
Calories needed by a person. Diet plan for weight loss

To correctly calculate how many calories to consume per day, it is important to know the level of energy expenditure. human body in the course of his life. That is, you need to calculate the basic metabolism, in which calories are consumed for the work of organs, the performance of any actions and various kinds loads.

As a rule, each person has his own (individual) basal metabolism. And, depending on the lifestyle, its level will be either higher or lower. So, for example, in people with sedentary work, the main metabolism will be a smaller number of kilocalories, and in active people - more.

By the way, it should be noted that when calculating calorie intake per day, terms such as calories and kilocalories are often used. The fact is that these two concepts are considered identical. But the term "calories" in the interpretation is narrower and refers only to the amount of energy that is required to heat 1 degree of water. Although it is applicable to establish nutritional value products, as an abbreviated version of the word "kilocalorie".

Calculation of the basic exchange of a person

To calculate the basal metabolism, formulas are used that establish energy costs for both women and men. The general formula for women looks like this: 655 + (9.5 x body weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years). For example, with a height of 170 cm, a weight of 75 kg and an age of 30 years, the number of kilocalories will be: 655 + 9.5 x 75 + 1.8 x 170 - 4.7 x 30 = 1532.5 kcal.

For men, the general formula looks like this: 655 + (13.7 x body weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years). For example, with a height of 185 cm, a weight of 80 kg and an age of 30 years, the number of kilocalories will be: 655 + 13.7 x 80 + 5 x185 - 6.8 x 30 = 2472 kcal. But these calculations are not complete. And in order to establish the exact calorie intake per day, you need to multiply the resulting figure by the activity coefficient.

So, with light physical labor, the activity coefficient will be 1.4, and with mental labor - 1.6. If a person is engaged in physical labor moderate, then when calculating calories consumed, the result should be multiplied by 1.9. With heavy physical labor - by 2.2.

Daily calorie intake varies by gender. That is, for men, their number will be higher than for women. Age also affects - more calories will be required by a young body. As a rule, young people tend to be more active image life, and as a person grows older, he becomes more calm and measured. Therefore, age is also important when calculating calories consumed.

Considering all the data, scientists have deduced the total number of kilocalories that a person should consume. At the same time, they took into account gender, age and lifestyle. So, for example, for men who lead a sedentary lifestyle, the daily calorie intake at the age of 19-30 years will be 2400 kcal. And at the age of 31-50 - 2000 kcal. With the same lifestyle at the age of 51 years and older, 2000 kcal will also be enough.

How many calories should women consume per day with a similar rhythm of life? It is also important to distinguish between age. For example, from 19 to 25 years old, it is recommended to consume 2000 kcal. And at the age of 26-50 - 1800 kcal. Women who are over 51 should consume 1600 kcal.

With a moderate lifestyle for men aged 19-30 years required amount calories is 2600-2800 kcal. And at 31-50 and older - 2400-2600 kcal. For women aged 19-25 years, it is recommended to consume 2000 kcal per day. At the age of 26-50 - 1800 kcal. And over 51 years old - 1800 kcal.

How many calories should be consumed per day with an active lifestyle? The daily norm for men aged 19-30 years is 3000 kcal. At the age of 31-50 - 2800-3000 kcal. And over 51 - 2800-2400 kcal. For women daily allowance calories at the age of 19-25 years will be 2400 kcal, at the age of 26-60 - 2200 kcal. And over 61 years of age, the amount of calories consumed should be 2000 kcal.

Pregnant women deserve special attention. Since ancient times, it was believed that for the proper development of the baby in the womb, future mom must eat for two. And as a result, she had extra body weight. Therefore, in modern society whole groups of various specialists worked on this issue, who found that the basal metabolism of a pregnant woman increases by 25%.

How many calories to eat per day when carrying a child? If in a normal state a woman needed about 1850-2000 kcal, then during pregnancy 2500 kcal is needed, and by the end of the term - 2800-2900 kcal.

How many calories should a child consume per day?

For children, the caloric content of nutrition should not be too low, as their body is constantly functioning, gaining strength and vitality. And the rate of energy consumed depends only on their age.

