
Recipes for making delicious water. How to make drinking water tastier and healthier

Tasty water increases energy, promotes weight loss, flushes out toxins, enhances well-being immune system etc. What is the recipe for detox water to cook?

Mixing herbs or spices into your detox drink can do more than just add flavor. Many herbs and spices have medicinal properties that can support your cleansing and health issues.

The addition of liquid herbal extracts specifically formulated to address these issues can greatly elevate your detox to the next level. To avoid potential reactions from low quality herbs or spices, it is recommended that you use organic or wild herbs from a trusted source.

When using liquid herbal extracts with your detox drinks, always be sure to use alcohol-free extracts. If you are using roots such as turmeric or ginger, cut them into small pieces or grate them and add them to your detox water.

If you did, consider adding fresh herbs such as rosemary, mint, basil, and others. If your delicious detox water looks bitter, consider adding Himalayan pink salt. The addition of salt reduces the ability to taste bitterness. Using Himalayan pink salt can also increase the mineral content of your drink.

For more sweetness, consider adding stevia. Stevia is natural vegetable sweetener, which has minimal effect on the amount of sugar in the blood.

To improve the aroma and taste, include ground cinnamon, vanilla, Cayenne pepper. Note that these, along with many other spices, may also have detoxifying properties.

Add thin slices of the same type of fruit to the water, preferably organic and fresh.

Slicing is optional in case of berries or other small fruits that are eaten with their skin.

Avoid mixing various kinds fruits such as acid fruits with sweet fruits. Avoid mixing fruit juices with water as they can add sugar and calories. This leads to damage to the entire detox.

Unlike fruit or juice detox, which include high-calorie fruit juices, fruits filled with water usually have no calories. Lemon and citrus fruits are the exception. You can add fresh lemon juice in water for detoxification.

To make detox water, add vegetables, fruits, berries, and herbs to the water and then let it stand. If you're thinking about adding detox water to your diet, then we've got the recipes for you. They are all very easy to make and require very few ingredients.

You can mix and match ingredients to tailor recipes to your personal taste. Feel free to experiment with new ingredients and you will never get bored with water.

use water High Quality such as natural spring water. Use only glass containers or glass jugs to store water filled with fruit. Mason jars work great.

Another option is to make a detox tea: add ginger or turmeric to spring water, bring it to a boil and boil for a few minutes. Then let the tea cool and add it to the detox water.

Are you bored of drinking plain water and looking for an unconventional kind of water? Then you will find exactly what you need with us! We will share detox water recipes for healthy and glowing skin and anti-aging. These combinations tasty water detox cleanse your skin, give you a refreshing boost of energy and improve your breathing.

delicious water for healthy and glowing skin.

Making your own fruit waters does not require special recipe. You can do this in small or large batches. You can add as many fruits as you like, depending on how much flavor and sweetness you want in your water.

You can use any fruit except banana. Experiment with your favorite fruits until you find something for you. best tastes and stay beautiful and hydrated all summer without sugar and dyes!

Delicious water with citrus and cucumber.

This water helps maintain healthy skin, helps with bloating, detoxifies the kidneys and suppresses appetite. Orange detox water is packed with vitamins C and antioxidants to help you get radiant and younger looking skin. This water also helps to remove excess fat from your body.

This Detox Recipe Contains fresh ingredients to help you cleanse your kidneys and improve your skin. It also helps detoxify the bacteria in your body as it contains antioxidant compounds that can activate detoxifying enzymes. Detox water with citrus and cucumber is also great for your digestive system.

The recipe contains grapefruit, lemons and mint, which detoxify the kidneys. Peppermint eliminates germs and makes you feel not hungry. This recipe also has cucumber to help relax your body.

Drink this water in the morning before you drink your Morning coffee before every meal and at bedtime. So it's best to make this recipe in the evening before you go to bed so it's ready the next morning. It is highly recommended to drink at least 8 cups of this detox water per day.


  • 3 liters of purified water
  • 2 oranges, chopped
  • 1/2 cucumber, medium, chopped
  • 1 lemon, chopped

Cooking instructions

Wash all vegetables and fruits. Cut them into thin slices and place them in a large container of water or pitcher. Mix all ingredients and infuse them for at least 2 hours before drinking.

You can also let the ingredients chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours before drinking. Add ice cubes if desired. Stop drinking water after 24 hours or when the fruit starts to taste bitter.

