
Red rice: benefits and harms, recipes for the preparation of medicinal products. Red rice - useful properties, contraindications, features of the type

In our traditional cuisine, white rice is mainly used, porridge is cooked from it, pilaf is cooked, added to cabbage rolls, meatballs, salads. A few years ago, brown and brown rice began to gain popularity, and more recently, we started talking about red rice, and you can hear about its benefits and harms. Although in some countries of the world it is the most common component of national cuisine. So is red rice good or bad?

Chemical composition and useful properties

There are more than two dozen types of rice, and its varieties - about one and a half hundred. In order not to get confused in such a variety, it is customary to distinguish rice by shape, color, type of processing. White rice is distinguished by color, brown, brown, red, there is even purple and black. The color depends on the variety and method of processing the grain.

In ancient China, it was strictly forbidden to eat red rice. Those who disobeyed faced the death penalty. Such a ban did not exist because red rice brought great harm to health. The reason was different. The ancient Chinese emperors liked red rice very much, they knew about its healing properties and did not want to share the unique food with someone else.

It is believed that the most useful rice is red. This is due to the fact that it is the least processed. The grains are not polished, but only subjected to heat treatment. That is why red rice, unlike its white "brother", contains a high percentage of fiber, many minerals (iodine, phosphorus, copper, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron) and vitamins, especially group B, are preserved. In terms of amino acid content, red rice sometimes compared with meat and claim that it is able to partially replace it in the diet.

Due to the special chemical composition, this cereal has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole organism, slows down the aging process, saves from certain ailments, and helps fight extra pounds.

Red rice is considered one of the healthiest foods.

What are the benefits of red rice:

  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalizes the microflora of the large intestine;
  • lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood;
  • favorably affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • improves the condition of hair, nails, skin;
  • reduces the likelihood of oncological diseases;
  • prevents the development of osteoporosis and arthritis;
  • removes toxins and other debris from the body;
  • prevents anemia.

Another valuable property of red rice is the absence of gluten in its composition. This is a complex protein that is part of many other cereals, such as wheat, rye, oats, barley, which negatively affects the body. There are people with acute intolerance to gluten (it is also called gluten), they have to strictly monitor the food they eat.

Red rice also has a low glycemic index. This is especially valuable for people with diabetes, as this indicator is responsible for the effect of food after consumption on blood sugar levels.

Varieties of red brown rice

Depending on the place of cultivation, several varieties of red rice are distinguished. Each of them has its own properties and features.

  1. Rice Camargue (Camarque) - grown in the south of France in the valley of the Camarque River (hence its name), although Thailand is considered its homeland. Short-grain variety with a bright nutty aroma. It is often used as a side dish or added to various salads.
  2. Samba (Samba red rice) - cultivated in India and Sri Lanka. It is considered a medium-grain variety, but depending on the place of growth, the shape and size of the grain may vary, for example, round-grain Samba is found in India.
  3. Bhutanese red rice - came to us from Bhutan. It is also a fairly common variety, the grain size is medium. When cooked, it has a pale pink color.
  4. Thai rice or Cargo is a long-grain variety with a deep burgundy color. Has a floral jasmine scent. To preserve its unique taste and useful properties, a special cooking method is required.
  5. Yeast rice - it is obtained by fermenting ordinary white rice with special yeast. In China, it has been used for thousands of years to prepare traditional local dishes, in those days they also knew about its healing properties.
  6. Ruby - cultivated in India, where it is used not only for food, but also during religious ceremonies. There is a California ruby, gourmets love it for its spicy taste and incredibly rich burgundy color. At the beginning of the 21st century, Russia launched its own Rubin.
  7. Devzira - grows in Uzbekistan. Unpolished red rice, which differs from other similar varieties in its quick preparation.

