
How to properly wither tomatoes in the dryer. How to dry tomatoes in an electric dryer

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Dried tomatoes are good as an addition to hot dishes or snacks. How to dry tomatoes for the winter read and see further.

Recipe Drying tomatoes for the winter step by step

Usually tomatoes are salted, pickled and dried as a preparation for the winter. For some reason, it is not customary for us to dry tomatoes, but in vain. They will wonderfully decorate your hot dish or snack, add a summer taste and aroma. Shall we try cooking?

Recipe Drying tomatoes for the winter


  • tomatoes
  • sharp knife
  • grate or wooden board

Cooking method:

1. For drying, you need to choose whole fruits, without dents and cracks. Grades for drying take not fleshy, medium in size and strong to the touch. You should not take risks and try to dry unripe tomatoes, most likely they will not dry well and subsequently rot or mold.

2. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly, wipe with a towel or napkins.

3. Clean sharp knife cut the tomatoes into slices at least 1 cm thick. Start cutting from the side of the stalk.

4. Wash the grate or wooden board with baking soda and dry well.

5. Place gratings or clean wooden boards in the open sun.

6. Arrange the tomatoes on grids or boards, be sure to respect the distance between the circles.

7. Dry the tomatoes in the sun for about 5-7 days, periodically turn the circles to the other side. If the nights are cold or damp, then it is recommended to bring the grates with tomatoes into a dry room and cover with gauze or newspapers.

8. Finished dried tomatoes pour into a clean cloth bag or container with tight lid. Store in a dry and warm place.

Cooking Tips:

  • do not dry tomatoes in an open space, for example, on the street;
  • a balcony on the sunny side is suitable for drying, summer terrace or a porch in a private house / cottage;
  • dried tomatoes can be put in a jar and poured with calcined vegetable or olive oil with garlic, you get an original and very tasty snack;
  • dried tomatoes can be used in baking, it will be especially tasty in pizza or casserole;
  • eggplants, zucchini, garlic slices, etc. are dried in the same way;
  • take dried tomatoes with you to nature, they will come in handy for fish soup or mushroom soup.

Bon appetit!

Another invention mediterranean cuisine - Sun-dried tomatoes rapidly gaining popularity among our consumers. And this is not surprising. Having tried this spicy product once with an unusual, but very pleasant taste and amazing aroma, you will forever remain among his fans.

You can, of course, buy a coveted jar in one of the large supermarkets, but it is much more pleasant to absorb a delicacy prepared with your own hands, saving a decent share of the money. After all, such a product in the distribution network is unreasonably expensive.

Dried tomatoes can be used as independent snack or supplement them with pastries and other dishes. A spicy oil will be an excellent component of salad dressing, making the taste ready meal simply irresistible.

Below we will detail how to cook sun-dried tomatoes in a vegetable dryer.

Dried tomatoes for the winter - a recipe in a vegetable dryer


  • tomatoes;
  • ground pepper(mixture) - to taste;
  • sea ​​salt - to taste;
  • rosemary - to taste;
  • - taste;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • vegetable refined oil or extra virgin olive oil.


You can dry any ripe tomatoes, But ideal option there will be fleshy, elastic and small fruits of the "Cream" variety or the like. Be sure to wash the tomatoes well. cold water, dry or wipe dry and cut depending on the size in half or quarters. We extract the seeds with pulp and liquid, they can be used to prepare various sauces and other dishes.

Add large tomatoes sea ​​salt, if desired, pepper and lay on the drying rack. We turn on the device and keep the tomatoes to the desired degree of drying. Here it is very important to find, as they say, the golden mean, do not overdry the tomatoes and get a moderately dried product with rich taste. Ready tomato halves should ideally be flexible and slightly moist, but not release any juice. It is difficult to say how much your tomatoes will dry, because the fruits differ in juiciness and variety. On average, this may take about eight hours.

