
The harm from the use of energy drinks is the scourge of modern society. Energy drinks - what are the benefits and what are the harms

Quickly recharge your batteries and almost instantly get a powerful boost of energy for several hours is quite convenient and even tempting. However, every action should have a downside, and not always the same rosy and attractive.

We have been hearing about the miraculous effects of energy drinks on various areas of perception for many years, but we don’t think at all about what consequences these “magic” drinks can bestow on our body.

Origin and original composition of energy drinks

Even in ancient times, there was information about the miraculous effects of various elixirs and herbal infusions, helping to stay awake for a long time and feel full of energy. At the same time, the harm from such drinks was minimal - largely due to the natural origin and ecological purity of the components.

The first energy compound appeared in England and was launched for mass sale under the name Lukozade. The second manufacturing country was Japan, which is now rightfully considered the leader in the production of such products.

Modern energy drinks have appeared relatively recently, and all manufacturers of original products of this type unanimously talk about the complete safety of their brainchildren. At the same time, it is worth considering how individual components can be harmless or, conversely, make a negative contribution to the vital activity of various organs.

Energy drink ingredients

The components of energy drinks from different manufacturers are almost the same, at least the main ones are the same. The main components of the energy elixirs of our time are:

  • Taurine. The synthesis of the substance occurs in the gallbladder, participating in a number of metabolic processes and improving cell nutrition. It is considered harmless in small quantities, but not in those in which it can be used as part of modern energy drinks.
  • Caffeine. Can be replaced by theine or mateine. It mainly serves to increase mental and physical performance, enhancing reaction and memory. At the same time, the pulse rate increases, the level of blood pressure (BP) rises, in many cases, the development of arrhythmia is possible.
  • Theobromine. Pretty strong stimulant.
  • Melatonin. Provides the level of vital activity, activity, circadian rhythm of a person.
  • vitamins and glucose.

It can also be noted that energy drinks are highly carbonated drinks with carbonic acid in their composition. Thanks to it, the components that make up the drinks are absorbed much faster, and the desired effect is achieved quite quickly. By law, manufacturers indicate on labels or containers the exact composition of the drink produced, as well as the safe amount of the product for consumption.

To drink or not to drink? That is the question!

The benefits of drinking energy drinks seem to be significant, but at the same time, the effect is temporary - with a duration, depending on the specific product and its composition. The most harmless and even useful components of drinks are glucose and various vitamins, as well as carbohydrates. Even many famous athletes do not hide their preferences in terms of energy drinks.

But constant research tirelessly confirms the negative, extremely negative impact on individual zones and the body as a whole. The excited, often euphoric state of a person after drinking energy drinks is replaced by even greater fatigue, insomnia and nervous irritation.

A number of proven factors are considered clear indicators that an energy drink is extremely harmful. The main ones among them are:

  1. Rapid increase in blood pressure and blood sugar.
  2. The effect of addiction and the ability to significantly deplete the nervous system.
  3. The presence of multiple side effects in overdose, of which the most unpleasant depressive state, disruption of the heart, psychomotor overexcitation.
  4. High calorie drink.

The dark side of the coin - why are energy drinks harmful?

It is worth considering the moment that many representatives of today's youth, with excessive use of energy drinks, simply do not pay attention. This is a highly undesirable mixing of energy drinks with alcohol or caffeinated drinks. Such abuse can lead to the most unpleasant consequences, so you need to think about what and at what time you can use the energy drink.

In addition, energy drinks in any manifestations and quantities are absolutely contraindicated for certain groups of people: pregnant women, adolescents, children, the elderly, as well as people prone to various heart or chronic diseases. You can not drink energy drinks during medical intervention and the use of medications.

Of the lesser evils that the abuse of energy drinks leads to, one can name a violation of the acid-base balance in the mouth and the destruction of tooth enamel. And in some cases it was possible to observe the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Therefore, they still continue to argue about the benefits or harms of modern energy drinks, without coming to a common denominator. At the same time, it should be noted unambiguously and irrevocably: you can use energy drinks only in small doses, not too often, and only for those people who do not have obvious contraindications.

