
Harm from black tea. May help lower blood pressure

Evgeny Shmarov

Reading time: 10 minutes


For more than 5,000 years, the main drink of mankind has been tea, which appeared in China and from there scattered throughout Asia and, subsequently, Europe. Tea reached Russia in 1638, and became popular among the people in the 19th century. To date, the key tea "tycoons" are Japan with China, Sri Lanka and India, and the production of the drink around the world has grown 30 times over the past hundred years.

True, when brewing a cup of tea in the morning, few people think about its ancient history, breadth of distribution, varieties and properties. Is there any benefit from tea, how it can be harmful, and what you need to know about it?

The main types and varieties of tea - which is tastier and healthier?

According to the processing of leaves, tea is divided into:

    • Black

Such leaves have gone through every stage of processing - from withering and twisting to drying and sorting.

    • Green

It also has the name unfermented (tea does not go through this stage, only twisting and drying).

  • red and yellow are tea variants in which fermentation is partial.

As for the kind machining future drink, tea is "sorted" into extracted, pressed and loose.

Recent, long leaf- the most popular, they are divided into:

  • Leafy and broken: FP (not heavily twisted leaves), OP (with additional leaves giving an orange color), P (with thick and stiff, not strongly twisted leaves), PS (with the largest parts of the leaves).
  • Broken (medium) black: BOP (the main one among this species, with an admixture of leaf buds), BP (with leaf veins), BPS (with the most large leaves, twisted into balls), PD (the smallest of these broken lines).
  • Small blacks: Fngs (powdery, from old leaves), D (very fine, for baling).
  • Floral. This tea belongs to top class, contains tips (kidneys), has a delicate taste.

Also on tea packages you can find the following designations:

  • T (highest quality).
  • F (floral, with young shoots).
  • O (from the second leaves).
  • B (strong, from broken leaves).
  • G (1st grade).
  • P (cheapest, from coarse leaves).
  • S (weak tea, from coarse leaves).

The following markings are also used:

On a note :

  • All pressed tea is created from unsatisfactory raw materials ("substandard"). That is, from tea dust, very old leaves and stems.
  • Tea with fruit or herbal ingredients is not considered real tea.
  • Flavored teas are usually low/medium quality teas.

How many calories are in tea?

Classic long leaf tea.

  • Calorie content - 151.8 kcal.
  • Nutritional information: 5.5 g ash, 8.5 g water, 4 g di- and monosaccharides, 5 g fat, 1.2 g organic acids, 6.9 g carbohydrates, 20 g proteins and 4.5 g dietary fiber.
  • Vitamins: A and PP, B1 and B2, C.
  • Macroelements: sodium with phosphorus, potassium and calcium, magnesium.
  • Trace elements: 82 g of iron.

Green tea.

  • Calories: 140.9 kcal.
  • Nutritional value: 20 g protein, 4 g carbohydrates and 5.1 g fat.

Tea with milk.

  • Calories: 43 kcal.
  • Nutritional information: 0.2 g ash, 3 mg cholesterol, 90.1 g water, 8.2 g di- and monosaccharides, 8.2 g carbohydrates, 0.5 g saturates fatty acids, 0.7 g of protein and 0.8 g of fat.
  • Vitamins: PP and C, B1, B2.

Tea with sugar.

  • Calorie content: 28 kcal.
  • Nutritional value: 6.8 g of di- and monosaccharides, 0.1 g of ash, 6.8 g of carbohydrates, 92.7 g of water, 0.1 g of proteins, 0.1 g of dietary fiber, 0.2 g of organic acids.
  • Vitamins: C and PP.

Tea with lemon.

  • Calorie content: 28 kcal.
  • Nutritional value: 6.8 g of di- and monosaccharides, 0.2 g of organic acids, 0.1 g of ash, 0.1 g of proteins, 92.7 g of water, 6.8 g of carbohydrates, 0.1 g of dietary fiber.
  • Vitamins: C and PP.


Classic black tea has many health benefits:

  1. Strengthens circulatory system and heart muscle.
  2. Tones thanks to the caffeine in the composition.
  3. Is a diaphoretic product.
  4. It has an antiseptic effect in case of diarrhea (eliminates harmful intestinal microflora in a strongly brewed form).
  5. Removes toxins from the body.

