
How to cook squid pilaf. Lenten pilaf with squid

This year, as in no other year, my colleagues at work began to observe Great Lent. Some even try to pass it in severity without vegetable oil. And it’s not that they are all so pious and read prayers, rather it is for the purpose of losing weight. Therefore, I almost always have to try various lenten dishes at work, one of these turned out to be lean pilaf with squid. To be honest, I was surprised - this dish turned out to be tasty and very satisfying.

For cooking you will need:

  • Rice -150gr.
  • Squids -400 gr.
  • Carrot - 1 large
  • Onion -2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper and spices to taste.

In the preparation of this, rice must first be boiled until half cooked. This is to keep the squid from getting too tough. It is important not to digest and overcook them, otherwise it will turn into rubber.

Therefore, boil the rice first. To do this, wash the rice under running water several times. Pour boiling water into a heavy-bottomed Teflon saucepan. Approximately 1 to 2m. That is, 1 cup of rice 2 cups of water, salt and boil under a closed lid. Rice should not be stirred, it will begin to swell and the water will gradually evaporate. Here it is important not to digest how we need it half-baked. And even if the water remains in the pan, it does not matter, drain it through a fine colander and rinse under running water.
To rice was one to one.

We clean the carrots, three on a coarse grater.
Peel the onion and cut into small sticks.
Pour vegetable oil into a deep-sided frying pan
when the oil starts to boil, pour the onion into it,
then carrots and fry everything over moderate heat.

While the carrots are overcooked with onions, prepare the squids.
Squid must be cleaned of all entrails and film. Rinse thoroughly under running water and then cut into thin strips.

When the carrots are fried until soft, and the onion acquires a golden hue, add squid to the pan and overcook for another 4 minutes.


Hi all! Vika Leping is with you, and today I will tell you how to cook barley pilaf with squid, the recipe of which I came up with on the go, and in the end it exceeded all expectations! And if you are one of those people who didn’t get pearl barley in their mouths since childhood (I was like that)), then you are welcome, this tasty and simple dish is exactly what you need for the first time!

I already cooked the classic Ferghana pilaf, even when I ate meat, and I can tell you, it was the most perfect and delicious pilaf of all that I tried! And I lived, for a moment, in the Crimea, where delicious pilaf is cooked at every turn. And no matter how presumptuous it may sound, my pilaf was the best, honestly! Therefore, if you are a meat eater, I highly recommend looking into.

Barley pilaf with squid, as I said, was "born" on the go. I decided to try what this barley porridge is. Yes, I really haven’t eaten this dish since early, deep childhood. It was never cooked in our family, my mother hated it, remembering barley soups with a tremor in her voice 🙂 I tried this very soup at my grandparents' house, and the only thing I remember from that time was that it didn't seem terrible to me. So I decided to renew the taste sensations.

In general, pearl barley dishes are quite diverse, but so far I have managed to cook only one. Barley with vegetables and squid turned out to be very satisfying, healthy and nutritious. By the way, yes, pearl barley is incredibly useful, it contains a huge amount of substances needed by the body, much more than in many other cereals. It can only compete in favor with it, in which there are even more vitamins and minerals.

Be sure to read how to sprout green buckwheat from the link above, it's very simple and fast, and your body will be incredibly grateful to you for feeding it with this local superfood. In general, I am a fan of comfort food, and I eat relatively cheap superfoods every day. And if you are interested, I have already told you what kind of food it is, and even made a list of the most accessible in the article.

But back to the topic! So, barley pilaf with squid, a step-by-step recipe with a photo!


  • - onion - 1 large piece
  • - 2 pcs
  • - 2 cloves
  • - 1 glass
  • - 1 PC
  • - or Ghee butter
  • - turmeric, cumin, coriander, basil

Cooking method

Barley preparation should be considered in advance. Pour the cereal overnight with purified water twice its amount. The next day, drain the water, pour the cereal into a saucepan, fill with new water so that it covers the grains, put on high heat and close the lid. When the water boils, add 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 liter of water, stir and reduce the heat to a minimum. Leave to cook for 20-30 minutes until soft, then drain the water. Now you know how to cook barley.

Cooking barley porridge is a passive matter, so let's deal with vegetables right away. We clean and wash them. We cut the garlic finely, the onion - in half, quarters and thin slices, carrots - in cubes. We put a large frying pan or cauldron on medium-high heat, pour in vegetable oil or healthy , when heated, put the vegetables and fry, stirring, for 10 minutes, after which we add all the spices, salt and pepper.

Barley with vegetables and spices is already a delicious dish. But we will go further. While the onions and carrots are fried, we clean and cut the squid carcass into thin rings. If you have a frozen whole carcass or squid rings, defrost in advance or in the microwave on the defrost mode for about five minutes. Put the squid rings in the pan and stir. Fry the ingredients for 2 minutes over high heat, stirring occasionally.

