
Cook green walnut jam. In what cases will there be a special benefit from walnut jam

Some recipes are taken from Polish and Western Ukrainian national cuisine. But they did not forget about the traditionally used in the Caucasus, the Slavs do not add lime water. In our area, long soaking of fruits is more common.

Get ready for the fact that you will have to spend all this time at home, constantly pouring out old water and adding fresh water. But the bright, rich, Nutella-like taste will be worth the time, effort and mountains of dishes to be washed.
Pour the nuts with warm water, so it is much easier to get rid of the bitter aftertaste. The process of softening the taste itself can last longer or happen faster, depending on the variety and age (the older the fruit, the more time it needs to be soaked). As they are ready, the nuts change color and become lighter, and they taste like boiled ones and should not be bitter.
Another thing to keep in mind is gloves. Be sure to wear them while cooking, because nut juice stains the skin and nails very much. If you still failed to save the manicure, acidified water and a stiff brush will help wash your hands.

Ingredients for 1 liter of walnut jam at home:

  • Green walnuts - 40 pcs.
  • Sugar - 810 gr. (3 glasses)
  • Water - 2 liters (1.75 for boiling and 250 ml for making syrup)
  • Citric acid - 5-10 grams (for digestion)
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick
  • Carnation - 12-15 buds

Recipe for green walnut jam:

For this jam, large in size, but unripe, are best suited. If you buy them in the market, ask for "wax ripeness".

  1. Wash the nuts, put them in a bowl for 2 days and change the water twice a day. After 2 days, prick each nut with a skewer and leave for another 11 days, drain the water just as often.
  2. The liquid will be dark brown, but it's not scary, so the bitterness we don't need comes out.
  3. Peel each nut. To do this, cut off the dense fabric near the top. Throw the peeled ones into a saucepan with dissolved citric acid (a teaspoon per 1.75 liters of liquid). Continue for another day in the same solution.
  4. Boil the nuts for 20 minutes (the water will turn brown again, don't worry) and leave again for 24 hours in the same liquid with dissolved citric acid. After that, drain the liquid, rinse the nuts in running water.
  5. Make sugar syrup. To do this, gradually pour 1 cup of sugar into boiling water and stir until dissolved. Add spices, nuts, boil for 10 minutes and leave to infuse.
  6. The next day (16 days in a row), boil the mixture for another 30 minutes. If you want to make the jam thicker and sweeter, take 2 times more products for sugar syrup (0.5 liters of water for 6 cups of sugar) and boil the syrup to the desired state.

Such jam does not spoil, even if you do not roll it into sterile jars, but simply store it in a closet. That slight bitterness that remains even after such a long soaking does not allow the delicacy to become moldy or deteriorate.

On our site you can also find other recipes for original preparations for the winter, such as, for example, or homemade.

Bulgarian nut jam

Unlike the previous recipe, it will not take such an impressive time to prepare the ingredients. In this version, we will get rid of the bitter taste by boiling the fruits, so get ready to spend the whole day in the kitchen.


  • Walnuts (green) -1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 250 ml. (for syrup)
  • Citric acid - not less than 100-150 gr.
  • Cardamom - a few cloves
  • Carnation - 5 buds

How to make walnut jam for the winter:

  1. Rinse the nuts, carefully cut off the skin and dip in a solution of citric acid (approximately 10-15 mg per 1 liter of liquid). Do not use enamelware, otherwise you will not be able to wash it later, stainless steel is better.
  2. Put the container on the fire, boil for 10 minutes, fish out the nuts with a slotted spoon and change the water. Repeat the entire procedure (preparing the acidic solution and boiling the nuts) at least 15 times until the nuts soften and the water runs clear.
  3. Prepare sugar syrup, put the finished fruits there, add spices and 15 g of citric acid and cook until thick.

Everything can be laid out in jars and rolled up with tin lids.

Armenian walnut jam

This recipe uses lime water. In order to cook it, you will need 100 grams of slaked lime. Dissolve in 1 liter of water, stand for 5 hours, and then strain a thick cloth or several layers of bandage. This volume is enough to make jam from 1 kg of nuts.