Benefits of milk tea:

  • Increasing the general tone of the body.
  • Better absorption of vitamins and microelements of tea.
  • diuretic properties.
  • Acceleration of metabolism (when drinking green tea with milk).
  • Strengthening of bone tissue.
  • Assistant in the treatment of tumors (tea antioxidants enhanced with milk).
  • Relief in a state of fatigue, overstrain, exhaustion of the nervous system, kidney diseases.
  • Improving the condition in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Effective fight against infections and relief from poisoning.

Benefits of lemon tea:

  • Blood thinning and beneficial effect on the walls blood vessels.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Reduction of cholesterol in the blood after a "fatty" dinner.

Benefits of green tea:

  • Decrease in temperature during fever.
  • Toxin cleansing.
  • Beneficial effect in diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system.
  • Help in the treatment of colds.
  • The withdrawal of radionuclides from the body (including strontium-90).
  • Improvement of metabolism and work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas.
  • Restoration of intestinal microflora.
  • Increasing alertness and improving memory.
  • Getting rid of the state of drowsiness and depression.
  • Reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, improving the elasticity of arteries and increasing the strength of capillaries.
  • Improved absorption of vitamin C.
  • Tonic effect and cleansing of the skin from rashes (external use).
  • Anti-inflammatory effect, prevention of caries.
  • Help with weight loss.

Harm and contraindications

Classic black tea has practically no contraindications.

Black tea will be harmful when:

  • stomach ulcer and duodenum. With increased acidity of the stomach, tea intake should be limited.
  • atherosclerosis and hypertension. The main harm comes from caffeine and theophylline, which have an exciting effect on the cerebral cortex and, as a result, contribute to the narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain. it is dangerous by the appearance of blood clots in the brain.
  • With insomnia. It is not recommended due to the stimulating effect, the acceleration of blood flow and increased heart rate.

Also, do not drink black tea:

  • On an empty stomach (it's bad for the digestive tract).
  • Too strong (especially with hypertension, stomach ulcers, glaucoma).
  • For drinking medicines (they will be absorbed worse).
  • In yesterday's form (it not only does not benefit, but also harms).

What is harmful green tea? For this type of tea contraindications are:

  • Insomnia and nervous exhaustion, irritability.
  • Tachycardia, hypotension (it lowers blood pressure) and acute hypertension (categorical contraindication).
  • Chronic diseases (tea can exacerbate symptoms).
  • Gastric ulcer (increases acidity).
  • During pregnancy, menstruation and lactation use this tea should be reduced to a minimum.

Drink green tea only on a full stomach, only in the 1st half of the day, and never drink alcohol with it (this is a double blow to the kidneys). Also be careful with the choice of tea. Its main harm is in fakes and in the form of tea bags (high-quality tea is never poured into them).

As for tea with sugar, the main thing here is to remember the rate of consumption. It is 50-60 g / day per adult. That is, 10 tsp per day, including sweets, fruits and other desserts that already contain it.

Tea in the diet of nursing mothers, pregnant women, diabetics with allergies - SF answers all questions

Is it possible to give tea to children and from what age?

Classical black tea is given to children no earlier than from 5-6 months for artificial children, and from 9 months for babies. And that is exceptionally weak, with a minimum of sugar.

Is tea good for pregnant women?

For expectant mothers, tea intake should be limited to 2 cups per day (tea is not recommended, but it is not contraindicated either - both black and green). It is recommended to drink it in a weak form, and dilute it with milk.

Most useful during pregnancy chamomile tea, with thyme and mint.

Can a breastfeeding mother drink tea?

Rules for drinking black tea - as for expectant mothers. As for green - limit it to 2 cups a day and monitor the condition of the crumbs. If the child has become restless - remove tea from the diet.

Adding milk to tea also depends on the child: if there is no tendency to allergies, then tea with milk is not prohibited (this also applies).

And remember that the concentration of caffeine in breastfeeding mother's milk is highest an hour after drinking tea. The best option- tea with chamomile (increases lactation, reduces colic in crumbs), ginger tea, from linden flowers, from rose hips (it contains additional vitamin C), cinnamon tea, raspberry.

Can diabetics drink tea, and which one?

For diabetic patients, tea is only beneficial, thanks to polyphenols that help maintain normal insulin levels.

