
Apple tea with cinnamon and orange for weight loss and health. The nuances of brewing tea with orange and cinnamon

Discussions about the compatibility of products, their taste harmony has been discussed for a long time and continues today. It is an indisputable fact that some spices, such as cinnamon, are universal. It matches perfectly with different fruits, including citrus fruits. Yes, in some national cuisines there are special recommendations on how to brew apple tea with orange and cinnamon. The recipe for apple tea with orange and cinnamon is simple and affordable. In addition, it is amazingly tasty and healing.

Ingredients for apple tea with orange and cinnamon

In order for such a drink to bring maximum pleasure and be exceptional, it is better to take a solid tea variety as a basis. It can be green, white, red, or even Pu Er. The aromatic range of green and white species will hardly be felt against the background of the intense taste of orange and cinnamon. Therefore, it is preferable to take the last two varieties as base ingredient.
Other constituent elements of apple cinnamon tea can be substituted depending on personal preference. So, per liter teapot required:

  • 2 teaspoons quality loose tea
  • 1 fresh apple medium size
  • 1 fresh medium sized orange
  • 1 teaspoon crushed cinnamon
  • 2-3 pieces of allspice
  • 1-2 pieces of cloves
  • a pinch of nutmeg
It is best to serve the infusion with either honey or cane sugar.

Recommendations for making apple tea with orange and cinnamon

How to make apple tea with orange and cinnamon not only extremely tasty, but also as healthy as possible? After all, most vitamins are destroyed during high-temperature processing. Here are some tricks on how to make orange and cinnamon apple tea and save healing properties components:

  1. Cut the washed apple into thin slices;
  2. Peel the washed orange from the peel, leaving the zest layer as intact as possible. Then cut into slices and remove the stones;
  3. Pour the mixture of apple and orange with cinnamon powder, nutmeg and mash with a spoon;
  4. Treat the dishes for making a drink with boiling water;
  5. tea spill, allspice and pour boiling water over the cloves and drain;
  6. Pour these components with boiled and cooled to 85 ° C water;
  7. Insist 2-3 minutes;
  8. Add the apple-orange mixture to the tea leaves and mix thoroughly;
  9. Let tea with orange and cinnamon brew for 4-5 minutes;

Apple and orange can be replaced with juices so that their total amount is 100 milliliters. Then the technology for creating apple tea with orange will change slightly:

  1. Warm up the mixture of apple and orange juice up to 45 - 50°С;
  2. add cinnamon, nutmeg and mix thoroughly;
  3. Pour boiling water over tea utensils;
  4. Repeat steps 4-9 without changes.

It is worth noting that you should not throw out the cleaned orange peel. It contains a lot of essential oils, so even dried it gives drinks and dishes a delicious aroma.

Benefits of apple tea with orange and cinnamon

There are a lot of useful properties of hot apple tea with orange and cinnamon:

  • Helps to strengthen the body's immune response, especially at the first signs of malaise;
  • They have a significant warming effect, especially in combination with honey;
  • Helps reduce blood glucose levels;
  • Promotes accelerated metabolism of substances;
  • Helps to reduce body fat;
  • Promotes increased blood circulation;
  • Has a vasodilating effect;
Cool infusion remarkably quenches thirst and tones. And this tea helps digestion, reduces stomach discomfort.


The activity of the components requires special care in the use of patients with heart disease and hypertension. It is also not recommended to use this tea for exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases and ulcerative processes.

This tea can become a favorite drink for the whole family, because it is much tastier, and most importantly, healthier than regular tea bags. It is not difficult to cook it, you can drink it hot or chilled. In any form, it retains excellent taste and useful qualities.

In general, the recipe for cinnamon tea was brought to us from Turkey. There this flavored drink very fond of and well known. Other lovers, connoisseurs of tea diversified the recipe by adding additional component juicy orange. From this drink only benefited. It got even tastier
more fragrant and healthier.

Regular use strengthen health, improve mood, increase efficiency. Today I will tell you how to prepare apple tea with orange and cinnamon, what are the benefits, the recipe, but I will offer more than one for discussion:

Healing properties of the drink

Firstly, a drink made from tea leaves, apples, cinnamon and orange has amazing invigorating properties. But besides this, ordinary tea acquires additional properties that help fight various ailments.

For example, 1-2 cups drunk per day improve, activate metabolic processes. Tea gently cleanses the intestines of toxins, removes excess fluid, which helps to eliminate edema.

