
We freeze vegetables. Proper freezing of various types of vegetables

Now, while it's still in season, is the time to freeze vegetables and herbs for the winter! In winter, they will cost many times more, but the taste and benefits will be much less. So don’t be lazy and freeze it. 😀 You’ll see how they will help you out and diversify your diet in winter!

Vegetables can be stored in the freezer until next summer. They do not need to be thawed before cooking unless instructed to do so.

What vegetables must be frozen and how to do it correctly?

1. Greens

Be sure to prepare dill and parsley; optionally, basil, celery, cilantro, spinach, sorrel, etc. Frozen greens can be added to any dish; they are indistinguishable from fresh ones.

Wash the greens in advance and leave to dry. It can be frozen for the winter in several ways:

  • Sliced– cut the greens, distribute them into small bags and place them in the freezer.
  • Bunches– place a bunch of greens in a bag, squeeze out the air from it and put it in the freezer.
  • Butter cubes– chop the greens, add soft butter (per 100 grams of greens – 25 grams of butter), place in ice molds or store-bought candy molds. You can also use olive oil - then pour the greens into molds and fill with oil. Place the frozen cubes in containers and leave them in the freezer.

2. Tomatoes

Wash the beans and trim the tails. Cut it into pieces about 4 cm long.

I personally don’t blanch green beans, but for longer storage it is recommended to boil them for 3 minutes and then cool them sharply, just like cauliflower.

Place dry beans on a board or baking sheet in one layer and place in the freezer. When it freezes, transfer it to bags.

7. Eggplant

Wash the zucchini and wipe dry. Peel the old ones and remove the seeds.

  • Cubes– cut the vegetables into cubes of about 1.5 x 1.5 cm, pack into small packages and freeze. It is advisable to add finely chopped dill to the zucchini - it will be very fragrant.
  • Slices– cut the zucchini lengthwise into slices 3-4 mm thick. Place on a baking sheet lined with cling film or paper so that the slices do not touch. Freeze. Then carefully remove and place several pieces in stacks in bags. Before preparing the rolls, defrost them in hot water or milk (as in).
  • In circles– cut the vegetables into circles 4-5 mm thick. Freeze the same way as zucchini slices.
  • Grated– Grate the zucchini on a coarse grater and squeeze out the juice. Divide into bags and freeze. To prepare the pancakes, you will need to defrost them first.

9. Corn

Who doesn't love boiled corn and salads with canned grains?

  • cobs– peel the corn from leaves, pack and freeze. In winter, simply remove the cobs and boil them undefrosted.
  • Grains– Boil the corn and immediately immerse it in cold water. Then cut off the grains with a knife. Divide into bags or containers and freeze.

With the advent of modern, spacious freezers in almost every home, the issue of proper freezing of vegetables is especially relevant. Every person wants frozen foods to retain their appearance, taste and invaluable vitamins for as long as possible. This article will tell the reader how to properly freeze vegetables, and will also give some tips on preparing preparations for future delicious dishes.

The benefits of fresh food

There is no need to particularly focus on the advantages of frozen vegetables over canned foods. Vegetables prepared for the winter in jars with the help of preservatives will not retain all the vitamins and microelements inherent in their fresh counterparts. In addition, canned foods cannot be considered healthy from a nutritional point of view. And the last point, which speaks in favor of storing the product fresh for the winter. much easier and simpler than canning them. The only obstacle may be the lack of a freezer.

General rules for freezing

So, we have a great desire to preserve as many fresh vegetables, fruits and berries as possible for the winter, an impressive harvest and a freezer of a certain size. The dimensions of this chamber hint to us that vegetables need to be stored prepared and not containing any unnecessary elements. In order to freeze vegetables, it is not enough to sort through and wash the starting material, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary elements in the form of cores, seeds, and, if possible, chop the product.

Forming briquettes

If there is a global freezing of vegetables and fruits, and we risk not fitting into the volume of the freezer, we should first form small rectangular briquettes from the vegetable mixture. To do this, before completely freezing, place the vegetables in the freezer in plastic containers, placing the pieces as closely as possible to each other, without filling the space a little to the edge. Small or too large containers are not suitable for temporary housing of the vegetable mixture. Freezing vegetables at home involves forming such portions so that later, when defrosting, you can use the entire briquette at once to prepare a dish. Repeated freezing of products is unacceptable. The optimal volume of one frozen serving is 300 grams.

As soon as the vegetables in the container are completely frozen, you need to remove the container from the freezer and briefly place the contents under warm running water. Now, having turned the container over, you can easily shake the vegetables out and pack them in a thick plastic bag. We remember that during long-term storage, even at temperatures below -18 degrees, the worst enemy of products is air trapped inside the packaging.

What should you consider when selecting material for storage?

Sometimes people freeze slightly underripe vegetables. It's no problem. But it is better not to put overripe vegetables in the freezer. After you take out the package and place the contents in a cooking pot, overripe vegetables will lose their appearance and burst.