The second plus of tea is in reducing side effects medicines. Black tea will be the most useful, especially for type 2 diabetes.

The effect of tea can be enhanced by adding a tablespoon of blueberry leaves or the berries themselves (reduce glucose levels). In addition to blueberries, there will be useful addition in chamomile and sage tea.

Green tea in diabetes is useful in reducing the level visceral fat formed around organs, normalization of weight, reduction of eye strain.

And red tea, thanks to linoleic acid, cleanses the blood and dissolves fats, normalizes weight. It does not lag behind in the usefulness of hibiscus (reduces the risk of developing hypertension).

Can you be allergic to tea?

This type of allergy is caused by a specific protein F222. Although most often the body reacts to aromatic additives, on synthetic fibers and tea dyes.

May cause allergies and herbs in the composition of the product. There is no need to talk about the expiration date.

As for the types of allergies in which tea is contraindicated, they include skin allergies. From which, by the way, you can get rid of by replacing tea and coffee with an infusion of succession for 2 years.

Preparation, storage and selection rules

What drinks can be made from tea

First of all, these are cold types of tea (ice tea) - from black, hibiscus, green, etc. You can also mix tea with juices and cream, with mint and vanilla, with compotes, citrus fruits and berries.

And from tea you get a wonderful syrup that can be used for desserts, juices.

Regular tea or bagged tea - which is better?

We have already talked about the pros and cons of regular tea above. What do you know about tea bags?

  • Of the benefits: convenient, fast, no need to wash the cup and catch the tea leaves from the sink.
  • Minuses: low quality tea used for bags; poor quality of the material and glue of the packages themselves; dyes and flavors; additives in the form of crushed tree leaves (to save money, and this happens).

For quality check just omit tea bag into a glass with cold water. If after 2 hours the infusion is strong, like after boiling water, you can not drink this tea.

How to choose the right tea?

The leaves of old tea are variously shaped, hard and dull, without edges and veins; when rubbed, they immediately become a powder. Fresh leaves are bright, dense and perfect shape, with a jagged edge and distinct veins, crumble with difficulty.

IN fresh tea- pure aroma, leaves unfolded from boiling water, transparency of the infusion, soft taste. In the old- cloudy water, sluggish leaves, muffled aroma, yellow tint.

How to brew tea properly teapot– instruction

The best dishes are a teapot made of red or purple clay; best water- filtered key and spring (not well - it spoils the taste of tea!); water temperature is boiling water.

Instructions: rinse the teapot with boiling water, pour tea leaves (1 tsp per cup), fill the teapot to the middle, close the lid and a towel on top (together with the spout), leave for 3 minutes and top up hot water. The foam that forms on top contains essential oils, it does not need to be removed.

How to store tea at home?

The ideal storage option is a dry, ventilated place, airtight tinware, separate from other types of tea and strong-smelling products. Drink open tea follows within a month.

Tea as condiment

As a seasoning, tea leaves are used for desserts and soups, for fish, etc.

Tea - flavored drink, possessing big amount useful properties. With a cup of hot, tart-tasting liquid, you can quench your thirst in summer and keep warm in the cold season.

There is an opinion that the use this product badly affects health. So what do we get with a sip of our favorite drink: benefit or harm? To answer the question, you need to know the main components of black tea, their significance for the human body.

Vigor drink in its composition contains:

  • Essential oils;
  • Microelements;
  • vitamins;
  • Amino acids;
  • tannins,
  • alkaloids,
  • Macronutrients.

Tannins, among which tannin is the best known, have strong bactericidal and astringent properties. Black tea is the first home remedy for various poisonings and diarrhea.

Presence in the composition essential oils gives the drink a unique feature: it can tone and soothe in equal measure.

A cup of fresh drink in the morning will cheer you up, cheer you up for the whole day. Previously, coffee occupied a leading position among tonic drinks. Modern research scientists have proven that tea caffeine is absorbed by the body more slowly and provides a longer effect.

Benefits of black tea for men

Properly brewed drink will benefit the body. Consider the main elements that make up tea:

  1. Trace elements - one of the main components of black tea, are necessary for the functioning of the nervous and cardio - vascular systems men.
  2. Potassium - takes part in the regulation of acid-base balance, controls the removal of excess fluid from the body.
  3. Tea contains a high percentage of vitamin "P".

