demand, enterprises update production, give the product a corporate identity, and create new types of products. To date, there is a tendency to complicate products, since flour confectionery, on the one hand, is a product of almost everyday demand, and at the same time, on the other hand, a product for pleasure. Increasingly, “specialized” products appear, such as meatless products and sweets from various cuisines of the world, which have steadily occupied their niche in the Russian market.

The most popular type of flour products is cookies. On average, about 4.5 kilograms of this product per person is consumed in Russia, that is, in our country only 645,750 tons of cookies are eaten per year, and almost half of this volume falls on residents of the largest cities.

The share of cookies within this segment is estimated by a number of experts and researchers in different ways and varies from 30 to 60%. The question is which categories should be included in the category of flour confectionery products when evaluating the market, and which regions are we talking about. If we talk about the largest cities of Russia and the most popular types of flour confectionery products in them, then cookies look like the most attractive segment - it occupies 60% of the market volume among such competitive groups as gingerbread, which occupy 16% of the market volume, cakes and pastries 8% , muffins and biscuits 7%, and waffle cakes only 4% of the market volume. Figure 1 shows the structure of the flour confectionery market in 2013 in real terms.


As can be seen from Table 6, oatmeal and sugar biscuits are in the greatest demand in the market of flour confectionery products - they account for 18.6 and 18.3% of total consumption, respectively.

The Russian confectionery market is dominated by domestic producers. However, the share of foreign products is gradually increasing: in 2012 it amounted to 12.3%.

Table 6

Distribution of market shares by types of biscuits, % of average consumption

Types of cookies

Market shares by consumption, %

Market shares of packaged products by consumption, %

Market shares of bulk products by consumption, %



Sweet stuffed

Other butter

Dry type "Maria"


In the structure of imported flour confectionery traditionally the largest share is occupied by butter biscuits. This category includes gingerbread, biscuits, sandwich biscuits and chocolate biscuits. In the first half of 2013, the share of imports of sweet butter biscuits amounted to 37.3% of the total supply of flour confectionery products in physical terms (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

For comparison, the volume of import purchases of long biscuits (crackers, biscuits) amounted to only 4.5%. The second place in terms of supply is occupied by cakes and desserts - these sweets account for 22.8% of total imports. It should be noted that about 8% of imported cakes and desserts are frozen products. Waffles close the top three (including wafer wafers and wafer cakes), the share of imports of which is 12.9%. The “other” category includes cakes, shortcakes, rolls, muffins, buns, donuts, gingerbread, semi-finished products, ready-made breakfasts, crackers, dryers, tartlets and some other types of flour confectionery.

More than 38% of flour confectionery products that entered the territory of our country in the first half of 2013 were produced at Ukrainian enterprises, which is traditionally the largest supplier of these products to Russia (Fig. 3).

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Germany accounts for 16% of imports in monetary terms, followed by Italy with a 15% share of imports, followed by Poland, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea and France, with shares ranging from 7 to 2% of total imports. The remaining share of 18% is distributed among 43 countries.

On the Russian side, the regional structure of imports of flour confectionery products is represented by 46 regions. The leader in purchases is the Vladimir region, whose market share is 28% in value terms, or 10.9 thousand tons worth $ 44.2 million (Fig. 4).

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The leadership of the region is due to the fact that two large importers are located on its territory: CJSC Ferrero Russia, which ranks first among Russian importing companies, and LLC Mondelis Rus, which owns the third place. The fourth part of the market (9.6 thousand tons worth $38.4 million) is occupied by Moscow - the metropolitan region occupies the second place in terms of direct import deliveries. The Kursk region also entered the top three regions importing flour confectionery products with a share of 12% (9.2 thousand tons worth $ 18 million) due to the location of CJSC Konti-Rus located in the region - the enterprise ranks second among importing companies .

It should be noted that in the first half of 2013 purchases were made by 529 organizations. However, 51% of the market was occupied by six companies (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5

Russian wafers and wafer cakes were in the highest demand among foreign companies, their share in the sales structure amounted to 40.3% (Fig. 6).

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The second place in terms of sales was sweet butter cookies - this type of confectionery accounted for 32.8%. Rolls and other confectionery products account for 22.9%.

Ukraine, the leader in the supply of flour confectionery products to Russia, occupies a leading position in the purchase of these products - it owns 20% of exports (Fig. 7).

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Azerbaijan and Brazil rank second and third with shares of 17% and 16%, respectively. Equal shares are occupied by Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan - these countries each own 8%. Tajikistan and Georgia account for 6% and 4% of exports, respectively.

