
Turtle soup walkthrough. Turtle soup: recipe, cooking features

Sooner or later, any self-respecting housewife thinks about how to surprise her household. And the best way to do this is to prepare some exotic dish. Turtle soup will definitely appeal to lovers of seafood and delicious seafood dishes. By the way, turtle soup is a traditional dish in the Chinese province of Hebei.

Interesting facts

Where do you eat turtle soup? In fact, this dish is widespread in many countries that have access to the sea. In the Chinese province of Hebei, turtle soup is served in restaurants, cooked at home, and also treated as an exquisite delicacy to dear and honored guests. By the way, serving this dish is a special matter. So, the owner of the house, before serving turtle soup to the table, places a tray with two bowls in front of the guest. One of them contains turtle blood, and the second contains its bile, diluted with a strong alcoholic drink. Of course, all this is presented for a reason - the guest must empty both cups as a sign of respect.

In European restaurants you can also try a delicious turtle dish. The only difference is that here the guest will not have to drink her blood. Turtle soup has healing powers, since reptiles live in a clean environment, eat seaweed rich in iodine and phosphates, as well as other plants containing a lot of useful substances.

Not every turtle is suitable for making soup. As a rule, these are green or specially bred vulture turtles.

By the way, England is considered the birthplace of this dish. A few centuries ago, ships that transported reptiles departed from Ascension Island. A mark was placed on the abdomen of each individual, which indicated the purpose of each specific turtle. For this reason, phrases like “The Earl of Shaftesbury has eaten almost nothing since yesterday - this could end badly” or “Lord Barrington died last night” could often be heard among the crew members.

There was also a special turtle on the ship, intended for the royal table - she had no right to feel unwell, much less die. And on the islands themselves there were such a huge number of these creatures that they were often used to prepare food for local prisoners.

Turtle is used in folk medicine. Thus, her eggs are used as a tonic and aphrodisiac. And the dried male genitals have a strong effect on male potency.

Tortilla soup

Turtle soup is considered a delicacy in many cultures. To prepare it, cooks use turtle meat directly, some entrails, as well as skin and some scutes from the shell.

What turtles are turtle soup made from? In fact, there are special varieties, such as the vulture or green turtle, as well as the Far Eastern variety. The main feature is the soft shell, which indicates the presence of tender meat underneath.

The abundance of herbs and natural seasonings is a distinctive feature of turtle soup. In one of the Chinese restaurants you can taste a delicious soup made from Pelodiscus sinensis - a type of Far Eastern turtle or Chinese Trionix. To create turtle soup, they try not to use reptiles with hard shells - which is due to the legends and tales that hover around these individuals.

Tasting this culinary masterpiece in China is an honor, so you should make an order in advance. The fact is that even pre-prepared and seasoned ingredients will not allow you to quickly cook turtle soup. The recipe for this dish requires long cooking over low heat.

Turtle soup is usually dark and rich in color. As a rule, small pieces of fat float on its surface, and the soup itself has a pungent aroma. Turtle meat is dark in color, somewhat similar to pork seasoned with soy sauce, or reminiscent of reindeer meat. The taste of turtle meat is ambiguous - it is a cross between pork, chicken and veal. It should be noted that turtle meat has a slimy consistency, which is very similar to canned mushrooms.

The soup described is an incredibly tasty dish. The only thing that gourmets should be warned about is the small bones and pieces of shell that can be found in large pieces of meat. This dish is a must-try for lovers of exotic and culinary delights.

Recipe from a 1995 cookbook

First of all, you need to choose quality ingredients. To prepare the soup, you should choose a turtle that is intended for culinary purposes.

