
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic hot drinks: recipes and preparation technology. Ideal for a winter evening: preparing hot alcoholic drinks Hot non-alcoholic drinks

There is a huge variety of delicious drinks. Many of them are healthy and very easy to prepare at home. "So simple!" collected for you the best proven recipes for hot soft drinks.

Their big advantage is that all the components that make up the composition can be bought at any supermarket at a low price. Cook and drink to your health! Also, do not forget to treat your family and friends.

Delicious tea with citrus fruits


  • 7 g hibiscus tea
  • 1 slice grapefruit, orange (you can also lemon)
  • 50 g honey
  • 400 ml boiling water


  1. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it.
  2. Then put the container on the fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Cover with a lid and leave for 3 minutes.

This tea is best consumed in summer. It is excellently refreshing, and the acid contained in citrus fruits quenches thirst well.

Healthy cranberry tea


  • 60 g orange
  • 40 g lemon
  • 50 ml orange juice
  • 50 g cranberries (you can use frozen)
  • 50 ml of sugar syrup (50 g of sugar and 50 ml of water are heated until the sugar dissolves)
  • 1 cinnamon stick (or a pinch of crushed)
  • 400 ml boiling water


  1. Cut the orange into small slices and put them in the teapot together with the cranberries.
  2. Add orange juice, sugar syrup and cinnamon.
  3. Pour boiling water over everything and let it brew for 15 minutes.

Cranberry tea is rich in vitamins PP, B, K. It will strengthen your immunity and give you a lot of strength!

Tea "Transsiberian Express"


  • 100 g frozen sea buckthorn
  • 200 ml orange juice
  • 40 ml lemon juice
  • 40 ml ginger juice
  • 40 ml honey


  1. Mix all the ingredients.
  2. Warm up a little in the microwave. Tea is ready!

The Trans-Siberian Express is a train that crosses all of Europe and Asia along the longest railway. Why is tea named after him?

This drink combines the aromas of Asian ginger and sea buckthorn, common in the European part of Russia. This tea helps fight overwork, insomnia and fatigue.

ginger tea for colds


  • 200 g orange
  • 60 g lime
  • 80 ml ginger juice (made from ginger root)
  • 400 ml boiling water
  • 100 ml honey
  • sprig of mint


  1. Mash orange and lime in a saucepan, add honey and ginger juice, pour boiling water over it and stir well.
  2. Add mint, cover and let it brew for 5-7 minutes.

In addition to the fact that ginger cures colds, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, is easily absorbed by the body and boosts immunity.

Sweet tea "Berry mix"


  • 10 g each of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries (you can replace fresh berries with frozen ones)
  • 40 g honey
  • 400 ml boiling water


  1. Mash the berries in a saucepan, pour boiling water, add honey and mix well.
  2. Put on fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour into a kettle, let it brew for 3 minutes.

This drink will give you a pleasant taste of berries and real the scent of summer.

Warm tea for winter


  • 60g ginger root (or 30ml ginger juice)
  • 1 lemon wedge
  • 1 orange slice
  • 40 ml honey
  • 400 ml boiling water


  1. Grate the ginger.
  2. Place all the ingredients in a pre-prepared container, bring to a boil.
  3. Pour into a kettle, cover with a lid and leave for 3 minutes.

Such a drink will warm you very quickly in the cold season. You can even pour it into a thermos and take it with you on long walks.

Vanilla fruit tea


  • 100 g apple
  • 100 g pear
  • 60 g orange
  • 50 g lemon
  • 1 cinnamon stick (or 2 pinches)
  • 50 ml vanilla syrup (can be replaced with vanilla sugar, to taste)
  • 400 ml boiling water


  1. Cut the fruit into small cubes and place in a teapot.
  2. Add vanilla syrup and cinnamon stick.
  3. Then pour boiling water over everything and let it brew for 15 minutes.

Vanilla fruit tea is best consumed in the morning. It will energize you for the whole day.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine


  1. Pour cherry juice and currant syrup into a saucepan with fruit.
  2. Then add spices to taste, but do not overdo it.
  3. Heat it up, but don't bring it to a boil.
  4. Pour the mulled wine into a beautiful jug, garnish with a cinnamon stick and a lemon wedge.

Fruit mulled wine will give you a moment of joy at any time of the day. Treat yourself!

