
Little tricks: how to cut a pineapple. How to quickly and beautifully cut a fresh pineapple

Pineapple in the fruit line is one of the most delicious. Among its advantages is the same: an unusual exotic look. But one of its main disadvantages is a thick peel. Because of it, the fruit is difficult to peel. But there are several options for cutting pineapple: without much effort, with maximum pleasure! Let's talk about them.

Pineapple in uniform

To begin with, the housewives need to prepare the necessary accessories for cutting pineapple: this is a sharp knife, a cutting board, a flat plate. Now - go ahead!

If the fruit is intended for the festive table, the ideal option is to serve it in a “uniform”. It's beautiful, and ... economical. The thick rind of the pineapple serves to protect the pulp from spoilage.

This process is similar to cutting a melon. You need to cut the pineapple in half, keeping the leaves for beauty. Then, with a knife, make proportional slices inside each part. In this case, do not touch the peel.

The next step is to separate the pulp from the peel, working with a knife. Now we rid the fruit of the unnecessary core. We take out the pulp, divide into pieces. We give them shapes to our liking: triangular, square. It is desirable that they be the same size. Pineapple boats with delicious juicy pulp are ready. You can divide the fruit not into two, but into four parts. And the pineapple dish will be complemented with other fruits. For example, if you mix orange or pomelo with pineapple pulp. Here, be guided by your queen - fantasy! For this option of serving pineapple, you need skewers.


A convenient and practical way is to cut the pineapple into rings. To make it a reality, you need to separate the fruit from the "palm" crown. Then get rid of the base. Before starting work, rinse the pineapple well. Then, without getting rid of the peel, carefully divide the fruit into rings. The approximate width of each is about 2 cm. The resulting rings can be folded in the shape of a pineapple. And on top, like a real fruit, attach the leaves. Or you can simply cut the rings into two parts: vertically and horizontally.

Some housewives peel the resulting rings. From experience: eating small pieces of pineapple with a peel is much more convenient. Yes, and they look more interesting on a platter!


The most popular method to handle a pineapple nicely is to cut it from the top down into slices. Accuracy is important here, otherwise you can cut yourself with a knife. By the way, when working with this fruit, it should be well ground.

So, you should cut off the top of the pineapple and the base. So that the fruit can stand on the plate. Holding the fruit with one hand, you need to start peeling it. This process must be carried out with confident movements. Don't forget to peel as thinly as possible. After all, it is under the peel - the sweetest part of the pineapple.

We cut off the excess

The next step is to get rid of the eyes. They have their own arrangement order: from top to bottom in a spiral. Therefore, they can be removed several at a time. This is easy to do: the knife follows the line
the location of the peephole cut the fruit on both sides. It will look like a long triangle of pineapple pulp, which is notched on both the left and right. This strip just needs to be removed. And do this until the pineapple is completely clean.

You can also, using a sharp knife, clean the eyes separately. The only downside is that the loss of pulp will be greater.

To complete the work with pineapple, cut the core. But you need to consider that it is the hard middle that is a storehouse of vitamins. So it's better to keep it.

Now you can cut the fruit as you wish. Many housewives prefer to divide pineapple into plates. Approximately four of them should turn out, each 1.5 or 2 centimeters thick. Then they can be given the desired shape.

fruit as decoration

If you want to surprise the guests at the table, then you need to
create a masterpiece out of pineapple. First you need to cut off the top of it. Then, we start cleaning the peel. The highlight is that it must be given a spiral shape. It is more convenient to do this if you keep the pineapple on a barrel. The resulting tape from the peel must be arranged on a plate in the form of a whole pineapple. In order for it to turn out like a real one, do not forget to add it to the top. The pulp can be cut in the traditional way - rings. In this version, the middle is better to remove. Lay the rings around the edges of the dish.

Pineapple - from the peel

There is an unusual method to peel the fruit. To do this, cut off the crown and the lower part. Then, using a long knife, separate the skin from the pulp from the inside. This is best done if you follow the movements: up - down. The knife should go over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fruit.
The next step is to cut out the core. Make pieces. Now the most pleasant moment - you need to remove the pieces from the peel. To do this, just shake the pineapple over a plate. Delicious fruit treat is ready!

Cutting for salad

If the pineapple needs to be prepared for a salad, there is a quick way to cut it. Trim the top and bottom of the fruit. Then set vertically on a flat surface. And we clean it like a potato, moving from top to bottom. The result should be a "flower" from the peel around the pineapple pulp. With one movement of the knife, cut off the peel. And let's get to work with the pulp. It should be cut like a watermelon. Then, we clean each slice from the core. And we cut the fruit, as required by the salad recipe.

