
Feijoa tree - medicinal plant, composition, recipes. How to eat feijoa? Feijoa: where it grows, when it ripens, what it contains, how it is useful, how to eat and store

Since in South America huge plantations are allocated for this plant, after ripening the berry is sent not only to local markets and bazaars, but also resold for export to other countries.

Feijoa is really very unique in its taste, each person can compare this delicacy with various fruits in the world, someone says that the taste of the fruit is similar to pineapple, while others say that the berry is very similar in taste to a ripe strawberry or kiwi. If you look at the berry closer, then it will look a bit like a kiwi, only there will be no villi on the surface of the fruit, and the size of the feijoa is much smaller than the kiwi fruit. Since the fruit is quite outlandish, many do not even know how to eat feijoa with or without peel, but the issue is quite relevant, it is worth considering the fruit in more detail.

The berries have a smooth and cool surface, the fruits themselves are very dense and elastic, the fruits look quite interesting, but many buyers are wondering how to eat with or without the peel, because the berry itself is not very large, and the peel seems too dense and inedible. Also, the fruit itself has a bright and rich green color even after ripening, it will be extremely difficult for an ordinary person to understand how well the fruit has ripened, but experts in their field can distinguish green feijoa from ripe in a matter of seconds. Therefore, it is worth giving some advice on how to choose the right ripe fruit.

Rules for choosing a juicy and ripe exotic fruit

Coming to the market or to the store, it is quite difficult to determine whether the fruit has fallen asleep, especially if the buyer sees such a fruit for the first time, as experts say, you need to know not only how to eat feijoa with or without peel, but also correctly determine the ripeness of the berry. If, after examining the delicacy, a glossy green peel is noticed on the surface, which does not even have slight wrinkles on the surface, then most likely such a fruit will not be ripe enough.

Also, ripeness is indicated by the density of the fruit, if the pulp is too dense and strong, then it is better not to purchase this delicacy, as it is not ripe enough. When cut in the fruit, the flesh may have a bright white color, which also indicates that the feijoa ripeness has not yet reached the required stage, such fruits are not juicy and not so tasty. Even if the fruits were still bought in an unripe form, it is enough to keep them on a fruit plate for three days, and then enjoy the fully ripe and juicy fruit.

When the berry is too soft to the touch, and small wrinkles and dark spots form on the surface, this may indicate that the berry is very overripe. Not infrequently, buyers are assured that dark spots are iodine protruding onto smooth skin, but this is completely wrong. If you cut the fruit, then its flesh will have a dark color, which will indicate that the fruit is very overripe, and this will have a negative effect on the taste of feijoa.

It is not surprising that many people ask about how to eat feijoa with or without peel, but before that you should find out all the nuances of choosing a tasty and ripe berry. It is recommended to pay special attention to fruits with a bright green skin, while extra dark spots should not appear on the surface of the berry. The skin may have a slightly wrinkled appearance, and the fruit will feel slightly soft and pliable to the touch. To check the ripeness, you can also cut the fruit into two halves, its softness should be like a tender and almost transparent jelly, such fruits have the most juicy and sweet taste.

What can be prepared from tender fruit?

Like any other exotic fruit, feijoa has a very delicate softness, so the question often arises of how to eat feijoa with or without peel, but first let's say that such a fruit is consumed exclusively fresh, since after heat treatment the fruit completely loses its taste properties. If there is no desire to eat fresh fruit, then it is often added to various dishes.

It is worth saying that the berry can be combined not only with other fruits, because feijoa is also used to create salty salads, since the pulp of the fruit goes well with tender chicken meat, you can add the berry to any pork dish, and the fruit will also be a great addition to the fish . All the same, most often this fruit is combined with bananas, pineapples, pears and oranges, kiwi and apples, and other types of juicy fruits, as well as fresh berries.

Some housewives were able to make excellent jam from this juicy fruit, but there is absolutely nothing to cook the fruit, just grind the pulp with sugar in a ratio of one to one. Some people prefer to add a minimum amount of granulated sugar, since when ripe, such fruits are already quite sweet and do not need additional sugar, especially in such an amount. You can store the finished delicacy in the refrigerator, and if you eat three tablespoons of delicacy every day, you can greatly strengthen the body's defenses. Not infrequently, such a fruit is used to improve the taste of biscuits, cakes, ice cream, yoghurts and soufflés.

