
Types of cakes and their composition. What types of cakes are there - types, names, photos

Cake is a popular type of dessert that is a type of pie. Some savory snacks are also called cakes. For example, liver cake is quite popular. In this case, the name “cake” indicates the external design of the dish: layer-by-layer placement of ingredients and intricate, whimsical decor of the top layer.

The cake may consist of one or more cake layers soaked in cream. The top of cakes is usually decorated with chocolate, pastry cream, icing, fruits, nuts, candied fruits, etc. Traditionally, great importance is attached to the decorative design of cakes.

First of all, skilled confectioners try to outdo each other in... Despite the fact that cake is an extremely short-lived thing and is quickly destroyed by guests down to the last crumb, masters decorate the sweet dessert with exquisite care, creating real masterpieces.

Photo. Homemade cakes - types and varieties.

Most often, cakes are made in the shape of a low cylinder, but they can also have other shapes: oval, rectangular, hemispherical, triangular and any other shape. Some types of cakes, for example, the beloved Napoleon, are traditionally made rectangular and sold already cut into pieces, in the form of cakes. Cakes of complex non-standard shapes are also becoming increasingly popular: in the shape of a heart, a book, a basket, a house, and various figures. They are usually made for special occasions and decorated according to the occasion. Let's say a heart-shaped cake would be very appropriate for Valentine's Day.

Photo. Unusual homemade cakes.

To make cakes, cakes are most often baked from sponge or shortbread dough. The classic option is a combination of shortbread as a strong and reliable base and several sponge cakes in addition to it. But sometimes waffle, puff pastry, and even yeast dough are used.

Photo. Layer cake Napoleon.

Each layer is coated with cream or jam, and there are a great many recipes for cream for cakes: butter, sour cream, custard, cream based on whipped cream, etc., etc. They may contain a variety of flavoring and aromatic additives, such as cocoa and coffee, vanillin, cinnamon, lemon zest. Additionally, layers of fruits or nuts are often placed between the cakes, and the cakes themselves are moistened with various alcoholic and non-alcoholic impregnations.

Photo. Homemade cakes with cream.

In turn, among the national teams, the following types of cakes can be distinguished.

French cakes.

Despite the Italian origin of cakes, it was France that for a long time was the trendsetter of culinary trends all over the world; many confectionery terms are of French origin, so it is not surprising that French-type cakes are widespread in our country. They are made on the basis of biscuit or puff pastry, often with various flavoring additives (almond, coffee, cocoa). In this case, the biscuits are cut into three layers and soaked in syrups with the addition of rum or cognac. Each layer is smeared with marmalade or jam. Thin and airy puff pastry cakes do not require trenching or soaking. The cream is applied to them without pre-treatment and under its influence the cakes gradually soften themselves. However, such cakes must stand for at least six hours so that the dough has time to soak.

Viennese cakes.
In many ways they are similar to the French ones, but they use a Viennese yeast dough crust as a base. The layers are coated with whipped cream, and milk and milk-chocolate mixtures are used as impregnation.

They are made from wafer cakes coated with chocolate or coffee ganache. Waffle varieties of cakes contain almost no moisture and therefore can be stored for a very long time and are convenient to transport. But unfortunately, they do not impress with a special variety of tastes and are not distinguished by tenderness and airiness.

They are made from shortbread-based cakes, each cake is coated with sweet cream, fruit and berry or marmalade mass. The top of the cake is decorated with nuts, icing and cream curls.

Liquid cakes.
They were invented in Great Britain. Place a layer of biscuit dough on the bottom of a deep glass or porcelain dish, and then fill the container as loosely as possible with biscuit scraps and pieces of cookies. All this is poured with cognac syrup, then with liquid marmalade, and finally with butter-egg cream. The top of the cake is decorated with candied fruits and nuts and left to stand in the refrigerator for a day. The liquid cake embodies all the characteristic features of English cuisine. Simplicity and naturalness, neglect of external effects and refusal of decoration - all this is so British. It’s as if the residents of Foggy Albion, competing with the French, decided to make their own contribution to the history of the cake and create something directly opposite to the elaborate French desserts. At the same time, British confectionery products are in no way inferior to other types of cakes.