You can add 1 tsp to some water. grated or chopped ginger root. Add more ginger when needed.

Blueberry lavender water promotes healthy skin, improves digestion, reduces weight, improves brain function, and increases antioxidants. This is a special elixir that heals the mind and body.

There are edible flowers in this recipe and they are good for you. Edible flowers are natural plants like any other vegetables or fruits. Some flowers contain unique healthy nutrients that benefit your body. Lavender calms the mind. Lavender, on the other hand, can soothe your stomach and skin.

Blueberries are one of the most popular summer berries. It supports bone health, reduces arterial pressure and regulates the amount of sugar in the blood. Plus, it can help prevent constipation and improve skin texture.

Blueberry naturally pushes out unwanted toxins in droves and gives your system enough B vitamins. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and have pleasant taste.

When choosing lavender leaves, it is wise to choose mature plants with strong petals. For berries, the opposite is true.

Ingredients for 8 servings

  • 1 cup blueberries or blueberries
  • a handful of edible lavender flowers (to taste)
  • 2 liters of purified water

Cooking Directions

Place blueberries or blueberries and edible lavender flowers in a pitcher of water. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Strain and add ice cubes to a glass and pour over the drink. Strain when applying. Enjoy!

You can make drinking drinking water using a few more delicious fruits, berries and vegetables. Some options include watermelon, cucumbers, grapefruit, and several types of berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries). You can use herbs and spices such as ginger and mint leaves for flavoring and other health benefits.

You will need between 1-2 liters of water, half a lemon, one apple (chopped), five small strawberries (chopped), a handful of fresh mint leaves and a pinch of fresh cinnamon.

Add strawberries and chopped apple along with mint leaves and cinnamon to the water. Then squeeze lemon juice into water. Give it a few minutes to mix with the water. Then add some ice and enjoy a delicious drink that will work overtime clearing your skin.

Are you looking for a healthy and natural drink which might be perfect for your skin? Healthy detox water promotes healthy skin, provides fresh breath, boosts metabolism, helps with constipation, fights bloating.

This drink includes healthy ingredients such as:

Lemon- Helps digestion and relieves constipation.
Strawberry- Helps fight carcinogens and has anti-aging properties.

Apple- has vitamin C. It also helps your skin look its best, repairs and maintains teeth and bones in good condition.
Cinnamon- Improves blood circulation and regulates blood sugar levels. It also controls calorie intake.
Mint leaves Help improve digestion and relieve stomach cramps.


  • 1 to 2 liters of water
  • 1 lemon
  • 5 pieces. chopped strawberries
  • 1 chopped apple
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • a few fresh mint leaves

Cooking Directions

Add all ingredients to a large container or pitcher. Refrigerate for 2 hours. Add ice cubes when serving.

Water for health. Simple recipes (video).

delicious water for rejuvenation.

Delicious anti-aging water consists mainly of purified water infused with fruits and berries.

Ideas for detox water with fruits and berries:

  • raspberry (or strawberry) lemon - any berry paired with a lemon ends with a light lemonade flavor!
  • watermelon mint - super refreshing!
  • tropical (pineapple, mango) - this drink comes out sweeter than the others, but in a perfectly good way!
  • citrus cucumber (lemon, lime, orange, cucumber)
  • other ingredients to try: apples, nectarine, pumpkin, melon, blueberries, blackberries, peaches
  • try fresh herbs! Rosemary, basil, mint.

Cooking Directions

Add the desired fruits to the pitcher and then fill with water. Let the fruit soak for 2-8 hours in the refrigerator and then enjoy! Add more fruit, berries and spices for your taste and sweetness.

This delicious water protects against aging, aids digestion, replenishes the body with antioxidants, and removes excess fat.

Raspberries are known for being excellent source vitamin C, and fiber. It can also improve your memory and reduce your risk of obesity and heart disease.

On the other hand, mint leaves can aid digestion and add flavor to a drink.

So, if you are looking for a healthy and tasty drink, try this refreshing drink!

Raspberries have cleansing properties, while mint helps relieve stress. Combined, you have a superhero team that aids in both digestion and weight loss.

While the fruits are starting to work, the mint leaves provide a soothing effect. This duality leads to aid in digestion and weight loss. It's hard to believe that such a sweet treat has so few calories. This medicinal blend is simply breathtaking and sublime.

