
Braga made from barley. Moonshine from barley How to make mash with barley malt

For moonshine, which is of high quality and safe to use, it is important to prepare the grain in advance, which has been dried under certain conditions for 2 months, but not more than 3 years. Age affects the entire process, reducing it to a minimum level. Also, when saccharification, it is important to have a thermometer with which you will have to take measurements. A prerequisite for creating a starter is a stable and correctly set temperature, which must be maintained throughout the entire period.

  • water – 27 l;
  • grain barley – 6 kg;
  • yeast (optional) – 60 g pressed or 12 g dry;
  • sugar (optional) – 1 kg;

1. Making sourdough. The grains should be divided into small portions of 100 g and rinsed under water in two passes with an interval of 15 minutes. Make sure there is no dust or dirt left on them. They will negatively affect the brewing of moonshine from barley if you miss something. Then, put the grains in a vessel in a layer of 2-3 cm. Fill with water to a depth of 1-2 cm.

Close the container and place in a dark place with good ventilation and room temperature. It will take literally 1-2 days for sprouts to appear. After this, add 60-75 g of sugar and mix it with barley. If you think the resulting mixture is too thick, add water. Tie gauze to the neck of the vessel and do not touch it for a week. As soon as you smell the fermentation and see foam, the barley mash is ready.

2. Place the prepared barley grain into a container in which soaking will take place. A basin or pan with enamel is perfect for this purpose. Pour in water until it exceeds the dry matter by 5 cm. After 8 hours, you will notice debris in the water that needs to be removed by draining the dirty liquid. Afterwards, repeat the procedure twice. The total soaking time will be 24 hours.

3. Drain the water and spread the grain in a layer of 7-10 cm. Some experts have noticed that if you cover it with a damp cloth, the germination process accelerates. Also, pay attention to the temperature, which should be between 12 and 20°C. It is worth noting that the grain will gradually swell, so take this fact into account before choosing a container.

We recommend providing a margin of 15 cm in height. Remember to stir the beans every 10-12 hours to avoid the accumulation of carbon dioxide. Gradually, the barley from the grain will dry out, so spray it, but avoid the accumulation of water at the bottom. In general, it takes 7-10 days for sprouts to appear until they are about 7mm long.

Also, after biting the grain, a bittersweet aftertaste should remain on your tongue. Note that the resulting malt must be used immediately, otherwise the effectiveness of the enzymes will decrease after the third day of storage. “Green malt” can be dried at temperatures up to 40°C, but the saccharification effect of “white malt” is much lower. It is necessary to understand this fact when selecting proportions.

4. Grind green malt with sprouts into small particles using a meat grinder or another method. Combine it with heated water to 29°C in a proportion of 3 liters per 1 kg. Apply the resulting “malt milk” within 24 hours. If you are working with pure malt that does not contain flour, then heat it to 63°C and proceed to step 9, omitting 5-8.

5. Grind the barley that has not sprouted into flour. Let us remind you that according to the recipe, its quantity should exceed regular malt by 5 times. You can also use ready-made barley flour.

6. Take a container in which to cook the flour. Pour the ground grain into it and carefully pour in heated water at a temperature of about 50°C, in a ratio of 4 liters per 1 kg. It is important not to stop stirring to avoid the appearance of lumps.

7. Turn on the burner and heat the liquid to 60°C, maintaining the temperature for 15 minutes. Then, raise to 64°C and boil for another 15 minutes. Next, bring to a boil and cook for 2 hours, stirring at intervals of 15 minutes so that the product does not burn to the bottom of the container. Remember: the worse the barley is from the grain, the longer it will have to be cooked.

8. After this is done, cool the substance to 65°C and pour in malted milk. Pour in slowly. Close the lid.

9. Maintain the temperature at about 65°C for 2 hours, stirring at intervals of 30 minutes. At the end of the process, the cooked product should have a sweet taste. Make sure that the temperature does not exceed 70°C, as a result of which the enzymes will be destroyed and the process will have to start again.