How is this fruit used?

Many are interested in how to eat feijoa with or without peel, the video suggests that this fruit can be eaten in a peeled form or with a peel, as it is also edible. If the berry is ripe enough, then when cutting into a salad, the skin is not removed, but if the fruit is not ripe enough, then the skin will have an unpleasant tart taste, and this will spoil the taste of the salad or dish. If the hostess decides to make delicious fruit jam, then to speed up the process, you can use the berries along with the peel, they are sent to a blender and finely chopped to a puree state. When the fruits are used for yoghurts and puddings, the peel is removed from them, and only the tender and juicy pulp of the feijoa is used.

For those who want to try the fresh fruit just as a treat, the berries are cut into two parts, and then the pulp is taken out with a small spoon and eaten. Some simply bite off the top of the fruit, and squeeze the contents into their mouths.

This fruit is quite useful for the body, but if there is too much feijoa, then the level of iodine in the body will greatly increase, and this will negatively affect human health. It is recommended to eat several berries a day for those people who suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines, and the fruits also help to normalize the metabolic process in the body. After eating the pulp, you should not throw away the peel from the fruit, because if you dry it and add it to tea during brewing, you can get a stunning aroma of the finished drink. The benefits of the fruit are quite significant, and not only adults, but also small children like the taste of a ripe fruit.

We can find a large number of exotic fruits in shops and markets.

Among them there are instances to which you need to pay special attention.

These include, of course, feijoa. What is feijoa, where does it come from, what does it look like?

What kind of fruit?

Feijoa is the fruit of a shrub or low. The birthplace of the fruit is South America, where it was discovered by Europeans during a scientific expedition at the end of the 19th century. Feijoa soon appeared in France. Then this tropical plant began to be bred on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, as well as in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

Did you know? Feijoa is named after the Portuguese João da Silva Feijo, who first described this tropical plant and its edible fruits.

The feijoa fruit is a greenish, sometimes with a blush, oval-shaped berry, comparable in size to a chicken egg. Under the dense peel is a translucent pulp with several. The peel is quite dense and tastes tart, and the pulp is juicy and tastes like a mixture, kiwi,. The whole fruit is considered edible without exception.

Nutritional value and calories

Since feijoa has a pleasant taste, you can lose control over the amount of fruit eaten. Therefore, for people who follow their figure, information about the nutritional value and calorie content of this is very important.

100 g of the product contains 1.24 g of protein, 0.78 g of fat, 10.63 g of carbohydrates and 49 kcal (205 kJ). You also need to know that for 100 g of fruit there are 86 g of water and 0.74 g of ash. Keep in mind that these are averages. Depending on the place of growth and variety, these figures may vary.

Chemical composition

Feijoa fruit is a real storehouse of nutrients. It contains their record number - 93.

Most significant:

  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins - B1, B2, niacin, B5, B6, folic acid;
  • trace elements - iodine, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, etc.;
  • kahetin, leukoanthocin - biologically active substances;
  • Apple acid;
  • essential oils;
  • sucrose;
  • cellulose.

Did you know? The amount of iodine in 100 g of feijoa berries can be up to 35 mg. Such indicators are only for seafood.

What's the use?

There is no doubt that the large amount of vitamins, minerals and other substances that are present in fruits will bring us great benefits. Consider how feijoa is useful for the human body.

First of all, due to the record iodine content, this fruit is able to saturate us with this necessary element in a short time. After all, a lack of iodine leads to a deterioration in memory and attention, a person will be lethargic, as if devoid of energy.

Important! Since the fruits are saturated with iodine due to its content in the sea air, fruits grown in close proximity to the sea bring maximum benefit.

Also, the content of a large amount of vitamin C, biologically active compounds and essential oils makes this exotic fruit a powerful antioxidant and a prophylactic against colds and SARS.
In addition, sucrose and fiber, which is present in this berry, saturates the stomach well. Therefore, it is considered a dietary product.