What vegetables can be frozen? We use blanching

You can freeze almost any vegetables, the only condition is to blanch them in boiling water so that the fruits stop developing during storage. After all, even critical sub-zero temperatures cannot prevent the ripening of fruits and the characteristic change in color and taste. In addition, without blanching, frozen vegetables may become undesirably hard over time. Among all vegetables, only onions and sweet bell peppers can do without short heat treatment. Leafy vegetables are also blanched before they are sent for long-term storage.

Blanching steps before freezing

For the procedure, we use a colander, which can hold about half a kilogram of prepared vegetables. Take a five-liter saucepan, fill it with water, and bring it to a boil. Reduce the gas and immediately place a colander with the vegetable mixture in the pan, cover the lid and wait. Blanching time is different for each type of vegetable.

Before freezing vegetables, after blanching they must be cooled in ice water. If the water in the pan can safely withstand up to 6 loads of vegetables, then the cold water needs to be changed after each batch. Now all we have to do is dry the vegetables and pack them for long-term storage.

Vegetable Blanching Time

  • Cauliflower and cabbage - 3 minutes.
  • Cabbage, cut into strips - 1.5 minutes.
  • Eggplants - 4 minutes.
  • Whole carrots - 5 minutes.
  • Carrots, cut into strips - 2 minutes.
  • Mushrooms - 5 minutes.
  • Zucchini - 2 minutes.
  • Leafy vegetables - 1.5 minutes.

To prevent the leaves from sticking together during blanching, you need to double the volume of water in the pan.

Frozen vegetables: recipes for cold soups and okroshka

Both for the cold Tarator soup and for okroshka you will need such a preparation. Take finely chopped cucumbers, onions, dill and parsley. Place the chopped vegetable mixture in a plastic container and fill it with kefir. We close the package tightly and send it for storage. Instead of kefir, you can use sour milk.

Mexican blend

For this preparation, you will need chopped carrots, green beans, sweet peppers (preferably red), as well as corn and green peas of milky ripeness in equal proportions. Recipes recommend not thawing frozen vegetables before cooking, which is very convenient. After taking the package out of the freezer, feel free to put it in soup, in a frying pan or in a slow cooker.

Preparations for making yogurt

We talked a lot about vegetables, but actually avoided freezing berries, mentioning it only in passing. But berries can be stored not only whole, but also in the form of fruit puree. This puree is ideal for making desserts, drinks, and yogurt at home.

First, wash and sort the cooked berries, then grind them using a blender. Pour the puree into ice cube trays and set the timer for quick freezing. Then we pour the resulting cubes into a bag, get rid of excess air and store them for long-term storage. Using such cubes for making desserts is a pleasure.

Freezing vegetables for the winter is a simple and affordable way to enrich your diet during the cold season with all the vitamins and microelements the body needs. In addition, vegetables taken out of the freezer will remind you of a warm, gentle summer.


In winter, the need for vitamins is especially felt. Crispy pieces of vegetables and the smell of aromatic greens lift your spirits and give you vigor. But the more time has passed since the harvest, the more lethargic and boring the fruits of the garden and vegetable garden become.

To make the product appetizing and meet expectations, you need to follow certain freezing rules.

Only high-quality vegetables are used for freezing. It is in them that the taste and aroma of summer is preserved to the maximum. Ripe and intact specimens contain more vitamins, minerals and other substances we need. If possible, you should freeze fresh, recently picked fruits.

Vegetables with little water content are best stored in the freezer. They have a fairly dense structure and do not lose most of their properties after defrosting.

It can be:

  • cauliflower;
  • pumpkin;
  • eggplants, etc.

Watery vegetables, such as radishes or zucchini, can be pureed immediately and then placed in the freezer.

Preparing vegetables

Frozen vegetables go straight from the refrigerator into soup or into a frying pan. Therefore, first of all, they need to be washed from soil and other garden debris. Mushrooms and root vegetables undergo especially thorough cleaning.

The washed pieces are laid out to dry directly on the table or on a paper towel. Excess moisture impairs the quality of freezing.


Vegetables are cut into pieces or slices, based on what dishes are going to be prepared from them. Carrots or pumpkin are cut into cubes, eggplants into circles, onions into half rings. Some products, such as greens, are more convenient to store pureed, divided into small portions. Mushrooms or large berries can be frozen individually.


Some vegetables undergo a short heat treatment before packing into containers. This procedure neutralizes the action of enzymes that are responsible for decay processes.

Leafy greens are steamed, and firm vegetables are cut into pieces and immersed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. The product is then cooled in cold water to stop the cooking process. Vegetables turn out brighter and crispier.

Which packaging is best for storage in the freezer?

In the store you can buy special containers and bags for storing frozen foods. They are environmentally friendly and have convenient closing mechanisms. And also made of frost-resistant material.


Durable plastic containers are especially suitable for packaging soft foods. You can also freeze liquids in them, such as soup or sauce. Such a container can be immediately placed in the microwave for heating - and lunch is ready. To save space, you need to choose rectangular containers. They are more convenient to fill the freezer.