11. Pour the cooled product into a fermentation vessel and, if desired, add sugar in the proportion of 1 kg per 4 liters of water. Remember: during fermentation, the volume of the initially prepared starter will increase, so do not fill the container to the top. You can also add 2 g of dry or 10 g of compressed yeast per 1 kg of raw materials, having previously diluted them according to the instructions. Be sure to close the bottle with a water seal or a rubber glove with a small hole in your finger. Place the vessel in a dark room with a temperature range from 18 to 27°C.

12. Within a week, the leaven from barley and sugar reaches the desired state, as evidenced by the absence of gas emissions, lightening, sedimentation and a sour-bitter taste.

13. Pour the fermented mash through cheesecloth into a distillation cube. Make sure that the sediment remains in the vessel and does not get in with the mash.

14. The first distillation takes place without division into fractions and continues until the degree exceeds 25. At the exit, the moonshine may have a cloudy tint, but this is normal.

15. Now, you need to calculate the amount of alcohol in the distillate using the formula: alcohol = strength * volume * 0.01. For example, you got 5 liters. alcohol is 50%, then the direct volume of alcohol will be 2.5.

16. During the second distillation, the first 15% of alcohol - the “head” - is separated from the “body”. It is strictly forbidden to consume them, because as a result, you can get alcohol poisoning.

17. Stop collecting “bodies” when the strength drops below 45%.

18. Dilute the resulting moonshine to 40%, pour into a glass container and leave for 3 days in a dark place. Upon completion of the deadline, begin tasting.

Moonshine made from barley malt is considered one of the best. The drink is strong, but quite soft. To prepare it you will need to take: barley, sugar and water.

From this amount of products you should get about 30 liters of excellent mash.

The optimal fermentation temperature is 24-28 degrees. Otherwise, the wild yeast that is on the surface of the barley grains will not ferment and the mash will sour. You need to infuse the mash for at least 5 days, sometimes it may take 7-8 days. You can check the readiness of the mash by its taste - it should not be sweet.

Moonshine made from barley without yeast will have a more natural, soft taste due to the germination of grains and the production of malt.

The grain should be washed, filled with warm water and left in a warm place until the first sprouts appear.

After this, the water will need to be drained and the grains dried in the oven. Malt is obtained by grinding grains - this can be done using a meat grinder or a regular coffee grinder.

Pour the malt into a large saucepan, add hot water and stir well. The resulting wort should be homogeneous and free of lumps. Place the pan on high heat and heat the pan with the contents well to a temperature of 60-70 degrees. When the malt has precipitated and there is a light liquid on the surface, the wort will need to be cooled.

When the mixture is at room temperature, add sugar to it, mix well, put on a lid with a water seal or put on a regular rubber glove. The container with the resulting mash will need to be placed in a warm place - the temperature must be at least 18 degrees, otherwise fermentation will stop.

When the barley mash for moonshine is ready, it will need to be strained and distilled several times. The optimal number of distillations is two, but if you want to get a really high quality drink, you can distill three times. Barley moonshine is prepared at home in no more than a week - if during this time the mash has not ripened, it means you made a mistake.

Pour the finished moonshine into a convenient container - a jar or bottle and place in a cool place. You can drink homemade moonshine in its pure form from small vodka glasses. Using this recipe for moonshine from barley malt, you can also prepare a drink based on wheat.

Making moonshine from sprouted barley and sugar

It is advisable to prepare moonshine from sprouted barley from premium grains.

For this we need:
  • Barley grains - 5 kg
  • Sugar - 6.5 kg
  • Water - 25 l

To prepare moonshine, wash the barley and pour it into a 30-liter saucepan. Fill with water 5 cm above the barley grains and add one and a half kilograms of sugar, close and leave in a cool place for a week.