Ruby red rice contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals

Use in folk medicine and recipes for healthy dishes

With such a rich composition and healing properties, red rice has occupied a special niche in folk medicine. It is recommended to use it for a wide variety of ailments:

  1. Red rice is actively used to treat the colon. Since it contains a lot of fiber, it cleanses the intestines well. Traditional medicine pays special attention to red rice in the treatment of stomach ulcers. If you take red rice with milk, you can get rid of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. If you need to defeat a sore throat, SARS, which occur with a high temperature, red rice is cooked with onion or mint. It turns out an excellent antipyretic agent.
  3. It is advised to actively use it for high blood pressure, heart disease. A red fermented rice supplement is available in tablet form to lower cholesterol levels.
  4. There are many recipes for cleansing the body with red rice at home. There is a special scheme according to which the vessels are cleaned with soaked rice.
  5. Red rice is recommended for men. It has a positive effect on potency.
  6. Red rice dishes are used to boost immunity. It will be especially useful in winter, when you need to protect yourself from SARS, flu and other colds.

Important tip: start eating red rice dishes in small portions, as this product can cause flatulence.

How to cook

Red rice can be used to make a wide variety of dishes. It is good to combine red rice with mushrooms and vegetables. Remember that for maximum preservation of useful properties, red rice is prepared in a special way. It is difficult to digest it, as it is unpolished, dense.

What will be required:

  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • water - 450–550 g;
  • red rice - 1 cup.

Red rice can be used to make many delicious dishes.

  1. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water into it and bring to a boil.
  2. Rinse rice in cold water, be sure to several times until the water becomes clear.
  3. Pour boiling water over the rice and add some salt. Water should cover the cereal by 2 cm.
  4. During the boil, remove the foam that appears and cook at maximum heat for 20-30 minutes until the rice becomes soft and the liquid is completely absorbed.
  5. Turn off the stove and leave the porridge for 10 minutes. insist.

Video: Rubin rice pilaf and guinea fowl meat

Red rice soup for diabetics

The soup recipe is suitable for those who suffer from type 2 diabetes. For cooking you will need:

  • cauliflower - 250 g;
  • red rice - 50 g;
  • 2 onions;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter;
  • greenery.
  1. Peel and chop the onion, put in a frying pan, add the rice and fry everything.
  2. Put the finished mixture in a pot of boiling water and bring the cereal to half-cooked.
  3. Add the cauliflower and simmer the soup for another 15 minutes.
  4. Serve with herbs and sour cream.

Soup with red rice and cauliflower combines several healthy ingredients

For weight loss

It is believed that any rice is good to use for weight loss. But you need to remember that white rice is more high-calorie. To get a slim figure, choose red rice. In 100 g of boiled rice, there are only 120 kcal, and not 337 kcal, as in dry cereals. Red rice is perfect for a light dinner. It will be especially tasty if you add greens or vegetables to the dish. Groats are prepared according to the recommendations indicated on the package. If there are none, then the correct method is described above. For an effective result, it is imperative to exclude flour, sweet, salty from the diet.

If you strictly adhere to the rice mono-diet, then, according to the reviews of those who have tried it, you can lose up to 10 kg per week.

Video: stewed cabbage with red rice recipe

When red rice can be harmful

This cereal crop has no special contraindications and side effects. More benefits! However, there are a few things you need to be aware of:

  • only moderate use. In large quantities, red rice can cause constipation and flatulence;
  • exclude during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • should not be used in diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • use with caution in the diet of children, pregnant and lactating women, although it is believed that red rice increases lactation;
  • you can not combine red rice with citrus fruits, especially grapefruit;
  • be careful for people using cholesterol-lowering drugs, antifungal and anticancer drugs.

If you like variety in food and keep fit and healthy, then red rice is a great option for your diet.

More than half of the world considers rice their staple food. The Chinese included the product in their solemn ceremonies as early as 2800 BC, and grain came to Russia only in the 19th century. All over the world, rice-based dishes are prepared that have become classics of national cuisine: paella in Spain, risotto in Italy, pilaf in India, Turkmenistan, and the Caucasus. Sweets are prepared from it for the tea table, and bran is fed to pets. There are many types and varieties of this common cereal. Let's talk today about the benefits and harms of red rice.


Red rice is a variety of a well-known culture. It can differ in the shape and size of the grains, the content of certain elements. Its main feature is red flakes (burgundy, pink) covering each grain. Rice of some varieties remains white after complete cleaning, others have a delicate pink color that persists after cooking. Red rice can be fully or partially polished to speed up the cooking process, or left unpolished. Unpolished red rice retains the maximum number of nutrients. The scales remaining on the grains give the finished dish a special flavor, help to keep its shape, fill the body with fiber.

