
Boiling time for soft-boiled eggs in a bag. To make a poached egg at home, you must follow a number of rules

Eggs - healthy breakfast

A decade ago, doctors talked about the need to reduce the number of eggs in the human diet. This was explained by the fact that they provoke the deposition of cholesterol in the body. But later, scientists found that cholesterol can be both harmful and beneficial. Chicken yolks contain exactly useful cholesterol, which does not settle with plaques on blood vessels, which means that you should not be afraid of it. Moreover, nutritionists say that scrambled eggs, soft-boiled, hard-boiled or bagged eggs are the best breakfast. Eggs perfectly satisfy hunger without causing a feeling of overeating and heaviness. They reduce the body's need for high-calorie foods, thus helping to maintain a slim figure. Eaten for breakfast, they give a person strength for physical and intellectual activity throughout the day.

It would seem that a clear answer has been given to the question of how much to cook eggs in soft water, but there are some nuances in this matter. It turns out that the size and color of chicken eggs affects the time of cooking. Brown eggs take a little longer to cook than white eggs because the darker shells are thicker. If you have fresh eggs in the refrigerator, laid by a hen no more than five days ago, they will need to be boiled for about three minutes longer than older ones. The books indicate the time of boiling cold eggs, but if they have been lying on the table for a long time, then you need to turn off the gas one or two minutes earlier. So every housewife will have to empirically find out how many soft-boiled eggs are actually boiled.

How long to boil hard boiled eggs?

For the preparation of many salads, liquid yolk is not suitable, because it cannot be cut or grated. So you need to master the art of hard boiled eggs. You might think, what's so difficult about it? All you need to do is put the egg in a pot of water and let it boil. The longer the better. But in this case, the protein will not be tender, but quite hard, as if rubber. An overcooked chicken egg can become not only tasteless, but also not very pleasant in appearance: the protein will turn blue, and the yolk will become dry, loose and pale yellow. The optimal time for hard boiled eggs is seven to ten minutes.

We have already figured out how much to cook eggs in soft water. It depends on their freshness, color and size. The same factors should be taken into account when boiling hard-boiled eggs.

Now that we know how much to boil soft-boiled and hard-boiled eggs, it remains to learn not to be distracted by other things and remove them from the stove in time. This is usually quite difficult to do, so I advise you to purchase a kitchen timer.

Sometimes when cooking, the shell cracks, more often this happens with white eggs. To avoid this, the water in the pan needs to be slightly salted. And do not boil the eggs in a large container, then they will not beat against each other and against the walls of the pan, which means they will not crack. Water should be poured so much that it covers the eggs by about a centimeter. When the water boils, the gas should be reduced. And in order for the shell to be easily cleaned, do not forget to put the boiled eggs in cold water for a few minutes.

Soft-boiled eggs are a simple and affordable delicacy that children and adults love and are regularly eaten for breakfast in many families, so let's look at how long and how to boil soft-boiled eggs so that they have a delicious liquid yolk and cooked protein.

Scrambled eggs- these are eggs cooked in such a way that the yolk inside is liquid, and the protein is solid (sometimes partially liquid near the yolk).

After we have learned what soft-boiled eggs mean, consider how many minutes you need to boil eggs to make them soft-boiled.

It is not so easy to boil soft-boiled chicken eggs correctly, because without knowing the exact cooking time, they can be overcooked and the yolk will become hard or undercooked and not only the yolk, but also most of the protein will be liquid, so you should adhere to the exact cooking time in minutes:

  • How long to boil soft-boiled eggs in a saucepan on the stove? To soft-boil eggs in a saucepan, they need to be boiled for 3-4 minutes (if boiled for 3 minutes, a small part of the protein around the yolk may remain partially liquid, and if boiled for 4 minutes, the protein will be completely solid).
  • How long does it take to cook soft-boiled eggs in a slow cooker? Chicken eggs must be boiled for 5 minutes in the “Steaming” mode in a slow cooker so that they turn out soft (the yolk was liquid).

How to boil soft-boiled eggs in a saucepan on the stove

The easiest and most convenient way to boil a soft-boiled egg is to cook it in a saucepan on an electric stove or on gas (on a gas stove).

To boil a soft-boiled egg, you will need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • We wash the eggs in cold water and put them in a saucepan (it is advisable to choose such a saucepan in size so that the eggs in it lie as close to each other as possible and do not roll in it when the water boils).
  • Pour cold water into the prepared pan with fresh eggs, add 1 tablespoon of salt and put on the stove.
  • After the water in the pan boils, reduce the boiling point and note the cooking time (3-4 minutes, no more).
  • At the end of the cooking process, the eggs must be transferred to a container prepared in advance with cold water for several minutes, so that they are eventually well cleaned from the shell.

