
Fermented milk products: "Benefit" and "Harm" for humans. Why dairy products are good for the body

The onset of late autumn and winter is usually associated with colds, flu and other unpleasant respiratory diseases. Increasingly, you can hear the cough of a passerby on the street, and the number of red noses at work is increasing exponentially.

If you don't want to get sick and miss training, it's time to think about how to strengthen your defenses. This is especially true for those who work hard (stress lowers immunity) and at the same time trains a lot, because after active training the body is more susceptible to viruses during recovery.

We have already published recipes for healthy hot drinks that help the immune system fight viruses. Today we want to talk with you about fermented milk products and how they can help us resist disease.

There is still controversy about whether fermented milk is good for the human body. Some scientists believe that milk is a product for children, but not for adults and the elderly. Others give quite a lot of arguments in defense of dairy and sour-milk products.


The older we get, the harder it is for our body to digest certain foods, including milk. In addition, those who suffer from lactose intolerance (milk sugar) should not consume dairy products. This can cause nausea, vomiting, bloating, and other problems. Also, in addition, milk can cause a number of allergic reactions.

Milk sugar intolerance is quite common. So, in Sweden and Denmark, lactose intolerance occurs in about 3% of adults, in Finland and Switzerland - in 16%, in England - in 20-30%, in France - in 42%, and in Southeast Asia and in African Americans in the US - almost 100%. Lactose intolerance is common among the indigenous populations of Africa, the Americas and some Asian countries. It is connected with the absence of traditional dairy farming in these regions. For example, the Maasai, Fulani, and Tassi tribes in Africa raise dairy cattle, and lactose intolerance is relatively rare in adult members of these tribes. The frequency of this phenomenon in Russia is on average about 16-18%.

Dairy products not only strengthen our immune system due to the bacteria they contain, but they are also easier for the body to digest than milk and also reduce lactose intolerance.
In our stores you can find a fairly wide selection of fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, curdled milk, fermented baked milk (a variant of Ukrainian curdled milk with the taste of baked milk), ayran, acidophilus and many other varieties of this product.

Kefir. The birthplace of kefir is South Ossetia. This is made from whole or skimmed cow's milk on a natural sourdough - kefir fungi.

The main group of microflora of kefir fungi is lactic acid bacteria. Under their action, lactic acid is formed, and kefir acquires a special taste and aroma. Thanks to lactic acid and carbon dioxide, kefir perfectly quenches thirst and stimulates appetite. The main nutritional substances of kefir are in an easily digestible form.

However, if you suffer from peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity or pancreatitis, you should not drink kefir.

acidophilus drink. Acidophilus bacillus, which is used to make acidophilus and other acidophilic drinks, is one of the varieties of lactic acid bacteria. It is not destroyed by the action of digestive juices, better than other lactic acid bacteria, it takes root in the human colon, and its metabolic products have a broad bactericidal effect. Also, the acidophilus drink is high in vitamin B.

That is, if you really want to strengthen your immunity, an acidophilic fermented milk drink should be your choice. If you suffer from peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity or pancreatitis, drinking this drink is not recommended.

Yogurt. For the production of yogurt, whole pasteurized milk and sourdough prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria are used.

But the most interesting and important thing for us is that curdled milk normalizes metabolism, especially fat! That is, if you run not only to be in good shape, strengthen your heart and develop your lungs, but also in order to lose weight, then this is definitely your drink.

Yogurt. This is a curdled milk product. It contains 6% fat (more than many other fermented milk products) and 4.5% protein (1.5 times more than milk and other fermented milk products).

Daily use of yogurt promotes rapid recovery, covers the body's needs for vital amino acids, calcium salts and other substances.

Ryazhenka- this is a kind of Ukrainian curdled milk. It is prepared from a mixture of milk and cream, so the fat content in it is higher than in other fermented milk products. The peculiarity of fermented baked milk is that the protein and fat contained in this product are easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, ryazhenka is recommended for people with an increased metabolism who are actively involved in sports.


Dairy products will help you not only strengthen your immune system and relieve some stomach problems, but also help you lose weight.