For jam you will need:

  • Green nuts - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.
  • Citric acid - 10-15 gr.
  • Water for sugar syrup - 1 liter
  • Cloves - 50-100 teeth
  • Orange - 1 pc.

Recipe for green walnut jam:

  1. Soak the peeled and washed walnuts and leave for 48 hours, changing the water twice a day. If the liquid is still cloudy, continue soaking the nuts until it becomes clear. It may take longer (10-14 days).
  2. Pour the nuts with a solution of slaked lime and let it brew for a day. Remember to rinse them thoroughly afterward under running water to prevent lime from entering the body.
  3. Pierce nuts with a toothpick in 10 places, especially large ones, cut into 2 parts and stuff with cloves. If desired, you can add other spices, cinnamon sticks, cardamom, pieces of ginger are well suited. Pour in water and boil for 30 minutes, then change the liquid and boil again for the same time.
  4. Prepare sugar syrup, dip the nuts in it and boil for 5 minutes. Then leave for 2 hours, after which you need to boil for 5-10 minutes. Repeat several times to make them soft.
  5. Peel the orange and cut it into small cubes. Pour the pieces of fruit into the jam, boil the dish for the last time for 20 minutes, add 15 mg of citric acid at the end of cooking.

Then you need to lay out the finished jam in jars and roll up the lids. Store in a cool place.

For thrifty housewives, we have also prepared a recipe that will appeal to both adults and kids.

Ripe walnut jam

This recipe is more suitable for autumn or winter. There are many variations on how to prepare a treat from ripe nuts, but in any case, we will need to use other fruits as a base. It can be apples, plums, quinces, lingonberries or sea buckthorn - depending on what you prefer. You can also use gooseberries, cherries, apricots—anything! I will give an example of jam based on apples, but the same principle can be used to prepare dishes from other fruits.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples (sweet are best) - 1 kg.
  • Walnuts - 100 gr.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Water - 430 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Allspice - 5-10 peas

Recipe for jam from ripe walnuts:

  1. Peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut into strips or slices.
  2. Put the apples in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and dilute with water, squeeze the juice of 1 lemon and toss in the bay leaf. Cook for 12-15 minutes over low heat, then remove the foam, then remove the bay leaf and pepper.
  3. Grind the nuts to a crumb state (this can be done with a blender, coffee grinder or mortar) or chop with a knife into larger pieces, immerse in a bowl with apples and boil for 12-15 minutes on a stronger fire, stirring constantly.
    If you want to take a plum as a fruit component, be sure to remove the peel. You can take out the bone and fill the core with a nut. You can do the same with apricots, large cherries. Pour sea buckthorn or mountain ash with sugar and keep for several hours in the refrigerator, and it is better to pierce gooseberries or currants with a toothpick or skewer, then the jam will resemble marmalade.

To maintain immunity throughout the year, we also advise you to cook, which is rich in vitamins and useful trace elements.

Video nut jam recipe


  • 100 pieces. green walnuts
  • 1 kg. Sahara
  • 2 glasses of water

Walnut jam - general description

Jam is a great way to pamper yourself with an unusual aroma in the cold winter and at the same time preserve all the benefits of the gifts of nature. Walnut jam called the "king" of the sweet world, which, in addition to the original taste, will give invaluable benefits to the body. Who would have thought that a magical delicacy has a bactericidal, anti-sclerotic, anti-inflammatory effect. It is rich in linoleic and oleic acid, vitamins C, PP, group B, contains iodine, magnesium, zinc, copper and phytoncides.

The right choice of nuts is half the success, so you should approach the process with all the responsibility. For cooking, it is necessary to choose large nuts of an ideal shape, without black spots and other flaws. The fruits should be green, with a delicate, milky-waxy shell inside. You can check them for “professional suitability” as follows: pierce the nut with a toothpick, if it passes through unhindered, then the raw materials are of excellent quality. The best time for harvesting is the second half of June.