Rutin (vitamin "P") affects biological processes as follows:

The aromatic drink is also a diuretic and diaphoretic. Its use helps to reduce fever, promotes the elimination of toxins, and has a positive effect on kidney function.

Tea lovers should also remember negative properties drink. Its abuse can be harmful.

Drinking too strong black tea adversely affects the functioning of the reproductive system. In order to avoid negative consequences men need to observe and choose quality product(below in the text).

Girls need to pay attention to the amount and strength of tea drunk per day. Weak brewing soothes, improves the quality of sleep. Saturated tea, on the contrary, increases concentration, invigorates. The fact is that in its composition there is theophylline, which can accelerate metabolic processes. Due to this property, it is used for weight loss. The calorie content of the drink is minimal, and it can be ignored.

With caution, the use of this product should be treated by expectant mothers and nursing. The benefits are minimal and there is a risk of harming the baby. Pregnant women are allowed to drink no more than two servings of black tea per day. Exceeding the norm is dangerous for the development of the child.

Women during lactation should remember that tea caffeine with mother's milk enters the baby's body. As a result, the baby becomes restless and does not sleep well.

The concentrated liquid washes away female body magnesium and calcium. With a lack of calcium, bone tissue and teeth suffer. Magnesium deficiency can cause:

  • convulsions;
  • mood swings;
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Tea contains fluoride. An excess of this chemical element in the body is the main cause of kidney problems, worsens the work of the thyroid gland.

Tea increases intraocular pressure, and people with eye problems should be careful with drinking it.

For the fair sex, who want to preserve youthful skin, good complexion and delay as much as possible long term the appearance of wrinkles, do not get carried away with a strong brewed drink. Caffeine at high concentration interferes with the absorption useful substances from food, dehydrates the body and as a result:

  • Dry skin;
  • Gray complexion;
  • Circles under the eyes;
  • early wrinkles.

To benefit and reduce the harm from drinking a drink, when choosing black tea, you should pay attention to such points:

  • Dryness of the product. Dangerous mold appears on wet leaves.
  • Black tea leaves. The presence of other colors means poor quality of the product.
  • Purity. Among the components of tea, the presence of twigs and debris is not allowed.
  • Smell. Quality black tea has a floral or sweet aroma.

Properly brewed tea with moderate use will help strengthen the body and improve health.

Black tea is a drink familiar to each of us. In many families, it is a logical conclusion to every evening, both festive and ordinary. But few people know that it can also be used as medicinal product.

There are several varieties of black tea: Chinese, Indian, Japanese and Ceylon. With help correct brewing can you make this drink great medicine from high cholesterol levels.

Tea is a truly international drink, it is loved and actively consumed in all countries of the world. Some peoples prefer green, some black tea, and some groups drink only fruit varieties. It is consumed at the very different time days: morning, afternoon and late evening. Each person perceives a cup of regular black tea differently. Someone with its help quenches thirst, and someone gets a charge of the missing energy. Well-brewed tea can improve mood and add vigor and strength.

The healing properties of black tea

This drink has a unique effect on the human body. Scientists have proven that it can be used to normalize the functional activity of the entire cardiovascular system. Black tea restores normal blood circulation in our body. Compared to green, it certainly has less antioxidant properties, but the elements it contains effectively increase the level of resistance. human body various cold ailments.

There is a strengthening of the immune system, and it resists viral and infectious attacks with great effect. No wonder there is a belief that a cup of black tea adds vigor, strength and energy. Those substances that are in this drink saturate vitality every cell of our body.

Doctors have concluded that moderate consumption of black tea is a good prevention. various diseases oncology group. The regular presence of this high-quality drink on the menu significantly reduces the likelihood of developing cancer of the stomach, intestines and breast. This is due to the fact that tea contains a special substance TF2, which stops the formation cancer cells in organism.

Black tea also helps to get rid of extra pounds, it should be drunk without sugar, but without exceeding the recommended daily dose. Regular consumption of this drink will speed up the process of losing weight.

Black tea will go for the benefit of those people who are faced with food poisoning. It can be used to neutralize harmful effect various disease-causing microbes, thereby lowering the total amount of toxins in the body. Drinking just one cup of tea can reduce the pain of diarrhea, cystitis and indigestion. The consumption of this drink will be beneficial for pneumonia, as it destroys the germs and bacteria that cause this ailment. Various skin ailments that occur during puberty are perfectly treatable with black tea. Also, this product has a mild diuretic effect.

