
How to make apple wine at home. Apple wine at home: a simple recipe

One of the most common fruit trees in our area is the apple tree. It grows in almost every garden, and the fruits are used in any form: fresh apples, preparations for the winter, cooking, dried and soaked apples. This sunny fruit has not been without this fruit in winemaking - homemade amber wine made from Antonovka has long won the hearts of winemakers. The aromatic and taste characteristics of such wine are much better than other alcoholic beverages.

At the exit, lovers of homemade alcohol will receive a pleasant-tasting and healthy (without abuse in quantity) drink, the strength of which will be 10-12 °. In addition to a pleasant taste, it has useful and healing properties. An additional plus is that the preparation of such a delicious wine from juicy crispy Antonovka apples in ordinary home conditions is within the power of even not the most experienced winemaker. It can be cider, or table wine, dessert or liqueur. Organoleptic properties depend on the correct selection of raw materials and the accuracy of technology.

How to make apple wine from Antonovka with your own hands: preparation of raw materials

The main point in the manufacture of alcohol from apples is the selection of raw materials. Fruits differ from each other in maturity, time when they are ripe, sugar content, acidity. Dry wine will come out of sour unripe Antonovka apples, while dessert ones will sour.

Overripe and summer-ripened apples will give a drink that will not keep for long. And varieties ripening in winter or autumn will give a wonderful bouquet and are especially good for winemaking. The most versatile sweet and sour apples for different wines, they are also called household varieties. The combination of sweet and sour fruits will be successful - this will give a more interesting blend. Autumn varieties have a lot of juice, which makes them an excellent material for home winemaking.

In late August - early September, they are harvested, allowed to lie down for about 2 weeks, bringing them to the final ripening, and put into work. It is important not to let them become flabby or spoil - if they overripe, the amount of juice will decrease. Delicious homemade wine is made from the varieties Antonovka, Bely Naliv, Anis gray and striped. Antonovka is in the first place due to the fact that it contains a lot of juice, is aromatic, it is characterized by a clean taste, and serves as an excellent basis for making homemade cider.

The size of the fruit is also important: medium or small fruits give the best quality, because. contain more sugar, they have moderate acidity.

You can't wash apples. To prepare the fruits before making fragrant apple wine from crispy Antonovka yourself, you need to wipe them with a napkin, remove the dirt with a brush. However, in no case should you soak in water: it is important to keep the living bacteria that are on the skin of the apple and will help to process sugar into alcohols when the fermentation process begins.

Fruits should be taken whole, without worms, not rotten, damaged places, cleaned or cut. Remove the core - so the wine will not become bitter.

Preparation of Antonovka juice manually or through a juicer for wine at home

To get the most juice for wine from Antonovka fruits, it is worth passing them through a juicer. In the event that it is not available on the farm, a meat grinder will help. In the absence of it, apples are rubbed by hand.

Infuse the juice for 3 days, then begin to separate the resulting pulp from the liquid. These days, after 8-12 hours, the pulp needs to be melted - this way the yeast will spread evenly, which will prevent souring. For ease of further pressing, 6 hours before the start of this process, put in a room with a low temperature. Press by hand or press.

In order for the wine from the juice of ripe Antonovka to be prepared correctly even at home, all the ingredients, including sugar, are added before the juice is placed in a vessel, where it will then ferment. It is better to fill in sugar in portions: half must be introduced first, a quarter later, on the 4th day, and the rest in a week. This is most important when the apples were taken sweet: with excess sugar, fermentation will stop.

The vessel left for fermentation must be covered so that the air does not come into contact with the wort, but the gas that is formed in the process must come out. This will help water seal (homemade or factory). At home, a rubber glove is used, the finger of which is pierced with a needle.

When the fermentation is completed, the wine must be settled in another bowl. Alcohol is poured into it, alcohol, sugar are added (in case the drink does not seem sweet enough). A water seal is on the tank for a week, then it closes tightly. The wine is bottled when it becomes transparent.

Equipment for making wine from Antonovka apple juice

From the equipment you will need the following set:

  • Gang (made of wood);
  • Equipment - for squeezing juice;
  • Glass bottles (for 10 l);
  • Rubber gloves);
  • Cover with a hole and a pipe made of plastic;
  • A jar of water (1 l).