They are not only tasty, but also healthy. This type of confectionery is baked from a sweet curd mass with the addition of flour and agents that increase the viability of the dough (cream tartare, soda, baking powder). May contain pieces of fruit. It is topped with a glaze of egg whites beaten with sugar and then decorated in the same way as a regular cake. Making cottage cheese cake at home is quite easy.

Traditionally, cake is a ceremonial, festive dish that is served on special occasions. Therefore, the design of cakes, their appearance, is crucial. It is not surprising that the names of cakes rarely reflect the composition and preparation features of the product, because this is secondary. Much more often, the manufacturer assigns beautiful, poetic names to cakes that have nothing to do with cooking: “Youth”, “Fairy Tale”, “Anniversary”, “Gift”, “Kievsky”, “Prazhsky”, “Tenderness” and many many other delicious ones. sweet confectionery products.

I want to end any feast or ordinary dinner with a piece of delicious and everyone’s favorite cake. There are a great many recipes for this dessert around the world. Many of them have been loved by us since childhood. A large number of pies that can be bought in Slavic countries are world-famous desserts. All recipes have a different composition of cakes, different creams, impregnations and layers. And there is probably not a single person in the world who has tasted a piece of a delicious sweet pie and would not want to eat another piece.

At first glance, it seems that preparing such sweet desserts is a difficult task, which only professionals and masters of their craft can accomplish, but in practice it turns out that most recipes can be prepared at home, providing your family with a dish no worse than the store-bought one.

What kinds of cakes there are and what the history of their origin is can be found in this article.

Types of cakes

Many sweet desserts are named after their chefs, many in honor of an event or occasion. Many people still argue about the history of the Napoleon cake. No one doubts that it is called in honor of Napoleon, but why exactly this dessert was invented is a mystery.

One of the stories says that this dessert was invented by the cook who cooked for Napoleon. He wanted to stand out so much that he took the then famous French dessert as the basis for the cake. The cook cut the cakes lengthwise, coated them with whipped cream, decorated them with strawberry jam and presented the great ruler with a new dessert named in his honor.

The second legend claims that Josephine saw Napoleon amusing himself with a young maid of honor and got angry; to justify himself, the ruler said that he was sharing the recipe for an invented sweet pie, which was soon presented to the public. Thus, the country learned that Napoleon was not only a commander, but also an excellent cook.

The third legend says that the name of the cake was invented in honor of the celebration of the expulsion of Bonaparte’s army from Russia in 1912. This date was an anniversary, so it was for it that the chefs came up with an amazing and such a popular sweet dessert.

“Napoleon” was so loved by all Soviet citizens that it was prepared for the New Year, March 8 and birthdays. The layered structure of the cake goes well with a large amount of cream.

Sacher cake

Types of sweet desserts include the Viennese Sachertorte. The recipe for this pie is an old family secret story that dates back to 1832.

The cake was invented by a chef named Sacher, who was tasked with coming up with an original dessert recipe for a grand reception. The cook at that time was sixteen years old, he was an assistant to the head cook and did not come up with anything new, taking the recipe from an old Austrian book and changing it slightly. The cake was liked at the reception, but it did not create a sensation. And only after sixteen years did Sacher open his own pastry shop, where he baked this dessert to order.

The basis of this dessert was chocolate cakes, apricot confiture and chocolate glaze. But even at that time the cake was not known throughout the world. Forty years later, Sacher’s son Edward again modernized the dessert recipe and it was from then on that it became famous.

This cake can be tasted in a family-run confectionery that operates in Vienna. The confectionery is called "Demel". In addition, the legendary dessert according to a mysterious recipe can be tasted at the Sacher Hotel. Their cake, by the way, has a different taste than the one sold at Demel. Eating such a dessert according to the legendary recipe is a pleasure.
As the photo shows, this dessert is served with cream.

