
Andy's colored glaze. Decorating confectionery is a very interesting process, it is easy to comprehend this art if you follow the recommendations and the recipe.

To make a cake you will need:

  • 200 gr. baked cookies (ideally "savoyardi");
  • 6 large chicken eggs;
  • 125 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 1 glass citrus juice, for example orange;
  • 75 gr. butter;
  • 1 lemon or 2 limes;
  • 50 ml. orange liqueur;
  • 300 ml. heavy cream for whipping;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of dry granulated gelatin.

To prepare the glaze:

Every housewife faces the question of decorating a dish, especially after cooking has been mastered. home baking. Serve beautiful home cake, on which colored icing for the cake is applied, for the hostess is considered the height of culinary excellence.

But many are worried and wary that something might go wrong, and often refuse such a design. But in vain!

Glossy color cake icing is the simplest and most budgetary tool, not only as a decoration for baking, but also to hide and disguise small flaws after cooking, to make the dessert elegant and appetizing.

How to make the right icing for decorating cakes?

The classic glaze recipe is quite simple, and consists of ordinary granulated sugar or powder and water. But the list of ingredients does not end there, because as part of homemade colored glaze from white chocolate citric acid may also be present for the cake.

As well as chocolate and cocoa powder, condensed milk and butter, fruit or berry syrup, jams and jams, agar-agar or gelatin, which allow the glaze to harden firmly on the surface, and even chopped nuts for texture.

It is easy to convince of this by looking at cakes with colored icing, photos of which can be easily found on the Internet.

Equally important is the correct distribution of glaze on the surface, for example, liquid glaze must be poured into the center so that it drains naturally On the sides. The thick one is distributed over the entire surface, leveling it with neat strokes with a special silicone spatula. But not everyone knows how to cook colored glaze for the cake.

The side parts of the cake must be decorated separately, so for convenience finished cake must be placed on a special "podium", which coincides with the size of the baking itself, although it is quite possible to get by with a round grill. It's a miracle how the mirror glaze for the cake looks good on any pastry.

Let's take an example of how to quickly, with little or no effort, prepare a colored icing for a cake recipe with a photo. For the main taste in our dessert will be responsible citrus fruits, so our glaze will be bright and sunny in summer. Cake icing color recipe which you will definitely like, will be described below.

Recipe for Lemon Mousse Cake with Orange Color Glaze

Incredibly simple and quick recipe perfect for those housewives who have little time to prepare desserts. The cake does not need pre-baking, as cookies are used for its preparation, and we will tell you in detail how to make colored icing for the cake.

Making mousse cake step by step:

  1. Grind cookies in a blender or food processor until smooth. breadcrumbs. After the “dough” for the cake is ready, you can prepare a mousse or colored icing for smudges on the cake.
  2. Add softened butter, form a “likeness” of dough with your hands, carefully mixing the butter into dry crumbs. Form a ball, wrap in parchment or cling film and put in the refrigerator to cool the resulting mass a little.
  3. Spread the dough on a greased springform pan, making small sides. Put the mold in the refrigerator, and while the cake hardens, start preparing the mousse. Remember that we still need to prepare the colored icing for the cake, the recipe without glucose is perfect for diabetics.
  4. To do this, remove the zest from citrus fruits by rubbing the skin on fine grater. In order for the dessert not to be bitter, it is necessary to remove only the colored layer, without affecting the white base near the pulp. Transfer the zest to a suitable container. beautiful cakes with smudges of colored icing and photos will cause appetite not only for the sweet tooth.
  5. Roll the peeled lemons on the table, and then squeeze all the juice out of them thoroughly. Mix with zest and orange juice, add granulated sugar, liquor and mix well. Colored chocolate icing for the cake will go well with the aroma of citrus fruits.
  6. Separate the whites from the yolks, the whites can be frozen for cooking icing sugar, and beat the yolks a little and add to the juice and zest. Put the weight on medium fire, and stirring regularly, wait until the resulting mass hardens. Strain it through a sieve or cheesecloth. This cake can be decorated with colored chocolate cake icing.
  7. Dissolve the gelatin in cold water, and while it swells, beat the cream well. Mix fruit mousse, gelatin and cream, spread over the surface of the cooled cake. You can prepare colored icing for a cake with smudges, the recipe of which will pleasantly surprise you with its speed.
  8. Transfer the mold carefully to the refrigerator and wait for it to solidify completely, this will take a couple of hours. In the meantime mousse cake hardens, there is time to do the preparation of the glaze. How to prepare colored icing for cakes at home?
  9. Squeeze out all the juice from the oranges, mix with powdered sugar. Lightly glaze caramel flavor will help crushed into powder Brown sugar Or no a large number of liquid honey.

