
Apple wine with glove. Homemade apple wine

apple wine Preparing at home is pretty easy. There are several recipes for homemade apple wine, this pleasant drink reminiscent of summer.


Imagine: there is a blizzard outside the window, frost draws ice patterns on the glass, and you smell like apples. Homemade cider will brighten up your long winter evenings.

Apple juice in a glass

However, you can drink homemade apple wine not only in winter. The main thing is to choose a recipe to your liking.

In a good year, the number of apples in the orchard often exceeds the ability to process them into jam or jam. You can make juice or compote. But apple wine is easier to store than juice. And it will allow not to lose a bountiful harvest.

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The taste of future wine depends on the variety of apples. If you want a wine that is not sour, you must choose late varieties, and collect already ripe apples. Some gardeners, on the contrary, prefer sour varieties of apples. You can, of course, mix varieties in different proportions to achieve the desired taste.

Unwashed fruits are used to prepare the drink. In extreme cases, you can wipe them with a damp towel. Natural yeast on the skin will be needed for the fermentation process.

Pitted apple slices

Apples must be cleaned of stones, internal scales and ponytails. Then you need to prepare applesauce. To do this, you can use a meat grinder or juicer. Leave the puree in an open container for a day, stirring from time to time. The upper part of the puree will turn into a dense crust, which must be removed. After that, the puree should be left again for a day.

Then soft part mashed potatoes must be squeezed out, add 150 g of water for each 1 liter to the resulting juice, as well as 250 g granulated sugar. With these proportions, you get a dry wine. If you want the wine to be stronger and sweeter, the amount of sugar should be increased to 300-400 g per 1 liter. It is necessary to stir the juice well so that the sugar melts, and then pour it into a glass bottle. The cork must necessarily have a hole for the release of carbon dioxide, and it is necessary to provide for the exit of gas through the water, since when the fermenting juice comes into contact with air, it will turn out not wine, but apple cider vinegar.

The bottle should be stored at room temperature in the dark for about a month and a half. When carbon dioxide ceases to stand out, this will mean that the wine is ready. If you cover the bottle with a glove, it will stop "voting" and fall off.

Now comes the turn of the most difficult and responsible operation: the wine must be poured into another container in order to get rid of the sediment. This can be done with a hose by placing a second vessel below the one containing the wine. Everything, in principle, you can drink wine. But if you let it stand for another couple of months, and then pour it into a clean dish without sediment again, its taste will improve significantly.

Apple juice in jars

The wine that this recipe suggests is real cider. This vintage drink originally from France. True, when preparing classic cider, water is not used, it is obtained by fermenting pure apple juice. Cider is very popular not only in France, but also in Spain, Germany and the USA.

In our country, cider appeared at the end of the 19th century and immediately on the imperial table. Classic cider has a golden color, for its manufacture they combine different varieties apples, of which sour should be no more than 1/4 part. Roaming cider in oak barrels, but also in our glass jar the result will be good. The taste of wine is very dependent on the varieties of apples, so you can experiment by making wine from different varieties.


You can also try a recipe that does not require added sugar. Then the wine will turn out not stronger than 7 °, but it will be good to quench your thirst, especially if you drink it chilled.

For making cider classical technology it is necessary to squeeze apple juice and leave it to settle in the dark at room temperature for a day. Then you should carefully pour the juice into a jar in which it will ferment. In this case, the main thing is not to disturb the sediment. Close the jar tightly with a medical glove and leave for a month in a dark place at room temperature. After a month, pour the fermented juice into a clean jar again and close tightly. Now it must be left in a cool room with a temperature of 10-12 ° C, but still in the dark, for 3-4 months. After a while, the drink must be filtered and bottled.

Apple cider with cinnamon

Making fruit wines at home is almost the same old tradition how to plant gardens. Delicious cherry, raspberry, blackberry, grape wines, prepared with their own hands from their own fruits, are prepared in many families, and recipes are passed down from generation to generation. And of course, homemade wine from apples takes pride of place among them. An apple is a very common fruit, it has many varieties. Homemade apple wine also has a number of useful properties. It contains a lot of iodine and pectin, removes salt from the body and regulates the digestion process.

In addition to cider, there are other varieties of homemade apple wines.


Select 5 kg of good ripe apples without wormholes and bruises, wash them, remove cuttings and cores and scroll through a meat grinder. In the resulting puree, add 1 kg of granulated sugar and 50 g of well-washed dried raisins from green grapes. If necessary, if the apples are not juicy enough, you can add 500 ml of water to the puree. The jar with the mixture should be kept at room temperature, covered with a medical glove, for 3 weeks.

Then the fermented juice must be drained, filtered through 3-4 layers of gauze. Put the remaining thick on a thick cotton cloth and wring out. Add the resulting liquid to the fermented juice, pour in another half a glass of granulated sugar and close the lid tightly. The jar should be put in a dark place for a week - to ripen. After that, pour 75 ml of vodka into the wine, stir well and bottle the drink.

Apples and a bottle of wine

IN different countries Drinking cider is accepted in different ways. In England, the recipe is the same, but it is drunk with ice, poured into tall glasses. In France, they drink it like champagne. But not everywhere. At home, in Normandy, ceramic bowls are used for cider.