At the end of seven days, we add another 15 liters of water and add 5 kg of sugar, mix well and leave for 3-4 days. We carefully monitor the fermentation process - when the mash is ready, it will need to be immediately strained and distilled.

If you overdo it, the moonshine will have a sweet taste.

Moonshine made from barley flour

A simple recipe for barley moonshine will appeal to even beginners. To prepare you will need to take:

  • Barley flour (coarsely ground) - 10 kg
  • Water - 15 l
  • Yeast - 200 g

Pour the flour into a large saucepan, add hot water, mix well and let stand for a little - 2-3 hours. When the wort has cooled to 27-28 degrees, add yeast, stir and set for fermentation. After fermentation is complete, the mash must be settled or carefully drained from the sediment and distilled through a moonshine still.

You can clean barley moonshine from fusel oils using secondary distillation. To give the drink additional flavor, you can add a little vanilla sugar or cinnamon to the bottles - to taste.

Before germinating barley for moonshine, you will need to prepare several containers. A plastic basin is perfect; pour the peeled barley into it and fill it with water. Empty grains and excess debris will immediately float to the surface, remove it and change the water. You need to pour 4 cm above the grain level. It is better to use water with a low salt content so as not to slow down grain growth and the activity of sugar-forming enzymes. To speed up germination in summer, the water needs to be changed up to three times during the day, but in winter it is enough to simply stir once every 8-10 hours. The entire soaking process lasts about a day. Afterwards, drain the water, wash the grain and we can consider the soaking stage complete.

After soaking, let the grain breathe a little; to do this, evenly distribute it in a layer of up to 10 cm for about 8 hours. Every 3 hours, the barley must be stirred, lifting it slightly upward so that it is well ventilated, this will reduce the carbon dioxide content in it.

After the grain has breathed, it is left to germinate. Distribute it in a layer of up to 10 cm, and turn it every 8 hours; periodically, to prevent drying out, it must be sprayed with water. During the germination process, the temperature of the grain inside rises and you need to ensure that it does not exceed 24 degrees. To reduce it, you need to reduce the grain layer.

After a week, the barley should germinate well, the sprouts should be about 6 mm. After this, the germination process can be considered complete. Moonshine from barley malt can be prepared with or without the addition of yeast and sugar. You can prepare malt from sprouted grains in advance and store it in a cool, dry place. You can choose any method you like and make good quality moonshine with your own hands.

The barley moonshine recipe can be used to make homemade whiskey. After the entire process of preparing the drink is completed, the finished moonshine will need to be poured into oak barrels, tightly closed and placed in a cool place for 12 months. You can do this in a simpler way.

Moonshine from barley and sugar should be distilled several times, and then infused with oak bark, wood chips or pegs. The longer the drink infuses, the tastier and more aromatic it will be.

Homemade alcoholic drinks made from grains are considered to be of the highest quality and tastiest. Barley moonshine is one of the favorite drinks of fans of homemade alcohol. Barley is rich in vitamins and microelements, so moonshine from this grain, consumed in moderation, has invaluable health benefits. Barley moonshine is not so easy to prepare if you compare its recipe with the one used to prepare alcohol from berries and fruits. But, if you put in a little effort and patience, you can get excellent quality barley moonshine at home.

Yeast is activated by interaction with simple sugars that are not included in cereals. However, sprouted grains, called malt, produce special enzymes that break down the grain's starch into sugar. Due to this process, called saccharification, it is possible to make moonshine from barley.

To make mash from barley you need sprouted barley grains, water and sugar. Many moonshiners who practice making barley moonshine prefer to exclude baker's yeast from the recipe for making alcohol, since this ingredient gives the moonshine its characteristic taste. In this case, fermentation of the wort is possible only due to wild yeast located on the surface of the unwashed grains. However, live yeast may not be enough to ferment the wort, so a small amount of the finished product is still added to the mash billet.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the choice of barley grains, since this must be a harvest at least two months old. Grain that is too young contains an insufficient amount of starch, which means it is unsuitable for producing malt. At the same time, it is not recommended to take grain that was harvested more than a year ago, since it does not saccharify well.

