
What does quitting coffee lead to? Your sleep will be of high quality

Coffee for many people is a great way to wake up in the morning and feel more awake, but for some people, coffee becomes not only a means of awakening and getting energy, but also a faithful companion and friend throughout the day, and in the future this “friend” becomes cause many of their health problems. Such people can be called coffee lovers, for them give up coffee This is a daunting task and a difficult decision. Caffeine is a drug, and like quitting any other drug, you need a clear step-by-step plan of action. You also need to be prepared for "breaking" and a serious drop in energy levels at first. And in today's article, I will try to give you this step-by-step method of dealing with caffeine addiction. If you decide to heed these tips, you can give up coffee with minimal psychological disruption.

Stage number 1 - preparation

Tune in psychologically

Be honest: do you like the taste of coffee or the energy boost that comes after drinking it? Many people drink coffee for one of these two reasons, without thinking about how seriously the drink can damage the body. If you constantly (manically) always want coffee, then it's time to think about how give up coffee and help your body recover. Amount up to 450 mg per day is considered safe enough, which is equivalent to 3 medium cups per day.

Think of the positives

If you drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day, then you are obviously addicted. Not at all necessary give up coffee absolutely, but it is necessary to significantly reduce its consumption during the day.

The effect of excess caffeine on the body is expressed in the following:

  • Increased risk of hypertension
  • Due to severe overload, the liver cannot effectively neutralize toxins;
  • Increases the risk of developing caries;
  • Weak bones;
  • Psychological/physiological dependence develops;
  • Increased anxiety;
  • Often alternate periods of hyperactivity, inability to concentrate with periods of complete weakness;
  • Sleep disturbances are observed;
  • Slows down weight loss
  • The body is dehydrated;
  • The level of sexual desire decreases, potency weakens in men;
  • Nervous excitability increases.

Find replacement drinks

If coffee seems vital to you, then think about what you can replace it with. The well-known saying “There are no irreplaceable people” is also true for coffee. My personal advice to you: drink more water - this is the healthiest and best replacement; You can also drink carbonated mineral water, but not sugary soda, as it also contains caffeine. Another healthy drink to consider as an alternative to coffee is. It also contains caffeine, but in terms of its beneficial properties, it outperforms coffee in many ways!

Step #2 – Give up coffee gradually

Start consistently and slowly giving up coffee. It’s better to start small than to drastically cut caffeine out of your diet. Drink one less cup of coffee daily than usual for a week. If at first give up coffee in the morning if you find it overwhelming, then skip the afternoon or evening portion, and before the morning cup of coffee, ALWAYS drink a glass of water!

To gradually give up coffee try replacing one or two doses of this drink with natural cocoa or chicory, then drink 2 cups less coffee for the second week. Keep cutting back until you reach a safe amount or eliminate coffee from your diet altogether.

Make coffee less accessible to you

Allocate your "coffee" budget for the week. Thus, if you exceeded the expenses in the first couple of days, then by the end of the week there will be no money left for an additional cup / can. If you gradually reduce the amount of money for coffee, then in the end you will automatically limit yourself in its use.

Make time for rest and recuperation

Choose one day (let it be Saturday or Sunday) when you are not solving problems, not working, and not "on the run". When you do not need to solve urgent and urgent matters. Let this day be empty in the organizer for at least three consecutive weeks after giving up coffee. Give your body a rest on this day, eat fresh fruits, vegetables, drink multivitamins, including B vitamins. They act on the body in the same way as caffeine.

drink water

Drinking enough water all the time will help your body's cells cleanse and hydrate. Caffeine is a diuretic and causes the body to lose a lot of fluid. For people who drink coffee in moderation, the diuretic effect is mild, unlike those who are addicted to caffeinated drinks and energy drinks. Dehydration can lead to poor health. Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily.

Step #3 – Get rid of the caffeine “lust”

Try to get enough rest

For many of us, caffeine is a way to combat sleepiness during the day and a way to boost low energy levels. Make sure you get enough sleep every night while fighting your caffeine addiction, as healthy sleep regenerates the body and resets the nervous system.

Limit your alcohol intake

Drinking restrictions along with drinking enough water are very important in the fight against caffeine addiction. Alcohol causes dehydration and is also a strong depressant, so it may well provoke a strong desire to drink coffee the day after the party to please yourself.