So, the cooking method:

  • Cut off the turtle's head and hang the carcass so that all the blood drains from it.
  • After this, gut it and rinse thoroughly with water. It's better to do this several times.
  • Separate the meat from the bones and cut into small pieces.
  • After this, boil the pieces of pulp in slightly salted water for 3-4 hours. Then boil small pieces of beef and pork in the same water. Add roots, onions and other vegetables. Cook the soup until all ingredients are completely cooked.
  • Then you need to prepare an infusion of herbs and aromatic spices. To do this, take a pinch of rosemary, basil, parsley, dill and mint, put it in a saucepan with boiling Madeira (about 1 glass) and simmer over low heat for several minutes.
  • At the end, pepper and salt the dish. Before serving, you can season the turtle soup with a small amount of diluted potato starch to thicken it.

European method of preparing turtle soup

It is not easy for an ordinary housewife to prepare such a dish, but on weekends in big city markets you can find exotic products that will become the basis for turtle soup. So, in order to prepare turtle soup, the price of which in a restaurant will unpleasantly surprise customers (in Moscow it starts from 2,900 rubles), you need to choose high-quality meat.

You can buy it at the market or in a large supermarket. As a last resort, you can purchase turtle meat, which is sold frozen. The main thing is to use only a high-quality product, as it may contain toxic substances that are dangerous to the human body.

If the meat reaches the housewife's table frozen, it should be placed in the refrigerator and only then left to defrost at room temperature. By the way, it is best to use turtle meat, which has a soft consistency.

Preparing Ingredients

And now about how to cook turtle soup. In fact, the recipe for this dish is not complicated if you approach the cooking process with interest.

In parallel with defrosting the meat, it is worth preparing the remaining ingredients. Turtle soup is cooked with a lot of vegetables, spices and herbs, so you can start preparing the ingredients:

  1. Peel and finely chop the onion (you will need about half a glass).
  2. The shallots should also be cut into small pieces in the amount of 1/3 cup.
  3. You will need approximately 100 g of chopped celery.
  4. You need about 2 tablespoons of chopped garlic.
  5. Fresh parsley and dill - as the final ingredient.

To prepare turtle soup you will need boiled eggs and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Cooking meat

A little salt, 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and 6 cups of water is the base in which the finely chopped turtle meat will be cooked. The broth must be brought to a boil, then left over low heat, skimming off the foam from time to time. Cook for at least 30 minutes. After this, the meat is laid out on a plate to cool. The water in which it was boiled will be needed later, so you should not throw it away. The boiled carcass must be cut into small pieces.

After this, fry a tablespoon of flour with butter in a frying pan. This is necessary for the velvety texture of the soup. Then add the cooked vegetables and continue to simmer in the pan. Seasonings, spices and herbs are sent to the container only after the vegetables are 70% ready. Now you can add the broth in which the turtle meat was cooked and the remaining ingredients to a deep frying pan.

Before serving, the soup is decorated with herbs and boiled eggs, cut into halves.

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Since the Shark is aware that Levassier’s nephew hid the girl Molly, who is a citizen of England, from his uncle. She came to him as a slave. He also knows that Thibault and Martin are in cahoots with each other. The admiral learned all this from Luke, who was sent by Martin and is in Basse-Terre. Take a course there and go to the tavern. Chat with its owner and ask about Luke. It will become known that he has died. His funeral was paid for by Robber Martin, who is now sitting at one of the tables. Be sure to approach him and chat to find out what you need to do next in the passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own.

You can head for Tortuga and land at the Eye of the Fish beach. It is from there that you need to get to the city. Go to the tavern and ask the owner where Thibault lives. Go outside and head towards the port. When you see a red arch in front of you, turn left and go straight. This way you will reach a two-story house with a red roof. This is where Henri Thibault lives. Go into the house and chat with him. After the conversation, return to the tavern and wait until the messenger from Marten appears. After waiting for him, you will find out that the person you need will appear here within an hour.

Go to Henri's house and turn right from it. Then go to the hatch and go down into the dungeon. Turn right, go straight until you reach a left turn. After turning, go forward until you meet Levasseur and his accomplices. First, talk to him, and then cut off his oxygen. Continue passing the game Corsairs: To Each His Own and get out of here. Get to the beach where you left the ship and climb aboard. Now you need to go to St. Christopher to report on what you have done to de Poincy. Afterwards you will receive a frigate with sailors as a reward. You will also learn that Saint Pierre was attacked by the Spanish military.