Ingredients for 6 servings

  • 2 liters of cold, filtered water
  • 2 tbsp chopped raspberries, fresh or frozen
  • 2 tbsp fresh mint leaves
  • 1 lemon or lime, chopped or minced, medium size

Cooking Method

Place the raspberries, mint, lemon, and water in a large pitcher or container. Stir, refrigerate for at least 2 hours and serve.

To get more flavor and juice from a lemon, microwave it for 30 seconds.

Delicious inan ode to stress relief.

Detox water for stress relief protects against aging, enhances brain function, aids in digestion, has an anti-inflammatory effect and regulates blood pressure.

Imagine the process of cleansing the body of harmful toxins and relieving stress at the same time. This water recipe has pineapple and basil.

Pineapple has bromelain, which breaks down harmful enzymes and cleanses the bloodstream. Basil is an excellent source of magnesium and fights free radicals. Basil is really good for your heart.


  • 5 strawberries, chopped
  • 1/2 cup pineapple
  • 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar(optional)
  • 5 medium basil leaves
  • 1/2 cup ice
  • 2 liters of purified water

Cooking instructions

Using filtered water, mix together in a pitcher or container five strawberries, half a cup chopped pineapple, 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar, four fresh basil leaves and some ice. Leave in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Drink 2-4 glasses a day!

If you don't like the idea of ​​using vinegar, try using a little less and drink the water through a straw. You can always ditch the vinegar, but don't miss out on some of the detox benefits. Try it and see how it works!

Delicious strawberry basil water protects against aging, enhances the immune system, enhances memory, great for your skin and weight loss, fights against bad cholesterol, has an anti-inflammatory effect, regulates blood pressure and strengthens the immune system.

The sweetness of the strawberries is balanced by the acidity of the lemons, and the aroma of basil complements them perfectly. Adding basil to water gives it an amazing freshness, while fruits only add correct amount sweet smell.

Rich Lemon Kernel cleanses the entire digestive system and disguises most complex taste. The basil leaves really enhance the smell, and the strawberries bring endless antioxidants to the table.


  • 4-6 strawberries, chopped
  • 1/2 lemon, chopped
  • handful of basil, dry
  • 2 l water, ice cold, filtered
  • ice cubes

Cooking instructions

Fill pitcher to the top with ice and fruit (strawberries, lemon slices and basil). Mince the basil lightly to release the flavor. Fill the pitcher with cold filtered water. This delicious water will be best if you let the water steep for at least 1 hour or overnight.

Delicious inOh yeah. Recipe.

Here are some of the results after drinking detox water: reduced muscle and joint pain, improved skin condition, more quality sleep and improved digestion. gives the body time to rest, repair damaged cells and renew the lining of the digestive tract.

Water fasting can help treat moderate to severe health conditions, including high blood pressure, acne, allergies, and diabetes. Using detox water helps your body get rid of toxins, improve your energy levels and help you lose weight.

Consult your doctor before using any medicinal product to treat any condition.

Useful rest, success and good health!

Good day to you, my wonderful readers! Today it is well known what is needed. About the amount of liquid necessary for a person there are constant disputes. But about its composition, everyone agrees in one opinion: there is nothing better than plain water and cannot be.

Here are 5 simple ways to help make the water pleasant to drink.

Add mint flavor

To give your water a refreshing minty flavor, simply add alcohol tincture mint. Don't worry, you only need 1 drop per liter of water.

Mint tincture is sold in a pharmacy, and it is very cheap.

Another way is to insist some water with fresh leaves mint or lemon balm. Preliminary, it is desirable to crush the leaves with your hands. You need to insist at least an hour.

By the way, mint has a calming effect, puts the nervous system in order, which will allow you to experience less negative emotions and. Agree, this is also important for weight loss.

Use flavored cubes

Prepare fragrant cubes from any berries - grind them in a blender until smooth, pour into molds and freeze. By the way, it is possible not only from berries - for example, kiwi fruit cubes are very tasty (a drink using them has a weak sweet taste and extremely rich in vitamin C).

Then, as needed, fill the resulting cubes with water.

Of course, this option is more suitable for summer - it turns out such a healthy instant cooling drink.

Lingonberry and cranberry water with vitamins

Lingonberry water is prepared simply: lingonberries are poured clean water and stored in a cold place (refrigerator or cellar). To obtain a noticeable taste, the drink must be infused for at least 6 hours.

