
Pumpkin flour. Flour Specialist from pumpkin seeds - “Pumpkin seeds are a source of zinc, an essential amino acid complex and many other macro and micronutrients! Pumpkin flour will help in the fight for beautiful hair, nails and clear skin.

The flour of their seeds of the orange fruit is a very nutritious and healing product. It can be used to create cupcakes, pancakes, cookies, various desserts and sauces. Now flour from pumpkin seeds can be purchased at almost any vegetarian shop, but the price for such a product is high and not affordable for everyone. Make it yourself, and how to cook pumpkin flour at home is a step-by-step recipe later in the article.

If you can't afford natural pumpkin powder for whatever reason, or prefer to use only quality, home-made products, you can make your own.

How to cook pumpkin flour: a recipe at home

All that is needed to create pumpkin flour is to purchase high-quality raw grains. Seeds must be whole, without damage and flaws, a new crop. Drying grains can be done by several simple and affordable methods. To do this, you can use an electric oven, a slow cooker, a microwave oven or a saucepan with a thick bottom. Any kitchen gadget will allow you to create a fragrant and high-quality preparation.

Once the seeds have cooled, you can grind them with a powerful food processor or coffee grinder. A meat grinder is not suitable for these purposes, since when grinding with such methods, the mass will begin to “stick together” (due to the formation of oil). Do not turn on the coffee grinder for a long time. It is advisable to use the “pulsation” mode for making pumpkin powder, since during prolonged operation of the gadget, the seeds heat up and the mass becomes dense.

Powder from healthy grains can be stored for 2-3 months, putting it in a dry and clean food box and tightly closing the lid.


Pour the grains into a ceramic mold or a multicooker container, cook for 12-15 minutes. Remember: for uniform heating, the workpiece must be constantly mixed. After the seeds acquire the creamy shade we need, leave them to cool completely.

Pour some of the pumpkin seeds into the coffee grinder.

Turn it on for a few seconds. We repeat the process until the product is completely crushed.

Sift the pumpkin flour through a sieve.

If large particles of seeds remain, grind them one more time. Repeat the process with the remaining grains.

We use natural pumpkin seed powder to create any sweet or nutritious dishes.

Grocery list:

  • Pumpkin flour 1 cup
  • 2 eggs
  • 12 glasses of milk
  • Almonds 30 grams
  • Peeled walnuts 50 grams
  • Cinnamon

Cooking method:

Beat milk with eggs, add flour and mix well. Grind the nuts in a separate container, pour 100 ml of cream with a pinch of cinnamon. Pour the dough into a special silicone container for microwave ovens, put a mixture of nuts and cream, if desired, you can add a little raisins. Bake at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Before serving, you can decorate with grated chocolate or coconut flakes to your taste.

"Witch Mountain"


  • Pumpkin flour 1 cup
  • 2 eggs
  • Sour cream 400g
  • Margarine 30g
  • Baked soda 12 teaspoons
  • Raisin 15g
  • Dark chocolate without additives 1 - 2 bars.


Melt the margarine on the stove. Mix with eggs and slaked soda, beat until foamy. Add sour cream, raisins, flour, mix thoroughly. Send the resulting dough to the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. In the meantime, melt the chocolate over a fire, add 1-2 tablespoons of cognac to taste. When the biscuit is ready, break it up, but do not crush it to crumbs, put it on a plate in the form of a slide and pour over the chocolate.

Pumpkins for dessert


  • 3 eggs
  • Pumpkin flour 2 tablespoons
  • Flour 1 cup
  • 12 glasses of milk
  • Quick yeast 5 grams
  • Carrot juice, diluted 1 cup
  • Dark chocolate with nuts 1 bar


Mix yeast, pumpkin and wheat flour, add milk, juice, beaten eggs and mix well. Let the dough stand for 15-20 minutes. From the resulting text, make small cakes, inside which place a small piece of chocolate. Close up the edges and give the shape of a pumpkin. If desired, fashion “hats” from a separate piece of dough and place in green dye. Put the resulting buns on a baking sheet greased with margarine and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Chicken fillet in aromatic sauce

Product List:

  • Chicken fillet 300g
  • Pumpkin flour 1 tablespoon
  • Cream 50ml
  • Cheese 100g
  • medium bulb
  • Black pepper
  • Greenery


Cut the defrosted chicken fillet into large pieces and marinate in cream with black pepper and pumpkin flour for 10-15 minutes. Cut the onion into small pieces, place in a pan. After 5 minutes, add the kritz along with the marinade, sprinkle with herbs, mix well and fry without a lid over medium heat. When ready, sprinkle the chicken with grated cheese, close the lid and let stand for 10 minutes. If desired, you can replace the cream with mayonnaise.

Cheese soup - puree

List of ingredients:

  • Cheese 150 grams
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • small bulb
  • small carrot
  • garlic clove
  • tomato paste teaspoon
  • pork
  • fresh greens


Pork pour a little water and put to boil. Finely chop the onion, carrot and garlic and fry over medium heat. 3 minutes before readiness, add tomato paste, flour and mix well. Boil diced potatoes and grated cheese in pork broth. Add roast to soup. Check readiness for softness of potatoes. When the soup is cooked, pour it into a blender and chop. Before serving, garnish with finely chopped parsley.

