
Unique blueberry. How and where do blueberries grow

Who doesn't know what a blueberry looks like?

This forest berry used to be exclusively a “wild inhabitant”.

But now everyone can buy blueberry seedlings and plant them on their plot.

The article will discuss the benefits and properties of the berry, its use and harvesting for the winter.

Blueberries and blueberries - what's the difference

Common blueberry is a member of the Heather family of the genus Vaccinium. This shrub prefers swampy terrain and taiga forests, so not everyone has seen blueberries in the wild.

What is the difference between blueberries and blueberries is a reasonable question, because both plants belong to the same species, live in a similar environment.

The main difference between blueberries and blueberries is easy to understand by tasting the berries. Their taste is not the same - for blueberries it is more saturated, like the color of the juice (for blueberries, the juice is almost colorless, for blueberries it is dark purple, it stains hands).

Other differences between plants.

  1. Blueberry bushes are taller than blueberry bushes.
  2. The blueberry stalk is stiff to the very top, while blueberries are hard only at the bottom.
  3. Blueberries have black berries with a white bloom, while blueberries are bluish-blue and slightly larger, and sometimes their fruits take on a pear-shaped shape.

How and where do blueberries grow

In nature, getting to the berry is not easy - it is found in swamps, in the rocky tundra, in dense forests, and in the taiga. Growth area - Siberia, the Far East, the Urals, the Caucasus.

The places where blueberries grow in Russia can also belong to mountainous areas - the plant perfectly exists at an altitude of up to 3000 meters.

A shrub up to a meter high lives for about 100 years, begins to bear fruit from 11-15 years. Now varieties of garden blueberries have been bred, yielding a crop of up to 100 kg per bush. If there is a garden blueberry in the country, planting and care are simple: the plant propagates by cuttings, they are purchased in nurseries.

It is better to plant a crop in autumn or spring. The plant loves mineral dressings, so fertilizer is applied to the hole when planting and annually in the fall.

It is necessary to water the shrub occasionally - waterlogging has a bad effect on productivity. You can not cover the culture for the winter, it tolerates well up to 25 degrees of frost.

The composition and calorie content of blueberries

The berries of the plant are not only tasty, but also useful. They contain anthocyanins - substances that can resist cancer.

The product contains a huge amount of pectins, and they are famous for their ability to remove radionuclides, heavy metals.

What is useful blueberries for the body, it is easy to understand by its vitamin composition. A lot in the berry:

  • carotenoids and provitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins gr. IN;
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin K.

Separately, it should be noted a rare vitamin P, which is also found in blueberries: it reduces the manifestations of varicose veins, increases the elasticity of blood vessels.

Favorably affect the body six essential amino acids, organic acids, tannins, iron (it is almost completely absorbed, which not all products are famous for).

From minerals sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium are found in fruits.

calories blueberries - 39 kcal, it contains 1 g of protein, 6.6 g of carbohydrates, 0.5 g of fat (per 100 g). The presence of water is up to 88%, the rest is pigments, fiber and other substances listed above.

Blueberries - useful properties and contraindications

The berry has a very positive effect on the human gastrointestinal tract, it helps the intestines and pancreas to work especially well.

That is why the beneficial properties of blueberries in diabetes should be taken into service by patients: with regular consumption, sugar absorption and insulin production improve.

The product is useful for older people - it not only prevents the development of cancer due to the presence of antioxidants, but also saturates the body with energy. For the circulatory system and heart, the berry is also important:

  1. improves the process of hematopoiesis;
  2. optimizes blood composition;
  3. tones the walls of capillaries;
  4. normalizes pressure;
  5. eliminates the effects of atherosclerosis.

Blueberries are beneficial for the nervous system, immunity. It has an antimicrobial effect, helps break down body fat.

Blueberries during pregnancy will protect the fetus from harmful compounds and prevent neural tube defects, improve the functioning of the mother's intestines.

When breastfeeding, blueberries are not contraindicated, but due to the risk of allergies, they should be introduced into the diet no earlier than the 4th month and in small portions. In large quantities, it can cause colic and nausea in mother and child.