How to make colored mirror glaze for a cake? Heat the mass, and boil it in such a way that it turns out thick, clear syrup orange color. After the mass becomes thick, it must be cooled by pouring it into another dish and do not miss the moment for applying to the mousse cake.

When the mirror glaze for the cake, according to the recipe, is applied to the cake and starts to harden, the cake decorated with colored glaze must be cooled again, and after a couple of hours it can be served at the table set for tea drinking.

Modern confectioners are a real discovery for me! Looking through the pages of sites, Instagram, you can find bewitching works, from which it is difficult to look away. And after closing the photo, it pops up in your thoughts for a long time. I love current trends confectionery world. Cakes of the 21st century are, without exaggeration, masterpieces! But, as you know, fashion is a fickle lady, it changes very quickly, and what is in trend today may earn the stigma of “last century” tomorrow. Let's discuss how, today, you can give a zest to the cake, and bring your work closer to a masterpiece?

The answer is quite simple - make smudges on the cake. This is not a difficult technique that every pastry chef, even a beginner, can master. The main thing is to focus and keep proportions. A sense of proportion plays a rather large role. A cake with smudges looks neat and attractive only if the icing flows down in thin streams of different lengths. Smudges on the cake are one of the most universal designs. Pairs well with fresh berries, candy, flower decoration. Depending on the theme, they can be chocolate or colored.

Secrets of the "correct" glaze

Chocolate icing is great for creating smudges -. There are many recipes. However, getting excellent result depends not so much on the ingredients as on the technology of preparation.

  1. It can only be applied to a chilled product.
  2. It is very important that the glaze has the right consistency. If it is too thick, you will get pot-bellied worms, and if it is too liquid, smudges will drain onto the substrate, forming chocolate puddles.
  3. Before applying, be sure to check the temperature by applying to the skin of the hands. It shouldn't burn. Too much hot icing ruin your creation.
  4. Volumetric smudges on a chocolate cake look more impressive. This point again depends on the density.

So, let's look at the recipe for making this wonderful glaze.

Chocolate smudges

cake recipe with chocolate smudges involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • Dark chocolate from 50% - 90 g;
  • Cream with a fat content of 33% - 70 ml.;
  • Butter - 40 g.

Cooking process

For such confectionery experiments, it is highly desirable to use a scale. But, in principle, you can do without them by adjusting the density using the sample method on chilled dishes, described above.

  1. We heat the cream to a temperature of about 70 degrees (do not bring to a boil!). Remove from fire.
  2. Finely chop the chocolate, add to the heated cream. Do not be alarmed, at first the mass will seem stratified. Keep stirring, the cream will become homogeneous.
  3. Add butter cut into pieces. Some pastry chefs do not use it, but this ingredient gives a chic glossy sheen to ganache.
  4. Glaze is ready. Next is a matter of technology, so to speak! Use our recommendations for its application.

During the execution of smudges, the ganache changes its consistency, freezes. Control this moment! Either work quickly or heat up the frosting as you work.

As practice shows, it is better to perform such manipulations with a small spoon, but you can also use a pastry bag. Who is comfortable. When the smudges are done, fill in the central part of the top of your masterpiece.

colored glaze

Colorful desserts attract the eyes of both adults and children. If you are preparing for children's holiday, use colored smudges for the cake as a design. "The head of the holiday", in this case, will not be left without compliments.


  • White chocolate - 65 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 20 g;
  • Food coloring.

Cooking process

  1. Melt the chocolate in microwave oven, stirring every 15 seconds, or in a water bath. Make sure the bowl is dry. The ingress of even one drop of water is highly undesirable.
  2. Add vegetable oil(refined, odorless) into melted chocolate.
  3. The next step is to add color. Mix everything thoroughly until a uniform color.
  4. Take out the pre-chilled dessert and pour the icing, starting from the edges. Then we fill the center, leveling everything with a spatula.

We have tried to describe in as much detail as possible the essence of this unpretentious process! Share in the comments how your expectations and reality coincided?)) We hope this article will contribute to the development of someone's confectionery talent.