While the tomatoes are drying, prepare the container and spices. We sterilize jars with any convenient way and, if necessary, dry them, also boil the lids.

Spices can be taken as ready-made dried or fresh, which, of course, is preferable. Rinse fresh branches and be sure to dry thoroughly. Peel and cut the garlic into slices. Shortly before the completion of the drying process, heat vegetable or olive oil to a boil.

At the bottom of the jar we lay several plates of garlic and some prepared spices - oregano and rosemary. Now we begin to fill the container with ready-made sun-dried tomatoes, alternating layers with herbs and garlic.

Pour the container filled up to the shoulders with hot, but not boiling vegetable or olive oil and press a little with a sterile fork to remove air bubbles and better penetration of the oil, which should completely cover the tomatoes. Then we cork the container with the prepared lid, thoroughly We wrap it up until it cools completely, and put it in storage in any convenient place. Typically, such a preparation proper cooking kept all winter room temperature, but for greater reliability, you can identify it in a refrigerator, cellar or any other cool place.

As you can see, cooking sun-dried tomatoes in the dryer is not very burdensome, and it takes a little time only to prepare the products and preserve the workpiece. A useful device creates itself optimal conditions for getting good result. You only need to periodically observe the process to determine the degree of readiness.

Everyone knows what they look like canned tomatoes: pot-bellied rounds float in brine among dill sprigs and easily burst when pressed on a thin skin, under which a watery, salty pulp is hidden. This is how our grandmothers preserve tomatoes, and we know how to handle such tomatoes: turn them into a paste, add them to salads, just eat them as a snack, remembering the summer. But Italian grandmothers and quite young women store tomatoes differently. They dry tomatoes and certainly know exactly how to use dried tomatoes. Italian cuisine would lose a lot if it were not for dishes with dried tomatoes.

IN Lately this uncomplicated, in general, product appeared in our grocery baskets. Attracted unusual product and the new culinary possibilities that it opens up, we completely forgot that we absolutely do not know how to use dried tomatoes in cooking and simply do not know recipes with dried tomatoes. The easiest way to solve this problem is to look at where the inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries put dried tomatoes. Turns out they use dried tomatoes as often as possible. And they even know how to dry tomatoes at home. Learning all this is easier than it seems at first glance.

How are tomatoes dried? properties of dried and sun-dried tomatoes
Let's start by clarifying a small but persistent misunderstanding that arose after the advent of dried tomatoes in our country. On historical homeland, in Italy and nearby regions, dried tomatoes are called "pomodori secchi", and this is exactly what is written on the banks with this imported product. For some reason, the translators decided to interpret this phrase as "dried tomatoes", but the contents of the package did not change from this. So all sun-dried tomato recipes work with sun-dried tomatoes, and vice versa. But before you use dried tomatoes, you need to learn some more subtleties:
In our realities, these conditions correspond to the maximum with tomatoes of the “cream” variety. Wash them, dry them and remove the stems. Cut in half, remove the seeds and the main amount of juice, and then cut into semicircles and place in a vegetable dryer for 12-15 hours at a temperature of ≈50°C. Or head to the store to buy dried tomatoes and use them to your liking.

How can dried tomatoes be used?
Sun-dried (dried) tomatoes are a versatile product, ready to be eaten as a snack or processed as part of more complex dishes. As a rule, the knowledge and imagination of most housewives is only enough to use dried tomatoes as a seasoning. But these tips allow you to significantly expand the range of culinary possibilities:

  1. Recovering dried tomatoes is easy, just pour them drinking water 1:1 and leave for a few hours or overnight. During this time dried vegetables absorb almost as much moisture as they lost during the harvesting process, the core will again become soft, but the taste and aroma will remain rich and sweet, like sun-dried tomatoes. By the way, soaking will remove excess salt from sun-dried tomatoes.
  2. Exists accelerated method restoring dried tomatoes with vinegar. To do this, a tablespoon of vinegar is dissolved in a liter of water and brought to a boil. Then dried tomatoes are dipped in boiling water for just a couple of minutes, during which the vegetables become soft, but remain dense. You can do without vinegar, but then it will take a little longer to cook dried tomatoes: 3-4 minutes.
  3. Ground dried tomatoes are made even faster in a blender or coffee grinder. It is advisable to do this just before using dried tomatoes, adding the resulting powder, along with other spices, to salad dressings, pastries, soups, omelettes, stews and other vegetable and meat dishes.
  4. Pickled dried tomatoes are better to cook on your own than to buy in tins or glass jars. Moreover, it is so easy to do this: put sun-dried tomatoes in a bowl with a lid, sprinkle with dried herbs (traditional Italian basil, oregano, Bay leaf etc.), add a few peas allspice and garlic cloves (if you bake them beforehand, it will be great!). Heat the olive oil and pour over the tomatoes to completely cover them. Close and leave in the refrigerator for a day.
  5. Dried tomatoes in butter with cheese is the secret of the most experienced Italian housewives. It consists in putting a leaf on each piece of sun-dried tomato fresh basil, on it - a slice of hard mature goat (Pecorino or similar) or cow (Parmesan or Grana Padano) cheese, and top with a second piece of sun-dried tomato. Such compositions are placed in a jar, poured with warm olive oil and marinated for about a day.
Sun-dried tomatoes marinated in oil - a classic Italian cuisine, which became popular thanks to antipasto, that is, a light appetizer-aperitif. Dried tomatoes along with other dried vegetables (eggplant, sweet peppers), thinly sliced smoked meat, cheese and toasted bread are extremely appetizing and allow for many variations and combinations.

Where do dried tomatoes go? Dried Tomato Recipes
Dried tomatoes in oil are the most common, but far from the only way of pickling and processing in general. Let's say more: even the Italians themselves fell in love sun-dried tomatoes only in the XVIII century, and since then they continue to experiment with recipes. So it's possible that you can figure out how to use sun-dried tomatoes in your own way. In the meantime, for inspiration, check out the most successful of existing recipes dishes that use dried tomatoes:

  1. Bruschetta with sundried tomatoes. For 1 baguette, take half a glass of sun-dried tomatoes, previously marinated in oil, 5 fresh tomatoes medium ramzer, 200 grams of mozzarella cheese, 4 tablespoons of olive oil extra virgin, 3 cloves of garlic, a bunch of fresh basil, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and a pinch each of salt and freshly ground pepper. Cut the baguette crosswise, into slices about 3 cm thick. Place in a single layer on a dry baking sheet and dry in the oven for 2-3 minutes. Meanwhile, chop fresh tomatoes, mix them with dried tomatoes, crushed garlic, chopped basil, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and spices. Put tomato mass and grated cheese on toasted bread. Return to oven and bake for 5 minutes. When the cheese is melted, take it out and serve hot or cold.
  2. Pesto sauce with dried tomatoes. For 100-150 grams of sun-dried tomatoes, take 1 large fresh tomato, 50 grams of hard mature cheese (such as Parmesan), 50 grams of nuts (pine, almonds or walnut kernels), 5 tablespoons of Extra virgin olive oil, 1 garlic clove, a pinch fresh leaves basil, pinch ground paprika. Randomly cut dried and fresh tomatoes, grate the cheese, peel and chop the garlic. Place the tomatoes, nuts, herbs and garlic in a blender and puree, gradually adding the olive oil and grated cheese. If desired, the components can be changed and / or added, for example, capers, arugula, oregano, soft cheese, dried pepper and even anchovies.
  3. Pasta with dried tomatoes. For 500 grams of dry pasta (preferably penne or penne), take 1 cup of dried tomatoes, 1 cup of cream, 500 grams chicken fillet, a bunch of fresh basil, 2 sweet peppers of any color, 4 garlic cloves, 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and ground chili on the tip of a teaspoon. Cut the meat into small cubes and fry in a greased pan. Peel and chop the garlic. Bell pepper remove the core, cut into strips and bake in the oven until soft. Grind dried tomatoes in a blender. Add the garlic to the fried meat, after a minute put the roasted and finely chopped peppers, tomato puree, garlic, chopped basil and pepper into the pan. Pour in the cream and simmer covered over low heat for half an hour until thickened. Meanwhile, cook pasta until al dente, drain and spread over portioned plates. Place hot sauce on top of pasta.
In addition to these classic recipes, you can use sun-dried tomatoes in oil for salads and marmalade, and crushed sun-dried tomatoes in bread dough. You can store sun dried tomatoes whole year, so feel free to dry them in the summer and be sure that until the next harvest you will be provided with tasty and useful conservation. By the way, the oil in which dried tomatoes were marinated absorbs their aroma and becomes a full-fledged dressing for cereals and salads. What is there to say! All dishes with dried tomatoes are good, it remains only to choose your favorite.

