
Aronia wine. Recipe for homemade chokeberry wine

blank unusual wines to treat friends and family allows during any home feast surprise guests original drinks. To create very simple and at the same time very tasty wines, chokeberry is suitable. You can prepare alcoholic drinks from it from both fresh and frozen berries. as fragrant and flavor additives cherry leaves and apples are commonly used. In the following recipes with photos and videos, you can find many useful hints how to make chokeberry wine with additional ingredients, no yeast. They will help you find your workpiece. alcoholic beverages from chokeberry at home.

How to make chokeberry wine without yeast at home - a recipe with a photo

Cooking rowan wine without yeast is quite quick and easy. To do this, you just need to collect more berries, sugar and be patient. Using the recipe below, you can easily make both semi-sweet and sweet fortified rowan wine at home.

Ingredients for making homemade wine without yeast from chokeberry

  • sugar - 2.5-3 kg;
  • chokeberry -4 kg;
  • water -6 l.

A simple photo-recipe for harvesting chokeberry wine without adding yeast at home

Delicious homemade chokeberry wine - a simple photo recipe

When yeast is added, the process of preparing delicious wine from chokeberry berries can be significantly accelerated: this ingredient will significantly improve the fermentation of berry pulp. The following simple recipe will tell you in detail how to cook delicious and sweet drink from chokeberry, which will have a slight strength.

List of Ingredients for Delicious Blackberry Wine Recipe Made at Home

  • chokeberry - 2-2.3 kg;
  • sugar -1.5 kg;
  • water -4 l;
  • wine yeast - 1 pack (10 g).

Photo-recipe for homemade wine from fresh and delicious chokeberry

How to make wine from chokeberry with cherry leaves - step by step video recipe

Adding cherry leaves to wine allows you to give the drink an amazing aroma. Such an ingredient does not require special preparation for use and is simply added to the berry pulp. The following video recipe describes step by step how to make homemade wine with cherry leaves correctly and easily.

Step-by-step video on the recipe for harvesting chokeberry wine with cherry leaf

When preparing wine from chokeberry berries at home with cherry leaves, you need to take into account the rules for adding auxiliary ingredients to the drink. The following simple recipe will help you easily understand the features fast harvesting strong wine with unique taste and aroma.

Fragrant wine from fresh chokeberries and apples at home - a recipe with a photo

The combination of apples and chokeberry allows you to get an amazing homemade wine that will be both sweet and tasty. The simple recipe below with photo tips will help you easily prepare such a drink at home without the use of yeast. For work it is better to take sweet juicy apples with a pronounced aroma.

List of ingredients for the recipe for aromatic wine made at home, from chokeberry

  • apples -2 kg;
  • chokeberry -4 kg;
  • sugar -5 kg.

Recipe with a photo of home-made wine from fragrant and fresh chokeberry

How to quickly make chokeberry wine at home - a simple video recipe

There are many options for making delicious chokeberry wine, so before choosing the best one, it is recommended to study the most simple instructions. Next recipe with all the steps and tips from the author will help you make the best rowan wine with an amazing aroma at home.

Video recipe for quick preparation of wine from homemade chokeberry

The recipe below is a simple and understandable hint for all lovers of unusual alcoholic drinks. It describes step by step how an unusual thing can be made from chokeberry berries. aromatic wine.

Delicious and fragrant wine from chokeberry, unlike wine and apple drinks has an unusual aroma and bouquet. It is great for serving with cheeses, goes well with meats and desserts. The preparation of such an alcoholic drink from berries does not require special skills: you just need to strictly follow the proportions indicated in the photo and video recipes and the procedure for harvesting the pulp, adding auxiliary ingredients. For example, you can cook semi-sweet or fortified rowan wine with cherry leaves or apples. It can also be infused with yeast or made without yeast. Among the above instructions, you can easily pick up simple and convenient ways making this drink at home.


Aronia wine- it's noble alcoholic drink, which even a novice in winemaking can cook at home, since the recipe we propose to make it at home is very simple. And although the process of making wine is quite long (it takes about two months), but still the effort is worth it! As you know, chokeberry ripens in September, which means that you will have time to make wine from it for the New Year. And then fragrant homemade wine will be a highlight holiday table. It will especially fall in love with the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. You will see, the ladies will again and again ask to update the wine in their glasses.

