
The amount of liquid in a teaspoon. How many milliliters are in a teaspoon, tablespoon and dessert spoon

jpg" alt="How many ml are in a tablespoon?" > Very often in culinary recipes, recipes for cosmetic masks, traditional medicine tips and many other sources, you can find the need to measure one or another ingredient with a tablespoon. There are recipes where, on the contrary, there is not a word about tablespoons and teaspoons, and all components are indicated in grams or milliliters. Very often, in both of these situations, it is inconvenient to measure the ingredient in the way proposed in the recipe. For example, you are told to measure out two tablespoons of broth, but you are used to measuring liquids with a measuring cup. Or the opposite situation, when there is no measuring cup at hand and it becomes necessary to find out how many milliliters are contained in a tablespoon.

What is a tablespoon is known to every person from the first year of life. It is to her that we eat soups, cereals or jams, and also often use it as a measure of volume for products. However, when converting from tablespoons to milliliters, one must understand that different products will fit in the same spoon in different quantities.

The volume of a tablespoon usually ranges from 12 to 18 ml. In this case, this means that an ordinary tablespoon holds from 12 to 18 ml, for example, of water. The spread in values ​​is explained by the fact that tablespoons are different. The most common spoons in Russia are 7x4 cm and 5x3.5 cm. Their volume is precisely the upper and lower limits of the range. If we talk about other countries, then, for example, in the USA, Canada and New Zealand, 1 tablespoon is half an American fluid ounce or 14.787 ml, and in Australia a regular tablespoon holds as much as 20 ml.

Note that when they talk about the number of ml in a tablespoon, they mean the volume, not the weight of the contents. Since the density of various substances is not the same, the weight of the contents will also be different - for example, a 7x4 tablespoon holds 20 grams of milk, 15 grams of vinegar or 17 grams of vegetable oil.

In medicine, dosing medicines with tablespoons is also very common. Usually the calculation is made on the assumption that a tablespoon contains 15 ml of liquid. However, such a dosage will be deliberately inaccurate - due to the fact that a tablespoon is not a measuring device, even two doses measured with the same tablespoon can differ by a whole ml.


To accurately determine how many grams in a tablespoon of bulk, solid, or liquid food ingredients, you should have a special table on hand that shows the weight values ​​\u200b\u200bof the most popular products that are most often used in cooking.

For the preparation of tasty and healthy dishes, it is necessary not only to use high-quality products, but also to accurately observe the ratio of ingredients. But not every home kitchen has special scales. It is faster and easier to use ordinary tableware, such as a tablespoon, as measuring utensils.

All recipes that are printed in cookbooks or on websites dedicated to cooking contain information about the weight ratio of the ingredients used. Different products can be quickly measured with ordinary tablespoons or teaspoons, knowing how much of a particular food product such a cutlery holds.

Such a useful memo should hang in the kitchen of every housewife, helping her quickly measure the exact amount of certain products. This will speed up the preparation of breakfasts, lunches and dinners and improve their taste. Knowing exactly how much this or that type of food weighs in a tablespoon, even a novice cook will never make a mistake in the dosage.

Different products have different density and different filling, which is reflected in their weight. A tablespoon has long been a universal measure for determining the weight volume, which is not inferior to scales in terms of measurement accuracy. All bulk ingredients are calculated taking into account the natural slide, which is gained during the normal filling of the spoon.

Weight ratio table for a tablespoon

Name of productsWeight with a slide in gWeight without slide in g
Wheat flour30 20
Sugar25 20
Powdered sugar28 22
Extra salt28 22
Rock salt30 25
Baking soda28 22
Dry yeast11 8
Cocoa25 20
Ground coffee20 15
cinnamon powder20 15
Crystalline citric acid16 12
Rice18 15
Honey30 25
Granulated gelatin15 10
table vinegar13
Whole milk13
Vegetable oil12
Melted margarine12

Based on this measure of the volume of different products, you can quickly weigh the right amount of ingredients for preparing a prescription dish. Accurate observance of proportions always has a positive effect on the taste and nutritional qualities of any dish.

How many grams in one tablespoon

Not only young, but also experienced housewives will help weigh a tablespoon. How many grams or ml fit in it does not depend on the volume of a tablespoon, which remains the same even with its different forms, but on the type of bulk or liquid products.