Everything should be washed and dried before use.

Technology and recipe for making homemade wine from the juice of sour apples "Antonovka"

There is a classic recipe for fragrant homemade wine made from crispy antonovka apples.

It requires the following ingredients:

  • 10 kg of apples (those same household varieties);
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1.6 kg of sugar.

Production of wine from apples.

Sort the fruits, prepare them for processing, removing rot, bruising. Grind through a meat grinder, juicer, you can manually grate. Leave the resulting mixture in a container (for example, a saucepan or bucket), tie it with gauze at the top or, in its absence, with a thin cloth. Put indoors for 3 days. Every 8-12 hours the contents should be thoroughly mixed during these three days.

Remove the pulp, leave a layer of about 0.3-0.5 cm.

Further, according to the recipe for self-preparation of homemade apple wine, it is from Antonovka as the most fragrant variety, you need to add water, sugar (0.8 kg), pour everything into a container, and there fermentation will begin in the wine. Install a water seal. Open it after 4 days, drain 0.2 l of wort with a tube. Dilute 0.4 kg of sugar in wine, drain back. Reinstall the shutter.

When 3-4 days have passed, do the same.

In accordance with the technology for the production of homemade wine made from the juice of the popular Antonovka, the temperature most favorable for the fermentation of apple must to begin is 20-20 °. Should fluctuate not lower than 18 ° and not higher than 24 °. The water seal will tell you if the process is finished - it will stop gurgling. A glove used in place of a factory water seal will lose air and fall off in this case. This may not be for quite some time. When 50 days have passed and the fermentation has not ended, you need to drain the wort, pour it into a new container, also with a water seal, this should help complete the process.

Next, the drink is poured into another (clean) container, closed very tightly and settled. Every 2 weeks, drain the wine from the sediment. It should become almost transparent, then drain it, for the last time, bottle it.

Making homemade wine from fresh apple juice of delicious Antonovka will give excellent table alcohol, a strength of 10-12 °.

The apple is the most common and easily accessible fruit (and free for gardeners). It has a neutral, but quite pronounced sweet and sour taste. If it is not possible to preserve the fruit in its natural form, then prepared wine from apple juice will be a good solution, which you can enjoy at any time of the year. How to make apple wine at home and not regret the translated products: proven recipes for a universal drink.

Equipment for making wine from apples

To optimize production, it is necessary to prepare in advance the necessary equipment, which includes:

  1. Powerful juicer. The best option is auger, because it allows you to "take" the maximum amount of juice from the fruit. In the absence of an auger or even a traditional juicer with centrifuge technology, a grater can be used.
  2. A container in which the wine will ferment in the future (a large saucepan, a can, a bottle).
  3. The final container necessary for the maturation of wine and its serving (glass is considered the best material for such purposes).

How to make homemade wine from apple juice: a step by step recipe

We offer a simple recipe for homemade apple juice wine, which includes a minimum of fixtures, ingredients and labor.

The first thing to start with is to prepare the apples. It is advisable to sort out the crop, leaving juicy, ripe fruits. You can even take slightly broken apples by cutting off the damaged part. Ideally, they should be washed, but most often it is enough to wipe with a clean cloth or a brush with stiff bristles, removing small debris and dirt. Be sure to cut out the core and remove the seeds. But if you want your homemade wine to have an original, subtle bitterness, you can leave the seeds.

The second stage of the process is the processing of apples. As mentioned above, this can be done with a juicer or grater. The first option is preferable, because after the grater there will be a wet cake that will need to be squeezed out.

The third stage - pour the resulting juice into a pre-prepared container and let it brew for several days (optimally - at least three). During this time, the natural yeast that is present in the peel of apples transforms the pulp into pulp and juice directly.

The pulp formed on the third day of fermentation must be removed from the surface of the juice. The easiest way to do this is with a sieve or gauze. In order to prevent acidification and enhance the work of yeast, the pulp must be stirred at least once a day.

The ideal temperature for fermentation is within 22 degrees. At the same time, wine should be stored in a darkened room, which does not provide for direct sunlight.