There are also a few less popular ways to cook soft-boiled eggs:

  1. We put a pot of water on the stove (there should be enough water so that after adding the eggs, it completely covers them), add one tablespoon of salt and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat. At this time, wash the eggs and keep them in warm or hot water for several minutes to warm them up (it is also advisable to take them out of the refrigerator in advance so that they are not cold). We put the eggs with a tablespoon in boiling water and cook for 3-4 minutes, after which we immediately transfer them to a container of cold water.
  2. This method is similar to the previous one, only after the eggs are placed in boiling water they are boiled for only 1 minute, after which the pan is removed from the stove and the eggs are allowed to infuse in hot water for 5 minutes.
  3. We prepare a clean pan, wash the eggs and put them in it. We boil water in a kettle and pour eggs in a pan with boiling water so that the water completely covers them and wait 10 minutes, then drain the hot water from the pan and re-fill the eggs with boiling water, and wait 2-3 minutes, after which we transfer them to a container with cold water. With this method of boiling soft-boiled eggs, the yolk remains liquid, and the protein does not completely harden and remains soft and tender.

Often, a soft-boiled egg is eaten immediately after cooking, while it is hot, while the egg itself is placed on a special egg stand, with a sharp spout to the top, a small area of ​​​​the shell on the spout is peeled off and the egg itself is eaten with a teaspoon.

How many calories are in a soft boiled egg?

Calorie 1pc. soft-boiled eggs are 87 calories (with an average egg weight of 55 grams).

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how much and how to boil soft-boiled eggs, you can prepare a delicious and nutritious breakfast for yourself and your loved ones from such an affordable product as chicken eggs. We leave our feedback and useful tips on how much to boil soft-boiled eggs after boiling water and when adding them to cold water in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Hello dear readers! I returned to the egg theme more than once. And today I decided to cover in detail the question of how, and most importantly, how much to boil soft-boiled eggs.

Just don't laugh right now! I'm just sure - half of the newly-minted culinary experts do not know how to cook eggs in general, and even more so soft-boiled. Specifically, did you get perfect eggs in a bag every time? That's it!

From this article you will learn:

Little things to remember

  1. Be sure to wash the eggs in a soda solution and rinse with water before cooking.
  2. It is not necessary to throw the testicles into the water immediately after taking them out of the refrigerator. So that the shell does not crack during cooking, wait until they warm up to room temperature.
  3. For the same purpose, I recommend salting the water.
  4. Use a timer. Calculating how many seconds left until completion is a dubious pleasure.

I note that further recipes for cooking eggs with curdled protein, but with a completely unboiled yolk, will be presented. A product of a similar consistency is called "soft-boiled".

Attention! Babies should not be given such a product, it is poorly absorbed by the child's body.

Method number 1: cook in a saucepan

  • put the eggs in a saucepan, pour cold water;
  • we put our beauty on the stove and wait until the water boils;
  • if you are cooking on an electric stove, turn it off as soon as bubbles begin to appear on the surface;
  • well, if the stove is gas, after boiling the water, just reduce the fire to the minimum power.

So how long to boil soft-boiled eggs? After boiling water, wait 2 minutes and remove the pan. Remember to cook on low heat. Otherwise, you run the risk of being considered incompetent. Although, apparently, cooking is not the most important thing in life.

Attention! The specified time is only suitable for chicken eggs. It will take less than a minute to wait for the preparation of small, quail, guinea fowl - five, goose, due to their impressive size, should be cooked for ten minutes. But, I would not advise the last two varieties to be used undercooked.

A short video on how to boil eggs so that they turn out soft:

The cooking options presented below have one indisputable advantage - the technician will produce the time report.

Method number 2: in a double boiler

Most modern double boilers come with a special container for boiling eggs. But if this is not available, you can cook in a regular steamer bowl.

To make the dish soft-boiled, set the timer for 15 minutes. And during the cooking process, periodically turn the eggs. If this is not done, they may not boil from above, because the temperature in the lower part of the double boiler is higher.

Method number 3: in a slow cooker

There are two options here:

  1. For a couple. Such an opportunity will present itself if the model has a special grid. We put the eggs on the sounded device, pour 2-3 glasses of water into the liquid bowl (depending on the requirements of the technique), turn on the “Steam cooking” mode and set the timer for 6 minutes.
  2. We use the slow cooker as a regular pan: put the eggs on the bottom of the bowl, pour cold water so that it completely covers the contents. We still press the same “Steam cooking” mode, but reduce the cooking time to 4 minutes.