They can have different grain sizes and densities, which affects their "fitting" in a tablespoon. Some components of dishes, such as wheat flour or powdered sugar, have a very fine grinding, so more can fit in a spoon. However, the density of such products is not very high, so they will have a small weight in such a measuring device.

Liquid products also have different densities and viscosities, which affects their weight when using a cutlery as a measuring instrument. The hostess just needs to know about it and take with her a summary measuring table using a tablespoon as a measure of weight for various food ingredients, including the most popular products or those that are often used for preparing homemade lunches and dinners.

Without flour, it is impossible to cook pastries, which require a large amount of this bulk product. In this case, a special measuring cup or cup can be used as a measuring container.

A tablespoon will help measure a small amount of flour when you need to cook:

  • sauce;
  • breading for cutlets or cheesecakes;
  • puree soup;
  • custard or other dish to which flour is added to thicken.

To quickly prepare such dishes and obtain the desired degree of viscosity, you need to know exactly how many grams are placed in a spoonful of grams without a large slide. The volume of flour or potato starch in a tablespoon will be 25-30 g. Using such a dispenser, which is available in every kitchen, will help you accurately and quickly measure the flour in the right amount.


Healthy and tasty semolina porridge can be cooked correctly only if the exact ratio of milk and semolina is observed. If you can measure the liquid with a glass, then it is not always possible to accurately determine the amount of semolina. Semolina swells strongly in hot milk, and if there is an error in the ratio of products, the porridge turns out to be too thick and not tasty.

If you know how many grams a tablespoon holds semolina, then you can always cook a delicious and satisfying breakfast. It is enough to remember that one tablespoon of semolina contains 20-25 g.

If weight butter is used, then cooking with its use will be greatly simplified if you know that in solid form it fits 20 g in a tablespoon, and 17 in melted butter. Knowing how many grams of butter are in a tablespoon, you can quickly calculate it weight for a particular dish.

Sunflower oil

When weighing vegetable oil in this way, it should be remembered that it must be without sediment, otherwise its weight will increase and the ratio of ingredients will be disturbed. You also need to remember that when chilled, its weight decreases, so you should weigh such a product only when it reaches room temperature.

If ml is indicated in the recipe, then you can make a calculation by counting the ratio of the number of spoons to a faceted glass. In a tablespoon is placed 12 g of an oily product.


This product is used as often as salt. Sugar is put in baking, and also added in a small amount to spice up and emphasize the brightness of taste sensations in different dishes:

  • salads;
  • gas stations;
  • fills;
  • pickles and blanks;
  • second courses;
  • fruit drinks and other drinks.

Always remember how many grams of sugar are in a tablespoon, a table from a cookbook or thematic Internet resources will help. It should be remembered that sugar absorbs water well and increases its density, which leads to a decrease in its volume for the same weight.


Almost all dishes in the cooking process have to be salted. The exact ratio of salt to the volume of the dish will allow you to create a bright flavor range, avoiding undersalting and oversalting food. When weighing such a product, it should be remembered that it has a heavy specific gravity.

In one tablespoon in dry form, it holds 25-30 g. The weight of salt may differ depending on the grinding, which is of the 1st or 2nd type. If a spoon scoops it up with a large slide, then the weight of salt then reaches 30-35 g.


Unlike other viscous products, honey is heavy in weight. In a tablespoon, its weight is 40 g. To accurately determine the weight, candied honey should be melted in a water bath. This will simplify the calculation of the amount of its weight in the preparation of confectionery and other dishes that require its use.

Honey is one of the few products that is always measured only in spoons, because when weighed on a scale, it remains on the walls of the dishes that are placed on the weighing platform.


Vinegar is used in sauces and salad dressings, in the preparation of marinades and canned vegetables, and also to extinguish soda in the preparation of dough. It holds 10 g in one tablespoon. When taking measurements, you need to pay attention to the concentration of this product, which can be from 6 to 9%.

Other products

Measuring the weight of ingredients when cooking with a tablespoon will allow beginners and experienced housewives to create not only tasty, but also healthy dishes. You can measure other products with such a cutlery, knowing what it includes with a slide:

  • cocoa - 30 g;
  • gelatin in granules - 15 g;
  • water - 12 g;
  • rice - 17 g;
  • dried yeast - 11 g;
  • medium grind coffee - 20 g;
  • cow's milk - 13 g;
  • cinnamon powder - 20 g;
  • ground nuts - 12 g;
  • dry grass, tea - 6 g;
  • raw herbs - 10 g.