Among all varieties of multi-colored rice (black, brown, purple), red is the most energy-intensive. The calorie content of the product is 330 kcal, carbohydrates account for 70 g out of 100.

Chemical composition

The benefits of red rice are determined by its composition. The cereal contains:

  • Vitamins. The greatest amount of vitamins is found in brown rice. They stimulate metabolic processes, provide energy, improve vision, normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Mineral components. Red rice contains a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iodine, potassium, selenium, and iron. They improve lipid metabolism, are responsible for the strength of bone structures, help maintain hormonal balance, are responsible for the tone of muscle fibers, and ensure the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Antioxidants, such as procyanine. Promote the removal of free radicals from the body, prevent premature aging;
  • Amino acids. Responsible for the structure of protein compounds. Thanks to the eight amino acids contained in red rice, cereal can replace meat. Amino acids ensure the normal functioning of the brain, play the role of conductors of nerve impulses, are responsible for neural connections;
  • Phytohormones. A small number of plant hormones are beneficial for the functions of the genitourinary system. Reduce the risk of cancer;
  • Alimentary fiber . They quickly saturate, provide excellent work of the digestive tract, reduce the slagging of the body.

The benefits of red rice

Due to the extensive composition of useful components, red rice has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole organism. The cereal has a fairly high calorie content, but it is completely absorbed and cleanses the blood vessels of cholesterol, and also accelerates fat metabolism, so overweight people can use red rice for weight loss, including dishes from it in the daily menu.

Product advantages:

  • Regulates the work of the endocrine system;
  • Reduces the glycemic index, recommended in moderation for diabetics;
  • Cleanses the body of toxins;
  • Cleanses the blood of toxins and cholesterol;
  • Improves the condition of blood vessels;
  • Increases immune defense;
  • Indicated for iron deficiency anemia;
  • Normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
  • Excellent saturates;
  • Improves skin health, increases its elasticity;
  • Prevents the development of cancer.

For Women's Health

Red rice serves as a prevention of breast diseases, improves lactation during the feeding period. When taken regularly, it has a rejuvenating effect on all body systems.

For weight loss

The product contributes to the normalization and acceleration of fat metabolism. Cholesterol is washed out of the vessels. Fat is converted into energy. The hormone serotonin is produced, which increases the overall tone and activity.

For allergy sufferers and hypertensive patients

Rice does not contain gluten and other ingredients that can cause allergies. On the contrary, the cereal adsorbs allergens from the blood and removes them. By lowering cholesterol levels, blood pressure normalizes.


There are no direct contraindications to the use of red rice. Since the product is 70% carbohydrates, people with diabetes should consume it with caution and in moderation.

Popular varieties

Breeders from different countries have developed varieties that are most convenient for growing, processing and storage. They differ in shade, appearance of grains, taste characteristics. On the shelves of stores you can find the following varieties:

  • Ruby. Russian variety grown in the Krasnodar Territory. The shell is completely preserved, giving a rich red-brown hue. When ready, it has a delicate taste with a slightly nutty flavor;
  • Samarkand. Uzbek rice for pilaf. The grains are slightly polished, have a pink tint. The grain is dense, oval, slightly elongated. When cooked, it increases by 4 times. As a result, the finished cereal has a soft texture, a delicate taste, and the pilaf is crumbly;
  • Camargue. French variety. Its feature is the aroma of hazelnuts. Unpolished grain has an elongated shape, red-brown color, rich in fiber. Used for making side dishes;
  • Devzira. Uzbek red rice partially polished. When peeling, part of the scales is crushed to a state of dust. Looking closely at the grains, you can see the pink powder covering them. During cooking, it increases in size by 6-7 times. Ideal for pilaf;
  • Cargo. Unpolished rice made in Thailand. The grain has a rich brown color, and after cooking it acquires burgundy notes. Ready rice "reveals", exposing the snow-white pulp of a pleasant taste. It goes well with stewed meat, mushrooms;
  • Wonderworker. Grown in Russia, in the Kuban. The grains of dark caramel color have the correct oval shape. Rice with a low glycemic index. It is a storehouse of antioxidants and slow carbohydrates. Recommended for low immunity.