Prepare noble drink we will be without adding ingredients such as yeast and vodka. All processes of fermentation and the acquisition of a fortress will occur naturally. This means that such homemade chokeberry wine will not harm you, only benefit! So, for example, not a large number of of this wine will help reduce the increased arterial pressure. And in general, chokeberry berries have a mass useful properties. Only here in fresh You most likely won’t be able to eat the berries, because they are quite sour. But as a wine, they taste just wonderful. Enjoying it, you will get all the useful properties of fresh berries!

We will no longer torment you with long conversations about the wonderful homemade chokeberry wine, but we will proceed directly to the consideration step by step photo its recipe.


Cooking steps

    In order to make wine from chokeberry, we need about 10-12 kg of berries. So we harvest and bring it home. Just do not rush to immediately wash the mountain ash. This cannot be done absolutely. The fact is that the surface of the berries contains special yeast bacteria that contribute to the fermentation of wine. Without them, the production of this drink is simply impossible! In addition, keep in mind that these bacteria also die when low temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to have time for fellow rowan berries before frost. In addition, those berries that you carefully froze for the winter are not suitable for making wine. In general, this rule applies to all fruit wines. Don't worry about dirt on the berries. It will eventually precipitate out and we will remove it completely during the filtration step of the drink.

    So the first preparatory stage passed, which means that you can proceed directly to the preparation of wine from chokeberry. 7-12 days of the first stage begin. To begin with, the berries need to be thoroughly crushed so that they release the juice. You can do this with your hands, or you can skip the mountain ash through a meat grinder or food processor. Here the choice is yours. If you knead the berries with your hands, then act as carefully as possible, otherwise the kitchen, and clothes, will not be washed.

    Now you need to add sugar to the resulting mass. For 1 kg of berries, add about half a glass of sugar. If these proportions are observed, you will end up with dessert wine. Dry wine from chokeberry berries turns out to be too sour, and too sweet - also for an amateur. With the proportions of sugar in the drink, you should be very careful, since with an excess of it, the taste will be irreparably damaged. But you can add sweetness to wine later. However, more on that later in the recipe.

    After adding sugar to the wine, mix it thoroughly. You can do it right by hand. In general, wine loves the touch of human hands. Then the container with the future wine should be covered with a lid and left to ferment for a week. It is advisable to place this blank in a warm place. However, temperatures over 25 degrees are undesirable. During the fermentation process, the wine will need to be stirred and carefully monitored so that it does not become moldy. Otherwise, the taste of the drink will be spoiled.

    A week later, maybe a little large quantity time the berries will swell well and float to the top. If you place your hand in the workpiece, then a foam characteristic of the fermentation process will appear. These signs will indicate that it is time to proceed to the next stage of preparation.

    We catch the pulp from the future wine with our hands and squeeze it well. It is not worth using such kitchen devices as a juicer for this purpose, because it will quickly clog, and the liquid output will be very small. After removing the pulp, pass the wine through a sieve. IN this case it is not necessary to remove all impurities from the wine. They will leave in the final filtration. Do not throw away the pulp, but put it in a separate container. We will still need it.

    Now rowan wine should be poured into glass jars. In this case, two five-liter jars were needed.

    Let's take care of the pulp. We will send it to re-fermentation. So, we fill the pulp with a glass of sugar and pour a liter cold water, but not tap water, it is better to take a proven bottled one. Then you need to mix everything well. The pulp should sink to the bottom, and the water should rise to the top. After that, cover the container with a lid and leave it to ferment for about seven more days.

    Let's get back to bottled wine. It must be closed with a water seal, which is very easy to make with your own hands. So, we need a regular screw cap and a drain tube. Using a drill, make a hole in the center of the lid equal to the diameter of the hose section.

    We pass the tube into the hole in the lid that we did. Now we need to expand the tube a little so that it sits tightly in the lid. To do this, we will act as follows. At the end of the tube that comes out from the inside of the lid, insert the body of an ordinary ballpoint pen and heat it with a lighter.

    It remains only to put the lid on the jar, and lower the free end of the tube into a suitable container with water. So the wine will not have contact with air, and excess gases will freely escape. In addition, the wine will not "suffocate", as in the case of using a rubber glove. Now we send closed banks with future rowan wine in a dark place, preferably in a cool place (the temperature should be at least +18 degrees).