Walnut jam - preparing dishes

It is equally important to choose the right cooking utensils. Contrary to popular belief, copper basins are far from the best option, because. copper ions destroy ascorbic acid. Aluminum is also not suitable for this purpose: the high acidity of the jam breaks the oxide film, and the metal gets into the product.
The best option for today is enameled containers or stainless steel dishes.

Lids and jars should be washed with a solution of baking soda (1 tsp / 1 liter of water), scalded and dried. Boil lids additionally.

Walnut jam - fruit preparation

Before proceeding directly to cooking, the nuts must be prepared: peeled from the green skin and soaked for 2 days in cold water, which must be changed at least 3 times a day. After that, the water is drained and the nuts are immersed in a lime solution (5 liters of cold water / 500 g of slaked lime), which is infused for 4 hours and filtered. This is necessary to eliminate the bitter taste of the future jam.

Walnut jam - recipe 1

Required: 100 pcs. nuts, 2 kg of sugar, 2 cups of water, 10 cloves, 1 lemon.
Prepared nuts are dipped in boiling water, completely covering them, and boiled for 10 minutes, thrown back on a sieve. Sugar is mixed with 2 cups of water, boiled, foam is removed. Nuts, cloves are dipped into the resulting syrup, lemon juice is added. Bring the mass to a boil. After the jam has cooled, you need to boil it again. Repeat three times, and then cook until tender. Pack in sterile jars.

Walnut jam - recipe 2

Required: 100 pcs. green nuts, 2 kg of sugar, 8 glasses of water, 10 cloves, 2 tsp. cinnamon, 5 pcs. cardamom.
Pour 8 glasses of water into the basin, pour out 2 kg of sugar, after boiling, lower the prepared nuts. During cooking, a bag with ground spices is placed in the container: cloves, cinnamon, cardamom. Cook until cooked - black sheen of nuts. Add vanillin. Roll the cooled jam into jars.

Walnut jam - recipe 3 (in Armenian)

Required: for 100 pieces of green nuts 400 ml of water, 1 kg of sugar, 10 cloves, 10 grams of cinnamon and 2 lemons.
Prepare syrup from water and sugar, cool. Put nuts in it, add the juice of two lemons. Boil and leave for a day. Repeat three times, and then cook until fully cooked until the nuts are completely soft. Transfer the delicacy to sterilized jars, pour the remaining syrup, cork.

Walnut jam - recipe 4 (Bulgarian)

This recipe requires patience, but the result promises to be incomparable. Required: for 1.1 kg of nuts, 1 glass of water, 1 kg of sugar, citric acid (10 gr.). Peeled nuts are dipped in a solution of citric acid (0.5%) for 1 hour. Cooked by alternation method. First dipped in boiling water for 4 minutes, and then in cold water for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times, 7 times at least. Boil syrup from water and sugar, put nuts into it and cook until fully cooked. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, citric acid is added to the jam. Pack the jam in jars, roll up.

Walnut jam - recipe 5 (in Ukrainian)

Required: 1 kg of nuts, 1.2 kg of sugar, 1 lemon, cloves (10 buds).
Prepared nuts are thoroughly washed, pierced with a thick needle, dipped in boiling water for 20 minutes, and then cooled in cold water. Syrup is made from water and sugar, lemon juice and cloves are added to it. The resulting solution is poured over nuts, boiled for 5 minutes, and then left for an hour, then brought to a boil again and boiled for 5 minutes (3 times in total). For the fourth time, boil until fully cooked, cool, roll into jars.

Walnut jam - tips from experienced chefs

When cutting nuts, do not forget to wear gloves, otherwise the iodine contained in large quantities will stain the skin of the hands in a dark color.

To get a really tasty and fragrant jam, it is recommended to cook it in three steps. The jam will turn out thick if, after the first cooking, wait until it cools down completely.

Want to get an unusual taste? Add orange zest mixed with cinnamon and vanilla to the jam - a delicious aroma and unforgettable taste are guaranteed!

It is necessary to store jam in a dark place, at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees.