Tea with sea buckthorn and quince jam


  • 120 g frozen sea buckthorn
  • 30 g quince jam
  • 20 ml pear syrup
  • 6 g Ceylon tea
  • 400 ml boiling water


  1. Prepare sea buckthorn puree.
  2. To do this, boil the sea buckthorn with sugar and rub through a sieve.
  3. Add the sea buckthorn puree and all other ingredients to the pot, bring to a boil, then strain and enjoy your tea.

If you add sea buckthorn tea to your diet, you will reduce your sensitivity to weather changes and protect your body from viruses.

Chamomile tea


  • 500 ml water
  • 50 g dried apples
  • 100 g cranberries
  • 25 ml elderberry syrup
  • 5 chamomile tea bags
  • prunes, cranberries, dried apples


  1. Put dried apples, cranberries, elderberry syrup on fire and bring to a boil.

In the cold season, we all need to relax and cheer up. Hot drinks prepared by yourself will give you and your loved ones a feeling of warmth, comfort and coziness. The spicy aroma and exquisite taste of this cocktail will help you feel protected not only from bad weather, but also from life's adversities. In this article, we will tell you about the types of hot drinks and share the secrets of their preparation.


Such hot non-alcoholic drinks as black and green tea are perhaps the most popular in our country. There are many original recipes that make their taste unusual and memorable. In addition, some of the components that make up the drink can make it a cure for colds or an excellent tool to strengthen the immune system.

Ginger tea

To feel the real thick aroma of this tea, it is recommended to use only natural ingredients. Boil water and rinse the teapot with boiling water, then pour a few spoons of green tea into it. The amount of the product depends on the size of the dishes and on the number of participants in the tea party. Usually one teaspoon is needed per person. A piece of ginger should be peeled, finely chopped with a knife and put in a teapot. Pour boiling water over everything and serve to guests after ten minutes with honey and lemon. In no case do not put sugar in this drink, as its sweetness will overpower the natural taste.

Tea with lemon

This drink has been familiar to us since childhood, but few people know that it can be prepared in different ways. For example, you can take your favorite tea that you used to drink every day and add one slice of lemon to the mug. Or you can cut the peel of any citrus fruit into small pieces and pour boiling water over them along with black or green tea.

spiced tea

As you know, hot drinks go great with spicy spices. Having prepared such tea, you can be sure that you will not freeze in any cold and keep a good mood. The technology for preparing hot drinks can be very different, but today we will brew spiced tea in a small saucepan right on the stove. So, boil water and add three cinnamon sticks, a few pieces of fresh ginger, one teaspoon of nutmeg, black peppercorns and cardamom to it. Then we put a pinch of dried cloves, orange and lemon cut into rings. After a while, add your favorite tea to the water and boil it for 10-20 minutes. Do not forget to strain the resulting drink and pour it into a beautiful decanter or teapot. Serve spicy with slices of lemons and oranges. You can also pour it into a thermos and take it with you for a walk or to work.


Hot soft drinks can be prepared with your favorite coffee. Having cooked them in the morning, you will get a charge of vivacity and good mood for the whole day. And in the evening, in the company of a loved one, you can relax and indulge yourself with original tastes.

Iced coffee

This drink is loved by all generations of people. And this is not surprising, since ice cream is its indispensable component. Pour ground coffee into the Turk and add a little sugar. Pour everything, put the dishes on a small fire and wait until the drink boils. After that, pour coffee into a cup and put a small scoop of ice cream into it.

Coffee with marshmallows

Hot drinks go well with various sweets, marshmallows and marshmallows. Marshmallows are delicious lozenges that perfectly set off the aroma of natural coffee and give it a special charm. This drink is very easy to make. To begin with, brew ground coffee in a Turk in the usual way and pour into cups so that it brews a little. Then put marshmallows in it and mix. Serve the drink to guests when the sweets are partially dissolved and a little foam appears on the surface.

Mexican coffee

If you consider yourself a thrill-seeker, then you should definitely cook and try this special taste. Mix ground coffee and cocoa in the same proportion, add a little hot pepper and cook in the usual way.


On a day off for dessert, you always want to try something new and original. We suggest you try the classic eggnog with honey. We will need:

  • 600 ml of milk;
  • four eggs;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 50 grams of honey;
  • vanillin to taste.

Mix 100 ml of milk with sugar, vanilla and honey. Put the resulting mixture in a water bath and stir until the sugar dissolves. After that, carefully add the beaten eggs and boil the drink until it thickens. Pour in the remaining milk in a thin stream and mix well again. As soon as the eggnog boils, remove it from the heat and pour into mugs.

hot with a secret

You don't really like tea or coffee, but want to warm up on a frosty winter evening? Then be sure to please yourself with hot juice with spices. We will need the following products:

  • six large oranges;
  • five pieces of dried cloves;
  • one or two cinnamon sticks;
  • three teaspoons of sugar.