    Let's go back to the pulp, which we previously mixed with water. She should roam for about one to two weeks. In the process of fermentation, we observe this mixture. In no case should mold form on it. Therefore, periodically stir the pulp, especially if it begins to float up. After a week or two of fermentation, we remove the pulp. The resulting liquid is passed through a sieve several times. If there are particles of pulp in it, do not worry. We will get rid of them a little later.

    From the bottles in which the wine roams, we remove the water seal and remove the resulting foam from the surface of the drink. This can be done with a spoon or a small sieve.

    We mix the liquid that previously fermented with the pulp with rowan juice, which is in bottles under a water seal. Then we close the bottles again with a water seal and send them to a dark and cool place.

    Over the next month, it will be necessary to remove the foam formed on the wine once a week. In addition, the wine will need to be filtered. To do this, it will be enough to pour it from container to container, leaving a little wine with sediment at the bottom. As a result, impurities in the drink should become less and less. In addition, once a month you need to carry out a special filtration of wine. To do this, you need to pour it through thin tube. It should be located just above the container into which you will pour the wine. A thin and high stream of the drink will be well ventilated, which means that the wine will acquire that special taste for which we love it.

    After a month active fermentation wine will need to stimulate this process once every two weeks. To do this, add to the drink ammonia at the rate of one drop of ammonia per liter of wine. This procedure has a positive effect on the activity of the necessary bacteria, and the wine acquires a slightly greater strength.

    After a month of active fermentation of our rowan wine, it should be carefully filtered more often, at least once every two weeks. Keep in mind that sediment is no longer just dirt, it's bacteria that have done their job. It is imperative to remove them, as they will adversely affect the taste of the finished drink.

    After 1.5-2 months from the beginning of the preparation of the wine, it should contain less and less sediment, and it should also become more and more light and transparent. However, this will be possible only if you carried out the procedures according to all the rules, that is, if the wine fermentation process took place under a water seal, the drink was systematically filtered, and also aired. In addition, it is imperative to feed bacteria with ammonia and observe the hygiene of making wine (all utensils and utensils must be washed with soda and then dried well).

    If rowan wine brightens, it means that it is approaching the final stage of its preparation. This is already a young wine, from which you can take a sample. The taste of the drink should be more sour than sweet. However, sweet notes should be felt. If the taste of the wine is still sweet, then you need to carry out the procedure for airing it twice, as described in step 14 (special filtration of the drink). In the event that this manipulation did not save the situation, and the taste of the drink did not change, it means that the strength of the finished wine will be lower than intended, and the fermentation process has almost stopped.

    After two months have passed since the beginning of the preparation of the wine, when it has become completely transparent, and only a slight cloudy coating forms at the bottom, you can sweeten the drink. To do this, just one tablespoon of sugar per liter of wine is enough. By changing the proportions up or down, you will get a more or less sweet drink, respectively. However, do not rush to send sugar straight into wine. Sweetening is not the same as in the case of, for example, tea. Required amount sugar is placed in a cotton cloth or in a bag of cotton cloth.

    The bag of sugar at the top should be pulled over with a twine or thread, as shown in the photo below. Then we dip it into wine. The bag should be close to the surface of the drink. So, we fix the twine or thread, thereby fixing the position of the bag of sugar. We install a water seal on top of the bottle. In this position, we leave the wine for about a week. During this time, the sugar should dissolve completely. After a week, be sure to make sure that the sugar has dissolved, and remove the bag from the wine.

    So we got to the last stage of making wine from chokeberry. It should be poured into the containers in which you plan to store it. Just do not cork the young wine tightly at first. It can ferment a little more, and therefore the gases released during this can not only squeeze out the cork, but also provoke bottle rupture. Seal tightly only when you are 100% sure that the rowan wine has fermented. That's all. You can enjoy and taste.

    * The total time for making wine from chokeberry is about two months, and the yield of a drink from 10-12 kg of berries is approximately 6-7 liters.

Rowan chokeberry is a nondescript berry at first glance, which is not held in high esteem by most housewives.

Probably, they simply do not know that extraordinary homemade wine can be made from it.

Unlike many other alcoholic drinks, this one lowers blood pressure and is generally very beneficial.

