
Quick tomato preparations for the winter. Original recipes for tomato preparations for experienced housewives

How nice it is to open a jar of juicy, fragrant tomatoes in winter, which seem to exude the taste and aroma of summer! Marinated tomatoes are a delicious preserve that can serve as a separate snack or as an addition to various dishes. Canned tomatoes will be appropriate for both everyday and festive tables, and the variety of options for preparing them will allow you to constantly surprise your family and friends with new recipes. the site will tell you how to prepare “finger lickin’ good” tomatoes for the winter so that you get delicious preparations and can enjoy the fruits of your labor with gusto.

For pickling, you should choose high-quality vegetables of the same variety and size - small and medium-sized tomatoes will easily fit in a jar, while large and fleshy ones will have to be cut. The tomatoes should be firm and undamaged. To prevent the skin of the fruit from cracking when adding hot marinade, the area where the stalk was removed must be pricked with a toothpick. If you are not a fan of tomato skins, you can first remove them from fresh tomatoes by pouring boiling water over them.

The second important point after choosing vegetables is the cleanliness of the containers used. Cans and lids for preservation must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. Containers can be sterilized either in the traditional way over steam, or in the oven or microwave.

And the third main component of delicious pickled tomatoes is aromatic herbs and spices. Your pickled tomatoes will perfectly complement black peppercorns, allspice, cloves, dill, parsley, basil, tarragon, currant leaves, cherry leaves, horseradish and many other spicy ingredients. Adding garlic, chili peppers or hot peppers will make your preparations more piquant, and the use of bell peppers, apples, carrots and onions will give the brine a sweetish taste and make the snack more appetizing.

The main preservative when pickling tomatoes is table vinegar, but if you want to make the taste of tomatoes and brine more delicate, you can use less harmful citric acid, adding it in the same proportions. Even children can eat these tomatoes. You can also make the preparations more original if you replace table vinegar with apple, wine or balsamic.

Heat treatment of tomatoes can be carried out in two ways. In the first case, pour boiling water twice or three times, followed by infusion for 10-20 minutes. In the second case, the tomatoes are filled with marinade once and then sterilized. Ready-made preserves should be stored in a cool, dark place at a temperature no higher than 16 degrees.

Finger-licking tomatoes for the winter are a wonderful combination of spicy sweetness and light sourness that makes tomatoes so tasty and appetizing for people of all ages. A little time and patience, and your efforts will certainly be rewarded with compliments and praise from loved ones! Inspired? Then head to the kitchen!

Pickled tomatoes for the winter “You'll lick your fingers”

For three liter jars:
1.5-1.8 kg of tomatoes,
2 onions,
3 cloves of garlic,
15 black peppercorns,
12 allspice peas,
6 buds of cloves,
6 bay leaves,
3 currant leaves,
3 cherry leaves,
3 dill umbrellas,
3 tablespoons 9% vinegar,
2 tablespoons sugar,
1 tablespoon salt,
1.5 liters of water.

Place currant leaves, cherry leaves, chopped garlic, dill umbrellas, bay leaves, pepper and cloves on the bottom of the jars. Place prepared tomatoes and onion cut into half rings into jars - in layers or together. Pour water into the pan, add sugar and salt, stir and bring to a boil. Add vinegar and pour hot marinade over tomatoes. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize for about 15 minutes, then roll up the lids, turn them upside down and cool, wrapped in a blanket.

Pickled tomatoes “Spicy”

For a three-liter jar:
2 kg tomatoes,
1 bunch of dill,
1 hot pepper,
9 cloves of garlic,
3 tablespoons salt,
2 tablespoons 9% vinegar,
1.5 liters of water.

Place half of the chopped dill, thinly sliced ​​garlic cloves and hot pepper, seeded and cut into rings, onto the bottom of the jars. Pack the tomatoes tightly into the jars and add the remaining dill. Bring water and salt to a boil, pour in vinegar and pour the resulting marinade over the tomatoes. Cover the jars with lids and let them cool by turning them upside down and wrapping them in a blanket.

Tomatoes, marinated in slices

For seven liter cans:
2.5 kg of cream tomatoes,
2-3 onions,
1 bunch of parsley,
7 cloves of garlic,
20 black peppercorns,
7 bay leaves,
7 tablespoons vegetable oil,
7 tablespoons sugar,
3 tablespoons salt,
45 ml 9% vinegar,
3 liters of water.