The benefits and harms of blueberries due to the presence of active elements are combined: when overeating, it can lead to a headache. True, for this you need to eat more than a kilogram of forest delicacies, which is very difficult.

It is better not to combine a berry with the consumption of black tea, coffee and refuse from it with an acute form of gastritis, pancreatitis, with an ulcer.

Application in cosmetology

It is very useful to use the berry to create face masks, because it prolongs the youthfulness of the skin. Flavonoids give beauty, protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, radicals, stress, organic acids whiten, cleanse the face.

In the complex, the ingredients of the berry restore the strength of collagen fibers, exfoliate the skin and make it fresh and attractive.

Mask prepared with blueberries like this:

  • squeeze juice from berries;
  • combine juice equally with cottage cheese, sour cream;
  • apply the mass to the skin;
  • wash off with warm water after 20 minutes

Blueberry Health Recipes

Blueberry treatment involves the use of all its parts. The most famous recipes are listed here:

  1. From ischemia of the heart. Chop dry leaves, shoots of the plant, pour a spoonful of them with 300 ml of boiling water. Heat in the bath for 10 minutes, then strain. Drink 2 tablespoons three times a day for a month.
  2. From dysentery. Dried berries (a tablespoon) brew a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Drink 50 ml three times a day for a week.
  3. From angina. Crush 2 tablespoons of berries, pour a glass of warm water, leave for an hour. Filter, gargle up to 8 times / day.
  4. From depriving. Brew leaves, berries, plant shoots with water (400 ml per 3 tablespoons of raw materials), cook in a bath for 15 minutes. With a cooled broth, wipe the sore spot, make lotions.

Blueberries - recipes for the winter

There are many ways to store blueberries. It is good frozen, besides, it can be stored in the freezer for up to a year. Compotes, jams, preserves are prepared from berries. Pastila with blueberries and alcoholic drinks with this product are also delicious.

A simple recipe for blueberry jam for the winter

The benefits of blueberries persist for a long time if you make jam from it. The easiest way is to grind the berry with a blender, add sugar to taste, arrange in containers, freeze. Below is a jam recipe in which the berries need to be cooked. Products:

  • blueberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 100 ml.

Sort out the product, wash well. Boil syrup from sugar, water, while it boils, throw berries. Cook for 10 minutes, let cool, put in sterile jars, roll up.

blueberry wine

Homemade berry wine is a delicious ruby-colored drink with a mild aroma. To make wine, you need the most ripe berries, but not overripe. Rotten fruits must be removed, they will quickly spoil the whole drink.


  • blueberries - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 5 l;
  • unwashed raisins - 100 g;
  • citric acid - 20 g.

Berries (unwashed) mash with a wooden rolling pin, put in a bowl with a wide mouth. Throw raisins (source of yeast), citric acid (must acidity stabilizer), water, half a kilogram of sugar.

Cover the dish with gauze, tie the neck. Leave in a warm room for 3 days, stirring regularly.

And here is another recipe:

Blueberries are used for medicinal or culinary purposes - their beneficial properties and contraindications for the body are relevant during the period of fruit collection. Infusion, fruit drink from blue fruits are used. Useful properties are berries for men, women, children. For the latter, a contraindication is a large number of fruits eaten at a time.

What does a blueberry look like

A small forest shrub from the heather family reaches a height of a meter or 30-50 cm, the stem can be creeping. It blooms with small five-toothed flowers, the fruits are juicy round-elongated bluish-violet berries with edible pulp up to 12 mm in size. Blueberry bushes are confused with blueberries, their main difference is a woody stem, larger light berries of the former. Blueberries are slightly sweeter and have a purple-red juice that tends to get your hands dirty.

Where does it grow

In Russia, blueberries or pigeons grow in areas from the Arctic to the Caucasus. The further south, the more often it is found in wetlands. The shrub is unpretentious, even on poor acidic soils it bears fruit well. The creeping variety grows in conflagrations, clearings, there are species of swamp, water and undersized blueberries. In America, a tree-like variety is grown, which is convenient for harvesting fruits. Cultivated garden blueberries are distinguished by an increased size of berries, a sweeter taste, and early maturation of the plant.

blueberry calories

The energy value of healthy blueberries is 40 kcal per 100 g of product. Such a low calorie content is due to the content of sugars and fiber, the minimum content of proteins and fats. Berries contain organic acids, pectins, dyes, tannins, vitamins C, PP, K, A, group B, essential amino acids. The composition contains magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Regular consumption of fresh fruits brings many benefits, but there are also contraindications for taking berries.