Recent research by Michael Zemel, Ph.D., head of nutrition at the University of Tennessee and a runner, has shown that fermented milk products can help shed belly fat, which is partly responsible for many heart disease, diabetes, and other metabolic problems.

The experiment involved 25 obese men and 25 women of the same build. They were on the diet for 24 weeks and their calorie intake was reduced by 500 kcal. Group A ate a typical American food mix that provided only 500 mg of calcium per day. The second group B was on the same diet, but took 2 calcium tablets per day (up to 1100 mg). The third group B received the same amount of calcium as the second, but not with the help of tablets, but by including several fermented milk products in the diet (the number of calories per day remained the same).

After graduation, all participants lost weight: participants in group A lost an average of 14.5 pounds (6.5 kg), participants in group B - by 18.9 pounds (8.5 kg), participants in group C - by 24.4 pounds ( per 11 kg).

Moreover, those participants who did not eat dairy products in their diets lost only 7.9% of fat in the abdomen, while participants in group B lost 66.2% of fat.

If you do not have stomach problems and everything is in order with the digestion of milk, include in your daily at least a small portion of fermented milk products. Thus, you will not only strengthen your bones and protect against viruses, but also lose weight.

Have a productive run.

Do you like dairy products? If your answer is no, then in this case you need to finally think - why do you get sick so often and have a number of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract?

Only the person who tries to follow the basic principles and rules of a healthy diet will feel good. A healthy diet is understood not only as the exclusion of harmful foods from the diet, but also the addition of healthy ones to it - dairy, meat, fish products, as well as vegetables and fruits. Gastroenterologists and nutritionists argue that fermented milk products are an integral and very important component of a healthy human diet.

Dairy products are…

Those that are produced by adding enzymes (sourdoughs from beneficial bacteria) to whole cow's milk. Fermented milk products are made not only from cow's milk, but also from sheep, goats, mares, etc. Absolutely all fermented milk products contain a large amount of lactic acid, which, penetrating into the human stomach, destroys the “bad” bacteria that provoke the processes of decay.

The technology for the production of fermented milk products is identical: sourdough or yeast containing a large number of beneficial lactic acid bacteria is introduced into milk. Under production conditions, before adding the starter, milk must be pasteurized (heat treated). This is necessary so that harmful microorganisms do not begin to develop in the fermented milk product.

The benefits of dairy products

Dairy products are easily perceived and absorbed by the human body. This is due to the increased content of beneficial lacto and bifidobacteria in them. If you drink a glass of kefir, then in an hour it will be completely absorbed and digested in the body. Dairy products are recommended for those who have no or minimal amount of the lactase enzyme in the body. Thus, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt can stimulate the digestion of food without the additional use of medicines.

It is enough to consume dairy products only a few times a week so that putrefactive flora does not multiply in the stomach. , as you know, protects our stomach from the penetration of infections, viruses and bacteria into it. In addition, fermented milk products stimulate the production of B vitamins in the body, the antioxidant vitamin E, D, A, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium.


Absolutely all dairy products are classified into:

  • Those that are obtained as a result of lactic fermentation (, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt). By consistency, these products are distinguished by increased density, uniformity (without the presence of lumps), the taste is pleasant, delicate, milky with slight sourness.
  • ... obtained in the process of mixed fermentation (kefir, koumiss). These products are made on the basis of milk fermentation with the addition of beneficial lactic acid bacteria, which are later subjected to intensive alcohol fermentation. Kefir is very easy to distinguish from other fermented milk products - it tastes sour, sharp, slightly stinging tongue, liquid.

Cottage cheese

- this is the only fermented milk product in which an increased protein content is observed. In the store, cottage cheese can only be distinguished by its fat content - from 0% (fat-free) to 18% (the fattest). Cottage cheese 9% is considered bold, and 3% is low fat. Moreover, nutritionists do not recommend buying low-fat fermented milk products, since there is no actual benefit in them.

By the way, recently grain cottage cheese has become very popular. It is made from natural fresh milk cream and a small amount of salt.