Wash the tomatoes, cut in half or into quarters if the tomatoes are large. Remove the stem from the pulp. Divide the onion, cut into rings, peeled garlic cloves, spices and vegetable oil between sterilized jars. Place tomato pieces into jars, preferably cut side down. Boil water with sugar and salt, then add vinegar and pour the marinade into the jars. Sterilize the jars for 20 minutes, then roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket and let the preserves cool.

Marinated tomatoes without sterilization

For one liter jar:
500-600 g tomatoes,
1-2 cloves of garlic,
1 sprig of parsley,
1 sprig of dill,
1 horseradish leaf
1 bay leaf,
1/2 bell pepper,
3 peas of allspice,
2 tablespoons sugar,
1 tablespoon salt,
1 tablespoon 9% vinegar,
500 ml water.

Place horseradish leaves cut into strips, peeled and thinly sliced ​​garlic cloves, bay leaves and allspice at the bottom of sterilized jars. Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems and prick each vegetable with a toothpick. Place the tomatoes in jars, placing sprigs of herbs and chopped bell peppers between them. Boil water and pour it over the tomatoes in the jars. Cover the jars with lids, wrap them in something warm and leave for 15-20 minutes. Pour the water back into the pan, add a little more water as some of it will evaporate, bring to a boil again and pour into jars. Wrap the jars and leave for another 15 minutes. Drain the water into the pan again, add sugar and salt, and bring to a boil. Pour the vinegar directly into the jars. Pour boiling marinade over the tomatoes and close with sterilized lids. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket and leave to cool.

Tomatoes marinated with herbs and garlic

For ten liter cans:
8-9 kg of tomatoes,
3-4 onions,
2 heads of garlic,
1 bunch of dill,
1 glass of 9% vinegar,
30 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
10 bay leaves,
10 peas of allspice,
1-2 pods of hot pepper,
7 tablespoons sugar,
3 tablespoons salt,
3 liters of water.

Place chopped dill, sliced ​​hot pepper, peeled garlic, bay leaf and allspice on the bottom of sterilized jars. Add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to each jar. Place the tomatoes in jars, adding onion, cut into rings, on top. Prepare the marinade by boiling water with sugar and salt. Pour in vinegar and fill jars of tomatoes with the resulting marinade. Cover the jars with lids, sterilize for 10-15 minutes, then roll up the lids. Cool the jars by turning them upside down and covering them with a blanket.

Sweet tomatoes marinated with apples and bell peppers

For one three-liter jar:
2 kg tomatoes,
1-2 firm apples,
1 bell pepper,
1 sprig of parsley,
5 tablespoons of sugar,
1 tablespoon salt,
1 teaspoon 9% vinegar.

Mix prepared tomatoes and sliced ​​apples into sterilized jars. Place bell peppers and herbs cut into pieces between the tomatoes and apples. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Pour the water into a saucepan using a special lid with holes, add sugar, salt and bring to a boil. Pour in vinegar and pour the boiling marinade into jars. Roll up the jars with sterilized lids, turn them over, cover with a blanket and leave to cool.

Try preparing tomatoes for the winter using our recipes, and you will be infinitely happy with the results! Good luck with your preparations!

If you have your own personal plot, then you are probably familiar with a rich harvest of tomatoes. Every summer resident sooner or later faces the question of where to put all the collected tomatoes?! What remains after summer salads and fresh tasting can be used for delicious winter preparations. Salted tomatoes, salads and marinades made from them are always in great demand on the table. Especially during periods of acute lack of vitamins and sunshine.

In order to last as long as possible and turn out very tasty, you need to follow recipes with prescribed proportions and combinations. There are several secrets to successfully preserving these vegetables. Right now we will prepare delicious tomato salads for the winter and reveal the most necessary steps for preparing them.

1. Tomato salad with bell pepper for the winter - Finger licking good

A very tasty and easy-to-prepare winter preparation made from tomatoes and sweet peppers will be an excellent addition to winter meals. This sunny jar will lift your spirits and charge you with summer energy even on the gloomiest day.