The Spaniards believe that it should be poured from a height of 60-100 cm in a thin stream. Then the drink is saturated with oxygen and foams, revealing shades of apple flavor.

From apples you can make wine and stronger. Here is a simple and quick recipe.

It is necessary to take 2 kg of ripe sweet apples without defects, rinse them, peel and pass through a juicer. Add 1 tbsp to juice. l. yeast. As in previous cases, let the mixture ferment. When carbon dioxide ceases to be emitted, the wine must be filtered and bottled. The sweeter the apples were, the stronger the wine will be. It cannot be stored for a long time, so you will have to drink it without delay.

Sugar in wine can be replaced with honey, and instead of purchased yeast use wine, homemade.

To obtain such yeast, you can use raisins. 200 g of raisins should be poured boiled water and leave for four days. After this time, the leaven can be used.

A good sourdough will turn out from ripe raspberries. 2 tbsp. unwashed berries should be kneaded with 0.5 tbsp. granulated sugar, pour 1 tbsp. water. Leave the starter at room temperature for 3-4 days, and use it within a week. Then it will deteriorate and be unusable.

You can also make apple champagne from apples. Maybe someone will like this recipe. For 7 liters of water, take 2.4 liters of juice and 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar, as well as 0.75 liters of vodka.

To prepare champagne, you need a deep container. It is necessary to pour juice into it, and mix water with sugar and boil the syrup. They boil it for small fire In one hour. Then the syrup must be cooled and poured warm into a container with juice. Leave the resulting mixture for a week in a cold place. Then add vodka to the container, cork carefully and put in cool place, for example, in the cellar, for 3-4 months. You will surely appreciate the light, slightly sweet taste fragrant champagne.

When the apples ripen, do not hesitate - you will succeed! Choose a recipe to taste - and for the cause. There is something for every home, every family. It is not customary to drink cider to the bottom. You need to leave a little, because sediment collects at the bottom. Perhaps this rule can be extended to other apple wines.

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Apple wine is one of the cheapest at cost, but a well-chosen composition allows you to get a very good bouquet. You can make any wine from apples at home: from table to dessert and liquor. It is also popular light apple sparkling wine called cider. All alcoholic drinks from apple fruits are well clarified, have a golden color, have a pleasant aroma, pronounced, but at the same time unobtrusive. The more successfully the composition is selected and the more accurately the preparation technology is followed, the more pleasant the organoleptic qualities of the drink.

Technology Features

Making apple wines at home has its own subtleties. If they are not taken into account, ready drink unlikely to live up to the expectations of a novice winemaker.

  • The main thing on which the result will depend is the raw material. Apples differ in the degree of maturity, ripening time, as well as the sugar content and acidity of the fruit. It must be borne in mind that carrion, that is, unripe fruits that have fallen to the ground, is suitable for the production of dry wines, but not for dessert ones. Wines made from overripe and summer apples are stored for a short time. Autumn and winter varieties are best suited for winemaking. Sour, but unsweetened apples (wild) are suitable for table wines, sweet, with low acidity, but high sugar content, ideal for dessert, the most versatile sweet and sour apples belonging to the so-called "kitchen" or "household" varieties. The bouquet will be as good as possible if you take 2-3 parts of sweet and tart apples and 1-2 parts of sour ones, respectively. Combinations are also popular: one part of sweet, tart apples and two parts of sour, sweet and tart in ratios of 1: 3 or 2: 1. All this must be taken into account when selecting fruits for wine, then the result will be as predictable as possible.
  • Unwashed apples are used for wine. You can wipe them with a napkin, you can brush off the dirt with a brush, but you can’t lower them into water. This is done in order to preserve the living bacteria present on the surface of apples: without their participation, it will be impossible to process sugar into alcohols during the fermentation process.
  • Apples need to be chosen good, without rot, not wormy. All damaged areas during the preparation of the fruit for extracting juice from them must be cut with a knife. The core also needs to be removed.
  • To obtain from raw materials maximum number juice is best to use a juicer. In the absence of such apples in the house, they will have to be passed through a meat grinder or grated by hand.
  • Before separating the juice from the pulp, it is infused for three days. All this time, every 8–12 hours, the pulp is “drowned” in juice so that the yeast spreads evenly and souring does not occur.
  • In order to make the pulp easier to press, 6 hours before this, apple juice is placed in a cold place, although this is not necessary. Squeeze the juice through gauze with your hands or with a press. If there is a lot of pulp, you can simply remove its top layer before pressing with a wooden spoon.
  • Sugar and ingredients other than alcohol are added before the juice is placed in the fermentation tank. Sugar should ideally be introduced in parts: half immediately, a quarter - on the fourth day, a quarter - a week later. This is especially important in cases where sweet fruits are used as raw materials: excess sugar can stop fermentation, since there is not enough natural yeast for it.
  • Apple wine, like other fruit and berry wines, should ferment in a container with a lid, which does not allow air to enter the must, but allows the gas formed during fermentation to escape. Usually this is a homemade or purchased water seal, but many people use a rubber glove by piercing her finger with a needle.
  • After fermentation is complete, the wine should be poured into a clean container for settling. At this stage, you can add alcohol and even sugar if the wine does not seem sweet enough to you. A water seal is placed for a week, after which the wine container is tightly clogged. When it becomes transparent, it is time to drain it from the sediment and bottle it for further storage.