Delicious sour cream and curdled milk

Sour cream is another fairly popular fermented milk product, which is obtained by fermenting cream. In the store, sour cream can be bought with a fat content of 10% and up to 58%. For the production of sour cream, natural milk cream with a 32% fat content and sourdough from beneficial lactic acid bacteria are used.

The method of obtaining curdled milk is the fermentation of milk and bacteria - lactic acid streptococci, bulgarian sticks, etc. The fat content of curdled milk varies from 3.2% to 6%. This product is recommended as a medicinal product - for diseases of the liver, kidneys, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, atherosclerosis, pain in the heart, as well as overweight. Yogurt is the first helper for vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, sleep problems, fatigue, loss of vitality, exacerbation of stomach ulcers. By the way, if you have received an extensive sunburn, then the first thing that can be done to save the skin is to apply a thick layer of yogurt on it.

Product quality

To get the full benefit of a fermented milk product, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to its quality. The product must be:

  • With a pleasant milky taste;
  • Have no rancidity;
  • Should not contain foreign impurities;
  • Color - milky, cream, white;
  • The consistency is homogeneous, moderately thick, dense, without abundant clots and impurities.

If you feel an unpleasant greasy taste when using a sour-milk product, then this, first of all, indicates improper storage or transportation. Bitter taste occurs only in expired products, but yeasty, sharp - in products that have been stored warm for a long time, without observing the thermal regime. Rotten taste - products were stored in dirty warehouses with non-compliance with sanitary standards.

So, dairy products are certainly beneficial for the human body. They contain a large number of beneficial bacteria, vitamins, minerals that are vital for good nutrition.

Hello, friends!

In our today's topic "Healthy sour-milk products" we will try to find out what are the benefits of sour-milk products and which one is better to drink. At first I wanted to talk about my favorite kefir, but then I thought that there is a wide variety of fermented milk products, I wonder which one is more useful?

The benefits of dairy products

All fermented milk products are derived from milk, obtained by fermenting it by introducing various types of ferment. As a result of practically the same technological processes, with only a few features, the fermentation process occurs: the breakdown of milk proteins or, simply speaking, curdling.

These products differ only in the essence of the leaven.

What foods are sour milk

Sour milk can be divided into two groups, the first includes fermented milk products with a fairly dense structure, such as:

  • curdled milk
  • yogurt
  • ryazhenka (or varenets)
  • yogurt
  • bifidoc
  • sour cream
  • cottage cheese.

The second group includes products obtained by mixed fermentation, in which two processes occur simultaneously - fermented milk and alcohol. In structure, they are more liquid and have a harsh taste. These include:

  • kefir
  • koumiss
  • ayran.

What are the benefits of dairy products

All products contain the basic raw material - milk, and therefore, just like the original product, they are rich in protein, without which our life is not possible. Protein is needed for metabolic processes in the body, it is important for the formation and strength of muscles. If there is not enough protein, then we are sick.

Dairy products are a good source of protein - a building material for our muscles and immune system.

The products we are considering have a lot of calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamin D, which are especially necessary in old age, because such people often experience a deficiency, so they simply need to drink kefir and other drinks of this class every day.

Thanks to beneficial bacteria, they are mediators in the normalization of acid-base balance, stimulate good digestion, reduce the intensity of decay processes in the intestines, normalize the functioning of the lungs, kidneys, bladder, help the intestines work and, which is very important not only for the elderly, but for everyone in general. Therefore, a glass of kefir or a jar of yogurt at night is the key to a normal toilet in the morning.

The constant use of fermented milk products leads to the fact that the acidic environment inhibits the development of putrefactive intestinal microflora, resulting in improved intestinal motility, appetite and metabolism.

It has been scientifically proven that fermented milk products can lower blood pressure, not much, by only 5%, but this is already good. They work like medicines like enalopril or captopril.

Promote weight loss, despite the fats they contain. It's all about choosing a product with the least amount of fat.

Why sour milk is better than milk

If there are as many useful substances in fermented milk products as in milk, why are they still recommended more of them, and there has been controversy around milk for a long time, is it useful or harmful?