Beneficial features

  • antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect, getting rid of colds;
  • recovery of the body after illness;
  • a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • lowering cholesterol, blood pressure;
  • lowering the risk of malignant tumors, cancer;
  • beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improved metabolism;
  • normalization of the pancreas, a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice with gastritis;
  • lowering blood sugar levels in the treatment of diabetes mellitus;
  • withdrawal of radioactive metals, protection of nerve cells from destruction;
  • relieving eye strain, improving vision;
  • protection against age-related changes in memory, increased concentration;
  • weight loss with overweight.


Valuable plant steroids and tannins were found in the leaves of the berry. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, reduce high blood pressure. A medicinal decoction of blueberry leaves lowers high temperatures, normalizes intestinal health, and serves as a means of preventing cancer. Herbal teas on the leaves save from constipation, eliminate joint pain, and have a healing effect.


Fresh fruits are useful for older people with pancreatic diseases, vision problems. Fresh juice or fruit drink from blueberries lowers blood sugar levels, restores vision, and prevents glaucoma from developing. Other beneficial properties of berries:

  • magnesium in the composition soothes, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • blueberries contain vitamins K, PP and P, which reduce the risk of developing varicose veins, support the function of blood coagulation;
  • juice protects the body from harmful radioactive radiation, bad ecology.

Benefits of blueberries for women

In addition to the protective properties in case of poor ecology, the effect of preventing the occurrence of beriberi and protecting all body systems, in women, a useful berry finds the following application:

  • pulp masks prolong youth, restore collagen fibers, cleanse and whiten the skin;
  • blueberries are useful for weight loss - they are low-calorie, enhance the secretion of gastric juice, a dietary product can be included in desserts or combined with cereals;
  • juice from 300 grams of fresh blueberries is able to satisfy the daily requirement in vitamins, it is considered much more valuable than pomegranate;
  • during pregnancy, the fruits provide the body with folic acid, ascorbic acid prevents the penetration of infections, magnesium improves sleep and calms the nervous system;
  • useful microelements in the composition normalize mood swings before menstruation, when carrying a fetus, they form the baby's neural tube.

Blueberries while breastfeeding

Morse, leaf infusion, blueberry decoction and juice are useful during lactation and feeding a newborn baby:

  • natural antioxidants strengthen the immunity of mother and child;
  • helps to restore muscle tissue and cope with stretch marks after pregnancy;
  • vitamin PP ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • iron serves for the prevention and treatment of anemia, is absorbed completely;
  • calms the nerves;
  • pectin helps not to gain extra pounds;
  • contraindications for taking during lactation are a large number of consumed berries, which leads to diarrhea, bloating, the appearance of colic in the baby;
  • fruits should be introduced into the diet gradually - when the baby is three months old, try a few berries and, in the absence of allergies or diathesis, include them in the diet.

This berry has many names, such as drunkard, blueberry, gonobob, fool and water drinker. Blueberry bushes can be found in many regions, it grows on both sandy and black earth soils. Pigeon berry has many useful properties, it is consumed raw and after heat treatment.

What is useful dove berry?

This berry belongs to low-calorie foods, it is recommended to eat it for those who are obese or just want to lose a few pounds. Of course, low calorie content is not the only advantage of blueberries; you can find a lot of vitamins in it that are necessary for our body. The berries contain, A, PP and ascorbic acid, they have a beneficial effect on the immune system and the condition of the walls of blood vessels, metabolic processes, accelerate the healing process if a person is sick or injured. Useful properties of the dove are also in the fact that it contains phosphorus and iron. The first substance is necessary for the normal conductivity of the fibers of the nervous tissue, the second helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which means it reduces the risk of such ailments as anemia.