It has been known since very ancient times, for the first time the legionaries of Alexander the Great noticed the benefits of eating nuts during military wanderings in Asia. Walnut kernels are consumed raw, treated with nut oil and decoction of the shell. Green walnut jam is of great benefit in the treatment of a number of diseases. This article is all about the beneficial qualities and dangers of green nut jam, cooking recipes with step-by-step photos.

Walnuts: nutritional composition

Walnut fruits contain a number of nutrients and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the human body and help in maintaining health. A rich set of vitamins of groups C; RR; IN; vital acids; a range of useful minerals that improve the functioning of the body and appearance. Phytoncides, which are part of nuts, guarantee protection against pathological bacteria.

Nuts suitable for jam

Unripe nuts have an unpleasant taste, they are bitter and are not recommended for eating raw. Jam made from green walnuts is not only tasty, but also a healthy delicacy that can treat many diseases. It is useful to use it for persistent insomnia; migraine; headaches in weather-dependent people; stress; depression; pregnancy complicated by iodine deficiency; children's rickets; overstrain of the body and persistent physical fatigue.

Take special care when using green walnut jam in case of diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic manifestations; obesity.

Technology for making jam from unripe nuts

Preparing nuts for making jam takes a lot of time and requires special care. Nuts are selected in milky ripeness, when the shell has not yet begun to coarsen. You can check the ripeness with a regular puncture, for which wooden skewers or toothpicks are used. If a wooden skewer easily penetrates the skin of an unripe nut, plunging deep into the pulp, such a nut is suitable for making jam.

Nuts are carefully sorted by size - only fruits of the same size are suitable for jam.

Advice! It is worth choosing whole fruits without damage; there should be no dark and rotten spots on the skin. Usually, in the phase of milky ripeness, nuts are harvested from trees in June or early July.

Cookware for cooking jam is of great importance - you should choose pots with a heavy thick bottom made of stainless steel; in extreme cases, enamelware is suitable. Absolutely not suitable for making jam containers made of copper or aluminum. In copper basins, when jam is cooked, vitamin C is destroyed, aluminum containers are destroyed by exposure to excess acid.

When cooking, jam should be stirred with a glass or wooden spoon to avoid burning.

Advice! Preparation of nuts before cooking jam takes a lot of time, this operation should be carried out with special care - the healing power of jam depends on the correct preparation of the fruit.

Soaking nuts

How to cook jam from green walnut fruits: methods and options

There are only 2 ways of cooking jam, which differ in appearance:

  • Jam from fruits with a peel is similar to buckwheat honey - it has a thick dark color. To prepare this jam, the fruits are not released from the integumentary green peel, which fits snugly against the unripe core.
  • The composition of peeled nuts eventually has a light color - this is the so-called "white jam". In this case, the integumentary green peel is removed from the nuts.

Peel removal

When peeling nuts from the upper shell, it is necessary to use rubber gloves, the pigment contained in the skins can strongly stain the skin of the hands black.

There are many recipes for making green walnut jam, often with spices, citrus fruits, or summer berries added.

In this article, we will consider a detailed recipe of Armenian culinary specialists.

Armenian walnut jam

A feature of this jam is the mandatory addition to the mass when cooking lemons or citric acid. Lemon zest gives an unusual taste to jam, and when lemon is added, the content of ascorbic acid in the finished product increases significantly.

What you need for jam:

  • Prepared walnuts (peeled from the green peel) - about 1.5 kg.
  • Sugar sand - from 2 to 2.2 kg.
  • Ordinary water - 0.5 liters.
  • Fresh lemons, medium-sized - 2 pcs.
  • Spices: cloves - 5 pieces; cinnamon 1-2 sticks.

Boiling nuts in syrup

Sugar syrup is boiled from water and sugar, stirring the mass thoroughly until the sugar grains are completely dissolved and boil. After boiling, nuts prepared in advance are laid in the mass. Squeeze the juice of 2 lemons into a saucepan. Spices are wrapped in gauze or a special gauze bag is sewn for spices, then they are placed in boiling jam.