Energy are popular among people who are forced to engage in vigorous activity for a long time. These people do not have time to complete tasks due to the lack of strength, which they are trying to find in the notorious drinks.

The problem lies in the misunderstanding of the harm from this, because how can a “fortified invigorating cocktail” created by skilled marketers harm? And yet medicine treats such liquids strictly negatively. To realize the truth, it is worth weighing the real pros and cons.

What it is

Energy are soft drinks aimed at stimulating the active work of the body. Their main goal is to make the mind and body function at maximum efficiency without feeling tired.

A miracle cure appeared in 1938. Then the first invigorating drink called Lukozade was created, which was used to stimulate athletes. The latter showed excellent results, but then ended up in the hospital with food poisoning. For a very long time, the product was discontinued.

However, in 1994, Redbull appeared, creating its own brand and seemingly high-quality products that have become one of the most sought-after energy drinks on the market. There were no poisonings, so other corporations gradually arose, wishing to get their "piece of the pie" in a new promising niche. Today, there are more than a hundred brands that produce invigorating cocktails. And these are only the most famous in the CIS.

Video: Energy drinks harm and benefit.


The action of any energy drinks directly depends on their composition, the main components of which are:

  • caffeine;
  • ginseng;
  • guarana;
  • taurine;
  • B vitamins;
  • sugar.

Additional components, flavors, flavor enhancers are usually different for each manufacturer's products. It is clear that they do not carry anything useful, and an excessive amount of the same sugar leads to diabetes and vascular problems.

To understand the action of the ingredients, you need to learn about each of them in more detail.


Caffeine has long been known for its psychoactive and tonic properties. It contains adenosine, which suppresses communication with the central nervous system, due to which a person is not aware of fatigue. Under the influence of caffeine, adrenaline is produced, which supports and even increases energy resources, as well as mental activity.

The disadvantages of coffee lie in the depletion of the central nervous system, restless sleep or insomnia, physical dependence, problems with the cardiovascular system. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to drink no more than two or three small cups of coffee or one can of energy drink per day.


Taurine is an amino acid produced as a result of the metabolism of cysteine ​​and methionine. It is found in food (especially meat and fish), so a person even unconsciously consumes the necessary dose of the substance per day.

In energy drinks, the concentration of taurine exceeds 3180 mg / l, taking into account a daily dose of 400 mg / l. This amino acid is harmless to the body, but as an energy drink component, it simply "takes place" without any benefit.

It is added because of "rapid stimulation of brain activity and usefulness for cell membranes," according to marketers. But in fact, scientific evidence for such loud words has not been found.


Ginseng extract increases physical endurance, improves mood and human memory, stimulates psychomotor activity, mental activity. In general, this is a very useful plant that is added to many teas and various liquids.

There is no need to talk about the cons. One can only take into account the fact that during laboratory studies, scientists were unable to confirm or refute both the positive and negative sides of ginseng use.

B vitamins

Energy drinks also contain vitamins of group B, the amount of which exceeds the daily dose by 360% -2000%. However, you should not grab your heart, because unnecessary vitamins are excreted in the “classical” way and do not have a negative effect on the body. But their presence in drinks is not justified in the same way as taurine.

They also play the role of "baits" on which the consumer is led. After all, all of us, having heard the word “vitamins”, consider the product useful, right? Marketers skillfully manipulate this. Alas, the desired effect is not expected.


Guarana is an analogue of caffeine, extracted from the seeds of the Amazonian creeper. The properties of this substance are similar to those of caffeine, only the effectiveness is several times higher. For an approximate calculation, 40 mg of caffeine is equated to 1 g of guarana.

