
Sauce for haddock in the oven. Haddock - recipes for cooking delicious and varied dishes for every day

Haddock is a large fish with juicy white meat belonging to the cod family. It is an excellent source of high quality protein and a dietary product. The fat content in haddock meat is low, about 0.5%, so it can be used in almost any diet. The taste of this fish is not very bright, rather muffled and soft, so it perfectly absorbs and sets off other tastes. It is prepared and served with various sauces and seasonings, vegetables and fruits, herbs, wine, cream.

Fresh, smoked and dried haddock can be found in shops and markets, but most often it is sold frozen, neat or in ice glaze. To keep the shape of the fish, it is better to defrost it gradually, moving it from the freezer to the refrigerator a few hours before cooking. One of the advantages of haddock is its thin skin, which does not need to be peeled and becomes crispy and very tasty when fried. Haddock meat - elastic and dense - retains its qualities in any processing method, from stewing to grilling, but it turns out to be the most tender and dietary when steamed.

fried haddock
Haddock can be fried in a variety of ways. The easiest: wash the fish, dry it with paper towels, cut into portions and fry in vegetable oil in a hot pan. Haddock will turn out delicious and without any breading and additives, it only needs to be salted. Fried haddock is best served with some kind of spicy sauce: soy, garlic, ginger, tomato, etc.

In order for the fish to be crispy, haddock is fried in potato starch or potato flour. It's very simple: wet fish is dipped in starch, shaken off the excess and fried in a pan.

You can fry the fish in breadcrumbs or in ordinary flour, in this case, in order for the breading to hold better, it is advisable to first dip the fish in a beaten egg. Sometimes whipped protein is used.

Another way to fry is in batter. The batter is made from flour, eggs and cream (milk) or from flour and beer. It is better to make the pieces small so that the fish has time to fry while the dough is browned.

Salad with haddock
For the salad, simply boil the haddock in salted water and separate the meat from the bones. After that, it remains to cut it into small cubes and add to the salad.

Haddock salad options:

  • Lettuce, dill, parsley, cherry tomatoes, olive oil, lemon juice.
  • Boiled eggs, rice, canned corn, mayonnaise.
  • Carrots, cut into strips and grated on a coarse grater, fried in oil with onions, pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise mixed with sour cream.
  • Rice, fresh cucumbers, boiled carrots, green peas, mayonnaise.
Haddock cutlets
If you managed to buy ready-made minced haddock - fine, if not, then you can make it yourself, it's not difficult at all. Cooking minced fillet is the easiest way - you just need to cut it into pieces and pass it through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender. If desired, immediately add the onion, although it can be cut into cubes and added to the minced meat later.

You can cook minced meat not only from fillets, but also from fish carcasses. First remove all large bones and fins, and in the process of grinding, carefully make sure that small bones are well ground.

Soak white bread in milk or cream, squeeze, mix with minced meat, salt, pepper, and you can sculpt cutlets. Roll the finished cutlets in breadcrumbs or flour and fry in a pan in vegetable oil. Another option is to bake the cutlets in the oven, and you can fill them with cream, sour cream, or a mixture of sour cream and tomato sauce (ketchup is also suitable).

Haddock baked in the oven
And in this cooking method there are different options. You can bake fish simply with lemon and herbs, wrapped in foil and adding a few pieces of butter for softness.

And you can cook haddock in the oven immediately with a side dish. Boiled rice or potatoes can serve as a side dish. Haddock, before baking, it is advisable to fry on both sides in a pan so that it forms a crispy crust.

Roasting takes place in the following sequence: put a side dish (rice or sliced ​​potatoes) on a greased baking sheet, lay the pieces of fish on top. You can add tomatoes cut into thin circles and sprinkle it all with grated cheese. Bake until browned.

Diet haddock stewed in cream with potatoes
There is very little fat in this dish, mainly the fat found in the cream. Therefore, if you want to reduce the number of calories, take low-fat cream or milk.

Boil a few potatoes in their skins and peel them. Cut into cubes or small slices. Cut the haddock fillet into small pieces. Bring the cream to a boil in a small saucepan, place the fish in it. Salt and pepper to your taste. Cook for 5-7 minutes, then add the potatoes and continue to simmer the dish over low heat under the lid for several minutes.