The popularity of black tea is largely due to the fact that it contains a lot of caffeine. This substance is able to have a positive healing effect on our body, but only if consumed correctly and moderately. Tea has a stimulating effect on our nervous system, enhancing physical endurance and improving mental performance. In the morning, this drink has an excellent tonic effect. It not only quenches strong thirst, but also relieves headaches, as it has a vasodilating property.

Safe dosage and contraindications

Doctors say that you can drink no more than five cups of black tea per day. Excessive amount can harm the heart and impair its functioning.
This drink is contraindicated for those people who have an individual intolerance to caffeine. In addition, it is not recommended for hypertension, high temperature body, renal ailments in the acute stage, during pregnancy, with glaucoma, psychasthenia and exacerbations peptic ulcer.

Black tea should not be given to young children, as their body is especially sensitive to such a drink. Until the age of ten or twelve, it is better to pour only water for babies, slightly tinted with tea leaves.

Proper preparation

In some countries, the process of brewing tea is a real tradition, for example, in Japan they observe real rituals, going to the table only in special clothes. Fortunately, in our country, such preparations are not necessary - you can simply boil water and make a drink.

To brew tea, you will need a special teapot, you will need to pour tea leaves into it. They can be both large and small, depending on the variety.

Before brewing, you need to thoroughly wash the dishes and scald them with boiling water. Connoisseurs assure that a little sugar should be put in the teapot, as it is needed for the formation of special substances - catechins, which make up the value of the drink. It should be borne in mind that freshly brewed tea is the most useful.

Usually, one teaspoon of tea is placed for each person, adding another teaspoon “per teapot” to this amount. The duration of brewing is three to five minutes. IN ready drink you can add different flavor additives- milk, jam, natural honey, lemon.

  • Black
    • 1. Use:
    • 2. Harm:
  • Puer
    • 1. Helpful Tips:
    • 2. Contraindications:
  • Oolong
    • 1. Benefits of drinking oolong tea:
  • With milk
    • 1. The advantages of such an alliance:
    • 2. Disadvantages of using such a union:
  • When buying a package of tea in a store, we pay attention to the price, taste or beautiful packaging. We do not think about what raw materials are used for its preparation. The bulk of the presented assortment is a leaf of Chinese camellia, processed in one way or another.


    ABOUT healing properties there are a lot of rumors about this tea. There are such ardent lovers of green tea who refuse to recognize medications, believing that drinking a drink based on Chinese camellia will increase immunity and protect against all diseases.


    And we can not say that they are fundamentally wrong. Here is just a small list of the beneficial properties of a green drink:

    • strengthens and rejuvenates the body;
    • eliminates liver and kidney problems;
    • removes toxins from the body, which greatly facilitates weight loss;
    • has antiviral and anti-infective properties;
    • wound healing effect;
    • fights cancer, caries and many other diseases.

    Tea is only beneficial when brewed properly.

    The optimum liquid temperature is 85 degrees. Boiling water destroys many healing components. It should be brewed for 5-7 minutes and consumed without adding sucrose.

    For male half exist special recipes, which allow a man to remain "on horseback."

    Combination with walnut, ginger or with jasmine, sweetened with a spoonful of honey, will retain potency for a long time.

    It does not benefit either women or men. Beer belly does not give masculinity.

    It is easy to get rid of it, it is enough to drink green tea with cinnamon every morning. The result will not be long in coming: the blood is renewed, the appetite is reduced, the excess is excreted. It is important to remember that cinnamon is brewed for at least 10 minutes. Maximum benefit achieved after half an hour of brewing.

    The benefits of green tea are obvious. There are almost no contraindications. And Chinese healers recommend completely replacing the black drink with green. All thanks to zinc, which helps the body produce testosterone at a sufficient level.

    Radiation household appliances nicely rendered with active substances miracle drink.

    But do not assume that uncontrolled exorbitant consumption cannot harm. This is a highly concentrated infusion that can provoke a sharp drop in blood pressure. Plus, the content of caffeine in such tea negatively affects people who have problems with the heart and blood vessels.