Squeeze the juice from the fruit, pour it into a suitable dish and put it on a small fire. Add spices with sugar and cook for a few minutes. Remember that the juice should not boil, so remove it from the stove at the right time. Allow the drink to cool slightly, pour it into beautiful glasses and serve with cookies or nuts.

Chocolate milk drink

Even children who do not really like plain milk will like this cocktail. Grate some of the dark chocolate with almonds, and chop the rest with a knife. Heat the milk on the stove and pour it into glasses. Add chocolate to drink and stir. Small sweet crumbs should dissolve in hot milk, giving it a new color.


This ancient Russian drink can not only warm you up on cool winter evenings, but also cure you of a cold, runny nose or cough. To prepare this wonderful drink, we need:

  • 100 grams of fresh honey;
  • one liter of water;
  • two cinnamon sticks;
  • five buds of dried cloves;
  • mint and a couple of pieces of ginger.

Boil water on the stove, add spices and cook for 15 minutes on the smallest fire. After that, remove the drink, put honey in it, mix and close the pan with a lid. After half an hour, sbiten should be filtered and served warm.

Hot alcoholic drinks. Recipes

To cheer yourself up on a cold winter evening, learn how to make not too strong, but tasty cocktails. Diluted alcohol will not affect you too much, but you will easily warm up after a ski trip or a trip to the city ice rink.

Mulled wine

All peoples who know firsthand what a harsh winter and a burning frost are, know how to prepare special hot drinks. Mulled wine recipes do not differ much from each other, as red wine and spices are used everywhere for it. To make this drink at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • one liter of inexpensive red wine (dry or semi-sweet is best);
  • a few tablespoons of sugar to taste;
  • one orange, which needs to be cut into slices along with the peel;
  • three cinnamon sticks;
  • a pinch of dried clove flowers;
  • one tablespoon of vanilla.

Pour the wine into a saucepan and dilute it with one liter of clean water. Then add the rest of the products and boil the drink over medium heat. Remember that the fire must be removed before the liquid boils. After that, leave the mulled wine to infuse for a couple of hours. Before serving, reheat it to the desired temperature, pour into beautiful thick-walled glasses and garnish with pieces of fresh fruit.


It is known that this hot alcoholic drink was invented by a British admiral back in the 18th century. It was he who first diluted rum with water in order to save money, and later various spices and spices began to be added to grog. You can surprise your guests by quickly preparing this wonderful strong drink for them. Pour into tall glasses a shot of rum, add a teaspoon of sugar and lemon juice. Dilute the drink with hot water, stir and serve. If you decide to cook the grog in a separate bowl, you can add cinnamon, ginger or honey to it.

Spanish coffee

This cocktail has long been appreciated by the regulars of trendy ski resorts. It turns out that on the basis of liquor and whipped cream, you can make delicious and hot drinks. Spanish coffee recipes are not too complicated, which means that a cocktail can be easily prepared without leaving home. Mix in an Irish glass 20 ml of brandy and 7 ml of any coffee liqueur. Brew ground coffee (175 ml) and mix it with alcohol. Garnish the glass with whipped cream and chopped hazelnuts.


The British got the idea of ​​making this drink in India, and soon the whole of Europe began to prepare fruit cocktails with pleasure during the holidays. If you have a large company gathered as a guest, then all together you can easily and cheerfully prepare a punch. Usually several types of juice, spices and liquor are mixed for it. But you can also try the original drink if you add rum instead of wine or liquor. Don't forget to put fruit in it. The classic recipe necessarily uses apples, oranges, lemons and pears.

beer cocktail

This hot alcoholic drink was invented by the inhabitants of Northern Europe. The taste of the cocktail is quite peculiar, but this does not make its warming properties lose its attractiveness. As a rule, light wheat beer is taken for the base, but some gourmets prefer dark varieties. According to the classic recipe, a raw egg, lemon, sugar and nutmeg should be added to the cocktail. Remember that when heating beer, you should be very careful. Otherwise, you risk spoiling the drink and filling your apartment with an unpleasant smell.

