
Seaweed - about the benefits and harms to humans, calories, where it grows. Contraindications to the use of kelp

Laminaria - medicinal properties. The oceans are a bottomless storehouse of vital elements. Terrible, but generous element willingly shares the wealth accumulated over millions of years with its inhabitants. People have known about the invaluable properties of seafood for health and longevity since ancient times. And for the inhabitants of the coastal regions it is irreplaceable source essential vitamins and minerals. About one of these truly priceless seafood and will be discussed in our article. In it we will talk about medicinal properties kelp. By the way, in everyday speech, everyone knows this plant as "seaweed".

Laminaria: habitat (seaweed) and ways to get it

Kelp(Latin laminaria) belongs to the class of brown algae. Ribbon-like shoots (thallus) have a brownish tint and can reach a length of 20 meters. It grows mainly on rocky shoals, along the coastline, rooting with the help of special processes (rhizoids). Main kelp habitat– Far Eastern region: the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan. Its production is also carried out in the seas of the Arctic Ocean: White and Kara.

Due to the large content of various useful substances, first of all, iodine, this plant has a peculiar, incomparable taste and smell. At a depth of 4 to 10 meters, these algae form a real underwater jungle.

Fishery kelp or seaweed people have been doing it for a very long time. For this, most often, it was not even necessary to climb into the water - sea waves during storms threw huge layers of valuable algae right onto the shore. The famous Russian traveler of the 18th century, Stepan Petrovich Krasheninnikov, while exploring Kamchatka, noted that local residents harvest and use “bottom plants” for food to treat various ailments.

Now kelp is mined mainly by trawling or with the help of divers. Caught algae are cleaned of dirt and impurities, and then dried in the sun or frozen. In one form or another, this priceless gift of the sea retains its exceptional healing properties.

The use of seaweed

Main scope uses of seaweed, of course, is cooking. It is difficult to find a person who has not tried this wonderful product at least once in his life. And let not everyone this priceless gift of the sea you will like it, the demand for it always remains stably high. Sea kale is especially useful for children, because it contains most of the microelements necessary for a growing organism.

  • In canned and dried form, kelp is used for making salads, side dishes, soups, sushi, confectionery and drinks.
  • Laminaria extract is an ingredient in many nutritional supplements and vitamin complexes . In this regard, it is necessary to highlight such a drug as. It effectively regulates the function of the thyroid gland, improving the functioning of the immune system. At the same time, other components of the drug - white cinquefoil and purple echinacea enhance the effect of kelp. Also this food supplement is an excellent source of iodine, zinc, manganese, selenium and other trace elements necessary for the body.
  • Whole thalli of seaweed and powder from them are widely used in cosmetology: for wrapping, preparing masks, scrubs and anti-cellulite baths.

Laminaria: chemical composition

Let's look at chemical composition kelp to understand what is unique about this priceless gift of the sea.

  • Laminaria is rich in many necessary human body minerals and , among which predominate , and .
  • Depending on the habitat, these algae may include: vanadium, lithium, copper, zinc, iron, magnesium, cobalt, silicon, sodium, calcium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus.

We should also not forget about toxic and extremely dangerous elements for health, such as arsenic, strontium and cadmium. Their content in seaweed is very significant, therefore, in order to avoid intoxication, daily ration must include no more than 300 grams of this product.

  • Contains groups B, as well as A, C, D, E.
  • Includes the most important amino acids: aspartic acid, arginine, valine, glycine, glutamine, lysine and many others.
  • Also included in this plant polysaccharides and fatty acids.

The healing properties of kelp And
application in medicine

Note that were discovered long before the study of her biochemical composition. For the inhabitants of the Far North, this product is still one of the main sources of vitamins and a means of preventing such a serious disease as scurvy. The natives of the north even harvested seaweed as livestock feed.

Interesting fact. In ancient China, residents were obliged to eat kelp every day and delivered it to the most remote provinces at public expense. Disobedience was regarded as a serious crime and could even be punishable by death. Thus the emperor took care of the health of his subjects. The fact is that in some regions of the Celestial Empire, people had an “increase in goiter” (a disease that develops due to iodine deficiency in the body).

Currently, the pharmacological properties of kelp have been studied more thoroughly. In medicine, it is used to treat and prevent many diseases, such as:

  • endemic goiter, hypothyroidism;
  • rheumatism, gout, arthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombosis.