It is required to wait for the jam to boil and turn off the mass, which should be infused for about 6 hours. The process of heating the container with jam is repeated 3 times. The finished jam is poured into dry, clean jars, corked with clean plastic lids or rolled up.

Jars with ready-made jam from green walnuts without shells are perfectly preserved in a dark and cool place (no higher than 25 degrees).

Green walnut jam: video

Nut jam: photo

Walnuts are perhaps the most common in their family. They are simply called nuts, without specifying the Greek origin, and, as a rule, everyone immediately understands what it is about. The technology for making jam from these fruits is one of the most unusual and complex. And in general it is difficult to imagine what made the author of the first recipe take up its development.

Well, the experiment was a success! If you stock up on time, be patient and, of course, have all the necessary products, then the result will fully meet expectations.

Green Walnut Jam - General Cooking Principles

Two completely different jams are prepared from unripe walnuts - black (dark) and light. To prepare a light jam, the peel must be removed from them, the dark one is obtained if the peel is not removed.

Green fruits harvested for jam should be milky ripe. If you try to pierce such a nut with a toothpick, it will freely enter it.

Preparing jam is a long process that requires a long preparation of "raw materials". Freshly picked nuts are necessarily soaked in ordinary or lime water, and often in both.

How to soak nuts in plain water:

1. Cut off the edges of the green pulp - from the side of the tail and opposite to it. Make deep punctures in several places with the tip of a knife and insert a carnation into the holes.

2. After that, fill with clean water and soak in it for 10 days. Be sure to change the water every 12 hours.

3. On the tenth day, remove the nuts, dip them in clean boiling water and boil for ten minutes. Drain the broth, and again fill the fruits with clean water for 24 hours.

How to soak nuts in lime water:

1. Without removing the peel and without cutting off the edges, soak the green fruits for 2 days in cool water. Be sure to change the water every five hours.

2. On the third day, replace ordinary water with lime mortar. For its preparation, five liters of ordinary water take a pound of slaked lime. Lime is diluted in water, kept for several hours. Then the lime mortar is drained from the sediment, nuts are poured into it and kept for at least four hours.

3. The fruits are taken out, washed thoroughly, pierced in two or three places and poured with clean filtered water. Stay in it for 48 hours.

Soak green nuts so that all the bitterness comes out of them. If this is not done, the jam will turn out bitter.

To enhance the taste and aroma, cinnamon, cloves, lemon juice, and spices are added to the jam. An original and unusual dessert is obtained with cocoa or almonds embedded inside the walnut.

Green walnut jam is easy to prepare for the winter. The containers for it do not need to be sterilized, it is enough to wash them thoroughly with soda, then pour them over with boiling water and dry them well. After pouring the jam into jars, it is immediately rolled up with boiled lids.

One kg of young nuts;

A kilogram of refined sugar;

300 ml of water;

40 gr. cocoa;

A mixture of ground spices: ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves.

1. Rinse the prepared soaked nuts well and boil in cold water for three hours. Drain the broth, and cool the nuts.

2. Pour water into granulated sugar, stir and put on moderate heat. Cook with continuous stirring until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

3. After the syrup is cooked, dip the boiled walnuts into it and cook the jam for at least two hours.

4. Two minutes before the end of cooking, pour off some syrup and dilute cocoa powder in it.

5. Add spices and diluted cocoa to the container with jam. Mix well and, after boiling for another minute, pour the hot jam into jars.

Light green walnut jam

Walnuts, milky ripeness - 3 kg;

Cardamom - 5 grains;

10 gr. cloves;

Two kilograms of granulated sugar;

10 gr. cinnamon;

Allspice peas - 5 pcs.

1. Remove the outer shell from the fruits and process them using one of the appropriate methods.

2. Rinse the prepared nuts thoroughly and pierce them in several places. Pour in water and boil for 10 minutes from boiling over low heat.