If all the conditions are met, the wine will be obtained by novice winemakers. It is especially difficult to spoil, according to experienced craftsmen, dessert and fortified apple wines.

Classic apple wine recipe

  • apples of household varieties - 10 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 1.6 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the apples, remove the rotten places, grind thoroughly through a meat grinder or by rubbing. If possible, use a juicer.
  • Place the juice or puree in a container in a saucepan or bucket, securing cheesecloth or thin cloth on top, for 3 days. During these days, stir the contents every 8-12 hours.
  • Remove the pulp, leaving a layer of about 0.3–0.5 cm.
  • Top up with water, add 0.8 kg of sugar, pour into a fermentation tank with a water seal.
  • After 4 days, open the water seal and drain 0.2 liters of wort through a tube, dilute 0.4 kg of sugar in it and drain it back, return the water seal to its place.
  • After another 3-4 days, repeat the procedure.
  • The optimum temperature for apple must fermentation is 20-22 degrees, it may differ slightly, but should not be below 18 degrees, above 24 degrees. You will know about the end of fermentation by the water seal: it will stop making gurgling sounds. If you use a glove instead, it will deflate and fall. There are times when this does not happen for a very long time. If after 50 days you have not waited for the end of fermentation, you will have to drain the wort from the sediment and pour it into another container with a water seal - the fermentation process will soon be completed.
  • Pour the wine into a clean container, close it tightly and let it stand. Drain the wine from the sediment every two weeks. When the wine becomes almost completely transparent, it will remain only in last time drain from the sediment and fill the bottles with it.

This recipe makes table wine. Its strength is 10-12 degrees. The shelf life of wine will depend on the variety of apples. The wine from sweet and sour autumn varieties is stored the longest.

apple cider

  • apples of sour and sweet and sour varieties - 8 kg;
  • water - 12 l;
  • sugar - 3.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the apples and cut into slices, hitting the core. It is enough to cut small fruits into 4 parts, larger ones into 6–8 parts. For convenience, you can use an apple cutter.
  • Fold apple slices in a linen bag or just wrap in a fabric that is not too dense. Put the bag on the bottom large pot, tank, barrels. Put a slightly smaller diameter lid on top or, even better, a lattice wooden disk, on it - any load (for example, a 10-liter flask filled with water).
  • Boil the syrup from 1.6 kg of sugar and 6 liters of water and, having cooled it to room temperature, pour it into a container with apples on top of them.
  • The container should be in a cool room, at a temperature of 18-20 degrees.
  • After 5 weeks, pour the liquid from the container through a straw into a clean dish. Pour apples with exactly the same syrup as in last time, in the same amount.
  • After 5 weeks, drain the second portion of cider, mix with the first and leave for six months in the same cool room.
  • Drain from the sediment, pour into bottles, cork them well and keep in the cold for another month. After that, the cider is considered ready.

Apple cider is a very light drink (5-7 degrees) and pleasant in taste, a bit like lemonade.

Fortified apple wine

  • sweet and sour apples - 6 kg;
  • raisins - 200 g;
  • vodka - 150 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 2.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort, chop the apples to a puree state.
  • Steam and cut the raisins.
  • Mix applesauce with 2 kg of sugar and raisins, pour the mixture through a funnel into a bottle with a narrow neck, fasten a rubber glove with a pierced finger or a water lock on it.
  • After three weeks, carefully strain the wort. Add 0.2 kg of granulated sugar, place in another bottle, this time tightly closing it.
  • After 10 days, pour in vodka, shake and bottle.

It turns out the wine is a little stronger than table wine - 13-14 degrees.

Spicy apple wine

  • apples of "kitchen" varieties - 2 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • ground cinnamon - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Sort and cut apples into small slices, put in an enamel basin. Add cinnamon and water, simmer until the fruit is quite soft.
  • Rub the apple mass through a sieve and place in a fermentation container.
  • After fermentation is complete, strain the liquid again and mix with sugar.
  • Mix in a fermentation bottle. In the first week, it is better to close it with a water seal, then replace it tight lid. So the wine should stand for two 2 weeks. From time to time, the bottle needs to be tilted and rotated to mix the contents.
  • After the specified period, drain the wine from the sediment, strain and bottle.

It turns out a delicate wine with a sweet-sour taste and a pleasant warm aroma with hints of cinnamon.

Dessert apple wine

  • apples of sweet varieties - 10.8 kg;
  • pears - 1.2 kg;
  • raisins - 0.2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Get juice from apples and pears.
  • Steam raisins, cut each raisin in half, mix with fruit juice.
  • Leave to start fermentation in a container with a wide mouth (it must be tied with gauze). Stir 3-4 times a day.
  • Strain, add 0.5 kg of sugar, place in a fermentation bottle, install a water seal.
  • After 4 days, add another 0.3 kg of sugar, mixing it with the wort poured through a straw.
  • After another 3 days, add the remaining sugar and wait for the end of fermentation.
  • Drain from the sediment, strain, place in a clean bottle, corking it well.
  • When the wine is clear, once again drain it from the sediment, filter and bottle.

This dessert wine with a strength of about 15-16 degrees will surely appeal to the ladies. If you store it for more than a year, then it will acquire a taste somewhat reminiscent of port wine.