Let's see how they show up .

  • Possessing a laxative effect, the plant normalizes bowel function.
  • Helps to strengthen.
  • Normalizes metabolism, regulates energy processes in the body.
  • Used to prevent beriberi.
  • Promotes the breakdown of cholesterol, prevents the formation of excess body fat.
  • Eliminates swelling.
  • Stimulates cellular regeneration.
  • Improves the condition of the skin.
  • Helps to cope better with stress and depression.

In addition, contained in seaweed alginic acid promotes the excretion of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. This substance also helps in the fight against malignant tumors. It has been observed that residents of Japan are less susceptible to oncological diseases than Europeans.

Calorie content of kelp ,
her dietary properties

It must be said that calorie content of kelp is only 5.4 kcal per 100 grams. This perfect product for those who follow their figure and count calories. Dietary Properties seaweed, first of all, lies in its ability to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and unnecessary fluids. In addition, this product is very nutritious and quickly makes you feel full. And the richest complex of vitamins, minerals and completely eliminates exhaustion.

To effectively get rid of excess weight can be done twice a week fasting days, eating 300 grams of seaweed and the same amount of seafood or low-fat sea ​​fish. This amount of food must be divided into 5 meals.

Or you can eat 150 grams of kelp per day, supplementing the main diet with it. However, eating in this way is not recommended for more than two weeks, otherwise it will lead to an oversaturation of the body with iodine and further serious consequences.

Dietary Properties kelp will manifest itself in the best way, subject to a competent diet and active image life. Therefore, neglecting physical activities is definitely not worth it.

Contraindications to the use of kelp

Thanks to the content folic acid and other useful substances, this priceless gift of the sea has a beneficial effect on the body of pregnant women. In particular, seaweed stimulates the cervix, thereby facilitating and speeding up the birth process. However, in a powdered state, these algae can harm the health of mom and baby, so any use of such drugs is allowed only with the permission of a gynecologist. Consider others contraindications to the use of laminaria.

  • Iodine intolerance and related diseases.
  • Row skin diseases: urticaria, furunculosis, acne.
  • Acute gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys (nephritis).
  • Tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism, hemorrhagic diathesis.

Having considered beneficial features kelp (seaweed), it can be concluded that this excellent remedy against thyroid diseases. The plant also helps to cope with the effects of radiation exposure. In addition, kelp is necessary healthy people to maintain the necessary supply of iodine in the body.


Kelp(Laminaria japonica Aresch.) - Fam. Laminaria

Laminaria and its description

Kelp commonly found under the name seaweed. Other types of kelp can also be harvested to obtain seaweed: Bongard's kelp (L. bongafdiana Post, et Rupr.), Gurianova's kelp (L. gurjanovae A. Zin.), l. curly (C. cichorioides Miyabe), l. finger-dissected, l. sugary, narrow kelp (L. angustata Kjellm.). kelp is a brown algae. The thallus consists of a plate, a trunk and rhizoids. The plate is linear, lanceolate, undissected, 2-6 (up to 12) cm long and up to 35 cm wide, with a wedge-shaped, sometimes rounded base; a wide and thick median strip runs along the longitudinal axis of the plate. The trunk is up to 70 cm long and about 1 cm in diameter, cylindrical. Sporangia are formed from July to October.

Where does kelp live?

Laminaria is widespread in the CIS in the south of the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, along the coast of the southern Kuril Islands. Productive thickets near the Kunashir Islands and the Lesser Kuril Ridge, the southern shores of Sakhalin Island and Peter the Great Bay.

Composition of kelp

Laminaria algae use plates (thallus) containing vitamins B, B2, B12, ascorbic acid, carotenoids; polysaccharides: laminarin (up to 21%), alginic acid (up to 25%); mannitol (up to 21%), L-fructose (up to 4%). Laminaria in plates (thalli) contains: ash - 37.05%; macroelements (mg/g): K-93.40, Ca-11.30, Mg-10.10, Fe-0.30; trace elements (µg/g): Mn-5.36, Cu-2.70, Zn-14.60, Cr-0.40, V-0.64, Se-0.13, Ni-0.72, Sr - 196.00, Pb-2.72, B-106.40, Br-54.00. I-10.50 mg/g. He detected Co, Mo, Al, Ba, Cd, Li, Ag, Au. Concentrates kelp Sr, I, Br. Can accumulate I.