In the meantime, barley itself was cooked - the recipe is almost finished! We put the porridge in the pan, adding quite a bit of its broth, mix and simmer over medium heat for another 5 minutes, then remove from the stove.

Barley pilaf with squid is ready!

We lay out pearl barley pilaf with squid on plates and decorate with a leaf of basil or cilantro.

Let's go to the table! Now you know how to cook barley porridge.

Now I’ll tell you again, but very quickly about what can be prepared from pearl barley.

Short recipe: barley pilaf with squid

  1. Pour a glass of pearl barley overnight with two glasses of purified water.
  2. Drain the water, put the cereal in a saucepan, fill it with a new one, bring to a boil, salt, cook for 20-30 minutes until soft and elastic, turn off the heat, drain the water into a separate container.
  3. We clean the vegetables, cut the onion into quarters and slices, garlic - in circles, carrots - in cubes.
  4. We put a frying pan on medium-high heat, pour vegetable oil and fry all the vegetables for 10 minutes, stirring constantly, at the end we put all the spices, salt and pepper.
  5. At this time, we clean the squid and cut it into thin circles.
  6. Put the squid rings in the pan, mix and fry, stirring, for another 2 minutes.
  7. Put the barley in the pan, add a little of its broth, mix and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  8. Turn off the fire and lay out barley pilaf with squid on plates, decorate with your favorite herbs.
  9. Now you know how to cook barley with vegetables and squid!

That's all! Barley pilaf with squid is ready! I liked this barley groats so much that in the future, of course, there will be other barley recipes. And it's warm again in Kyiv! Last weekend Serezha and I finally took the zip line across the Dnieper. This is such a "rope" along which you ride from a large hill from one side of the river to the other 🙂 It was very exciting, but it turned out not to be scary at all! Now we're on the lookout for other zip lines, so we'll go scouting next weekend. Do you like any extreme things?

Very soon, as always, I will tell you many other delicious recipes! I made you happy last time. So stay tuned so you don't miss out , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a collection of full-fledged recipes of 20 dishes that are prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eating quickly and tasty is real, as is the implementation of barley recipes.

Vika Leping was with you! Cook the dish, tell your friends how to cook barley pilaf with squid, like, leave comments, rate, tell what you did and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more talented than you can imagine and, of course, enjoy your food! I love you, be happy!

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    Let's cook pilaf with squid. Seafood is healthy, dietary and nutritious, they have the necessary trace elements.

    Pilaf with squid does not take long.

    Let's take the necessary products:

    long-grain rice two and a half cups,

    squid two carcasses,

    a couple of carrots


    Everything you need is ready and you can swim.

    Unlike the classic pilaf with meat, seafood does not need to be thermally processed for a long time and the preparation of the dish should start from this.

    On the contrary, squid should not be digested so as not to get tough meat. The same applies to other seafood.

    Defrost the squid fillet in cold water.

    Pilaf with squid can be cooked like this simple recipe. Take 2 cans of canned squid, 1 cup of rice, 2 tbsp. tablespoons tomato paste, 1/2 cup olive oil, salt and black pepper to taste.

    First, open the canned food and thoroughly wash the squid. We clean them from all the plates and throw them into a colander, but do not cut them.

    Then pour water into the pan and pour the rice (washed) and bring it to a boil. Then kladm squid, olive oil, a little pepper and salt. If desired, you can also put a little fried grated carrot.

    10 minutes before the readiness of the kladm in pilaf tomato paste. Before serving, sprinkle pilaf with chopped herbs. Bon appetit!

Today I will offer you a pilaf option that will perfectly diversify your menu during the Lent period, when it is allowed to eat fish and seafood.

Pilaf with squid is a simple dish, but very tasty and healthy! It's easy to prepare. The products you will need are almost the same as for ordinary pilaf, but the cooking method will be different.

Since squids cook very quickly, it would be advisable to boil the rice until half cooked and then add the rest of the pilaf ingredients to it. So we will be sure that the squid will not become rubbery during the cooking process.

Boil water in a saucepan, add 0.5 tsp. salt. Add rice and cook it for 10 minutes after boiling.

Meanwhile, cut the onion into half rings. Grate carrots on a fine grater.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and sauté the onion until translucent, 2-3 minutes.

Then add carrots to the onion, and fry the vegetables for another 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Wash the squid carcasses, remove the chitinous plates and cut the squid into rings.

Put the chopped squid into the pan. Pour 200 ml of boiling water, add spices for pilaf, salt and pepper and cook squid with vegetables for 5-7 minutes.

Drain liquid from cooked rice.

Add rice to the pan and mix all the ingredients of the pilaf.