Housewives can make their own table of the volume of different food ingredients, using the ratio of glasses and spoons, writing how many of the latter fit in a glass. Knowing the volume of a large glass container and the number of spoons included in it, you can accurately calculate the ratio of certain food components of a particular recipe.

Secrets of weighing products without scales

It will be easier to prepare delicious food without using a kitchen scale, knowing the average weight of a number of products. The indicators are as follows:

  • a small chicken egg - 50-55 g;
  • yolk - 15 g;
  • protein - 35 g;
  • regular chicken egg - 55-65 g;
  • large chicken egg - 65-70 g;
  • medium potato tuber - 150-200 g;
  • medium onion - 150 g;
  • small garlic clove - 5 g.

All this useful information can be beautifully arranged and hung in your kitchen for ease of use in the cooking process.


When using cutlery to calculate the weight of the ingredients specified in the recipe, it should be borne in mind that the volume of glasses and spoons may vary slightly depending on their shape and size, so they can fit a different amount of food. If you need to make accurate calculations, you can purchase culinary measuring bowls and scales in specialized stores.

Often people are faced with the use of drugs in drops, so you need to know how many drops of liquid are contained in certain improvised items.

Accepted drop volumes

Water (hydrogen oxide) is the lightest liquid. The volume of one drop is 0.05 milliliters. The volume of an oil drop is 0.06 ml.

Volumes of one drop of water:

  • 0.05 cubic centimeters.
  • 50 cubic millimeters.
  • 0.0005 liters.
  • 0.00005 decalitre.
  • 0.0005 deciliters.
  • 50 microlitres.
  • 50,000 nanoliters.
  • 50,000,000 picoliters.

Important! The water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and oxygen, which are joined together by a covalent bond.

How to measure drops in milliliters?

Liquid medicines are usually issued with a dispenser that allows you to determine the required number of drops.

If there is no dispenser or it is lost, then you should not be upset, because you can determine how many drops are in 1 ml of liquid.

It should be noted in advance that the amount will directly depend on the density and surface tension (the thermodynamic characteristic of the interface between two phases in equilibrium).

To determine the amount, it is worth using the pharmacological table, which was created by specialists during the existence of the USSR.

The number of drops in 1 ml of different drugs:

  1. Water infusion of glucose - 51.
  2. Motherwort infusion - 51.
  3. Peppermint essential oil - 47.
  4. Validol - 48.
  5. Infusion of medicinal valerian - 51.
  6. Hydrochloric acid - 21.
  7. Adonizide - 34.
  8. Medical ether - 62.
  9. Chloroform - 87.
  10. Cordiamin - 29.
  11. Hawthorn extract - 52.
  12. Buckthorn extract - 40.
  13. A solution of adrenaline hydrochloride 0.1% - 25.
  14. Oil retinol acetate - 41.
  15. Ammonia-anise drops - 49.
  16. Alcohol iodine 5% - 48.
  17. Alcohol iodine 10% - 56.
  18. Nitroglycerin 1% - 53.
  19. Lily of the valley infusion - 50.
  20. Infusion of wormwood - 51.
  21. Alcohol tincture - 50.
  22. Corvalol - 25.
  23. Vitamin D - 30.
  24. Hydrogen peroxide - 23.
  25. Essential oil - 17.
  26. ASD fraction 2% - 40.
  27. TRA flavoring - 35.

In 1 ml of water - 20 drops. Thanks to this table, you can calculate how much you need to drink medicines.

The right amount is measured in spoons or a pipette. A pipette is a measuring or dosing vessel that looks like a tube.

Types of pipettes:

  1. Mora pipette.
  2. Graduated pipette.

Mohr pipette volumes (expressed in ml):

In medicine and pharmacology, a pipette with a volume of 1 ml is most often used.

Volumes of graduated pipettes (expressed in ml):

Number of drops in a teaspoon and a tablespoon

Measurement often helps to save time, to understand how much medicine should be added to water (provided that it is taken in dissolved form).

Note! There are such types of spoons:

  1. Tea (5 ml).
  2. Dessert (10 ml).
  3. Canteen (15 ml).

Table: number of drops in spoons

With inflammation of the ear, boric acid is prescribed, which is available in the form of drops and powder. Boric acid acts as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent.