The fourth stage is to enhance the taste by adding sugar. Its concentration depends on the optimal level of sweetness that you prefer. There are two types of wines made from apple juice: table and semi-sweet. The proportion is as follows: 200 grams of sugar is needed per liter of dry wine. For dessert wine, you will need twice as much (400 grams per 1 liter).

The next step in making wine is sealing it. The resulting amount of juice must be poured into a container suitable for fermentation. It can be a glass bottle or a wooden barrel. It can be filled with a maximum of 80% of the total volume - the remaining 20% ​​will account for the emitted gas and foam.

Do not allow the concentration of gases, as this can simply lead to an explosion. You can remove them in several ways:

At the same time, it is very important to prevent the flow of oxygen inside, otherwise we will get vinegar instead of wine from apple juice. It is advisable to leave the container with the future wine to "play" for 30-45 days. After this time, the finished wine must be filtered, separated from the sediment. To do this, it is poured from another vessel, which is sterilized in advance. Professionals use special tubes for such purposes, which resemble a siphon. With their help, you can completely remove the pulp. After the performed procedures, the wine is again removed to a dark place for at least 2 months. During this time, the drink will completely form its taste and “reach”. If necessary, it can be filtered again.

If you don’t know how to make apple juice wine more expressive in taste, feel free to use spices when serving it on the table. Cinnamon and anise go well with the neutral taste of apples. They can be added to warmed wine, enhancing the taste with honey.

Despite the length of the process and certain manipulations, home-made wine from apple juice allows you to enjoy a wonderful drink that does not contain artificial colors and flavors.

To make the finished product perfect, the following professional recommendations will come in handy for beginners in the process:

  • with weak fermentation, ordinary raisins can be used as a natural enhancer;
  • to achieve a rich taste palette of wine, pear, orange or mountain ash juice can be included in the basic recipe. A particularly bright taste is obtained by combining apple juice and juice;
  • even after a long fermentation, apple wine contains an extremely small percentage of strength. You can increase this indicator by adding pure alcohol or vodka to it. After that, the wine must be infused for at least 10 days.

Recipe for wine based on apple juice and lemon

This recipe differs from the technology described above only in the presence of a small amount of lemon juice. When preparing wine, squeezed lemon juice should be added to the resulting apple juice in the proportion: 1 lemon per 1 liter of apple juice. The technology itself does not change. This wine is perfect for the summer heat - chilled, it perfectly quenches thirst.

Video recipe for making dessert apple wine

Grapes do not grow in every climate zone, so home winemakers living, for example, in Siberia, find an alternative to it.

No worse than grape wine, wine is obtained from apple juice, and fruits such as apples grow in many, even Siberian, areas. We will learn how to make a homemade wine drink from apples, which is not inferior in taste and aromatic bouquet to grape alcohol.

To make homemade wine from apple juice according to a simple recipe, we use the following components:

  • 2 liters of water (for sour apples);
  • 6 buckets of ripe apples;
  • 5 kg of granulated sugar.

This drink is made from apples of any variety and color, they can even be mixed. The main thing is that the raw materials are ripe, juicy and sweet enough.

Juice from sour apples to reduce acidity is diluted with water at the rate of 100 ml of water per 1 liter. True, the drink will lose some of the flavor.

How to make wine from apple juice

The taste of homemade apple alcohol is similar to cider - a lighter drink. Its exposure takes 6 months, but at the output you get a surprisingly tasty fruit wine for aperitifs or feasts.