Energy producers combine both components to prolong the effect and make it as strong as possible. Thanks to this symbiosis, the body can stay awake for up to 5 hours without feeling tired. But then she will descend in full dress, forcing you to fall asleep on the go.


It cannot be said that energy drinks are not useful at all, otherwise they would not have become so in demand. The main argument “for” is the opportunity to cheer up and “find access” to the active work of the brain, sources of inspiration.

Pleases the time for which such an effect is achieved. It comes almost instantly and lasts at least three hours. For example, coffee or tea are not so effective, because they begin to act after 15 minutes, adding vigor for no more than an hour.

Another plus is ease of use. Just open a can and drink, even while driving. Coffee is usually consumed hot, so such tricks will not work with it - unless a thermos helps. In any case, the energy drink invigorates much better than coffee, tea or special medications.

Harm and contraindications

The harm of energy drinks outweighs the benefits. They are like a small bomb, which, when exploding, causes damage to all body systems. This is a carbonated sweet, which contains a lot of harmful or meaningless ingredients.

At a minimum, such a cocktail leads to the formation of caries, an increase in blood sugar, and a decrease in immunity. It depletes the nervous system, the consequences of which are poor health, decreased performance, loss of strength, irritability, and depression.

  • with gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcer;
  • To old people;
  • pregnant women;
  • with increased excitability and sleep disorders;
  • children and adolescents;
  • suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, glaucoma, pressure problems;
  • with sensitivity to caffeine.

Side effects from excessive consumption of energy drinks include palpitations, tremors in the limbs, fatigue, and drowsiness. And an overdose leads to cardiac arrest and death or coma.

Scientists have found that the "killer" dose is 15-25 cans of liquid. The difference depends on the endurance of the body, the frequency of taking invigorating cocktails, even the weight of the person. Therefore, you should not lean on energy, even if you urgently need to cheer up.

How to use without harm to health

Despite all the warnings, energy drinks can be drunk without harm to health. To do this, it is enough to adhere to the daily dose of the substance - 2-3 cans. If you do not exceed it and allow the body to recover after taking the "potion", its effect will be neutralized.

You should not use it after playing sports, because the pressure will rise to dangerous levels. It is also undesirable to drink other drinks containing caffeine within 3-5 hours after taking the energy drink.

Do not mix energy drinks and alcohol. Although the effect of the cocktail removes any inhibitions, relaxes the mind, tones the body - this all happens only in the first few hours. Then there is a malfunction in the brain, the pressure rises, even a hypertensive crisis is possible.


Energy drinks still do more harm than good. The essence lies in their principle of action, because they do not bring energy, but take it out of the body's resources, take them, as it were, in advance. Therefore, in the future, when the miracle effect passes, the mind begins to slow down, and the body feels desperate fatigue, apathy, drowsiness.

Frequent use of invigorating drinks leads to various diseases, and an overdose - to death or coma. To reduce the harm from energy drinks, it is worth drinking no more than two or three cans per day. In this case, it is undesirable to drink coffee, tea or other liquids containing caffeine.

The answer to the main question "Is it possible to drink energy drinks?" - Yes, when you urgently need to recharge your batteries. But it is advisable to do this at least once a week, so that the body has time to “cleanse itself”. You can't drink energy drinks every day. And it is important to monitor your own well-being in order to stop at the right time.

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Man has always wanted to invent a perpetual motion machine, and now, it seems, the solution has already been found, if there is fatigue, no strength or no desire to do anything - you need to drink an energy drink, it will invigorate, give strength, increase working potential.

Manufacturers of "energy drinks" claim that their products bring only benefits - just one jar of a miracle drink, and a person is again fresh, cheerful and efficient. However, many doctors and scientists oppose such drinks, arguing that they are harmful to the body. Let's see how energy works on the body. What is more in them, good or bad?

Ingredients of energy drinks:

Currently, dozens of different names are being produced, but their principle of operation and composition are approximately the same.

First of all, energy drinks contain caffeine, which stimulates brain activity.