If desired, you can add onion fried in oil, chopped herbs and a piece of butter to the haddock stew.

No matter how you cook haddock, it will benefit you anyway, because it contains vitamins, essential amino acids and unsaturated fats. So include this dietary fish in your diet more often.

Since ancient times, there have been a lot of fish in the northern rivers and seas of Russia, and therefore our cuisine is replete with dishes from this product. Sevryuzhin with horseradish and black caviar, sturgeon and salmon - all this our ancestors cooked, fried, stewed and baked. Today we will look at how to cook fish in the oven. There are few real Russian stoves left even in the villages, but it doesn’t matter: a good product will not lose its valuable qualities even in the microwave.

Haddock baked in the oven

Clean, gut, cut into pieces, rinse one large fish. Squeeze a few cloves of garlic under pressure, pour soy sauce and give the carcass time to swim in it. Grease a deep baking sheet with vegetable oil. I put pieces of haddock on it. Pour a little water, add spices (laurel leaf, white pepper and peppercorns), herbs (thyme, thyme, parsley). You don't need to add salt as the soy sauce has already made it. Put the tray in the preheated oven. Somewhere in a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes, when the fish has already let the juice out, you need to make a sauce: mix sour cream with mayonnaise in equal proportions and add ketchup until you get a pink color. Pour the pieces with this gravy and fry for another quarter of an hour.

Haddock baked in the oven with vegetables

Grate prepared cod fish with rosemary and salt, sprinkle with lime juice. Put a few whole sprigs of cilantro and dill in the abdomen. Cut off the ends from the eggplant, cut it into thick rounds. Cut the onion into large half rings. Then fry in two soup spoons of olive oil until translucent (but not yellow-brown). Add the eggplant and chopped tomato to the onion. Vegetables will give juice, but this is normal. Simmer them, stirring constantly, for about 10 minutes. Grease a baking dish with olive oil with a silicone brush. We put the fish in the center, on it - the vegetable mixture. The oven should already be preheated to 200 C. The dish will spend about half an hour there. After that, we take out the form, generously sprinkle the contents with grated parmesan and send it to earn a “tan” for another five to ten minutes.

Festive haddock baked in the oven

The recipe is laborious, but the result is worth it. Finely chop the garlic and onion and fry in vegetable oil. Add spices: a spoonful of sweet paprika and coriander. With the cooled mixture, thoroughly smear the pieces of fish, add a little salt. We cover the container with haddock with cling film and let it marinate for an hour. At this time, we disassemble the leek into individual leaves and boil for 2-3 minutes in lightly salted water. We wrap each piece of fish in a leek (like stuffed cabbage) and put it on a baking sheet. The dish is baked for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Haddock baked in the oven with garnish

Grease a baking sheet thickly with oil. At the bottom put half of the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bthin

circles of potatoes, on it - chopped vegetables (carrots, sweet peppers, broccoli or cauliflower). Put the fish fillet on top of the vegetables, salt. We cover with the remaining potatoes, pour sour cream and three hard cheese. We wrap the form in foil and send it to the oven for an hour at 180 C. When ten minutes remain until the end of baking, remove the aluminum so that a crust appears.

Mullet baked in the oven

Mullet is made in a similar way, with the only difference being that this fish must be marinated before the oven for at least two hours in a mixture of two large spoons of sour cream, a teaspoon of mustard and two spoons of curry.

Cut the fish into large pieces. Then salt and pepper, pour generously with lemon juice. Finely chop the onion, do the same with a bunch of dill and parsley. Lubricate a sheet of foil with a piece of butter. We put half of the onion and greens on it, on this green pillow - chum salmon. We cover with the remaining onions and herbs. Drizzle with mayonnaise. Wrap well in foil and put in the oven. Let it screech for about an hour at 250 degrees.

Hello everyone who visits!
Haddock is a very useful and tasty fish. But it is also important to present it in such a way that it does not lose its usefulness.
I cook mainly with the expectation that a small child will eat, so I don’t add anything harmful. She has practically no small bones, and which are, they are easy to extract, so such a fish is suitable for kids.