Chokeberry wine at home - general principles of preparation

Beginning winemakers need to remember that when making wine from chokeberry at home, the berries are never washed. Even if they are dusty and dirty. In the process of fermentation, all foreign substances will turn into tartar, which is then easily removed.

Aronia berries contain little sugar, so dry wine It turns out not very tasty, tart and sour. It is better to bypass such recipes and make a drink with the addition of granulated sugar.

classical home technology:

1. Preparation of the wort (squeezing berries, adding sugar, water and other ingredients according to the recipe).

2. Stage of active fermentation. Usually lasts about 2 weeks. A glove is put on the bottle, the lid or neck is wrapped with gauze.

3. Stage of slow fermentation. A water seal is required.

4. Removal from the sediment. It is better to do it with a tube. It is not recommended to shake the drink or try to pour it by tilting the container.

5. Stage of maturation. Turns young wine into a full-fledged drink.

6. Storage and exposure. At this stage, the taste and aroma are revealed.

Home-made wine from chokeberry turns out to be quite thick, rich. Therefore, many winemakers prefer to reuse the strained pulp. To do this, water, sugar are added to it, they are allowed to ferment. Then both drinks are mixed. With this approach, more goes into wine useful substances from berries, the drink is lighter and more pleasant.

In winemaking, metal utensils cannot be used. Ideally, the drink is prepared in wooden barrels but not everyone has that luxury. Therefore, at home, glass bottles are usually used. You will also need a water seal, which can be purchased at the store or made independently.

Recipe 1: Chokeberry wine at home

According to this recipe, you can easily make dessert wine from chokeberry at home. The technology uses repeated fermentation of the pulp with sugar and water, which makes it possible to obtain a light, not sugary drink.


Rowan 3.5 kg;

700 ml of water;

Sugar 2.5 cups.


1. We sort out the rowan berries, put them in a large cup or pan. Grind and add 1.5 cups of sugar, mix several times.

2. Put the mass in a jar, cover with a lid and put it away for fermentation. On average, it will last a week. Periodically, the mass must be stirred.

3. After a week, strain the juice through a colander. No need to do this through cheesecloth, small particles should remain in the wine for further fermentation. Pour into a jar, put on a water seal.

4. Pour a glass of sugar into the pulp, add 0.5 liters of water, mix and let it ferment for 5-6 days.

5. We filter the wine from the pulp, mix it with the first juice and put everything under a common water seal. We remove for further fermentation, every 2-3 days you need to remove the foam.

6. When the fermentation is over, you need to drain the drink from the sediment and you can taste it. The drink is still young, for maturation you need to hold it in the cellar.

Recipe 2: Simple chokeberry wine at home

An easy and profitable version of chokeberry wine at home, which is different good way out due to the addition of additional liquid. It is better to use well water or spring water, but if this is not possible, then boiled and settled.


5-6 kg of mountain ash;

Sugar 3 kg;

80 gr. raisins;

Water 5 liters.


1. Carefully crush the mountain ash, grind it with sugar, raisins and water. We mix everything well and put it away for fermentation. Stir every other day.

2. When the active game of wine is over, you need to strain the drink through a colander. Squeeze out the pulp and discard.

3. Drain the liquid into a bottle, put it under a water seal for about 40-60 days. As soon as the fermentation process is over, remove the sediment, bottle the drink and put it away for 3 months in a cool room.

Recipe 3: Homemade chokeberry wine with grapes

A feature of this home-made chokeberry wine with grapes is a classic aroma. The recipe will help out if available different berries, but I don’t want to make a drink separately. It's also good because you don't have to worry about weak fermentation, with grapes it will definitely be good.

Required Ingredients

Grapes 5 kg;

5 kg of chokeberry;

1.8 kg of sugar;

Water 5 l.


1. We separate the grapes from the branches, along the way we sort out the spoiled, rotten and unripe ones. We also sort out the chokeberry.

2. We knead all the berries with our hands, pour out the sugar, pour out the water, put it away for fermentation.

3. When the future wine stops playing, we filter and remove for 1.5 months for further fermentation.

4. Filter, bottle and let the wine mature for 2-3 months.

Recipe 4: Cherry wine from chokeberry at home

chokeberry pleases with a harvest in autumn, usually in September, and cherry is a summer berry. So how can you make a drink? In fact, such wine from chokeberry is prepared at home by adding cherry leaves. We can say that this is a snag, but it does not prevent you from getting an unusually fragrant, bright drink.