  • Chocolate (bitter, milk or white) - 100 g;
  • Cream (can be replaced with milk) - 2 tablespoons

Before you start making chocolate and cream cake icing, you need matching chocolate. For this prescription will do black, milk or white, but you should not take porous types of chocolate. Porous chocolate when heated, the required density and uniformity of consistency in the glaze is rarely obtained.

Classic frosting recipe

This cooking option is the easiest and does not require much time. Such icing can cover the whole cake or draw original patterns with help pastry bag and your imagination. Despite the simplicity of the recipe, the icing is shiny and delicious!

Classic recipe implies the use of dark chocolate at least 72% cocoa. It is impossible to take chocolate with fillings, cookies, nuts or raisins for cooking.

  1. First, melt the chocolate bar in a water bath, stirring gently. It is better to cook the cream on medium heat and stir constantly.
  2. When the chocolate is already a homogeneous mass, add 2 tablespoons of cream (or milk).
  3. Allow frosting to cool slightly before decorating cupcakes or cake.
  4. But don't wait too long to cool down. The approximate temperature of the glaze when decorating should be about 40 degrees.

Chocolate icing is stored in the refrigerator, before use it is only necessary to warm it up. In the microwave, the icing can overheat and be unsuitable for decorating. confectionery.

How to make frosting for smudges?

Icing for smudges on a chocolate cake is prepared according to the same recipe, but there are a few secrets for successful application:

Firstly, the cake must be well chilled beforehand: just put the cake or cakes smeared with cream for an hour in the refrigerator.

Secondly, the approximate temperature of the glaze for decoration should be about 40 degrees, if the temperature is lower, then smudges will not work.

And finally, thirdly, use a pastry bag to form smudges. If you don't have a pastry bag handy, take a tight bag and fill it with frosting. Tie up the bag and cut off the corner of the thickness of which there will be smudges. Use one hand to spread the chocolate icing and use the other hand to rotate the cake.

The rotating plate makes the process easier, and if you have helpers, then you have 4 hands at your disposal! Spread the frosting around the edges in an up and down motion. It is not even necessary to cover the entire cake with icing, especially if you have on hand for decoration fresh fruits and berries. Bright summer colors look appetizing next to chocolate.

Subject to these simple conditions, you will get perfect smudges!

Chocolate and Butter Cake Icing


  • Chocolate - 100 g;
  • Cream (or milk) - 4 tablespoons;
  • Butter - 50 g.

This glaze is softer and not suitable for smudges, but is great as a base layer for mastic.

An interesting icing is obtained from white chocolate, and with the presence of food coloring, you can make a icing of pink, blue or any other color. For this, already finished glaze a couple of drops of gel dye are added. If you use loose paints, then add the dye at the tip of the knife and into the still hot mass.

It is recommended to use gel dyes for the preparation of colored glaze at home to obtain more rich color. This glaze is more like a cream and is suitable even for a layer of cakes. Prepared in the same way as in previous recipe, only at the end you need to add butter.

This glaze, when solidified, is softer than in the previous recipe. If you are going to continue to decorate the cake, for example, with mastic, then it is better to apply the icing in 2-3 stages. The more layers you apply, the smoother your foundation will be. After cooling, you can already decorate the cake with mastic and create pastry masterpieces!

If you are a fan of simpler cakes, then you can decorate the cake with fruits, coconut flakes or colorful sprinkles.

Cake icing without chocolate


  • Cocoa - 3 tablespoons;
  • Powdered sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • Milk or cream - 5 tablespoons;
  • Butter - 30 g;
  • Vanillin.

Didn't have chocolate at home? No problem. Use for chocolate icing without chocolate cocoa powder. But to enhance the taste, you can add almond flavor or vanillin. Do not forget that the cream should not sour. Choose the highest quality and freshest products.

  1. First, stir the dry ingredients, then add milk and mix.
  2. Continuing to stir, place the icing on water bath, you can also cook just in enamelware such a glaze, but to avoid burning, it is better to cook in a water bath.
  3. As soon as the icing without chocolate begins to foam, it can be removed from heat and butter added.
  4. But do not stop stirring until the icing has cooled a little.
  5. For more uniform consistency whip the cream with a mixer.