I always buy frozen haddock in the market, it is fresher there, not stale, in general, what you need.
To cook it in the oven, I take only 2 vegetables - onions and carrots, and spices can be put at your discretion and taste.

And don't forget the peppercorns.

Carrots and onions need to be chopped, I cut the onions with a knife, and rub the carrots on a coarse grater. Immediately I spread the vegetables in a glass form, in which I will cook the fish in the oven.

I salt these chopped vegetables, add bay leaves, black peppercorns and dried dill (there was no fresh, although it could have been put in). You need to salt in such a way that there is enough salt for pieces of fish. It's also a matter of taste, I always do it by eye.

Next, I divide the fish into portioned pieces and spread them on top of the vegetable "cushion", pour water over it so that the edges of the fish are covered. It is not worth pouring a lot of water, as it, having boiled, will rise and splatter the entire oven.
Notice I don't add any oil or extra fat. The fish is cooked in its own juice, only with water.
I put the fish in the oven for almost an hour, at a temperature of 220 degrees.

The finished fish easily moves away from the bones and has a delicate white color.
You can serve it with your favorite side dish, but it goes best with pasta, rice or potatoes.
I decided to serve it with rice.
Carrots and onions, which were under the fish, go well with the side dish.
It took me a little over an hour to prepare this dish. Preparation, cleaning fish, slicing vegetables for each hostess will turn out as quickly as this hostess has, so this time is approximate and everyone has their own. But in the oven, the fish is worth about an hour.
The cost of the dish is mainly from the cost of the fish. We have it for about 180 rubles and one fish pulls a little more than a kilogram.

Haddock is one of the common types of fish, and a variety of dishes are often prepared with it. We will talk about the options for the most delicious and healthy dishes from this wonderful fish.

Haddock is an inexpensive fish, you can buy it in almost any supermarket, but at the same time it is very tasty and healthy. Interestingly, in terms of the amount of protein, it ranks second among Atlantic fish after pollock. Among the useful substances contained in this fish are polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, selenium, there are a lot of B vitamins in it - B3, B6, B12.

It is a popular choice of fish, usually associated with the popular British fish and chips dish. Haddock is a white, loose fish, often compared to cod in flavor, that can be bought smoked or unsmoked, dyed or dyed. Colored black saffron is usually "smoked" with flavorings or modern methods, then dyed. Traditional, unprocessed smoked haddock is naturally off-white or pale yellow.

Haddock can be recognized by a black line running along the side of the haddock and a distinct fingerprint on the side. Haddock is found around the North Atlantic during the peak season during the winter and spring months. In the spring, you can also bring pizza roe deer, which can be boiled or fried. Like cod, haddock has been outwitted, so eat sparingly or buy sustainably - look for the trap or the Marine Stewardship Council logo. Even better, choose comparable white fish such as koils and pollock.

Haddock is a large fish, it can reach up to 20 kg in weight and up to 1 meter in length. It is considered a lean fish, like all cod fish.

To make any haddock dishes delicious, of course, you need to choose the right one:

  • Fresh haddock smells good of the sea;
  • The eyes of the fish should not be cloudy;
  • The color of the gills should not be dark brown;
  • The edges of the fish should not be dry, and the fillet should be white, not yellow.

It is better to buy fresh haddock, but many delicious dishes can be prepared from frozen fish.

What to Look for When Buying Haddock

Haddock is usually available in fillets, but can also be bought whole or in steaks, always choose as fresh as possible. Fresh haddock will have firm, pearly white flawless flesh and smell of the sea, not at all unpleasant. To find out if there's a whole haddock, look at the eyes and gills, which should be bright, clear, and red, respectively.

As with all white fish, haddock can be tricky to get right at first, but with care and practice, this delicately flavored fish is easy to master. Fear of undercooking often results in overcooked fish - take the heat off when the fish is just starting to pop and hot in the middle, the residual heat will finish cooking the fish while you're trimming.

You can store fresh haddock in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days on the bottom shelf.