From apples at home, you can make table and dessert wine, as well as cider. The strength, taste and aroma of the drink depend on the chosen recipe and raw materials. If you do not violate the cooking technology, good wine even a novice winemaker will succeed.

Two apple trees in a summer cottage - an occasion for reflection on what to do with the harvest.

For jams, jams and juice, twenty or thirty kilograms of apples are enough to provide for a family of four. apple preparations for the autumn-winter season.

What to do with the rest of the apples? Variety " White filling"Gives, on average, 70-100 kg of apples per season, "Antonovka" - up to 150 kg.

However, the storage period apple jam and the juice is small, but the wine good quality the older, the better. Apples are not grapes, but among fruit crops their biochemical composition considered one of the best materials for winemaking. If you have your own wine material, apple wine - good way crop processing. This does not require special equipment - just a few large-volume bottles complete with water seals. In extreme cases, you can get by with ordinary medical gloves. Well, of course, you need to arm yourself with knowledge of the basics of home fruit winemaking.

Wine from apples without pressing - basic technological principles

A good homemade wine must first be thought through, and one must begin with an assessment of the fruit material. Among the many varieties of apples, some have a sweet taste, others are sour, and others are slightly tart (wild varieties). These nuances are important for drawing up a bouquet of future wine; the further work order depends on them. Correct compilation The taste of wine begins at the stage of harvesting and sorting the fruit. Wine made from one variety of apples most often loses in taste to wines in which several varieties are used for preparation.

Making must from sour apples requires the addition of water to neutralize the acid. To increase the volume of the must from apples with a lower juice content, topping up with water is also required. But, juice diluted with water will not give a good, rich taste and aroma to wine. What can be done in this case? When preparing fruits for the preparation of must (or pulp), select apples of several varieties that meet the following criteria:

juiciness- it is clear that the volume of future wine depends on the amount of natural juice. Juiciness, to some extent, depends on the degree of maturity, and it, in turn, affects the sugar and acid content. It turns out a vicious circle. True, there are varieties that have a denser and low-juicy pulp. It is for such fruits that the method of obtaining juice by preliminary fermentation - the best option.

Astringency of taste- although this quality is least of all inherent in apples, but in winter and wild varieties tart taste, however, is present. Characteristic astringent taste indicates the presence of tannin in the fruits - a substance that is necessary for clarification of wine, increasing its shelf life and durability.

All stages of the preparation of apple wine consist of:

Collection and sorting of fruits,

Getting juice or wine material,

Wort preparation,

His fermentation

direct fermentation,

Removal from sediment, clarification and tanization,

Exposure, pouring and subsequent care during storage.

The most time-consuming process, many consider obtaining juice. On the one hand, squeezing juice is not difficult if you have a press and a juicer. But if there is no electricity in the country for objective reasons, then a press and a juicer will not help, and in this case, making wine from apples without pressing, from pulp is the only way out. To do this, the collected and sorted fruits are cut, after which they are placed in a large container and sprinkled with sugar. That is, instead of juice, pulp is prepared, as is the case with berry wine material, from which it is difficult to squeeze juice. This method of obtaining apple juice is beneficial, because the entire fruit material is used in the process of making wine.

It should be noted that after picking apples, they do not need to be washed. On the surface of the fruit live " wild yeast”, which will begin the process of making wine. But it is desirable to pick apples in dry and sunny weather so that there are no drops of dew or rain on the fruits. If the apples are collected from the ground, then they must be wiped with a dry cloth.

For faster juice separation, apples are cut into small pieces, at the same time removing the core with stones, cutting out places of damage from the fetus (rot, scab, wormholes). After cutting, pieces of fruit are sprinkled with sugar and left for fermentation - at this stage, the yeast on the surface of the fruit begins to work, accelerating the separation of juice, without which it will still not be possible to start making wine. Otherwise, you will have to add water to the pulp, that is, dilute natural juice, which, of course, will worsen the quality of the future wine.

When the pulp becomes loose, soft, and will be easy to knead and compact, it must be transferred to a bottle, add right amount Sahara. Stir sugar until completely dissolved. Install a water seal and place the bottle where there are no direct sun rays, drafts, and a constant natural air temperature during the entire fermentation period will be 18-23 ° C. Fill the bottle to ¾ of the volume, leaving free space for the foam, which will rise to the surface in the phase of the most active fermentation- in the first 7-10 days.

The next phase of fermentation is more moderate. At this time, less foam forms on the surface of the bottle, with smaller bubbles, and inside the bottle it becomes noticeable how the solid particles of the fruit begin to gradually separate from the fermented juice. After about a month, the thick will begin to settle at the bottom of the bottle and a quiet phase of fermentation will begin, after which the wine yeast, having done its job, will gradually begin to settle to the bottom, to the surface of the thick remaining in the bottle with the wort. Yeasts that have processed sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide will no longer have enough oxygen and nutrition, and they will gradually begin to die off. At this time, the wine must be poured so that the bitterness formed as a result of the decay of fungi is not transferred to future wine. It is important not to miss this moment in order to remove the thick from the bottle, along with dying fungi. Of course, squeezing the pulp is much easier than juice from fresh apples, but this somewhat slows down the fermentation of wine.