The preparation of cranberry water is similar.

Both of them not only have a pleasant tart taste but also incredibly useful.

Healthy citrus drink

An easy way to brighten up your water is to add a slice of lemon, orange or grapefruit to your glass. You can simply squeeze 2-5 drops of citrus juice.

And if you want larger volumes, then for 2 liters you need to squeeze out only half a lemon (it is also advisable to throw the squeezed citrus into a decanter).

Citrus fruits are an excellent “material” for fruit cubes, which were mentioned above.

Refreshing cucumber water

Another option is cucumber. If it is fresh and fragrant, then after lying a little in a container of water, the cucumber will give it a pleasant unforgettable taste.

Cucumber needs to be cut, but not too small - about the way you usually cut it for a salad.

You can add a few drops of lemon juice or a slice of it to such cucumber water - it also turns out unusual.

Well, in conclusion, let me remind you: you need to drink water not only in order to, but also to maintain health and good health. And if you don't like its neutral taste, try making water tastier in any of the following ways. listed recipes I assure you, the result will not disappoint you. Be healthy, beautiful and happy!

Mini Tips for Weight Loss

    Reduce portions by a third - that's what will help to build! Short and to the point :)

    Put supplements or stop? When this question arises, it is definitely time to stop eating. This body gives you a signal about imminent saturation, otherwise you would have no doubt.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, before dinner take warm shower. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude to food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how tasty the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can't stop and are convulsively swallowing piece after piece.

    The environment affects us - it's a fact! Avoid conversations like “I lost weight here, and I couldn’t”, “yes, we’ll still remain fat”, “ good man there must be a lot." Well, let there be “many” of them - but what do you have to do with it?

    Remember a simple word: graceful. This is exactly what your portion of unhealthy dishes should be. And then you will also become graceful - it's only a matter of time.

    To reduce the chance of overeating, stick to the 10 Calm Spoons rule. It says: "Eat the first ten spoonfuls very slowly, as slowly as you can."

The coming winter with its frosts and snows is no reason to neglect the drinking regime. The body needs water every day, regardless of the weather outside. And one of the most better ways quench your thirst with benefit - delicious water at home.

Forever with water

In autumn and especially in winter, in no case should water consumption be reduced. Just because we don't feel thirsty doesn't mean we don't need water. Deficiency causes skin to flake, nails to break, and hair to fall out. Add to this the harmful effects of heating, low humidity in the house, sudden changes in temperature, and it becomes obvious that drinking plenty of water every day is necessary for health. Of course, this number depends on individual features, but on average daily rate is 6-8 glasses. And we are talking specifically about drinking water, and not about tea, coffee, juices and other drinks.

Cold against cold

Oddly enough, but doctors recommend drinking chilled water now, because in this form it is better absorbed by the body. It is also important to remember simple truth: purified water - pledge delicious drink. It can be found in supermarkets or run through a filter of tap water. And it's easy to get it at home. To do this, pour water into a container, put it in the freezer for several hours, then let it thaw. Harmful impurities will settle to the bottom, and you will have to carefully drain the clean liquid. You can make water even tastier with your own hands by adding just a few ingredients that you probably already have at home.

Citrus Immunity

One of these components is any fruit, with the possible exception of banana and avocado. The main thing is that the fruits are juicy and ripe. Let's start by making delicious water with lemon and other citrus fruits. We take orange, lemon and lime, cut them into circles with zest. Lightly knead them, pour 2 liters of water in a jug with a lid and put in the refrigerator. There the drink must spend a day, so that the citruses are given away maximum amount useful elements. The most important of them, of course, is vitamin C, which the body needs most urgently now. Water can be filtered or drunk with pieces of citrus. By the way, it is convenient to take it with you to work or a walk.

berry carnival

on wild berries turns out to be no less delicious. For this recipe, we will need frozen berries, which we prudently prepared in the summer. We take 100 g of blackberries, raspberries and blueberries, slightly knead them with a fork and pour the juice of 2 limes, a few slices of lime can also be put in water. The same useful water can be made with fresh fruit. Pour the mixture with 2 liters of water, if desired, add 3-4 sage leaves. It will give the drink subtle notes and pleasant aroma. We insist it in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, and you can treat your loved ones. The berry water recipe is especially popular with kids, so put a bottle of it in your backpack when you pack it for school.