Cake whose name Linz- This is another invention of Austrian chefs. Linz is a city in Austria where they prepare a delicious sweet dessert with almonds and walnuts.

The pie has a sandy base and a rich nutty flavor. The cake is filled with jam, which is covered with a mesh of dough or cut out figures. In addition, the cake is decorated with almond shavings, which makes it even tastier.

Cake "Dobosh"

The names of sweet desserts are so varied and mainly owe to their authors. This delicious layer cake comes from Hungary. It is easy to recognize by its appearance and shiny glaze. The highlight of this cake is that it consists of six layers and a delicious cream that does not disappear for ten days.

The base of the puff pastry is eggs, flour, butter and sugar. The cream consists of chocolate, eggs, butter and sugar. The cake is decorated with caramel syrup.

As already mentioned, the cake has six layers, five of which are layered with cream, and the sixth is cut into triangles. They are soaked in syrup and placed on the fifth cake layer, which has cream balls. This is where the sixth, portioned cake should be placed.

Black Forest Cake

This dessert comes from Germany and will appeal to all lovers of chocolate cakes, cherries, liqueur and whipped cream. Thanks to this divine combination, the cake has gained worldwide fame and can often be found at celebrations of various sizes. The cherry on top is a classic that is loved by many.


Lovers of delicate desserts with a curd base should not miss such a delicacy as cheesecake. This dessert was prepared in ancient Greece and Rus', which is confirmed. In Rus', such a cake was known as a cheese loaf. The ancient Greeks simply adored this delicacy.

But, despite this, the recipe took hold in England, and the British call themselves its ancestors.
The basis of the cheesecake is cottage cheese, citrus zest, yolks and shortbread. At the moment, the cake has many variations and recipes. Cheesecakes are now prepared with fruit, chocolate, and classic ones.

Kyiv cake

So that trouble would not happen and this dessert would not appear. There would be no happiness, but grief would help. The cake owes its history to Soviet confectioners who forgot to refrigerate a large mass of egg whites. At your own risk, cakes were prepared from these proteins, which were coated with butter cream. The audience liked the sweet dessert so much that it won a bronze medal at the competition.

The “Kyiv” cake is the hallmark of the city; its protein cakes, nuts, and cream are an ideal combination that is loved and revered by many with a sweet tooth.

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Recipes for original cakes

Cake "Spartak"

Cake "Spartak" is a chocolate and honey cake. It consists of cakes and cream. The cakes are soaked in buttercream and become juicy and tender. Decorate the cake with condensed milk honeycombs and bees.

Great Wall of Chocolate Cake

The Great Wall of Chocolate cake is a very original and unusual cake, which is now wildly popular in America. You've definitely never tried anything like this before!

Cake "Three Milks"

Three milk cake (Tres Leches) is one of the most popular cakes among French housewives. The cake is quite simple, so it’s perfect for making at home.

SpongeBob Cake

SpongeBob is a worldwide popular cartoon character adored by children. I recommend making a cake that will delight any child. The SpongeBob Cake recipe is not easy, but it's worth it!

Cake "Leningradsky"

Cake "Leningradsky" is a cake that was no less popular in the Soviet era than the famous Kiev one. I’m telling you how to make a “Leningradsky” cake - the kind that was sold in the Soviet Union.

Zebra" cake"

Every housewife probably prepared Zebra cake at the beginning of her culinary career. It’s not difficult to prepare, but it turns out festive and beautiful.

Snickers cake

A recipe for making a sponge cake with nuts and cream, which in consistency and taste is very similar to a Snickers chocolate bar. Hence the name - Snickers cake.

Brownie cake

The Brownie cake migrated to us from overseas - initially it was very popular in America, but today it is well known here too. I'm telling you how to make a brownie cake.

Cake "Temptation of Adam"

The “Temptation of Adam” cake is a truly delicious temptation that is not easy to resist. Making the “Temptation of Adam” cake is not very easy, but believe me, it’s worth it.