Number of drops in a teaspoon of boric acid:

  1. Without a slide - 240.
  2. With a slide - 432.

Measurement with a syringe

If the medicine does not provide a measuring cup, then a syringe is used to measure the dosage:

  1. For big dosage uses a syringe with a volume of 5 ml. In a syringe with such a volume of 100 drops.
  2. For little ones dosages, an insulin syringe (1 ml) is used. The peculiarity of this syringe is the presence of decimal secretions, which allow you to accurately measure the liquid.

    The insulin syringe holds 20 drops.

Important! To measure the amount in the syringe cube, the same standards apply as for one milliliter.

Other measurement methods

If you do not have a dispenser, pipette or syringe at hand, use the tips below.

You can measure the required amount in the following ways:

  1. Take a tube intended for drinking beverages. Immerse it halfway in the liquid. Close the other end with your finger and slowly drip the liquid into a separate container.
  2. Fill a tablespoon to the top with liquid. Place another spoon under it and slowly dig in.

How many ml in a drop

Often medicines are produced with a dispenser, but without a measuring spoon.

Note! If the doctor prescribes the dosage in ml, then you should use the reverse calculation of the conversion of drops to ml.

How many ml in one drop in different medicines:

  1. Echinacea tincture (treats constipation, gastritis) - 0.05.
  2. Ambrobene (for cough) - 0.09.
  3. Motherwort infusion (soothes) - 0.05.
  4. Corvalol (helps with tachycardia) - 0.07.
  5. Valerian tincture (soothes) - 0.05.
  6. Eleutherococcus tincture (treats chronic pyelonephritis, herpes) - 0.05.

Table: the number of milliliters in one drop

The difference between water and essential oils

The difference between the volume of water and essential oil is 0.01 ml. It occurs due to the higher density of the oil. These substances are radically different in composition.

Essential oil composition:

  1. Monoterpenes.
  2. monoterpene alcohols.
  3. Esters of monoterpenes.
  4. Phenols.
  5. Terpene aldehydes.
  6. Ketones.
  7. Furanocoumarins.
  8. Sesquiterpenes.

Water is less dense in its liquid state.

Water composition:

  1. Ions.
  2. dissolved gases.
  3. biogenic elements.
  4. Trace elements (30 types).
  5. organic matter.
  6. Toxins.

Important! Water tends to transform into different substances, as a result of which the volume of the substance changes.

Processes that occur with water:

  1. Boiling (liquid turns into vapor when heated).
  2. Condensation (transition of vapor into liquid).
  3. Crystallization (transformation of water into ice).
  4. Melting (melting of ice).
  5. Sublimation (ice turns into steam).
  6. Desublimation (steam turns to ice).

Measurement of liquid in glasses

Typically, glasses with a volume of 200 grams are selected for measurement.

The volume of different liquids in a glass:

  1. Water - 200 ml.
  2. Milk - 200 ml.
  3. Vinegar - 200 ml.
  4. Ghee - 195 ml.
  5. Melted fat - 195 ml.
  6. Olive oil - 185 ml.
  7. Vegetable oil - 185 ml.
  8. Melted margarine - 180 ml.

Useful video

Experienced housewives rarely use a measuring cup or a kitchen scale, because everything is done by eye. However, some complex dishes require perfect proportions, such as pastries and desserts. In this case, you can use an ordinary glass or spoon, as our mothers and grandmothers once did. And, by the way, they made the thinnest lacy pancakes, ruddy pies, crumbly cookies and perfectly baked tender biscuits, which were eaten very quickly. Measures for measuring weight at home are simple - a thin and faceted glass, a teaspoon and a tablespoon. Let's talk about how many products fit in these containers.

Measuring food in a glass

The measure of weight in a glass depends on whether you are using a thin or faceted glass, as they are different from each other. The faceted glass has a volume of 200 ml, several edges and a rounded rim. Thin glass - absolutely smooth and designed for 250 ml. Liquids (water, wine, milk, juice, cream) are easy to measure, but bulk products with the same volume have different weights, which greatly complicates the measurement process. This is exactly what a table of measures for the weight of products is needed for - with it you will never make a mistake and measure out exactly as much sugar and flour as is required for a cake or cookie.