When harvesting a tomato crop, some of the tomatoes can be set aside for drying. Drying tomatoes is very simple, in the future it turns out a good supplement for everyday meals and baking. Attractive appearance dried fruits immediately awakens the appetite, so they do not stay stale for a long time - you will immediately want to eat them.

How to choose

Tomatoes must be selected for drying, as there are a number of specific requirements:

  1. Tomatoes should have a dense skin.
  2. The size of the fruit in diameter should not exceed 10 centimeters.
  3. Tomatoes should be slightly underripe.
  4. The skin and flesh should not show signs of disease or damage.

It is better not to use greenhouse fleshy varieties of tomatoes for drying; the pulp of such fruits flows out along with the juice, which is very inconvenient when preparing the workpiece. Preference should be given to street or greenhouse varieties with a dense seed chamber, while the color of the skin is not important, you can take any fruit.


The composition of dried tomato pulp does not change significantly, which means that it still contains most of the known minerals: magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron and other nutrients. The benefits of tomatoes are preserved, therefore, when they are used in dried form, the blood is cleansed, toxins are removed and free radicals are neutralized.

Regular consumption of dried tomatoes can boost immune function human body and even reduce the risk of oncological diseases. It is especially useful to eat dried tomatoes for people of mature age and young children.


When the tomatoes have already been selected, they need to be prepared a little. The skin is not peeled off from them, the stalk is cut out with a sharp knife. You don't need to salt the tomatoes yet. Adding salt provokes the formation of excess juice, as a result of which the tomatoes will dry for a long time.

After the leg is cut out, the tomatoes must be cut with a sharp knife into plastics. The thickness of the plastic should be at least 5-7 millimeters. However, vegetables should not be cut too thick - this will lead to a long drying time, and they will look less beautiful than thin slices. Then you can start drying.

How to dry tomatoes at home

There are several ways to dry. The principle of their action is similar, since thermal effects on the pulp are used everywhere. The more intense the thermal effect, the faster the drying process will occur. Drying time takes from several hours to several days. It all depends on the chosen method. You can use household appliances it helps save time. Even in the absence of household appliances, you can dry tomatoes at home, for example, in the sun.

Outdoors (in the sun)

The easiest way to dry is to spread the tomatoes on a sunny windowsill and wait for them to dry completely. Lay out sliced ​​\u200b\u200bplates of vegetables on a windowsill lined with cling film or parchment. You need to lay in one row, so drying will proceed faster.

If the weather is warm, and the sun shines every day, then it takes no more than 5-6 days to dry. During this time, the slices decrease in size by 1.5-2 times, and their pulp becomes more rich color and firm to the touch. To assess readiness, you need to try one slice. If it tastes like it chews for a long time, it has become plastic, but at the same time it smells fragrant and has sweetness, then you can stop drying, the tomatoes are ready.