Pineapple lightness

Fans of diets will be pleased to know that tasty water is the best way to lose weight. Pineapple water will achieve impressive results. Cut into cubes 200 g of pulp fresh pineapple. Canned fruits not suitable because they have a lot of sugar. We cut a small bunch of mint and knead it in a mortar with a pusher. We combine greens with pineapple in a jug, pour 1.5 liters of water and put in the refrigerator overnight. Remember that delicious water is stored for no longer than 3 days, so there is no point in preparing it for the future. At regular use Pineapple water will remove toxins, and with them, excess weight will also go away.

apple health

Delicious drinking water with an apple will also help get rid of objectionable kilograms, and at the same time improve metabolism. Grate a small peeled apple, preferably sour. Add to it ½ tsp. grated root ginger, sprinkle with ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon and mix well. Fill this mixture with a liter hot water with a temperature of 90 ° C and brew like regular tea. For a richer flavor, you can add a few basil or rosemary leaves here. Cool down apple water and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Before drinking, you can strain the water and add slices to it. fresh apples. Drink it on an empty stomach every morning and the whole family will feel good.

cucumber pep

In some recipes, delicious fruit water is complemented with watery vegetables, such as cucumber. We take 4 cucumbers: we rub 2 of them on fine grater with peel, 2 others cut into circles. Cut 2 lemons with zest in the same circles. We divide the average bunch of mint into leaves, and knead the branches in a mortar. We put all the ingredients at the bottom of the jug, fill them with a liter of water and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. This drink is often used for short-term detox diets. If you love fitness, be sure to take a bottle of cucumber water with you. It will quench your thirst during workouts and help you quickly restore strength after them.

As you can see, preparing delicious water with fruits and berries will not take you much time and effort. You can easily come up with new recipes yourself to please your loved ones with pleasant and unexpected combinations.

Hello dear readers! Now almost every nutritionist says that for a person to be healthy, it is necessary to maintain their water balance and to do this, drink the required amount of water every day. In an earlier blog post, I went into detail about how

Causes of Difficulties in Maintaining Drinking Balance

According to the reviews, it became clear that many people are aware of the body's need for water, and people striving for healthy lifestyle life, really try to stick to this norm. However, not everyone can force themselves to drink the required two liters of water a day.

To begin with, it should be noted that 8 glasses as daily rate drinking water is an average, like the average temperature in a hospital.

Further, please note that people who live in hotter and drier climates or who are actively involved in physical activity require slightly more liquid. average norm. This is due to the fact that in the heat the body more actively uses its moisture reserves for its own cooling by sweating. Similarly, the human body reacts to increased physical activity.

Thirdly, in order to provide yourself with the necessary amount of liquid, it is not at all necessary to drink water in pure form. Some of the moisture we get from food and other drinks. For example, it also has many benefits.

How to improve the quality of drinking water

So, back to the problem of consumption required amount pure water. IN modern world, where we most often take water from faucet water quality can be completely different. The taste, color and smell of water in different cities can vary significantly.

Thus, we can say that water itself can be "tasty" and "tasteless". If you have a problem with “tasteless” water, you can use modern water purification filters.

Recipes for delicious water and its application

Another improvement option palatability drinking water and its diversity can be used without special technologies. Here are some recipes for every taste.

Sassi water. To prepare it, you need a three-liter container. 2 liters of purified water, cucumber, ginger root, lemon and mint. Peel the ginger root and cucumber, then grate the ginger, and cut the peeled cucumber and lemon thin slices. Mix everything, add a few mint leaves, put everything in a prepared container and fill it with water.

The prepared drink should be left overnight in the refrigerator, and in the morning you can already drink it, having previously filtered it.

It should be noted that such a drink is not recommended for those who are allergic to citrus fruits.

Water with honey and lemon. A very popular recipe on the web right now healthy water for weight loss. A glass of water requires one slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Of course, both components are very useful for the body, but there are also contraindications for allergy sufferers and hypertensive patients.

Water with apple and cinnamon. Cut the apple into cubes or thin slices, put in a container, add a couple of cinnamon sticks and fill with water. This water needs to be infused for several hours, then it needs to be filtered and you can drink it. Such water improves metabolism and helps to cleanse the body.

Water with berries. In this recipe, you can use absolutely any berries in any combination, both fresh and frozen. Add a few handfuls of berries to purified water and insist for some time.