Cooking rules

How long to cook red rice until cooked? It depends on the chosen variety and dish. When preparing the Krasnodar Rubin, 2 parts of water are taken for 1 part of the grain. Heat treatment should be carried out for at least 30 minutes.

Samarkand rice is soaked in cold water for 20 minutes before cooking. He already manages to absorb water a little, so the same proportions of 1: 2 are taken for cooking. Ready pilaf can be tasted in 20 minutes. The grain is slightly sticky. It is impossible to interfere with pilaf during the swelling of rice.

Unpolished Cargo is cooked for at least half an hour, but even after that, the grains retain their shape and can be harsh in taste. Varieties with preserved shells are allowed to soak for several hours before cooking. and fish sauces - to taste.

Chop onions and vegetables, fry with oil. Add seafood, simmer. Pour rice, pour warmed coconut milk. Add chopped garlic and ginger, fish and soy sauces. Cover with a lid, wait for the rice to swell by 2 times. Open the lid, bring to readiness, stirring. The consistency should be soft and creamy.

Soup with mushrooms, red rice


  • Red rice (unpolished variety) - 1 cup;
  • Champignons - 250 g;
  • Potatoes, carrots, onions - 1 each;
  • Tomato juice - 250 ml;
  • Water - 3 liters.

Boil rice in separate water for 20 minutes, drain the water. Boil 3 liters of water in a saucepan. Fry mushrooms, onions, carrots in a pan. Add mushrooms, vegetables, rice to the pot. Cut the potatoes into cubes, dip into the pan. Boil all ingredients with salt for 10 minutes. At the end, add tomato juice, bring to a boil, turn off. Let it brew. Serve with sour cream.

Grains are a source of health. However, this definition is more consistent with unpolished products of this category, because they retain all the useful substances provided by nature. Rice is one of the most popular cereals in the world. There are quite a lot of unpolished types of it, but today we will focus on the one whose popularity is growing by leaps and bounds these days - on red rice. We will tell you what are the benefits of red rice for our body, what harm and when this type of rice can cause health, as well as share the secrets of how to cook and cook red rice properly. Go?

What is this rice?

The hero of this article comes from Iran. Well, this red rice only comes from there, and the Russians at the moment buy cereal grown in the Krasnodar Territory in supermarkets. Red rice differs from other varieties not only in color, which can vary from muted red to intense brown, but also in shape (the grains of this variety are thin and long).

Despite the fact that we are dealing with an unpolished product, it is also called peeled, because in fact the grains are partially freed from the upper, densest shell. This procedure does not affect the quality of the cereal in any way, because the grain of red rice itself remains intact.

Rich composition and calorie content

Red rice has a rich chemical composition. The product contains B vitamins, including biotin, folic and nicotinic acids, thiamine and riboflavin. There are much more mineral compounds here: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, copper, sodium, zinc and even selenium with iodine are found in red rice. The most important component of unpolished red rice grains is, without a doubt, fiber. In addition, in the cereal there was a place for proteins with excellent digestibility, and for omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Well, the most impressive component of the composition of red rice is carbohydrates. There are about 70 g of them in cereal. By the way, it is precisely due to sugars that the calorie content of the product can hardly be called small. This indicator ranges from 340 to 360 kcal per 100 g of delicacy and depends, among other things, on the method of preparation, the type of food additives introduced into the dish.

What are the health benefits

If you make a popular variety of unrefined cereal a frequent part of your diet, you will certainly improve your own health, and quickly enough. What are the benefits of red rice for our health? To begin with, it is worth noting that red rice improves the functioning of the intestines, removes toxic substances and toxins from the body. This causes the level of "bad" cholesterol and blood glucose to decline inexorably to adequate values. It normalizes protein metabolism, positively affects the condition of the muscles.

Eating red rice makes hair and nails strong. This effect also applies to joints with bones, and all thanks to calcium, phosphorus and zinc, which are part of red rice. With this cereal, it is really possible to prevent the development of arthritis, arthrosis and osteoporosis, and to significantly improve the condition with already existing osteochondrosis. The product removes salt from the joints, thereby reducing pain and inflammation.

A very useful property for the health of red rice is that it heals the nervous system. The abundance of B vitamins in it helps to eliminate insomnia, alleviate neuroses and depression, and increase the level of stress resistance. Add magnesium and potassium to this and you have an excellent heart treat. Red rice is also useful for hypertensive patients, as it lowers blood pressure to normal levels and reduces the risk of stroke, myocardial infarction.