Stew pilaf over low heat for 10-15 minutes, until the rice is fully cooked and the liquid is absorbed.

Pilaf with squid is fragrant and very tasty!

Bon appetit!

Protein, contained in large quantities in squid, is excellently absorbed by the human body. Taurine, which is part of it, is able to lower the level of cholesterol in our blood, of course, if squid meat is constantly or often present on your menu. This product is also useful for those who have problems with the thyroid gland, because it contains iodine. Squid meat helps to remove heavy metal salts from the body thanks to vitamin E and selenium. In addition, it is considered dietary, and for good reason, because it contains almost no fat. And what can be cooked from squid meat? Yes, even a swim. Yes, yes, and it will turn out not only useful and easy, but also extremely tasty.

Pilaf with squid - a classic of the genre

The main ingredients are similar to the set that is considered traditional for pilaf with meat. Judge for yourself: rice, carrots, garlic and onions. But there are few seasonings in this vegetarian dish. Yes, and it is better to take rice not with a long grain, but, on the contrary, with a round one, as for paella. Squid - the main ingredient - also has its own requirements. It is better to buy those seafood that are small in size and have a pleasant pinkish color and, of course, are fresh.


  • round rice - 1 cup
  • squid carcasses - 3 pieces
  • large carrots - 1 piece
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • sunflower or olive oil - 2-3 tablespoons
  • butter - 50 g
  • salt, dried basil - to taste

Cooking method:

Wash the squid carcasses under running cold water, clean them from the insides, films and skin. To facilitate this process, you can pour boiling water over them, and then immediately dip them into ice water. As a rule, after such a procedure, the skin is removed with a "stocking" and without much effort. Cut the squid prepared in this way into strips. Now take care of the vegetables: wash them and peel them. Cut the onion into small cubes, and it is better to grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Rice for pilaf, whatever the recipe, must be thoroughly washed. Do this with cold water and at least 10 times. Then put it in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and cook it in the so-called folding way. There is nothing difficult in it, just add more water than the rice can absorb, and when it becomes soft, drain the excess through a sieve.

Calamari with vegetables are prepared separately. Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan, fry the onion in it until golden brown, add the carrots and sauté for 3 minutes. At this time, peel the garlic, chop it with a knife and also send it to the pan. Make the fire small, add butter to the vegetables and simmer them under the lid for 4 minutes, remembering to stir occasionally.

Now you can lay and cut into strips of squid. It is necessary to cook them for a very short time - only 2 minutes, otherwise these seafood will turn into rubber. Therefore, as soon as the squid begins to curl, season everything with salt, sprinkle with dry basil, add a quarter cup of hot water and immediately remove the pan from the heat.

We can say that your pilaf is ready. Combine freshly boiled rice with vegetables and squid, mix gently, put on a dish and serve as soon as possible. This recipe will pleasantly surprise you, because the taste of garlic with butter gives a special sophistication to pilaf. Thanks to such a subtle nuance, all the ingredients are harmoniously combined with each other, perfectly emphasizing the delicate tenderness of the squid.

Pilaf with squid, seasoned with cumin and saffron

This recipe involves the use of traditional spices for pilaf: cumin and saffron. Rice must be used long-grain transparent, which is also called steamed. It turns out crumbly and very appetizing. Pilaf with squid, prepared as described below, combines two cuisines: Mediterranean and Asian. It turns out very tasty and unusual.


  • squid carcasses - 400 g
  • rice - 150 g
  • large carrots - 1 piece
  • large onion - 1 piece
  • sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons
  • zira - 0.5 teaspoon
  • saffron - 0.5 teaspoon

Cooking method:

Rinse the rice, pour it with salted water and boil until half cooked, as a rule, it only takes about 10 minutes. Then the remaining liquid must be drained, and the cereal should be washed again. While the rice is cooking, you will have time to peel and cut the vegetables. Chop the onion into half rings, and it is better to grate the carrots, which is used for Korean pickles. However, you can also use the slicing method. Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan and fry the vegetables in it until a pleasant golden hue.

If you are using frozen squid, be sure to take them out of the refrigerator in time. With fresh, the situation is simpler, but in both cases, the carcasses must be washed, freed from the entrails and skin. True, often frozen seafood is sold already peeled, but it’s still worth making sure that nothing extra is left inside. Cut the washed squid into medium-sized squares.

The recipe for this dish involves the use of the oven. Therefore, you will need a heat-resistant thick-walled cauldron. Mix rice, vegetable fry and squid pieces in it, add water in an amount of 200 ml, salt and season with spices. Cover the cauldron with a lid and place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20 minutes. Serve hot pilaf with squid, although it is also very good cold.