We looked at several popular types of pineapple slices. Surely, every lover of this fruit will find among them his suitable one. But to get real pleasure from each piece of pineapple, you need to choose the right fruit. A selection of the most common tips to help you bet on the juiciest and most delicious pineapple:

- a good pineapple smells nice;
- scales of quality fruit should have a color from gray to orange, often found with a yellow tint. If the scales are green, then the fruit is not ripe;
- a distinctive "sign" of a ripe pineapple - elastic and dense scales;
- the top of the fruit will tell about the ripeness of the fruit - it should scroll a little.

Videos sliced ​​pineapple

Follow the advice and enjoy the beauty and taste of an exotic fruit!

This fruit is still considered quite exotic for us, so not everyone knows how to peel a pineapple not only quickly, but also beautifully. You can find this and other useful information below.

What tools do you need to peel a pineapple?

To properly peel a pineapple, you need to stock up on everything you need. Of course, the ideal option is if you have a special knife for pineapple, and they come in different shapes. For example, one with which you can immediately pull out the middle. Or another option, somewhat similar to a knife for cutting fish - it is very easy for them to peel off pineapple scales. You can buy them in shops with dishes and kitchen utensils.

But do not be upset if you did not have such a device, you can use an ordinary knife, the main thing is that it be thin and sharp.

Eyes are easy to cut with a fruit peeler. Master the life hack and you will no longer have to think about how difficult this process is.

Several ways to peel a pineapple with a knife

In eastern countries, where this fruit is as popular as our potato, it is cleaned quickly, doing all the steps automatically. And almost everyone has cutting tools for this. But our situation looks different, so we clean the pineapple with a knife and this can be done in several ways.

Vertical trim

The method is not the easiest, but is used when you need to get even rings.

Cleaning process:

  1. Remove the top part of the pineapple (the one with the leaves). It is also called a "socket". Trim the top and bottom, but not too much. Just two centimeters will be enough. This is done for sustainability.
  2. Place the fruit on something hard with the cut off part and with a thin knife, begin to remove the skin on the sides with vertical movements. Try to touch the pulp as little as possible.
  3. Use a fruit peeler and remove what's left.

A whole pineapple looks spectacular, but it needs to be prepared before serving. To do this, you need to cut off the hard peel that hides the juicy pulp, and also remove the inner dense core.

To cut a pineapple at home, take a sharp knife

Instructions for cutting pineapple:

  1. First you need to cut off the lower part, which will give the fruit stability and facilitate subsequent work.
  2. Using a sharp knife, carefully peel off the skin, cutting off no more than 4-5 mm. This will leave dark dots on the surface that can be removed later.
  3. After cleaning the pineapple, you should get rid of the remaining eyes, which are arranged in a certain order. Using a knife, you need to carefully cut off the dark dots, making small indentations. As a result, the pulp of the fruit will be decorated with parallel grooves.
  4. In conclusion, you need to cut off the upper part with greens, cut the fruit into two halves along and remove the dense core.

Now the pineapple is ready for further cutting.

How to cut a pineapple for serving?

To serve a peeled pineapple, it must be cut into convenient pieces:

  • rings;
  • half rings;
  • small cubes.

Rings are most often used for cooking. This form of slicing involves cutting the peeled fruit into slices and then removing the core.

For serving, it is best to cut the pineapple into small cubes and put it along with other fruits. At the same time, do not forget to provide guests with skewers with which you can pierce pieces of pulp. Leftover treats can be frozen for later use in desserts.

Video instruction: how to quickly cut a pineapple

If you have never carved this fruit for serving and want to see the process, watch the tutorial video. The video shows the order of operations. With a little practice, you can peel and cut a tropical fruit in just a couple of minutes. When peeling a pineapple, care should be taken, as the knife can slip off the dense skin of the fruit. When performing a cleaning operation for the first time, do not rush. All actions must be clear and thoughtful.

Have you purchased an exotic fruit for the first time and want to know how to peel a pineapple at home with a knife? There are many different ways, but it is enough to know the basic ones. All you need is a knife or a special device, a cutting board and our tips.

The ideal pineapple is an exotic fruit of medium ripeness, which holds its shape well and contains a sufficient amount of tasty juice. Choose it according to its appearance.

  1. The color is saturated, on a dense surface there are no damages resulting from mechanical stress.
  2. No mold and rot.
  3. There is a pleasant, slightly pronounced characteristic aroma of pineapple or melon.
  4. The peel is elastic, does not squeeze when pressed.
  5. The socket with leaves easily moves along the axis.

Pineapple without a tail is not suitable for consumption. They can remove it only in one case - the fruit lay on the counter for a long time and began to deteriorate.