Laminaria and its application

From the ashes of the algae kelp receive iodine (up to 0.3%). Used in health care in the form of 5-10% alcohol solution as an external, distracting, antiseptic, irritant, as well as inside in the treatment of atherosclerosis, chronic inflammatory processes respiratory tract and other diseases. Iodine is included in Lugol's solution, used for diseases of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx. Tablets Microiodine and Microiodine with phenobarbital are used for diseases of the thyroid gland; drug Yodinol - with chronic tonsillitis, purulent otitis, rhinitis, with trophic ulcers. Iodinol has a high bactericidal activity. Granules from the plates of the thallus of the kelp plant are used as a mild laxative for chronic atonic constipation. The total drug Laminaride is also used as a laxative; it irritates the intestinal receptors.

Laminaria, yellow pod, alpine kopeechnik are antibacterial and antiviral natural plants. Also read about photosensitizers medicinal plants- figs.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance seaweed in nutrition. Humans have been eating kelp since time immemorial. The first dishes from seaweed were prepared simply - the plant was boiled in water or broth and immediately eaten. Or dried and eaten for several days. Seaweed salad is widely known. It is easy to prepare, stored for a long time, contains a rich set of chemical elements necessary for the body. Availability, ease of obtaining and impressive health benefits of seaweed provided it with excellent export opportunities. Currently, it can be found in any stores around the world. Even in canned it does not lose its therapeutic and preventive properties. It is not expensive, so almost everyone can afford it.

Chemical composition kelp looks impressive. Algae contains iodine (actually, iodine was discovered in it in 1811), manganese, bromine, zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and a dozen other chemical elements, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, polysaccharides. Carbohydrates - 60%, proteins - 13%, fats - 2%. sea ​​kale holds the championship among all food products in the presence of iodine and sodium, potassium and magnesium. It is especially useful for children (although not particularly loved by them). Laminaria is the main prevention of thyroid diseases (but sea kale is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to iodine!). It increases the tone of the body, inhibits the development of vascular sclerosis, reduces the risk of developing blood clots, normalizes digestive and metabolic processes, improves immune system. Seaweed is a powerful aphrodisiac and is recommended for sexual dysfunction in both men and women.

In cosmetology, kelp has also been used. It is included in some cosmetics, infusions and ointments. Seaweed wrapping is also practiced, which has a general rejuvenating effect on the body. It is used as a means of strengthening hair. In medicine, algae is used as an ingredient in iodine-containing drugs aimed at preventing atherosclerosis and goiter.

Laminaria grows everywhere in temperate and cold waters. Japan is the leader in the extraction and processing of algae. For residents of the country rising sun sea ​​kale - a favorite base huge amount dishes. It is used in soups, meat dishes, salads and more. Every year, the Japanese eat several tens of thousands of tons of seaweed. This partly explains why there are so few scrofulous diseases and goiters and such a high life expectancy.

In Russia, seaweed is harvested in the northern and Far Eastern waters by mowing or dredging (using trawls), as well as picking up algae washed ashore. Prior to World War I, Russia purchased iodine from Germany. But with hostilities, supplies from the enemy state were suspended, and the need for iodine, as in a good disinfectant, only increased. Therefore, on Far East and Arkhangelsk, the first algae processing plants were built.

The most useful is seaweed obtained in cold northern waters. It retains more iodine and other beneficial substances. The algae processing process is still manual. Laminaria raised from the bottom of the sea is dried natural way, on fresh air. Various "dryers" only harm the plant. Most the resulting cabbage is preserved right on the spot, so it retains its qualities best and does not deteriorate during transportation.

Kelp(lat. Laminaria) , it is also seaweed - it has several varieties: sugar kelp Laminaria saccharina (L.) Lamour, Japanese kelp Laminaria japonica Aresch, and also palmately dissected kelp - Laminaria digitata (Hudg.) Lam.

Characteristic botanical

sea ​​kaleseaweed, which has the main part in the form of a green-brown lamellar thallus, 2-6 m long, 10-35 cm wide. Also at the bottom, the plate is transformed into a petiole, and then ends with rhizoids attached to rocky ground. Reproduction occurs by spores.

It should be noted that after the formation of spores, the plant dies, and life expectancy is 2-4 years.
From spores, female and male outgrowths develop, which form gametes. After that, fertilization occurs and kelp is formed from the egg.