I, too, have always been interested in this question, and I finally found the answer for myself from Dr. Komarovsky.

And it's not just bacteria.

Milk contains a special sugar called lactose. And nature came up with the idea that the younger the person, the higher the activity of lactose, and with age it becomes less and we stop absorbing milk. About 70% of people are lactose intolerant. This is the main reason why milk is more beneficial for children at the age of a mammal, as they absorb it better.

When special bacteria are added to milk, the latter break down milk sugar and multiply, feeding on lactose, the content of which, as a result, decreases.

Unlike milk, sour-milk is better absorbed and therefore a huge number of people cannot drink milk, but they can drink sour-milk products.

Although everything is individual, if a person normally tolerates milk, well, let him drink it to health.

The best healthy dairy products


Probably the most popular and favorite drink is kefir, which is made from pasteurized cow's milk by fermentation with a special kefir ferment, which includes yeast fungi and thermophilic streptococcus, which does not die during heat treatment.

As a result of their fermentation, alcohol is released. Its share is negligible, so children can also drink kefir. The alcohol content increases only with prolonged storage. But the yeast fungi contained in kefir can cause allergies in some people, so you need to be careful with small doses of such complementary foods for small children.

The acetic acid bacteria contained in kefir add spiciness to it and give it such a peculiar, sour-sharp kefir taste and smell that is only characteristic of this drink.

I don’t know if old technologies are being followed now, judging by the terrifying labels with an incredibly long shelf life, they are forgotten. Real kefir can be stored for no more than 5 days and, depending on the level of acidity, accumulation of alcohol and carbon dioxide, it can be weak (daily), medium (two days) and strong (three days) and, accordingly, it has a different effect. So, daily kefir weakens, and on the contrary, three-day fixes, although it contains more other useful properties.

The fat content of kefir only affects weight and cholesterol levels. But with its low fat content and high protein content, kefir can be very useful in diseases of the liver, pancreas and atherosclerosis.

In addition, kefir is useful:

  • for the gastrointestinal tract
  • it lowers cholesterol
  • improves appetite
  • normalizes kidney function
  • enhances the secretion of gastric juice
  • removes toxins from the body
  • calms the nervous system
  • improves sleep.

It is better to use it in the evening.

curdled milk

At home, curdled milk is formed by itself when milk is soured in a warm place, which may take two days. To speed up the process, stir a spoonful of sour cream in milk.

In industrial conditions, curdled milk is fermented on lactic acid streptococci with the addition of Bulgarian sticks.

This product contains no yeast, no acetic bacteria, no alcohol. This product is low allergenic, it is able to quench thirst and hunger.

The amount of useful substances is equivalent to kefir and other fermented milk products, because they have the same mother - milk.

It is useful to drink curdled milk during various diseases for a speedy recovery, for pregnant women, the elderly.


The drink is prepared from baked milk, a glass of sour cream is added to a liter of it and left to ferment for 3-4 hours, streptococcus bacteria are added under factory conditions.

It has a viscous thick structure with a more delicate taste than kefir.

Ryazhenka perfectly quenches thirst in hot weather, increases appetite, promotes good kidney function and housing and communal services.

But it has the highest calorie content among other sour-milk ones, so you won’t be able to lose weight by drinking a glass of fermented baked milk.


The product of the same fermentation of milk with special bacteria - yogurt is also produced with the addition of starches, cream, pectin. Compared to kefir, it has a less acidic environment and is very popular with children, especially yoghurts with fruits and berries.

But the most useful is bio-yogurt, which smells not of fruit, but of milk, in which there is no modified starch.


Fermented milk product bifidok is the same kefir, enriched in addition to fermented milk bifidobacteria, but yeast fungi are not added to it, so bifidok has a milder and less sour taste.

The drink effectively improves the condition of the intestinal microflora and directly affects the condition of the skin. It is a drink of beauty and youth.

Useful for strengthening the immune system, preventing dysbacteriosis, indispensable for children for a growing body, with diseases of the housing and communal services. It is enough to drink a glass of bifidoc 2-3 times a week to feel its effectiveness.