Get ready for a caffeine craving

Depending on the amount of caffeine that your body has received daily, the body may experience a shock of varying intensity when reducing the usual serving of coffee. If you decide give up coffee At first, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Drowsiness and fatigue;
  • depression;
  • Headache;
  • Irritability;
  • Inability to focus on work;
  • muscle weakness;
  • flu symptoms;
  • insomnia;
  • constipation;
  • Anxiety and nervousness.

Distract yourself with pleasant things

make up your mind give up coffee in the morning or at other times it will be easier if you occupy your brain with something else. Think ahead about when your caffeine craving peaks during the day (like driving past your favorite coffee shop, going to a work meeting, etc.) and come up with distractions during that time. These maneuvers should be based on what you like and enjoy: listening to your favorite music, calling a friend, looking at pictures of cats, etc. You should always have a phone, a player, a tablet, a book, a newspaper at hand so that you can quickly get distracted.

Step #4 – Boost Your Energy Without Caffeine

Listen to energetic songs

If you can listen to music at work, why not grab some headphones and turn the music up a few tones? This will make your heart beat faster and make you want to dance. Agree, a great way to beat the afternoon breakdown.

Turn on the light

The body reacts to lighting. If the place where you relax or work is too dark, it can negatively affect the physical and mental processes. Try to keep your blinds/curtains open in the morning so you feel good when you wake up. If your workspace is too dark, add lighting so your body doesn't feel sleepy and tired from lack of light (and doesn't end up craving caffeine).

Stop slouching

A hunched posture at a desk in front of a computer is not recommended for many reasons, since in addition to reducing energy levels, it causes curvature of the spine and poor posture. Sit in an upright, ergonomic posture that sets your body up for high energy concentration and active work. Try to get up and move during the work day. If possible, do a series of exercises while sitting - this will increase energy levels and speed up metabolism.

And a couple of final tips:

- Some people get rid of caffeine addiction quickly enough and easily refuse coffee despite withdrawal symptoms. Weakness and headaches show how caffeine actually affects the body, so getting rid of caffeine addiction is the first step towards a happier and healthier life.

If you've started, don't give up. Go to the goal gradually instead of abruptly give up coffee and feel all the delights of the withdrawal syndrome.

- If you want to keep caffeine in your daily diet, then stop at one cup of coffee a day. This amount is safe for the body. Moreover, with a small cup of coffee, you can reduce your appetite and avoid overeating.

It is very important to do everything in moderation. The same rule applies to coffee and caffeinated drinks. If energy drinks and other caffeinated drinks have firmly entered your diet, then you will have to work on yourself and do everything to limit consumption or completely give up coffee. It is quite possible to do this, but subject to full awareness of the harm from consuming excessive amounts of caffeine.

If you are limited to a small daily portion of coffee, then you do not need to give up coffee fully. In I will tell you how to drink coffee without harm to health, which coffee is considered the best and why, and I will also tell you whether you should drink coffee before and after a workout. Don't miss it, it will be interesting =)

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skripnik!

Drinking too much coffee is undoubtedly harmful, but even a couple of cups a day can lead to unwanted side effects. Quitting coffee altogether can be beneficial for several reasons.

Caffeine affects your teeth, your cardiovascular system, and even your weight and fertility. Find out why you should eliminate coffee from your diet. Many side effects can be eliminated by switching to decaffeinated varieties, but it is worth being aware of all the dangers that lurk in every cup of this drink.


Coffee is a natural diuretic, so it increases the risk of dehydration. A University of Alabama study shows that women who drink three cups of coffee daily have a 70% higher risk of bladder problems, including incontinence.


Drinking coffee daily reduces sensitivity to insulin (a hormone that lowers blood glucose levels), so it is worth giving up because of the risk of weight gain. Even if you drink black coffee without getting the extra calories from sugar and flavors, caffeine affects insulin sensitivity. It can also lead to the development of cardiovascular disease, because high blood sugar levels lead to vascular problems.


Many drinks, including tea and red wine, discolor enamel, but when it comes to a Hollywood smile, coffee is the most dangerous. The tannins that make up this drink stain the teeth especially strongly. If you bleach the enamel, it can end up damaging it, leading to even more problems. Therefore, giving up your morning coffee will benefit your smile, even if you always take your oral hygiene very seriously.