  • As you have already seen, you can prepare alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks on your own without even leaving your home. However, remember that mixing cocktails is best in a fun company. You can share the secrets of their preparation with your friends and turn the party into a culinary master class.
  • Serve hot drinks to your close friends and relatives. Spicy aromas and original tastes will help you create a relaxed atmosphere and relax after a hard day's work. Hot drinks, photos of which you could see in our article, are served in beautiful glasses or glasses. Aesthetic appearance will cheer you up and make your home even more comfortable, and your stay in it will be comfortable.
  • Use only high-quality and natural products for cocktails. Don't skimp on the fresh fruit you plan to add to your drinks. Otherwise, you run the risk of spoiling the taste of the future treat.
  • Remember that there are no strict rules for making drinks in the world. There is always room for imagination and experimentation. Try different ingredients and supplements. Perhaps it is your author's recipe that will become the most popular among your friends and relatives.

Hot drinks are a great occasion to get together in a cozy house in the evening, inviting friends and family to have heartfelt warm conversations. In this article you will find...

Hot drinks: types, recipes with photos

By Masterweb

08.04.2018 00:01

Hot drinks are a great occasion to get together in a cozy house in the evening, inviting friends and family to have heartfelt warm conversations. There are so many incredible recipes in the world that everyone present will be delighted. You can prepare tonic, and warming, and alcoholic, and chocolate drinks, and even spicy with black pepper. In this article you will find the best hot drink recipes.

Warming milk tea

This drink is incredibly easy to make. All you have to do is bring the milk with the listed spices to a boil, then add a regular black tea bag. Infuse the drink for 10 minutes before pouring into mugs and proceeding to enjoy.


  1. Cardamom - 8 seeds.
  2. Cloves - 8 pieces.
  3. Black pepper - 4 peas.
  4. Cinnamon - 2 sticks (can be used ground).
  5. Ginger - 1 small piece.
  6. Milk - 2 cups (fat content not more than 2.5%).
  7. Black tea - 4 bags (preferably without any flavors and flavors).
  8. Sugar - 8 teaspoons (can be replaced with honey, sweetener, or change the dosage up or down).

Mulled wine

Another option for a hot drink, which can be both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. It all depends on what basis you take for making mulled wine - either apple cider, or red wine, or natural pomegranate or cherry juice. This is a recipe for making a hot drink based on alcohol.

What do you need:

  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Apple cider - 1 liter.
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons.
  • Black pepper - 5 peas.
  • Cloves - 6 pieces.
  • Nutmeg - 1 pinch.
  • Ginger root - a few pieces (varie to taste, depending on personal preference).
  • Cinnamon - 4 sticks.

How to do it:

  1. Peel the orange zest using a vegetable peeler to get long strips.
  2. In a medium saucepan, bring the cider, honey, allspice, cloves, nutmeg, ginger and orange zest to a boil. Then immediately reduce the heat and cook for 30 minutes without covering the dishes with a lid.
  3. Pour the finished drink into glasses, after adding one stick of cinnamon. In general, you should get four servings of 200 milliliters.

Mexican hot cocoa with spices

Among the general assortment, a hot drink is distinguished by its interesting serving. We present to your attention a real recipe for spicy cocoa from hot Mexico.

How to cook:

  • Take 1 liter of milk and 4-6 tablespoons of cocoa powder.
  • Add 1 pinch of ground chili pepper and the same amount of crushed cinnamon. Instead of classic peppers, you can use chipotle - smoked red jalapeno pods.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, then pour into glasses.
  • Garnish the hot drink with whipped cream and garnish with another pinch of pepper and cinnamon.

whipped eggnog

To save time (without sacrificing taste), use a blender to make a hot alcoholic drink that is often made around the holidays. Enjoy this classic cocktail under a warm blanket, next to a crackling fire, or on the comfy sofa while watching your favorite TV show.

What you need:

  • 2 cups heavy cream.
  • 1/2 cup sugar.
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg.
  • 4 large eggs.
  • 3/4 cognac or brandy.

Cooking steps:

  1. Take a medium sized saucepan. Add cream, sugar and nutmeg to it.
  2. In a blender, beat only the yolks on low speed for 1 minute. With the appliance on, slowly pour in the hot cream mixture.
  3. Achieve a foamy state for 30 seconds, and then add brandy. You can prepare this hot drink with rum, cognac or bourbon.
  4. Serve warm. You can decorate the glass with a savoiardi stick (a cookie that is often used to make tiramisu dessert).

Cranberry mulled wine

Enjoy a fragrant and warming drink at any time of the year, because you will spend no more than 15 minutes preparing it. Simply add all of the indicated spices to the pan, mix with cranberry juice, honey and wine, let the mulled wine boil, and then simmer it over low heat. This hot drink made from wine normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the emotional state and is ideal for any event.