Defense of Saint-Pierre

Open your map and head to the island of Martinique. After watching the video, you will be transferred to the shore of Lamentin beach. Approach the commander of the allied forces and chat with him. Then arm yourself and move deeper into the island, shooting Spanish soldiers along the way. After you go down to the dungeon where Michel is being held, kill everyone and free your brother.

In order to do this, you need to find the keys that lie opposite the stairs in the corner. Pick them up and approach the cell, then release your brother to freedom. Then get out of the dungeon and head to the city. It is worth noting that from now on, in passing the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, your brother’s squad will help you. So head to the fort and shoot all the enemies.

Once you've won, talk to Michel again and return to Lamentin to board your ship. Then attack the Spaniards from the sea and try to stay away from the battleship. Use a rock for cover, wait until they run out of weapons, and capture them. Then you can return to the shore and talk to your brother.

Wait until the next day and head to the church, find Abbot Benoit in it to receive a message from him. But my brother won't be here now. Read the contents of the letter and talk to the abbot again. He will say that he suspects Michel of planning something very bad, but he doesn’t yet know what exactly is on his mind.

In search of the Guardian of Truth

Start by going down into the subway where Michel was held captive. Go to the boss and talk to him. Then head to the cage where your brother was sitting and talk to the Spaniard. After you get a little information about Miguel Dichozo, you can return to the boss and ask for the release of the captive Spaniard. Go back and talk to him again, and then go to your ship and set course for Cuba. Once you are in Anna Maria Bay, look for the Spaniard who is currently being held captive. His name is Cardoso, and it is he who must deliver the message to Father Vincento.

Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own and go into the jungle. You need to follow them to the gate leading to Santiago. Then get to the lighthouse and wait until Lastiri approaches you, holding a message from Father Vincento. Read it and you will understand that the time has come when you need to prove your devotion. Now it is necessary to find one Frenchman who boarded the Santa Margarita ship. The fact is that this ship carried three valuable things that should be delivered to the church of Santiago.

You will also learn that the ship was last seen in Hispaniola. Head to Portau-Prince and go to the tavern. Ask the owner about the boat. But he doesn't know anything about him. Set a course for Tortuga and visit another tavern. After you talk with its owner, you will find out that the galleon was here recently. Continue through the game Corsairs: To Each His Own and head to the shipyard. Find the boss there and ask about the ship. It turns out that “Santa Margarita” is on sale and is now called “Delightful”. Try to get to the port office as soon as possible to find out about the privateer there. It turns out that he headed for Sint Maarten.

Don't waste time and head there, disembark and go to the local shop. Inquire about the privateer to learn about the recent unloading of goods. However, no one knows the next destination port. Go out into the street and talk to passers-by who may also know something. Sooner or later it will become clear that Guy is now heading towards Barbados.

Once on board your ship, open the map and also set a course for Barbados. Having landed on the shore, ask people and Guy to find out that the privateer is heading to Basse-Terre. It's worth noting that this is where you'll catch up with him. First try talking to the boatswain, who will immediately recognize you. But you will have to work hard to lure Guy himself out. Since there is now a carrack sailing under the Spanish flag in the roadstead, send a sloop there and make a deal with the merchant. Wait three hours and return to him to find out if Guy took the bait. Yes, he agrees to sell the goods.

In the further passage of Corsairs: To Each His Own, you should go to Cape Inaccessible. After you go into the city, you will find out that the sailors are now drinking here. Return to the bay where you left the ship and save. Then board the boat that will take you to the Delightful. Be careful and head towards the cabin, eliminating the sailors along the way. Just try to remain unnoticed and act quietly, otherwise it will be difficult. Then go into the cabin and shoot the musketeer. Open all the chests and empty them, and then talk to Guy. Try to persuade him to follow you. Then head to where you immediately found yourself on the ship. Stand still for a while until the script works.