Avoid coffee also because it disturbs your sleep, especially if you drink it in the afternoon. When you don't get enough rest, your stress hormone levels rise, leading to a host of problems, from reduced immunity to visible skin changes. Cut out caffeine to get better sleep.


Coffee leads to constipation in irritable bowel syndrome, but even with a completely healthy digestion, this drink can cause problems. Coffee stimulates the intestinal muscles, causing it to move more, especially in the first hour after ingestion. Therefore, your digestion will work much better without coffee.


Even if you drink coffee through a straw to avoid staining your teeth, your breath will still suffer. Coffee reduces the secretion of saliva in the mouth, which promotes the development of bacteria. It is especially dangerous to drink coffee with milk and sugar, but even a black drink will negatively affect the freshness of breath. Therefore, give up coffee so as not to suffer from bad breath.


If it seems to you that you cannot work without coffee, then you have already experienced the anxiety and stress provoked by the absence of this drink. However, such symptoms are temporary, but daily caffeine consumption increases the level of stress hormones.


Coffee has an acidic environment, so nothing good for the stomach can be expected. It can cause reflux as well as heartburn. So if you are prone to such problems, give up coffee.


Numerous studies show that caffeine can cause sexual problems. Dutch researchers from Redboat University found that women who drink two cups of coffee a day are 27% less likely to get pregnant. Other studies show an increased risk of miscarriage.


Medications that include caffeine can help treat migraines and vasoconstriction, so it's worth cutting out your daily coffee intake to make the caffeine more effective when you really need it.

First of all, it's worth noting that no one is suggesting that you should give up coffee - your habit is not that dangerous to your health. However, if you feel like you're drinking too much and would like to cut down on your intake, you should be aware of the changes that can come with quitting the refreshing drink.

You can lose weight

Your regular visits to Starbucks can really hurt your waistline. If you decide to give up coffee, you will not only save money, but you will also supply fewer calories to the body. Researchers have found that daily consumption of caffeine in the form of coffee, tea, or soda increases daily sugar intake by nearly ten percent, thereby increasing the likelihood of cardiovascular disease and obesity. Even if you don't use sugar or syrup in large quantities, a small serving of cream can seriously add calories to a serving. By giving up your favorite caffeinated sugary drink, you can easily shed hundreds of calories effortlessly. However, if you usually drink black coffee without sugar and any additives, giving it up is unlikely to allow you to notice any changes on the scale.

You may gain weight

Have you experienced unusual food cravings when you couldn't get your usual cup of coffee in the morning? The thing is that coffee can temporarily suppress appetite. When you cut it out, you may find yourself craving something fatty or sweet more often than usual when you're drinking your refreshing drink. This situation can escalate when you become severely caffeine deficient and your body starts craving sugar on an emergency basis to raise your blood glucose levels. You can overeat, which in the future will lead to weight gain. Try to watch your diet especially carefully during the caffeine-free period, when you are just starting to adapt to a new lifestyle.

You can improve the quality of your sleep

Even if you feel more tired as your body adapts to the lack of stimulants that were previously abundant, you will eventually find that you get much better sleep at night. If you previously drank coffee in the afternoon or evening, the changes will be especially obvious. Medical studies have shown that consuming caffeine even six hours before bedtime can disrupt a person's circadian rhythms. Refuse the invigorating drink and, oddly enough, you can feel more energetic and cheerful. This is especially important for those who have been struggling with insomnia for a long time without success.

You may get headaches more often

Every coffee lover is familiar with the most unpleasant headache that manifests itself when you do not get the usual dose of an invigorating drink in the morning. If you stop drinking coffee, you deprive your body of adrenaline and dopamine - hormones that act as natural stimulants and keep you alert. Instead, your brain undergoes an influx of adenosine, the hormone responsible for rest and feeling tired. It changes the chemical balance of the brain, which leads to headaches. To minimize discomfort, don't quit coffee too abruptly. Try to gradually reduce your intake over two to three days. By reducing the amount of coffee in your cup, replacing it with tea, or substituting some for decaffeinated coffee, you can reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms and make it easier for you to cope with addiction. Over time, you will completely stop using caffeine and will not feel any discomfort because of this.