  • Another indispensable component - oxidizes fatty acids.
  • Matein - This substance is obtained from the South American "mate", it dulls the feeling of hunger and promotes weight loss.
  • Natural ginseng and guarana tonics tone up, activate the body's defenses, remove lactic acid from cells and help cleanse the liver.
  • Glucose and a complex of essential vitamins, including those that normalize the functioning of the nervous system and brain.
  • Energy drinks also contain melatonin, which is responsible for the human circadian rhythm, and taurine, a powerful antioxidant.

In addition, the composition of energy drinks includes carbohydrates: glucose, sucrose, fructose, as well as flavorings, dyes, flavoring and food additives. These additional inclusions are often harmful in themselves, and being in the composition of the drink, they can naturally harm the body.

When do they drink energy drinks and how do energy drinks affect the body:

Energy drinks are used when necessary to cheer up, focus, stimulate the brain.

  • The invigorating effect after taking the traditional one lasts a couple of hours, and after the energy drink 4-5, but then there is a sharp deterioration in well-being (insomnia, headache, depression).
  • All energy drinks are carbonated, which allows them to act almost instantly, but on the other hand, soda causes tooth decay, increases sugar levels and reduces the body's defenses.

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  • Energy drinks increase blood sugar levels and blood pressure.
  • The drink itself does not saturate the body with energy, but acts at the expense of the internal reserves of the body, that is, after drinking an energy drink, you seem to have taken strength “on credit” from yourself.
  • After the effect of the energy drink is over, insomnia, irritability, fatigue and depression will set in.
  • A large amount of caffeine depletes the nervous system and is addictive.
  • Excessive intake of vitamin B from an energy drink increases the heart rate and causes tremors in the limbs.
  • Almost every energy drink is high in calories.
  • An overdose of energy drinks can cause side effects: psychomotor agitation, nervousness, depression, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Mixing energy drinks with caffeinated drinks.

Global sales of energy drinks are growing faster than sales of any other beverage. In 2013, their sales, in the US alone, exceeded $20 billion. This is not surprising, given the busy lives we lead and the huge range of energy drinks available to us in stores. It's safe to say that we all need to recharge ourselves from time to time to get through a long work week or to feel energized in the morning after a hectic evening. And many of us in such cases use energy drinks.

What risks are people exposing themselves to by consuming these drinks filled with sugar, caffeine, taurine and other ingredients? Many energy drinks are high in caffeine (sometimes up to three times as much as a regular cup of coffee). Other stimulants are also added here, which enhances the effect of arousal. For example, it is believed that taurine can lead to dangerous effects if not consumed in moderation.

The problem is that often all energy drinks have only a short-term tonic effect, and then you start to feel even more tired than you were at the very beginning. Yes, that's exactly what happens. A couple of hours after drinking, you will most likely fall asleep on the go and therefore begin to need another bottle of energy. In addition, a Canadian study conducted in March 2014 at the University of Waterloo found that teenage students who drink energy drinks often enough feel depressed, drink more alcohol and smoke more often.

Check out the list of ten energy drinks that have the worst effect on your body. We've included all the details of recent scandals, lawsuits, and ingredients that will make you think twice before you crave a caffeinated soft drink for a boost of energy again.

10. Nos - high caffeine content

Nos is an energy drink from Coca Cola. It is named after nitrous oxide, which is used to improve the performance of NASCAR racing cars. However, it is sometimes inhaled through special devices because it causes people to become euphoric (as well as more dangerous side effects such as sedation or analgesia). In early 2012, actress Demi Moore was rushed to the hospital after inhaling NOS. As with other energy drinks, nutritionists are most concerned about Nos' high sugar and caffeine content. Once a teenager from Missouri decided to drink two cans of energy at once, after which his parents found him unconscious. He was put in order already in the hospital, where the doctors considered that it was the high dose of caffeine that caused this reaction. Nos is recommended to drink in moderation or not drink at all, for those who are sensitive to caffeine.