Distribution and habitat

Sea kale is common in the Japanese, Okhotsk, White and Kara seas. Forms dense thickets on open banks with constant movement of water.

Procurement of raw materials. Available from June to September. Gathered after a storm using a long kanza pole or a special scythe. Laminaria is dried in the sun, and crushed into powder is delivered to the pharmacy.

Security methods. The thickets are restored only after 2 years, so it is recommended to harvest in different areas for collecting raw materials.

External differences . All varieties of kelp have a color of light olive, dark olive, greenish-brown, black-green, red-brown. The surface of the plant is covered with a white coating of salts, and the taste is correspondingly salty.

Chemical composition

Contains polysaccharides: high molecular weight laminarin - 21%, mannitol - 21%, iodides (2.7-3%), as well as vitamins B1, B2, B12, A, C, D, E, sodium, potassium, magnesium, bromine salts, iron, manganese, proteins, carbohydrates, fats. The shelf life of kelp in a dry place is 3 years.

Pharmacological properties

The therapeutic effect of kelp is due to the content of iodine, which has positive influence on the menstrual cycle and the thyroid gland, as well as the plant helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood plasma. Seaweed polysaccharides act as a sorbent.

Form medicines . It is a powder called "Laminarid", which consists of polysaccharides with a protein component and salts of alginic acids.

Application and beneficial properties of kelp

Used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, endemic goiter. It is also a mild laxative for chronic constipation. It is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract associated with the work of a person with radionuclides. The treatment is carried out using inhalation, a decoction for which is made from 1 teaspoon of raw materials and 200 ml. water. It is not recommended for urticaria, diathesis, pregnancy and other diseases where preparations containing iodine are contraindicated.

LAMINARIA SUGAR (SEA CABBAGE) - Laminaria saccharina L.

Laminaria sugar is a brown algae and is a perennial plant with a ribbon-like lamellar thallus 1 to 12 m long. It lives in the Black and North Seas.

This plant contains iodine (2.7-3%), laminarin (21%), mannitol (21%), alginic acid, fructose, vitamins B, B1, B12, B2, D, C, as well as many minerals such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, bromine.

It should be noted that from dried and frozen sea kale you can cook the most variety of dishes processing: poured cold water for 10-12 hours, then washed, again filled with water and boiled for 20 minutes, the boiling procedure is repeated 3 times.

Seaweed is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, endemic goiter, inflammation of the appendages and ovaries in women, reduces the amount of cholesterol, and in traditional medicine used to treat anemia. Also, kelp is not only remedy, but also diet food from which they are made various dishes and even sweets.

Contraindications I seaweed:

Sea kale is contraindicated in kidney diseases, acute forms of diseases digestive system, iodine intolerance, as well as in diseases in which drugs and products containing iodine are contraindicated. In case of serious illnesses, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using seaweed.

The structure of the thallus

Thallus in the form of a plate, smooth or wrinkled, whole or dissected, without holes, from several tens of centimeters to 20 m long, brown in color. The stem is unbranched, attached by rhizoids or a discoid sole. Sporophytes Laminaria perennial, in some species their age can reach 11-18 years.


Japanese kelp is common in the southern regions of the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. In the White and Kara Seas, sugary and palmate kelp live, which are used for medical purposes and for food.

Laminaria grow, forming dense thickets in places with a constant flow, forming a "kelp belt" at a certain depth along the coast. Large underwater "algal forests" are usually formed at a depth of 4-10 m. On rocky ground, kelp in some areas are found up to a depth of 35 m.