You will feel bad for a while

Headache is not the only painful symptom of caffeine withdrawal. People who give up the usual drink, note the manifestation of side effects such as depression, anxiety, dizziness, flu symptoms, insomnia, irritability, mood swings and loss of energy. But the good news is that these symptoms won't be with you forever. Experts report that most of these unpleasant symptoms will disappear in the first two days, and the rest will disappear within two weeks. Try to wait out this difficult period, then to notice a significant improvement in well-being.

Your smile can become healthier

Coffee is a highly acidic drink, which means it can erode your tooth enamel and stain your teeth. Refuse the invigorating drink and you can protect your teeth from serious damage. Your smile will become snow-white and fill you with self-confidence. You definitely won't regret giving up coffee.

You may lose some antioxidants

Coffee is the leading source of antioxidants in the diet of the average modern person, as scientific studies show. There have been many experiments that show that drinking three cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of everything from breast cancer to Parkinson's disease, in addition, the invigorating drink even improves bone health. Unfortunately, if you give up coffee, you may lose all of these benefits. However, it is easy to make up for the lack - drink tea rich in antioxidants, eat more fruits and vegetables.

You may have difficulty concentrating

Fatigue and irritability are the main side effects of not drinking coffee, which can lead to trouble concentrating. If you give up your favorite drink, you will immediately notice how your productivity at work drops. The whole point is that you do not have enough stimulants. In addition, the level of adenosine rises, which causes a feeling of fatigue. To combat your concentration problem, try chewing mint gum to help you stay focused and get through work tasks faster. As part of the experiment, the subjects chewed gum, which helped them react faster and solve problems more correctly, especially during a long session. In addition, after a week has passed since you quit caffeine, you will notice that your productivity has increased: you no longer have to cope with the inevitable drop in energy in the afternoon associated with a morning cup of coffee.

You may get constipated

Caffeine helps digested food move through your intestines. If you have suddenly given up your usual drink, you may notice that your digestion has slowed down somewhat. But do not be afraid, there are many other ways to boost digestion. For example, you can try to eat more fiber, which is found in whole grains, vegetables, and legumes. Drink plenty of water, try to exercise regularly. In this case, your digestive system will work flawlessly.

You may feel calmer

If you notice that too much caffeine is making you sway in your chair or kick your leg, then you might want to skip double shots of espresso. Since caffeine is a stimulant, it naturally increases the levels of adrenaline and stress hormones in your body. Give up coffee if you want to reduce the level of stress and stop feeling constant anxiety.

Pros and cons of coffee and tea addiction. Calculate and decide: drink or quit?

There are pros and cons, and even scientists cannot unequivocally say whether it is useful or harmful. It improves memory and performance, gives unusual taste sensations. At the same time, people who refused it say that their lives have changed for the better. What will happen to your well-being if you still give up coffee and tea?

A coffee addict, in general, is akin to a drug addict ... If you have ever tried to abruptly give up caffeine and not drink tea or coffee for several days, you know the nasty feeling. This is a natural break. Your head hurts, you suffer from weakness and mood swings. If you decide to try to live without coffee and the usual strong tea, do it gradually. The severity of the withdrawal syndrome is individual. Usually, all the side effects of quitting coffee disappear after a week, a maximum of ten days. You can reduce the quantity and quality of unpleasant symptoms if you do not make sudden movements, but reduce the dose gradually. Every time you crave a caffeinated drink, prepare half the amount you normally would.

You will lose weight...

The average coffee or tea lover will get a huge amount of calories from it every day with their favorite drinks. Few people drink black coffee in its pure form - they put sugar in it, pour milk, cream and syrups. With tea, they eat cookies, buns and sweets. Cola and lemonade are high in carbs. Multiply 200 extra kilocalories with one cup of coffee or tea by the number of daily approaches to the coffee machine. Impressive?

Black coffee helps burn calories

But only if you drink it without milk and sugar. Caffeine is a quick (albeit short-lived) and effective appetite suppressant. If you give up coffee and tea, you will feel hungry more often. In addition, according to research conducted at the Mayo Clinic, caffeine can accelerate the metabolic rate. The effect is relatively small, but studies of black coffee drinkers (without milk and) show that black coffee helps burn more calories than it contains. So the likelihood of putting on extra pounds increases slightly when you stop getting caffeine.