Cake "Enchantress"

The familiar store-bought “Enchantress” cake can easily be prepared at home. Sponge dough, custard and chocolate icing are the main components of this delicious cake.

Honey cake"

The well-known “Honey Cake” cake is a pleasure that even people who are indifferent to sweets cannot refuse. I'm telling you how to make a Honey cake at home.

Cake "Lady fingers"

Lady fingers cake is a delicate cake with a deep chocolate and creamy taste. The cake got its name from the elongated cookies that are part of it and look like an elegant lady’s finger.

Cake "Raffaello"

A light and delicious cake with cream and coconut flakes, reminiscent of the taste of famous candies. The Raffaello cake is perfect for a festive table or a romantic dinner.

Cake "Prague"

The recipe for making a festive Prague cake is for your attention. “Prague” cake has been the most desired cake in our family for many years, so we learned how to cook it at home.

Minecraft cake is a cake based on the popular computer game. A delicious gift for a gamer or a child who is interested in this game. I'm telling you how to make a Minecraft cake at home!

Cake "Milk Girl"

Already by the name you can guess that the “Milk Girl” cake is a very light, airy milk cake. By the way, otherwise it is also called a cake for lovers. I am sharing the cake recipe.

Cake "Strawberry"

Cake "Strawberry" is a delicious sponge layer cake with strawberries. You'll have to work hard to prepare it, but it's worth it. I'm telling you how to make Strawberry cake at home.

Caprese cake is a cake that Gorky, Tchaikovsky, Lenin and Stanislavsky probably ate. A traditional cake from the Italian island of Capri, which the dessert table there cannot do without.

"Honey cake

Honey cake (or Medovik) is very popular in Russia. Both adults and children adore him. This cake is usually baked for holidays. Despite the fact that everyone knows honey cake and eats it often, we still want it.

Black Forest Cake

Do you want to make a lasting impression on your guests? Make a Black Forest Cake! Guests will be pleasantly surprised not only by the extraordinary taste of the cake, but also by its beauty! Let's cook!

Cake "Count's Ruins"

The recipe for making the “Count's Ruins” cake is to help anyone who has decided to bake some spectacular cake for the festive table. It will be much easier to prepare it with step-by-step photographs;)

Cake "Anthill"

Recipe for a delicious birthday cake "Anthill". The taste of this cake is probably familiar to everyone from childhood. It’s not difficult to prepare “Anthill” at home - the recipe will help you with this.

Hungarian Dobos cake

Hungarian Dobos cake is an incredibly delicious layer cake covered with delicate chocolate glaze. It's quite simple to prepare. It's much harder to stop once you try :)

Cake "Izba" with cherries

This is not only one of the most delicious, but also beautiful cakes! Its unusual appearance and stunning cherry aroma will not leave any sweet tooth indifferent. So, a simple recipe for Izba cake with cherries.

Barbie cake

If you think that only a professional pastry chef can make a Barbie cake, then you are mistaken. Anyone who has patience and the necessary ingredients can prepare it.

Napoleon cake"

A simple recipe for making the festive and beloved Napoleon cake. This cake will decorate any holiday table and will delight both children and adults. And Napoleon absolutely delights those with a sweet tooth!

Truffle Cake

“Truffle” cake is a unique delicacy that every lover of sweets (especially chocolate) will be happy with. This cake will undoubtedly decorate your holiday table!

Cake "Romance"

Here is a recipe for chocolate-cherry cake with cognac. This cake is perfect for Valentine's Day. Chocolate cake with cherries is a classic. That’s why I recommend a red dress to go with it!

Cake "Negro in foam"

Cake "Negro in foam" is both delicious and fast! It will help you out when guests are about to arrive, but there is absolutely no time to prepare something extraordinary. I advise you to take note of the recipe!