I really respect and love matsoni - a fermented milk product that is sold in our stores. This national drink of Caucasians is sometimes compared to curdled milk, although in fact the manufacturing technology is rather close to yogurt, but it has a sharper taste.

Also, like other useful fermented milk products, yogurt contains a lot of protein, vitamins, it improves blood circulation, intestinal activity, lowers cholesterol, eliminates toxins, strengthens the nervous system, and builds muscle mass.


Known since ancient times, the drink of heroes koumiss is made from mare's milk by means of a special ferment.

It is quite liquid, slightly foamy and emits bubbles of carbon dioxide.

Rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins, antibiotic substances.

Kumis not only satisfies thirst and hunger at the same time, and never overloads the stomach, it is truly an elixir of health and longevity. It gives special vigor, a good complexion, nourishes, strengthens, renews and cures many ailments from tuberculosis and utilities to diseases of the nervous system, is a good antidote for poisoning.

I won’t talk about cottage cheese and sour cream yet, it was drinks that worried me today.

Contraindications for use

Sour-milk products are unique and have practically no contraindications; on the contrary, they are useful both for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

They can only cause individual intolerance to milk sugar - lactose, which can be manifested by bloating and discomfort.

Some people may be allergic to milk protein, and in this case, of course, the use of sour milk can lead to such troubles as skin rashes or bronchospasms.

Due to yeast fungi, kefir provokes thrush, therefore it is not indicated for women suffering from this disease.

The high fat content of some foods, when consumed in excess, can lead to high cholesterol and fullness.

Which fermented milk product is healthier

I think that it is difficult and even impossible to determine the most useful fermented milk product.

The concept of the usefulness of a product is very relative, it is such an individual matter. It is necessary to take into account both taste preferences and tolerance of a particular product. If kefir is poorly digested, then it may be better to drink fermented baked milk, and if it is good, why should you refuse it?

The main thing is that you like useful fermented milk products, then choosing any of them, you will get both benefit and pleasure.

Fermented milk products are products obtained by fermentation from milk or its derivatives. Fermentation of these products occurs due to the combination of the milk base with lactic acid bacteria or yeast. Sour-milk products are consumed in their pure form, used for the preparation of pastries and desserts, sauces and marinades.

What are the benefits of dairy products

All dairy products are usually divided into two categories.

1. Products resulting from lactic acid fermentation, when sugar is converted into lactic acid which gives these products a characteristic mild taste with sourness.

It is lactic acid that enters the stomach and prevents the development of putrefactive processes and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Products prepared as a result of the combination of lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation, in which, in addition to lactic acid, alcohol and carbon dioxide are produced from sugar. This series is represented by kefir, koumiss, matsoni and bifidok.

Bifidok, by the way, is one of the most delicious examples of lactic acid products enriched in the manufacturing process with probiotics and prebiotics to give them additional therapeutic and dietary properties.

Usually fermented milk products are made from cow's milk, less often from goat's milk, even more rarely from the milk of sheep, donkeys, buffaloes, camels, mares and deer.

Fermented milk products are characterized by a light cream or milky white color, a mild taste with a pleasant sourness or a sweetish taste.

The nutritional and beneficial properties of fermented milk products, known since ancient times, have now received ardent confirmation from scientists, doctors and nutritionists.

The calorie content, composition and nutritional characteristics of fermented milk products vary depending on the specific type of product, its fat content, the naturalness of its manufacture and many other factors, but there is something that unites fermented milk products.

A considerable part of the beneficial properties are provided by the vitamins contained in fermented milk products (group B, A, E, PP, C and many others), micro and macro elements (sodium, phosphorus, fluorine, potassium, zinc, calcium, selenium and others).

Phosphorus and calcium are invaluable for the strengthening and formation of the skeletal system and teeth. That is why a variety of curds are included in the children's diet from the first feeding, and fermented milk products are recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers.

What are the benefits of dairy products for digestion

Due to the fact that milk proteins in fermented milk products are present in an already partially split state, the same, for example, a glass of kefir in comparison with milk will be absorbed twice as fast and by 90% versus 30%. Calcium is also excellently absorbed. Both are vital for the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems of a person.