How to get mash?

The production of mash for barley moonshine begins with the preparation of malt.

Recipe step by step:

  1. The barley is sifted, removing debris and spoiled grains. The peeled barley is laid out in an even layer in a basin and moistened with water, at the same time being careful not to flood the grains.
  2. Use water without salt impurities, since salt slows down the germination of grains.
  3. Cover the container with soaked barley with cling film. Every 8 hours it must be removed and the grain must be manually mixed so that it is saturated with oxygen.
  4. If all the rules for obtaining malt have been followed, the barley will germinate in a week. A sign of grain germination is the appearance of six-millimeter shoots of pale green color.
  5. To destroy pathogenic microorganisms in malt, it is recommended to pre-soak it in a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

“Malt milk” is made from the resulting malt for mash. To obtain it, you need to take 1 kilogram of malt, grind it and mix it with two liters of water. The product is used in the first hours after preparation, as it quickly deteriorates.

Place a container with barley (1 kilogram) and water (3 liters) on moderate heat and heat to 55 degrees. Then the malt and water are heated to 60 degrees and maintained at this temperature for 15 minutes. After this, the raw materials are boiled for 2 hours using a steam generator. Then this billet is cooled to 65 degrees and mixed with malted milk at the rate of 4 kilograms of malt per 1 liter of malted milk. Over the next two hours, the temperature of the malt should be maintained at 55 degrees.

The finished malt is quickly cooled and mixed with yeast (1 part dry yeast per 300 parts malt). Before mixing malt with yeast, the latter are activated by combining with a small amount of heated water. Next, take a fermentation container and fill it two-thirds with wort, installing a water seal on the neck. Fermentation takes 5 days, and during this period the temperature must be maintained at 28 degrees.

Classic moonshine recipe

Classic barley moonshine is made from mash prepared according to the previous recipe. The distillation cube is filled with barley mash and heated over the intense heat of a gas burner. As soon as the mash heats up to 80 degrees, the fire must be reduced to a minimum and the temperature of the liquid brought to 87 degrees. At this stage, mixtures of industrial alcohol will begin to evaporate. In order not to make a mistake when distilling this component of the mash, you need to know that for each liter of it there are 50 milliliters of fusel.

After distilling the technical alcohols, the mash is heated to 95 degrees and the ethyl alcohol is distilled out - the core of the mash, for the sake of which moonshine brewing is organized. The alcohol is removed until the strength of the moonshine in the stream drops to 40 degrees. Fusel oils are distilled until the alcohol strength drops to 15 degrees. Re-distillation of the mash is carried out using a similar technology.

Recipe without yeast with sugar

For 2.5 kilograms of malt, take 24 liters of water and 4 kilograms of sugar. The components are mixed in a fermentation tank, on which a water seal is then placed. When the mash finishes fermenting, it must be distilled twice through a distiller.

The inquisitive mind and desire for creativity of a real distiller does not allow him to stop at banal sugar moonshine when there are, albeit more complex, but interesting recipes. They make it possible to obtain a natural product with the smell of grain raw materials.

Try making moonshine from barley using one of the suggested recipes. This will not require extraordinary effort, but you will need to be patient and punctual.

In our small selection you will find precise instructions - try to follow them so that the result will please you with an excellent taste with grain notes.

Take high-quality barley that is at least 3 months after threshing, but not more than three years old. The young one has not yet “gained” the energy of germination, and the old one loses it after three years. Check germination, it will be more correct.

To do this, select 100 grains and soak them in a saucer. Cover with a damp cloth and let it sit in the room. Look in three days. If almost all of them (at least 95 pieces) hatch, you have the right grain suitable for green malt. Further:

  1. Pour plenty of plain water over the grain that you will germinate and stir. Collect everything that floats from above. Drain. Repeat washing three times with five-minute breaks.
  2. Fill with clean water and leave for 18-24 hours.
  3. Spread the barley, clean of impurities, damp (but without water) in a suitable tray so that the layer does not exceed 10 cm.