You can write on the lid of the container with a felt-tip pen or stick a label on it. For example, indicate the name of the product and the year of procurement.


Bags are convenient for storing mixed vegetables, legumes and simply chopped vegetables. Packages can be of almost any size and take any shape. This means that this is an ideal option for a small freezer.

After filling the bag, you need to squeeze out excess air from it and close it with a special clamp. When placing it in the freezer, it must be immediately given the desired shape while the product is not yet frozen.

Special bags with a zipper are very functional. They allow you to pour out part of the product and store the rest by closing the bag again.

Plastic bottles

Large liquid meals can be conveniently stored in plastic bottles. Soup or puree is simply poured inside and the lid is screwed on. It should be taken into account that it will not be possible to cast part of the mass through the neck. You need to either defrost everything completely, or cut the bottle, freeing the contents.

Ice molds

Small disposable portions are conveniently placed in ice containers. For example, you can freeze pureed greens or a mixture of herbs in this way. In winter, all you have to do is take an ice cube and put it in borscht or another dish. The aroma will develop during cooking.

General rules for freezing vegetables

Frozen vegetables tolerate storage differently, depending on their variety and the properties of a particular crop. In a regular modern freezer, vegetables can be stored for at least 8 months. Even after a year, they will not cease to be edible, although they will partially lose their aroma and subtleties of taste. The optimal storage temperature is from −18 ° C to −23 ° C.

Do not load a large volume of fresh food into the freezer at the same time. The speed of cooling significantly affects the quality of the final result.

It’s good if for every 8 liters of refrigeration space there will be no more than 1 kg of new products. Moreover, each vegetable has its own specific rules.

Bell pepper

Sweet peppers keep well all winter. It is washed, the green tail is cut off and the core with seeds is cleaned out. Now you can cut the pepper into cubes or strips and blanch. After drying, put it in a convenient container and send it out into the cold.

If you need whole specimens for stuffing, they are stacked, but in this form they take up more space.

Cauliflower and broccoli

Both of these types of cabbage are not cut, but disassembled into inflorescences. Thorough washing is a must - garden insects love to live in cauliflower.

Blanching cabbage will make it less tough. Place the prepared cauliflower in boiling water for two minutes. More tender broccoli will need half the time. Then we cool the inflorescences, dry them and pack them into bags.

How to freeze zucchini

After washing and drying, the zucchini is cut into cubes for soup or stew, or into circles for frying or baking in the oven. Finely chopped vegetables are placed in a bag. It is better to freeze the circles individually, or cover them with plastic wrap. Then they can be taken from the package individually.

Zucchini contains a lot of water, so it is convenient to freeze it in the form of puree and use it, for example, on pancakes.

3 ways to freeze zucchini for the winter: cubes, slices and puree.


Eggplants are frozen like zucchini. The only thing to note is that they will taste better after blanching for 5-10 minutes. It happens that autumn ground eggplants taste a little bitter. In order for the bitterness to come out, they need to be salted after cutting, and after half an hour the resulting juice should be drained.


Tomatoes retain their bright color and special taste well when frozen, but lose their elasticity. Therefore, they are placed mainly in boiled and stewed dishes, but not in salads.

The easiest way to process small cherry tomatoes is to wash them and scatter them whole into bags. From large specimens you can make tomato paste or cut them into pieces. The circles (freeze, covered with film) are suitable for decorating pizza.

Beans and corn

It is convenient and easy to store fresh beans and corn in the freezer. They are husked from the pods or separated from the cobs, and then packaged in bags for storage. You can use this preparation without defrosting it - pour it directly into soup or stew.


Everyone's favorite dill and parsley can be frozen separately, or you can immediately make a mixture by simply washing, drying and finely chopping.

It is convenient to store greens in small portions.

Sorrel and spinach leaves are first blanched and then placed in packaging. They are a winter delight in fresh green soup or gravy.

Ready-made vegetable mixtures

It is convenient to prepare vegetables for the winter by combining ready-made mixtures of them in advance. If you write a list of such semi-finished products and hang it on the refrigerator door, you can create a lunch menu in a matter of minutes.

Enough ingredients are placed in one bag or container to prepare the required amount of soup or stew. You can add rice or beans, boiled until half cooked, to the vegetables.

Here are examples of successful combinations that allow you to quickly prepare the first and second:

  • Soup mixture: carrots, green peas, broccoli.
  • Vegetable stew: zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, carrots.
  • Ratatouille: eggplant, zucchini, pepper.
  • Paella: onions, eggplant, rice, peas, zucchini.
  • Hawaiian Blend: Rice, corn, peppers, peas.

The main advantage is that you can create an assortment entirely to your liking.

Preparations for feeding a baby

If the time for the first feeding falls in late autumn or winter, young mothers often do not know where to find quality vegetables. Freezing is perfect for this situation.

Vegetables intended for the baby must be of the best quality, fresh and fully ripe. It's good if they are grown organically.

Typically complementary foods include such types of vegetables as:

  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • cauliflower.