  • Laminaria abyssalis A.B.Joly & E.C.Oliveira
  • Laminaria agardhii Kjellm.
  • Laminaria appressirhiza Yu.E.Petrov & Vozzhinsk.
  • Laminaria brasiliensis A.B.Joly & E.C.Oliveira
  • Laminaria brongardiana Postels & Rupr.
  • Laminaria bulbosa J.V. Lamour.
  • Laminaria bullata Kjellm.
  • Laminaria complanata(Setch. & N.L. Gardner) Muenscher
  • Laminaria diabolica Miyabe
  • Laminaria digitata(Huds.) J. V. Lamour.- Laminaria palmately dissected
  • Laminaria hyperborea(Gunnerus) Foslie
  • Laminaria inclinatorhiza Yu.E.Petrov & Vozzhinsk.
  • Laminaria japonicaAresh.- Japanese kelp, or Kombu_ (algae)
  • Laminaria multiplicata Yu.E.Petrov & Suchov.
  • Laminaria ochroleuca Bach Pyl.
  • Laminaria pallida Grev.
  • Laminaria platymeris Bach Pyl.
  • Laminaria ruprechtii(Aresch.) Setch.
  • Laminaria saccharina() J. V. Lamour. - Laminaria sugary, or Laminaria sugar
  • Laminaria sachalinensis(Miyabe) Miyabe
  • Laminaria setchelii P.C. Silva
  • Laminaria sinclairii(Harv. ex Hook.f. & Harv.) Farl. , C.L.Anderson & D.C.Eaton
  • Laminaria solidugula J. Agardh
  • Laminaria yezoensis Miyabe

Economic importance and application

Laminaria thallus contain polysaccharides (mainly alginic acid salts), mannitol, proteins, vitamins, iodine, mineral salts, trace elements. In medicine, kelp is used as a powder for the prevention of goiter, atherosclerosis, as a laxative for chronic constipation and colitis. Get in the form of granules total preparation "Laminarid", containing a mixture of polysaccharides with a protein component and salts of alginic acids.

In nutrition

Saccharine kelp and finger kelp are used as food under the name "seaweed". To replenish daily dose iodine (in regions with iodine deficiency in water), it is enough for a person to consume about 30-40 grams of fresh kelp daily. Laminaria is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to iodine.

Laminaria is used for chronic constipation. Absorbing water and increasing in volume, it irritates the receptors of the intestinal mucosa and reflexively enhances intestinal motility.

Laminaria in cosmetology

Whole or powdered kelp thallus are used for the wrapping procedure and preparation of the infusion. Laminaria extract is part of some cosmetics.

see also

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  1. Y. Yoneshigue-Valentin. (1990). . hydrobiology 204–205 : 461–466. DOI:.
  2. M.D. Guyry. . AlgaeBase(26 de marzo 2006). .
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  4. Taylor. Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast of North America. - Ann Arbor, 1957. - ISBN 0-472-04904-6.
  5. T. Tori. An Illustrated Atlas of the Life History of Algae. - Uchida Rokakuho Publishing Co., Ltd. Tokyo, 1998. - ISBN 4-7536-4057-4.
  6. M. D. Guiry & Wendy Guiry. . AlgaeBase(29 de September 2006). .
  7. M. D. Guiry & Olga Selivanova. . AlgaeBase(19 de September 2006). .
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  9. I. A. Abbott & G. J. Hollenberg. Marine Algae of California. - Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1976. - ISBN 0-8047-0867-3.
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  11. H. Stegenga, J. J. Bolton & R. J. Anderson. Seaweeds of the South African West Coast. - Bolus Herbarium Number 18, University of Cape Town, 1997.
  12. M.D. Guyry. . AlgaeBase(23 de September 2004). .
  13. Blinova K.F. and others./ Ed. K. F. Blinova, G. P. Yakovlev. - M .: Higher. school, 1990. - S. 203. - ISBN 5-06-000085-0.


  • . Frozen sea cabbage. Specifications

An excerpt characterizing Laminaria

- So it's wonderful! Stella rejoiced. And then she jumped to another one. - You're very happy, aren't you? Well, tell me, are you happy? She is so beautiful!!!..
Arno looked into our eyes for a long time and attentively, as if wanting, but not daring to say something. Then I finally decided...
– I cannot accept this happiness from you... It is not mine... This is wrong... I am not yet worthy of it.
- How can you not?! .. - Stella literally soared. - How can you not - how can you! .. Just try to refuse !!! Just look how beautiful she is! And you say you can't...
Arno smiled sadly, looking at the raging Stella. Then he embraced her affectionately and quietly, softly said:
“You brought me unspeakable happiness, and I brought you such terrible pain ... Forgive me, dear, if you ever can.” Sorry...
Stella smiled at him lightly and kindly, as if wanting to show that she perfectly understands everything, and that she forgives him everything, and that it was not his fault at all. Arno just nodded sadly and, pointing to the quietly waiting children, asked:
– Can I take them “upstairs” with me, do you think?
“Unfortunately, no,” Stella answered sadly. They can't go there, they stay here.
“Then we’ll stay too…” a gentle voice sounded. We will stay with them.
We turned around in surprise - it was Michelle. “That’s all done,” I thought to myself. And again, someone voluntarily sacrificed something, and again simple human goodness won ... I looked at Stella - the little girl smiled. Everything was fine again.
“Well, will you walk with me a little more?” Stella asked hopefully.
I had to go home for a long time, but I knew that I would not leave her now for anything and nodded my head in the affirmative ...