Getting ready to peel the fruit

Before you properly peel a pineapple at home, wash it thoroughly. Since the fruit has inedible parts, be sure to remove them, regardless of the cleaning method chosen. These elements include:

  • green top;
  • scaly peel;
  • hard core.

When the skin is removed, dark eyes always remain in the pulp; use a potato peeler or a sharp knife to remove them.

There are different ways to clean and cut the fruit, we will consider the main ones.

  1. If pineapple rings are required, first carefully remove the core and then remove the peel.
  2. Pineapple for salad and pizza is cut into small pieces. First, the fruit is divided into four parts, cutting it lengthwise. Then, without much difficulty, the inedible core is removed from the quarters and chopped into pieces of the desired size.
  3. If you are interested in a decorative way to serve pineapple on the table, you can form a basket.

5 Ways to Clean and Serve Pineapple

Learn how to peel a pineapple at home using five basic methods. Do you want to do it as quickly as possible, or maybe the main thing for you is to get a beautiful basket for the festive table? Here are different ways to remove the peel and serve the peeled fruit - for any occasion, for the lazy and diligent.

Want to get whole rings? Then cut the fruit in this way. Use fresh and for cooking.

You need to take a number of steps.

  1. Remove the top and bottom of the fruit. The thickness of the removed layer should be approximately 1-2 cm. Do not spare the pulp, it is tough in the treated areas.
  2. Now the fruit should stand steadily, place it on a cutting board.
  3. Using a sharp knife, peel off the peel in strips. Determine the thickness of the skin yourself, depending on which option is more preferable for you - to lose more pulp or save time on removing black dots.
  4. Pineapple is peeled, treat dark areas with a sharp knife or potato peeler.
  5. Using a thin knife, remove the core.

Eastern method of preparing pineapple

In the East, an exotic fruit is used as a dessert. The peel is not thrown away, it is on it that the juicy pineapple is served. The cleaning algorithm is the following.

  1. Divide the unpeeled fruit into longitudinal quarters.
  2. Remove the core.
  3. Using a sharp knife, separate the pulp from the base, then cut into portioned pieces.
  4. Arrange the slices nicely on the peel. Prepare a large dish to serve.

Partial cleaning of the fetus for own use

If the pineapple is not intended for the festive table, but for your own use, remember a simple tip - do it the way it is more convenient for you. There are also other recommendations.

  1. Do not peel the fruit completely. The peel performs a protective function; without it, it will quickly deteriorate.
  2. Cut the fruit into rings for use as a dessert. Remove the top layer separately from each ring.
  3. For the salad, finely chop the peeled rings.

Store the rest of the fruit in the refrigerator. Under such storage conditions, pineapple does not lose its properties for several days.

Squeezing the pulp with a special knife

Want to learn how to quickly peel a pineapple? You will need a special knife, in the store you will find it under the name "pineapple slicer".

This miracle of technology will help you accomplish your task with minimal time and effort.

The knife will remove not only the peel, but also the core, dark pimples. There are also negative points: few domestic stores sell such knives. And if you do manage to find him, in order to learn how to use a knife, you will have to sacrifice a few pineapples.

Decorative basket for a festive feast

How to peel a pineapple at home to surprise guests with the result? One of the spectacular ways to serve fruit are baskets. Here you need imagination, because such products can be given a truly original look. To get the base, proceed as follows.

  1. Divide the fruit into two halves of the same size.
  2. Carefully cut out the pulp, you will need it to fill the baskets.
  3. Make sure the bowls are firm enough not to remove too much pulp.
  4. Cut the inner contents of the fruit into cubes or triangles.
  5. Fill the bowls with the peel, stacking the juicy fruit in a pile.

To make the baskets more spectacular, cut them with handles. Instead of dessert in the form of pineapple, you can use a sweet fruit and berry salad.

If you want to visually see how to peel a pineapple at home, the video below will help you with this.

3 ways to remove the core

  1. If you need to keep the fruit whole, the middle is cut out using a special device or just a long sharp knife. After removing the skin, a juicy yellow cylinder with a tunnel in the center is obtained. This design can be cut into rings. A good option for an elegant presentation on the table.
  2. A simpler, albeit time-consuming option is to cut the pineapple into pucks. Then each circle can be individually cleaned and the tasteless center removed from it.
  3. If you plan to use finely chopped pineapple, then it is first cut into pieces in the longitudinal direction. It is convenient to cut out a rigid central part from such shares. The remaining pulp can be cut into slices and served in the same way as a melon. Or crumble into a salad, sprinkle on top of pizza, cake, add to ice cream.

Cut the fruit beautifully: forming a fruit plate

How to prepare a juicy ripe fruit for serving on a fruit plate? To begin with, wash it thoroughly and dry it with a towel, and then proceed in accordance with the proposed instructions.