9. Hype - very high sugar content

This line of energy drinks was launched in the 1990s by the founder of Hard Rock Café. Hype was introduced to the market not only as an energy drink, but also as a lifestyle. The worst thing in it should have been the high sugar content (almost 11 grams per 100 ml of drink). Although it also contains caffeine, taurine, juice, and other not-so-good ingredients that are supposed to improve its "good" qualities, such as vitamin content and good taste. The back of the jar clearly states that people should drink Hype in moderation. Despite the health risks, it is very popular and is sold in over 40 countries around the world. Little fact: The company that made it signed a $100 million sponsorship deal with Russian NHL player Alexander Ovechkin.

8. Red Bull - skyrocketing sales

Red Bull's sales have surpassed four billion cans in around 160 countries, firmly establishing Red Bull's position as the leader in the energy drink market. Initially, he appeared with the advertising slogan "Red Bull inspires", back in 1980 in Thailand, and then in Europe. It is usually mixed with vodka or other alcoholic drinks. It is also known for its high sugar content, as well as the "high" it causes. Despite their popularity, Red Bull manufacturers have not been able to avoid scandals. A resident of Brooklyn, a man Corey Terry constantly used Red Bull, and then became very ill and died in 2011. After that, a petition for $ 85 million for violent death was filed with the court. The lawsuit alleged that Red Bull killed the man because it contained dangerous additives and stimulants. This was the first time that an energy drink had been the subject of a lawsuit, but Red Bull insisted that its products were "safe to consume" and the European Food Safety Authority fully agreed with her statement. On the other hand, the drink is not to blame for the fact that Corey knowingly took and bought the drink and consumed it in such doses.

7. Rockstar - oversaturated with sugar

Rockstar sponsors extreme snowboarders, surfers and bike motocross athletes. He also went on sale as a product that helps people who lead an active lifestyle. However, ask just about any nutritionist, and it's unlikely that anyone will name it among those drinks that are recommended for athletes (or those who want to party like a real "rock star"). In fact, according to Men's Health magazine, a Rockstar energy drink has the same amount of sugar in one can as six glazed donuts. It's loaded with even more sugar than Red Bull or Monster, as well as caffeine, guarana seed extract, and other stimulants. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, the drink distributed by PepsiCo was included in 13 "side effect reports" issued between 2006 and 2012. They did not mention any deaths, but its unwanted effects were nausea, increased heart rate and abdominal pain.

6. Arizona Rx Energy - Inefficient

The properties of energy drinks are often exaggerated, and Arizona Rx Energy is a perfect example of this. While it may appear to be a specially formulated energy boost thanks to the label on the jar for "herbal tonic", it actually just contains as much sugar and caffeine as a cup of weak coffee. With nearly 350 calories in one can, this energy drink has about the same amount of sugar as six packs of sweet biscuits. Reports indicate that it tastes good but is very weak in terms of energy boost. On top of that, Arizona Rx Energy isn't as widely available as most other energy drinks.

5. Monster - v. Maryland

Monster is another energy drink loaded with sugar and caffeine. In recent years, it has been subject to many scrutiny. In 2012, a lawsuit was filed against Monster alleging that a 14-year-old American girl died in 2011 after drinking two large cans of Monster within 24 hours. The investigation determined that she died of a cardiac arrhythmia caused by the toxic effects of caffeine. A lawyer for Monster said the company found no evidence that consumption of the drink actually contributed to the girl's death, and that their products are "safe to consume." Since then, there has been a lot of controversy in the US state of Maryland about this. The girl's family, in the midst of an ongoing lawsuit with the company, was represented by lawyer Kevin Goldberg. He also worked on a bill that would make Maryland the first US state to ban the sale of Monster energy drinks to children.