Our grandparents knew well the benefits of dove, they used it as an ingredient in the preparation of remedies for diseases such as tonsillitis, influenza and acute respiratory infections. The high content in this berry contributes to the speedy elimination of inflammatory processes, even today it is advised to drink tea brewed from blueberries for a speedy recovery.

Another undoubted advantage of this forest delicacy is that it can influence the digestive processes. If a person suffers from diarrhea or increased gas formation, it is recommended to include fresh blueberries or blueberry jam in the diet. Of course, an unheated berry will be much more useful, but even jam contains a lot of fiber and pectins, they help to remove toxins from the body and improve bowel function. It is noteworthy that a decoction of the leaves of this plant is advised to be used as a remedy for constipation, as they contain substances that enhance peristalsis. A decoction of the leaves and the fruits of the gonobob are also recommended for those who work in hazardous industries. The plant helps to remove heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body, which is why the dove berry and its greens are useful. If it is not possible to get fresh blueberries, then it is advised to at least drink tea with jam from it, it will also have the mentioned property.

Contraindications and harm

Of course, each product has not only advantages, but also disadvantages, and this berry is no exception. Dove can bring both benefit and harm, because it can provoke the onset of an allergic reaction. The high content of vitamin C makes gonobob a strong allergen, so it should not be consumed by those who suffer from hives or other similar symptoms after eating the same citrus fruits.

Caution should be introduced into the diet of these berries and people who have been diagnosed with diabetes. They should consult with a doctor who can accurately determine the blueberry consumption hole and say how many berries and how often they are allowed to eat.

People suffering from gastritis should also consult a doctor, blueberries can cause pain in the stomach. As a rule, this does not happen, but jokes are bad with health, so do not be too lazy to get the opinion of a specialist who will take into account all the features of your body.

Blueberry is a valuable medicinal berry that grows mainly in swampy areas. It must be plucked very carefully, as the berry is tender and easily damaged. For the same reason, it is practically not stored fresh. It is frozen, dried or processed into various blanks.


Blueberries are a real treasure trove of vitamins, microelements and biologically active substances responsible for the proper functioning of the human body. No wonder the peoples of the North necessarily include this berry in their diet.

Blueberries cannot be called a champion in iron content. But this trace element, which is part of the berry, is almost 100% absorbed by the body.

Blueberries are also a source of a significant amount of vitamin K1 (phyllochionine), which is involved in the process of blood clotting.

The berry is also rich in phenolic compounds - physiologically active substances that strengthen capillaries and retain vitamin C in the body (saving its consumption).

Among all forest berries, blueberries rank first in terms of pectin content. The value of these substances is that they remove radioactive metals from the body.

Scientists from the United States studied blueberries and found that this berry slows down the aging of brain cells and protects the body from the harmful effects of radiation.

In folk medicine, tea from dried blueberries is drunk for diseases of the bladder and as a remedy for diarrhea. A decoction of the leaves of the berry is a good expectorant.

Anthocyanins, which are part of it, prevent the weakening of memory and restore its mnemonic function.

Blueberries are one of the best preventive agents against cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and Alzheimer's disease.

Its juice normalizes metabolism and improves well-being during colds. One serving of blueberry juice per day will replenish the daily intake of vitamins found in fruits.

Blueberries contain carotenoids, which, with prolonged and regular consumption of berries, have a beneficial effect on visual functions. The berry is useful for glaucoma and other eye diseases.

Blueberries contain magnesium, thanks to which it has a calming effect on the body.

This tasty and healthy berry strengthens the immune system and replenishes the reserves of vitamins in the body. It is useful for everyone: children, adults, the elderly, people weakened due to illness.

This blue berry removes toxins from the body. It favorably affects the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Blueberry juice is a source of natural antioxidants. It tones and strengthens the body.

The fresh berry is also widely used for its antimicrobial properties. It is used as a prophylactic for many infectious diseases, including dysentery.

Blueberries also help with:

  • rheumatism;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • gastritis;
  • scurvy;
  • angina;
  • capillarotoxicosis;
  • anemia;
  • heart disease.