When drying in the sun, tomato slices need to be turned every day. This way they dry faster.

With electric dryer

For drying vegetables and berries, an electric dryer is specially used. The device allows you to get the final product in just a few hours. For piquancy, you can add a little seasoning to the tomatoes, they will enhance the taste and give delicate fragrance. Here is an example recipe:

  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 tsp sunflower oil;
  • ½ tsp paprika;
  • a mixture of greens (basil, dill, onion);
  • ground black pepper.

Spread a thin layer of spices and pepper on chopped tomatoes, sprinkle with oil. Then the pieces are laid out on the grate in the dryer and the device is connected to the network. Heating should take place for at least 2 hours, while readiness is checked every hour. If the tomatoes do not dry well, then increase the intensity of heating. When the slices are ready, they are allowed to cool to room temperature, then they can be put away for storage.

In the oven

If there is no electric dryer at home, you can use the oven. Put on a baking sheet parchment paper and oil it a little. Tomato mugs are laid on parchment. On top of the mugs, you can squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic - this will add aroma to the vegetables. You can sprinkle mugs with dry basil or parsley. Greens will give not only taste, but also a beautiful appearance.

They send a baking sheet with vegetables to an oven preheated to 100 degrees and slightly open the sash. The drying process takes 4-6 hours. Readiness is checked every half an hour after 2 hours after the start. Heating is stopped as soon as the fruits become plastic and hard.

in the microwave

Tomatoes can be dried in the microwave in about 20-30 minutes. Moisture from the fruit evaporates instantly, but the juice can splash on the walls of the oven, which can complicate further cleaning. You can cook tomatoes in the microwave according to the recipe, for which you will need:

  • 0.8-1 kg of tomatoes;
  • a pinch of red pepper;
  • ½ tsp oregano;
  • ½ tsp parsley or cilantro;
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 1 garlic clove.

The tomatoes are laid out on a large flat plate, greased with vegetable oil. Garlic is squeezed on top of the vegetables and spices are added. Place the plate in the oven and turn on the heating at a power of not more than 800 watts. When the pulp begins to dry out, you need to adjust the heat by the minute. Then the slices are taken out and cooled at room temperature.


For drying in microwave oven you need to use heat-resistant dishes.

How to dry cherry tomatoes

Since tomatoes are small in size, they dry faster than regular fruits. You can cut them lengthwise small pieces or divided into two halves. After that, spices are added to them and they start drying in any way described. Below is a recipe for drying cherry tomatoes.


  • 0.5-0.8 kg cherry;
  • 1 tsp olive oil;
  • ½ tsp provencal herbs;
  • a pinch of paprika.

Cut the fruits in half or into 3-4 parts, put in a cup, add oil and spices. Gently mix the contents so that all the slices are in spices and oil. Then the slices are placed in an electric dryer or oven and dried. Periodically check the fruits for readiness. Dried slices are sprinkled a small amount salt and put away for storage.

How to assess readiness

The final result depends on the desired consistency. You can cook completely dried tomatoes, then they will be very hard, but they can be added to food during cooking. The best option is the condition in which the pulp is bent in the hands, and the taste is chewed for a long time. At the same time, the slices are pleasant to the touch, do not stick to each other, and are well separated from the surface.

To assess readiness, it is enough to touch the tomatoes, but this must be done with extreme caution, as they are very hot. You can pierce the fruit with a fork or knife, the devices pass through the finished pulp with some effort.


Properly dried tomatoes can lie for several years, while their taste properties are completely preserved. Used for storage glass jars or plastic containers with closing lid. They are poured into them finished product and put in a dark place in the kitchen.

You can store dried tomatoes only at room temperature (in a cupboard, pantry table). In the cold, mold can form on them, and in the heat, the fruits begin to soften. Freezing dried tomatoes is also not recommended.