Mini cake "Esterházy"

The Esterhazy cake came to us from the former Austria-Hungary. Today it is very common in Germany. I’m telling you the recipe for the “Esterhazy” cake, which will turn out simply magical!

Cake "Bear"

Of course, you can buy a beautiful cake in a store for your child’s birthday. But cooked with your own hands, it will delight your child even more.

Cake "Sheep"

This is a very interesting cake for children's birthdays. Your little one will be surprised to see such a wonderful cake.

Cake "Smetannik"

The Smetannik cake is very easy to prepare. It is tender, tasty, refined. This is a wonderful end to a holiday or an ordinary evening, which, after a piece of such a cake, will definitely become festive.

Cake "Natasha"

I bring to your attention a classic, quite simple and delicious Natasha cake. Both adults and children simply adore it, and it can be different every time.

Cake "Three Chocolates"

Delight your loved ones with a delicious cake made from layers of milk, white and dark chocolate, cream liqueur and whipped cream, which tastes like soft and airy ice cream!

Cake "Snake"

Do you want to surprise your guests and please your children? Then I bring to your attention a simple recipe for “Snake” cake, because it is distinguished not only by its great taste, but also by its festive appearance.

Cake "General"

If you haven't tried the General cake yet, be sure to hurry to the kitchen. This combination of an appetizing and soft cake with the most delicate cream will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cake "Anechka"

I bring to your attention a very simple but incredibly delicious cake “Anechka”. Crispy cakes with the most delicate sour cream and nuts - this delicacy will appeal to both adults and children.

Cake "To my beloved mother"

Delicious, rich cream cake “To My Beloved Mommy” is easy to make. Sponge cakes and thick cream.

Cake "Monastery Hut"

The “Monastery Hut” cake with cranberries is being prepared. The preparation is simple, the cream is amazing! Let's bake together.

Spiderman Cake

The Spider-Man cake is a real decoration for a children's party! The child will be no less happy about this dessert than about the gifts, because the cake not only looks impressive, but is also delicious to eat! Let's cook!

Cake "Luntik"

“Luntik” is an excellent cake for a festive table in honor of your child’s birthday! The cake looks very interesting and colorful, which will undoubtedly delight children.

Cake "For Lovers"

The “For Lovers” cake takes about four hours to prepare. It needs to sit in the refrigerator. So start preparing it in advance. I will tell you the recipe for sponge cake and frosting for the cake.

Quick Napoleon cake

Everyone knows the cake. But the recipe is simplified for those who do not have time for the classic execution of this masterpiece. The taste will not be affected :) So, let's whip up the Napoleon cake!

Cake "Food of the Gods"

From the name you might have already guessed how delicious this cake is! You can’t call it light or low-calorie, but the words “yummy” and “delicious” are perfect to describe it! Let's cook!

Halloween Vampire Cake

I don't really like Halloween baked goods that look like skulls, severed fingers, etc. Chocolate figurines of bats and red cream on a sponge cake look much more edible.

Cake "Oriental Beauty"

A very tasty and easy-to-prepare “Oriental Beauty” cake is prepared with a little surprise - dates. They are like a beauty under a burqa, hidden at the bottom of the cake. Give it a try.

Cake "For my beloved wife"

Cake "To my beloved grandmother"

I made this unusual cake for the first time for my grandmother's birthday. To pleasantly surprise her. I managed! Colored cake “To my beloved grandmother” with almond paste - very tasty!

Cookie cake "Fish"

Fish Cookie Cake is the easiest to make and most economical cake I know. The recipe for “Fish” cookie cake is so simple that even a child can figure it out.

Cake "For my beloved girl"

My husband came up with a delicious and very unusual cake “For my beloved girl” for my birthday. With pineapples, pistachios and cherries.

Cake "Ferrero Rocher"

I saw the recipe for Ferrero Rocher cake on a cooking show. I really liked it. It’s not difficult at all, and the cake and cream are easy to prepare. Decorated with Ferrero Rocher candies. Give it a try.