How many calories to eat per day for babies up to 4 months? Their daily norm is 550 kcal. This is the number of calories the child receives from breast milk. And at the age of 4-12 months, the baby needs to consume 800 kcal. For this, complementary foods should be introduced, since milk alone will no longer be enough.

At 1-4 years old, the daily calorie intake will be 1300 kcal. And at the age of 4 to 7 years - 1800 kcal. If the child is 7-10 years old, then his daily norm will be 2000 kcal. Starting at age 11, the number of calories consumed will be differentiated depending on gender.

How many calories to eat per day for teenagers 10-13 years old? For girls, their daily amount will be 2150 kcal, and for boys - 2250 kcal. At the age of 13-15, girls are recommended to consume 2300 kcal, and boys - 2500 kcal. Young men aged 15-19 years should consume 3000 kcal. And for girls at the same age - about 2400 kcal. Starting at age 19, adult rates are used to establish daily calorie intake.

It is also important to remember that the vital activity of a child is significantly different from an adult. Therefore, if children constantly run around and eat more, this is normal. Don't overfeed your baby, but don't underfeed either.

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Before you figure out how many calories you need to eat during the day, you need to determine how many of them you actually get. Use specialized calorie tables and calculate the number of "eat" calories. As a rule, when calculating the daily calorie value, most overweight people get values ​​​​from 2.5 to 3-4 thousand per day, and sometimes even more.

How many calories to eat: a little math

Your energy costs will be the sum of the following components:

  • BX;
  • energy costs at work;
  • energy expenditure at leisure;
  • energy for digestion.

BX. IN this case the amount of energy that is used to maintain the activity of the body at rest will be taken into account. It is consumed, for example, in the morning, when you are still in bed, at a comfortable ambient temperature. At the same time, a man spends one kilocalorie per hour for every kilogram of his body, and a woman spends 0.9 kcal during the same time.

So, for example, for a woman whose weight is 90 kg, the daily basal metabolic rate is calculated: 0.9 kcal x 90 kg x 24 hours. The result is 1944 kcal. Please note: that woman who does not want to lose weight will spend so much energy on the main exchange. All those who lose weight should calculate this parameter according to the desired body weight. For example, your ideal weight is 65 kg. Then your basal metabolism should not exceed 1404 kcal.

Energy consumption during work. If your labor activity passes in one place, i.e. is sedentary - your energy consumption will be 26% of the indicators for the main exchange. For a woman who plans to weigh 65 kg and at the same time spends 1404 kcal per hour at rest, while sitting, she will use 365 kcal in the same time. By the way, by now the values ​​of energy consumption during an 8-hour working day have already been determined. different types specialties.

Here are how many calories you need to consume depending on the type of activity:

  • when performing simple physical work for professions with a mechanized type of labor, approximately 1000 kcal is required to cover energy costs. This is how much cashiers, programmers, laboratory assistants, etc. spend;
  • when doing moderately hard work, you need 1500 kcal. This includes drivers of vehicles, machine operators, etc.;
  • physically hard work takes 2000-2500 kcal, and sometimes even more. Athletes, diggers, miners, etc. spend this much during working hours.

Energy consumption during rest. Includes energy expenditure when performing homework, sports and recreation. Of course, all indicators will depend on the type of activity.

Here's how many kilocalories a person with a body weight of 60 kg spends in one hour of rest:

  • sleep - 50;
  • rest in a prone position - 65;
  • reading aloud - 90;
  • cleaning, washing dishes, laundry and other household work - 120-240;
  • normal walking - 190;
  • walking at a fast pace - 300;
  • jogging - 360;
  • cross-country skiing - 420;
  • swimming - 180-400;
  • rowing - 150-360;
  • skating - 180-600;
  • bike ride - 210-440.

Energy for digestion. The final component of the total energy costs is food metabolism. In order to consume and subsequently dispose of food, the human body consumes a certain amount of energy. As shown in studies, the most difficult to digest food with high content proteins. The utilization of fats and carbohydrates requires 10 times less energy compared to proteins. In the case of the most acceptable mixed nutrition for the body, the metabolic rate will be equal to 6.5% of the main metabolism. In other words, 91 kcal will be spent on average.