Feijoa application

In order for our amazing fruit to bring maximum benefits, you need to know where and how it is used. And the scope of the fruit is quite wide and varied.


Feijoa is the exotic fruit that doctors recommend in complex therapy for a number of diseases, because they are well aware of how useful it is.

In its raw form, the fruit is used to treat and prevent the following diseases:

  • thyroid disease (with a lack of iodine in the body);
  • gastritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • avitaminosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • high cholesterol;
  • increased blood pressure.

In the form of jam, the fruit is used with warm tea for colds and flu, as an immune-strengthening remedy.

In dermatology, essential oils contained in fruits are used. They are an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, effective against fungus and a wide range of microbes.


Such a useful product could not be appreciated by cosmetologists. They include it in their face masks. Such masks rejuvenate, nourish, relieve various inflammations, they are especially good in the cold season.

Feijoa fruits can also be successfully used in home cosmetology, as their many healing properties will bring you benefit and pleasure, not harm.
Here are some mask recipes.

  • For dry, normal skin: mix a third of a glass of fruit pulp, a little cottage cheese, an egg yolk and a spoonful of olive oil into a homogeneous mass. Apply to the prepared skin of the face and neck, wait 20 minutes, rinse. You can repeat this mask up to three times a week.
  • For oily skin: take half a glass of fruit pulp, a spoonful of camphor alcohol and lemon juice, mix well. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse. The effect of the application will be visible when using a similar mixture twice a week.
If you do not have time to prepare a mask, then you can simply rub the pulp on your face and neck, as well as your chest and arms.


A fruit with such a pleasant taste and incomparable aroma was appreciated by culinary specialists. Feijoa can be eaten raw or used in cooking.
Chopped fresh feijoa fruit will be good in fruit salads. As an addition, it can be served with fish and even meat. You can make jam from raw fruit.

To do this, add 700 g of granulated sugar per kilogram of whole berries twisted in a meat grinder and mix well. Arrange the fruit mass in small jars and refrigerate.

Important! If the jam is made from raw fruits without the use of heat treatment, then it will retain all the useful substances, and hence the properties.

With success, culinary lovers use this exotic fruit in the preparation of compotes, jams, and desserts. It is also recommended to use as a filling for baking.

Harm and contraindications

Like any food product, feijoa has useful properties and contraindications.
This fruit should not be consumed by people who have health problems associated with a high content of iodine in the body. These diseases include hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease, under attack - the thyroid gland.

Due to the high sugar content, the fruit is contraindicated for overweight people. If a person has diabetes, then its use is most likely prohibited, although this depends on the degree of the disease and requires consultation with a specialist.

There may also be a banal intolerance to this product. And if its use causes discomfort in the stomach, intestines or an allergic reaction, then this sweet miracle will have to be abandoned.
It is necessary to eat feijoa with caution for children and nursing mothers.

How to choose, eat, store

In order for a food product to bring maximum benefit to the body, it is necessary first of all to choose it correctly. And feijoa is no exception. Recommendations are as follows.

First, inspect the fruit externally. The peel should be dense, without dark spots and wrinkles. It is better to choose larger specimens, they are more ripe. You can ask to cut one fruit in half lengthwise.

The pulp should be translucent. If it is brown, then the fruit is overripe, if it is white and opaque, it is not ripe. In such cases, it is not necessary to buy it, it is not suitable for consumption.
Ripe feijoa fruit exudes a delicate aroma. You can taste the fruits ripened on the tree only by the sea, and for transportation, the fruits are removed unripe, so there may not be any aroma.

Feijoa - an unusual one that appeared on the shelves of our stores relatively recently. It not only has a pleasant taste, but also contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

and how to use the fruit

Feijoa contains a large amount of pectin, fiber and vitamin C, which makes it incredibly beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. The energy value of the fruit is low, so it can be included in the diet. Minerals and vitamins, which are also part of the berry, stimulate the immune system.