Rainbow Cake

Rainbow cake is shock, delight and fun! Imagine, I’m running to a friend’s house, and her children are eating paints smeared on a plate. But they calmed me down and gave me a whole piece of colored cake. Here is the prescription!

Cake "Pancho"

Here is a recipe for making the original Pancho birthday cake at home. The cake is festive and will look good on a birthday table.

Cake pigeon's milk"

We all love Bird's Milk cake. Did you know that this cake is a Soviet invention? This cake was first prepared in 1980 at the Prague Hotel in Moscow.

Cake "Golden Key"

Your children will love the Golden Key cake! It is prepared with boiled condensed milk and whipped cream. I'm sharing the recipe.

Sushi cake "Starfish"

Dedicated to all sushi lovers. Similar in taste, but much more original in presentation, the Starfish sushi cake will surely delight you. Yes, sushi can be served as a cake! :)

Cake "For Valentine's Day"

Chocolate cake "For Valentine's Day" with strawberries in the shape of a heart. Simple recipe. Give it a try.

Tiramisu cake

Tiramisu cake is a famous Italian dessert. It’s easy to prepare and doesn’t require baking; it infuses in the refrigerator. I usually prepare it the evening before the next day. This cake is fresh and bright.

Cake "Hedgehog"

If you want to surprise your child with a homemade treat, then I bring to your attention the “Hedgehog” cake. This recipe only seems complicated at first glance, but the main thing is just not to be afraid to take action and everything will work out.

Cake "Soccer Ball"

Is your child interested in football? Then make him a “Soccer Ball” cake for his birthday! The child will be delighted with such a dessert, because the cake not only looks great - it is also very tasty!

Cake "Black Prince"

Here is a simple step-by-step recipe for making chocolate cake with cream. Each step is illustrated with photographs. This cake is suitable for any occasion. The Black Prince cake is delicious.

Cake "Mashenka"

A simple recipe for a cake with condensed milk cream, which can even be prepared for dinner.

Cake "Vanka curly"

Recipe for making a cake with sour cream and chocolate glaze.

Cake "Drunk Cherry"

The “Drunk Cherry” cake is gorgeous, wonderful, topped with juicy cherries. A piece of this cake with a cup of coffee guarantees unforgettable pleasure. Chocolate, cherries, delicate cream and rum - a great combination!


It is sometimes quite difficult to determine its contents by the name of the cake. External decorative elements are often more important to people than taste. And indeed, a beautifully decorated dessert, as if by magic, awakens the appetite: and how could it be otherwise, if it is the culmination of, for example, a birthday - they are waiting for it from the very beginning of the festive feast, subconsciously preparing themselves in advance for something masterfully delicious .

Well, if you are not picky about sweets, then any cake will suit your taste. But imagine a situation where you bought an “Anniversary” cake as a gift for your boss, for example, for his 50th birthday, and he turned out to be a lover of chocolate desserts. Or you decided to please your baby with a “Fairy Tale” cake and already at home you discovered that it contains cognac.

Has no relation to any of the rebel leaders during the Mexican Revolution, nor to the famous Filipino boxer who competed in the early 20th century

Today we will look at the classification of cakes according to a variety of criteria - by shape, type of filling, type of dough and methods of preparation, so that you do not get into trouble by falling for a beautiful name or unusual design.

Cakes are one of the main components

  1. It is not without reason that sponge cakes occupy first place in our classification by type of dough. These are the most common and popular desserts, characterized by delicate, melt-in-your-mouth cake layers, separated by layers of cream or yogurt. Vanilla, walnuts, honey, caramel, pistachios, peanuts, and cocoa powder are added to the dough, made from flour, sugar and eggs, for richness and variety of taste.
  2. Shortbread cakes are made from shortcrust pastry using flour, sugar and butter. The cakes made from it are crumbly and high in calories. Cream, fruit and berry, and marmalade coatings are used for such desserts.
  3. Wafers consist of wafer cake layers with a layer of coffee or chocolate mass or condensed milk. They are easy to prepare, but they are very inferior in taste to all other types of cakes.
  4. Curds are made from curd and flour mass, to which fruits or berries are often added. These are delicious, healthy and also easy to prepare desserts.
Despite the fact that the first cakes were of Italian origin and even the Italian word for "pastry chef" is "tortaio" ("cake maker"), these desserts as we know them today were invented in France, because French confectioners created the basic ingredients for their preparation - sponge cakes, caramel, cream and meringue - and it is in France that our saying “there is no accounting for taste” sounds like “there is no arguing about cakes.”