  • one and a half kilograms of elastic tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 small bouquet of dill;
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 1 full tablespoon of coarse salt;
  • 20 grams of nine percent vinegar.

All ingredients are available, especially during the harvest season.

Cooking steps:

Let's start, as expected, with washing the vegetables and peeling them. You need to carefully cut out the crust from the tail of the tomato. Clean the inside of the peppers. Peel the onion.

1.Cut the tomatoes into neat slices. If your fruits are small, you can cut them into 4-6 pieces. Larger tomatoes can be cut more generously. The main thing is that the slices are neat, beautiful and easily fit into the mouth.

2. Cut the onion into half rings or quarter circles. It is better to use the red sweet variety for this.

4. Also cut the pepper pulp into neat pieces or strips.

5. Chop the dill as much as possible using a knife.

6. Place all the vegetables in a non-metallic, enamel or plastic bowl and season with the remaining ingredients. Mix everything thoroughly with two spatulas. Cover with a lid or flat dish and leave directly on the table for 1 hour to infuse.

While the tomatoes are saturated with pickling juice, prepare jars for laying out the salad. They need to be washed with a soda solution and sterilized in the oven (microwave or steam). The lids for them must be boiled for 10-15 minutes over medium heat.

7. Now the vegetables have released their aromatic juice and have changed a little in appearance. First, you need to evenly distribute the vegetables among the jars, and then fill them equally with brine. Cover with lids.

8. Place all the cans in the pan and pour water so that its level reaches the “shoulders” of the cans. Place on the stove and boil for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. Remove the jars from the pan and immediately roll up. Be careful, the jars are very hot.

9. Carefully remove the jars from the pan onto a flat surface, upside down. At night they need to be wrapped in a warm blanket. And in the morning you can put them away for storage.

What I love about this recipe is the speed of preparation and its rich taste. There is no need to deal with hot brine, multiple boiling and cooking. Everything is very simple and incredibly tasty.

Happy preparations!

2. Winter salad without cooking “Ogonyok”, with horseradish and tomatoes

We will prepare the famous and beloved Ogonyok, or, simply, “Horseradish Appetizer” right now. It also doesn’t need to be cooked, which will retain more of its vitamins, flavor, and crunch. How delicious can it be to eat such a snack with black bread, or use it as a sauce for pasta?! My mouth waters at the mere mention. Try making this recipe with us.


  • 3 kilograms of tomatoes (you can use any);
  • a glass of peeled garlic;
  • 1 pod of hot pepper;
  • 1 horseradish root;
  • a full glass of granulated sugar;
  • 3 full tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • a glass of 9% vinegar.

Cooking steps:

This appetizer can only be described as “it couldn’t be simpler.” A method of preparation without cooking, all ingredients are crushed in one way, everything is mixed and sterilized directly in the jars. In addition, despite the simplicity of cooking, Ogonyok turns out to be a real delight! Try it yourself!

1.Pass all products through a meat grinder. Place all other ingredients into a bowl with the mixture and mix vigorously.

To make the mixture as thick as possible, first cut the tomatoes into pieces and let them sit for a couple of hours. During this time they will release excess moisture. Such pieces need to be twisted through a meat grinder. Thus, the tomato mass will not be too liquid.

2. Cover with a lid and leave for 4-5 hours right in the kitchen.

3. Then you need to pour the horseradish into pre-prepared jars. Since this dish does not undergo preliminary heat treatment, before entering the container, the jars must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. Cover with lids.

4. Sterilize jars of salad in a large heat-resistant container for about half an hour after boiling. After taking the jars out of the water, immediately roll them up and carefully place them on a flat surface, turning them over onto the lids. After just 8 hours you can transfer them to a permanent storage location.

If you are not preparing the dish for the winter, or you have some salad left that did not go into the jars, then you can eat it immediately after steeping. In this case, there is no need to boil it in a container. Just chill and enjoy your favorite snack!

Bon appetit!

3. Vegetable salad with tomatoes for the winter

I propose to prepare a very tasty salad for the winter from zucchini, tomatoes and sweet peppers. Such a treat flies off the table in a matter of minutes. It’s very easy to prepare; the approximate cooking time is no more than an hour.