Dried tomatoes - tasty addition vegetable salads, stew, sauces, pizza. There are several ways to cook them: you can dry the tomatoes in the oven, electric dryer or just in the sun. Let's figure out which method allows you to save better bright taste, aroma of tomatoes and useful substances.

Benefits of Sun Dried Tomatoes

dried tomatoes - amazing product. He has low calorie and therefore ideal for diet menus. High content vitamin C, potassium, fiber activates the work digestive system, improve performance of cardio-vascular system, promotes the removal of excess fluid.

Dried fruits also improve the production of serotonin, known as the "hormone of happiness", therefore they are an excellent antidepressant.

How to choose tomatoes for drying

Dense, fleshy tomatoes of a small size are best for drying, for example, “Cream”, “ Lady fingers". They contain almost no seeds and juice, so drying will take a minimum of time. For the same reason, it is recommended to choose red varieties: yellow and pink are too juicy for the upcoming procedure.

What is needed for drying

Secret tasty snack with the right ingredients. So, we need:

    • Electric dryer or oven. It depends on how the product is processed.
  • Ripe tomatoes. Take 3 kilos - this is enough to create a good batch.
  • iodized salt. 2 dessert spoons without a slide.
  • Italian herbs, basil, rosemary, other spices you like . They will give sunny tomatoes a special piquancy.

Preparation for processing

Wash the tomatoes, wipe dry. Cut in half. Scoop out the pulp using a teaspoon. As a result, “boats” with elastic walls should remain.

The pulp is not suitable for drying, but it can be used for preservation, cooking goulash, gravies, sauces, borscht dressings, and many other dishes.

Drying methods

There are three ways to dry tomatoes well at home.

Drying in an electric dryer

    1. Before you start drying the tomatoes, you need to let them drain a little. Put on the table paper towels, put the cut halves with the cleaned pulp on top with the cuts down.
    2. After five minutes, turn the halves over, sprinkle with salt and herbs.
  • Put the tomatoes in the dryer with the slices up, heat the device to 70 degrees.
  • Leave the tomatoes for 5-6 hours. Time depends on how large and juicy fruits you took. The larger the tomatoes, the longer they dry.

Drying in the oven

If you don't have an electric dryer conventional oven. Drying in it will take longer (6-7 hours) and part useful substances may evaporate, but the taste will be just as good. Complete all preparatory procedures.

    1. Spread the tomatoes on a baking sheet.
  • Preheat oven to 80 degrees. You can’t go higher - otherwise the tomatoes will burn. If you put it below, then you will have to dry them up to 10 hours.
  • Turn the slices from time to time until they reach the desired condition.

Important! During cooking dried tomatoes control the process so that the fruits do not burn or bake.

How to dry tomatoes in the sun

This is the most long way Dried tomatoes in the sun need 7-10 days. And this is provided that all this time there is hot and sunny weather.

  1. Put the tomatoes on a sieve or non-metallic wire rack, sprinkle with salt.
  2. Cover with cheesecloth to keep out dust and insects.
  3. Leave in the sun until they are just right.

Important! At night, remove the fruits in the house so that they are not fed. morning dew. Turn the halves two or three times a day to ensure they dry evenly.


If you dry tomatoes properly, they retain a maximum of useful substances, but it is also important to provide storage conditions. There are several ways:

In a cloth bag at room temperature. Take the bag from natural fabric to ensure good air circulation. If you do not do this, the vegetables will simply become moldy. For the same reason, it is important to store the bag in a dry and dark room.

In the freezer. Indeed, frozen foods retain all their beneficial features, do not rot and do not grow moldy. Another thing is that no one is immune from power outages and defrosting of the refrigerator, and you can’t freeze food again.

Conservation. You can pour sun-dried tomatoes with olive oil, add a few cloves of garlic, fragrant herbs and roll up the banks.

Now you know several ways at once how to dry tomatoes, and you can give your favorite dishes a spicy and unusual taste.