Required Ingredients

3 kg of chokeberry;

A handful of cherry leaves;

Water 0.5 l;

A handful of raisins;

500 gr. Sahara.


1. Cherry leaves are thoroughly washed and dried.

2. Knead the berries well, add sugar, raisins, purified water, cherry leaves. We remove for fermentation.

3. We filter, put the shutter and keep the drink for another month. We check. If he is still sharp and has not outplayed, then we keep on.

4. We decanted from the sediment and put it away for storage. This recipe is good for fastening. You can add ordinary vodka, 0.5 liters is enough for this amount.

Recipe 5: Homemade chokeberry wine with apples

For some, a variation of this apple wine with chokeberry at home may seem too dreary due to the repeated addition of sugar, but the end result is worth it. A sweet, full-bodied drink with a summery fruity aroma will please winter evenings.

Required products

3 kg of chokeberry;

Sugar 1.5 kg;

Apples 2 kg;

Water 1.8 l.

Cooking method

1. Cut to small pieces apples, removing seeds and core along the way. Better to use ripe fruit, but without dark spots. We immediately cut out the wormholes, otherwise the final product will appear bad taste.

2. We sort out the chokeberry, knead it with 0.5 kg of sugar and send it to the apples. Add water, mix everything, tie the neck of the jar with a cloth or gauze. We clean for a week, every day the mass needs to be mixed.

3. After a week, add 500 gr. sugar, mix. In the third week, pour another 500 grams of sugar. Do not forget to stir daily or at least once every 2 days for another 2 weeks.

4. Let the wine ferment well for about a month. More drink do not touch, do not mix. Then we filter, pour into a convenient container and put away for storage.

Recipe 6: Homemade Aronia Wine with Orange Flavor

Wine from chokeberry at home with orange flavor is made in several ways. For example, by adding juice or zest. The second option is much nicer and more fragrant. Therefore, we stock up fragrant crusts citrus and proceed to the preparation of the drink.

Required Ingredients

4 kg of chokeberry;

2.5 cups of sugar;

Oranges 3 pcs.;

1500 ml of water.


1. We sort out the chokeberry, knead it, add 2 cups of sugar, water. We remove for 10 days.

2. We take oranges, wash them thoroughly with laundry soap, dry them. Remove the zest and chop. You can simply do this with a grater, processing the fruit from all sides.

3. We filter our drink, squeeze the pulp. Add the crushed zest, the remaining sugar to the juice and let the future wine ferment for another week.

4. We filter again, put the shutter and keep the drink under it until the reaction stops completely, on average about a month.

5. We drain from the sediment and you can try young wine. To fully develop the taste, you need to send it to ripen in a dark and cool place.

Recipe 7: Strong chokeberry wine at home

For fortified wine from chokeberry at home, you need vodka. Similarly, alcohol can be used if it is possible to purchase it. Such drinks differ not only in degrees, but also in taste. Therefore, it is very important not to overdo it and not turn the wine into strong tincture. It should not exceed 20 degrees, ideally 12-15 is enough.

Many mistakenly assume that you can add alcoholic beverages to your finished wine and get a fortified analogue. In fact, the taste of such a product will be fusel. Alcohol or vodka should be added only to young wine after removal from the sediment, and then the tastes should “make friends” within 3-5 months.

Required Ingredients

5 liters of young wine;

1.2 liters of alcohol, it is better to use cognac.

Cooking method

1. Pour alcohol into the filtered young wine. It is important that it is completely fermented. Otherwise, the alcohol will kill the bacteria, the unfinished process will stop and good taste drink is not available.

2. Mix thoroughly, send the drink for 10-15 days to the basement for clarification.

3. Filter again through 4 layers of gauze, bottle and store. The container must be kept in a horizontal position and periodically turned over to the other side so that the cork does not dry out.

Recipe 8: Chokeberry Wine at Home with Syrup

The technology of chokeberry wine according to this recipe differs from classic version. Usually rowan berries do not give juice well, especially if they are not very ripe. Heating the product will solve this problem.

Required Ingredients

2.7 kg of mountain ash;

1.4 kg of granulated sugar;

Water 3 liters;

Raisins 150 gr.