Attention. As grains swell and germinate, they increase in size, so the height of the sides should be generous.

  1. Cover the top with a damp cloth and keep warm.
  2. Lightly stir the germinating grain daily. This is necessary to saturate it with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide formed in the thickness.
  3. Wait until the sprouts begin to intertwine with each other, which takes about 5 days.

Peculiarities. Try sprouted grain. It should be quite soft. You may notice a slight cucumber aroma.

  1. Grind the required amount of green malt in a meat grinder. Dry the rest at a temperature not exceeding 40°C. Then, using a construction mixer, rid the grain of dried sprouts, blow it in the wind and store.

Reference. Green malt is about 20% more active than dry malt. But dry can be stored for years without loss of quality.

Activation of wild yeast from barley for mash

It is easier to use dry or pressed alcoholic yeast, but in order so that there is no yeasty taste in the aroma and taste, you can use wild yeast that lives on barley grains. To do this, prepare in advance sourdough, which will ferment the wort:

  • take 100 grams of grain, rinse it several times;
  • pour it into a jar and fill it with water so that it is two or three centimeters above the grain layer;
  • tie it with a cloth and leave it in the room, but in the dark (in the closet) for a day or two;
  • As soon as you notice the appearance of sprouts, add a third of a glass of sugar and stir;

Important. Immediately after the sprouts appear on the barley intended for sourdough, begin sprouting the malt.

  • Tie the neck again and leave it in a warm and dark place for about another week. During this time, you should smell fermentation, see foam and hear a slight hiss.

Carefully. If for some reason fermentation does not start, resort to commercially produced yeast so as not to ruin the product.

Basic recipe for barley mash for moonshine


  • 4.5 kg of barley grain;
  • 1 kg of sugar (you can do without it);
  • ready-made starter with wild yeast. It can be replaced with 8-10 g of dry or 45 g of raw yeast;
  • 20 liters of water, plus another 4 liters if adding sugar.

Theoretically, 1 kg of barley produces 800 ml of moonshine with a strength of 40° (in practice - about 700 ml). Adding sugar increases the alcohol yield, but slightly reduces the grainy aroma of the distillate.


  1. From the specified amount of grain, select 100 g and start the starter.
  2. Next, as desired: either make green malt from the whole grain, or select 1 kg for malt, and grind the rest almost to flour. At home, this can only be done with a grain grinder. But if you have ready-made flour, use it.
  3. Make milk from green malt by adding lukewarm water at a temperature of about 30°C (3 liters per kilogram) to the ground mass.
  4. Did you choose the flour method? Then follow this sequence:
  • Add flour to a mixture heated to 50°C, stirring constantly. You can do the opposite - add water to the flour and mix well to prevent lumps. You can use a mixer. Proportion – per kilogram of flour – 4 liters of water;
  • heat the resulting mixture to 60°C, maintain the temperature for 15 minutes;
  • increase the heat to 64°C and maintain for another 15 minutes;
  • then cook for at least 1.5 hours, stirring occasionally so as not to burn. The homogeneity of the mixture will indicate that it is time to stop cooking;
  • cool to 65°C. At this stage, add malted milk (in a thin stream, stirring). But if you didn't use flour, go straight to step 5.
  1. Heat the mixture of malted milk and water (according to the recipe) to 63°C. Turn off the heat and cover the container for 2 hours. Uncover, stir, and check the temperature every half hour. It should not fall below 55°C. If necessary, warm it up.

Carefully. If the wort is heated above 70°C, fermentation will stop, saccharification will no longer be possible, and all the work will go down the drain.