The same sponge cake can be prepared both in a classic and in an original version: for example, in the caramel layer “Medovik” the sponge cake contains, in addition to buckwheat honey, caramel

Taste and color...

The filling also plays an important role in the taste of the cake. In the assortment of confectionery shops, instead of loud, but meaningless names, you can often see symbols that directly tell you about the composition of the dessert. This greatly simplifies the choice for the consumer. Based on this, cakes are:

  • yoghurt;
  • sour cream;
  • nut;
  • mousse, etc.
Mousse was invented in France in 1894, but at that time it was a whipped vegetable or fish snack, fixed with gelatin. At the beginning of the 20th century, Toulouse Lautrec (the famous French artist) whipped chocolate until foamy and added egg whites to the resulting mass. This first version of the mousse was called “chocolate mayonnaise,” which was soon replaced by “chocolate foam.” The word “foam” in French sounds exactly like “mousse”.

The cake does not necessarily have to have just one type of filling; for example, the “Wild Berries” cake contains both berries and vanilla white chocolate mousse at the same time.

How else can you classify cakes?

There are also different types of cakes:

  1. By method of preparation:
    • baked whole;
    • prefabricated (all elements are prepared separately);
    • Italian (filling is poured into the prepared frame).
  2. By form:
    • round;
    • rectangular;
    • square;
    • oval;
    • complex - in the form of a heart, star, book, number, etc.
  3. By design complexity:
    • single-tier;
    • two-tier;
    • multi-tiered.
The multi-tiered composition was first created in London in the 18th century; a cart had to be used to move it. Nowadays such products are mainly ordered for weddings.

The last 3 types of classification will not really help you when choosing a cake, so we recommend that the first thing you pay attention to when purchasing is the composition - it is the ingredients that largely determine what your dessert will taste like.

If you ask anyone with a sweet tooth the name of their favorite cakes, you will get a whole list of these delicacies in response. Some of them will be familiar to almost everyone, others will be perplexing. Although, if you look at the recipe, it becomes clear that this is a familiar dish, only known with a completely different name. What types of cakes there are and their names are described in this material.

Historians argue about everything. Well, that's their job. There is also still debate about who first invented cakes. Of course, many countries want to have primacy in the art of confectionery, and each country believes that its confectioners are “ahead of the rest.”

There are cakes that have long been world famous. Among them are “” and “Cheesecake”, “Tiramisu” and “Black Forest”, “Sacher” and “Dobosch”, “Linz” and “Esterhazy”. The excellent-tasting cakes invented by Soviet masters are also known throughout the world and were even brought to world leaders as gifts. Who doesn’t know the names of the cakes, such as “Napoleon”, “Kyiv”, “Prague” (or Prague), “Bird's milk”, “Honey cake”, “Count ruins”, etc.

Important! If you want to know the real taste of a world-famous delicacy, then you need to try it not in your favorite cafe or by purchasing it at the nearest confectionery factory, but in the country where it was invented, so to speak, “at home.” The taste of any dish depends on the products from which it is prepared, but many of them are not exported and are known only in their own country.

Types of cakes

A list containing only the name of the cakes will not say anything about what it is made from. So the confectioners divide the cakes, so to speak, by type:

  • Sponge cakes;
  • Honey cakes;
  • Napoleons;
  • Waffle cakes;
  • Sand cakes;
  • Curd cakes;
  • Pancake cakes;
  • Prague;
  • Tiramisu;
  • No-bake cakes.