Comparing products, we will indicate the amount in a faceted (first digit) and thin glass (second digit). For example, one glass holds 140–175 g of wheat flour, 180–220 g of granulated sugar, 190–230 g of vegetable oil, 185–240 g of melted butter, 250–300 g of condensed milk and 270–330 g of jam. As for cereals, 70–90 g of oatmeal, 170–210 g of buckwheat, 150–200 g of semolina, 190–230 g of rice, peas, beans, millet, pearl barley, barley groats and small pasta can be poured into a glass. This will fit 130-140 g of crushed nuts, 130-160 whole almonds and hazelnuts, 265-325 g of honey, 210-250 g of sour cream, 250-300 g of tomato paste and 100-125 g of ground crackers.

A little about weight measures in a tablespoon and a teaspoon

It is hard to imagine how you can measure five glasses of flour or a liter of milk with spoons, so these cutlery is suitable for measuring a small amount of food. For example, if you need just a little flour to make airy cakes, bechamel sauce, vegetable, meat or fish cutlets, you can use a teaspoon or a tablespoon.

One tablespoon is 18 g of liquid, 25 g of oatmeal, sugar, semolina, buckwheat, pearl barley, millet and rice. You can fully count on the fact that 17 g of vegetable or melted butter, 30 g of flour, salt and ground nuts, 25 g of sour cream and cocoa powder, 20 g of powdered milk, 30 g of starch and honey will fit in a spoon. You will get only 15 g of ground crackers, but you can scoop up 50 g of jam with a tablespoon. With a miniature teaspoon, you can measure out 10 g of sugar, starch and sour cream, 8 g of flour, 9 g of cocoa, 7 g of honey, 5 g of vegetable oil and milk. A teaspoon also holds 10 g of walnut kernels, 17 g of jam, about 5 g of cereals and peas, 2–4 g of cereal flakes.

Accuracy - the politeness of kings

To measure the weight of products without weights, you need to follow some rules that will help you strictly follow the recipe. For the preparation of appetizers, soups, main dishes and side dishes, this is not so critical. However, in some cases, for example when baking bread, the wrong ratio of liquid and flour can lead to a slowdown in fermentation. With a lack of moisture, the dough does not rise well, and the bread has a dry, crumbly texture. If, on the contrary, there is too much moisture, the baking turns out to be heavy, blurry, with a raw and sticky crumb.

We measure products correctly

How to use home weight measures correctly? Liquid products should be filled to the limit, that is, to the very brim. It is more convenient to apply viscous and thick mixtures (honey, jam, sour cream) with a spoon, making sure that the glass is completely filled. Fill containers with loose and viscous products with a slide, and do not scoop flour and starch directly from a bag or bag, but pour it with a spoon so that voids do not form. No need to shake, loosen and tamp the food, and if you need to sift the flour, do it after measuring. The fact is that when sifting, the flour becomes more voluminous, which means that its weight will also change. For comparison, a thin glass contains 160 g of flour when properly filled, 210 g of tamped flour and 125 g of sifted flour. Changing the characteristics of products also affects their weight - for example, an increase in humidity makes salt, sugar and flour heavier, and fermented sour cream is lighter than fresh.

What to replace

If you do not have a tea and faceted glass, take any container, measure its volume with accurate ones and mark the line where the volume will be 200 or 250 ml. For culinary purposes, you can also use standard plastic cups with a capacity of 200 ml. Usually in recipes, instead of the phrase “tea glass”, they simply write “glass” or “cup”, which means 250 ml. If a faceted glass serves as a measure of weight, then this will certainly be indicated in the recipe.

Culinary arithmetic

There is no need to keep dozens of numbers in your head in order to cook a delicious dish and not go crazy with mathematical calculations. It is enough to have a table of weight measures in spoons and glasses in the kitchen. If you see in the recipe an indication to take half or a quarter of a glass of some product, such as sugar, then, having a table, you can easily convert this amount into other measures. For example, a quarter of a faceted glass contains 45 g of sugar, which is 2 tbsp. l. sugar without a slide or 5.5 tsp. Interestingly, 1 st. l. corresponds to 3 tsp, and a dessert spoon is 2 tsp. One thin glass holds 16 tbsp. l. liquid, thick and bulk products.