  1. Cut off the top and set it aside.
  2. Divide the fruit into five equal longitudinal parts.
  3. Remove the core from the oblong slices.
  4. Carefully separate and set aside the peel, you will also need it.
  5. Send the pulp back to the skin. On each part of the pineapple, draw one longitudinal line with a knife, and then 4-5 transverse ones. Be careful not to damage the base in the form of a peel.
  6. In the central part of the prepared dish, place the top of the fruit, and on the sides - pineapple boats.
  7. Insert a cherry or cherry skewer into each slice.

You can place other fruits and berries between the boats. For example, slices of bananas, apples, kiwi. Create your own unique fruit or fruit and berry plate.


Pineapple is an incredibly fragrant and delicious exotic fruit that needs to be properly peeled and served beautifully. Choose the most convenient and fastest way for yourself. Surprise your guests and please yourself and your loved ones with a delicious dessert.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

In our area, this exotic fruit is most often found in canned form. Therefore, not many people know how to choose the right fresh ripe fruit and cut it. We offer you to consider tips on how to buy and how to cut beautifully pineapple.

How to choose a ripe pineapple

To acquire a ripe and fragrant fruit, you must first pay attention to the color of its thorns. They should be dark brown. To the touch, the base of the fruit should be quite soft and elastic, without brown areas. Otherwise, the fruit may be spoiled. But the most important thing is the smell. A ripe, ripe pineapple smells almost nothing.

So, after the pineapple is selected, you need to know what to do with it next. In order to enjoy the unique and unusual taste of this fresh fruit and use it to prepare a wide variety of dishes, you need to be able to properly clean it, and then cut it beautifully.

pineapple peeling

Before you cut a pineapple beautifully, you need to properly clean the selected fruit. First of all, it must be laid on its side on a special cutting board. Next, cut off its top with leaves and stem and the lower part by about a centimeter. This is done with the help of The pulp located in this place is quite hard, so it is better to just throw it away.

So, it turned out a kind of barrel or cylinder. Now the pineapple is placed vertically and the peel is cut off in strips from its sides. At the same time, you should try to make the cut layer as thin as possible. Now the cylinder was left without a peel, but it is covered with spike eyes, which are quite hard and not suitable for food. They are carefully cut out. It remains only to get rid of its core.

Cut out the core

The type of pineapple pieces subsequently depends on how the core is removed. There are several ways to get rid of it:

  1. The core is cut without cutting the pineapple. After that, the fruit can be cut into rings having a thickness of 1 cm.
  2. First, the pineapple is cut into circles, and then the core is removed from each of them. It turns out quite beautiful rings.
  3. The pineapple is cut in half and the core is removed from each half separately. Due to this, half rings with the letter C are obtained.
  4. The fruit is cut into 4 parts and the core is removed from each. This method is good for those who will then cut the pineapple into small pieces for further processing.

Now you should decide how to cut a pineapple beautifully. There are several fairly simple ways by which this exotic fruit can maintain its attractiveness.

How beautifully cut pineapple into dishes

If you need to cut the fruit for further adding it to various salads or any other dishes, then you can use the easiest cutting method. First, unscrew the top of the pineapple. If the fruit is ripe, it will easily come off when you turn it. Next, the pineapple is cut into two halves, then the resulting parts are also cut in half. It can be cut into more than six pieces, depending on the size of the fruit and how small it should be in the prepared dish. The resulting slices are peeled and cut into cubes. Now they can be added to the dish.

Sliced ​​pineapple for serving

How to cut beautifully pineapple on the table? First of all, so that it is convenient to eat it. We offer to consider several unpretentious options for slicing this wonderful fruit.

Pineapple basket

How to cut beautifully pineapple in the form of a basket? To do this, you do not need to get rid of the turntable. It will serve, so to speak, as a compositional addition. First of all, the fruit is cut lengthwise into two parts. Next, the pulp is very carefully cut out. You have to be careful not to damage his skin.

The end result should be pineapple pulp and a whole half-plate of pineapple. The pulp is cut into pieces, the size of which should be such that it is convenient to put them in the mouth without biting off. Then they are laid out in a plate of pineapple peel and served on the table. In order to make it more convenient to eat, skewers can be served along with the fruit.

The melon principle

This is another very attractive way to cut a beautiful pineapple. It is often used in southeastern countries. The fruit is cut like a regular melon, after which the pieces are shifted through one in relation to each other.

It should be remembered that the tastiest parts of the pineapple are located just under the peel, so it is very important to know how to properly peel and how to cut the pineapple beautifully. The photos above demonstrate the various techniques described in the article.