When treated with antibiotics, as you know, the beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is under attack. Caused to her harm, fermented milk products neutralize literally within a few hours. This is also why they are indispensable in the diet of patients with influenza, acute respiratory infections and other "winter" ailments, when there is no appetite, and the body needs to expend energy primarily on its own recovery, and not on the digestion of heavy food.

A glass of yogurt half an hour before a meal stimulates the appetite, stimulates digestion and for many hours ahead promotes the absorption of vitamins and minerals (including vitamin D and iron) from all other food consumed during the day.

Health Benefits of Dairy Products

Something sour-milk in the evening menu will definitely contribute to a good sleep, and the same at any time of the day - it will reduce body fatigue and improve mood.

Fat-free dairy products are included in the menu of diets and fasting days arranged for weight loss, which is facilitated by the property of these products (not necessarily fat-free) to speed up metabolism.

Sour-milk products with high fat content are useful for weight gain, during the recovery of the body after illness and during periods of great physical exertion.

Also, regular consumption of dairy products helps in:

Reducing the manifestations of any allergic reactions;

removal of toxins from the body;

Improving the condition of the skin;

Strengthening of hair and nails;

Mild diuretic effect and reduction of edema;

an increase in hemoglobin levels;

improvement of the respiratory system;

strengthening of immunity.

In the summer heat, sour-milk drinks, even in their pure form, even as the basis of cold soups, are remarkably refreshing, quench their thirst and protect the body from the harmful aspects of UV radiation.

When fermented milk products are harmful, how to eat them, choose and cook

To maintain the beneficial effect and nourishment with fermented milk products without harm, it is not recommended to use them as a bite with pastries and chocolate.

Still, you should not give in to the habit of sweetening all sour-milk, because, firstly, it is so easy to eat a lot of sugar, and secondly, this will interfere with the digestion process. If you really want to - you can add a spoonful of honey.

Despite the undeniable benefits of fermented milk products, their use should be limited, or at least their low-fat versions should be chosen, for a number of diseases.



· hypertension;


diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

With gastritis and ulcers, it is not useful to drink kefir and acidophilus, but there will be no harm from sour-milk products in these diseases of the stomach if you choose sour-milk sourdough and yogurt.

It is important to remember that only high-quality and fresh fermented milk products are tasty, healthy and safe.

Therefore, one should be careful about buying them from the hands of private traders, even if cottage cheese and sour cream tempt with a natural rural origin.

Many dairy products can be prepared at home. It is very useful to have such a device as a yogurt maker for this, but even with the most common utensils in your kitchen, you can get the freshest, very tasty and impeccably high-quality cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt and much more.

Following industrial techniques, homemade yoghurts and the like should be prepared with frozen or canned fruits and berries, as acids from fresh fruits can destroy lactic acid bacteria.

Good dairy products from the store have two quality attributes:

· short shelf life, indicating that they are made without assorted artificial additives. And it is better that it does not expire on the day of purchase. Sometimes the quality of the product changes significantly. For example, one-day kefir contains only 0.7% of ethyl alcohol, while three-day kefir contains 0.88%;

· minimum composition without an abundance of dyes and stabilizers. For many products, for example, for natural sour cream, only cream and sourdough should be listed in the composition.

The naturalness of a number of fermented milk products is easy to check. For example, if you stir a spoonful of sour cream in a glass of hot water, then the real one will dissolve completely, without sediment.

“Drink milk children - you will be healthy!” - in my childhood it was an indisputable truth. In very early childhood, my diet consisted of 50% of dairy products. A little later, I already knew that it was a source of calcium. Despite this, from the age of 15, the dental clinic became a “home”, problems began with “critical days”, acne, going to gynecologists and treatment with synthetic hormones.

A few years ago, I recognized the benefits of dairy products and tried to eat "3 dairy products a day", but studying nutrition materials has changed my attitude towards them. I learned the truth about dairy products - it turns out that they harmed not only me. Women who come to me for help with hormonal problems and excess weight usually actively consume dairy products. By doing a dairy sensitivity test, they begin to realize that this is one of the causes of their health problems.