    Plus, it can't be ruled out individual characteristics each individual person. Personal intolerance manifests itself almost from the first cup. Therefore, if you feel unwell, you should exclude it from your diet, or first try to reduce the dosage.

    Traditional healers always notice positive impact per person of certain products. They did not bypass their attention and green tea.

    The healer's recipe book was generously replenished thanks to him:

    • 1. and internal hemorrhages, you can take two cups of tea daily before meals;
    • 2. For eyes with conjunctivitis, for gums and teeth with caries, you can use freshly used tea leaves;
    • 3. For small burns, you can apply cotton pads soaked in decoction to the sore spot;
    • 4. Colitis is treated with 2 tablespoons of concentrated decoction before each meal;
    • 5. Dysentery goes away if you pour 50 g of tea leaves with a liter of cool water, put on the stove and cook for 60 minutes. Then strain everything and 2 tbsp. take up to five times a day.

    All of the above will be valid only on the condition that an excellent quality Chinese camellia leaf is used, and not packaged in bags. In tea bags low grade.


    Contraindications, although minimal, still take place:

    • Hypotension should be limited to 1 cup and extremely low concentration;
    • And hyperacidity stomach should also limit consumption;
    • Exceeding the permissible norms (more than a liter per day) can lead to urolithiasis;
    • and nervous disorders, it is also not recommended to drink green tea at night, because, although not as high as, for example, in coffee, the caffeine content does not contribute to calming and relaxing, as well as restful sleep.


    Black Chinese tea is a fermented Chinese camellia leaf. This type of tea drink is the most popular in our country. Therefore, about useful and harmful qualities It is this variety that is most interesting to learn.


    • 1. High content caffeine stimulates the body's metabolic processes, speeds up metabolism, increases blood flow to the cells of the brain, and the cardiovascular, digestive systems.
    • 2. The risk of oncology of the skin is significantly lower if taken not too much hot drink with lemon.
    • 3. Antioxidant tannin reduces negative impact free radicals, slows down the aging process, . At colds you need to take into account the strength of the tea leaves: too strong - will raise the temperature, but moderate has antipyretic properties.
    • 4. Diabetics will appreciate the slowing down effect on the absorption of glucose polysaccharides. Plus, the vessels will say “thank you” to you, because the walls are strengthened, and
    • 5. Helps against the reproduction of harmful organisms in the digestive tract.
    • 6. Fluoride benefits tooth enamel and gums. Although the black gull itself leaves a yellow coating on the teeth, it is therefore better to brush them after consumption.
    • 7. Consumption is useful for hypotensive patients in view of the qualities that increase blood pressure, but on the contrary, hypertensive patients should be careful.
    • 8. Due to the properties that excite the body, it is useful for men who care about them to drink at least a cup a day.
    • 9. Diuretic properties will help get rid of infections of the genitourinary system.


    • It can be dangerous if all permissible consumption rates are exceeded (more than a liter per day). The cardiovascular system overexcited, and the digestive irritated.
    • If your plans do not include a night shift or writing a diploma, then in order to avoid insomnia, it is better not to consume strong brew before bedtime.
    • Highly concentrated brewing leaches out magnesium, which causes fatigue and lethargy.

    The conclusion is simple: the benefits are obvious, if you do not overdo it with the dosage.

    The most important thing is to select high-quality raw materials and clean water. And besides, do not drink the drink half an hour after brewing (there are too many carcinogens).


    Teas also have their own hierarchy. whiskey or brandy tea world- this is puer. There are many rumors and legends around this drink. And they have a basis. After all, this is not only tea, which is revealed more and more every year. The taste of this drink only intensifies over time. The harvesting method and exposure put it on a pedestal.

    True gourmets appreciate the variety of varieties in it, each of which is able to satisfy even the most demanding taste.

    But now we will talk not so much about the unique taste and aromatic characteristics of pu-erh, but about healing and harmful properties.