The high content of vitamin C in fruits helps fight colds by supporting the body's immune system. In addition, the iodine included in the composition is perfectly absorbed by the body, making the fruits of the plant useful for the thyroid gland with regular use. Feijoa also has a certain benefit to the cardiovascular system: the vitamins and microelements contained in it maintain vascular tone, while counteracting the development of cancerous tumors in the organs. The peel of the fruit contains antioxidants.

What are the beneficial properties of feijoa and how to eat fruits? This information is very useful for hypertensive patients, since the substances contained in the fruits reduce blood pressure and cleanse the blood of toxins and cholesterol, preventing the development of plaques on the walls of blood vessels and having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. The fruit is widely used in cosmetology as one of the most effective anti-aging agents.

The peel of the fetus is no less beneficial - it contains almost as many vitamins as in the pulp itself. When answering the question of how to eat feijoa, it is worth noting right away that it is undesirable to eat the peel, but it can be used as an additive to tea, compotes or jam.

Despite the large number of useful properties, feijoa has certain contraindications. How to use this fruit and to whom it is contraindicated? First of all, because of too much sugar, it is not recommended to eat it for those suffering from diabetes and obesity. With caution, it should be eaten by allergy sufferers: the berry practically does not cause allergic reactions, but it is worth being safe once again.

Feijoa Vitamins

Since the pulp of the fruit contains a large amount of vitamin C, it is recommended for low levels of hemoglobin in the blood and to support the immune system. A striking example of how to use feijoa for medicinal purposes is the use of fruit pulp in cosmetology and pharmacy: the oil obtained from the berries has an anti-inflammatory effect, and the extract increases the softness and elasticity of the skin, hiding various imperfections.

Feijoa is a unique plant, the fruits of which contain a large amount of vitamins, folic acid and trace elements. The whole complex of nutrients and nutrients has an incredible healing and strengthening effect on the human body. Conducted medical studies have proven that lowering blood pressure, antibacterial properties and effectiveness against E. coli and staphylococci - all these beneficial properties have feijoa. How to eat it correctly? You can ask your dietitian about this.

Feijoa: how to use in cooking

Despite the fact that this plant is exotic for our latitudes, its taste is familiar to many - strawberry-pineapple, with tart notes. Before talking about how to eat feijoa, it is worth noting that the whole fruit is usually used for culinary purposes. The peel is dried and added to teas, compotes, jams from other fruits. Feijoa can be consumed like a regular fruit - for this, it is cut and the pulp is carefully removed with a spoon.

The fruits of this plant are often used as ingredients in various salads with fruits, berries and vegetables. Sour cream and yogurt are ideal as dressings for such dishes. Berries are used in cooking not only fresh as a delicious fruit, but also as the main ingredient in various dishes - pastries, preserves, jams, salads, compotes, wines and tinctures.

The composition of feijoa includes rapidly digestible fats, so its fruits are classified as dietary products. It also refers to non-allergic reactions. However, it also has its limitations: it cannot be eaten by those who suffer from individual intolerance to feijoa. How to use it in this case, you can ask your doctor. It is possible that a small amount of pulp is still allowed.

Feijoa in folk medicine

Folk healers know well how to use feijoa. It is often used as a remedy for the treatment of thyroid diseases due to the high content of iodine in the fruit. In diseases of this organ, it is advisable to eat 200-300 grams of pulp daily. It is worth remembering that in its raw form, the beneficial properties of feijoa are preserved for only one week. If you plan to harvest fruit in large quantities, then the berries are passed through a meat grinder and sprinkled with sugar. The mixture prepared in this way retains all the beneficial properties for a long time.

Despite the large number of useful properties, contraindications are also characteristic of feijoa:

The maximum daily dose of berry juice for an adult is one glass, for a child under 7 years old - 0.5 glass.
. It is advisable not to consume berries in large quantities during pregnancy and during an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How to choose feijoa

When buying such an exotic fruit, you need to focus on the color of its peel and the hardness of the fruit itself. The berry should not be damaged, the skin should be even and smooth. The degree of ripeness is determined by the color of the pulp: in a mature fruit it is transparent.
Fresh fruits are stored on average from seven to fourteen days. For longer storage, preparations are usually made from fruits - jam, jams, compotes.