Cooking method

1. Cooking syrup. To do this, dissolve all the sugar in a liter of water. We put on the stove, boil for a minute. We leave to cool.

2. Add the remaining 2 liters of water to the berries, bring to a boil, boil for a minute and cool to warm state.

3. Mix the syrup with boiled berries. Add raisins and remove to ferment for 7-10 days. Periodically, you need to stir the berries with a wooden stick so that they do not become moldy.

Aronia wine at home - tricks and tips

Winemaking loves hands, especially men's. Therefore, do not use a blender or meat grinder to crush berries. The quality and original taste of the drink will suffer from this. It is advisable to do everything with your hands or a wooden pusher.

Chokeberry juice does not wash off clothes very well. Therefore, you need to engage in winemaking in an apron.

Unripe berries make the taste even more tart, poorly secrete juice, and slow down fermentation. It is better not to use them and immediately throw them away.

If the wine does not play well, then you can add a little raisins to it. You can also pour a couple of handfuls of fresh raspberries, if you have. autumn berries. The taste will not change from this, but the process will go more actively.

At any stage of fermentation, mold can form on the surface, so the future drink needs to be stirred occasionally.

When choosing a recipe house wine, no need to hope that you will get a drink with the same degree as the author. The fortress is influenced by many factors: the maturity of the berries, the temperature in the room, the sweetness of sugar, the quality of the pulp extraction.

Chokeberry, known in traditional medicine under the name aronia, is a very useful plant, from which craftsmen make vitamin compotes, syrups and jams. Experienced winemakers also found a use for these fruits and with might and main prepare good tinctures and liqueurs from them, and blackberry wine, which has delicate aroma and delicate taste with a slight hint of astringency, which are characteristic of noble alcoholic beverages.

However, in order to prepare such rowan wine, it is necessary to make an effort and strictly observe all the subtleties of the manufacturing technology. I offer the best step by step recipes homemade wine from chokeberry, which have been repeatedly tested in practice.


  • stimulates the activity of the glands of the stomach;
  • removes spasms of smooth muscles;
  • normalizes the work of the gallbladder and liver;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • increases the body's resistance to infections, viruses;
  • significantly increases appetite;
  • helps to lower cholesterol levels;
  • fights bleeding gums.


However, in addition to the colossal benefits, rowan wine can also cause great harm. It is strictly forbidden to use it for people with the following diseases:

  • with diabetes;
  • migraine prone;
  • suffering from hypotension and diseases of the stomach;
  • with increased blood clotting;
  • during pregnancy or lactation.

Classic chokeberry wine recipe

Chokeberry wine made at home according to the proposed simple traditional recipe, it turns out a rich chestnut-ruby color with a charming delicate aroma and indescribably wonderful taste. The cooking technology is quite simple, but you still have to try, because non-observance of some nuances kills the idea to make quality drink on the vine, and it will not be possible to correct errors.

List of components

Cooking process

  1. We carefully sort out unwashed berries, removing spoiled, rotten or unripe fruits.
  2. Grind the selected chokeberry to a puree state using a meat grinder or blender.

  3. Put the resulting slurry into a large enameled pan and pour one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar into it. We also lower the unwashed raisins there and mix everything well.

  4. We cover the pan with gauze folded in 4-5 layers, and place berry mix in a dark room with a temperature of 19 to 28 degrees. Be sure to stir the wort 1-2 times a day, while flooding the pulp that has floated to the surface of the wort.
  5. After 3-4 days, when the first signs of fermentation appear, squeeze the juice from the pulp using a colander and gauze cloth.

  6. Pour the squeezed liquid into a container for further fermentation, filling it no more than half.
  7. We close the vessel with a water seal and transfer the wort to a warm, dark room, protected from drafts.
  8. We spread the remaining pulp in a clean saucepan, add 2.5 kg of sugar there and pour spring water, preheated to 30-32 degrees.
  9. Stir the contents of the pan thoroughly and cover with gauze.
  10. We leave the mass to ferment for one week, stirring occasionally.
  11. At the end of the specified period, we again separate the juice from the pulp and pour it into the fermentation vessel, where the first batch of liquid ferments.
  12. Mix everything well and return the water seal to its place.
  13. After one week, remove the shutter, pour out about 400 ml of liquid and dilute the remaining sugar in it. Pour the resulting syrup back into the vessel and put on the shutter.