Looking at the export structure of sweet biscuits in detail, it can be noted that half of the deliveries are biscuits covered with chocolate icing or containing cocoa. The second place in the export structure of sweet biscuits is occupied by sugar biscuits, whose share is 42.4%. The main supplies of these cookies are directed to neighboring countries - Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Georgia. The third place in the structure of exports is shared by sandwich biscuits and butter biscuits - they account for 3.5 and 3.2%, respectively. The main producer of sandwich biscuits is Konti-Rus, while more than 40% of butter biscuits are produced by OAO Orkla Brands Russia.

In total, in the first half of 2013, 276 Russian enterprises were engaged in the export of flour confectionery products. The share of the leader - Nestle Russia LLC (Samara region) accounts for 25% of exported products.

During the period under review, this company sold 3.7 thousand tons of KitKat wafers worth $16.3 million. The second place among exporting enterprises was taken by Mars LLC (Moscow region) with a share of 9%. This happened due to the fact that Twix biscuit sales amounted to $ 5.8 million. Closes the top three exporters-leaders LLC Chipita St. Petersburg, which owns 6% of deliveries worth $ 3.6 million. The products of this company are recognizable under TM 7 -Days. (Fig. 8).

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Summing up, it can be noted that in recent years there has been a tendency to increase the volume of imports and exports of flour confectionery products, the structure of imports and exports is changing, new players are emerging. By 2015, from the point of view of the prospects for joining the WTO, the duty rate on imported flour confectionery products will be reduced from 15 to 10%. It is expected that there will be more goods, and prices will decrease. In terms of exports, positive changes are also possible. Russian manufacturers will increase supplies, improve quality and sell more products abroad.

The biscuit segment can be divided into two groups, which differ greatly both in price and in their structure - these are loose and packaged biscuits. In fact, these are two different markets. The main difference between these two groups is the price difference (loose biscuits are much cheaper) and the absence of a single Russian leader offering its products throughout Russia in the loose biscuit segment. In each region, the largest part of the market is occupied by local producers. On the whole, in Russia, the sales volume of loose biscuits is higher than that of packaged biscuits, and, according to experts, they account for about 60% of the total volume. The main advantages of bulk biscuits: affordable retail price, the possibility of any weight when buying, the ability to visually verify the quality and freshness of the product. Such a product does not require special advertising.

With packaged biscuits, the situation is somewhat different. The success of small bakeries in local markets is due to greater flexibility in production capabilities and the ability to meet rapidly changing consumer needs. In recent years, there has been an increase in the share of packaged biscuits and a decrease in the share of loose biscuits. The reason for this is the increasing role of modern retail, namely self-service supermarkets.

Packaging for cookies can be very different - cardboard, film, and even quite expensive tin are used. When creating their own packaging, which would make it possible to distinguish a product on the market and draw the attention of consumers to it, manufacturers conduct marketing research and test - polls of focus groups. On the one hand, Russian consumers, in their own words, are attracted by bright, stylish, original packaging. On the other hand, everyone remembers the Soviet times very well, when loose biscuits had high taste qualities and it was immediately possible to accurately assess its freshness and safety.

That is why many manufacturers produce packaged cookies in a transparent film - the only accent on such packaging is the bright logo of the company. But such a cookie should really attract attention and be original in itself.

The market for packaged biscuits is more concentrated than for loose biscuits - ten manufacturers account for up to 70% of total sales, and it is in this category of biscuits that there is increased competition among manufacturers. In the segment of packaged biscuits, the importance of the brand and the structuring of the price offer come to the fore. Traditionally, the biscuit market is dominated by products of the lower price segment - mainly due to sales volume in capacious regional markets. However, analysts say that the niches of the middle and lower price segments in the biscuit market are approaching saturation.

The segment of expensive biscuits, the segment of "healthy products" enriched with vitamins, low-calorie products, etc. is growing. The production of complex types of biscuits is increasing. All this is accompanied by the introduction of memorable brands to the market and the proposal of product concepts. Such reactions of manufacturers are caused by a change in the culture of consumption of confectionery products in general - consumer demand is gradually being rebuilt towards higher quality products, aesthetically designed and functional.

The price factor in packaged biscuits is less significant, since packaged biscuits are oriented towards more affluent segments of the population compared to loose biscuits, the consumer is ready to pay extra money for the brand.

The distribution of sales between varieties of cookies depends on the region, on the size of the city and its distance from the federal center. Usually in big cities consumers have more choice and they prefer something “original”. But mostly Russians prefer sweet biscuits, whose share in total sales is about 50%.

The share of complex biscuits in the sales of packaged products is still lower, which is largely due to the high price of this product. In general, prices for biscuits have a wide range, which is due to the presence of a large number of different varieties of biscuits. The assortment range presented in stores is very wide.