The technology for obtaining a low-alcohol drink from apples is as follows:

  • We sort through the collected or purchased fruits, discarding garbage and removing places with rot and seeds with seeds. You can not wash the fruits, otherwise we will wash off the natural yeast fungi. Contaminated apples are best wiped with a dry cloth.
  • We squeeze the juice with a juicer, filter through cheesecloth, freeing from coarse particles. One bucket of fruit gives about 4 liters of liquid needed to make wine from apple juice, and six buckets - about 20 liters.
  • We mix juice from sour fruits with water in the above proportion: it will reduce acidity and improve the taste of the drink.
  • We mix freshly squeezed juice (it will be opaque, with particles of pulp) with 2 kg of granulated sugar, cover with a cloth and put it in heat for three days. Every day several times we mix the cap of pulp that appears on the surface of the future wine from apple juice.
  • At the end of the third day, we filter the wort through a strainer (gauze), squeeze, mix the filtered and squeezed juice, remove the cake.
  • Pour the strained wort into a glass bottle, previously doused with boiling water and dried, taking up no more than two-thirds of the container. We put a water seal or pull on a glove with a hole, and leave to wander in a shaded place with a temperature of at least 20 degrees.
  • Gradually add portions of sugar. For the first time, we mix the must to obtain homemade wine from apple juice according to a simple recipe after 4 days. Pour a liter of wort into a clean saucepan, mix with 1 kg of granulated sugar, and pour it back under the shutter. We repeat the action two more times every three days.
  • Fermentation will be completed in a month or two. Before finally making wine from apple juice, pour the fermented wort through a thin hose into a new bottle without touching the sediment.
  • We taste the liquid and, if necessary, sweeten it with sugar, put it under the shutter and wait another week. Do you want more strength? We mix the juice with a liter of vodka and keep it under the shutter for about 2 weeks, if the fermentation continues.
  • If the taste is already good, pour wine from apple juice into glass containers to the very top, close tightly and keep for 160 days in cool conditions. Every month we remove the wine from the sediment. When it stops appearing, the drink is ready.
  • Pour the wine into sterile bottles, seal hermetically and store cool in a horizontal form for no longer than 3 years.

Although in fact, fragrant and surprisingly tasty wine made from apple juice, prepared at home, will be consumed much earlier, as soon as everyone tastes its taste!

As you can see, apple juice wine is prepared quite easily and turns out to be moderately strong (about 12%), tasty, fragrant and very healthy. The main thing is to strictly follow the simple technology, use high-quality apples and have a little patience!

The main ingredient for making wine at home are fruit and berry crops. Possessing excellent taste indicators, they give the finished alcoholic drink a special refined aroma. Quite often, in recent years, experienced craftsmen use apples as a raw material for making wine. Tasty and fragrant fruits of apples are considered the most affordable type of raw material and a wonderful alternative to the vine that everyone loves.

Apple wine is not only a pleasant-tasting alcoholic drink, but also a kind of balm enriched with useful trace elements that has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. Moderate consumption of apple wine has a positive effect on the functioning of many vital systems. Proper preparation of the drink makes it possible to preserve all the beneficial properties of the fruit, so a detailed acquaintance with all stages of the production technology is considered a fundamental point.

Apple varieties used in winemaking

Apple raw materials used to make wine at home are conventionally divided according to taste. Depending on how many apple fruits were taken, the physicochemical characteristics of the resulting product change. According to the sugar content in the finished alcoholic beverage, three main types can be distinguished:

  • dry (percentage of sugar not more than 0.3 g per 100 ml);
  • semi-dry apple wine (sugar 2.5 g per 100 ml);
  • sweet (5 g of sugar per 100 ml).

Various varieties of apples are used in winemaking, but in order for apple wine to have a delicate and unique taste, the selected fruits must be distinguished by a high percentage of sugar, have a pleasant aroma and an acceptable acidity index. Homemade can also be made from forest apples, only in this case it is necessary to select ripened fruits, since in unripe fruits the percentage of sugar for making wine is negligible. The fruits of wild apples, which have lost their acidity, but contain a sufficient amount of sugar, are actively used by winemakers to make homemade strong and sweet wines. The best solution is the preparation of apple alcohol from sour and sweet varieties. The homemade apple wine obtained in this way is distinguished by its excellent and harmonious taste.

Apple varieties that ripen in summer are not quite suitable for making apple alcohol at home. The content of sugar in them is small, and on the contrary, there are a lot of organic acids. It will be right for cooking to choose autumn and winter varieties. Skillfully selected mixture will allow with durable and perfect taste features.