What dishes can be prepared from haddock

Haddock can be baked, including in foil, fried, boiled, but the best way would be steaming, which, as you know, allows you to save a maximum of nutrients that are destroyed during frying and prolonged heat treatment. As for specific dishes, there are a huge number of them: you can cook pickle, stew, fish soup from it, make casseroles, meatballs, stews, barbecue and even stuffing for dumplings!

Recipe for cooking haddock in the oven

Baking haddock is an excellent way to cook a whole haddock. Make sure it is gutted, gills and scales removed. Like all whole fish, haddock can also be grilled, cooked in papillote, or fried. If you are roasting haddock, add a generous amount to the cavity of the whole fish and to the cut flesh before cooking - this will add depth of flavor. To check if the fish is very hot, insert the skewer into the thickest part - it should come out hot, the flesh should also be flaky.

Haddock fillets are readily available from your fishmonger. When cooking a haddock fillet, make sure it came first first. Haddock is probably the most popular method, but try pans or pans. To peel haddock skin when sautéing a pan, place it on its side down in a preheated pan for most of the cooking time and only turn it over at the last minute to finish it.

A very tasty option is to stuff haddock and bake it in the oven.

Recipe for stuffed haddock baked in the oven

You will need: 1.5 kg of haddock, 750 g of potatoes, 350 ml of dry white wine, 200 g of chanterelles, 25 g of butter, 5 strips of sliced ​​bacon, 4 slices of bread for toast, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 bunch of parsley, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tbsp. rosemary, lemon juice, 1 tsp paprika powder, pepper.

What can be cooked from haddock?

How to cook fish stew with haddock. Cut the eggplant into circles, salt heavily, pour water, rinse with running water after 10 minutes. Cut sweet pepper into strips, onion into cubes, garlic finely. Rinse the fish, dry it, rub with salt and sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix the vegetables, put in a ceramic bowl, put the fish on the vegetables. Finely chop the sage, sprinkle fish with it and thyme leaves, you can also sprinkle it with spicy dry herbs, pour everything with broth, pepper, cover with a lid and put in a cold oven. Simmer everything for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 250 degrees.

Cooks have turned to the oven so they don't have to worry about deep fat roasts, but oven roasts are often in short supply. The coating never gets very crispy and the fish usually ends up overcooked. We aimed to bring the crunch back to the roast. We used thick fillets so that the fish and delicacy cooked at the same time. The flaky cod and haddock provided the best contrast to the crispy exterior we envisioned. Plain cotton flour, egg and fresh breadcrumbs are not as crispy as we wanted, so we toasted the breadcrumbs with a little butter.

You can use a steamer to prepare this healthy dish.

The next option for an everyday haddock dish is dumplings.

Haddock dumplings recipe

You will need: 1 kg haddock fillet, 200 g onions, 100 g butter, allspice, salt.

How to cook haddock dumplings. Twist the fillet in a meat grinder with onions, put butter into the mass, cut into pieces, pepper and salt, mix well.

Haddock baked in the oven with sauce

Placing the covered fish on a wire rack while baking allowed air to circulate around the fish, picking up all sides. We enhanced the flavor in two ways by adding shallots and parsley to the breading and horseradish, cayenne and paprika to the egg wash. For the final touch, we whip up a creamy tartar sauce with mayonnaise, capers and a sweet treat.

We prefer whole milk in this recipe, but 1 or 2% skim milk can be substituted. Do not substitute frozen cherries for fresh cherries. Adjust the oven racks to the lower and upper positions; Place a 12-inch skillet on the bottom rack and preheat the oven to 425 degrees. The lines edge the aluminum foil baking sheet and place the cherries, cut side up, on the sheet. Roast the cherries on the top rack until only the tender and cut sides look dry, about 15 minutes.

Just a couple of moments and such an unusual filling for dumplings is ready, try to cook such dumplings, and all fish lovers will certainly appreciate them. Another option on how you can surprise your home is to cook pickle with haddock.

Haddock Pickle Recipe

You will need: 1.5 liters of fish broth, 500 g haddock, 5 potatoes, 1 onion each, pickled cucumber, carrots, ½ parsley root, ½ cup pearl barley, 2 tbsp. margarine, 1 tbsp. chopped greens, 4 tsp sour cream, cucumber pickle, spices, salt.