Sleep without coffee and tea will become stronger

If you drank a cup of coffee or strong tea even six hours before bedtime - be sure - this will affect your night's sleep. Result: You wake up tired and need more caffeine. The vicious cycle resumes.

Those who do not drink coffee, tea, or other caffeinated drinks sleep better and longer than the person who cannot live a day without a cup of espresso. The first couple of weeks after quitting caffeine, you will be more tired and tired faster, but over time, your energy levels will increase, you will wake up easier, fall asleep easier, and sleep more peacefully through the night without sudden awakenings.

Without coffee and tea, you will become calmer

Caffeine is a nervous system stimulant that works like a gas pedal. Caffeine releases adrenaline, putting the body into fight-or-flight mode. In addition, caffeine is a vasopressor, which means it constricts blood vessels, increasing blood pressure. Refuse it - and you will become more balanced and calmer, you will be less anxious and nervous.

Sports without coffee can wait?…

An adrenaline-fueled fight-or-flight regimen is needed before a marathon, a physically demanding day, or before an intense workout at the gym. The American Sports Medicine Corporation claims that caffeine improves the intensity and effectiveness of cardio and strength training. Cutting out caffeine will decrease your physical performance and make it harder for you to actively sweat in the gym.

Your belly will thank you without coffee.

Coffee stimulates intestinal motility and increases the risk of diarrhea. If you are prone to constipation, coffee will help you avoid them. For those who are in good shape with digestion, coffee is not needed as a catalyst. Excluding coffee you will stop running to the toilet three times a day.

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For many years now, I have not imagined starting the day without coffee. And sometimes, when the morning is especially “good”, this is the only thing that can please. But the question never ceased to torment me: what will happen if we refuse it? After all, there are a lot of articles on the Internet about the dangers of caffeine and the same number of articles about its benefits.

The best way to find out is to experience it for yourself. Telling readers website about how I decided to give up coffee for a month and what it led to.

  • First week: The first day was the hardest. I obviously didn’t get enough coffee: I really wanted to sleep and just sat at the computer, unable to concentrate. Green tea helped a little. The next day I took sea buckthorn with me to work and drank berry tea - it has such a rich taste. I also tried chicory, it also turned out to be completely fine, and even without milk. Various goodies helped me cope with myself - for example, on the fifth day I made an amazing fruit salad with nuts.
  • Second week: At the beginning of the week, a huge desire to drink coffee rolled in - it was probably a turning point. Nearly broke. Chicory was no longer happy. But I took the will into a fist and withstood, for which I am very proud of myself.
  • Third week: The great news is that falling asleep has become much easier, it has become a common thing. I go to bed at about 11:00 pm, and if before I could lie awake from 20 minutes to an hour (as luck would have it), now I fall asleep almost instantly. This has not happened to me, probably since my student years, and I like it terribly.
  • Fourth week: Getting up in the morning for work is also much easier. On a good note, I have to get up at 6:00 in order to have time for everything: take a shower, style my hair, have breakfast. But usually I rearranged the alarm clock to take a nap for another 10 minutes, then again, and again. And now she began to get up more willingly and more cheerfully, and even after the first signal (well, almost).

What the experiment gave me:

  • Sleep improved. I began to sleep more soundly and even get enough sleep in 6 hours. I admit, just for the sake of this, you can reduce the amount of coffee you drink.
  • More energy. It turned out that a rested body does not need coffee at all to cheer up in the morning. I also noticed that I became less irritated, there are no previous mood swings.
  • I started to look better. A good sleep brought a fresh look and no bruising under the eyes.
  • The addiction is gone. In the next two days after the experiment, I had a break - I drank coffee in two different places. And do you know how it was? Not at all! Mediocre coffee, I must say, but I used to like it.

And most importantly: it turns out that I do not like coffee at all. I love the ritual of coffee drinking with chocolate or cake. In the morning - this is one of the reasons to get out of bed, and at work - the opportunity to relax and relieve stress.

It’s just that in our daily routine, we need small pleasures so much. My task is to come up with as many of them as possible in the near future. Perhaps it will be flowers on the table, tea with ginger and honey, your favorite song in headphones - the list will be updated.

P.S.: By the way, I do not want to give up coffee completely, I will drink 1-2 times a week and it is exceptionally good. Let it turn from a habit into a holiday.