  1. After two hours, taste the wort; it should become sweet.
  2. Cool the mixture to 27-29°C as quickly as possible (by placing the pan in a sink or bathtub filled with cold water).
  3. Pour into a fermentation container. Introduce starter or yeast. If you add sugar, add it now and add water.
  4. Make sure the container is no more than 2/3 full.
  5. Install a water seal (fasten the glove) and leave for fermentation, which, as a rule, lasts no more than a week.

Mash without malt, with enzymes

From finely ground barley and liquid enzymes A and D, you can prepare good barley moonshine without any extra hassle. Take:

  • 4 kg barley cereal;
  • 12 ml alpha amylase (enzyme A);
  • 4 ml glucoamylase (enzyme G);
  • 12 liters of water;
  • 7-10 g of dry yeast for grain moonshine or 150 g of pressed alcoholic yeast.

Heat all the water to boiling. Add the cereal in a thin stream, using a mixer to help ensure not a lump remains. Wrap the covered container well for a couple of hours. Uncover, add enzyme A, mixing the mixture again with a construction mixer.

At this stage, the “porridge” will become thinner and thinner. Take your temperature. At 65°C, add enzyme G, stir and wrap again for an hour. Do an iodine test. Add the yeast to the mixture that has cooled to 28°C.

How to make mash from barley malt?

Dry malt is used for preparation. And it’s better (especially for the first experiment) to buy ready-made barley malt.

There are schemes according to which you can prepare mash. They are called red and white.

When red, the malt remains in the fermenting wort. The mash is heated only once, to 63°C.

With white grain, the grain is not removed from the wort. The process is more complicated.

Let's consider a scheme providing two washes. For the first water - hydromodulus 1:3, the second - 1:2, minus 1 (what will absorb the malt). As a result, the GM will be 1:4.


  1. Heat the water to 68-70°C and add malt ground with a special crusher. After adding it, the mash temperature should be 62-63°C. Let sit for 50 minutes to an hour, stirring frequently. This part of the process is called - maltose pause. Filter the wort into a fermentation container.
  2. Return the spent grain to the pan and fill it with new water heated to 76-80°C. At 73°C, the remaining starch will become dextrin in 15 minutes. Stir frequently. Filter into the same container.

Important. The total temperature of the wort should not exceed 64°C. When in doubt, ditch the chiller.

  1. Cool the resulting wort to 28°C and pitch the yeast.
  2. Place under a water seal.

You can make the next mash using a third water, which is heated almost to a boil.

Carefully filter the mash ready for distillation so that solid suspensions do not burn in the cube. Distill twice. The second time - with division into factions. This is really important for obtaining high-quality moonshine without a fusel smell, but only with the aroma of grain.

Features of preparing moonshine from barley flour

For those who are just taking their first steps in learning the secrets, a recipe using barley flour is perfect. Ingredients:

  • coarse barley flour – 10 kg;
  • water – 15 liters;
  • pressed yeast – 250 g.

Pour flour into a large container and fill it with water heated to 70°C. Mix thoroughly and quickly (a stand mixer will come in handy).

Cover with a lid and leave without wrapping for 3 hours. During this time, the flour will steam and the mixture will cool to 28-29°C. Pitch in the yeast and leave covered to ferment.

Thus, barley moonshine can be distilled from green or dried malt, as well as from cereals and even flour. In any case, if you follow the technology, you will get a drink that will taste like a grain base.

Barley moonshine will become single malt whiskey if you bring it to perfection by infusing it in an oak barrel or on wood chips.

If you find a suitable recipe for yourself, like and share the article on the Internet.

- a cereal crop that has been famous for its healing qualities since ancient times. In ancient times, diseases of the bladder, kidneys, stomach, intestines, mammary glands, and skin were treated with decoctions and infusions based on sprouted barley and barley grains. It was believed that barley was the best natural medicine for strengthening the immune system after illnesses. The grain contains a large amount of vitamins (A, group B, C, D, E, PP), microelements (phosphorus, iodine, calcium, etc.).