Pour the wine through a gauze filter. Prepare a clean and dry bucket, place a filter on it and pour the contents of the bottle. The sediment remaining in the gauze can be squeezed out into a bucket, but only if the gauze is rolled up in several layers to prevent solid particles from seeping through it. Next, the bottle must be thoroughly washed, dried and the future wine returned to it. At this point, it is advisable to add sugar if you plan to make strong or dessert wines, since for such wines, sugar must be added in parts. In addition, the addition of sugar again activates fermentation, which can be caused by the removal of the pulp. If the must fermentation is stopped, there is always a risk of infecting it with acetic bacteria.

Now we come to the question of sugar and wine yeast. This topic is very voluminous, and one can talk about the role of sugar in the vital activity of yeast for a very long time. Therefore, we remember only the most important theses.

Yeast- living microorganisms, therefore, behave accordingly, although not consciously, obeying instincts. When they settle in favorable conditions, where there is food, air, they have enough energy and the temperature is comfortable, microorganisms begin to multiply. Like all life on the planet, yeast needs to create conditions for healthy competition. That is, if sugar is in excess for a certain number of microorganisms, then they will behave very sluggishly - why rush if there is enough for everyone? If you pour out all the sugar at once, then the yeast will doze lazily, and alcohol will not begin to form soon.

The strength of the wine depends on the amount of sugar, and the rate of its introduction depends on the desired strength of the wine. We add 20 g to the sugar contained in the fruit juice to increase the strength by one degree. For example, for wine with a strength of 18%, you need to add 180 g of sugar for every liter of must. That is, for 10 liters of wort it is necessary to pour 1.8 kg. We divide this amount into 2-3 parts so that the yeast works better. You need to add sugar as the fermentation process slows down, after about 7-10 days. The rate of fermentation will depend on temperature regime.

The critical temperature at which yeast slows down is 14°C. If the must accidentally cools to this temperature, then you can still correct the situation - just the wine will ferment longer. It will not be possible to save the wine if the temperature drops to 8 ° C. In the same way, the process slows down when the temperature rises. As little as 2°C above 23°C significantly reduces yeast activity, and at higher values ​​the yeast will die.

About yeast. For wine, it is better to buy special wine yeast, or use a prepared sourdough: pour 200 g of raisins warm water(0.5-0.7 l), and keep warm for 3-5 days. A jar of starter must be tied with a double layer of gauze to provide air access and, at the same time, block access to foreign bacteria. For the preparation of sourdough, you can use raspberries and strawberries, last year's jam. Do not use baker's yeast.

Good news: for apple wine, yeast can be omitted, because to start fermentation, they most often have enough of those that live on the surface of the fruit. Of course, if the pulp stands motionless, does not bubble, and the wine material does not exude a characteristic smell, then the addition of yeast is still necessary.

After the sediment falls to the bottom and in the absence of visible bubbles of carbon dioxide in the bottle, fermentation can be considered complete. Young wine must be poured again to remove solid suspensions. At the same time, after removal from the sediment, tanization is performed. Tannic acid is added to young wine to improve its quality. After tanning, the wine is poured again, sweetened if necessary, and the bottle is placed in a cool room for maturation, during which the care and supervision of young wine continues.

Good quality apple wine can be obtained 3.5-4 months after fermentation stops.

1. Dry apple wine without pressing


    Apples, sour (forest or carrion) 6.3 kg

    Sugar 1.15 kg

Cooking technology:

The fruits are harvested and prepared by cutting into small cubes or thin slices, removing damaged parts, stalks and core. After they are sprinkled with sugar and left in a non-oxidizing bowl for fermentation. The bucket is covered with a towel. After the appearance of a characteristic sour smell, the pulp is crushed with a blender or kneaded to a puree-like mass.

The pulp is transferred to a clean bottle (10 l). The bottle is set for fermentation at 18-23°C. A rubber medical glove is put on the neck, with a pierced finger. In the process of fermentation, it will inflate, and the signal about the end of fermentation will be its deflated or even drawn into the neck shape.

After that, the wine is removed from the sediment. Insert the hose into the neck, lowering its end 2 cm above the level of the thick, and insert the other end into a clean dish. Pump the wine by creating a vacuum in the hose.

Wash and dry the bottle (dishes for storing wine must be sterile). Pour the wine into a bottle, and transfer it to a cool room. Repeat the transfusion after two weeks. Pour the wine into bottles and seal them.

2. Wine from apples without juice - cider



- sour 2 kg

– sweet 8 kg

– tart 2 kg

    Sugar 2.3 kg


The preparation of fruits and the entire process of making wine until the last removal from the sediment are identical to the technology of recipe No. 1. Before bottling the wine, add 10% sugar of the total volume and dissolve it. It is necessary to pour cider into champagne bottles, without adding 7-8 cm to the edge of the neck. Seal the bottles tightly and fasten the corks with wire or twine. Store at a temperature not exceeding 14°C, in a horizontal position.

3. Strong table wine from apples without pressing


Cooking order:

The preparation of raw materials and pulp is exactly the same as the description of recipe No. 1, until the first removal from the sediment, but at the same time, half of the sugar taken is initially added. After filtering the must, after 21-30 days from the start of fermentation, the second part of sugar is added, the wine is poured into a bottle, sealed, and fermentation continues until it stops completely and precipitates. Then the process is repeated again: clarification, aging and pouring, bottling and storage.