Feijoa with honey

It is useful to know how to consume feijoa with honey. This is not only a delicacy, but also a good medicine that strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the human body. Among other things, such a dessert is easy to prepare and will be a very original and unusual treat on the table.

To prepare feijoa with honey you will need:

. feijoa;
. walnuts.

Feijoa fruits are thoroughly washed under cool water and dried. If desired, the skin can be removed from them, as it retains its tart taste even after heat treatment of the berries. The fruits are finely cut into several pieces and placed in a container, mixed with walnuts and honey. The resulting mixture is infused in the refrigerator for several hours, after which it is eaten.

Growing feijoa at home

Feijoa can be grown at home, despite the fact that it is an exotic plant. The main condition for its growth is competent care.

Feijoa loves moist bright places, but it does not tolerate direct sunlight. As the plant grows in size, it is transplanted into large pots. Feijoa will bring the first fruits after 4-5 years. Externally, the plant is very beautiful and compact, it will perfectly complement any room or office, regularly supplying tasty and healthy fruits.

There is an acute shortage of fresh. At the same time, the fruit is not only tasty, but also very useful: it is actively consumed in, and.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Eating the peel of the fruit, which is powerful, can significantly slow down the process and prevent, fight, diseases,.

During the period of exacerbation of respiratory viral infections, the immunostimulating properties of the fetus will help fight diseases, recover from operations and serious illnesses.

In the area where feijoa grows, not only the fruits, but also the leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Of these, together with the dried peel, they cook.

A decoction prepared from the bark, fruits and leaves of the plant is a good antiseptic. It is very effective for treating deep wounds and. contained in the fetus, cope well with pathogenic microflora, have a powerful antibacterial effect. The same decoction can be used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of pyelonephritis.
Interestingly, the skin of the fruit contains much more nutrients than the flesh of the feijoa itself. How to eat a fruit - with or without a peel - is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Definitely, the astringent skin spoils the overall impression, but without it, the berry will be less useful.

Did you know? The amount of iodine in the feijoa fruit depends on where it grows. Berries from trees growing on the coast can contain 3.5 times more iodine than plucked far from the sea.


Akka Sellova is not only tasty, but also a very healthy fruit. Therefore, it is widely used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology.

In cooking

This green fruit with a delicate aroma and great taste is actively used in the preparation of many dishes. It is mainly consumed fresh, but during heat treatment, the taste of berries is revealed in a new way, and the loss of nutrients is minimal. They are in perfect harmony with vegetable and fruit: from, fresh, and. Also, fillings for pies are made from this fragrant berry. You can save the delicious benefits of fruit for the winter with the help of compotes and canned fruit platters, jams and marmalades.
The piquant taste of the berry is interesting as sauces for and or masses for stuffing them. Vitamin elixirs are also prepared from the fruit - fresh berries are rubbed with sugar or. Not infrequently, the berry is used to make liqueurs and liquors.

Dried and dried feijoa berries will delight lovers of original flavors.

In cosmetology and dermatology: recipes

  • Sour cream mask. You will need the crushed pulp of two ripe berries. To it you need to add a spoonful of medium fat content. Feijoa skin should not be thrown away, it can be gently applied to the area around it to smooth out and remove black circles. Apply the mask itself on and leave to dry, then rinse and apply nourishing.
  • Body peeling. Mash the pulp of berries with seeds to a mushy state. Add some thick and. Peeling is ready. It has a wonderful and effect, while it is completely natural.
  • Baths with starch. An infusion of the peel should be prepared in advance by pouring boiling water over thin strips of the peel (in a ratio of 1:3). Starch should also be diluted in hot water (one spoon per glass of water). Combine both solutions and you're done.

15 minutes daily for a week is enough for the skin to become more elastic and remain soft for a long time.

In dermatology, feijoa essential oil is used, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Masks from berries are used for treatment, decoctions from bark, leaves and fruits - for healing wounds and ulcers.