Today, an increasing number of packaged and branded products from small local manufacturers appear on the market. Last but not least, this is due to the requirements imposed on products by chain stores, and the fact that with today's abundance of various sweets, it is no longer profitable to produce “just” cookies. Moreover, for a successful new product launch, products must be produced under well-known and/or heavily advertised brands.

For example, the Bezhitsky Food Processing Plant (Bryansk) has released an original line of crackers under the trade mark Pikantel, which includes such items as Pikantel with Basil, a fragrant cracker with a piquant taste of basil and a delicate aroma of cheese, and Pikantel with flavor pizza”, with the taste of classic pizza.

Today, many manufacturers find some kind of "zest" on which they can successfully focus the attention of consumers and push them to the necessary associations.

Thus, in 2008 the Sladkaya Sloboda company (city of Kirov) produced biscuits "Derevenskoye Glazed" in a colored flow-package weighing 285 grams. The manufacturer drew the attention of buyers to the fact that the biscuits are made with village milk, which is associated with naturalness, environmental friendliness and health benefits.

A popular recent marketing move by Russian companies is the positioning of their products as goods for fasting people. For example, the Confectionery Association "Lubimiy Krai" (Leningrad region, the city of Otradnoye) in 2008 developed lean products for the beginning of Lent. The company produced oatmeal and butter cookies under the Stuchki and Posidelkino brands.

Another trend is the growth in sales of complex confectionery - cookies covered with chocolate, or products with filling, such as cookies with marshmallows, cookies with marmalade. The buyer likes interesting products, so any unusual solutions from manufacturers are in high demand among the consumer. Most major manufacturers have such products in their product portfolio.

The Harris company produces sandwich-type BisQuick cookies with various fillings: vanilla, strawberry, cocoa, “boiled condensed milk”. The confectionery factory "Bolshevik" produces both biscuits with fillings and glazed biscuits.

The assortment of the factory includes Yubileinoye cookies covered with milk or chocolate icing, Prichuda cookies with various fillings (apricot, orange, cherry, pear, strawberry jam, caramel soufflé) and covered with dark chocolate icing, as well as Prince cookies in the form of a sandwich with nut, chocolate and milk fillings.

The Orion company specializes in the production of complex cookies. The best known are Choco-Pie chocolate-coated biscuits filled with mashmallow cream and Choco Boy chocolate-capped shortbread cookies in the shape of a fungus.

Experts see the need for constant expansion of the range of manufacturers. Confectionery is the segment in which the consumer has less strong preferences and is more willing to experiment and try everything new.

In the packaged biscuit market, the following companies can be distinguished among the main Russian manufacturers:

JSC "Bolshevik" (Moscow) is a leading manufacturer and distributor of confectionery products. The trademarks of this company include "Jubilee", "Barney", "Tornado", "Shokobarokko". Bolshevik is one of the largest manufacturers of packaged biscuits in Russia (its market share is 30-40% of 40% of total packaged biscuit sales). Among the main brands of sugar biscuits, the highest growth in market share was recorded by the most expensive brand - Yubileiny with glaze.

Research results show that 97% of the Russian population knows the Yubileinoye brand, 50% of consumers prefer Yubileinoye to other brands.

The United Confectioners holding is the largest confectionery holding in Russia, uniting more than a dozen food industry enterprises in Moscow and many regions from St. Petersburg to Blagoveshchensk. Among the assets of the holding are the most famous and oldest Moscow confectionery factories - Krasny Oktyabr, Rot Front and Babaevsky Confectionery Concern, founded in the 19th century.

The enterprises of the holding own the most recognizable and popular confectionery brands in Russia and the CIS, under which almost all types of confectionery products are produced: chocolate and bars, consumer and premium candies, various types of cookies and biscuits, marmalade, marshmallows and other sweets. Rot Front, Krasny Oktyabr and Babaevsky are included in the list of Top 40 Most Expensive Brands in Russia (according to Interbrand Zintzmeyer & Lux AG).

United Confectioners Holding successfully competes in the Russian market with transnational corporations Nestle, Mars and Kraft Foods. Products are sold through a developed distribution network throughout Russia, as well as in the USA, Europe, Israel, the CIS countries and a number of Middle East countries. Among the permanent consumers of the holding's products are the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kremlevsky" food plant, the Government of Russia, the Moscow Mayor's Office and the Moscow Patriarchate.

The Russian holding company United Bakers (Voronezh) is the largest Russian manufacturer of crackers, biscuits and extrusion products, owns 38% of the Russian cracker market, 7.5% of biscuits, 23.5% of the production of extruded finished products, 90% of semi-finished products for the confectionery industry .