  • one and a half kilograms of zucchini, sweet pepper and tomato;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • a tablespoon of salt (maybe with a slide - to taste);
  • a tablespoon of vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of sunflower oil.

Cooking steps:

Zucchini needs to be peeled and seeds removed, especially if they are not young. Clean the pepper from the tail and insides. Cut off the skin from the stem of the tomato.

1.Cut the zucchini into small pieces.

2. Do the same with tomatoes.

3. The juicy walls of the pepper also need to be cut into small cubes.

4. Place the tomato pieces in a large saucepan, add granulated sugar, salt and turn on the heat. After boiling, cook them for about 10 minutes. During this time they will release a lot of juice.

5. Then you need to add pepper and zucchini to the cooking. As soon as the contents boil, you need to boil it for another half hour. After this, pour in the oil and continue in the same spirit for another 10 minutes. Now it's garlic's turn. It needs to be rubbed through a press. After garlic you need to cook the salad for 5 minutes. The final step will be vinegar. Add it 2 minutes before turning off the heat. Immediately cover with a lid for the remaining couple of minutes of cooking to prevent it from evaporating.

6. While the salad is still hot, you need to start bottling it into jars. Pour the mixture up to the neck and close the lids very tightly. Then, immediately turn the hot jars over and cover with a warm cloth.

A delicious salad for the winter is ready. This salad can also be prepared for immediate consumption, not for the winter. There is no need to add vinegar for this. Just cool it down and start tasting.

Let your jars last as long as you need them!

4. Secrets of ideal winter preparations from tomatoes

In order for your culinary creations to last longer and be very tasty, you need to follow several rules. All of them are simple, but following them guarantees an ideal result. I learned about them, as they say, from word of mouth - from my mother, grandmother, neighbor, and so on. The main thing is that they all really work. Now I will introduce you to some rules on the way to a long-lasting and tasty tomato snack.

1. If you plan to prepare a salad with whole or coarsely chopped tomatoes, then it is better to choose slightly unripe, elastic fruits. They keep their shape better and do not deteriorate for a long time. If you finely chop vegetables, for example, when making horseradish, the tomatoes may be overripe. The main thing is that they show no signs of damage or rot.

2. For any type of preparation, including tomato salads, it is better to use coarse salt. Any other salt, with additives or fine, can cause rapid spoilage and explosion of cans.

3. Experienced housewives know that if you add a little mustard seeds to the canned food, the shelf life increases. The same effect can be achieved by adding a tablespoon of vodka to a three-liter jar.

4. A very important stage in any type of preparation is the mandatory sterilization of jars. This is especially necessary when the product is poured into jars without pre-cooking. There are some people who process jars with steam, over a saucepan or in a double boiler. It is very convenient to do this in the oven or microwave. Seaming lids also need to be boiled or simply doused with boiling water.

5. And the most important point in any culinary movement is a great desire and love for your work. By putting a piece of your soul into each jar along with bright pieces of summer, you will get an excellent result!

I wish you success!

5. Video - “Assorted” salad of cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter

Create, prepare and share your favorite recipes with us. See you again!

Tomatoes have more beneficial properties than harmful ones. Since they are red in color, they have a positive effect on the blood, enriching its composition and fighting blood clots.

When boiled, they are better absorbed, and it is recommended to eat them fresh by adding vegetable oil and crushing a clove of garlic.

Pickled tomatoes also have beneficial properties. It turns out that they contain antioxidants that remove harmful substances from the human body. The combination of tomato and meat helps it to be better absorbed.

Planting tomatoes for the winter is now in full swing, so we suggest you pay attention to the following recipes.

Canned tomatoes without adding vinegar

A simple and tasty recipe that is suitable for people who have difficulty digesting vinegar.

  • Tomatoes per three-liter jar - 1 kg 700 g;
  • Granulated sugar per liter of water – 125 g;
  • Carnation;
  • Allspice;
  • Peppercorns;
  • Fresh tarragon or tarragon;
  • Rock salt, per liter of water – 25 grams without a slide;
  • Citric acid - a third of a teaspoon.

Rinse the jar well; if desired, you can sterilize it. Place 4 cloves, allspice and black pepper, 3-4 sprigs of tarragon on the bottom.