There is a lot of iron in the unpolished grains of a red-brown hue. This fact determines the benefits of the product for people suffering from anemia. Iron increases the level of hemoglobin protein in the blood and eliminates such unpleasant phenomena as darkening in the eyes, dizziness, and general weakness. All for the same reason, red rice is useful and must be present on the menu of pregnant women, as well as girls during menstruation.

The benefits of red rice against cancer

Red rice protects the body from the occurrence and development of cancer cells. The antioxidants contained in it (selenium, zinc, copper, biotin, magnesium, Omega-3) destroy free radicals in tissues and thus combat oxidative stress. Fiber also acts against cancer. Regular delicacy of red rice dishes significantly reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms, primarily in the mammary glands and large intestine.

The rejuvenating properties of red rice are of great importance. Due to all the same antioxidants, this product improves the appearance of the skin of the face and body. Under the influence of the nutritional components of the cereal, wrinkles are smoothed out, skin firmness and elasticity increase, age spots disappear. Even red rice is very useful in losing weight, despite the presence of an impressive amount of carbohydrates. It gives a long feeling of satiety, swelling in the stomach due to the presence of dietary fiber; removes excess fluid from the body and improves digestion.

Harm of cereal and warnings

Doctors and nutritionists speak of red rice as a delicacy that is completely safe for health. Red rice can be safely and even beneficially consumed by allergy sufferers and diabetics, despite the high calorie content. Obese people should be careful with this product. You can eat it, but only in small portions. At the same time, it is desirable for overweight people to engage in physical labor or sports. Otherwise, instead of losing weight, it is easy to gain extra pounds in excess of those already available.

How to cook

To enjoy the taste of healthy cereal, you need to learn how to cook it correctly.

So what is the right way to cook red rice? Cook unpolished grains with pre-soaking or immediately, as is. In the first case, rice must be poured with cold water so that the liquid completely covers the cereal, and leave the product in this state for 30-60 minutes. This measure will reduce the cooking time by almost half.

If this is not important for you, just sort out dry red rice, cleaning it of weed impurities, if any. Then rinse the beans thoroughly with cold water several times. And only after all these preparations, pour the product into the water boiled on the stove, not forgetting to salt it in advance.

The recommended ratio of rice and liquid is 1:2.5. The duration of the cooking process: from half an hour to 40 minutes (without soaking). Stir the red rice occasionally with a spoon while it cooks to keep it from sticking to the bottom. Rice is considered ready when it becomes soft, and all the water from the pan with it has evaporated. Remove the dish from the stove, let it brew for five minutes and serve. You can add a piece of butter to boiled red rice, use your favorite sauces or vegetable oils. But remember that this will increase the energy value of the product. And in the case of vegetable fats, it will also increase the benefits.

How to cook red rice with vegetables

Red rice is not only an excellent side dish that goes well with fish and meat dishes. This cereal can also be cooked as a main dish, if you add spices or seasonings to it, add stewed vegetables. Try red rice pilaf, add the product to soups, stuffing for cabbage rolls. Grains of unpolished cereals are even germinated, and then the sprouts are introduced into the curd mass or green salads. It goes well with mushrooms, zucchini, zucchini, shrimp, corn, green beans, garlic and green onions.

How to cook red rice with corn and zucchini

To prepare a very tasty dish with health benefits of red rice with corn and zucchini, use our recipe. So, we need:

  • small zucchini
  • one ear of corn
  • red rice - 1.5 tbsp.
  • dill - a small bunch
  • garlic - 2 cloves (if you like it spicier, you can add more)
  • pine nuts
  • juice of half a lemon
  • olive oil

Cook rice, we talked about how to cook red rice a little earlier. Then cut the zucchini into rings of about 1 cm, salt quite a bit, and then fry on both sides in a pan greased with olive oil so that a golden crust forms on the zucchini rings. Then, place the pine nuts in a dry frying pan and fry them for a couple of minutes. Mix lemon juice with chopped garlic, finely chopped dill and a little salt, cut the grains from the corn. Add the zucchini, corn and dressing to the red cooked rice, then toss to combine.