You can freeze them into cubes or pre-chop them in a blender, since it is in the form of purees that a small child is given food.

Correct defrosting

If freezing must occur instantly, then the slower the reverse thawing process, the better it is. It is advisable to avoid sudden temperature changes.

The frozen product should not be immediately transferred to a warm place; it is better to leave it to thaw in the refrigerator. If the process occurs at room temperature, at least do not remove the products from the packaging.

For speed, many people use the microwave. It should be taken into account that it is easy to overcook vegetables in it, and they will begin to cook prematurely.

The advantage of frozen vegetables is that in most cases they can not be thawed, but can be thrown directly from the freezer into boiling soup or stewed in a saucepan.

Ease of preparation, summer taste and aroma make frozen vegetables one of the most popular types of preparations. They contain vitamins that everyone needs in winter. Dishes made from frozen vegetables are tasty and healthy for absolutely everyone, from adults to small children.

The availability of vegetables in season and a variety of preparation options are simply a salvation for housewives. At any time of the year, they will be able to prepare a dinner that will appeal to all family members.

If products are stored correctly, they only benefit the body. Food can remain in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator for a long time without losing vitamins and other valuable elements. In this review, we will talk about what can be frozen for the winter, discussing the simple preparation of the most common products at home. Ideal reserves in the freezer are represented by a universal assortment: vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, mushrooms.

Rules for freezing food in the freezer

Features of storing food in the freezer

The rules for freezing food in a chamber are simple, but they must be strictly followed. Before freezing, it is necessary to prepare all products in such a way that they do not have to be washed later, but can be consumed immediately. If the storage period is not observed, food poisoning occurs. Only fresh, whole, undamaged, high-quality foods should be selected for freezing. It is advisable to turn on the maximum cold in the freezer a few hours before adding new products in order to create an optimal atmosphere there and the process of adding food at room temperature does not negatively affect the containers and bags already stored in the chamber. It is better to store food in portions so that you can take them out little by little.

The average temperature in the freezer is 20 degrees and below. For some workpieces, 18 degrees is enough. You cannot refreeze already thawed vegetables, fruits, berries or mushrooms. Every product needs an airtight container. Containers are available in abundance in supermarkets. You need to place the washed and dry product on a flat surface and freeze it slightly so that the pieces do not stick together. Next, send the workpiece into a plastic container or wrapper, remove air from there, close the package, place a label on it indicating the contents and today's date. This approach will provide you with convenience when using frozen foods.

It is better to stock up without sugar and salt. Usually, housewives, if all conditions are met, manage to preserve vitamins and provide the whole family with healthy nutrition. Winter preparations can be whole or cut into pieces. Blanched foods also store well. This means that the food has been cooked for up to 5 minutes in a small volume of water.

Shelf life of food in the freezer

The length of time food can be kept in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator varies. Here are the generally accepted norms:

  • vegetables can be stored for 3-12 months;
  • fruits are stored in the freezer for 9-12 months;
  • greens are stored for 3-4 months;
  • store mushrooms for 3-6 months;
  • Bell peppers stuffed with minced meat can be stored for 3-6 months.

Please observe the expiration dates given, do not consume expired products, and always sign the dates of preparations, especially if you have small children.

Packaging for storing food in the freezer

You can dry vegetables and fruits before freezing with a cold hairdryer to speed up the process, or place washed food on a cloth.

You need to know what you can and cannot freeze food in. The following packaging options are relevant for vegetables, fruits, herbs and mushrooms:

  • tightly closing plastic containers;
  • trays made of food-grade plastic;
  • plastic film;
  • tin products specifically for the freezer;
  • extrusion film-polyethylene;
  • aluminium foil;
  • if we are talking about berries, then it is convenient to put them in ice trays;
  • some products are successfully stored in paper boxes;
  • food plastic bags;
  • bags equipped with clips.

And these packaging options are not suitable for storing food in the freezer:

  • household bags and any fabric products;
  • wrapping;
  • garbage bags and bags and any non-food plastic bags;
  • greaseproof paper.

We have decided on the best packaging, now let’s talk about how to properly freeze specific foods so that you can enjoy eating them in the winter.

Properly frozen vegetables and fruits do not lose their attractive appearance, taste, range of vitamins and other useful substances

What vegetables can be frozen for the winter?

How to freeze pumpkin for the winter?

It's easy to prepare pumpkin raw. First, remove the skin, then randomly chop the pulp. For example, 2.5 centimeter cubes. Arrange the chopped vegetables on the tray so that the fragments do not touch. Otherwise the pieces will stick together. When freezing occurs, the product should be transferred to a plastic container, leaving some free space, as this product expands when cooled. It is also convenient to freeze raw or cooked grated pumpkin.

Proper freezing of zucchini

We take the most tender young zucchini or zucchini, which have a minimum of seeds and are small, with thin skin. They need to be washed, dried, and the tails cut off. To freeze zucchini for soup or stew, cut them into 1-2 centimeter cubes. For fried zucchini and casseroles, centimeter-thick circles are best. When preparing vegetable pancakes, it is advisable to grate the zucchini along with the carrots.