Wash the vegetables, dry them and make cross-shaped pricks with a fork so that the skin does not burst during the heat treatment. Lay loosely, up to the hangers of the can.

At this time, the lid should be sterilized. Place in a bowl, pour in hot water and leave to sterilize for five minutes. The assembled jar is filled with boiling water, closed with a lid and left for ten or fifteen minutes.

After the specified time, the boiling water is poured into the pan and it remains to measure the amount of water to prepare the marinade. We must remember that for every liter of water, one tablespoon of salt, five tablespoons of sugar and a third of a teaspoon of citric acid are used.

After boiling, the marinade is cooked for another minute and you can pour it into a jar. It should be filled to the very top. Roll up with screw caps or using a machine.

The pickled vegetables are turned over and covered with a warm blanket. Just wait until it cools completely. The tomato roll is stored in a cool place.

It took very little time, half an hour at most.

Add horseradish for a great appetizer!

In this recipe for rolling tomatoes for the winter, horseradish will also be used along with tomatoes and other ingredients. As a result, the tomatoes come out with “character”, and everyone who tries them at least once asks for the recipe.

So, for preparation you will need:

  • Tomatoes, for 8 liter jars – 5 kg;
  • A bunch of parsley;
  • Horseradish – 150 g;
  • Garlic – 3-4 heads;
  • Bell pepper – 3 pcs.

It is advisable to take tomatoes with dense pulp and the same size. For convenience, elongated small tomatoes are used in preservation.

Vegetables are cut in half, the tails are removed, the horseradish should be cut into large rings, the seeds should be removed from the pepper and everything except the tomatoes and parsley (it should be finely chopped) should be minced through a meat grinder.

The result is a delicious vegetable porridge. The jars should be washed and sterilized in the oven or in water.

Place one tablespoon of vegetable mass on the bottom of each jar, then a layer of tomatoes, folding cut side down. Top with the vegetable mass again, then the tomatoes, cut side down, and do this until the jars are full. The last layer is the vegetable mass; the jars must be filled up to the shoulders.

For the marinade you will need:

  • Water – 2.5 l;
  • Salt – 100 grams;
  • Granulated sugar – 200 grams;
  • Table vinegar 9% – 1 glass.

Pour salt and sugar into the pan and place it on the stove. During the cooking process, you need to make sure that the salt and sugar dissolve. As soon as the marinade boils, wait another two minutes, then pour in the vinegar, close the lid and after a minute remove from the heat.

Pour the hot marinade into the jars so that they do not burst, and close with pre-sterilized lids. The marinade level should be one centimeter below the rim of the jar.

All that remains is to sterilize the jars. To do this, prepare a deep saucepan, put two or three jars in it, pour boiling water over everything and put it on the fire. The water level in the pan should be 2 cm below the hangers of the jars.

After boiling, sterilize for another 5 to 15 minutes, as you are used to. There should be no violent boiling. Fill the jars to the very top with the remaining marinade and roll up.

Store the tomato rolls in a cool place, although they keep well at room temperature.

Sweet pickled tomatoes

On average, there are 600 grams of tomatoes per liter jar, although much depends on the packing density. As a result, they turn out very tasty and sweetish. The recipe for rolling up sweet tomatoes for the winter is simple and this is its advantage.

  • Tomatoes – 1.5 to 2 kg;
  • Salt – 30 grams;
  • Sugar – 200 g;
  • Bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • Black peppercorns – 5 pcs.;
  • Table vinegar 9% – 100 ml.

The tomatoes should be washed, dried, and to prevent the skin from bursting, make two cross-shaped pricks at the stem with a fork.

In this recipe, it is not necessary to sterilize the jars, the main thing is that they are clean and dry. Carefully pour boiling water over the jars of tomatoes and leave them like that for ten minutes.

The water must be drained and measured. For one or one and a half liters of water, you will need 30 g of salt and a glass of sugar (200 g). The pan with the marinade is placed on the stove, bay leaves and peppercorns are added there, and vinegar is added at the very end.

The marinade is brought to a boil, stirred, two minutes before readiness, vinegar is poured in and the lid is closed.

The jars are filled with marinade and immediately closed with sterilized lids.

Marinated sweet tomatoes are ready for the winter, stored in a cool place, or at room temperature.