Bon appetit!

Red rice is still a curiosity for most people in Russia. Few have heard of it, since everyone is used to ordinary white grain. This amazing cereal is gradually gaining its place among consumers due to its generous composition and gentle effect on the body.

Red rice is not cheap, but its benefits are much more valuable. The product can be used by almost everyone, because it is easily digested and saturates the body with nutrients. In addition, the harm of cereal as such has not yet been noted by experts.

The benefits of red rice were known in ancient China and in earlier times - 5-6 thousand years ago. Then the grain was called "forbidden", since it was available only to imperial families.

Over time, the most worthy people of the state, great figures could also eat this product. Legends were made up about grain, it was so honored. During wars, unpolished rice was given to warriors of elite units to make them even stronger, more enduring and faster.

India made extensive use of Ruby rice, which was needed for religious and traditional purposes. In Japan, this cereal was grown only on sacred lands, for example, on the territory of the Homan temple. In Iran, the product is used to prepare a traditional dish - pilaf "plau ahmar".

Grain characteristics and composition

The cereal has a thin and long grain, the color of which varies from muted red to rich chestnut. Only the thick shell is removed from the rice, and the middle remains intact. Minimal processing allows not only to cook the grains, but also to germinate them, and then consume fresh sprouts. Harm from them is completely excluded.

The energy value of the product is in the range of 351-411 kcal per 100 g. The value depends on the degree of grain processing and the method of preparation. Unpolished rice has a rich yet balanced composition.

It includes vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12), H and PP. Of the minerals in the product are magnesium, zinc, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and selenium. Together with the grains, eight valuable amino acids enter the body, which control the functioning of all systems. Also, red rice is rich in fiber, and it has fatty acids (omega-3) and antioxidants.

Positive effect on the body

The benefits of red rice lies in the complex effect of all nutrients on human health. It is this set of vitamins, minerals and auxiliary components that ensure the normal functioning of the body for many years. Harm is not even discussed here, because it is simply absent.

The use of red cereal has such positive aspects:

  • improves immunity;
  • protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, which is the prevention of cancer;
  • optimizes bowel function, improves peristalsis and regulates the composition of the colon microflora;
  • promotes weight loss due to the rapid saturation of a small portion;
  • facilitates the course of cardiovascular and renal diseases;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

The benefit of cereal is also to reduce the symptoms of beriberi and remove excess cholesterol. Unpolished rice is indicated for diabetes because it normalizes the concentration of sugar in the blood. Another product removes toxins and dangerous substances from the body.

This is important not only for weight loss (with regular use, 2-3 kg will gradually go away), but also for detoxification. If a person has food poisoning, they make porridge from red rice - the dish will eliminate the harm of toxic components.

germinated cereal

Significant benefits are observed with the use of sprouted grains. It has unique healing and nutritional properties, is used for health purposes and during diets. Sprouts are rich in living energy, vitamins and minerals, are well absorbed and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Sprouted red rice will increase lactation in a nursing woman, restore appetite and improve sleep, lower blood pressure and blood sugar, and restore heart function. An infusion of sprouts is used for cosmetic purposes: it improves skin color, tones the integument and gives them a healthy color.

Product safety

As already noted, the harm of red rice is negligible if the benefit is at stake. The only problem may arise if you consume cereal in excess, although this applies to any food product.

How to cook unpolished grain?

Red cereal is cooked a little longer than its white "relative", so the grains must be poured with clean water for several hours. Cooking will take 25-30 minutes. The grains absorb a lot of water, so they increase significantly in size. To get a tender and soft porridge, you need to take 1 part of rice and 2.5 parts of water.

The finished dish acquires an even more saturated red color, which makes it possible to distinguish it from fakes. Wash beans well before boiling. If the cereal has brightened, it means that you ran into a low-quality product, and it can cause harm.

The product goes well with mushrooms, meat and fish. Porridge can be a complete dish if it is cooked with vegetables and natural spices. Sprouts are added to fresh cottage cheese or salads.

Red rice, like all other types of brown rice, is popular with health and fitness enthusiasts. You have to give credit to this product. It is easy to prepare and has a fairly high calorie content. If you choose red rice of all types of rice, the health benefits will be obvious. It is considered one of the most that exist at the moment. By the way, he took root well in the diet of the Russian people, worthy of his place among the main dishes served on the table.