Storing beets in the freezer

Wash the beets, remove the skins, and chop them in any way. For example, chop, put through a blender or grate. Divide into small portions by placing product in containers, bags or ice trays. Use the fast freeze function. Boiled beets are frozen in the same way.

How to freeze eggplants for the winter?

Soak the eggplants in water for some time, then chop them as desired. Place in the packaging of your choice and place in the freezer. You can freeze raw or oven-baked eggplants. The product is prepared by regular blanching for up to 5 minutes, heating in the microwave at a power of 800-900 W for 4 minutes. In addition, before freezing, the eggplants are blanched in a double boiler, also for up to 4 minutes.

Proper freezing of onions

Remove the skins from the onions, make 0.5-1 cm slices, place them in packages, leaving a little free space. If possible, remove air from the bag, close it and place the product in the freezer. You can pre-blanch or fry the onions. You can also store leeks, chives and green onions in the freezer. The frozen product is not used in its raw form; it is added when preparing dishes.

Storing broccoli in the freezer

Separate the cabbage inflorescences and wash them. Take small portions and process separately. Place the product in boiling water, cook for 2-3 minutes, then place the cabbage in ice water for a couple of minutes. Place the product in a colander to drain the water. Place the cabbage in portions into bags, squeeze out the air, close them, and put them in the freezer.

How to freeze tomatoes for the winter?

To prepare pizza, French meat or omelet, you can cut the tomatoes into slices and place them in the freezer on cling paper. Frozen rings can be placed in any convenient container. It is convenient to store whole tomatoes - they are washed, dried and placed in the freezer. To prepare only the pulp of tomatoes, you need to immerse them in hot water, remove the skin and use the insides. You can also prepare tomato juice and freeze it and use it for various homemade dishes.

Proper freezing of carrots

Cut the carrots into pieces of any shape. For beauty, you can use shaped devices for cutting vegetables. If this is not the case, then you can make circles, cubes or thin straws. Freeze completely dry carrot slices so that they do not stick together into a single mass. Place the carrots on a cutting board, wait a couple of hours, then place them in any packaging. In addition, vegetables can be blanched - boil in boiling water for about 2-3 minutes, then remove and immediately put in cold water, dry on a towel and freeze in the same way.

Storing peppers in the freezer

Whole peppers with smooth skin, freed from stems and seeds, wash and dry well. Place the product loosely on the substrate; when it freezes after a few minutes, fold it tightly into any storage container. For example, in plastic bags. Peppers are also prepared this way: they are dipped in boiling water for half a minute, then dried and frozen, stacking them one inside the other. This product is suitable for preparing stuffed peppers or adding to various dishes.

How to freeze potatoes for the winter?

Peel the potatoes and immediately put them in water, otherwise they will darken. If desired, small tubers can be frozen whole: cook the product in boiling water for five minutes, then place it in ice water, remove, dry thoroughly and place in the freezer in ziplock bags or regular plastic bags. Freezing is a two-stage process - first spread the tubers loosely on a horizontal surface, wait for freezing, then place them more tightly in any container. When preparing dishes, potatoes do not need to be defrosted; they should be placed directly into dishes. In a similar way, you can prepare potatoes into strips, only blanching lasts 3 minutes and the raw product needs to be washed more thoroughly. Pack the frozen slices into bags. This product is the basis for French fries or a component of soups. If potato slices are being prepared specifically for deep frying, then it is advisable not to blanch them, but to steam them in a colander over boiling water in a saucepan and sprinkle with oil before freezing. Some people freeze ready-made French fries.

Rules for freezing celery

Wash the celery and remove large fibers. Freezing the product whole or in pieces allows you to add it to sauces, stews, and soups. You can prepare celery without blanching or with it. The fact is that 3-minute blanching extends the shelf life. Place the dry pieces on foil or parchment, freeze, then pack in a convenient way and store in the freezer. Without blanching, store the product for 2 months, and with blanching for up to a year.

How to properly freeze fruits and berries in the freezer?

Freezing strawberries

The berries lose a little taste, so many people freeze them in sugar. First, spread the product in a thin layer, and after freezing, put it in bags or plastic containers. If you need to make strawberries not in bulk, but with sugar, take 350 grams of sand or powdered sugar per kilogram of product. Place clean berries in a plastic bowl, sprinkling each layer with sugar. After keeping for a couple of hours at above-zero temperatures in the refrigerator, the berries will give juice, then place the berries tightly in any container and pour the juice, they will be tasty and sweet, as they are in syrup. Strawberries also keep well in puree form. To do this, the berries need to be mashed or passed through a blender. When the pureed contents of the container are defrosted, then sugar is added.

Freezing plums in the freezer

The tightest ripe fruits are selected for freezing. When you prepare the filling, you will have to remove the seeds. First, you need to keep the fruits spread out on a horizontal surface for several hours, then you can put them away for storage in any container. Plums do not need to be thawed before use. For example, put frozen pieces in compote or pie filling.