Transfer the cherries to a medium bowl, toss in the lemon juice and let cool for 5 minutes. Mix 2 teaspoons flour and cinnamon in a small bowl; dust the flour mixture evenly over the cherries and toss to coat thoroughly. Whisk in cream and milk until incorporated.

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Remove the pan from the oven and place on a wire rack. Add oil and swirl to coat the bottom and sides of the pan. Pour the batter into the skillet and spread the cherries evenly on top. Transfer the skillet to a rack and let it cool for 25 minutes. You will find jellyfish recipes in all varieties. Are you looking for delicious fish dishes with jellyfish? Here you will find delicious bark dishes from the new fish cuisine. The worm belongs to the cod genus and lives in the European part of the North Atlantic from the Bay of Biscay over the North Sea to the Barents Sea and the White Sea.

How to cook pickle with haddock. Rinse barley, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 3 parts of water, boil over low heat under a lid. Cut the fish into fillets, discard the gills, and boil the broth from the head and bones, strain it. Cut the roots and onion into strips, sauté on margarine. Chop the cucumber with milk, cut off the peel and remove the seeds, put in a small amount of broth in a frying pan. Bring the broth to a boil, put the barley, boil for 20 minutes at a low boil, add the haddock fillet cut into pieces, potatoes into cubes, roots, boil for 10 minutes, add the cucumber, parsley, pepper, pour in the boiled brine, salt to taste, boil the soup until tender, when serving, season with sour cream and herbs.

Jellyfish contains very little fat. Ingredients 500 g Tomato 500 ml Milk oil Bakery potato starch Salt Pepper Preparation. Tomato - Terrine Tomato - Terrine Tomato - Terrine. Beef stew. It doesn't always have to be meat. Puddles balls puddle balls. Here is a delicious horseradish recipe.

Haddock in the Provencal style Haddock in the Provencal style Haddock in the Provencal style. Delicate recipe for light fish. A glass of white wine and everything is perfect. Fuck fuck fuck. Haddock is a very tasty fish that fish love. Garlic mousse with garlic puree Garlic mousse with garlic puree Delicious salad with garlic puree.

This fish pickle is very tasty. Also, haddock can be served at the table by frying it in lemon breading.

Recipe for crispy haddock in lemon breading

You will need: 700 g haddock fillet, 100 g butter, 75 g fresh bread crumbs, 1 small onion, ½ lemon (zest and juice), 2 tbsp. chopped parsley, black pepper, salt.

How to cook fried haddock. Melt half the butter in a saucepan, fry the onion for 5 minutes, remove from the stove, add crumbs, mix, adding parsley and lemon zest, salt and add seasonings to taste. Remove the skin from the fish, fold the fish in half, place in a baking dish, coat with crumbs, bake for 20-25 minutes until browning in an oven preheated to 190 degrees. With lemon juice over low heat, melt the rest of the butter, pour it over the fish before serving.

From this fish you can cook a lot of tasty and healthy dishes that can be served both for everyday and for the festive table, if you and your loved ones love fish, then you will definitely like haddock dishes!

If you haven't tried it, discover this recipe for a very tasty haddock dish. It can be fried in a pan, cooked in the oven, baked on the grill. Good haddock with salad. You can boil the fillet, make a delicious pate. Haddock in foil in the oven will appeal to the whole family.

Haddock from the cod family

Lives in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. She is in the Red Book, but catching her does not stop. This is from 0.5 to 0.7 million tons annually. More fishing is only for cod and haddock in an honorable 3rd place. She weighs an average of 3 kg. and about 70 cm long. There are also meter-long individuals up to 17 or 19 kg.

Haddock in the oven is excellent. The meat remains firm and tender at the same time. If you steam the fillet, then there will be little fat. It is recommended for people on a diet or diet. Haddock is smoked and salted. The fish turns out very tasty, but haddock is a more delicate dish.

Haddock baked in the oven contains a lot of protein, vitamin B12, useful selenium. It contains: potassium with iron, zinc with iodine, sodium with pyridoxine, bromine with fluorine. Lots of useful vitamins D and A.

Fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the activity of the central nervous system. Thanks to them, immunity increases, the work of all organs improves. These are Omega-3 and other acids. The work of the brain and vision improves, cholesterol is actively removed from the blood. In the oven in foil, when cooked in its own juice, the fish retains these beneficial substances.

Only 73 kcal per 100 gr. haddock. Fish baked in the oven is fragrant and healthy.

  • haddock fillet - 2 pcs.
  • large onion - 1 pc.
  • - 4 things.
  • large carrots - 1 pc.
  • medium-sized tomato - 4 pcs.
  • 3 art. lies. sunflower oil
  • pepper (ground black) to your taste
  • salt the dish as much as you want.


Haddock in the oven in its own juice with vegetables, it comes out very tasty. Makes 2 or 3 servings. Prepare in 1 hour.

  1. Peel the onion from the husk. Rinse carrots under running water. Now grate the root crop on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into medium cubes.
  2. Take a frying pan. Throw in the onion and fry until soft. Here, carrots and let everything stew for 3 minutes.
  3. Cut the haddock fillet into pieces. Pepper and salt to your taste.
  4. Lay out the foil on the table. Put 2 or 3 tbsp on it. lies. pre-stewed vegetables, and fillet on them, so that haddock is quickly cooked in the oven. Top with 2 slices of tomatoes. Haddock in the oven comes out excellent with vegetables.
  5. Top with a pinch of ground black pepper and any other favorite spices + 2 champignons (cut into circles) and 2 basil leaves. In the oven in its own juice with vegetables and seasonings, you get an excellent dish.
  6. Wrap portions in foil. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and let it cook for 15 to 20 minutes. languish there.

Haddock fillet in the oven is an excellent dish. Eat it with potatoes, another side dish.

Take out and bon appetit to the whole family!

So, today in our kitchen, haddock in foil in the oven. The recipe with a photo that is offered to you is not just another “guide” that you write down and put aside, you will use these tips very often.
Haddock is a very tasty, satisfying, and most importantly, dietary fish. It contains a lot of protein, micro and macro elements that the body needs.

Have you already steamed this wonderful fish? And now you don’t know how to cook it in an interesting way? Then this recipe is for you.

So what do we need to prepare?


  • one small haddock;
  • vegetable or butter;
  • garlic (to taste);
  • ground black pepper, salt (to taste);
  • half a lemon;
  • fresh different greens (parsley, basil, dill ...).

Cooking method:

  1. Clean up the fish. Remove the gills, gut her;
  2. Brush the inside of the fish with garlic, salt and pepper;
  3. Make a filling with several sprigs of greens, sprinkle haddock with lemon juice;
  4. Lubricate haddock with vegetable or butter and pack in foil so that the juice that will stand out does not flow out, otherwise the fish will be too dry;
  5. Put the haddock already wrapped in foil on a baking sheet and place in the oven, heated to 180 - 220 ° C. You need to bake the fish for 25 - 40 minutes;
  6. If you want to achieve a golden crust on haddock, then somewhere in the middle of the process, open the foil and place it back in the oven, but be careful not to burn the fish. It is best to place the haddock in the middle of the oven.

Pre marinade

The fish can be marinated in a dry marinade, in sour cream, or in mayonnaise - cooked haddock in the oven is very suitable for all this. Recipes with photos in foil may not reveal all the intricacies of the marinade, but on our website you will find several interesting recipes on how any fish can be marinated in advance for any cooking options.

Haddock baked in the oven in foil, the recipes with photos of which are given here, can be cooked according to the same principles that are used to cook all the popular fish of the cod family - pollock and cod.

How to serve fish

Don't know how to serve the dish when the haddock in the foil oven is ready? The recipe with photos clearly show you one of the great serving options.

But you can also serve the fish on a vegetable pillow, with a side dish, or on foil, garnished with lemon and herbs.

You can make a variety of sauces for this fish as it pairs well with spicy, sweet and sour or mild, neutral flavors.

Haddock baked in foil is perfect for an ordinary dinner, and for some kind of holiday, as it looks very beautiful, and it takes very little time to cook.

Bon appetit!