Let's take a look at all the health benefits and benefits of red rice, as well as what harm can be done to your health by eating it too much. And in general, is rice capable of harming the health of an ordinary person?

Variety advantages

Since red rice is not polished, it retains a large amount of fiber, vitamins and trace elements that support immunity at the proper level without harming the body. In a nutshell, the benefits of red rice can be described as follows:

  1. Forget about skin and nail problems - you will find a large amount of vitamin B in red rice.
  2. With magnesium, you can more effectively prevent migraines and asthma. In addition, you can keep your muscles in good shape and forget about stress.
  3. The calcium found in red rice is responsible for healthy bones and teeth. And with the help of potassium, you can forget once and for all about problems with the joints, as it removes excess salts from them.
  4. If you are going to lose weight or cleanse the body, then it's time to include red rice in your diet! The high content of dietary fiber in the composition of this product will come to your aid. But do not overdo it with the amount, excessive consumption of this rice can harm your figure, because the calorie content of the product is high.
  5. For those who are concerned about the risk of developing cancer, there is also good news. The use of this type of rice will protect against increased risk due to the content of substances that help reduce the total number of free radicals in the human body.
  6. And, finally, the nutritional value of the product is conducive to its use by athletes and diabetics (the latter, due to the low sugar content, eating rice will not be harmful). This cereal is very nutritious (its calorie content is very high), but in itself it is “light” and does not overload the digestive system.
  7. Vegetarians can be doubly delighted - red rice contains some essential amino acids, which are usually found in meat products. This means that you can successfully use this product as a substitute for meat.

As you have just seen, red rice has a wide variety of health benefits that make it an attractive meal to serve.

But let's look at the possible harm from its use, which can be caused by increased calorie content.

Disadvantages of Red Rice

In fact, as such, eating red rice does not harm our health. But there may be restrictions for those who are going to lose weight. After all, only 100 g contains about 350-400 kcal. The calorie content, as you can see, is very high, and excessive consumption of such food can harm the figure.

In order not to cause harm, it is necessary to use this cereal, strictly observing the dosage, which should depend on your lifestyle and physical activity.

Cooking methods

It is worth noting right away that there are a great many varieties and, accordingly, methods for preparing this type of rice in various countries of the world. In the southern countries of Europe there may be one option, in southern Asia another. How many cultures, so many opinions about how exactly it is best to eat it. Let's look at everything in order.

Despite the differences in varieties, almost always red rice has a pleasant sweetish taste. Boiled rice goes well with any food, can serve as a full meal for lunch or dinner.

Note to housewives. Do not be afraid to digest it, because a special protective film on the grains virtually eliminates the possibility of this. But you will have to wait until full readiness more than usual.

Now about the cooking process itself.

Let's start with proportions. For 1 cup of rice, you need about 2 or 2.5 cups of water. Before pouring into water, it is necessary to carefully clean the grains from foreign impurities. How to do it? Spread each handful in an even layer on the table, remove the specks, and then rinse thoroughly. Then pour into boiling salted water.

Approximate cooking time is 30-40 minutes. Don't forget to stir. Let it steep for 5 minutes before serving. You can drizzle with olive oil or whatever you like. The finished dish can be poured with various sauces at your discretion.

friend from india

Ruby rice is one of the most popular varieties of red rice. It grows in India. It is famous all over the world for its beneficial properties. Here are some facts about how ruby ​​affects our body:

  • First of all, it is worth noting its amazing taste. Even the most capricious gourmet is unlikely to remain indifferent after trying at least a small portion of this food. Subtly sweet aroma will also leave you only the brightest memories of it.
  • The nutritional value per 100 g of the product is: about 7.3 g of protein, about 2.8 g of fat, about 68 g of carbohydrates. The total calorie content is about 330 kcal. Excellent help for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle.
  • Did you know that in ancient times, ruby ​​rice was used for medicinal purposes and was generally very revered? So, for example, ruby ​​rice was considered exclusively the food of the nobility in ancient China. Ordinary people were forbidden to eat it under pain of punishment.

In conclusion, I would like to note that red rice has a high calorie content and nutritional value, which makes it an indispensable analogue of ordinary starched white.