Preparing and storing apples in the freezer

To prepare apple slices, you need to cut out the stem and seeds, although this is not necessary. Place the cut fruits on a cutting board in one layer, place in the freezer for 2 hours, then place in a tightly closed plastic container or bags for further storage. You can also prepare the fruits in sweet syrup, their shelf life will be longer. First, prepare a syrup consisting of 1500 mg of ascorbic acid, 750 g of water, 450 g of sugar. Soak in cold syrup for a day, then pour boiling water over it or blanch, and then freeze. In addition, you can make a puree-like mass by boiling chopped apples without sugar for up to 20 minutes, then passing them through a blender and freezing. If desired, place the apples in the freezer whole. Before this, it is advisable to soak the fruits for several minutes in a solution consisting of 50 g of water and 1500 g of ascorbic acid.

Storing grapes in the freezer

Wash and dry the grape tassels with a towel; they do not produce juice, which is different from raspberries and strawberries. First, freeze each brush separately, then they can be combined and stored in containers or bags. You can also prepare individual berries, they are also laid out on the surface, you can put them on plates, when they are a little frozen, put them in bags and tie them tightly.

Preparing cherries for the winter in the refrigerator

Freeze cherries with pits if you need to make jelly, compote, desserts, or jelly from them. If you need seedless berries, for example, for filling pies, you will have to remove them before freezing. The cherries are not defrosted; they are immediately put into pies. Freshly picked berries are used for storing in the freezer; one serving of berries is 500 grams. The fruits must be washed and dried. Berries are stored in plastic boxes or sealed bags. First, the cherries are frozen in one layer, then the hard berries are transferred to a container, otherwise they may stick together. It’s good to have a berry assortment of cherries, blackberries, currants and raspberries in the freezer, but all berries should be barely ripe, this is how they are stored better.

Storing food in the freezer: Properly prepared vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, herbs are useful supplies for the winter

Harvesting and storing mushrooms at home

How to properly freeze oyster mushrooms?

Oyster mushrooms are prepared in the same way as vegetables. The main thing is to take the first freshest product, rinse it clean, dry it well and first freeze it in a decomposed form. Small mushrooms can remain whole, large ones need to be cut. In principle, it is permissible to freeze oyster mushrooms not in two stages, but to immediately place them in containers or bags at the lowest temperatures. In addition, mushrooms can be boiled in salted water for a quarter of an hour, then dried and placed in the freezer. Try freezing some flavorful mushroom broth too.

Features of freezing saffron mushrooms

Camelina mushrooms are a healthy product and are ideal for freezing. Do not mix them with other mushrooms or immediately compact them into bags. It is necessary to keep the saffron milk caps at maximum freezing for up to 12 hours, then transfer them to containers or bags and set the temperature to about 18 degrees.

Features of freezing greens

Please take note of our tips for storing greens in the freezer and using preparations:

  • use frozen herbs to make teas;
  • add greens to soups all year round;
  • try freezing the greens in a bunch, wrap it in cling film, and you can cut the required amount from the resulting hard sausage;
  • along with the greens, do not forget to freeze milk corn with coarse grains;
  • make an assortment of several types of greens (sorrel, parsley, dill, tarragon, sage and any other types), cutting them finely and filling them with water, in the end you will get convenient ice cubes in any container;
  • It is convenient to freeze greens, chopped with a mixer, in ice trays.

It’s great if your whole family gets used to eating greens at all times of the year.

What should not be frozen in the freezer?

  • watery foods such as cucumbers, potatoes, apples, watermelons can be frozen, but it is possible that after thawing they will lose their shape;
  • herbs - also, in principle, it is permissible to freeze, they can change color and turn into porridge after thawing;
  • horseradish, cheese - can behave in unexpected ways when frozen and defrosted;
  • do not freeze thawed meat;
  • boiled pasta cannot be frozen;
  • coffee beans lose their beneficial properties in the cold;
  • canned food is not intended for storage in the freezer;
  • Do not freeze eggs in their shells, only in molds;
  • sour cream, yogurt, custard and other creamy products are stored in the refrigerator, not in the freezer;
  • cheeses should not be frozen;
  • sauces based on starch or flour cannot be frozen;
  • Ice cream that has melted should not be placed in the freezer, otherwise it will become sticky;
  • many people are interested in whether it is possible to freeze cabbage, we believe that this should not be done for salads, since the product loses its natural crunchy structure, becomes limp and soft (although for preparing cabbage rolls, borscht and stews, white cabbage can be frozen as a head or in shredded form )
  • Some housewives do not recommend freezing quince, melon, pears, hawthorn and rose hips, but we believe that quince, melon and pear can be easily and permanently frozen like other fruits - in cubes or slices using the dry method, and hawthorn and rose hips can be frozen with whole dry berries, also using a two-stage method (first, the products laid out in a thin layer are frozen, then they are transferred to containers for storage).

Our article discussed the topical issue of storing food in the freezer. By adhering to simple rules, you can make your life much easier, diversify your home cooking and continuously receive vitamins.