What do you need:

  • To prepare a cocktail, you need to take 1/2 cup cranberry juice, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 cinnamon sticks, 2 star anise, 3 cups dry red wine and 1/2 cup fresh cranberries.

Malted cocoa with toasted marshmallows

You will be delighted with such a hot drink because its taste and appearance is unique. To prepare, take 1 serving of hot cocoa mixture (milk and cocoa powder), 3 heat-resistant marshmallows (large marshmallows), 3 tablespoons of malted milk powder.


  • Step 1. Place marshmallows on a baking sheet pre-coated with foil. Toast in the oven until golden brown, about 30 seconds.
  • Step 2. Prepare hot cocoa by boiling milk with powder.
  • Step 3. Add malted milk powder to the mixture and then mix thoroughly.

Serving a hot drink: Pour the cocoa into a pretty glass and then top with a toasted marshmallow. For a visual treat, you can top the top of the drink with whipped cream, a scoop of ice cream, or sprinkle with ground cinnamon.

mint cocoa

One has only to add a little ice cream and mint to a chocolate drink, and instead of traditional cocoa, you will get an incredibly delicious winter dessert.

  • Ingredients: 1 cup milk, 2-3 teaspoons cocoa, 1/4 cup mint chocolate ice cream, 1 sprig fresh mint.
  • How to cook: Pour milk into a saucepan, add cocoa powder, bring to a boil, and then pour into a mug. Decorate the drink with ice cream and mint. Wait a few minutes before drinking. When the ice cream begins to melt, the cocoa will take on incredible flavors.

Nut toddy

To create this easy version of hot toddy, mix Frangelico liqueur with hot water, then garnish with whipped cream or sundae.

Frangelico is an elite liquor that is often used in the preparation of hot alcoholic drinks. Very often it is added to desserts to give aroma and exquisite taste. The main feature of the liquor is its nutty shades, and this is not surprising, because it is these fruits that underlie the preparation. To create hot drinks, just add a little liquor to tea, coffee, original cocktails, cocoa.

Magic cocoa

And this drink is not only tasty, but also looks very original. The thing is that during the cooking process, semi-sweet chocolate chips of different colors are added to the cocoa, from which the drink acquires an incredible shade.

How to cook:

  • Heat the milk over medium heat, do not let it boil.
  • Add about 1/4 cup of candy or semi-sweet chocolate chips to each mug, then fill with hot milk.
  • Mix thoroughly, decorate with cookies, whipped cream or edible confetti.

Chocolate orange americano

To prepare this drink, you will have to try, because the basis is not simple instant coffee, but freshly brewed espresso or americano, made using a cezve, geyser or regular coffee maker.


  1. Take a small mug.
  2. Grate the orange zest there, and then squeeze the juice from 1/3 of the fruit.
  3. Melt a few pieces of dark chocolate in a steam bath, and then add to a glass.
  4. Take 200 milliliters of freshly brewed coffee and pour it into a mug.
  5. Before use, stir thoroughly, add sugar to taste.

Helpful Hint: Do not use milk chocolate, this coffee drink must be lactose free.

Grog classic

Another recipe for making an alcoholic drink. It can often be found in the menu of restaurants and coffee houses.

To make alcohol-based grog, we need black tea no more than 150 milliliters. Add some cloves, cardamom, lemon zest and fresh juice, sugar and white rum. Fortress and sweetness should be chosen according to your taste, but as a rule, 40-50 milliliters are added per serving.

The main feature of such a grog is that it does not need to be simmered for a long time, like, for example, mulled wine. It is enough to mix all the ingredients in a tall glass, and then stir everything with a bar spoon.

Latte matcha

Matcha (green powder) is a traditional Japanese tea. It has a unique taste and properties, due to which it is often used in the preparation of desserts, noodles, ice cream, and as a universal additive to many dishes. In Russia, matcha tea is rarely drunk. If in Japan a kind of green drink is used in tea ceremonies, then in the CIS countries they prefer to drink more classic black tea.


  • 3/4 cup unsweetened almond, soy, rice, and cow's milk.
  • 2-3 teaspoons of matcha powder.
  • A few tablespoons of agave syrup

How to cook:

  • Place several types of milk in a saucepan and then simmer over low heat.
  • Then take a heat-resistant cup, pour green powder into it, pour 1/4 cup of boiling water and warm milk mixture. Beat everything, leaning forward slightly to create more foam.
  • Sweeten the drink with agave syrup. Serve in a tall clear latte glass, garnish with cinnamon or cocoa powder for beauty.