In addition, the listed types of cakes have dozens of recipes and their own names. Their photos look so appetizing that you immediately want to try them all at once.

Sponge cakes

Biscuit dough, which is prepared using chilled eggs, flour and sugar, is one of the simplest and most popular among confectioners. It rarely fails even for those who decided to experiment with confectionery for the first time.

The dough comes out filled with air, light, elastic, easily cut in the desired direction, and lends itself perfectly to all kinds of impregnations. It is used both in the preparation of everyday desserts, cakes and other sweets, and for all kinds of ceremonial and even exhibition products.

Even a seemingly simple biscuit can be prepared in different ways. In a water bath and “cold”, using sour cream or margarine (butter). In some recipes it is recommended to beat the whites separately from the yolks and only then mix them, while in other recipes the whole eggs are beaten with sugar.

You can add lemon zest and raisins, coconut flakes and poppy seeds, dried fruit and chocolate pieces to sponge cakes.

Important! The main thing here is to know when to stop, otherwise a biscuit overfilled with filler may simply not rise.
Having learned how to make a sponge base, you will be able to make cakes with sour cream, curd or chocolate cream, with meringue and fruit jelly, with condensed milk, banana and many more variations of this delicacy.

There are recipes for cakes in which, along with sponge cakes, they use layers of light meringue, crispy and melting in the mouth. Among them is the beloved Kiev cake.

Honey cakes

Honey began to be added to baked goods back in the days of Ancient Egypt. The first honey cake was introduced in Europe in the form of a cake back in the 12th century. The Russian royal court also loved to eat honey cake with milk custard. The cake usually turned out delicate and delicious, with a slight aroma of the delicacy collected by the bees and the aroma of a summer day.

Honey cakes “Bee” and “Winnie the Pooh”, “Ryzhik” and “”, “Miracle”, “Anechka” and with other names will delight both children and adults with a sweet tooth.


A delicacy named after the French emperor is a favorite delicacy of a huge audience. In the classic version of its preparation, cakes made from unleavened puff pastry are spread with custard, decorated with crumbs and left to infuse for several hours. The process of preparing it is quite lengthy, but the result is so delightful that it’s worth it.

You can, of course, take ready-made store-bought dough and bags of cream, brew it, coat the cakes - and that’s it! But if you tinker with the cakes yourself, passionately select and prepare the cream with your “golden hands,” the result will be enthusiastic praise from everyone who has tried your confectionery miracle.

Important! There are a huge number of recipes with the name Napoleon, and each housewife, probably, in addition to the already known ones, invented her own unique recipe. Moreover, it may not even be sweet, but, for example, with chicken, cheese and mushrooms.

Sand cakes

Classic shortbread dough is made from flour with the addition of a large amount of fat and eggs. The finished cakes come out crispy, but at the same time tender. If you make them thin enough, they will not crumble and will have time to soak.

Shortbread cakes are prepared with jam, jam, and various fresh berries. You can decorate such a cake to your taste: cream with cream, mint leaves, citrus zest, etc. There are recipes in which shortbread cakes are combined with sponge cakes and with meringue, protein cream, fresh cherries, etc.

Curd cakes

Cottage cheese, as a component of the cake, will give every housewife the opportunity to feel like not a banal cook, but a real artist, the creator of an unusual dish. This lactic acid product can be a sweet or savory masterpiece.

When making cakes, cottage cheese can be used both for baking cake layers and for preparing the most delicate cream. Its white color may remain white. And if you use natural dyes or cocoa, the result can be cake layers of almost all the colors of the rainbow.

You can add candied fruits and raisins, nuts and prunes, fresh fruits or dried apricots to cottage cheese. Curd cake can be prepared on a shortbread or sponge base. There are many no-bake cottage cheese cakes based on broken cookies.

Whatever the name of the cakes, their list will help you choose the ideal option for each occasion.

Try making these homemade cakes

Angels tears

Three chocolates


Broken glass