4. 5-Hour Energy - and dead people

This drink, which is more like a strong energy drink than a weak energy drink, has found itself at the center of a lot of scandals. The US Food and Drug Administration has received numerous reports of health problems associated with the consumption of these energy drinks, including heart attacks, seizures, and even miscarriage. Since these drinks are technically considered a dietary supplement, they are not always subject to the same strict rules as regular drinks or foods. The energy tonic company does not list the exact amount of caffeine inside each can, but it is estimated that it is more than twice the amount in a regular cup of coffee.

3. Frappuccino - filled with empty calories

Coffee is not always seen as an energy drink, but it is one of the world's most popular energy drinks. Starbucks Frappuccinos are considered to be one of the worst drinks you can buy because they contain so many empty calories. Yes, it's delicious, but its composition has turned it into a greasy, creamy, high-calorie snack that has little to no effect on your performance. Frappuccinos have added ingredients such as chocolate, caramel, sugar and cream. Last summer, the Daily Mail reported that Starbucks Frappuccino drinks could contain as much sugar as about 30 diet cookies.

2. Amp - contains as much caffeine as there is in three cups of coffee

Produced by the creators of Pepsi, this drink is sold in significant quantities around the world and is becoming increasingly popular among teenagers. It is based on the non-alcoholic Mountain Dew flavor and was launched under the name Mountain Dew Amp. If you drink large amounts of Amp, it can cause serious side effects due to its high caffeine content. As its advertising slogan says, it is designed to "give you as much energy as you need to get you excited!". With its high sugar content and about 275 calories per can, it can cause heart attacks, high blood pressure, insomnia, tooth decay, obesity, and more. The size of a single jar is also of concern to nutritionists, since when it was first launched in 2001 it was sold in 0.33 jars, now you can only buy it in a 0.66 ml jar.

1. Cocaine is 350% stronger than Red Bull

Named a drink after being considered an illegal drug, it's a surefire way to grab attention and prove just how good of a hard drink you are. This is exactly what Reduz Beverages produces. Their energy drink, Cocaine, has more than three times the caffeine of Red Bull and is loaded with tons of taurine. Cocaine is so strong that the US Food and Drug Administration banned its sale shortly after its release. However, within a short time, the energy drink was re-released on the market as a drink that can cause "extreme excitement, increase vitality, fun and possibly a sense of euphoria", but was again banned. But despite this, in the USA it can be found somewhere, but on the Internet it’s generally easy

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Are you looking for this? Perhaps this is what you could not find for so long?

Energy drinks have been controversial since their inception.: some consider them incredibly useful, empowering, energizing and supporting the body in an extreme situation; others, on the contrary, grumble at them, citing many arguments about their uselessness and even about their insecurity.

What are energy drinks

Energy drinks (or as they are also called energy tonics) are low-alcohol or non-alcoholic compositions, where the emphasis is mainly on anti-sedative effects and the possibility of temporary, but very active stimulation of the nervous system.

The main contingent of their consumers are students (especially at the time of the session), office workers seeking to complete urgent work in a short period of time, trainers in fitness clubs, frequenters of nightclubs, tired drivers and all those who want to get a surge of energy and vigor.

Energy drinks are usually included in the category of highly carbonated drinks., since this property has an impact on the speedy absorption of the substances contained in it and the immediate onset of the effect.

Composition of energy drinks

The composition of energy drinks includes a number of tonic components.. Their assortment largely depends on the manufacturer and type of drink (low alcohol / non-alcoholic), but more often than others, energy drinks are saturated with caffeine and other stimulants - usually cocoa alkaloids (theophylline) and theobromine, which are caffeine homologues.

In some cases, instead of caffeine itself, the components of energy drinks are extracts of mate, tea or guarana, which also contain it. The use of other names for caffeine is also noted - for example, theine or mateine, which are actually the same invigorating substance. In general, the concentration of caffeine in energy drinks reaches 240-360 mg per liter, with a permissible maximum per day of 150 mg.