Pilaf with squid and turnips

The recipe for a delicious vegetarian squid pilaf will perfectly complement such an unusual ingredient as turnips. It successfully replaces the traditional carrot and gives the dish originality and some piquancy. If culinary experiments are not alien to you, and the habit of eating tasty and varied has long become your family's lifestyle, this recipe may well become a favorite, and pilaf prepared according to its recommendations will be a frequent guest on the dinner table.


  • squid - 500 g
  • any rice - 200 g
  • turnip - 300 g
  • onion - 2 pieces
  • sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

This recipe for pilaf with squid provides a different technology for working with ingredients, not the same as in the case of a meat dish. Squid, onions, rice and turnips are cooked separately from each other, not together. They are connected before serving. But the taste of pilaf does not suffer from this at all, but rather even wins. After all, you have the opportunity to feel each ingredient in all its shades.

So, first of all, take care of the squid. Wash them in cold water, remove the insides and skin, then boil them for 2-3 minutes, no longer. Yes, do not forget to slightly salt the water. Remove the finished squid, cool, and then cut into thin strips. Now take care of the vegetables. Free the bulbs from the husk, rinse and cut into rings or half rings.

Pour the indicated amount of vegetable oil into the pan, fry the onion in it until translucent or light golden, and transfer it to a separate plate. Remove the skin from the turnip and grate with a coarse grater. Send it to the pan and fry in the remaining vegetable oil for 3-4 minutes. Then add strips of squid to it, salt, season everything with pepper and simmer over low heat for a couple more minutes.

Rinse the rice thoroughly and boil in a folding way. It lies in the fact that the cereal is poured with much more water than it can absorb, and when ready, the excess liquid is drained through a sieve. That's all, it remains only to mix all the ingredients in one deep container and put on a dish. By the way, the recipe does not prohibit decorating pilaf with some finely chopped greens.

Pilaf with squid and dry wine

And this version of vegetarian pilaf provides for a very long process of cooking squid. But don't be afraid, they won't be made of rubber. Seafood will remain very tender, and rice will surprise you with its crispness and rich flavor. Pilaf with seafood, if you do not violate the recipe during its preparation, will please you with an unusual taste with a well-detectable Greek accent.


  • squid - 500 g
  • Basmati rice - 250 g
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • butter - 40 g
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • parsley - 1 bunch
  • dry white wine - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • dry rosemary - 1 teaspoon
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste

Wash, gut, clean and cut the squid into rings. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for half a minute, remove the skin from them, divide in half and remove the seeds along with the juice. Cut the pulp into small cubes. Free the garlic from the husk and chop. Pour olive oil into a frying pan, heat it up and fry the squid with garlic for 5 minutes. Then add the tomatoes and pour in the wine. Reduce the fire and simmer the indicated ingredients for half an hour.

In another pan, melt the butter and fry the pre-washed rice in it. Do this for no more than 5 minutes with frequent stirring. Now take a heat-resistant cauldron, put squid on the bottom of it, and then rice. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Boil water in a kettle. Salt the rice and squid, sprinkle with rosemary and chopped fresh parsley. Add boiling water to the cauldron, it should be about 1 centimeter higher than the level of rice. Cover everything with a lid and put in the oven for about half an hour. Serve hot on a large plate.

Pilaf with squid, cherry tomatoes and fresh basil

This recipe allows you to cook an incredibly tasty and fragrant vegetarian dish. All members of your family will definitely like pilaf, and its appetizing and, if I may say so, elegant look will decorate even a small celebration in the circle of loved ones. Preparing such a dish is very simple, so it will be a real find for those who are not used to standing at the stove for a long time, but love to eat deliciously.


  • frozen squid rings - 800 g
  • Basmati rice - 1.5 cups
  • leek - 1 piece
  • vegetable broth with garlic - 2.5 cups
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • cherry tomatoes - 200 g
  • basil leaves - 50 g
  • salt - to taste

Cooking method:

Defrost squid rings. Finely chop the leek and fry in a small amount of olive oil for 4 minutes, taking a deep saucepan for this. Then add well-washed rice to it, stir, pour in the broth and bring to a boil. Then lower the heat and continue cooking until the rice has absorbed all the liquid. Pour the rest of the oil into the pan, put the squids, fry for no more than 2-3 minutes and remove. In their place, send tomatoes cut in half, simmer for a couple of minutes until soft. In a deep bowl, combine the squid, rice, fried tomatoes, onion and fresh basil. Salt the resulting pilaf to taste. If you like spicy dishes, add some ground black pepper. That's all, you can set the table for lunch or dinner.

Vegetarian cuisine is becoming more and more popular these days. People who deliberately refuse to eat meat face one significant problem - to find the optimal source of protein necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In this case, seafood is the perfect option. And, as you can see, even pilaf with them turns out to be tasty and healthy. Be sure to try it, it's so easy to make!

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