It is important to know exactly what vegetables can be frozen for the winter, as well as the best freezing techniques that will help preserve food well and its taste.

Frozen vegetables are almost as healthy as fresh ones. They retain a significant portion of the vitamins and nutrients that can be obtained even in winter. It is important to know exactly what vegetables can be frozen for the winter, as well as the best freezing techniques that will help preserve food well and its taste.

Benefits of freezing vegetables

Fresh vegetables are undoubtedly healthier than frozen ones, which retain their beneficial properties to the maximum, but are inferior to fresh products in terms of the amount of preserved microelements and vitamins.

Freezing has the following advantages:

  • More nutrients are retained compared to heat treatment.
  • An economical storage method as it does not require sugar, spices or salt.
  • No cooking required.
  • Save time.
  • Freezing vegetables is much more profitable than canning. There is no need to worry about storage duration. Properly frozen products retain their quality for a whole year. However, vegetables should not be frozen twice.

Advice!When frozen, vitamin C is most susceptible to the damaging effects of cold.

Features of freezing

Before deciding which vegetables and fruits can be frozen for the winter, you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of freezing. At a temperature of -6 degrees, vegetables are stored for a couple of weeks, at -12 - 5-6 weeks, and at -18 they can be stored for up to a year.

To prevent the formation of a shapeless mass from vegetables and fruits, you must follow the following rules for effective freezing:

  • The products must be washed very well, dried and seeds and seeds removed.
  • Certain types of vegetables are blanched, that is, boiled for several minutes.
  • For long-term storage, the temperature should not rise above -18 degrees.
  • Do not freeze watery berries and some types of salads.
  • The berries can be spread out in one layer, then start the fast freezing mode. After this, the product is collected in a bag.
  • Vegetables are also first frozen in layers.

Advice! When buying frozen vegetables, you should pay attention to their composition. Many manufacturers add food additives to their products to add brightness.

Secrets of Blanching

You can blanch vegetables as follows:

  • Water is filled into the pan. A colander is installed inside.
  • Vegetables are placed in a colander.
  • The container is lowered into the water.
  • The pan must be covered with a lid.
  • Blanching time varies from 2 to 5 minutes. Then the products are packaged into bags.

Advice!If air gets into the bag, even at low temperatures the vegetables can spoil.

Types of freezing

There are two types of freezing you can use at home:

  • Blast freezing involves placing dried fruits and vegetables in a freezer at a low temperature. In this case, the “fast freezing” mode is used. During a sharp cold snap, the liquid does not have time to turn into large crystals, which allows the majority of microelements to be preserved.
  • With the dry method, vegetables and fruits are laid out in a thin layer and placed in the freezer. When they harden, they are packaged in bags and placed in the freezer.

Advice!Frozen food should not be washed, as water can spoil the taste.


It is important to prepare vegetables properly before freezing. Products should be selected only when they are ripe and have an intact surface. Vegetables must not only be thoroughly peeled and washed, but also thoroughly dried and the pods, seeds and stalks removed.
The greens must be soaked in water several times to remove any remaining soil. Then it needs to be washed under running water and dried.

Advice!Vegetables after freezing can be stewed, fried and boiled. If vegetables are being prepared for a child, it is better to steam them or choose regular cooking. In this case, a significant portion of the vitamins are preserved in the products.

What to freeze in?

For freezing, you need to use different containers, which must be dry and clean. Vegetables must be well isolated from any air and contact with other products.

You can choose compact plastic containers, which are very convenient, but they require a lot of space. Ordinary plastic bags or special ones for this procedure with clasps that are particularly durable are also used.

When using regular bags, excess air must be removed from the bottom after filling with vegetables or fruits.

Juice boxes, plastic cups and bottles are used to freeze liquid foods and puree mixtures.

A piece of masking tape with an inscription made in marker should be attached to each package. On it you need to indicate the type of product and the date of freezing. It is also convenient to use lists of products that are in the refrigerator with dates of preparation. In this case, the list must be divided into categories.

It must be remembered that when placing a large amount of fresh food in the freezer, the air temperature increases. Therefore, you need to use no more than 1 kg of products per 8 liters of chamber.

Advice! To create a sealed package, it is recommended to use adhesive tape or special clamps. Portions for freezing should be small so that you do not need to defrost an entire container due to a small amount of product.

How to freeze different vegetables?

You can see which vegetables can be frozen for the winter in the video at the bottom of the article. Different vegetables and fruits require a separate approach.

bell pepper

Bell peppers are most often frozen, as they are a tasty and healthy preparation. It can be prepared whole, after removing the seeds and core. This vegetable can also be cut into half rings or cubes.

It should be taken into account that pepper has a rich aroma, so it must be tightly sealed in the package. Because, otherwise, all products will be saturated with its smell. For processing, you should choose meaty varieties.
When freezing in a bag, the slices should lie in an even layer. To do this, the packaging needs to be flattened a little. It is also worth using containers.

Advice! Vegetables must be thawed in the refrigerator before use. Thawed foods quickly lose a significant amount of moisture, as well as taste.