But respect for barley was sought not only by supporters of a healthy lifestyle, who prefer to eat barley and pearl barley porridge, bread and kvass. The grain is famous in the production of beer, and lovers of strong alcohol make excellent moonshine from barley at home. Amateur moonshine brewers believe that it is grain distillate (and especially barley distillate) that is soft to drink and has a pleasant smell of raw materials. Let's look at the features of making homemade moonshine from barley groats (grains).

What do you need to know before you get started?

To prepare barley moonshine, you will have to follow these steps:

How to make moonshine from barley?

The recipe for barley moonshine is quite simple, you just need to follow the tips below.


  • Barley – 5 kg;
  • Water – 23 l.

Cooking process

  1. Before you make mash from barley for moonshine, you will need to prepare a starter. To do this, take 100 g of the total amount of barley, rinse the grains twice, removing all debris that floats to the surface of the water: bad grains, blades of grass, dirt. Place the barley on the bottom of a plastic or metal container in a layer of about 3 cm and fill it with water so that it covers the grains by no more than 2-3 cm;
  2. Soak barley grains with water in the dark (at room temperature) for 1-2 days until sprouts appear. The container with barley and water should be covered to prevent dust and insects from entering. When the grains sprout, add 50 g of sugar to the starter and mix everything thoroughly. If the mixture is too thick, add a little water. Tie the neck of the container with the starter and put it in a dark place for about a week. When foam appears, sizzling sounds will be heard and a sour smell will be felt, which means the starter is ready;
  3. At this stage it will be time to make malt. To do this, add 0.8-1 kg of grains from the total mass of barley. Pour them into a saucepan and add water to cover the barley by approximately 5 cm. After 6 hours, drain the water with the debris and poor-quality grains that have floated to the surface and refill the barley. Let the grains brew with water for another 18-20 hours;
  4. When the time is up, drain the barley. And spread the grains in a convenient container in an even layer about 7-10 cm. Place a damp, clean cloth (for example, gauze) on top. Take the barley into a room with a temperature of 15 to 18 °C. Stir the grain twice a day and, if necessary, sprinkle with a little water. Wait about a week to ten days. When sprouts of more than 4-5 mm appear, it means the wort is ready;
  5. Grind the resulting malt and mix with lukewarm (about 25-30°C) water. A mixture of ground malt and water produces malted milk;
  6. Grind the remaining barley as finely as possible. Pour it into a large saucepan and carefully pour in warm water (45-50 °C) so that no lumps form. The volume of water should be 4 times the volume of barley flour;
  7. Place a saucepan with barley flour and water on the stove and heat to 60°C. “Hold” the temperature for 15 minutes, and then increase it by 2-5 degrees (up to 62-65 °C). Maintain this temperature for another 15 minutes, and then boil the contents of the pan and cook for 1.5-2 hours, stirring occasionally so as not to burn;
  8. Remove the pan from the heat, cool the contents to 65 °C. Pour malted milk into the boiled grain, stirring;
  9. Put the pan back on the fire, covering it with a lid. The temperature when heating the wort should reach 63-65 °C;
  10. The temperature (60-65°C) will have to be maintained for 2 hours. Stir the wort periodically (2-3 times an hour) to prevent it from burning to the bottom of the pan;
  11. Remove the pan with the wort from the heat and transfer it to a bath of ice water so that the contents quickly cool to 27-28 °C;
  12. Pour the wort from the pan into a fermentation container and install a water seal. The correct place for fermentation is where it is dark and the temperature is around 20-28 °C;
  13. When fermentation is complete, drain the mash from the sediment. And then . Dilute the finished distillate with water to the desired strength (usually 40-45%) and keep it cool for a couple of days.
In some cases, sugar (about 0.7-1 kg) and baker's yeast (50 g pressed or 10 g dry) are added to the wort. These components allow the wort to actively ferment, increase the yield of the finished drink, but somewhat neutralize the taste of the barley distillate.