3. Move the nuts into cold water for an hour.

4. Prepare syrup from granulated sugar. Put all the necessary seasonings on cheesecloth, tie in a "bag" and place in hot syrup along with nuts. Boil for about five minutes and set aside for 24 hours. Next, boil again in the same way and leave for another day. Repeat this procedure the next day.

5. Remove the bag of spices from the jam, and put the cinnamon. Stir well, boil the jam for another two minutes and pour into jars.

Green walnut jam with peel

Young walnuts - 1.5 kg;

Two glasses of granulated sugar.

1. Put the nuts soaked in lime solution to boil in cold water. After boiling, boil for three minutes and, turning off the stove, let it brew for two hours.

2. Then change the water, and boil the nuts again for three minutes and leave to brew in the same way. Change the water again and also boil the nuts, but do not insist anymore, but transfer them to cool in a separate bowl.

3. Dilute granulated sugar in a liter of warm water and put on medium heat. As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, pour the nuts into the syrup and continue to cook without changing the heat for three hours.

4. After that, drain the syrup, and dip the nuts in the newly prepared hot syrup and continue to cook the jam until tender.

Green walnut jam with lemon juice

2 kg of walnuts, milky ripeness;

One kilogram of granulated sugar;

Carnation - 10 umbrellas;

Two large lemons;

1. Remove the peel from the nuts and process in one of the ways indicated in the principles.

2. Then rinse them thoroughly under the tap and boil until soft.

3. Dilute granulated sugar with 400 ml of water and put on low heat. When the sugar dissolves, bring the syrup to a boil quickly and remove from heat.

4. After it has completely cooled down, dip the cooled blanched nuts into it and pour in the freshly squeezed lemon juice. Boil the jam at a slight boil for five minutes and leave, covered with a linen towel, for a day.

5. Boil the jam in this way three times, and on the fourth boil it until tender.

Black vanilla jam from green walnuts with peel

Unripe nuts - one kilogram;

Half a kilo of granulated sugar;

A small piece of vanilla.

1. Pour the granulated sugar into a basin and, at the lowest possible heat with constant stirring, cook until the crystals disappear. After that, dip the vanilla in the syrup and cool it slightly.

2. Pour the soaked blanched nuts with warm syrup and leave. You don't need to cook.

3. The next day, remove the nuts, and put the syrup on moderate heat and cook until it thickens slightly. Let it cool down a bit and pour over the nuts again.

4. Repeat the process three more times.

5. On the fourth day, bring the thick syrup to a boil. Dip the nuts in it and boil the jam for at least ten minutes with a slight boil. Then pour into containers and close.

Green walnut jam with citric acid

One kilogram of milky ripe nuts;

Three and a half glasses of sugar;

Filtered water - 600 ml;

1/4 teaspoon lemon.

1. Lay out the sorted fruits on paper and leave for a day so that they “wilt” slightly. Then soak them in water. How to do this correctly in water without lime is described in the general principles of preparation.

2. Rinse the soaked nuts thoroughly and blanch in boiling water for about five minutes. Drain the water and remove the peel from the cooled nuts.

3. After that, soak them again, but in lime water.

4. After two days, wash the fruits, prick with a sharp knife and soak again in ordinary water for two days, changing it every six hours.

5. After that, blanch the nuts again for a quarter of an hour and refrigerate.

6. From the indicated amount of water and sugar, boil the syrup and dip the chilled nuts into it. Boil the jam on low heat for 10 minutes, then cool and let it brew for a day.

7. After that, add “lemon” to the jam, bring to a boil and, reducing the heat, continue to cook until tender. At the end add vanillin or cinnamon.

Black jam from green walnuts with peel - "Golden mean"

One kilogram of young nuts;

Sugar - 1.2 kg;

Carnation umbrellas - 10 pieces;

Medium lemon;

A small piece of orange peel;

Almond kernels.

1. Soak nuts with peel for four days in ordinary water.

2. After soaking, remove the green peel from the fruit and soak for a day in lime water, as described in the "general principles".