Method number 4: in the microwave

To boil liquid soft-boiled eggs in the microwave, you need to be extremely careful. Otherwise, you risk getting a small explosion in the kitchen.

  • put everything in a glass bowl;
  • pour water so that the liquid level is necessarily two centimeters higher than the contents;
  • with a microwave power of 400 watts, set the timer for 7 minutes.

Why use cold water after cooking

Rinse eggs immediately with cold water after cooking. Why do this? If you put them in cold water, the running process of cooking stops. If this is not done, the yolk will continue to curl due to the very hot shell. And at the exit, we risk getting anything, just not what we would like.

Well, it is also believed that this action will make cleaning the shell easier. Although, I think you could see from your own experience that this rule does not always work. When the eggs are fresh, and even homemade, at least cool them, at least not, there will be practically no sense from this action.

As you can see, the conclusion is simple: cooked, cooled and ready. We can celebrate a small victory! After all, now you know how many minutes after boiling water to boil soft-boiled eggs.

I hope the information was helpful. Subscribe to blog updates, share your opinion about what you read in the comments and don’t be upset if breakfast, lunch or dinner didn’t turn out the way you originally intended. Bye bye!

Many housewives do not think much about how much time it takes to cook certain foods. In particular, even the notorious eggs. After all, boiled eggs are one of the favorite and easy-to-prepare light breakfasts. Indeed, what could be even easier than boiling a few eggs? But many do not know how much is either in the bag or hard-boiled.

For a long time, this product was considered harmful to human health, so they were recommended to be consumed less. But new research by scientists has allowed not only to refute the myth about the unheard of dangers of eggs, but vice versa, they have proved that their consumption contributes to the normalization of optimal blood pressure, and also reduces the risk of hypertension.

It is difficult to find more primitive food, but simplicity in the morning is especially important, because the body has not yet left sleep, and, as usual, there is not enough time to build up, you have to rush to do business or go to work. But is everything so simple in boiling eggs?

Yes, at first glance, this is a primitive business - you throw it into the water and wait, pull it out and eat. But there are also a lot of tricks that allow you to achieve the expected results. For lovers of simple breakfasts, below are tips and tricks on the topic “How and how much to cook soft boiled eggs.”

One of the most common housekeeping mistakes made during normal boiling of eggs is their initial laying in water that has not yet boiled. Be sure to put them only in boiling water. With the fulfillment of this simple condition, another quite often occurring problem is associated - the shell bursts, because of this, a significant part of the proteins flows out of the eggs into the water.

Therefore, in order to avoid unwanted cracking of the shell, in no case should eggs that have just been taken out of the refrigerator be put in boiling water, because the main reason why the shell becomes so unusable is a sudden temperature drop. Therefore, before lowering the eggs into boiling water, it is necessary to warm them up slightly, for this, washing them under a stream of warm water or holding them a little in a bowl of warm water.

So, consider 2 ways to boil soft-boiled eggs.

First of all, pour boiling water into a small saucepan so that the water slightly exceeds the eggs (at least 1 cm). Then quickly, excessively carefully, using a large tablespoon, lower one by one into the water. Then boil the eggs at a strong boil for 1 minute exactly. Next, remove the pan from the heat and cover it tightly with a lid, set a timer and note how much to boil the eggs in a soft boil:

6 minutes if you want to get a soft yolk with a little seized, but still runny protein;

And as much as 7 minutes, if you want to get a denser yolk with a completely frozen protein.

This method works just as well as the first one. This time you need to put the eggs in a saucepan, pour too cold water, then put on a strong fire and reduce it as soon as they boil. Then measure how long to boil soft-boiled eggs:

3 minutes to get a semi-liquid egg;

4 minutes, if you want the protein to "grab" tightly, and the yolk is still liquid;

And as much as 5 minutes, if you like both the protein and the yolk to boil, and in the very middle a liquid bright yellow spot was waiting for you.

Sometimes very difficult boiled testicles are peeled, and at the same time quite a lot of protein remains on it. In order to avoid such a problem, immediately after turning off the fire, drain the hot water from the pan and fill it with very cold water. When these products are cooled down, they will be easy to clean without any unnecessary problems.

Chicken eggs are boiled on average from 3 to 20 minutes, it all depends on the purposes for which they are crushed? — From 3 to 7 minutes. In a bag? — From 5 to 8 minutes. Hard boiled? - From 15 to 20 minutes.

Well, now you probably know how many soft-boiled eggs are boiled, and you will delight yourself with healthy and tasty breakfasts.