Porridge "Folk"


  • Rice round 100 grams
  • Wheat groats 150 grams
  • Pumpkin flour 50 grams
  • Milk 250 ml
  • Salt 12 teaspoons
  • Sugar 2 tablespoons
  • Butter, vegetable oil to taste

Cooking method:

Pour 200 ml of milk into a saucepan, bring it to a boil. Add cereals, following the order: millet, rice and pumpkin flour, with an interval of 10 minutes, stirring continuously. When ready, pour in the remaining 50 ml of milk, salt, sugar, mix thoroughly, turn off the heat and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. If desired, add oil, dried fruits, berries or honey before use.

Pears in dough


  • 4 medium pears
  • 2 tablespoons pumpkin flour
  • 4 tablespoons wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 12 glasses of milk


In a bowl, beat eggs with milk until smooth, add both types of flour. Knead the dough and let it rest for 10-15 minutes. Then knead the dough again, roll out 2-3 mm thick and cut out long strips, connect them in pairs. Pears are thoroughly washed and peeled. Fix a strip of dough on the “sharp” part of the pears and gently “wrap” the pear with dough, leaving no gaps. Apply the algorithm to the remaining pears, then send to the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

People who want to eat as healthy as possible are exploring and introducing new, previously untested foods into their diets. Among them, pumpkin flour has recently attracted particular interest. The unusual shade that it gives to dishes, the original flavor - all this makes people take a closer look at the offered product.

Pumpkin and harm

A lot of good things have been said about the vegetable itself for a long time and by many. But flour from it is something new and unfamiliar. First of all, flour is made from and not at all from the pulp or peel, as many people think. Accordingly, all the benefits that seeds can bring go to the product from them. And she has a lot.

And this is not the whole list of areas in which pumpkin flour can have a supportive, and even healing effect. Heart diseases, atherosclerosis, kidney and liver diseases - with all these problems, it will provide significant assistance.

With caution, pumpkin flour should be treated only for people with individual intolerance to the vegetable and with intestinal obstruction.

Note that everyone who has already tried pumpkin flour, the reviews are extremely favorable. Moreover, they concern both its beneficial effect and the taste of dishes with its participation.

Healthy porridge

It uses almost one pumpkin flour. Most recipes advise combining it with other types of flour, but not in this case. Such porridge is very good for weakened children or people recovering from abdominal operations or serious illnesses: the proteins contained in the flour are broken down almost completely and digested with ease.

Preparing porridge is extremely simple: boil water or milk, pour half the flour into the liquid and, with vigorous stirring, cook for no longer than two minutes. To increase the temptation of the dish, you can add cocoa, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes), honey or yogurt to it.

Unusual cutlets

The lenten menu often confuses even experienced housewives: family members usually refuse meat with difficulty. And here pumpkin flour will provide significant assistance. Fun fact: in combination with carrots, they give the dish a well-defined smoked flavor. You will need two large root crops. They are ground with a meat grinder; if the carrots are too juicy, it is better to slightly squeeze the juice from the puree so that the cutlets do not fall apart. It is mixed with two glasses of pumpkin flour, a bunch of finely chopped greens, a crushed garlic clove and your favorite spices. Further actions are traditional: cutlets are molded and fried until they are pleasantly golden. Since they are quite dense, they are tastier to eat with some kind of sauce or juicy vegetables.

Delicious casserole

Pumpkin flour is also very useful for caring mothers: you can cook a delicious and very healthy dessert with it. For it, you will need low-fat cottage cheese (or completely fat-free) in the amount of half a kilogram, egg white and pumpkin flour to make a kind of dough. Apples crumble into the mass, you can add steamed raisins, add cinnamon or vanilla to the taste - it all depends on personal tastes and culinary imagination. The mass is distributed in a baking dish, smeared on top with whipped yolk, melted butter or sour cream - and into the oven. The casserole is dense, but not dry, and is eaten by children almost at the exit from the oven.

austrian cupcake

To get a natural delicacy, and not its imitation, you need pumpkin flour, you can’t replace it with anything. Proteins of four eggs with a mixer are brought to persistent peaks with a half cup of sugar. The yolks are ground with half its amount. Flour (two glasses), a spoonful of baking powder, cinnamon (if you like it) and vanillin are sifted into a bowl. If desired, you can pour a spoonful of rum. Dry components are first mixed with yolks, then protein foam is carefully introduced into them. The dough turns out not too impressive: neither special splendor, nor uniformity in relation to proteins. But this should not be embarrassing: this fact does not affect the taste and appearance of the cake in any way. The dough is laid out in a greased form, leveled and baked for about half an hour, until the top is covered with an even golden crust. The cake should cool right in the mold. Before calling the people to try, the delicacy should be crushed with powdered sugar or doused with icing.