A delicious dietary berry will also appeal to people who are fighting overweight. Blueberries are able to break down fats. Plus, it's low in calories.

Decoctions of blueberries are useful for people with diseases of the genitourinary system.

Blueberries are also widely used in the cosmetics industry. It helps to maintain beauty and youth. Blue berry is a part of creams, lotions, serums. Botanical components of blueberries are able not only to absorb UV rays, but also protect the skin from free radicals.

Blueberry extract whitens and cleanses the skin of the face. It strengthens the epidermis and has a light peeling effect.

And fresh blueberry leaves tighten pores and effectively fight skin rashes.


Blueberry is not an allergenic berry, but it should not be consumed in large quantities. Otherwise, the berry can cause headaches, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.

In addition, excessive amounts of antioxidants can also harm the body. In this case, they will help reduce the supply of oxygen to the muscles, thereby disrupting their functions.


100 grams of fresh blueberries contain about 39 kcal. Of these: proteins - 1 g (~ 4 kcal), fats - 0.5 g (~ 5 kcal), carbohydrates - 6.6 g (~ 26 kcal).


A contraindication for eating blueberries is biliary dyskinesia.

Pregnant blueberries should be consumed with caution and in small portions. Otherwise, the berry can provoke an allergy.

It is not recommended for nursing mothers to use blueberries, as it can cause diathesis in infants.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Blueberries are a natural source of vitamins, micro and macro elements, antioxidants, pectins and other substances that determine the benefits and value of the berry.

Component name

Quantity in 100 gr. product


Vitamin PP 0.3 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.01 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.02 mg
Vitamin C 20 mg
Vitamin E (TE) 1.4 mg
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 0.4 mg


Iron (Fe) 0.8 mg
Phosphorus (P) 8 mg
Potassium (K) 51 mg
Sodium (Na) 6 mg
Magnesium (Mg) 7 mg
Calcium (Ca) 16 mg

Fruits brought from foreign countries and growing in the territory of residence, and useful organic elements that can both positively and negatively affect the functioning of the human body. One of them is blueberry - a shrub with small blue berries covered with a thin white coating. Blueberries benefit and harm - in our article.

What are the elements and groups of vitamins in blueberries?

Long-term studies of the chemical composition of berries have shown that the main vitamins and organic substances are found in the skin. The composition of blueberries includes the following active elements:

  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • cellulose;
  • pectins;
  • mineral salts;
  • anthocyanins;
  • organic and fatty acids;
  • calcium, sodium, potassium, copper, phosphorus and iron;
  • vitamins of groups B1, B2, A, C, PP, E and K;
  • carotonoids;
  • amino acids.

Given the amount of substances and vitamins contained in the fruits of the plant, the benefits of blueberries are undeniable. Compared to other berries, blueberries contain a small amount of iron, but at the same time it is completely absorbed in the body.

Useful properties of blueberries as juice

Doctors recommend drinking fresh blueberry juice 1-2 times a week. Scientists from America were able to explain how blueberries are useful. The juice of this berry differs from pomegranate and grape in the presence of a large number of useful components, antioxidants and vitamins, and also has anti-inflammatory properties and alleviates a person's condition with a fever. If you consume 50-100 g of freshly squeezed blueberry juice per day, the body will receive the daily norm of vitamins and organic substances.

Harvest from the shrub should be at the end of the summer season, but this must be done carefully so as not to damage the fruits. Large berries can be eaten or stored in the freezer, and small and damaged ones can be processed. The beneficial properties of blueberries are preserved even when frozen for one year. To do this, it must be placed in an airtight container so that odors do not mix with other products.

Blueberries benefits and harms during pregnancy

So, how is blueberries useful for pregnant women? The fruits also contain vitamins. A woman carrying a baby in the womb will only need to eat 80-100 g of blueberries a day to satisfy the needs of the body.

Benefits of blueberries for women during pregnancy:

  1. Lowers blood pressure.
  2. The iron content in blueberries is fully absorbed, therefore, it prevents a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  3. Relieves eye strain by relaxing the ciliary muscle.
  4. Reduces sugar content in the body in women with diabetes.
  5. Improves metabolic processes.