Ginger hot tea

Perhaps this is the easiest drink that can only be prepared at home. Ginger is a unique root vegetable that can support the immune system and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. All you need is to take boiling water, lemon and root.

Cut the ginger and lemon into small pieces. Add a spoonful of honey or sugar. Pour boiling water over and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Drink this drink with spices such as turmeric, cinnamon, cloves or anise. Optionally, you can add a bag of black or green tea.

Another version of toddy

Hot toddy is prepared differently around the world. Some use hot water, some use honey and lemon juice, and some prefer to add different alcoholic drinks for taste and aroma. We present to your attention the most festive version based on black tea.


  • Star anise - 5 pieces.
  • Black pepper - 15 peas.
  • Black tea - 8 bags.
  • Honey - 3/4 cup.
  • Cinnamon - 2 sticks.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 3/4 cup
  • Whiskey - 100-200 milliliters.
  • Lemon zest - for serving.

Pour 7-8 glasses of water into a deep large saucepan, place spices and honey. Cover and simmer until the drink acquires aroma and taste. This may take more than 40 minutes. Then reduce the heat and take out the tea bags. Mix whiskey with lemon juice in a separate glass. Taste and add some honey if needed. Mix with ready-made tea, and then pour the drink into glasses, garnish with lemon zest and serve.

There are no specific recipes for making hot drinks. It all depends on your preferences: use any spices, add milk, don't be afraid to use coconut and bananas, cook in a blender or whip the drink with a mixer.

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Sweet and sour drink with a bright citrus aroma. Good substitute for regular tea.


  • 2 tablespoons of hibiscus tea;
  • 1-2 lemon slices;
  • 1-2 orange slices;
  • 1-2 grapefruit slices;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • honey or sugar to taste.

How to cook

Slices of lemon, orange and grapefruit peel and peel. Put the hibiscus and fruit in a saucepan. Boil water beforehand, fill it with fruits and tea.

If you want to add sugar, put it to fruit and tea, stir. Put on a small fire. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, cover with a lid. Let it brew for 2-3 minutes. Pour into cups and serve. If adding, put it in a cup just before serving.

Note: do not boil the hibiscus petals for very long - they will turn gray. And it is better not to put honey in boiling tea, but to add it to a cooled drink. So it will retain its aroma and benefits.

Sour, very fragrant and healthy tea, which is ideal for desserts.


  • 2 tablespoons blueberries;
  • 2 tablespoons of blueberries;
  • 2 tablespoons of strawberries;
  • 2 tablespoons of strawberries;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • honey or sugar to taste.

How to cook

Mash the berries in a bowl or mortar. Transfer this mass to the kettle. Add sugar. Pour the grated berries with boiling water, mix. Close the kettle with a lid. It is advisable to wrap it with a towel or put a tea woman on it. This tea should be steeped for at least 10 minutes. Honey is added just before serving.

Note: You can use fresh, frozen or dried berries. If you use dried berries, you need to take two teaspoons, not tablespoons of each fruit. You can also add dried leaves from berry bushes to this tea - it will turn out even tastier.

3. Sea buckthorn tea

An obligatory item in the autumn-winter menu is fragrant sea buckthorn tea. He is credited with almost healing properties, but it seems to me that he is just very tasty.


  • 100 g sea buckthorn;
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • star anise;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • honey or sugar to taste.

How to cook

In a saucepan, mash the sea buckthorn with a fork, add the ginger, mix. Add sugar and mix again. Fill with water and put on fire. When the tea boils, remove from heat, put spices in a saucepan and cover with a lid. Tea is infused for at least 7 minutes. Honey is added before serving.


This drink is very similar to broth. Comes in handy for pies, cheesecakes and any pastries.


  • 3 tablespoons of dry apple peel or dried apples;
  • ½ cinnamon stick;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • honey or sugar to taste.

How to cook

Place dry apple peel and cinnamon stick in a saucepan, cover with cold water, put on fire, cover with a lid. Without removing the lid, bring the tea to a boil, remove from the stove and let it brew for 15 minutes. Wrap the saucepan with a cloth or cover with a tea baba. You can add sugar and honey before serving.

Original hot drinks

This drink is served in many restaurants, coffee houses and pastry shops, but it is quite expensive. We pacify the inner miser and prepare milk with syrup on our own.


  • cup ;
  • a few drops of any syrup (lavender, coffee, chocolate, caramel, fruit).