Such fruit-cinnamon tea is rich in vitamins, mineral salts, especially potassium, iron. It contains many valuable amino acids, there is natural fructose. Due to its composition, it effectively reduces the amount of bad cholesterol.

By the way, when cooking, you can use both black tea and its green varieties. Fans can also prepare a drink based on it. Taste, aroma will only benefit from this, and the benefits will increase.

For a change, to enhance the healing properties, you can add when cooking lemon juice or lime slices. This will enrich the composition of the drink with vitamin C. Such fruit tea with cinnamon will be a real help in the treatment of colds and flu, as well as their prevention.

The traditional way cooking

Traditionally, the drink is prepared as follows: cut two large apples into small slices. Dip them in boiling water (500 ml), add 3-4 cinnamon sticks immediately, cook for 15 minutes. Then leave, covered with a towel, for half an hour. Strain. While infusing, brew black or green tea, as you usually do. When the tea is ready, strain it, pour into a saucepan, add apple broth. Boil everything and immediately remove from the stove.

Now you can pour into cups. For each serving, add honey to taste, put half a circle of orange.

Modern recipe

Cut off a circle of orange (with skin), cut it into 6-8 triangles. Sprinkle with sugar (1 tsp), cinnamon (1-2 tsp). Leave everything for 5-10 minutes.

Now cut the apple into 4 parts, cut out the core. Now cut each slice into thin slices.

Boil about 700 ml of soft, filtered water. When it boils, rinse the inside of the teapot. Pour 2 tsp on the bottom. tea leaves. Put apple slices, orange slices there. Add boiling water. Wrap the teapot warmer. You need to wait 15-20 minutes until it is well infused. Pour the finished drink into cups through a strainer. You can add honey to taste, and serve oriental sweets to the table.

orange peel tea recipe

At thrifty housewives nothing is lost. Therefore, many do not throw away citrus skins, but dry them, grind them, getting aromatic additive for tea, seasoning sweet pastries, desserts. So, in apple tea with cinnamon, you can add crushed oranges instead of fresh oranges. orange peels.

Boil water. Pour over the teapot (its volume is at least 500 ml). Now put 2 tsp on the bottom. tea leaves, 0.5 tsp. cinnamon powder. Sprinkle powder from three dried orange peels. And, of course, add finely chopped green apple. Fill everything boiling water. Cover the kettle with something warm. Wait 15-20 min. Then pour hot drink into a cup through a strainer.

Fruity cinnamon drink without brew

Sometimes the use of black or green tea leaves is undesirable. In this case, and also just for a change, you can cook fragrant, healthy drink no tea at all. Here is a recipe:

Cut a small apple into small cubes or thin slices. Put in a teapot scalded with boiling water. Add a cinnamon stick there too. Fill with boiling water, warm. Pour into cups after 15 minutes. Add 1 tsp to each. fresh orange juice.

cold drink

by the most the best drink for summer, apple tea with cinnamon and mint is rightfully considered. For hot weather, it is suitable like no other. Here is the recipe for its preparation:

Prepare apple broth as in the first recipe. At the end of the preparation of the broth, add half a cinnamon stick to it. Let the decoction infuse. Now strain. Separately, prepare a mint infusion (1 tsp. dried mint for 200 ml. boiling water). Strain the infusion, pour into apple broth. Add chopped orange or lemon zest, a little honey. Stir everything, refrigerate. Serve with ice.

If desired, and for variety, apple cinnamon tea can be prepared with other ingredients. For example, add cloves, ginger, lemon. Be healthy!

Pro ginger tea with orange and cinnamon I can sing songs for a long time - you will listen, and then get bored. I can, because I love its taste - bright, interesting, invigorating, with character and spirit! I can, because I often brew myself a cup of this selfish pleasure - I brew and enjoy the fact that competitors in my love for ginger tea with orange and cinnamon not in my immediate area. I can, because this drink invariably cheers me up, and even if up to this point I was very upset about something, the ability to smile and enjoy the present again returns to me.

Ginger tea with orange and cinnamon, of course, like most drinks in general, is brewed as easy as shelling pears. Well, of course, not as elementary as, for example, ordinary black tea or instant cocoa but it's still very, very simple. In general, I can talk about it for an unrealistically long time - touch on the intricacies of growing the components that are needed for this tea, mention the benefits of ginger and talk about contraindications, clarify the difference between cinnamon and cassia tree bark, recall the healing properties of mint, but we are not here that's what we're here for, right? So the lyrics aside, let's go to the kitchen for ginger tea with orange and cinnamon!