Now you know what is sweet life? You can choose any recipe for chocolate icing that you like and spoil your loved ones with delicious chocolate desserts. Everything will be in chocolate!

When the hostess begins to master the creation of pastries, she faces the question of decorating ready-made delicacies. One of the simple, often budgetary, but spectacular options for decorating cakes, muffins, pies and cakes is icing. How to cook this mass correctly, how to use it and what varieties does it have?

How to make frosting

The classic recipe for such a cake coating consists of hot water and powdered sugar (less often, granulated sugar). However, this does not end there: among the components of the glaze, you can see lemon juice, which bleaches the mixture, gelatin and / or egg white allowing it to solidify. For it can be used:

It is important to know how to decorate a cake with icing - liquid is poured into the center with spoons, allowing it to distribute itself. Thick (on mastic, etc.) is laid over the entire surface, leveling with a special silicone spatula. The sides are processed separately, for this it is recommended to put the cake with icing on a special podium that matches the diameter of the baking base, or on round grate.

cake icing recipe

Taking into account the fact that this mass can be used not only for coating, but also for the purpose of gluing parts together, or for making individual relief elements, the glaze recipe must be chosen, having decided on its purpose. Among the options below, you can find the simplest compositions that even a young hostess can handle, and multicomponent ones that require a special careful approach.


  • Cooking time: 35 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1884 kcal.
  • Cuisine: French.

Leading chefs are sure that high-quality chocolate icing on a cake should not be prepared from cocoa powder, but from cocoa beans and similar butter. However, these components are difficult to get, and the price is not budgetary, especially if the hostess wants to practice cooking and applying glaze on sweet dessert. Good Alternative option- from chocolate. take dark tiles with maximum simple composition.


  • condensed milk - a glass;
  • bitter chocolate - 200 g;
  • cream liqueur(Baileys is ideal) - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Having arranged a water bath, boil the cream.
  2. Reduce burner power to 20%. Pour in the chocolate broken into pieces.
  3. Stir until it melts and all components form a homogeneous mass. Remove from stove.
  4. Add liqueur, mix again. Use the cover warm.


  • Cooking time: 45 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 3756 kcal.
  • Purpose: for festive table.
  • Cuisine: French.

Mirror icing for a cake among confectioners is called "glazage" and requires well-established culinary skills. It is mainly used for cold desserts. The basis is gelatin, which provides a beautiful gloss on the surface. Second important condition- color saturation: transparent glazing is not customary. How to cook such a complex, but very beautiful glaze? Step by step recipe with the photo below should help you figure out its main nuances.


  • glucose syrup - 250 g;
  • condensed milk - 200 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • chocolate - 300 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • gelatin - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Glucose syrup and bring water to a boil.
  2. Add sugar, mix.
  3. Pour the working mass into a blender or beat with a whisk.
  4. Add condensed milk, grated chocolate. Be sure to keep beating, and if a mixer/blender is used for this, it is held at an angle so there are no bubbles.
  5. Let the gelatin swell (the amount of water is determined by the manufacturer's instructions). Introduce into the future glaze when it cools down (55-60 degrees).
  6. Stir, strain the liquid through cheesecloth - if you skip this step, the coating will not shine.
  7. Use when the glass temperature drops to 35 degrees.

From cocoa

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2594 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Looking for good and fast option frosting for smudges on a cake that has liquid consistency but it freezes quickly. Try this recipe for chocolate icing from cocoa, proven by hundreds of housewives. It is budgetary, light, the taste of the finished mass is not inferior to the classic one, which needs to be cooked on a chocolate bar. Condensed milk gives density and density.


  • butter - 200 g;
  • condensed milk - a glass;
  • cocoa powder - a glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt butter with condensed milk.
  2. Add cocoa while whisking.
  3. Pour over cake while frosting is moderately hot.


  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1178 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: English.

Classic powdered sugar frosting great option to cover the biscuits shortbread biscuits, gingerbread at home. She always helps out housewives who have empty refrigerator and kitchen cabinets, because you can always find some sugar and grind it. Lemon juice is an optional element, responsible only for the whiteness of the finished mass. Important nuance this recipe - you need to glaze the cake very quickly, since the product has a high solidification rate.


  • powdered sugar - 300 g;
  • water - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift carefully powdered sugar several times, forming a hill.
  2. Pour into the center hot water, immediately whisking everything with a whisk.
  3. If the mass turns out to be liquid, add a little powdered sugar or starch.
  4. Pour in the lemon juice, continuing to beat until the mixture is fluffy.


  • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 3260 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Perfect white icing for a cake that has an airy structure and does not become denser over time? Perhaps if you cook it on a protein basis with butter. A few drops of lemon juice will remove occasional hints of yellowness. This icing can be used as a cap for cupcakes and a layer for cakes - a delicious and outwardly attractive dessert is guaranteed.


  • butter 82% - 300 g;
  • eggs (protein) - 3 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 250 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the cold whites vigorously, gradually adding powdered sugar with teaspoons.
  2. When you achieve a uniform mass, put the container with it on the burner.
  3. Continuing to beat, wait until the glaze base thickens and turns white.
  4. Remove from stove, let cool.
  5. Beat separately soft butter pour in the lemon juice.
  6. Combine both masses by turning on the mixer for this. Use the frosting immediately to decorate your cake.


  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1579 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

When hostesses master basic options sugar and protein coatings for desserts, they wonder how to make colored icing for the cake. For this purpose, you can use any white base recipe by adding food coloring or fruit juice to it. Or try delicious honey variant with agar, chocolate and berry syrup(you can do it yourself). If you need a glossy surface, add 7-10 g of gelatin here.


  • honey - 50 g;
  • sugar - 70 g;
  • white chocolate - 130 g;
  • fat cream - 40 g;
  • berry syrup - half a glass;
  • agar-agar - 2 tsp;
  • water - 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix sugar with honey and berry syrup in a saucepan. Warm up.
  2. Add water, stir.
  3. Pour boiling water over agar-agar (according to the manufacturer's instructions).
  4. Heat cream with broken chocolate separately so that the last component melts. Remove from burner.
  5. While whipping this mass, add sugar-berry syrup into it.
  6. Carefully fold in the gelatin so that no lumps form.
  7. If necessary, enhance the color with confectionery coloring. The operating temperature of this coating is 45 degrees.


  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1972 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Simple delicious icing from protein and sugar is used mainly for decorating cookies - if it is prepared for a cake, then often in order to create individual relief elements. Such a quick-setting icing keeps its shape perfectly, so with a slight adjustment of the recipe, it becomes a mastic, which is covered with cakes. From it it is also convenient to cut out figures for decorating a dessert.


  • granulated sugar - 240 g;
  • powdered sugar - 250 g;
  • egg white;
  • citric acid - 1 g;
  • gelatin - 7 g;
  • water - 75 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the gelatin.
  2. Do sugar syrup by boiling it with water.
  3. Enter citric acid, swollen gelatin. Stir.
  4. Beat the protein with a mixer until the mass adds much in volume.
  5. Add powdered sugar, continue beating until you get a fluffy air cap.
  6. Transfer this mass to the sugar-gelatin mixture, make a soft elastic lump. Use immediately or store for up to a day by covering the container with the cake icing product with a damp towel.


  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1433 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Velvet cake icing makes ready dessert very expensive and elegant, and it is created in a couple of minutes. However, to use it, you will need an airbrush that resembles an airbrush. Before glazing, the cake must be carefully cooled and placed on a rotating podium. Use a velvet coating preferably for mousse or yogurt desserts.


  • chocolate - 100 g;
  • cocoa butter - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt chocolate with cocoa butter, mix.
  2. Cool the mixture to 40 degrees, pour into the spray gun. Spray.

On milk

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 673 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Delicate milk icing for a cake in terms of calories looks much more attractive than creamy or oily. Adds zest coffee aroma obtained from grains. Such a glaze will easily drain over the dessert, but it will also quickly harden, so you need to cook it right before using it. Keep an eye on the freshness of the milk, otherwise it will curdle when boiled.


  • milk - 100 ml;
  • coffee beans- 3 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • starch - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Warm milk, pour coffee beans into it. Cook for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Catch them, throw them away.
  3. Pour in powdered sugar, starch. Whisk. Let cool slightly and use for cake.


  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1387 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: difficult.

Those who love the caramel note in desserts should figure out how to cook cream icing. It is glossy, so it is recommended for cakes with a perfect flat surface. It is advisable to pre-use mousse cream under the glaze, or at least thick jam, which is leveled with a spatula. The recipe is written as detailed as possible, so its development should not be difficult for you.