The company owns registered trademarks:

Lyubyatovo is Russia's leading brand in the segment of ready-to-eat extrusion products.

"Yantar" - popular varieties of cookies, united under the umbrella brand of a major manufacturer.

"Udivlyandiya" - extrusion breakfasts for children.

"Fanteks" - extrusion semi-finished products for use in the food industry. They are used in the manufacture of premium sweets, chocolate and ice cream from well-known Russian and foreign manufacturers (Cadberry, Nestlé, Craft Foods, Korkunov and others).

Confectionery Association "SladCo" is one of the largest manufacturers of confectionery products in Russia. The association is one of the five leaders in the confectionery industry and produces all the main types of confectionery: chocolate, sweets, caramel, cookies, waffles.

SladCo is a company with national distribution, whose products are presented throughout Russia from Khabarovsk to Kaliningrad. SladCo products are also present in the CIS countries. In 2005, the company was acquired by the Norwegian concern Orkla. At the moment, SladCo is a company with foreign capital (100%).

The confectionery association is presented in three main categories:

1. Chocolate (candies in boxes, chocolate bars, bars, candies by weight, packaged candies by weight);

2. Flour confectionery (cookies, waffles, waffle cakes, crackers);

3. Caramel (by weight, packaged).

Currently, SladCo products are manufactured at two production sites: in Yekaterinburg; in Ulyanovsk.

Product quality and consumer interests are an absolute priority for the company.

The Lakom Group is a large Russian trade and production holding in the confectionery sector. The head office is located in St. Petersburg, production sites are located in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. The holding's production capacities allow to produce up to 60,000 tons of confectionery products per year. The Lakom group of companies occupies 10% of the sugar biscuit market in Russia. Distribution of products from factories belonging to the Lakom group covers all federal centers and the largest cities of Russia.

The holding includes the First Biscuit Factory, Golden Key (confectionery factory), PK Ladoga, as well as the company of the same name - Lacom. The assortment of the group consists of various types of cookies, waffles, marshmallows, marmalade and has more than 500 items.

By the nature of production, sugar cookies are the most common today. The predominance of sugar biscuits in the market is explained by the peculiarities of its production, since high-performance conveyor lines are used in its manufacture, while in the production of the so-called jigging biscuits (typical representatives are kurabye, glagolitic, etc.) small-scale production is used (up to 1.5 thousand kg per shift). That is why there is a predominance of only a few trademarks of sugar biscuit manufacturers, the most famous of which is Bolshevik OJSC. At the same time, the production of jigging biscuits remains the lot of small and medium-sized businesses. The share of dry biscuits (typical representatives are crackers) is not very large. A number of experts attribute this to some monotony of this type of cookie.

Filled biscuits have not yet won a worthy place among other varieties. This is due to a small supply of this type of biscuit and, accordingly, weak demand, as well as the fact that the technique that allows it to be made has appeared relatively recently, it is quite expensive and is not yet very common in the industry.

Manufacturers tend to place visual information about the additives contained in cookies on the packaging, applying images of nuts, chocolate, lemon, grapes, etc. This allows the customer to accurately identify the right flavored cookie on the counter without having to read the ingredient information. The optimal weight of a package of cookies for individual consumption is 200 g, for family (collective) consumption - 400 - 500 g. It is this weight range that retail outlets strive for when self-packing weight cookies.

As a rule, the buyer prefers medium-sized biscuits, as they are contained in the package in larger quantities, which is relevant for collective consumption. Some manufacturers, when it is difficult to visually determine the quantity of the product, indicate on the packaging not only the weight, but also the number of pieces in one package, thereby protecting the biscuits from damage as a result of attempts by buyers to determine the quantity using the "probing" method.

Summarizing the analysis of the domestic market of flour confectionery products, it should be noted that the production of biscuits is growing every year, and the number of domestic biscuit manufacturers is also growing. Manufacturers are looking for new niches for this market. The niche of the so-called office cookies is considered relevant. Now this market niche is filled exclusively with imported biscuits - only they correspond to the "premium class" category.

The niche of packaged biscuits in large packages (250 - 300 grams) is practically free - a kind of table biscuit for the whole family, designed for daily mass consumption.26

Currently, the Russian biscuit market continues to develop, but in many respects its development begins to slow down the negative trends regarding the growth of the welfare of the population. In the future, the growth of the biscuit market will continue, however, it will be characterized by increased competition, the emergence of new players and new, more sophisticated types of biscuits, and an increase in the role of quality and appearance of manufactured products.