To identify sensitivity to dairy products, remove them from the diet for 7-14 days and feel the difference

  • As a result of the use of dairy products, mucus is formed that envelops the walls of the intestine. This interferes with the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste toxins and hormones (estrogens).
  • Dairy products slow down metabolism, which leads to weight gain, as in 100 g milk contains up to 12 g of sugar!
  • Sugar acidifies the body, in order to restore the balance to its previous level, calcium and phosphorus are needed, which are washed out of bones and teeth. This causes osteoporosis in the elderly and osteopenia (lack of calcium in the bones) during pregnancy.
  • Dairy products provoke the development of inflammation in the body, an increase in arachidonic acid, which leads to pain during "critical days", worsens the course of women's diseases - PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), uterine fibroids, endometriosis.
  • In the store, we usually buy skimmed or partially skimmed milk. Together with fat, vitamins A and D are removed from milk, so the benefits of low-fat foods are zero!
  • If you turn to Ayurveda, then it is not recommended to eat dairy products for dinner. Especially fermented foods - kefir, hard cheeses. They satisfy hunger, but load the gastrointestinal tract before bed, which leads to the accumulation of mucus and dosha imbalance. Kapha, and as a result - to sleep disorders.

Reactions to dairy products may include bloating, diarrhea, reflux esophagitis with increased acidity of the stomach. Skin reactions are also common - acne, eczema, rash. The respiratory system is also disturbed - coughing, manifestations of asthma, sinusitis appear.

Annemarie Colbin is a doctor, lecturer, and founder of The Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts in New York City, and author of Food and Our Bones: The Natural Way to Prevent Osteoporosis. In his book, he says that dairy products leach calcium from the bones, and do not retain, as was previously thought. And this process leads to the development of osteoporosis. The doctor emphasizes that women in the United States and Northern Europe, whose diet contains dairy products, are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis, heart disease, and breast cancer. Japanese gastroenterologist Hiromi Shinya in the book "Rejuvenation at the Cellular Level" also writes about the negative effects of dairy products on the body.

Dairy products are notthe only source of calcium

Sardines (with bones), figs, kale, almonds, oranges, sesame seeds, spinach are suitable to maintain the level of calcium in the body. In order not to think about whether I get the norm of calcium from products, I began to take a calcium complex in the form of dietary supplements. For 10 years now, the “correct” calcium complexes have been helping me to keep my teeth healthy - with magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins D3 and C. This complex has supported my health during all three pregnancies (!).

To remove the negative consequences of eating dairy products, you need to:

  1. Reduce or eliminate dairy products.
  2. Strengthen the work of the liver - add protein products to the diet (methionine for detoxification), vegetables and fruits - a source of vitamins B and C.
  3. Add omega-3 to remove the negative effects of casein on the body and restore the intestines.
  4. Use spices in the diet - cinnamon, turmeric, cayenne pepper daily to remove mucus formed after dairy products.

Should I cut dairy products out of my diet completely?

Yogurt, cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese, cheese, camembert, brie can be consumed occasionally, but do not focus on these products. If you feel the accumulation of mucus in the form of disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, a slowdown in metabolism, a runny nose, then exclude dairy products.

When I removed dairy products from my diet, I felt an improvement in bowel function. I stopped feeling bloating, gas formation, the weight stopped jumping, I stopped bothering with a runny nose - before I could not do without naphthyzinum in my purse. "Critical days" ceased to be critical and became painless and permanent (here, of course, there was work from all sides, but I think that the harm of dairy products was also significant). Finally, the skin cleared up, and new foci of inflammation ceased to appear. I really felt the difference "before and after".

If you want to improve digestion and reduce intensity pain during "critical days", use at least one recommendation from this article. You can read my opinion on dairy products in Shape magazine in the article “Drink Milk, Will You Be Healthy?” Write in the comments, do you consume dairy products? Have you noticed the body's sensitivity to dairy products?

To receive individual recommendations on nutrition and solve problems with excess weight, hormonal failure, send an application and a story about the problem or disease to info@epavlova .ru