Blueberries have useful properties and contraindications for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers. During this time, this product should not be abused, because it can cause an allergic reaction and intoxication in a child.

Health Benefits of Blueberries

At least once in a lifetime, each of us was interested in the question: what is the use of blueberries for a person? The plant, in addition to nutritional properties, has a wide range of actions in various diseases. It can be used to treat adenomas of the pancreas, intestines, and blood vessels. In addition, the berry does not allow nerve cells to age.

The exceptional properties of blueberries include protecting the body from the harmful effects of radio emissions and maintaining the level of iron in the blood. This is due to the composition of the plant, which includes citric, acetic and malic acids, tannins and pectin.

The benefits of blueberries are simply invaluable, tinctures, which include the leaves of the plant, can have both a laxative effect and help with heart disease.

If we consider blueberries as a fresh consumption, they help improve metabolism due to the pectin in the fruit, which helps to remove salts and toxins from the body. The amount of iron in these berries is much higher than apples.

Let's take a look at the health benefits of blueberries. The chemical composition of berries contains polyphenols, which dilate blood vessels. If you use them in combination with probiotics, the number of bacteria that provoke inflammation in the body will be significantly reduced.

The fruits of the shrub do not allow the development of aging processes in the body, thereby contributing to its rejuvenation. Blueberries also contain dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, preventing the occurrence of diseases.

What are the benefits of blueberries for women and men with diabetes? The substances that make up the berries prevent the formation of fat cells and reduce blood sugar levels.

Magnesium has a calming effect on the human body. For people with heart disease, blueberries should definitely be added to the daily diet.

Useful elements are contained in the fruits of the shrub and its leaves, but in a smaller contraction. They are widely used in cooking for preservation and preparation of tinctures.

Contraindications and beneficial properties of blueberries

Blueberries can provide health benefits and harms. As practice has shown, it has a negative effect on the human body is extremely rare. However, it should not be abused, as blueberries are saturated with substances, the high content of which can cause intoxication. It may be accompanied by the following symptoms: nausea, weakness, severe headache and vomiting. Also, you can not use blueberries for people suffering from biliary dyskinesia.

Medicinal properties of blueberries

Blueberries can provide beneficial properties for pancreatitis, diabetes, arthritis, fever, hypertension, cholecystitis, colitis and many other diseases.

For colitis, gastritis, kidney and pancreas diseases, a tincture of dried shrub fruits is used. For cooking, pour 20 g of berries into 200-250 ml of hot water and leave for 1 hour. Drink the prepared composition of 50 ml every 2-4 hours. To purify the blood in the human body, you need to eat 300 g of blueberries every day for one week.

A decoction of the green leaves of the plant is used as a preventive measure against prostate adenoma. To get the composition of the desired concentration, you should put a small bunch of blueberry leaves in a container, pour 200 ml of water, boil for no more than 5 minutes over medium heat, remove from the stove, then close the lid and leave for half an hour. It is necessary to use tincture 100 ml 10-15 minutes before meals. Two more properties of blueberries are the healing of skin diseases and poorly healing wounds.

A decoction of the fruits of the shrub is regularly taken for anemia, leukemia and diabetes. To prepare it, you need to pour 1 tbsp. l. berries in a container, pour 250 ml of hot water and insist for 30 minutes. Take this composition 50 ml 2-3 times a day.

Differences between blueberries and blueberries

So, what is more useful blueberries or blueberries for a person? These two plants are close relatives, despite their similarities, there are many differences. Blueberries are not much, but lagged behind their "sister" in chemical composition, to be more precise, they do not contain vitamins:

  • B1 - used to treat neurological diseases;
  • E - needed to improve oxygen consumption by tissues;
  • K is essential for protein synthesis.

Blueberry, unlike its "relative", has a diuretic, antimicrobial effect and strengthens blood vessels. Blueberries have a less wide range of actions, mainly used to treat the intestines and eyes. The healthier blueberries are for humans is obvious.

Given the above factors, it is clear that blueberries bring benefits and harm to health, but negative consequences can only occur if a person does not comply with the amount of berries consumed.