    What good male body can bring Chinese post-fermented:

    • removes "bad" cholesterol;
    • normalizes stool and eliminates constipation (including chronic);
    • and helps fight diseases such as cirrhosis;
    • one of the strongest natural energy, capable of energizing (many men note a “lift of strength” after drinking pu-erh);
    • prophylactic against heart attack and stroke;
    • heavy metals, toxins and slags will “lose their residence” in your body for a long time;
    • the blood becomes cleaner, and;
    • appears healthy appetite(which has nothing to do with "out of control zhor");
    • skin glows with health;
    • nails and hair begin to grow, and cease to fall out, split and exfoliate;
    • if used on a regular basis, then

    Optimal daily dose, for both women and men - a couple of cups. The body will be in a pleasant tone, and you will be able to enjoy pleasant taste and aroma.

    • You should not drink on an empty stomach, because the drink contains enzymes that activate the digestive tract, gastric juice is secreted and, in the absence of food, begins to corrode the walls of the stomach itself;
    • An overdose (more than three cups) is fraught with its own consequences: sleepless night, nervous system disorders;
    • Poor quality raw materials from places with a terrible environmental situation;
    • In no case should you drink strong pu-erh;


    • individual intolerance;
    • pregnancy;
    • breastfeeding period (maximum one mug);
    • childhood;
    • hypertension;
    • during exacerbation of urolithiasis, it provokes the movement of stones due to its diuretic effect.

    And the last thing: improperly brewed pu-erh causes " tea intoxication and even poisoning.


    Oolong (oolon, oolong) is not just a type of tea based on the Chinese camellia leaf. This is the name of a whole group of teas that are quite famous and popular all over the world: milk, ginseng, black dragon and others. These varieties differ significantly in appearance and taste characteristics.

    People quite often think of oolong as just a subspecies of green tea due to the grassy color of the liquid. But not always oolongs had green shades. Initially, the color scheme ranged from dark to light shades of brown. But with the addition various additives that make the taste and aroma unique, appearance also changes.

    But taste characteristics- far from the most pleasant in tea drinking with oolong tea in a teapot.

    Benefits of drinking oolong tea:

    • struggling with headaches
    • polyphenolic compounds will break down fats and remove excess from the body (this moment is especially relevant for those who want to lose weight);
    • atherosclerosis visits lovers of this drink much less frequently than those who did not include it in their diet;
    • tooth enamel becomes stronger;
    • the mood rises;
    • easy to quench thirst;
    • relaxes in stressful situations;
    • does not increase blood pressure, unlike many of its counterparts (due to the fact that it contains tannins instead of caffeine);
    • helps to recover in the post-operative period (after heart attacks and strokes);
    • rich in antioxidants rejuvenates the body and spirit;
    • restores disturbed metabolism;
    • tannins invigorate a man, raising self-esteem and manhood.

    One of the unique and inexplicable features of medicine is the individual effect on each person. It saturates a person with precisely those substances that he lacks.

    But no matter how useful oolong tea is, there is a flip side to the coin. Who can it harm?

    • 1. There are people who suffer from hypersensitivity to the components of the drink. This may cause allergic reactions.
    • 2. Do not drink it and stomach ulcers.
    • 3. If the cholesterol level is low, even lowered, then it is not recommended to drink oolon.

    With milk

    milk itself healthy drink. It saturates with many useful substances. Especially if we are talking O natural milk straight from under the cow.

    Many people like to add milk to their tea or coffee. But how helpful or harmful is it?

    The advantages of such an alliance:

    • + Restorative, diuretic and diaphoretic action;
    • + beneficial effect for vision;
    • + Makes the walls of blood vessels stronger;
    • + Improves memory and stimulates the development of logic and creativity;
    • + Returns strength after physical activity;
    • + Reduces appetite and removes "extra garbage" from the body;
    • + Combined with honey

    The combination of tea with milk is also useful because milk reduces Negative influence caffeine per person, and tea neutralizes the fermentation process in the digestive tract from milk.

    Disadvantages of using such a union:

    • - the beneficial properties of tea are somewhat reduced;
    • - when mixed with green tea a compound is formed that is difficult for a person to digest;
    • - the calorie content of the drink increases.

    As a conclusion: you can drink tea with milk, but it is best to choose tea without flavors and quality milk, and do not use a lot of rich and bakery products in parallel.

    If you are looking for the most best tea for a man, then pay attention to Koporsky Ivan-tea, it is much healthier than all of the above teas and is delicious (

    Black tea is the most common of all types of tea. This Reviver associated with good health and cheerfulness. It has many health benefits. We are still arguing about the benefits and harms of black tea and its properties, let's try to find out.