In addition, manufacturers often saturate tonics with vitamins: they are “stuffed” so much that one can is enough to fill the daily requirement. However, do not think that all types of energy drinks contain the same amount of vitamins - some have a whole norm added, others - only half of it. Therefore, doctors advise limiting the use of energy drinks to 1 can per day.

Also, they often contain easily digestible energy sources - that is, carbohydrates (sucrose and glucose), adaptogens, and so on. Recently, energy drinks have also begun to saturate with taurine.

The figures indicated on the packaging are usually given for 100 grams of the product. For a better ratio, you should pay attention to the volume of one can, which, as a rule, ranges from 0.2 to 0.33 liters, often 0.5 liters, and already quite as an exception - 1 liter.

The benefits of energy drinks

Energy drinks are great for boosting your mood and stimulating your brain. At the same time, there are so many energy drinks today that everyone will find exactly what they need, based on their personal needs. The fact is that all energy drinks are conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  • in some, the emphasis is on carbohydrates and vitamins (these are suitable for those in need of urgent stimulation of mental abilities and the inclusion of the hidden reserves of the body),
  • in others - for caffeine (they are chosen by those who need to maintain vigor after hours to delay sleep, and those who experience increased physical exertion).

In addition, the glucose contained in energy drinks quickly enters the bloodstream, taking part in oxidative processes, providing muscles, the brain and other organs with energy.

Another of the positive aspects of energy drinks is that they keep the body invigorated much longer than coffee: this ratio is in favor of energy drinks - 1-2 hours versus 3-4 hours. Among other things, they are also saturated with gases, which several times accelerates the onset of their effects.

An important difference between energy drinks and the same coffee is that the latter cannot be carried everywhere with you, consumed at the right time, while energy tonics, thanks to a sealed and convenient container, can.

The dangers of energy drinks

The most dangerous is the addiction that the systematic use of energy drinks causes. Without them, the body after a certain period begins to feel an energy decline, exhaustion, lethargy, which makes a person again and again remove the unfavorable state that has fallen on him with some kind of energy tonic.

Energy drinks also provoke problems in the work of blood vessels and the heart., reduce potency, cause insomnia, rapid depletion of the body's natural resources, fatigue. Due to the increased doses of all kinds of substances and their concentration in incredibly large quantities, energy drinks cause:

  • anxiety,
  • excessive arousal,
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat),
  • spike in blood pressure
  • vomiting and nausea,
  • tremor of the limbs (involuntary trembling),
  • arrhythmia
  • increased release of sugar into the blood,
  • long term depression
  • depletion of the NA,
  • unmotivated anxiety.

This is especially true for energy drinks with bioactive additives.

Who Shouldn't Drink Energy Drinks

It should be noted that there are a number of strict restrictions and contraindications in the use of energy drinks due to the increased saturation with a variety of drugs and substances. Energy drinks should not be drunk:

  • people with an excitable nervous system,
  • sensitive to caffeine
  • suffering from extreme restlessness,
  • prone to sleep disorders
  • glaucoma patients,
  • rapidly losing control
  • having abnormalities in the work of the heart and blood vessels,
  • patients with hypertension
  • old people
  • teenagers
  • children
  • pregnant women
  • nursing mothers.

They should also be used with caution by those who are actively involved in fitness: the caffeine contained in them has a strong diuretic effect, and multiplied several times it can negatively affect the health of the trainees, because during the session they already have a strong sweating (loss of fluid). Therefore, everything can end with dehydration of the body.

However, this is not the only danger for athletes: they are forbidden to drink energy drinks after exercise also because they increase blood pressure, which already becomes high during exercise. Hence the risk of a hypertensive crisis, at best.

Energy drinks are also contraindicated for those who abuse alcohol or mix them.. In this situation, a sharp jump in pressure is also provided and can play a cruel joke with a person, provoking anything - even cardiac arrest. The fact is that on the one hand, caffeine increases pressure, and on the other hand, alcohol greatly enhances its effect.

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