  14. We are waiting for the final cessation of fermentation. It usually takes from one and a half to two months, depending on the temperature of the room and the work of wild yeast.
  15. Carefully decant a young drink - drain the liquid from the sediment using a short hose or thin tube.
  16. Pour the drained liquid into a clean vessel, filling it to the top. At this stage, you can sweeten the drink or fix it. strong alcohol, adding medical alcohol or quality vodka.
  17. We install a water seal and this time we transfer the vessel to a cool room with a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees. The shutter can be replaced tight lid a week later, when the risk of re-fermentation disappears.
  18. We stand the drink until full ripening, which will end in about six months. As a precipitate appears with a layer of 3 to 5 cm, the liquid must be drained from it by pouring into a clean vessel. Thus, you will get a transparent pure wine, not inferior in its beauty elite varieties alcohol.
  19. The ripened drink is poured into glass bottles, close them tightly and store them in a cellar or any other cool place.

Did you know? The maximum shelf life of chokeberry wine made according to classic recipe reaches five years. The strength of this alcohol varies from 10 to 13 turns.

Recipe for chokeberry and apple wine

Homemade wine made using this method is softer and less tart than in previous recipe. Alcohol has a richer taste and aromatic palette, and also has a light ruby ​​​​hue. The apple-blackberry drink is very easy to drink and does not cause a severe hangover, it copes well with the heat and helps to relax after a grueling work week.

List of components

Cooking process

  1. We carefully sort out the berries of black mountain ash, after which we grind them to a state of homogeneous gruel.

  2. We wipe unwashed apples with a damp cloth, then cut out the core and remove the seeds. Grind fruit until puree.
  3. Mix both ingredients in enamelware, after which we add water and 1 kg of granulated sugar there.

  4. We cover the neck of the container with gauze and place it in a warm room for a week. Do not forget to stir the wort daily and drown the popped cake of mountain ash and apples.
  5. Carefully squeeze the juice from the pulp and pour it into a fermentation bottle.

  6. We install a water seal and transfer the wort to a warm place with a temperature of 19 to 29 degrees.
  7. After one week, we add another kilogram of sugar to the wort, drain a small amount of liquid and diluting the sweet component in it. Pour the prepared syrup back into the bottle and return the shutter to its original place.
  8. A week later, repeat the procedure for adding the rest of the sugar.
  9. After two months, when the fermentation is over, the young wine is drained from the sediment, filtered and poured into a clean container, filling it to the top.
  10. We send the wine for maturation in a cool place for 3.5-5 months. Do not forget to get rid of the sediment as it occurs in a layer of 3-5 cm.
  11. Ready alcohol is bottled and stored in a cellar or any other cool place.

Video recipes for making wine from chokeberry

The presented videos will help you figure out how to make wine from chokeberry at home according to proprietary recipes of professional winemakers.

In this video, the master presents the simplest recipe for chokeberry wine, which is possible to implement at home. You do not need any experience in winemaking or special equipment.

Here are two methods for making rowan wine from black berries, which reveal the process to minute details. A skilled winemaker will share his vast experience and provide you with useful tips to help avoid unrecoverable errors.

After watching this video, you will quickly learn how to make homemade dry wine from black mountain ash and apples on your own, the tasting characteristics of which are not much inferior to purchased elite varieties of dry wines.

It will appeal to connoisseurs of exquisite, incomparable alcohol.

like this simple ways you can make delicious elite drink, which will not only please its amazing taste and aroma, but also will have healing effects. If you have discovered new combinations of ingredients for making chokeberry wine, then share them in the comments. Thank you for your attention and good luck in winemaking!

Chokeberry, or Aronia, is used mostly for decorative purposes. It is planted in parks, near schools, in recreation areas. Its berries are edible, have a pleasant sweetish-tart taste. She came to us from North America at the end of the 7th and beginning of the 8th centuries.

The benefits of chokeberry

Chokeberry is not just a beautiful shrub with sweet berries. It has a lot of useful properties and is widely used in traditional medicine. I make literally everything from it: syrups, jams, dried berries for further use. This type of mountain ash has a high content of iodine, and it helps with diseases of the endocrine system.