Foreign measures of weight

If you like to cook according to foreign cuisine recipes, you may encounter unfamiliar weight measures, so this information will come in handy in the kitchen. An American cup is our thin glass, that is, 250g, and an English cup corresponds to 280g. A pint is 470g, an ounce is 30g, and a quart "weighs" 950g.

It is said that the secret of culinary excellence is inspiration and precision, so the right dosage of ingredients is half the success. If you want to make your life easier and keep complicated arithmetic to a minimum, buy a 500 ml universal measuring cup with divisions for liquid and bulk products. Delight your loved ones with delicious food and enjoy yourself!

Milk is widely used not only as a finished product, but also for preparing various dishes and pastries, so for each recipe it is important to accurately measure the required amount of milk in grams or milliliters using improvised means, such as spoons. In this article, we will answer popular questions: how many grams and milliliters of milk are in a spoon (table, tea and dessert).

We note right away that in the examples considered, not only ordinary whole milk, but also condensed and dry milk will be considered, since they are no less often used in the arsenal of the hostess in the kitchen.

How many milliliters of milk in spoons

In a tablespoon

One tablespoon holds 15 ml (milliliters) of milk

In a dessert spoon

A dessert spoon holds 10 ml of regular milk.

in a teaspoon

A teaspoon holds 5 ml of milk

Note: each of the spoons will fit the same volume in ml and condensed milk.

How many grams of milk in a spoon

In a tablespoon

Regular fresh milk 14 grams

Powdered milk 20 grams (in a heaping tablespoon)

Condensed milk 30 grams

in a teaspoon

Regular whole milk in a teaspoon 5 grams

Powdered milk 7 grams

Condensed milk in a teaspoon 12 grams (for convenience, the calculation can be considered 10 grams)

Popular questions about measuring milk volume with spoons

  • 500 ml of milk is how many spoons? 500 ml of milk = 35 tablespoons of milk + 2 teaspoons.
  • 250 ml of milk is how many spoons? 250 ml of milk = 18 tablespoons of milk (rounded).
  • 200 ml of milk is how many spoons? 200 ml of milk = 14 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon.
  • 150 ml of milk is how many spoons? 150 ml of milk = 10 tablespoons of milk + 2 teaspoons.
  • 140 ml of milk is how many spoons? 140 ml of milk = 10 tablespoons of milk.
  • 120 ml of milk is how many spoons? 120 ml of milk = 8 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons.
  • 100 ml of milk is how many spoons? 100 ml of milk = 7 tablespoons of milk (rounded).
  • 90 ml of milk is how many spoons? 90 ml of milk = 6 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon of milk.
  • 80 ml of milk is how many spoons? 80 ml of milk = 5 tablespoons + 1 tea.
  • 75 ml of milk is how many spoons? 75 ml of milk = 5 tablespoons of milk (rounded).
  • 60 ml of milk is how many spoons? 60 ml of milk = 4 tablespoons of milk (approximately).
  • 50 ml of milk is how many spoons? 50 ml of milk \u003d 3 tablespoons of milk + 1 teaspoon.
  • 40 ml of milk is how many spoons? 40 ml of milk = 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons = 8 teaspoons.
  • 30 ml of milk is how many spoons? 30 ml milk = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons.
  • 25 ml of milk is how many spoons? 25 ml of milk \u003d 1 tablespoon + 2 teaspoons \u003d 5 teaspoons.
  • 20 ml of milk is how many spoons? 20 ml of milk = 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon = 4 teaspoons of milk.

Popular questions about measuring the mass of whole milk with spoons

  • 100 grams of milk is how many spoons? 100 grams of milk = 7 tablespoons of milk (rounded).
  • 50 grams of milk is how many spoons? 50 grams of milk = 3 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon of milk.
  • 20 grams of milk is how many spoons? 20 grams of milk = 1 tablespoon of milk + 1 teaspoon = 4 teaspoons of milk.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that calculating the volume or mass of milk (fresh, dry or condensed milk) necessary for preparing a dish or drink is a fairly simple task, the main thing is to know two simple facts: how much milk is in a teaspoon and how many grams and ml of milk are in the dining room spoon, or use the miscalculations of the masses and volumes listed in the article. We leave our feedback and useful tips on how many grams of milk (whole, dry or condensed) are in a spoon in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you and may come in handy in the future.