Did you know that ginger is called a natural sedative? It is recommended for daily use those who suffer from chronic stress and prone to nervous breakdowns.

By the way, at ginger tea with orange and cinnamon wonderful warming effect - this drink seems very, very "winter" to me. No, in the summer I also love him - in the version with ice, but still his time is when it is dull and frosty outside the window, and the house is warm and cozy, and your favorite cup is in your hands, and something unobtrusive and pleasant on TV, and it feels so good!...


half an orange;

3-5 mint leaves;

1 cinnamon stick;

about 1 cm of ginger root;

honey to taste.

In a teapot (and in my case - immediately in a large convenient cup) we add circles of orange, mint leaves. We clean the ginger and cut it into thin sticks, spread it there too. Add honey to taste, put a cinnamon stick. Fill with boiling water, cover with a lid and a couple of towels. Let it brew for about 5-7 minutes, then pour into cups and serve.

In no case do I recommend replacing a cinnamon stick in this case powder - drinking such tea will be very, very unpleasant. If it is difficult to buy the necessary cinnamon, I recommend simply using the same stick repeatedly - when I am too lazy to get a new one from the top shelf of the cabinet, I can brew the same one up to 5-7 times.

Recipes for apple tea with orange and cinnamon sometimes remind me of scripts for some ritual mysteries. For example, some authors insist that the orange be cut strictly into 8 pieces, sprinkled with cinnamon and left to soak for half an hour. Imagine: I come home from work so cold in the evening and let's chop, sprinkle and wait ... This is not to the fact that everyone goes crazy in their own way, but to the fact that this tea is much easier to prepare. It is enough to spend five minutes in the kitchen, and then wait another ten until the tea is infused. The taste of the drink is made up of sweet and sour fruit juices and a tart note of tea, the aroma is created by a combination of essential oils that are released from orange peel and apple peel, and cinnamon. And here it is important that she does not score fruit. Therefore, it is better to take a cinnamon stick - it will give tea light spicy shade. And it can then be used a few more times. As for the method of preparation, then, having tried different variants, I came to the conclusion that the most delicious apple tea with orange and cinnamon is obtained if you do not use a teapot. I make this tea in a saucepan on the stove. In order for the fruits to give their aroma, they must be boiled. Simply pouring boiling water is not enough. By the way, along with the aroma, the drink also penetrates useful material. Apple tea with orange creates a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect - so you can and should drink it during a cold. Thanks to the content of pectin, this drink improves digestion, orange flavor promotes recovery nervous system, and the apple peel gives the tea a serving of quercetin, a well-known antioxidant. In addition, orange essential oils in combination with cinnamon, they significantly reduce appetite, so this tea is a godsend for those who decide to give up a late dinner.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 1/2 apple
  • 1/2 orange
  • 1/2 tbsp black tea
  • 2 tsp Sahara
  • 1 cinnamon stick

How to make apple tea with orange and cinnamon

1. To prepare two servings of this spicy winter tea measure out two glasses of water. Pour water into a saucepan and put on a small fire.

2. Take black tea, measure out half a tablespoon and add to boiling water. This amount of tea will allow us to get a drink of medium strength. More or less tea can be added if desired.

3. This tea has to be sweet. Not cloying, but rather sweet. Orange sourness really needs a shade, for two servings it is enough to add 2 teaspoons of sugar.

4. My fruits and wipe dry. The fact that this is not quite an ordinary tea is even evidenced by the way the fruit is cut. It is important that the orange and apple slices remain whole, not crumpled, large enough to also serve as a decoration for the drink.

It is best to cut the apple and orange across into two halves. In our case, the peel does not need to be peeled either on an apple or on an orange. With a sharp knife we make beautiful slices.

5. By this time, the tea should have been well brewed. The time has come to add fruit and cinnamon to the tea. Boil everything together for 5 minutes on low heat. Then turn off the stove, cover the ladle with a lid and let the drink brew for at least 10 minutes.

Pour the finished tea with apple, orange and cinnamon into mugs (it is better to use transparent ones), add a little apple and orange slices. You can decorate portions with an orange slice (in the manner of a cocktail), add a cinnamon stick directly to the mug.

That's all. This is quite enough to turn an ordinary weekday evening into a bright and memorable one.