  • cream 35% - 175 g;
  • gelatin - 7 g;
  • brown sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 175 g;
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the gelatin.
  2. After sifting the starch twice, pour over the cream (they should be cold!), mix, getting rid of lumps.
  3. Heat the sugar in a pan, wait until it darkens and begins to melt. The power of the burner is minimal, it is impossible to interfere.
  4. When the sugar has a caramel color, carefully pour in the warmed water. Increase the heat under the pan so that the mass boils.
  5. Add cream with starch, remove from the burner.
  6. When the mass has cooled slightly, add gelatin. Mix. Operating temperature - 27 degrees.

Glasage for cake - cooking secrets

Professionals assure housewives who are engaged in home baking for the first time that it is easy to make icing if you know the basic rules and nuances. For the perfect dessert, you also need to take into account the features of using each type of coating:

  • The classic density of any glaze is medium, like fat sour cream.
  • Professionals advise preparing additional cream for icing if a mirror thin coating is planned.
  • If you're wondering how to make chocolate frosting, don't buy porous bars.
  • Cream under the icing, if it is glossy, you can not use, but then the cake needs to be frozen, otherwise the coating will fall badly.
  • To change the color, you can choose and natural dyes: berry juice, some spices. Factory formulations must be water soluble.
  • Cakes used for protein blend, it is advisable to hold in a hot (100 degrees) oven for several minutes to exclude possible salmonellosis.
  • There should be no condensation on the surface of the dessert before applying the glaze, otherwise it will deform in a few hours.
  • The mass, which will then become glossy, needs to be whipped at a very slow mixer speed - this way you will avoid bubbles.
  • Before painting on a glazed cake, keep it in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.


The icing for the cake is designed to turn the dessert into a real embodiment of beauty and elegance. Banal oil roses are out of fashion for a long time and you will not surprise anyone with them. The severity and conciseness of forms, the smoothness of the surface and the exquisite decor are welcomed.

The top skill of a culinary specialist is the ability to glaze cakes. This is real art. It takes more than one year of practice to get a beautiful, neat dessert surface.

The principle of decorating with glaze resembles the process of puttying in construction work. The cake is placed on a rotating stand, spread a small part of the icing. The dessert is smoothly turned and at the same time the icing is distributed over its entire surface using a culinary spatula. The thickness of the glaze is regulated by the force of pressure on the spatula. The weaker you press on the tool, the thinner the layer becomes.

Special skill is needed when decorating mirror glaze. She got this name for her really mirror surface. Let's start with the fact that before glazing already assembled cake freeze - this is how the ideal smoothness of the surface is achieved, and the glaze lies flawlessly evenly. The cake is placed on a wire rack, under which a baking sheet is placed, and the icing is poured onto the dessert with a quick movement. In this case, the cake is slightly tilted in different sides to glaze evenly glass down. Then the excess is removed from the lower edges of the cake, and the dessert is left to defrost.

Try it and you will succeed!

This icing is well suited for decorating cakes or all kinds of pastries, such as eclairs. After cooking, the glaze must be kept in the refrigerator for several hours, then heated, and only then proceed to decorate the dessert.


  • bitter chocolate - 130 g;
  • cream - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or microwave (defrost mode).
  2. Pour the cream into a saucepan, put on slow fire, bring to a boil, but do not give a boil.
  3. Pour a third of the cream into the melted chocolate, stir from the center to form an emulsion.
  4. Pour in another third of the cream and mix in the same way.
  5. Add the rest of the cream, mix the icing until smooth.
  6. We quickly beat the mass with a blender, make sure that a lot of air does not get in and bubbles do not appear on the surface of the glaze.
  7. We cover the icing cling film, put in the refrigerator for several hours, preferably at night.
  8. Before glazing the cake, warm the icing a little in the microwave, its temperature should be about 30 ° C.

Interesting from the network

This glaze is prepared on the basis of cocoa, chocolate is not added to it. It has a soft texture and rich bright chocolate taste. Good for decorating various desserts. Glaze should be made at least a day before making the cake. A special advantage of this recipe is that the icing can be long time(up to two to four weeks) store in the refrigerator. An important caveat - before decorating the cake, the icing should have a temperature of 37 ° C. The ingredients are designed to cover one small cake.