Now Guy is with you and you can deliver him to the keeper who is waiting at the Santiago lighthouse. And he, in turn, will send the prisoner to the inquisitor. Just don't forget to bring vanilla with you. After talking with the inquisitor, you will have to wait a few days to get a final answer.

Continue through the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, open the map and head for Basse-Terre. Go ashore and find the church. Find a priest in it and persuade him to agree to give you the cross. In order for him to do this, he needs to find one of the local authorities and bring him to the church so that he can worship the holy father. Head to Fadey and tell him everything, then come and give him 250 doubloons, and in return you will receive a cross.

Head to Willemstad, heading for the island of Curacao. Find the moneylender there and talk to him. It turns out that the things were sold to Roly Kolpak and the Spanish woman Ribero. Go to Cumana, go to the tavern and ask about the girl. This way you will find out where she lives. Then go there and talk to Ribero. She will ask you for help. She has to go to the bandits who stole her husband. They are located near the entrance to the cave. Try to defeat them. After the gang leader surrenders, approach him and talk. It turns out that this is Ribero's missing husband. Chat with him, and then return to the girl and tell her about what happened. This will give you an ostensorium.

In the further passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you should go to Antigua to find the colonel there who hired Kolpak. His office is located in the city residence. Approach him and talk to find out that Kolpak is already dead, and he will be buried in Dominica. Head there and find the chest in Scotshead Cove. More precisely, it is located in a grotto located to the right of the waterfall. After you take the censer from the chest, head to the boat and wait for the English military man, who will arrive soon.

Talk to him, and then finish off him and his retinue. Get on the boat and sail to the Santiago lighthouse. Find the caretaker in him and chat with him. When the next day arrives, you will receive a letter from the inquisitor. Now you can officially visit Santiago. However, you still need to have the Spanish flag perk.

Now, in the walkthrough of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you again need to go to Santiago and go to the headquarters of the Inquisition, located near the church. Chat with the head and receive a task consisting of searching for Gino Guineili, who lives in Antigua. Swim there, find and talk to Gino. Then set course for Trinidad and drop anchor in the city of San Jose. After you enter the city, head to the tavern and ask about the frigate. If you don’t find out anything, then go to the local store, and then to the port office and residence. Only when you find yourself with the lighthouse keeper will you learn something about this. Coming out of there, the Spaniards and their leader, Diego, will run up to you. He will talk to you and offer to buy the Leader's Claw dagger.

Go to the inquisitor and talk to him, and then get out of the house and walk down the street. After a while, a Spaniard will run up to you and tell you that Diego’s squadron will leave Havana and head to Maine. Start your journey to Havana and go to the tavern to ask its owner about this. Then head to the ship and send the boat to Cape San Antonio. You should move by sea. As soon as you drop anchor, you will immediately be ambushed, and your charges will arrive a little later. Since they will come from the direction of the jungle, for now you will have to fight off the enemies yourself. Then Diego will climb into the lugger and set off towards Cape Catoche. Follow him.

Having reached Catoche, you will be met by the Spaniard's fighters. Make every effort to get her to the bottom. Continue the passage of Corsairs: To Each His Own and finish off the remaining accomplices of the Spaniard, and then go through the jungle. This way you will find yourself near the fort, which needs to be taken by storm. Eliminate everyone, and then go to the armory to find Diego and the musketeer in it. After you kill both, search Diego's body and head towards the ship. Just be careful, because in the bay you will meet with opponents Paterson. Then go out to the open sea and notice his squadron. Then find the inquisitor.

After you talk to him, set a course for Admiral Shark, who is now in Sharptown. Find and talk to him to learn a lot of interesting things. Then head for Basse-Terre and find Fadey there. After the conversation takes place, it becomes known that Patterson occupies a very important position. Climb aboard your ship and sail to Port Royal. Anchor in the city and wait until Colhoun approaches you and proposes a drinking session. Agree and follow him. Now, in the walkthrough of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you should wait until Patersnon’s squadron leaves, and then figure out how to steal Colquhoun’s diary.