3. Thoroughly wash the nuts from the remnants of lime water and dip in boiling water.

4. After 20 minutes, remove, cool slightly and pierce each in the center from the side of the tail with a sharp knife. Insert an almond into the "slot" and pour hot syrup over it.

5. Squeeze juice from half a lemon into jam, add cloves and boil for five minutes.

6. After two hours, bring the jam back to a boil and continue to cook for 10 minutes. on minimum heat. Set aside for an hour again. So repeat three times.

7. In the last cooking, put a small piece of orange peel in the jam and cook the jam until fully cooked.

Useful tips and tricks for making green walnut jam, with peel

The young peel of a walnut is excessively saturated with iodine. If the fruits are handled without gloves, the skin of the hands will turn dark brown.

If you still decide to work without gloves, soak your hands in vinegar - the skin will not stain.

It will be easier to remove the green peel if the fruits are slightly “withered”, leaving them laid out on a paper sheet.

Do not use aluminum or copper containers to make jam. It should be boiled only in enameled basins or stainless steel dishes.

The selection of suitable fruits will have to be done ahead of time. It is best to select a tree that gives suitable nuts in a year. Nuts need to be seen in the process of ripening in order to have an idea of ​​the thickness of the outer layer of green pulp. Kernels should be tasted ripe, dried and even slightly fried.

The best nuts are those that, when ripe, look large, rather elongated. Their shell is thick and light, with a large pattern. The nuclei are large, strongly elongated, with a contour resembling a chicken egg.

Very good jam from completely different fruits, small, almost spherical, with a thin dark shell. Their ripe nucleoli are sweetish, but the jam will require a little more sugar. Such nuts are less suitable for jam with peel, it will also take a little longer to keep them in water.

Walnut jam is distinguished by its exquisite taste and health benefits, which is long and troublesome to cook, but its amazing properties fully compensate for the efforts made. Although the recipes for making green nut fruits seem complicated, even a beginner can handle this dessert. In many countries of the world, a nut delicacy is prepared by adding various spices and spices.

Benefits of walnut jam

The leading place in the ranking of healthy desserts is jam with walnuts. This delicacy contains iodine, a huge amount of biologically active substances that nourish the brain, vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, copper, oleic acid. Due to the amazing composition, the dessert is effective for improving immunity, the functioning of cerebral vessels, in the treatment of thyroid diseases, hypertension and other problems.

How to make walnut jam

There is more than one recipe for walnut jam, but all options require certain rules to be followed. It is important to choose the right fruits for cooking, the final result depends on this. They should not be ripe, harvesting is scheduled at the stage when the shell is still tender inside, the fruits are milky in color. Such a nut is easy to pierce with a toothpick or fork.

The second rule is the right choice of dishes for cooking. Leave grandmother's aluminum and copper basins on the shelf, arm yourself with enameled containers or stainless steel pans. Light enamel will darken due to iodine, so choose dark (preferably black) dishes. When the fruits and dishes are prepared, it remains to choose one of the three methods for preparing raw materials. It must be soaked for several days in lime, citric acid or with cloves, pre-peeled, removing a thin layer of green peel.

with lime

To soak nuts in slaked lime, you need to know how to prepare a lime mortar. It will need such an amount of water that the nuts in the container are covered 3 centimeters from above with liquid. You need 70-100 grams of lime for every liter. In a separate bowl, stir the solution, drain the top to remove undissolved particles. Leave the liquid to stand for 12 hours. Strain the solution through cheesecloth. It is necessary to pour nuts with lime mortar. Leave them for 12 hours, stirring occasionally.

With citric acid

If you don't want to use lime, learn how to make nut jam using citric acid for soaking. The soft shell of unripe walnuts should be pierced with a fork in several places. You will need about 1.5-2 liters of cold water for every teaspoon of citric acid. Nut fruits are poured with a solution for a day, then they are boiled in lemon water for 15 minutes. The liquid is not drained, and then the workpiece is soaked for another day.