  • cocoa powder - 75 g;
  • sugar - 170 g;
  • cream - 90 ml (fat content more than 33%);
  • sheet gelatin - 12 g (you can also use powder);
  • water - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak leaf gelatin in in large numbers water. We leave for 7 minutes.
  2. In a separate saucepan, combine sugar and cocoa, mix well.
  3. Add cream to dry mixture boiled water, mix.
  4. We put the mixture on low heat, stirring, bring to a boil. Let it boil for a minute and remove.
  5. Squeeze the sheet gelatin from excess liquid, add to the icing, mix.
  6. Pour the icing into a tall glass with a spout, cover with cling film on top, put in the refrigerator for a day.
  7. Before use, the glaze is heated to 37 ° C in a microwave or in a water bath.
  8. For glazing, freeze the dessert, put it on a wire rack, from the bottom of which we install wide dish or baking sheet.
  9. With a quick, precise movement, pour the icing onto the surface of the cake. With a metal spatula (spatula), evenly distribute the icing over the dessert. We do everything very quickly, since the glaze sets almost instantly.
  10. We let the dessert stand for about 3 minutes, lift it with a spatula and remove the icing strands from the bottom edges of the cake.
  11. Next, leave the dessert at room temperature for complete defrosting or put in the refrigerator, depending on how quickly you need a finished cake.

Prepared on the basis universal recipe white glaze. To give the desired color, add water-soluble food colorings. This glaze has a special advantage - it gives the cake a stunning glossy look. A prerequisite is that before decorating the dessert, the glaze must have a temperature of 35-38 ° C.


  • glucose syrup - 150 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • water - 75 g;
  • condensed milk - 100 g;
  • white chocolate - 150 g;
  • food coloring of the desired color;
  • gelatin - 15 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak gelatin in cold water (follow the instructions on the package).
  2. Pour glucose, sugar, water into a separate saucepan, bring to a boil.
  3. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, combine with condensed milk, mix. Add sugar syrup.
  4. Once again bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat, add gelatin and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Beat the mass with a blender, make sure that bubbles do not appear on the surface. Cover with cling film, put in the refrigerator overnight.
  6. Before glazing, heat up to 35 ° C and paint with dye.

This frosting is great for sponge cake, it can be used to decorate cakes and various desserts. It is most convenient to cover a frozen cake with white icing. Then the surface of the dessert becomes smooth, and the icing fits perfectly. You can add dry dye to it, instant coffee, coffee extract- beautiful color options will turn out. The taste of glaze is well set off by a pinch of vanilla.


  • milk - 125 ml;
  • cream - 125 ml;
  • gelatin - 8 g;
  • white chocolate - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare gelatin according to package directions. If powdered gelatin is used, then soak it in water, leave for 40 minutes. We heat the swollen gelatin over low heat until completely dissolved, avoiding boiling. Soak sheet gelatin in large quantities cold water for 5-7 minutes, then squeeze out the liquid.
  2. Break white chocolate into pieces, melt in a water bath.
  3. Pour milk and cream into a small saucepan. Bring to a boil. We take it off the stove.
  4. Add prepared gelatin and melted chocolate. Mix the glaze with slow movements in one direction. It is important to ensure that air does not get in, otherwise bubbles will form on the surface of the glaze. If this happens, knock the pan on the table several times to let the air out. Mix the mass until completely homogeneous.
  5. We put the cake on the wire rack, under which we place a baking sheet or a plate for draining the glaze. Pour the icing over the cake, without leveling anything. The frosting should spread on its own.

Now you know how to make icing for the cake according to the recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Glazing cakes and various confectionery products is a rather painstaking process and requires some practice. If you have any difficulties with how to prepare the icing for the cake, pay attention to the advice of experienced chefs:
  • Glucose syrup is used as a plasticizer, it makes the glaze more elastic. It can be purchased at a specialized pastry shop or ordered from an online store. If this is not possible, then try increasing the amount of condensed milk indicated in the recipe. Glucose can also be substituted corn syrup or honey.
  • If you add food coloring to the glaze, you can achieve a beautiful multi-colored surface.
  • Excess icing left after decorating the cake, if crumbs did not get into it, can be collected from the baking sheet and used later (recipe 2).
  • It is advisable to have a suitable set of tools for glazing the cake. You will need a turntable (on which the cake is placed), a spatula (a small spatula for working with pastry) and a spatula. A professional spatula can be replaced with an ordinary wide kitchen knife from stainless steel.