Juicy and tasty. We offer you an excellent selection of interesting recipes.

Delicious pickled winter zucchini is an excellent appetizer for the winter table. Take note of a few of ours.

Find out from our how to properly prepare eggplants for the winter so as not to spoil the wonderful taste of this vegetable.

Recipe for rolling green tomatoes with vodka

Representatives of the stronger sex, upon learning that a recipe contains vodka, always ask for more. In fact, this strong drink acts as a preservative, but it still has its own flavor.

  • Tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • Dill – 2 umbrellas;
  • Horseradish leaves – 2-3 pieces;
  • Bay leaf - one for each jar;
  • Red hot pepper pod - one per jar;
  • Garlic clove – 5 pieces for each jar.

For the marinade you will need:

  • Water – 1.5 liters for three jars;
  • Coarse salt – 50 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 125 g;
  • Table vinegar – 100 ml;
  • Vodka – 2 tbsp. l.

Sealing green tomatoes with vodka for the winter is easy and simple.

Make cuts near the stalk of the tomatoes and insert garlic, cut into two halves.

Hot peppers, horseradish leaves, bay leaves, dill and tomatoes are placed on the bottom of each jar.

Pour boiling water over the vegetables, wait about ten minutes, drain the water, put on fire, add salt and sugar. As soon as it boils, wait another two minutes and add vinegar and vodka.

The marinade should be poured while hot. Stored in a cool place.

Green fruit salad for the winter

This recipe for rolling green tomatoes for the winter will appeal to even the most fastidious housewives; the vegetables turn out sweet and sour, and are prepared simply and quickly.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • Green tomatoes – 5-6 kg;
  • Garlic – 2 heads;
  • Red hot pepper to taste;
  • Red bell pepper – 4 pcs.;
  • Dill - an umbrella for each jar;
  • Aspirin – 1 tablet for each jar.

For the marinade you will need:

  • Water – 3 l;
  • Salt – 1.5 cups for everything;
  • Sugar – 150 g;
  • Table vinegar – 1 glass.

Place an umbrella of dill and tomatoes cut into 3-4 pieces at the bottom of each jar. Finely chop the garlic or pass through a press, grind the bell and hot peppers in a meat grinder, mix with the garlic and distribute evenly among the jars.

Aspirin tablets are placed in jars one at a time.

Prepare the marinade by mixing all the ingredients, put on the stove and bring to a boil. At the end, add vinegar, close the lid and after a minute pour into jars.

Pour the marinade into each jar. Next, using a machine, you need to roll up the cans, turn them upside down and wrap them up. You don’t need to sterilize jars of tomatoes for the winter, just keep the lids under boiling water for five minutes.

Some people ask: why do you need to turn over and wrap jars? This is done so that the lid is additionally sterilized. In addition, it will be immediately noticeable whether the can rolled well or not.

Jars are wrapped in order to sterilize not only the lids, but also the products.

It is better to choose small, oblong-shaped tomatoes for winter planting. They are more convenient to put in jars, they are meatier, and they can withstand the hot boiling water they are poured into better.

The calorie content of tomatoes is low, 20 kcal per 100 g, and it is also recommended to eat more of them for weight loss.

Tomatoes contain calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and other substances vital for the human body.

Many world cuisines, such as Italian, would not be able to survive without this product. Good luck with planting your tomatoes for the winter!

If you like to prepare vegetables for the winter, then be sure to pay attention to tomatoes. These wonderful vegetables can be salted and pickled separately (both green and red), they can be added to assorted vegetable rolls, and also in salads, lecho, adjika, and you can also prepare tomato juice at home. There are so many recipes for preparing tomatoes for the winter that it would take a very long time to list them. It’s better not to waste time, but start preparing delicious tomato rolls for future use. Simple and detailed recipes with step-by-step photos collected in this collection will help you, whether you are a beginner or already a pro at home canning.

Selected recipes for preparing tomatoes for the winter

The best recipes for tomato preparations with photos

The last notes

The spicy zucchini salad being prepared today is a delicious homemade salad that is easy to prepare and accessible to everyone. It won’t take you much time to prepare it for the winter. Zucchini salad has a spicy and, at the same time, delicately sweet taste.