    Properties of black tea: benefits and harms

    To strengthen the body after an illness and overcome the severe mental consequences of a recent illness, you need to drink tea infusion with a red tint. Other types of black tea infusion orange color. These infusions help to clear the brain and invigorate the intellect. Black tea is not only a hot drink, but also a treasure trove beneficial to the body minerals and vitamins.

    Beneficial features

    Here are its main useful properties:

    • Increases vitality, because it contains caffeine and theophylline, which increase the heart rate;
    • A person who has drunk tea becomes more cheerful;
    • Reduces the risk of diabetes;
    • Prevents blockage of arteries;
    • Reduces the risk of kidney stones;
    • Increases the metabolic rate, thereby accelerating the process of reducing excess weight;
    • Increases blood pressure;
    • Protects against prostate cancer;
    • Protects against osteoporosis;
    • Helps relieve symptoms of Parkinson's disease;
    • Protects against lung cancer;
    • Helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol;
    • Protects against ovarian cancer.

    Black tea and color therapy

    Since when brewing some varieties, an infusion of mahogany is obtained, it is this color that is used in color therapy. Red means energy, enthusiasm, good health, strength, will, courage, love, passion and courage. They also increase visual acuity, stimulate the left hemisphere of the brain, increase self-control, strengthen willpower and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

    Harmful properties of black tea

    However, tea has not only useful properties; in some cases it can be harmful. The consumption of black tea can exacerbate the development of already existing fibro-acid mastopathy, as well as provoke the appearance of acne. Tea can cause diarrhea and tremors in the extremities in people who are hypersensitive to caffeine.

    Black tea contains caffeine

    The tannins found in black tea are not tannic acids that are used to treat the skin. They are a subgroup of antioxidants made up of naturally occurring chemical compounds. Tannins interact with proteins in the mouth and impart astringent taste drink. Astringency acts as an antiseptic and antioxidant and helps the stomach digest fatty foods. Tea tannins have been proven to help strengthen immune system and lead to self-destruction of cancer cells. In addition, they reduce damage to lipids and DNA during digestion, and also prevent high cholesterol levels.

    Varieties of black tea

    There is a wide range of black teas on the market. Here are some of the most popular varieties:

    • "Constant Comment". Recipe for this spicy drink with orange, cinnamon and clove flavors native to colonial America and created by Ruth Campbell Bigelow in 1940. This savory tea is still made by the Bigelov Tea Company. Like other varieties, this tea helps improve memory and restore strength;
    • "English breakfast". This is a bright and rich blend of Chinese black (keemun), Yunnan black tea, Indian and Ceylon black tea. Like other black teas, it activates the brain, especially in the morning;
    • "Assam", or Assamese. IN Indian province Assam produces more varieties than any other. This drink has a pleasant malty aroma. It contains a lot of caffeine;
    • "Darjeeling". When brewed, it gives an infusion of yellow-orange color with a pleasant floral aroma. It is grown at an altitude of about 7000 m in the Himalayas. It is often referred to as "tea champagne" for its exceptional taste;
    • "Irish Breakfast" This strong drink helps to keep the mind clear;
    • Keemun. Formerly known as Chinese Imperial, this high quality tea from China's Anhui Province has pleasant aroma. Quality varies by harvest time;
    • "Lapsang Souchong". This species is heated over a fire from pine branches, so it acquires a subtle "smoked" aroma and taste. Helps improve memory;
    • "Oran Peku". The word "Oran" means "tea worthy of the Prince of Orange". When brewed, it gives an infusion of a bright orange color, improves digestion;
    • Ceylon. Grown in Sri Lanka, this tea produces a soft infusion of bright orange color with a floral aroma and a pleasant taste. This tea is the basis of many blends. Strengthens the cardiovascular system;
    • Earl Grey. The legend says that secret recipe This tea was presented to the Prime Minister of Great Britain by the Chinese imperial adviser in gratitude for a successful diplomatic mission. Is a mixture Chinese tea and Indian "Darjeeling", flavored with citrus bergamot oil. Thanks to the vitamin C found in citrus fruits, this tea helps to strengthen the immune system.

    Like other drinks and foods, the properties of black tea can be both beneficial and harmful. To get the maximum benefit from tea and a minimum of harm, you should use it regularly, but just follow the measure.