In folk medicine

Advises the use of feijoa for the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases and atherosclerosis. Also, this berry is used to normalize arterial, in the treatment of bronchitis. Rinse the mouth with a decoction of the leaves of the plant to eliminate bleeding gums and relieve. The fruit is recommended to be used to alleviate the condition with painful in women, and gout.

Of course, the rich vitamin composition of feijoa makes it an indispensable assistant in the fight against various SARS and weak immunity.

How to choose when buying

Unfortunately, it is impossible to buy a ripe berry in our latitudes, since the ripe fruit is very soft and resembles jelly in consistency. This makes it impossible to transport.
Therefore, when choosing a feijoa, you need to pay attention to the following important points:

  • the skin of the fruit should be bright green and without damage;
  • a ripe and soft fruit may well be overripe;
  • the flesh of fresh fruit should be white, brown indicates overripe fruit.

Did you know?Feijoa, despite its delicate texture, can tolerate frosts down to -15° With no major damage. This allowed the plant to win the glory of the most frost-resistant tropical fruit.

How to eat feijoa

Do I need to peel feijoa before eating ? - question, the answer to which depends on the way the berry is consumed. If it is part of any dish, then the skin is removed, and the pulp is used in cooking, grated or chopped in a blender.
If the berry is eaten on its own, then there is no need to remove the peel. The fruit is cut into two parts, the contents are removed with a teaspoon.

Important! The use of feijoa will help to compensate for the lack of iodine and folic acid, as well as improve the digestion of the expectant mother. But feijoa should not be abused - the daily dose should not exceed three berries.

How to store at home

Since berries should be bought only in an unripe state, they must be put in a dark place for ripening. Ripe feijoa fruits should be stored in no more than a crescent. Long-term storage can cause the berries to spoil. You can significantly extend the “life” of this fragrant berry if, by adding sugar, you process it into raw jam.

Contraindications and harm

The fruit has no contraindications for use, except for individual intolerance. fruit does not cause reactions.

The fact that feijoa contains a high concentration of iodine speaks of the possible negative consequences of eating this berry for people with hypersensitivity to this element.

A unique combination of taste and benefits, the almost complete absence of contraindications allow feijoa to take its place of honor among other fruits and berries. Widely used in pharmacology, folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking, feijoa refutes the claim that medicine cannot be tasty. It is a pity that the merits of these fruits have not yet been evaluated at the proper level, so they can be found on sale extremely rarely.

Hello dear readers. Time "flies" very quickly, autumn is just around the corner. Autumn, like summer, gives us many different fruits and vegetables. Also in the fall, you can enjoy plenty of feijoa and prepare it for the winter. Feijoa is a source of iodine and vitamins for the body. Relatively recently, we began to sell these fruits. And everyone wants to know what are the benefits and harms of feijoa. We love these unusual green fruits very much and try to prepare raw feijoa jam every year. And it's all about the benefits of the fruit. After all, feijoa is a source of iodine for our body. In addition to iodine, one can note the presence of such useful trace elements as manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, potassium, etc.

And yet, the feijoa fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, which is very necessary for our body. It should be noted the presence of a whole group of vitamins B, this is vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9.

In addition to vitamins, fruits are rich in tannins, fiber, malic acid, essential oils, amino acids.

Apply many diseases, as a vitamin remedy, as well as to strengthen the immune system.

Feijoa. Benefit and harm

The homeland of feijoa is America, but the fruits grow well in regions with a tropical and subtropical climate, including the Crimea. You can feast on feijoa fruits from October to November, it is at this time that they ripen en masse and appear on sale.

Feijoa fruits are oblong in shape with a dense peel and fleshy pulp. Fruit size up to 5-6 cm, weight - from 20 to 100 grams. The skin color is dark green.

Inside the pulp is light, jelly-like, transparent to the center. Inside the pulp you can see a small number of small seeds.

Feijoa fruits are very unusual in taste, but not to say that they are not tasty, on the contrary, the pulp is very tasty. The taste of the pulp of the fruit is similar to the taste of green strawberries (this is for me). But not everyone defines strawberries; for some, the taste of feijoa is similar to the taste of kiwi, strawberries and even pineapple.