Aronia products can be used as additional remedy treatment of diseases such as:

  • scarlet fever;
  • rheumatism.

Among other things, this berry:

  • relieves symptoms of allergic reactions;
  • helps with the occurrence of blood clotting disorders;
  • chokeberry is advised to be used by pregnant women - it helps to strengthen the immune system of both mother and baby, and also contributes to the healthy development of the embryo;
  • chokeberry berries can be used as an antispasmodic;
  • they are able to have a vasodilating effect, stop the blood;
  • Aphronia berries help to cope with immunodeficiency, improve work circulatory system, contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • are a good diuretic;
  • used as a biliary.

So why is chokeberry so useful, and why is the range of its application so wide? This is explained quite simply. It's all about her unique composition. Aronia berries contain almost all the vitamins so necessary for a person:

  • Keratin, manganese, vitamins of groups B, A, C, phosphorus.
  • Various micronutrients, including high content iodine, boron, molybdenum.
  • Salt acid, pectin.
  • Anthocyanin.

Harm of chokeberry

Sometimes people think that since the berry is healthy, then there will be no harm from it. However, this is completely wrong. If used uncontrollably, it can do more harm than good. It is worth carefully monitoring what kind of berries you eat. They may be underripe. Or, on the contrary, overripe. Some may deteriorate, wrinkle or rot. Such a product must be immediately selected and discarded. Suitable for eating berries are dark in color, hard to the touch and with a shiny skin.

Chokeberry contains a large amount of acid, so people suffering from hyperacidity should not eat it.

Contraindications for chokeberry

Every medal has back side. Likewise with chokeberry. Despite all the help that it can bring to the body, the damage from it is also not small. Therefore, before leaning on berries, you should familiarize yourself with contraindications. Or consult a doctor if you are concerned.

To avoid trouble, remember that people suffering from the following diseases should either stop using mountain ash, or reduce it to a minimum:

  • high and low pressure;
  • gastric diseases such as ulcers and gastritis;
  • thrombosis;
  • varicose veins.

Aronia wine

Excellent tinctures, liqueurs and very tasty come out of chokeberry berries.

Wine from chokeberry turns ruby ​​​​color, with tart taste. Very often, winemakers mix the juice of the berry with another juice to make the taste of the wine softer.

The main and most complex process is getting juice. To squeeze enough without much loss and with minimal time, there are several ways:

In order to make wine, you need ripe, fresh berries. Aronia fully ripens towards the end of September.

To make blackberry wine, you will need:

  • the berries themselves (peeled from stalks and debris, if any) ten kilograms;
  • about five kilograms of sugar;
  • raisins (do not wash) one hundred grams;
  • two liters of water.
  1. Prepare a container for the berries in advance. Pass the fruits well using improvised means. Place in prepared container.
  2. Pour in one and a half kilograms of sugar. Stir and add raisins. It will help start fermentation, it is used as an alternative to yeast. Stir again.
  3. Cover the prepared container with cheesecloth and place in a warm place. Every day during the fermentation period, stir the pulp and knock down the foam that forms on top.
  4. After stopping the fermentation process of the berries, squeeze the juice out of them. To do this, use a press, colander, thick fabric. What do you like more.
  5. Pour the juice into a prepared container. Leave it half empty. It must be closed with a water seal. In the absence of such, you can use ordinary medical rubber gloves. Just pierce a few fingers with a needle.
  6. Add sugar to the pulp that you have left, about two or two and a half kilograms and pour warm water no more than thirty degrees. Stir, cover again with gauze and leave for a week. Don't forget to stir. After a week, separate the juice again and add it to the first drained “wine”. Leave it to ferment under a water seal.
  7. After another week, pour half a liter and stir with a kilogram of sugar. Add the resulting syrup to the fermenting wine.

Then the wine ferments for another two months, sometimes a little less. During this period, it is necessary to separate it from the sediment. This is done with an ordinary tube. The drained wine is poured into bottles (clean and dry), a water seal is put on them, then they are placed in a cool room (at least eight, no more than fifteen degrees). There the wine ferments for another six months. If sediment forms in the wine during this period, it must be removed.

Already finished wine is poured into bottles and closes well. Store it in a cool place, such as a basement. The shelf life of such wine is up to five years. According to the fortress, it turns out about twelve degrees.