With clove buds

To make green walnut jam a success, you can soak them in water and add cloves. For this, prepared nuts are pricked with a fork, stuffed with clove inflorescences. It remains only to add cold water and soak the fruits in it for 4 days. The liquid will have to be changed every 4 hours, otherwise the raw material may ferment. On the fourth day, the nuts need to be boiled for 4 hours, cool and rinse the fruits.

Walnut Jam Recipes

The process of cooking nut jam is complex and time-consuming, but the dish has an unusual taste and is incredibly healthy, so it’s worth working hard for such a treat. Carefully study step-by-step recipes with photos before deciding which option is convenient for you. To check the readiness of fruits prepared in any way, be sure to try the jam. If the fruits have retained their shape, but at the same time they have become unstable, the core has the consistency of marmalade, then a healthy delicacy is ready.

in Armenian

  • Preparation time: 4 days.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 248 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Caucasian.

It takes a long time to cook Armenian jam from walnut fruits, but the process requires little effort, as a result of which an incredible delicacy awaits you. Notes of lemon, cloves, cinnamon give an amazing aroma that cannot be conveyed through the photo. Do not forget to pre-peel the green skin and treat the raw materials with lime, cloves or citric acid to rid them of bitterness. So that the spices do not remain floating in the jam, a gauze bag with them is lowered into the syrup, which is simply removed at the end of cooking.


  • prepared walnut fruits - 1-1.2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • carnation - 10 sotsv.;
  • cinnamon - 10 g;
  • water - 0.4 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil syrup from water and sugar, cool.
  2. Add cinnamon and cloves to the cooled syrup.
  3. Put soaked nuts in sweet water, pour lemon juice.
  4. Bring the nut mass to a boil over low heat, turn off and leave for a day.
  5. On the 2nd and 3rd day, again bring the jam to a boil, repeating the procedure.
  6. On day 4, cook the mixture until the nuts are ready, pack the jam in sterile jars, roll up the lids, and store in a cool place.

in Bulgarian

  • Cooking time: 2-3 hours.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 262 kcal
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Bulgarian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: difficult.

The process of cooking Bulgarian jam is laborious. You will have to boil and cool the fruits many times, which should first be soaked. To prepare such a delicious dish, you do not need special culinary skills. Follow the instructions, focus on recipes with photos to enjoy an exquisite dessert and get a storehouse of nutrients to improve the body.


  • soaked walnut fruits - 1.2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • citric acid - 10 g + for cooking 1 tsp for each liter of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Make a solution of citric acid and water. After it is brought to a boil and the soaked nuts are blanched for 5 minutes.
  2. The fruits are pulled out, they need to be transferred to cold water.
  3. Repeat the procedure 5-7 times: pour boiling water with citric acid, boil, cool. Then the walnut fruits are brought to readiness in sugar syrup.

in Ukrainian

  • Cooking time: 3-4 hours.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 254 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.

The only version of the recipe in which the fruits do not have to be soaked is in Ukrainian. Jam from young walnuts has an amber color. Although the classic Ukrainian jam recipe is delicious, many housewives vary the ingredients, adding their own zest. For example, a little vanillin or ginger will be an original addition to the delicacy.


  • peeled nuts - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • carnation - 12 inflorescences.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse and prick the nuts in several places with a fork.
  2. Pour the fruits with water and boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Drain the liquid, pour the nuts with cold water to cool.
  4. Boil syrup from lemon juice, water, sugar and cloves.
  5. Put the fruits in syrup and boil for 5 minutes, let cool for an hour.
  6. Boil for 5 minutes and cool 2 more times.
  7. Bring the jam to readiness.

With chocolate

  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 249 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

You can make nut jam not just delicious, but flawless if you add a chocolate note to it. With spices and lemon zest, the treat is just as good, but chocolate makes it fabulously delicious. Ice cream, poured with such jam, will become a serious competitor to desserts from restaurant chefs. Use the pie crust as a pie sauce or just eat with a spoon. For the recipe, choose fruits of the same size for the aesthetics of the dish. When ready-made large nuts are cut, it is clear that they do not remain whole and can spoil the beautiful look of the delicacy.