Delicious cookie

Even when creating more familiar types of pastries, it is advised to mix wheat flour with a small amount of pumpkin. So the goodies are stored longer, without staleness, and they turn out to be more magnificent. In this case, we will need equal volumes - a glass of both. Half a pack (85 g) of butter is softened, after which it is ground with sugar (3/4 cup). Then pumpkin flour plus 75 ml of water is poured in, and the components are kneaded. Next comes wheat, combined with a pinch of vanillin, a little cinnamon and a third spoonful of soda. Everything is kneaded again, the dough is poured, rolled into a layer, from which mugs are cut out with a glass. They are laid out on a baking sheet lined with parchment and placed in the oven for a quarter of an hour.

banana buns

For them, in one bowl you need to combine an egg, a glass of low-fat milk, a stack of vegetable oil, vanilla, half a glass of sugar and mashed bananas (about a third of a kilogram). In another bowl, pumpkin flour (a glass), wheat flour (two glasses, grinding should be coarse), a spoonful of soda and a large spoonful of baking powder are mixed. Then both masses are combined, kneaded, and the dough is poured into molds. Depending on their size, the buns will bake from 15 to 30 minutes.

Mexico is considered to be the birthplace of pumpkin flour, although today this useful product is also used in Thailand, Japan, as well as Africa and Brazil. An interesting fact is that the ancient Egyptian sages, who knew a lot about medicine, used it to treat various diseases. Pumpkin flour, the beneficial properties and harm of which we will consider, is a product of processing (drying and grinding) pumpkin seeds. These seeds have real healing power. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Composition of pumpkin flour

The benefits of pumpkin seed flour are due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. The seeds of this vegetable are a real storehouse of magnesium and potassium, iron and zinc. The first two trace elements are actively involved in cardiac activity, stimulating its work, and also strengthen blood vessels and help reduce pressure. Magnesium breaks down glucose in the body, turning it into energy, and also helps to better absorb calcium.

Iron helps transport oxygen to tissues and organs. Phosphorus in the composition of pumpkin seeds regulates the work of the heart muscles and the nervous system, normalizes kidney activity. It plays an important role in both fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Pumpkin seeds, and hence the flour made from them, contain more than half of all B vitamins, ascorbic acid, and vitamin A in large quantities. The presence of these substances suggests that pumpkin flour improves eyesight, strengthens the immune system, stimulates brain activity and has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is also present in this product. And he, as you know, is a vitamin of youth and beauty. The presence of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in pumpkin seeds makes this product even more valuable.

Pumpkin flour is a gluten-free product, it does not contain soy components, therefore it is recommended for people who suffer from intolerance to gluten and soy protein. Almost 40% of the mass of pumpkin flour belongs to high-quality protein. People who do not have animal protein in their diet should add pumpkin flour to their diet.

Pumpkin flour - useful properties

This product, rich in calcium and zinc, can improve the condition of people with osteoporosis. The anti-inflammatory effect of grinding pumpkin seeds is also high - doctors equate it with the action of the well-known drug that relieves inflammation, Indomethacin.

If you have a hormonal imbalance, include pumpkin flour in your diet, it will benefit both women and men in this regard. Want to lose a few pounds, this product will help in this matter. Due to the presence of protein in it, as well as a low percentage of fat, it is a suitable tool for weight loss.

If you are constantly exposed to great physical and mental stress, experience stress or suffer from depressive disorders, pumpkin grinding will help overcome this condition. It contains a natural antidepressant - L-tryptophan.

Pumpkin seeds are a source of a huge amount of phytosterols, and these substances are the best way to remove bad cholesterol. In addition, they perform another important task - they prevent the formation of blood clots and plaques on the vascular walls. These qualities of pumpkin flour will benefit people with cardiovascular disease.

Pumpkin flour: harm and contraindications to it

Since pumpkin seed flour is rich in coarse dietary fiber, some people may experience digestive disorders, accompanied by increased gas formation, constipation, or, conversely, loose stools.

If you suffer from hypotension, then do not abuse pumpkin flour, because some of its components contribute to vasodilation and pressure reduction. Patients with cholelithiasis and people suffering from cholecystitis should first consult with their doctor.

If you have previously been allergic to pumpkin, flour from its seeds is contraindicated for you. Do not use this product if it has been stored for a very long time and has deteriorated. You can check its quality by tasting it. If bitterness is present in the flour, then it is no longer useful, but harmful - it contains toxins. Use only fresh ground pumpkin seeds.

Now it's time to say in what quantities pumpkin flour is used, how to take it for health ...

"About dosage"

They take pumpkin flour in small quantities, adding it to various dishes - pastries, soups, drinks, sauces. It is enough to eat a tablespoon of this product daily to feel its beneficial effect.

Pumpkin grinding will help strengthen immunity, improve mood, increase efficiency, cleanse the intestines, give the skin a healthy color and radiance, provided it is taken in moderation. Abuse of this product can be harmful, because an overdose and accumulation in the body of an excess amount of vitamins and elements can lead to unpredictable consequences. So don't abuse it! For variety, use different types of flour. For example, do you know spelled flour, the recipes for cooking dishes with which were recently presented on the site? If not, welcome to the Healthy Eating section!