4. Strong blended wine from apples without juice


    Sweet apples 13 kg

    Sugar 750 g

    Tannic acid 1.5 g

    Wine stone 1.0 g

    Pear wine, semi-sweet 0.7 l

Operating procedure:

Preparation of wine material is carried out in full accordance with previous recipes. Then, the fermented pulp with sugar and cream of tartar is placed in a bottle and closed with a water seal. After fermentation and filtration, the thick wine is clarified by adding diluted tannic acid. It is again removed from the sediment, poured into a clean container, and blended with pear wine. After mixing young apple and pear wine, the bottle is moved to a cool place for storage. If necessary, the wine is again removed from the sediment and poured. After 3 months, the wine is poured into prepared containers.

5. Dessert wine from apples without pressing


    Apple pulp 11.5 kg

    Sugar 2.3 kg

    Tannin 1.2 g

    Tartaric acid 5 g

Cooking order:

The fermented pulp, to which 800 g of sugar and tartar have already been added, is transferred to a prepared bottle (15 l). The rest of the sugar is added during the fermentation process. equal parts: after removal of the thick (after 3 weeks), and after another 10 days. After the end of fermentation, the wine is removed from the sediment, and a solution of tannin is added. After waiting for clarification, the wine is again removed from the sediment and poured. After 2 months, the wine is sweetened if necessary, aged for another 1-1.5 months and bottled.

6. Liquor wine from apples without juice


    Ripe sweet apples 9 kg

    Sugar 5.6 kg

    Wine stone 8 g

    Acid, tannic 2.5 g


Half of the required amount of sugar is added to the finished young wine after clarification with tannin. Sugar is dissolved in a small amount of warmed wine and added to total weight, in the form of syrup. Liqueur wine is mixed and aged in a bottle until a bouquet is formed, at least 60 days, after which it is bottled and sealed.

    The average sugar content of apples is about 10%, that is, per 1 kg apple pulp accounts for approximately 100 g fruit sugar. Use this indicator to obtain wine from apples without pressing the desired strength.

    The largest number tannin is found in apples of winter varieties and in forest (wild) fruits.

    From carrion and unripe apples it will turn out sour wine, with a coarse taste, but dry and table wines are suitable for use in culinary purposes- for sauces, marinades.

    Sour varieties of apples contain up to 2%. This acidity is not suitable for must preparation, and in order not to add water, use a mixture of sour and sweet varieties of apples, in a ratio of 1: 2.

    With a lack of tannin in apples, add to the pulp oak leaves or bark (20g per liter of must).

The main ingredients for making wine at home are fruit crops. Possessing excellent taste indicators, they give the finished alcoholic drink a special refined aroma. Quite often, in recent years, experienced craftsmen use apples as a raw material for making wine. Tasty and fragrant fruits of apples are considered the most affordable type of raw material and a wonderful alternative to the vine that everyone loves.

Apple wine is not only a pleasant alcoholic drink, but also enriched useful trace elements a kind of balm that has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. Moderate consumption of apple wine has a positive effect on the functioning of many vital systems. Proper preparation drink makes it possible to save everything beneficial features fruits, so a detailed acquaintance with all the stages production technology considered to be fundamental.

Apple varieties used in winemaking

Apple raw materials used to make wine at home are conventionally divided according to palatability. Depending on how many apple fruits were taken, the physicochemical characteristics of the resulting product change. According to the sugar content in the finished alcoholic beverage, three main types can be distinguished:

  • dry (percentage of sugar not more than 0.3 g per 100 ml);
  • semi-dry apple wine (sugar 2.5 g per 100 ml);
  • sweet (5 g of sugar per 100 ml).

Various varieties of apples are used in winemaking, but in order for apple wine to have a delicate and unique taste, selected fruits should be distinguished by a high percentage of sugar, have pleasant aroma and acceptable acidity. You can also make homemade forest apples, only in this case it is necessary to select ripened fruits, since in unripe fruits the percentage of sugar for making wine is negligible. Fruit wild apples that have lost acidity, but contain enough sugar is actively used by winemakers to make homemade strong and sweet wines. The optimal solution considered cooking apple alcohol from sour and sweet varieties. The homemade apple wine obtained in this way is distinguished by its excellent and harmonious taste.

Apple varieties that ripen in summer are not quite suitable for making apple alcohol at home. The content of sugar in them is small, and on the contrary, there are a lot of organic acids. It will be right for cooking to choose autumn and winter varieties. Skillfully selected mixture will allow with durable and perfect taste characteristics.

It is best to make a drink at home from the following varieties of apples:

Fruits for the preparation of apple drink are collected at the stage of technological ripening. If you let the time go a little, the pectin content can rise, which will make it difficult to separate the juice and may cause it to become clarified. It is not recommended to store apples for a long time, since during the maturation process the fruits soften significantly and the release of juice becomes problematic in the future. The shelf life of raw materials should not exceed 2 days for cultivars and no more than 5 days for wild varieties. Ripe fruits apples, properly stored and further processed in full accordance with the technology, make it possible to obtain a product of neutral and light taste, slightly reminiscent of the taste of a grape drink.