How to cook

Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat slowly. The drink should be hot, but the milk does not need to be boiled. When hot, remove from heat. If there is a shaker, pour the milk into it and add the syrup. Then whisk and carefully pour into a glass so that the foam does not fall.

Milk can be whipped with a mixer or poured into a jar and shaken vigorously. The foam should be dense and consist of small bubbles.

Note: lavender and other syrups can be bought at the supermarket. If you don't want to buy, you can make your own. Mix a glass of water, a glass of sugar and 2 tablespoons of dried lavender, boil for a minute and then strain.

Many people love mulled wine, but not everyone can afford to enjoy its intoxicating sips. We solve the problem and prepare hot and fragrant non-alcoholic mulled wine.


  • 1 liter of cherry juice;
  • 3 tablespoons of berry syrup;
  • 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • 3-4 orange slices;
  • 3-4 lemon slices;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • 3 cloves;
  • star anise.

How to cook

Pour the juice and syrup into a saucepan, put on a small fire. The drink should not boil. While it is heating, put in the spices. Add fruit slices. It will be better if you peel them from the outer films so that only the pulp gets into the mulled wine. Warm up a drink with spices. When it's hot and fragrant, remove from heat. Before serving, add honey to the mulled wine.

Fictional hot drinks

Hot drinks go well with a pleasant evening with a book. Even cooler if the drink seems to have descended from the pages of your favorite fantasy or fairy tale.

There are a lot of butter beer recipes. The authentic version necessarily includes ale and butter. To be honest, I imagined butterbeer not at all hoppy, but sweet, full-bodied and a little intoxicating. Since "Harry Potter" is a novel by a British writer, butterbeer should be prepared in the tradition of English cuisine, but we will do otherwise.


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 500 g vanilla ice cream;
  • 5 tablespoons caramel sauce;
  • 75 g dark rum.

How to cook

Heat the milk in a saucepan, but do not boil. Remove from heat, put ice cream in hot milk and stir. When the ice cream has melted, put the pan on a very low heat and stir gently. When the mixture becomes slightly hot, pour it into a blender, add caramel sauce and rum. Beat until dense foam from small bubbles appears. Pour into a thick-walled cup. Garnish with caramel or chocolate chips.

Note: caramel sauce can be replaced with boiled. If you don't have a blender, whip everything with a whisk. It is advisable not to use low-fat milk or poor quality ice cream. A mixture of such products is likely to separate during heating.


Cersei was clearly not sipping tea from a glass.


  • 50 ml of wine;
  • 70 ml dark rum;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar or honey;

How to cook

Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Put on a small fire, heat. When the sugar dissolves, pour the rum and wine into the pan, mix. Add nutmeg, remove from heat and strain into a large glass.

Chocolate hot drinks


An alternative to a boring pumpkin latte.


  • ½ l of milk;
  • 200 g pumpkin puree;
  • 100 g of white chocolate;
  • ground cinnamon on the tip of a knife;
  • ground ginger on the tip of a knife;
  • nutmeg on the tip of a knife.

How to cook

In a heavy saucepan, combine milk, pumpkin puree and spices. Put on a small fire, but do not let it boil. When the mixture is hot, remove the saucepan from the heat. Break white chocolate into pieces and add to milk. Stir until the chocolate has melted.

Note: pumpkin puree is very easy to make: bake the slices in the oven and puree in a blender. The finished drink can be decorated with chocolate or caramel sauce. The taste of this hot drink can be emphasized with a pinch of salt added to the cup.

It seems to be the most extravagant and complex drink on this list.


  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • chilli;
  • 1 tablespoon brandy;
  • sugar to taste.

How to cook

Melt the chocolate in a water bath. In a separate saucepan, heat the milk (without boiling), add sugar, cinnamon, chili. If you like very spicy dishes, break the chili and crumble into the pan, not forgetting the seeds. Warm the milk with spices. Remove from heat and pour through a sieve into the chocolate bowl. Add cognac and sugar to taste. Stir, keep 10-15 minutes in a water bath. Serve in small cups.

Bon appetit!

Looking at the quirks of nature outside the window, you want to wrap yourself in a soft blanket and enjoy a cup of fragrant tea. Or maybe something more original. Let's find out what types of hot drinks are drunk in different parts of the world, and take into service the most interesting ones.

tea with trick

Let's start with native traditions - Russian with honey and vodka. For flavor, add warming spices to it. Put in a teapot 2 tbsp. l. leaf black tea, 2-3 peas of black pepper, a pinch of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. Pour 500 ml of boiling water with 1 tbsp. l. vodka and insist 15 minutes. Pour the finished drink into cups, add honey to taste and a slice of lemon. By the way, this tea is great for colds.