It is best to make a drink at home from the following varieties of apples:

Fruits for the preparation of apple drink are collected at the stage of technological ripening. If you let the time go a little, the pectin content can rise, which will make it difficult to separate the juice and may cause it to become clarified. It is not recommended to store apples for a long time, since during the maturation process the fruits soften significantly and the release of juice becomes problematic in the future. The shelf life of raw materials should not exceed 2 days for cultivars and no more than 5 days for wild varieties. Ripe apple fruits, properly stored and further processed in full accordance with the technology, make it possible to obtain a product with a neutral and light taste, slightly reminiscent of the taste of a grape drink.

Features and secrets of making apple wine

The main characteristics of the drink largely depend on the technology used. Beginners who first encountered this industry need to have certain knowledge and follow these simple rules:

General technology

The technology for obtaining a light alcoholic drink from apples is identical to the process of making any other wine at home. Preparation should include the following steps:

  • preliminary preparation of fruits;
  • getting juice;
  • analysis of the resulting juice;
  • improving the properties of juice and the preparation of wine must;
  • adding yeast;
  • the process of active fermentation;
  • primary filtration;
  • repeated quiet fermentation;
  • secondary filtration with apple wine overflow;
  • keeping the drink;
  • ennoblement;
  • pouring into a container.

The manufacturing process is lengthy, but allows you to independently obtain an amber-colored drink with wonderful apple scent. It is difficult to say how long it takes for apple alcohol to fully ripen; on average, this process lasts 5-7 months.


Self-production of alcoholic beverages has become one of the most popular activities today. Home winemaking is accessible to everyone and does not require special equipment. Numerous recipe options using apples as the main product make it possible to make high-quality alcohol on your own. Homemade apple wine is in no way inferior to grape wine, and sometimes, on the contrary, it only wins due to its specific taste and exquisite smell. It is not difficult to make homemade wine yourself, the recipes listed below will make sure of this.

Classic apple wine

Before making homemade wine, you need to prepare a sufficient amount of clean dishes. Making a classic apple drink at home is quite simple. If there are enough ingredients in stock, the recipe for making homemade alcohol should include the following steps in sequence:

This recipe will appeal to lovers of strong alcoholic drinks, the special and unique taste of apple wine prepared in this way will be remembered by guests.

Apple wine with raisins

The recipe is easy to make at home. You can prepare pleasant and sweet alcohol by pre-preparing the following ingredients:

  • selected apples of juicy varieties (10 kg);
  • granulated sugar (2.2 kg);
  • raisins (100 g).

If you decide to cook homemade apple, you should clearly be guided by the methodology worked out over the years. Making homemade apple wine is easy according to the following sequence of actions:

As an experiment, the above recipe can be expanded by adding raspberries. A carefully thought-out recipe will allow you to get extraordinary alcohol, which will be the pride of any experienced or novice winemaker.

Apple wine with honey

The recipe for making a honey-apple alcoholic drink is very popular because of its amazing taste and beneficial properties for human health. You can get it using the following main components:

  • apples (10 kg);
  • lime honey (0.5 kg);
  • granulated sugar (0.5-0.7 kg);
  • raisin.

The preparation method consists of the following steps:

  1. First, apple raw materials are processed (grinding, removing the core and squeezing the juice);
  2. Honey is diluted in a small amount of apple juice and poured into a specially designated container (it is impossible to say exactly how much juice will turn out, basically up to 5.5 liters are obtained from such a quantity of apples);
  3. Pour raisins into a pre-prepared bottle (0.5 l) and add boiled water (filling a third of the volume);
  4. Close the neck of the bottle and put in a warm place for 4 days;
  5. The resulting sourdough is added to the juice, after which the entire mixture is sent to the fermentation tank and closed with a rubber glove with a needle hole in any of the fingers. Exact adherence to the recipe cannot guarantee that the wine will ferment normally, but there should be no reason to panic;
  6. The mass ferments for approximately 1.5-2 months, the result is the appearance of a sediment and a pure wine product;
  7. The resulting wine must be poured into prepared bottles and closed with corks;
  8. Withstand for 6 months.

If desired, the recipe can be slightly modified by adding berries and spices. Among other things, you can get delicious wine using various combinations of apple varieties, which will only benefit the taste palette of the drink.