To be honest, I wasn’t in the mood to walk too much, because after everything that had happened, my condition was, let’s say, very, very “satisfactory ... But I also couldn’t leave Stella alone, therefore, for both to feel good, although If only we were “in the middle”, we decided not to go far, but simply to relax our almost boiling brains a little, and give rest to our pain-wracked hearts, enjoying the peace and quiet of the mental floor...
We slowly floated in a gentle silvery haze, completely relaxing our twitchy nervous system, and plunging into the stunning, incomparable local peace ... Suddenly, Stella enthusiastically shouted:
- Wow! Just look at what kind of beauty it is there! ..
I looked around and immediately understood what she was talking about...
It really was extraordinarily beautiful!.. As if someone, while playing, created a real sky-blue "crystal" kingdom!.. We were surprised to look at the incredibly huge, openwork ice flowers, powdered with light blue snowflakes; and bindings of sparkling ice trees, flashing with blue highlights at the slightest movement of “crystal” foliage and reaching the height of our three-story house ... And among all this incredible beauty, surrounded by flashes of the present “ northern lights”, the breathtaking majestic ice palace proudly towered, all shining with tints of unprecedented silvery blue hues ...
What was it?! Who liked this cold color so much? ..
So far, for some reason, no one showed up anywhere, and no one expressed a great desire to meet us ... It was a little strange, since usually the owners of all these wondrous worlds were very hospitable and friendly, with the exception of only those who had just appeared on « floor” (that is, they had just died) and were not yet ready to communicate with the rest, or simply preferred to experience something purely personal and difficult alone.
Who do you think lives in this strange world.. – Stella asked in a whisper for some reason.
- Do you want to see? – unexpectedly for myself, I suggested.
I didn’t understand where all my fatigue had gone, and why I suddenly completely forgot the promise I made to myself a minute ago not to interfere in any, even the most incredible incidents until tomorrow, or at least until I get at least a little rest. But, of course, it again worked my insatiable curiosity, which I have not yet learned to pacify, even when the real need arose ...
Therefore, trying, as far as my tormented heart would allow, to “turn off” and not think about our failed, sad and difficult day, I immediately plunged into the “new and unknown”, anticipating some unusual and exciting adventure ...
We smoothly “slowed down” right at the very entrance to the stunning “ice” world, when suddenly a man appeared from behind a blue tree sparkling with sparks ... It was a very unusual girl - tall and slender, and very beautiful, she would have seemed quite young , almost if it were not for the eyes ... They shone with calm, bright sadness, and were deep, like a well with the purest spring water ... And in these marvelous eyes there was such wisdom that Stella and I had not been able to comprehend for a long time ... Not at all surprised by our appearance, the stranger smiled warmly and quietly asked:
- What do you, little ones?
We were just passing by and wanted to see your beauty. I'm sorry if I disturbed you…” I muttered, slightly embarrassed.
- Well, what are you! Come inside, it will certainly be more interesting there ... - waving her hand into the depths, the stranger smiled again.
We instantly slipped past her into the “palace”, unable to contain the curiosity rushing out, and already anticipating something very, very “interesting” for sure.
Inside it turned out to be so stunning that Stella and I literally froze in a stupor, opening our mouths like starved one-day-old chicks, unable to utter a word ...
There was no, as they say, “floor” in the palace... Everything that was there hovered in the sparkling silvery air, creating the impression of sparkling infinity. Some fantastic "seats", similar to groups of sparkling dense clouds accumulated in heaps, swaying smoothly, hung in the air, then, condensing, then almost disappearing, as if attracting attention and inviting them to sit down ... Silvery "ice" flowers, glittering and shimmering, they decorated everything around, striking with a variety of shapes and patterns of the finest, almost jewelry-like petals. And somewhere very high in the “ceiling”, blinding with sky-blue light, huge ice “icicles” of incredible beauty hung, turning this fabulous “cave” into a fantastic “ice world”, which seemed to have no end ...