Tomatoes must be washed thoroughly before harvesting. Plum and finger tomatoes are best suited for freezing. They can be frozen whole. To do this, the product is laid out in a layer on a tray or pallet, pre-frozen, and then collected in a bag. Large vegetables can be cut into several pieces.

You can also make a puree from tomatoes. To do this, they are crushed in a blender or grated. The mixture is poured into plastic glasses or bottles and tied with film on top.

Advice! Cooking food after freezing takes half as much time as fresh food.


Cucumbers can also be frozen. In this case, it is worth selecting young vegetables with a diameter of no more than 5 mm with small seeds. They can be used to prepare salads. The preparation is performed as follows. Cucumbers are cut into slices, placed in bags and placed in the freezer.

Advice! Vegetables should be placed in boiling water without defrosting. Also, do not store frozen food for too long. Their taste changes.

Cauliflower and broccoli

Broccoli should be divided into florets and then soaked in salt water for half an hour. This will rid the vegetable of insects and larvae. The product is then washed with water and placed in boiling water for three minutes. After this, the broccoli should be kept in cold water for several minutes and placed in a thin layer in bags.
Cauliflower is also divided into inflorescences and placed in salt water. Blanching is done before freezing.

Advice! You can freeze a whole forkful of cabbage. To do this, you need to put it in the freezer without packaging, and then transfer it to a bag.

Zucchini and eggplant

Before freezing, zucchini must be peeled and seeded and cut into cubes. They can then be used for stews and soups.

It is better to cut the eggplants into slices. The product is covered with salt for half an hour to eliminate bitterness. Then the juice is washed off and blanched in boiling water for several minutes. After this, the slices are transferred to cold water and dried. A layer of circles is laid out on the board. It needs to be frozen for several hours, and then the product is transferred into bags.

Advice! You can freeze baked eggplants. To do this, they are kept in the oven and then peeled. Thawed vegetables are suitable for caviar and salads.

Beetroot and carrots

Beets are perfectly stored in the cellar. But to save time in winter, you can freeze some grated beets. The vegetable mixture is placed in special ice trays or in a thin layer in bags.

It is better to choose sweet and young carrots for freezing. For soups, the vegetable is cut into circles and frozen. For frying, grate it. Small root vegetables can be frozen whole.

Advice!When frozen once, the vegetables crumble and do not look like sticky lumps.

Green pea

Fresh peas cannot be stored for more than a day after harvest. It needs to be cleared of pods and placed in boiling water for half a minute. The peas should then be cooled and frozen in a single layer. The frozen food is then placed into bags.

Advice! You cannot purchase deformed packages of frozen products in the store.

Features of freezing mushrooms

It is better to cook mushrooms before freezing. At the same time, they will shrink in size and take up little space. In addition, it is easier to prepare a dish from a boiled preparation.
Oyster mushrooms and champignons can be cut into slices and frozen. Such mushrooms are stored for a long time. They can be added to sauces, julienne or baked pies.

Advice! If the power goes out unexpectedly, don’t panic and take everything out of the freezer. Vegetables and fruits can last for 5-6 hours without any changes.

How to freeze greens?

You can freeze any greens for the winter. Before the freezing procedure, it must be sorted, washed and dried with a paper towel. Then the greens are finely chopped and placed in bags. Portions can be placed in containers or plastic cups. Before freezing, the greens are sprinkled with salt.

It is convenient to use herbal cubes for sauces and soups. They are prepared as follows. Finely chopped greens are placed in ice molds and filled with water. The cubes can then be removed and packaged into bags.
Frozen greens must be labeled.

Advice! In the form of cubes, you can prepare herbs for making tea: lemon balm, raspberry, currant or mint leaves.

Secrets of freezing berries and fruits

Fruits and berries can be frozen not only using the dry method, but also prepared in syrup or sprinkled with sugar. The fruits can be stored for 8–12 months. For freezing, it is recommended to use ziplock bags.
Fruits must be frozen using fast freezing. Individual frozen layers are gradually poured into bags.

Advice!Peaches can be frozen without sugar. To do this, they must first be placed in lemon water. Water and lemon are taken in a ratio of 4 to 1. You need to remove the pits from apricots and plums before freezing.

Vegetables do not have to be prepared separately. You can prepare popular mixtures.

The following options can be used:

  • A mixture of vegetables and mushrooms. Carrots, mushrooms, corn, green peas, onions, rice and peppers are frozen together.
  • The Mexican mixture consists of green beans, corn, eggplant, red beans, carrots, celery and green peas.
  • To prepare country-style vegetables, freeze corn, potatoes, carrots, green beans, broccoli and carrots together.
  • Vegetables do not have to be prepared separately. You can prepare popular mixtures

    Vegetable mixtures are prepared immediately without defrosting. Frozen soups are placed in boiling water, and the mixtures are stewed in a frying pan or steam.

    Using proper freezing methods, you can prepare a large amount of vegetables and fruits for the winter, and also save time for preparing many dishes.