The taste of feijoa is sweet and sour, but quite interesting and peculiar. If you have never tried feijoa, buy a small amount and enjoy the taste of the fruit.

The benefits of feijoa for the body

It is impossible not to note the benefits of these fruits for our body. The first thing I want to focus on is the iodine content.

  • A contains feijoa 35 mg. iodine per 100 grams. Feijoa is recommended to include in the diet of people with a lack of iodine in the body.
  • I would also like to note the content of vitamin C in fruits. Therefore, feijoa is best consumed fresh. It is very useful to use feijoa during the period of viral and colds.
  • Due to the presence of beneficial vitamins and trace elements, feijoa strengthens the immune system.
  • The presence of fiber in fruits makes them extremely beneficial for bowel function. Improves digestion.
  • It is useful to eat feijoa fruits when, as it is an excellent source of iron.
  • It is very useful to include fruits in the diet for hypertension.
  • The fruits are used to prevent iodine deficiency.
  • The benefits of feijoa are noted in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The composition of the peel of feijoa includes tannins, which is why the taste of the peel is tart and not as pleasant as that of the pulp. And the essential oils contained in feijoa endow the fruits with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

But you should not throw away the peel of the fruit, you can dry the peel and add it to tea.

How to eat feijoa?

How to use feijoa, with or without skin? The thing is that the flesh of a ripe feijoa is very tender and tasty, but the peel is tough and not as pleasant as the pulp.

But in the peel, as well as in the pulp, vitamins and trace elements are contained. For example, if you are making raw fruit jam, then you need to cook with the peel. And if you want to enjoy the unique taste of feijoa, then use the pulp.

How to eat feijoa? Fruit must be washed. To eat the pulp, cut the fruit in half and use a teaspoon to scoop out the pulp from the feijoa, leaving the skin on.

This is with regard to the use of fresh feijoa. But you can use feijoa in the form of jam. Moreover, it is most useful to cook raw fruit jam.

To prepare the jam, the feijoa fruits must be washed, dried with a paper towel, the tails removed, cut in half or into 4 parts. Next, the fruits need to be chopped, I always do this with a blender. I combine the crushed mixture with sugar (proportions 1: 1). I put it in sterile jars and store it in the refrigerator.

Such jam can be served with tea, smeared on a bun, used for making desserts and other dishes, although I do not make large stocks of jam at all. Literally 2-3 jars.

How to choose feijoa fruits?

How to choose the right fruits, and what to look for? This is also one of the important facts.

It is believed that the larger the fruit, the more useful. Somehow the seller himself recommended me to choose large fruits.

But that is not all. It turns out that the fruits are plucked while still green, they ripen in the process of transportation. Therefore, very often you can buy unripe fruits. Their flesh is quite rough and not as tasty as that of ripe feijoas (at least for me).

You should not be upset about this, if you come across unripe fruits, put them aside, in just a couple of days they will ripen.

When choosing fruits, you should focus on their appearance. Take fruits without visible damage and dark spots. The skin of the fetus should be dark green in color.

The flesh inside the fruit should not be brown. If the flesh is brown, the fruit is spoiled. Usually sellers cut the fruit in half, you can judge the fruit by its appearance.

Where, how, how long can feijoa fruits be stored? Feijoa fruits keep well at room temperature for a couple of days.

For longer storage of feijoas, place in the refrigerator. Feijoa can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. You can store fruits in the refrigerator in plastic bags or a plastic container.

Alternatively, you can put the fruits in the freezer. or make raw jam. They can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.

But in the season it is better to buy 1 kg of feijoa or less, because you can always go and buy more.

Feijoa harm to the body

In isolated cases, an allergic reaction to the fruit may occur. In this case, you should not use feijoa.

There is an individual intolerance to the fruit.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consume feijoa fruits after consulting your doctor.

Before giving a fetus to a child, consult a pediatrician or nurse.

I hope the information was useful to you. The benefits and harms of feijoa are obvious, whether it is worth eating the fruits and making preparations, it's up to you.