Weakness of an aristocrat

Residents of Foggy Albion are not averse to warming up with milk tea with rum. Bring 500 ml of medium-fat milk to a boil and pour 3 tsp into it. leaf black tea in a saucepan. Cover the mixture with a lid, hold for 5 minutes, then carefully pass through a fine sieve. Pour light rum to taste into the finished tea and fill the cups. The final chord will be a decor in the form of a cap of whipped cream, lightly powdered with cinnamon.

Coffee without sentiment

English neighbors prefer Irish coffee to tea. First, prepare 170 ml of espresso or strong black coffee without sugar. Vigorously whisk 50 ml of cream with a whisk into a fluffy mass. Scald with boiling water a tall glass with thick walls. Pour 40 ml of whiskey to the bottom, and then hot coffee in a thin stream. Stir in it 2 tsp. cane sugar and top with whipped cream. This cocktail will warm you from the first sip.

tree of happiness

A popular drink in Mexico and South America is lapacho made from the bark of the tree of the same name. After thoroughly boiling, it is dried, crushed and tea is prepared. For this, 1-2 tbsp. l. "Teams" are poured with a liter of water, boiled for 10 minutes and insisted for another 15 minutes. At the end, it remains to strain the broth. With a sweet taste with a slight bitterness and subtle vanilla notes, this drink does not require additives. Although it is not forbidden to cook it on the basis of milk.

tea sorcery

In Latin America, mate tea is popular among the people. To prepare it, you will definitely need a calabash - a cup like a barrel made of wood, as well as a bombilla - a metal tube with a filter. We put in calabash 5-6 tsp. mate tea, dip the bombilla into it and pour hot water over it to cover the tea leaves. As soon as it swells, add hot water to the brim. After a couple of minutes, you can enjoy an unusual taste.

fiery passion

The tea heritage of Africa is rooibos from the leaves of a local shrub. Sometimes, in addition to leaves, fragments of twigs and needles are included in its composition. First, pour boiling water over the teapot, then put 5-6 tbsp inside. l. Rooibos and pour 600 ml of hot water with a temperature not exceeding 90 ° C. Now we put the kettle in a water bath and simmer for at least 15 minutes. Rooibos is good on its own, but a little honey or ginger won't hurt.

Burning Mint

Mint tea with cinnamon is incredibly popular in Morocco. We grate the zest of the lemon, cut the juicy pulp into slices and place this mixture in the teapot. We also lay 3 tsp here. black tea, cinnamon stick, 3-4 clove buds, a piece of ginger root, and at the very end - ½ of a mashed bunch of mint. Pour this assortment with 600 ml of boiling water for 10 minutes and, after straining, pour it into cups. Sweeten your tea with honey or cane sugar.

Spice kaleidoscope

At the mention of India, it pops up in memory. We combine in a mortar 4-5 dry boxes of cardamom, 5-6 peppercorns, a cinnamon stick and ½ tsp. ground ginger. Knead them into a homogeneous mass, mix with 2 tbsp. l. black tea, pour 500 ml of water and cook for a minute. Then pour in 200 ml of milk, put sugar to taste and boil for another minute. Strain the tea and pour into glasses. Fragrant masala will give a firework of aromas and tastes.

Delicious balls

Sunny Taiwan greets guests with tapioca bubble tea. This is an analogue of starch, extracted from the roots of the cassava tree. We will brew 400 ml of black tea in advance and dilute it with 100 ml of hot milk. Dissolve 60 g of maple syrup in 500 ml of boiling water. Pour 150 g of tapioca balls and cook until softened. At the end, add ½ tsp. vanilla extract. We lay out the balls of tapioca in tall glasses, pour tea with milk and treat our relatives.

Eastern wisdom

Finally, let's try cha - a drink originally from Tibet. Bring to a boil 200 ml of milk with a fat content of 6%, add 1 tsp. pu-erh tea and stir well. Pour in 100 ml of water, bring to a boil again. I put 1 tbsp. l. ghee and, stirring gently, dissolve completely. At the very end, pour out 1 tsp. salt and strain properly. The taste of the drink is very specific, but its admirers claim that it is endowed with unlimited benefits.

We hope you've picked up some fun ideas from our culinary journey that you'll be sure to share with your family. Surely in your collection there are interesting recipes for hot drinks. Don't forget to tell us about them in the comments.