Features and secrets of making apple wine

The main characteristics of the drink largely depend on the technology used. Beginners who first encountered this industry need to have certain knowledge and follow these simple rules:

General technology

Technology of obtaining from lung apples alcoholic drink is identical to the process of making any other wine at home. Preparation should include the following steps:

  • preliminary preparation of fruits;
  • getting juice;
  • analysis of the resulting juice;
  • improving the properties of juice and the preparation of wine must;
  • adding yeast;
  • the process of active fermentation;
  • primary filtration;
  • repeated quiet fermentation;
  • secondary filtration with apple wine overflow;
  • keeping the drink;
  • ennoblement;
  • pouring into a container.

The manufacturing process is lengthy, but allows you to get a drink on your own amber color With wonderful apple scent. It is difficult to say how long it takes for apple alcohol to fully ripen; on average, this process lasts 5-7 months.


Self-production of alcoholic beverages has become one of the most popular activities today. Home wine division accessible to everyone and does not require special equipment. Numerous recipe options using apples as the main product make it possible to make quality alcohol on one's own. Homemade apple wine is in no way inferior to grape wine, and sometimes, on the contrary, it only wins due to its specific taste and exquisite smell. It is not difficult to make homemade wine yourself, the recipes listed below will make sure of this.

Classic apple wine

Before making homemade wine, you need to prepare a sufficient amount of clean dishes. Do classic apple drink quite easy at home. If there are enough ingredients in the supply, the crafting recipe homemade alcohol should include the sequential execution of the following steps:

This recipe will appeal to lovers of strong alcoholic drinks, the special and unique taste of apple wine prepared in this way will be remembered by guests.

Apple wine with raisins

The recipe is easy to make at home. Prepare a pleasant sweet alcohol You can prepare the following ingredients beforehand:

  • selected apples of juicy varieties (10 kg);
  • granulated sugar (2.2 kg);
  • raisins (100 g).

If you decide to cook homemade apple, you should clearly be guided by the methodology worked out over the years. Making homemade apple wine is easy according to the following sequence of actions:

As an experiment, the above recipe can be expanded by adding raspberries. A carefully thought-out recipe will allow you to get extraordinary alcohol, which will be the pride of any experienced or novice winemaker.

Apple wine with honey

The recipe for making a honey-apple alcoholic drink is very popular because of its amazing taste and benefits for human health. You can get it using the following main components:

  • apples (10 kg);
  • lime honey (0.5 kg);
  • granulated sugar (0.5-0.7 kg);
  • raisin.

The preparation method consists of the following steps:

  1. First, apple raw materials are processed (grinding, removing the core and squeezing the juice);
  2. Honey is diluted in a small amount of apple juice and poured into a specially designated container (it is impossible to say exactly how much juice will turn out, basically up to 5.5 liters are obtained from such a quantity of apples);
  3. Pour raisins into a pre-prepared bottle (0.5 l) and add boiled water (filling a third of the volume);
  4. Close the neck of the bottle and put in a warm place for 4 days;
  5. The resulting sourdough is added to the juice, after which the entire mixture is sent to the fermentation tank and closed with a rubber glove with a needle hole in any of the fingers. Exact adherence to the recipe cannot guarantee that the wine will ferment normally, but there should be no reason to panic;
  6. The mass ferments for approximately 1.5-2 months, the result is the appearance of a sediment and a pure wine product;
  7. The resulting wine must be poured into prepared bottles and closed with corks;
  8. Withstand for 6 months.

If desired, the recipe can be slightly modified by adding berries and spices. Among other things, get delicious wine it is possible using various combinations of apple varieties, which will only benefit taste palette drink.

apple wine- a great alternative to the classic varieties of this drink. It is light in color and light taste, which also depends on the type of fruit. The cooking process is simple, suitable for him as fresh apples, and fruit jams or compotes. Homemade apple wine can be made dry, table or dessert - there are several basic winemaking technologies. There is also a way to get light fruity cider with minimal time and components.

Apple wine is traditionally made from sweet varieties. Species with a maximum sugar content are best suited, especially autumn or winter. So, wine from apples of the Antonovka or Anis variety can be obtained both dry and table or semi-sweet. Early varieties of fruits (Moscow pear) are an excellent basis for semi-dry wine. sour apples also suitable for making homemade alcohol, but they are best mixed with sweeter varieties in equal proportions. It is better not to use spoiled fruits - they are suitable for preparing mash for moonshine, but they can ruin the wine taste.

A step-by-step recipe for homemade apple wine includes several stages: preparing raw materials, obtaining and settling the juice, and then fermenting and infusing alcohol.

  1. At the beginning, apples are cut into slices, the core and spoiled areas are removed. Fruits should not be washed - on the surface of the peel there are beneficial microorganisms that will participate in the fermentation processes. Next, you need to extract the juice with any accessible way. It will be used for winemaking.
  2. The next step in the apple wine recipe is juice settling. To do this, it is placed in a container with a wide mouth and covered with gauze from insects. In a few days, fermentation processes begin with the participation natural yeast. The pulp accumulates on the surface of the liquid - the remains of the hard part of the apples. It must be carefully removed without mixing with the juice. The process is considered complete when the liquid acquires a characteristic sour smell.
  3. In order for fermentation to proceed with the formation of alcohol, sugar must be added. Its amount depends on the type of wine: for dry wine, 150-200 g per 1 liter of juice is enough, for dessert - up to 300-400 g. Immediately after removing the pulp, you can add the first portion of sugar (100-150 g). After 4-5 days, it is necessary to remove the water seal, drain a small amount of juice, mix it with the second portion of sugar (50-100 g) and pour back. the procedure can be repeated several more times at regular intervals, adding 30-80 g of sugar.
  4. The next stage is the fermentation of the juice. The process must take place under a water seal, which simultaneously prevents oxygen from entering the liquid and removes carbon dioxide. It can be replaced with an ordinary rubber glove with several holes on the fingers. Fermentation proceeds for 1-2 months, until abundant foam with bubbles stops forming.
  5. To make the wine soft rich taste but must mature. From fermentation tank it is poured into hermetically closed bottles and sent for storage in a cool room for 2-4 months. First, it must be removed from the sediment, this procedure can be repeated every 2 weeks until the liquid is completely clarified.