How many calories to consume per day? Based on the fact that your desired weight will be in the range of 60-65 kg, but for now you weigh 90 kg, then you will have to eat according to a special schedule. With 8 hours of work and 16 hours of free time, you can calculate the same cherished calorie.

How many calories are spent per day

As a result, we get the following results:

  • 8-hour sleep takes 400 kcal;
  • 3-hour recumbent rest - 195 kcal;
  • 2 hours of leisurely walking - 380 kcal. This includes commuting to and from work, shopping, etc.;
  • 3 homework - 360 kcal;

The total cost of rest will be 1335 kcal.

Thus, 3195 kcal will be spent on all activities during the day. (calculation for a woman weighing 65 kg).

How many calories to eat to lose weight

Thus, you will need approximately 3195 kcal per day. In the event that you weigh 65 kg, then your body weight will remain stable. However, when losing weight to this value, you will have to revise the diet and literally plan everything to the smallest detail.

How many calories to eat so as not to gain weight

Famous fitness trainer Lev Goncharov, when answering a question about possible way daily diet without the risk of gaining excess weight gave some advice on how to calculate the number of calories consumed.

This indicator is calculated using a very simple formula. The current weight must be multiplied by 28.

For example, with a body weight of 68 kg, eating 1904 calories in one day will help maintain the specified parameter. There will be no weight loss or weight gain in this case. The formula is great for those people who do not exercise at all.

Do you want to lose weight to your desired weight? Then it's worth multiplying your ideal weight at 28.

If your dreams include the figure of 65 kg, then simply consume a maximum of 1820 calories per day.

Britney Spears, for example, is losing weight and reducing the number of calories to 1200 per day. So she has every chance to lose weight up to 42-43 kg, which in this case is not correct.

How many calories to eat, not excluding "goodies" from the menu

It's nice that 10% of your daily ration may consist of a variety of sweets and simply delicious foods. Nutritionists even recommend a similar ratio so that dieters' lives do not seem completely hopeless.

For example, if you want to lose your weight to 65 kg, then, of course, you can take about 1800 calories per day. So, 180 calories you can get from your favorite foods. So many calories contain 3 cookies of the Yubileinoye brand. You don't have to give up chocolate completely. In this case, the use of one or two small pieces of the product during the day is allowed.

Achieving harmony is not so difficult, the main thing is to follow some rules. Be sure to increase physical activity, balance your own diet, choose the most useful and convenient daily routine. In addition, to reduce weight, it is important to track the calorie content of foods, take into account your weight, height, age, metabolic characteristics and other parameters in order to find out how many calories you need to eat in order to lose weight.

What does it mean to calculate calories for weight loss

Nutritionists for weight loss advise to adhere to next rule- daily calorie intake should be scarce, that is, you need to eat fewer calories than you spend. At the same time, for safe weight loss, a 20% reduction in calories per day is allowed. Some reduce their calorie intake even more to achieve faster results, but such weight loss can adversely affect health. To find out suitable calorie content for weight loss, you should:

  • determine how many kcal can be consumed per day (this is done through online calculators or using one of the existing formulas described below);
  • calculate the required daily calorie deficit, that is, how many fewer calories you need to eat in order to lose weight.

Daily calorie intake

The average daily calorie intake is considered to be 2000-2500 kcal for women and 300-400 kcal more for men. According to experts, in order to lose weight, food intake should be limited so that daily calorie content did not exceed the indicated numbers and did not decrease below 1500 kcal, otherwise you can earn various diseases. Such a daily calorie intake is very much eliminated, since each organism is different, having individual characteristics. For effective result they cannot be ignored when determining how many calories you need per day for weight loss.

Daily calories are calculated using formulas that include:

How many calories should a woman eat per day

A little less than the representative of the stronger sex daily calorie intake per day for a woman, which is explained by differences in the course of physiological processes in their bodies. In addition, differences are determined by the activity of the stronger and weaker sexes. The average daily calorie norm for women, according to WHO, is 2000 kcal. The metabolism gradually slows down, and the body no longer requires such an amount of energetically valuable food, so the menu of a young girl and an elderly lady with the same parameters should be different.

There are many formulas for calculating the calorie content of food that use biometric indicators, activity level, type of activity, age, etc. According to the average rule, an adult body consumes 1 kcal every hour. So to get allowable rate, body weight must be multiplied by 24 hours. For example, a woman with overweight(75 kg at 165 cm height), in order to lose weight, she must eat less than 1800 kcal per day.

At the same time, in order to start losing weight, it is important to take into account the lifestyle of a woman. So, sedentary ladies (with sedentary work and a minimum of sports or in its absence) should adhere to the following calorie norms:

  • 18-25 years old - 2000 kcal;
  • 26-45 years old - 1800 kcal;
  • from 45 years and older - 1600 kcal.

In the presence of systemic lungs physical activity(long walking, short runs 2-3 times a week, swimming) you can eat:

  • 18-25 years old - 2200 kcal;
  • 26-45 years old - 2000 kcal;
  • from 45 years and older - 1800 kcal.

The diet of active women should be based on the following data:

  • 18-25 years old - 2400 kcal;
  • 26-45 years old - 2200 kcal;
  • from 45 years and older - 2000 kcal.

How many calories should a man eat per day

According to generally accepted standards, a young man should eat 2400-2600 kcal per day. For mature representatives of the stronger sex (30-50 years old), the norm is 2200 calories, and for the elderly - no more than 2000 per day. The numbers given are indicative as physical activity and lifestyle different people are different. How much energy does a man need per day to lose weight?

To find out what calorie intake per day is more suitable for a man, it is worth doing the calculations using a simple formula. To do this, the weight of a person is multiplied by 20, the resulting number is the rate of calories that a man needs (excluding physical activity). The calculation of calorie content at sports costs is carried out as follows: for every minute of cardio load, 5 kcal is added to the daily number, and 10 kcal per minute of strength training.

How to calculate calories for weight loss

The basic rule that helps to lose weight is to spend more energy than comes from food. At the same time, each person has his own calorie balance, but it is easy to determine the individual number of calories for weight loss. It is necessary to proceed from your own weight, which will help to correctly calculate right amount energy for basic metabolism. The formula looks like this: body weight x 20 = basal metabolic rate. For example, a person weighing 60 kg should eat 1200 kcal, and if he wants to lose weight, then this value should be reduced by 200-300 calories.

However, the number of calories per day for weight loss can vary depending on whether the person leads an active lifestyle. To calculate the required number, the resulting average result is multiplied by the activity indicator:

  • 1.5 - for people engaged in physical labor, having daily training;
  • 1.4 - for those who regularly go in for sports (at least three times a week);
  • 1.3 - for office workers who rarely have physical activity;
  • 1.2 - for inactive people, with serious overweight.

Muffin-Jeor Formula

This method calculation is considered the most accurate and is used to correct the weight. The Muffin-Jeor basal exchange formula is as follows:

  • for men: basal metabolic rate (RO) x body weight + 6.25 x height (in cm) - 4.92 x age + 5;
  • for women: OO x weight + 6.25 x height (in cm) - 4.92 x age - 161.

Under the main exchange means the number of calories that are consumed throughout the day, while most of them help to burn physically active activities (sports, leisure). To calculate the amount of total energy expenditure, the resulting value must be multiplied by the coefficient of physical activity of a person:

  • passive - OO x 1.2;
  • insufficient level of activity (up to 3 workouts per week with a sedentary lifestyle) - OO x 1.375;
  • moderate level of activity (3-5 sports per week) - OO x 1.55;
  • increased activity (6-7 workouts) - OO x 1.725;
  • super high activity (daily loads) - OO x 1.9.

Harris-Benedict Formula

This is an outdated way of counting calories: lifestyle changes have caused the Harris-Benedict calorie formula to overestimate energy needs by 5-10%, with the higher the weight of a person, the higher the figure. How to count using this method? Example:

  • for men basal metabolism calculated as follows: 66 + (137 x weight) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.76 x age) x physical activity coefficient;
  • for girls: 655 + (9.6 x weight) + (1.8 x height) - (4.7 x age) x coefficient.

Ketch-McArdle formula

This method of calculating body fat does not take into account the individual parameters of a person, whether it be gender, height or age. The formula, at the same time, has a simple form: 370 + 21.6 x X. In the formula, “X” is body weight without fat. Such calculations are often carried out in clinical settings using modern scales or online calculators. The final value is also multiplied by the coefficient of physical activity. Example: a person weighing 40 kg (excluding fat) should eat (370 + 21.6x40) x 1.2 = 1879 kcal per day.

Calorie Calculation

Using formulas and tables daily allowance calories, it is possible to determine how much energy you need to maintain normal weight or to lose weight. In addition, you can calculate calories for weight loss online, for which special calculators have been created. How many calories do you need to lose weight? For an adult, the recommended daily amount of kcal is 20% less than the result obtained in the calculation. For children under the age of 10, you need to stick to 1800-2000 kcal to lose weight, and for a teenager, the maximum intake will be 2300-2500 calories.

What is basal exchange

In order for the body to perform all its functions normally, it needs energy, which is obtained from food. It is spent on mental, physical activity, as well as on the implementation of basic physiological processes (breathing, heartbeat, digestion). Basal metabolism is the total amount of energy that a person needs to live at rest (in the absence of any activity) and at a comfortable temperature. This indicator is influenced by four factors - weight, gender, age and height of a person.

How many calories are consumed per day

Any action requires the expenditure of energy: if the body has received more than it was spent, the remainder is deposited on the body in the form of fat folds. So, the weight of a person directly depends on the calorie content of his diet and physical activity. To count approximate consumption calories per day, you need to know how much energy is expended in a particular activity. In a sleeping state, we spend about 65 energy units per hour, but this is only possible under conditions if:

  • sleep lasts at least 8 hours;
  • body temperature is within normal limits;
  • the person was not stressed during the previous day;
  • no carbohydrates or fats before bed.

Energy consumption during operation depends on its specifics:

  • during stationary / sedentary work, consumption for 8 hours is about 550 kcal;
  • teachers, teachers and other people involved community service spend more than 1000 calories;
  • workers with moderate-hard labor spend 1500 kcal;
  • hard-working people and professional athletes consume more than 2,000 calories.

Even walking helps burn fat: when slow, the body spends up to 200 energy units per hour, and during fast walking, about 300. These are average figures, since they are affected by the weight and height of a person: the larger the man or woman, the more energy goes into walking time. An average weight person spends on different types activity is the number of calories per hour:

  • conversation - 90;
  • rest in a supine position - 69;
  • food intake - about 70;
  • jogging - 380;
  • swimming - 200-400;
  • volleyball - 298;
  • dancing - 360;
  • slow run - 380.

How many calories do you need to eat to lose weight

When more food enters the body than there is a need for energy, the body increases body fat, which serves as a reserve reserve of forces and can be spent with a shortage of color. To prevent weight gain, and, conversely, to lose weight, you need to reduce the amount of food consumed. It is also important to maintain the same level of color, so that the body does not have a reason to start storing fat.

How many calories should you eat to lose weight? The norm for each is different, you can calculate it using the formulas presented above. 10-15% is subtracted from the result obtained, if you do not need to lose weight by much. It is necessary to reduce by 20-30% the number of calories per day for weight loss in order to get rid of significant excess weight. It is impossible to exceed this threshold, otherwise you can harm your health.

To lose weight faster, you should supplement the diet with regular sports activities. The zigzag method will help you overcome the plateau effect that often occurs with losing weight. It consists in alternating the number of calories consumed during the week. Experts recommend that a person who is losing weight eat more than one day (preferably after a workout). high-calorie food and then immediately return to the diet.

Video: Daily calorie requirement

Calories is a word that not only people who want to lose weight should know, but everyone without exception. After all, this is not just an indicator that regulates how much we need to eat in order not to get better, our health, performance, well-being and mood directly depend on the number of calories consumed.

Minimum number of calories per day

Calories are needed for the direct process of the life of the human body: breathing, work internal organs, pumping blood, exercise, sleep, etc. It is calories that provide nutrition to our cells and organs. Therefore, in no case should you reduce the caloric content of the diet to a minimum. Remember how long a person can live without food, which is the source of calories. The minimum limit of how many calories a person needs per day is 1200 kcal for women and 1500 units for men. If you fall below this norm regularly, the body will simply have nowhere to take energy for its own life support, which over time will lead to dystrophy and the consequences that appear due to it. Therefore, if you have looked after a diet based on the use of a super-low number of calories (below 1000 kcal), think about whether you really need to lose weight at the cost of health and beauty?

Meanwhile, nutritionists have proven that the most effective and healthy method of losing weight is precisely counting calories. And there is no contradiction in this: you just need to know how many kcal a person needs per day, and if necessary, gradually reduce the amount of calories consumed. The fact is that the indicators of 1200 and 1500 kcal for women and men, respectively, are highly averaged, and display a minimum that cannot be crossed. But how many calories a person needs to consume per day for the normal functioning of the body is determined individually. Especially for this, nutritionists have developed several formulas for calculating necessary norm calories for each person. This rate is easily calculated using special formulas. Here is one of them.

How to determine how many calories you need per day

First you need to calculate the basic metabolism (how many calories a person needs per day at rest).

For women:

9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (in cm) - 4.92 x age - 161

For men:

9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height - 4.92 x age (years) + 5

Then we multiply the resulting basal metabolic rate by a coefficient that depends on the physical activity of a particular person.

This ratio is equal to:

  • With a sedentary lifestyle 1.2
  • With little activity (sport once a week) 1,375
  • Average physical activity (sports at least 3 times a week) 1.54
  • Active lifestyle (daily sports) 1,725
  • Very high level of physical activity (hard physical work, heavy loads in the gym) 1.9

Of course, not always a high or low level of activity is expressed exclusively by training in the gym. It can be active housework, brisk walking, a certain level of professional physical activity, etc.

By counting the numbers using this formula, we will get the answer to the question of how many calories are required per day. Here you can find out. If you stick to the calorie content of the diet, calculated according to the above formula, your weight will be stable: you will not lose weight and will not get better. This figure is necessary for your body to maintain its normal vitality, for the proper functioning of organs, for your well-being. If you consume more calories than you get according to the formula, you can get better over time. After all, with insufficient consumption of energy received from food, nutrients will turn into fat.

Average daily calorie intake

Many people know the phrase that a woman needs to consume about 2000 kcal per day. In fact, this figure should be slightly lower: approximately 1800 kilocalories. In general, when calculating the caloric intake, it is necessary to take into account not only gender, weight, profession, physical activity, but also age. For example, during adolescence, the body needs more calories, because during the period of growth, the human body consumes much more energy than in adulthood, when the body is already fully formed. To maintain the body in a normal state, 1 kilocalorie per 1 kilogram of human weight per hour is needed.

What are calories spent on?

Calories are burned on the thermal effect of digestion. Approximately one third of the calories burned per day is spent, oddly enough, on the process of digesting food. The body uses more energy to digest proteins than it does to digest fats and carbohydrates. About 15% of calories are burned during exercise and in general any physical activity. It can be a workout at the gym, professional classes, a run to the bus, etc. But on the main exchange (energy consumption at rest) burns 70% of calories!

Electronic assistants for calculating caloric intake

If you want to most accurately calculate how many calories you need to consume per day, get yourself electronic assistants. These can be: pedometer, heart rate monitor, calorie counter. For example, with the help of a pedometer, you will find out how many steps you take per day, and the calorie content of your diet depends a lot on this. After all, as we said above, the more you move, the more calories you need to consume. And, if you find that you are moving less than normal, you will need to reduce the calorie content of the diet. Such electronic health gadgets will help you reach the required rate of daily mobility. After all, every time you look at the display of the pedometer, you will want to break your own "record", take more steps than yesterday or the day before yesterday. This will motivate for greater mobility, which will have a great effect on health, mood and appearance.