Homemade apple wine has a light fruity taste and aroma. Its strength is 10-12%. This figure can be increased by adding a small amount of alcohol or vodka before storage. You can also additionally sweeten the drink with sugar or its natural substitutes.

Apple puree wine

The easiest way to make apple wine is to use fresh fruits. For 15 kg of already peeled fruits, you will need 3 liters of water and 2.5 kg of sugar. The slices are ground to a state of a homogeneous slurry. The resulting applesauce is put into a container with a wide mouth and covered with several layers of gauze. Further, the process proceeds according to the standard scheme:

  • settling for 3 days, stirring occasionally, followed by removal of the pulp;
  • fermentation with sugar under a water seal for 1.5-2 months;
  • removal from the sediment every 12-15 days until the liquid is completely clarified;
  • settling and storage in hermetically sealed bottles.

In order to prevent the drink from spoiling, wine storage must be specially equipped. The room temperature should not exceed 16 degrees, while it is recommended to protect the wine from direct sunlight. The bottles are placed horizontally, trying not to move them unnecessarily.

Wine made from a mixture of fresh and dried apples

Apple wine can be made from a mixture of fresh fruits and dried, especially in the cold season. The advantage of this drink is fast process cooking. Proportions additional ingredients calculated based on the number of fresh apples:

  • drying - 100 g per 1 kg;
  • sugar - 200-250 g per 1 kg;
  • water - 0.8 l per 1 kg;
  • alcohol - 100 ml per 1 liter of must;
  • purchased yeast starter.

For an apple wine recipe, it is important to properly prepare the fruit so that they enter into fermentation processes. They are placed in water, heated to 60 degrees and left to infuse for several days. Then you need to make a starter - mix 100 g of purchased wine yeast with 0.2 l of warm water. These components are mixed in a large container, adding sugar, and left for a month under a water seal. When the intensive fermentation stops, the drink remains to be drained from the sediment, add alcohol and stand for 2 weeks.

Spicy apple wine with cinnamon

Apple and cinnamon wine is a classic flavor combination. It turns out both light and spicy, has a warm fruity undertone. To prepare it, you need to take 4 liters of peeled apples and water, as well as 1 kg of sugar and a small amount of cinnamon powder. Fruits are boiled in water with the addition of cinnamon, mashed and left to ferment for several days. Then, after removing the pulp, you need to add sugar and leave the drink under a water seal for a week. Then the shutter is changed to a regular cover and left for another week. Next, it remains to drain the wine from the sediment and pour into glass bottles For long-term storage. The recipe for apple wine with cinnamon is simple, and the taste of the drink is unusual.

Fortified apple wine

Apple wine made according to next recipe, has a fortress of 13-15 degrees. Both sweet and sour varieties of fruits are suitable for it, but it is better to combine them in a 2: 1 ratio. For 10 kg of peeled and chopped apples, you will need 3.5 kg of sugar, 350 g of raisins and 250 g of vodka or alcohol. To make apple wine at home, the fruit is ground into a puree and placed in a large container. Raisins and the first portion of sugar (3 kg) are laid out on them. After 3 weeks, it is necessary to remove the pulp and add the remaining amount of sugar and alcohol. In this form, the wine remains for another 10 days, after which it is carefully drained from the sediment and placed in hermetically sealed bottles. Despite the simple recipe, the wine has a rich taste and aroma and is stored for a long time.

Dessert apple wine

There is a simple recipe for apple wine at home, which turns out to be especially rich. It will only need sweet varieties of apples, as well as a small amount ripe pears. The list of ingredients includes several items:

  • peeled and sliced ​​​​fruits (10 kg of apples and 2 kg of pears for flavor);
  • 200-250 g of raisins - it speeds up the fermentation process;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.

The algorithm for making wine from apples does not differ from classic way. Fruits must be cut into slices, peeled from the core and rotten areas. Then they are carefully ground into puree, mixed with raisins and left for a day. During this time, the mixture should be stirred with a wooden spoon at least 3 times. Then sugar is added and a water seal is installed for long-term fermentation (at least 5 days, until gas formation completely stops). It remains to drain the liquid from the sediment, strain it and pour it into glass bottles for aging and storage.

Apple wine has a light fruity taste and aroma, suitable for main courses and desserts. In addition, it is easy to cook at home according to classic or simplified recipes. You can adjust the strength and taste features wine, so that it turns out table, semi-sweet, sweet or dessert. Read more about how to cook delicious and quality wine with your own hands, you can find out in the following video:
