
Kefir pizza dough - Delicious step by step recipes. Kefir pizza dough: "quick" dough options

Homemade pizza is especially tasty. This is also budget dish, which allows you to use leftover pieces of sausage, ham, cheese, vegetables and other products. Fans of hearty pastries on a thick basis should choose kefir pizza dough. It is elementary and quickly prepared.

This is the recipe to start with. kefir dough for the discussed Italian food. Of the products to be used: 370 ml low-fat kefir, 2.5 st. white flour, 2 medium eggs, 1/3 small spoon of salt and the same amount of baking soda, apple or grape vinegar.

  1. Eggs are well beaten with a whisk or a special blender nozzle. Next, salt and sugar are added to the liquid mass.
  2. After whipping, kefir is poured into a container with the rest of the products in a thin stream. room temperature.
  3. In a separate cup, soda is quenched with vinegar, which is added to other ingredients.
  4. The flour is sifted twice and added to the dough. The mass is mixed until smooth.

The resulting amount of dough is enough for a wide baking sheet of a standard size.

Very popular among housewives is yeast-free recipe making pizza dough. The basis is also kefir (180 ml), and, in addition, it will be used here: 3 chicken eggs, 270 g quality flour, 60 ml refined oil, a pinch of soda and fine salt.

  1. The eggs are thoroughly cooled, after which they are beaten with a mixer or blender until foamy (as for a biscuit). This will give the dough a special splendor and tenderness.
  2. It is poured into the egg mass in a thin stream vegetable oil. Whipping continues.
  3. Kefir is poured into the mixture with the mixer turned off.
  4. Next, add salt to the ingredients and start adding flour. First, the components are lightly beaten with a whisk, then kneading continues with your hands.
  5. Soda is added last.
  6. The resulting soft, but dense without yeast dough for pizza it is sprinkled with flour, rolled into a ball and wrapped in a film for “rest” for half an hour.

You can’t store the finished mass even in the freezer, so you need to start baking pizza as soon as possible.

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This version of the test, although yeast, is safe, so it is no less fast. Yeast and lactic acid bacteria from kefir will start working in parallel, accelerating the rise of the mass. For kneading it is used: 130 ml of any kefir, half a teaspoon of dry yeast, 1 tsp. granulated sugar, a pinch of salt, 220 g flour.

  1. Kefir is slightly heated in a water bath. In warm milk product yeast, salt, sugar are added.
  2. First, 1/3 of all the flour is poured into the mass, and the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  3. When bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the base, you can add the remaining flour to it.
  4. The mass should turn out to be viscous elastic and at the same time easily fall behind dishes and fingers. It is better to knead it with your hands.

No need to wait until the dough rises, you can immediately roll it out on a baking sheet or in a mold.

It's over long prescription pizza dough. But the result is a very tender appetizing base. For its preparation is used: 160 ml of kefir, 1 tsp. dry yeast, 3 tsp sugar, 230 g flour, a pinch of salt.

  1. Dough is prepared from kefir, yeast, sugar and 50 g of flour. To do this, the rest of the ingredients are poured into a warm dairy product and mixed thoroughly. Dishes with a bubble mixture are wrapped tightly with cling film so that air does not penetrate into it, and left overnight on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  2. In the morning, the mass is heated to about 20 degrees in a water bath, after which the remaining flour and salt are poured into it. The dough is first kneaded with a spoon or spatula, then with your hands.
  3. The thick elastic mass is covered with a film and left in a warm place for about half an hour.
  4. Next, you can roll out the dough for the pizza filling.

Opara can stand in a cool place for about 12 hours without the risk of spoiling.

With added margarine

This recipe will definitely appeal to those who love pizza on a thin and crispy base. Such dough is often prepared in well-known pizzerias. In addition to fatty kefir (90 ml), will be used: 90 g creamy margarine, 3 g of ammonium (or ordinary baking soda), 1 tbsp. flour.

  1. The flour is sifted well at least 2 times on the work surface and laid out in a slide.
  2. Above sharp knife finely chopped cold margarine.
  3. By hand, flour and dairy product are ground into crumbs.
  4. The mass is again collected on the table in a slide, inside which you need to make a small depression, add soda, salt and cold kefir.
  5. You need to knead the dough for pizza without yeast quickly and intensively.
  6. The result should be a homogeneous plastic mass.

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If necessary, the ball of dough can be divided into several parts and separately frozen for long-term storage.

Dough without eggs

The egg-free recipe is perfect for vegetarian and lean pizza. It remains only to choose the appropriate filling for the dough. For this option, use: 350 g of white flour of the highest grade, 160 ml of low-fat kefir, 1 tsp. soda, a pinch of salt.

  1. Wheat flour is carefully sifted, then mixed with soda and salt.
  2. Kefir after the refrigerator is slightly heated and whipped with a whisk.
  3. Further, flour is poured into the dairy product in minimal portions.
  4. A stiff dough is kneaded, which is laid out on the table and knocked out by hand.
  5. The resulting mass is packed in cling film so that air does not penetrate inside. The dough is left warm for at least an hour.
  6. It remains to divide the mass into 3-4 parts and roll each of them into a cake no more than 1 cm thick.

The edges of the blanks are tucked inward by 2-3 cm, and the selected filling can be laid out on the base to your taste.

The fastest cooking recipe

This option will be a salvation for those who want to cook homemade pizza, but does not have time to fiddle with the base for a long time. The recipe is easy to figure out even for a novice hostess. Need to use: 2 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. kefir, egg, 6 g baking powder, 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, a pinch of salt.

  1. The egg beats well with a fork. But it should not turn into thick foam.
  2. Kefir, oil are slowly poured into the egg and salt is added. The ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Separately, the flour is sifted with baking powder. Then it is poured in portions into the egg-kefir mixture.
  4. The consistency of the dough should be like very thick homemade sour cream.
  5. The baking sheet is covered with parchment, lightly sprinkled with flour, and the dough is poured on top of it. You can evenly distribute it in shape with wet fingers.

It remains to grease the base with sauce from tomato paste and spices, and then generously sprinkle with stuffing.

Liquid dough for pizza on kefir

If you decide to prepare batter for baking, then you can cook pizza directly in the pan. According to the recipe will be used: 70 ml of kefir, 2 chicken eggs, 60 g butter, 140 g of wheat flour, a pinch of soda and salt. How to prepare batter for pizza, is described below.

  1. Eggs are beaten with a mixer. When the mass turns into foam, you can add salt.
  2. Kefir and melted butter are poured into the eggs in a thin stream. In this case, the process does not stop.
  3. Next, kefir and sifted flour are added to the components, after which the mixer is turned off.
  4. Lastly, soda is sent to the dough, and the products are well mixed with a spoon.
  5. The mass must stand for at least 15 minutes in order to baking soda managed to start working.

Read more on Attuale.ru: Salad with ham - 16 homemade recipes

The pizza base is baked in hot oil in a frying pan. Its thickness should be no more than 1 cm. The dishes must be covered with a lid so that the “cake” does not remain dry on top. The filling is laid out on the finished base, after which the pizza is baked in the oven.

With added butter

It's very gentle soft version dough that is suitable for medium-thick pizzas with any toppings. Of the products used: 1 tbsp. kefir, 320 g flour, 70 g butter, 1 tsp each. soda, sugar and salt, vinegar, 2 chicken eggs.

  1. Kefir at room temperature is poured into a deep bowl, into which eggs are driven in with a whisk. After adding salt and sugar, the mass is thoroughly mixed.
  2. Vinegar-slaked soda is added to the total container.
  3. Next, knead thick dough with added flour in small portions. The consistency of the mass should resemble sour cream of medium fat content.

The finished dough is poured in a small layer on a baking sheet covered with oiled parchment. Small pieces of filling are immediately sent from above (large slices will immediately sink to the bottom).

With mayonnaise and sour cream

Such pizza dough is quickly baked in the oven and acquires an appetizing taste. golden crust. For its preparation, it is taken: 40 g of sour cream and mayonnaise, an egg, 1 tsp each. sugar and salt, 1 tbsp. kefir of any fat content, 1.5 tbsp. flour.

  1. The egg is beaten with salt until a low foam appears.
  2. In salty egg mixture sugar is poured, and mayonnaise and sour cream are also added.
  3. All ingredients are mixed, after which the sifted flour is gradually poured into the base.
  4. The mass, it turns out, is the consistency of kefir fritters.
  5. The dough should be infused for 20 minutes under a cotton towel.

You can bake pizza in a round shape or on a baking sheet.

If you love pizza as much as I do, then this quick kefir pizza dough recipe is sure to come in handy. This pizza dough is prepared without yeast, you don't have to wait a minute after it is made, and it cooks quickly enough.

Everything you need to cook yeast-free dough for pizza, this is flour, a glass of kefir, one egg, a little soda and sunflower oil, as well as salt for taste. This portion of dough is enough to make a large pizza the size of a standard oven tray or to make two round pizzas (as I did). Pizza on kefir dough turns out to be almost the same as using classic yeast dough.

As for the benefits of quick kefir dough for pizza, they are obvious - it's time saving. The dough is ready in five minutes. Thanks to kefir and soda, pizza acquires light porous structure similar to that of yeast dough. Kefir dough is a little denser than yeast dough, but it doesn’t spoil the pizza, believe me.

Well, since pizza dough is not pizza yet, I’ll say a few words about the toppings. This time I made the most simple pizza with sausage, tomatoes and cheese. Due to the fact that the mozzarella cheese melted very interestingly during the baking process, the pizza, in my opinion, turned out to be very nice.

Cooking time: 30 minutes

The number of servings - 2 pcs.


  • 250 ml kefir
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 400 g flour

Kefir pizza recipe step by step

Turn on the oven to warm up to 200 degrees.

We measure out 250 ml of kefir and pour into a bowl in which it will be kneaded kefir dough for pizza.

Add one egg to kefir.

We also send half a teaspoon of salt there.

2 tablespoons of sunflower oil will give the dough a pleasant elasticity.

We measure out 400 g of flour (no longer needed) and half a teaspoon of soda. Soda does not need to be extinguished; kefir in the dough will do just fine with this.

At first quick dough on kefir for pizza knead with a spoon.

Then spread the dough on a greased sunflower oil table and continue to knead it with your hands.

If you decide to cook a classic round pizza, then divide the resulting kefir dough into two parts. Each of the two parts is the basis for future pizza. I rolled out the dough on a piece of parchment dusted with flour. I also sprinkled the dough layer on top with flour so that the rolling pin does not stick to the dough. The thickness of the pizza base should be approximately 0.3-0.4 cm.

Next, filling the pizza with the filling begins. You can include everything you like in the filling - sausage, mushrooms, bell pepper, chicken, pineapple pieces, seafood and fish, corn, sauces, herbs, and cheese. My yeast-free pizza will include ketchup, sausage, tomatoes, and mozzarella cheese.

I grease the pizza base with a thin layer of tomato sauce (ketchup).

Then she spread the sausage rings on the ketchup.

Thinly sliced ​​tomatoes and shredded mozzarella.

I baked pizza in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-17 minutes.

I really wanted to show how the dough for pizza on kefir turned out. I hope I managed to convey the structure of the test in the photo. I wish everyone Bon appetit and see you soon!

Is it possible to cook delicious pizza dough on kefir?

One of the favorite ingredients for various options dough is kefir. The dough kneaded on it is often used as the basis for pizza. How to properly prepare it so that the pizza turns out delicious? Let's focus on the most important points:

  • For pizza, kefir of any fat content is suitable. But best of all, the dough is obtained on a product of low fat content (it is best to take a one percent product).
  • Before using it, be sure to warm it up so that it becomes warm. Otherwise, the dough will not turn out homogeneous, and lumps will remain in it.
  • If there is no kefir in the refrigerator, then yogurt or sour cream may well replace it.
  • It is preferable to take the highest grade flour for pizza. From flour of the first grade, the dough will turn out dark and will have a peculiar aftertaste.
  • If you add soda to the dough, it will become lush and soft. At the same time, soda can be quenched with vinegar or citric acid, or you can pour it out unslaked. Kefir will extinguish it.
  • The dough can be made both thick and liquid. On liquid filling placed immediately. If it is thick, then the base is first baked, only after that the filling is placed.
  • If the filling is put on a thick dough immediately, then the cake under it may not bake well. The base usually takes 10 to 20 minutes to bake (depending on the thickness of the layer).
  • The basis of any dough (thick or liquid) must be made of a small thickness (no more than one and a half centimeters). A cake that is too thick will not bake well inside.
  • If you prefer thin pizza, then in the base after baking, puncture with a fork in several places.
  • If taken for pizza liquid version dough, then the bottom of the form in which it will be baked must be covered with baking paper (or parchment). Otherwise, the pizza will be very difficult to remove.
  • The baking temperature depends on the type of oven. If the pizza is cooked in electric oven the temperature should be 180 degrees. If in gas oven- 200-220 degrees.
  • Pizza must be put in hot oven otherwise it won't bake. The oven should start preheating at least 20 minutes before baking.

Thick pizza dough can be used immediately. It can be placed in a plastic bag and frozen. Before cooking, the package with it must be held for several hours in the main chamber of the refrigerator. Then remove the dough from the bag, put it in a cup and cover. In this form, it should stand warm for about an hour.

The best recipe

Ingredients for pizza on kefir:

  • 4 (or a little more) faceted glasses flour;
  • Sugar (5 grams);
  • Eggs (2 pieces);
  • 7 g coarse salt;
  • Soda (7 g);
  • Olive oil (2 tablespoons);
  • Kefir (250 ml).

Cooking method:

  1. Salt the eggs and stir with a whisk. Warm up the kefir microwave oven, dissolve sugar in it, then pour beaten eggs into it and olive oil. Knead everything.
  2. Add soda to sifted flour. Gradually add flour to the bowl of liquid ingredients. First, stir the dough with a spoon, and then knead with your hands.
  3. Form the dough into a ball shape and place in a bowl. Cover the dish with a clean cloth and place in a warm place. It will take about half an hour.
  4. Divide the dough into 2 or possibly 3 portions and roll out into circles 1-1.5 centimeters thick.
  5. Place the pizza base on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.
  6. Then remove the cake from the oven, prick it in 2-3 places.
  7. Spread the topping over the base and place the pizza in the oven for another 20 minutes (maybe a little longer).

Options without yeast and with them - step by step recipes

Dough without yeast


  • Eggs (2 units);
  • Soda (10 grams);
  • Kefir (0.2 l);
  • Sugar sand (5 grams);
  • 2 grams of salt;
  • Flour (a little less than 2 cups);
  • 40 ml of refined oil;

Cooking method:

  1. Kefir put in the microwave and slightly warm.
  2. Pour soda into it. Stir. Leave the mixture for 5 minutes.
  3. Mix eggs and salt in a separate bowl. Pour them into kefir with soda, beat again (preferably with a whisk or fork).
  4. Add half of the ingredients to the bowl vegetable oil. Knead.
  5. Sift flour. Pour it into the dough in several steps, constantly stirring so that lumps do not form.
  6. When the mass reaches thick consistency, pour the remaining oil on it and knead a thick dough.
  7. Transfer to a bowl dusted with flour. Place a clean cloth on top. Keep the dough in a draft-free room.
  8. Divide in half. From each half, form a circle about 10 millimeters thick.
  9. Put the cakes to bake in the preheated oven for 10 minutes.
  10. Put the filling on the base and put the pizza in the oven for another quarter of an hour.

Yeast dough for pizza on kefir


  • Flour (about one and a half kilograms);
  • Fast acting yeast (15 grams);
  • Salt (12 grams);
  • Vegetable oil (110 ml);
  • Sugar sand (15 grams);
  • Warm water (110 ml);
  • Kefir (500 ml);

Cooking method:

  1. Pour yeast and salt into a wide bowl, grind with your fingers.
  2. Mix water with sugar. Leave the dough under a towel at room temperature for 20 minutes. It should start bubbling.
  3. Heat kefir, but do not make it too hot, pour into a dough, stir.
  4. Add vegetable oil to the rest of the ingredients. Knead again.
  5. Sift flour with a sieve. Add 2 cups to the batter, stir with a fork.
  6. Add flour to a thick dough consistency.
  7. Rub into skin a small amount of vegetable oil and continue kneading, stretching, folding and beating the dough with your palms.
  8. Form the dough into a ball shape, put it in a bowl, cover and let it rise in a warm place, about 1 hour.
  9. Punch down the risen dough, cover again and leave for another half an hour. It should rise again.
  10. Knead the dough again with your hands and divide into 4 parts. 1 part will go on pizza, and the rest can be put in plastic bags and freeze.
  11. Stretch our future base with your hands into a circle or rectangle about one and a half centimeters thick. If necessary, give the desired shape with a small rolling pin. Put the cake on a baking sheet, which should first be greased with vegetable oil.
  12. Bake the base at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
  13. Remove the cake from the oven, grease it with sauce, lay out the filling.
  14. Bring the pizza to readiness for another 10 minutes.

Quick dough on kefir


  • 15 grams of sugar.
  • 3% vinegar (tablespoon);
  • Soda (2 grams);
  • Flour (approximately 2 and a quarter cups);
  • Salt (2 grams);
  • Kefir (0.4 liters).

Cooking method:

  1. Kefir, eggs, sugar and salt put in a bowl, beat well. Quench the soda with vinegar in a separate cup, pour the mixture into the rest of the ingredients and mix again.
  2. Lastly, in 3-4 doses, pour flour into a bowl with kefir mixture. Each time the dough should be mixed until smooth. As a result, it should acquire the consistency of thin sour cream. This amount of dough is enough for 2 frying pans or 1 large baking sheet.
  3. Pour the dough into the desired dish, covered with baking paper, distribute the filling on it. Bake in a preheated oven for 2/3 hours. The baking time will depend on the size of the pizza.

Kefir dough recipes for pizza - our TOP 5

We have compiled a selection of the most best recipes in which pizza is prepared different ways with various ingredients and starters. And only one thing remains unchanged in them - regular kefir, which gives finished product softness and splendor.

Important: To get a pizza with excellent taste, you should not save on its main ingredient. Kefir does not have to be the first freshness, but it is also not worth using the one that has lain in the refrigerator for a week.

simple recipe


  • Vegetable oil (150 ml);
  • 10 grams of sugar;
  • 10 grams of baking powder for dough;
  • Salt (10 grams);
  • Flour (approximately 2.5 cups);
  • Kefir (300 ml).

Cooking method:

  1. IN warm kefir pour the indicated amount of vegetable oil, pour salt and baking powder for the dough. Mix everything.
  2. Sift the flour with a sieve and gradually pour it into the mixture. First, mix the dough with a spoon in a clockwise direction. When it reaches density, knead it with your hands, lightly greased with vegetable oil.
  3. Leave the dough for half an hour under a towel. It should be pliable and not sticky to your hands. It can be rolled out with a rolling pin or stretched by hand into a layer no more than one and a half millimeters thick.
  4. Place the filling (except cheese) on the baked base and put the pizza in the oven for 20 minutes. When the specified time has passed, the pizza should be pulled out, covered with cheese and sent back to bake for 10 minutes.

With mayonnaise and sour cream


  • Egg (1);
  • 30 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 5 grams of salt;
  • 30 grams of sour cream;
  • Sugar (5 grams);
  • Kefir (0.25 ml);
  • Flour (about one and a half cups).

Cooking method:

  1. Break the egg into a bowl, add salt to it and beat until foamy.
  2. Then pour sugar into the mixture, put sour cream and mayonnaise. Mix.
  3. Gradually pour flour into the kefir mixture. The dough will turn out similar to that which is kneaded for pancakes.
  4. Knead thoroughly with a spoon and leave in a bowl for a quarter of an hour under a towel.
  5. Put the resulting dough with a spoon on a baking sheet or in a thin layer, not forgetting to first cover the dishes with baking paper.
  6. Immediately put the filling on it and put the pizza in a well-heated oven for half an hour.
  7. A fully baked pizza should take on a nice color.

With yeast and spices


  • Kefir (0.2 l);
  • Flour (300 grams);
  • 10 grams of "fast" yeast;
  • Salt (5 grams);
  • Olive oil (30 ml) ;
  • 15 grams of granulated sugar;
  • Oregano and basil (or pizza spices).

Cooking method:

  1. Pour yeast and salt into a bowl, rub them with your fingers. Add slightly warmed kefir. Stir until the salt and yeast are almost completely dispersed.
  2. Pour sugar and spices into the mixture, pour olive oil, knead again. Pour the flour into the dough in 2 steps. Stir until smooth. Leave to rise for 1 hour.
  3. Pour the risen dough into a mold covered with parchment. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes until a beautiful color appears. After that, put the remaining ingredients on the layer and bake the pizza for 15-16 minutes.

Kefir pizza dough without eggs


  • flour (about 2 cups);
  • Sugar 5 grams;
  • 5 grams of soda;
  • Salt coarse (6 grams);
  • Oil (preferably olive) 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • 200 ml of kefir.

We will talk about how pizza came to our kitchen next time.

Today there is a topic that is more extensive and serious - making kefir pizza dough. This type of test is a quick option.

More likely, Italian "pizzaiolo" would be surprised by such a pizza- on kefir, or they would consider the dish - not pizza, or would be indignant at such blasphemy against professional and culinary pride - Italian open pie. They don’t cook pizza dough on kefir - only on yeast!

Kefir pizza dough - general technological principles

This article will focus on kefir pizza dough. But to do the best right dough it is not enough to rewrite the recipe and go to the kitchen. Each oven bakes the same way, but the pies are always different. If you understand some of the subtleties, then it will be possible not to look for a recipe, and not to worry about what was put in the dough a lot, and what was not enough.

“The dough must be able to feel and know how it breathes”, - our grandmothers said and they were right.

So, about kefir and how it behaves in kefir pizza dough.

Kefir- comparatively New Product. In any case, in the form in which it appeared relatively recently. A fresh, fermented milk product has undoubted benefits for participation in digestion, since it is, even if artificially, enriched with lactic acid bacteria. But already at a temperature of 70 ° C, spore-free bacteria that are present in kefir die.

If the dough baking temperature under the most gentle mode reaches a mark twice as high as the most critical temperature for the life of lacto- and bifidobacteria, then what is the use of kefir as a fermented milk ingredient for dough?

It can be said with absolute certainty that lacto- and bifidobacteria, changing their structure, take part in the fermentation of the dough, forming gas bubbles, which, during baking, under the influence of temperature, expand and make the dough airy.

Dairy products - all, without exception, are the best natural habitat for this type of bacteria. Consequently, they are present in milk, and in sour cream, and in curdled milk - in any dairy products. Their participation in fermentation is similar to the action of yeast - "work colleagues". In addition, you should not run for kefir, if there is sour cream or curdled milk in the house- from these products the dough will rise no worse.

But there is a difference between these two groups of microorganisms. Lactic acid bacteria, unlike yeast will not start without an alkaline environment, and yeast, in order to revive them, needs carbohydrates contained in sugar, flour and other dough components.

Lactic fermentation stops with the accumulation of a certain concentration of lactic acid in the mass, and begins to play the role of a preservative. It is in the phase of growth and accumulation that lactic microorganisms make the dough friable, but after their colony grows to a critical level, the process begins, the opposite of fermentation.

If you miss this moment when making pizza dough on kefir, then it will be possible to start its fermentation only with the help of alcohol-forming yeast. Otherwise, on thick crust do not have to count.

For baking dairy products, as a way of fermentation in the dough, are beneficial in that they will not eat more sugar than they should, so the sweet dough will remain sweet. Alcohol-forming "companions" of lactic acid bacteria eat so much sugar that as a result the dough can even smell of acid and alcohol, create bad taste in finished baking.

But these two types of microorganisms, getting into the same environment, absolutely do not interfere with each other. Lactic acid bacteria "do not pay attention" to the alcohol secreted by yeast, do not "take away" sugar from them - main product nutrition. The neighborhood of lactic acid bacteria is also indifferent to yeast.

But the presence of both those and other microorganisms helps the dough rise faster and better.

You should not count on the special splendor of kefir pizza dough without adding yeast. Many housewives have baked pancakes more than once and know this recipe by heart. Remember that the dough for baking pancakes is liquid. And therefore it quickly rises and bakes, and products from it turn out juicy and soft. It follows from this that flour should be added to the dough on kefir very moderately, unless, of course, the plans are to bake crispy cakes.

Hence the conclusion: kefir pizza dough without the use of yeast should not be too steep. Add enough flour to it so that it is convenient to work with it - make a round cake out of it with your hands. Exception - if you cook puff pastry, on kefir, chopped.

Never rush to pour all the flour indicated in the recipe into the dough. You need to add it in parts. to make sure the dough comes out desired consistency. Flour has different moisture content, which depends on the type of grain from which it is made, and on the conditions of its storage. If the recipe says that one glass of flour is needed, then in each case it may need more or less.

The consistency of the dough also depends on the content of gluten in it. Therefore, to avoid annoying misunderstandings, use premium flour.

Recipe 1. Kefir pizza dough, yeast-free

Kefir of any fat content 150 ml

Refined oil 50 ml

Flour, wheat 250 - 300 g

Beat the chilled eggs with a mixer, as for biscuit dough, in a large bowl. Beaten eggs will add extra splendor to kefir pizza dough. Pour in vegetable oil in a thin stream, without stopping intensive whipping. Turn off the mixer, pour in the kefir, continuing to stir the dough with a whisk. Add salt, and after that, start sifting the flour directly into the dough, in small parts, constantly working with a whisk, but not so intensively, trying not to destroy the formed bubbles. The consistency of the dough should be loose and homogeneous, but not liquid, so that you can work with it with your hands - the dough, like for dumplings, is only very soft. Add soda at the very end of kneading. Roll the resulting dough into a ball, put it in a bowl and wrap it tightly with a film to “rest”. In the meantime, preheat the oven and you can start preparing the pizza toppings. Sprinkle the surface with flour, divide the dough on it into 2-3 portions, and roll them into a ball. There is no need to roll out the dough on the table. Lubricate the molds generously, and knead portions of the dough directly into them, with your hand. Leaving the outside of the circle thicker. Bake the prepared dough immediately, as it cannot be stored.

Recipe 2. Pizza dough on kefir and yeast

This dough is yeast-free, non-dough, also very quick to prepare. As already mentioned, yeast and lactic acid bacteria in such a test will work simultaneously without interfering with each other, and therefore the dough will fit very quickly. The main thing is that the kefir is warm enough - not from the refrigerator.

Kefir (any) 120 ml

Sugar (to start yeast) 5-7 g

Flour 200-240 g (including for dusting)

Put sugar, salt and yeast into warm kefir. Add no more than 1/3 of the total amount of flour, mix the liquid with a whisk, and let it stand for a while so that bubbles appear. Pour the rest of the sifted flour and knead the dough. The finished dough should lag behind the dishes and hands. Then transfer it to a cutting surface sprinkled with flour and start forming a pizza circle.

Recipe 3. Kefir pizza dough - pizza in a pan, from batter

Having kneaded batter, like on pancakes, pizza can be cooked very quickly in a regular frying pan.

Butter, ghee 30-40 g

Oil, refined (for frying)

Dough preparation method:

Whisk the eggs until foamy, add salt to them. It is more convenient, of course, to use kitchen appliances, blender or stand mixer. Beating does not need to be stopped, but only slow down and continue adding melted or softened butter, then kefir and sifted flour. At the end, add soda, mix ready dough, but already with a spatula or spoon and stand the dough so that the soda works, and start baking the cakes in a preheated pan. It is necessary, after heating the pan well and the oil in it, switch the stove so that the medium fire, pour the dough into a preheated pan, spread it over the entire surface, no more than 1 cm thick, and cover it with a lid so that the dough is baked at the bottom and steamed a little on top. After that, you can spread the sauce and pizza topping on the dough and continue baking in a sealed container until it melts upper layer, from cheese.

Recipe 4. Pizza dough on kefir and yeast (double method)

indicated in recipe 2. But the amount of yeast and sugar must be doubled.

In advance, preferably at night, prepare the dough, wrap the dishes tightly cling film(no air should penetrate into the prepared dough), and place the container with the dough in cool place: if the freezing chamber is at the bottom of the refrigerator, then put the dough on the topmost shelf. So the dough can stand up to 12 hours, without the risk of spoiling. When you are ready to cook pizza, heat the dough at 20-25 ° C for an hour, and knead the dough as usual.

Recipe 5. Pizza dough on kefir and margarine

If you prefer pizza on a thin, crispy, puff base then this recipe is what you need.

In fact, this is puff pastry, as for the Napoleon cake, and the consistency of pizza dough will be the same. The difference lies in the filling. Kefir, if desired, replace with sour cream or yogurt. If you prefer real creamy taste, use oil, at least 72.5% fat.

Margarine, cream ( top grade) 75-100 g

Kefir 50 - 70 ml

Soda or ammonium 3-4 g

Dough preparation method:

Pour the sifted flour on a cutting board and start chopping cubes of prepared, cold margarine right in the flour, until fine crumbs of flour and fat are obtained. Collect it in a slide, make a recess inside, salt, add soda and pour in cold kefir. The dough is fatty, so you need to use cold products for its preparation, and work with it very quickly. After the kefir is mixed, and the dough sticks together into a homogeneous, plastic mass, divide it into portions, roll each piece into a ball and put it in the cold. Such a dough can be prepared for the future and stored in portions separately in the freezer, taking them out as needed.

Each portion is rolled out into a circle on a floured surface and baked immediately, adding sauce and toppings.

Recipe 6. Kefir pizza dough, vegetarian

Dough preparation method:

Sift wheat flour and add salt and ammonium to it. Pour the kefir into a large bowl (it should be warmed to room temperature), beat it with a whisk and, adding the flour mixture in small portions, knead the stiff dough. Knock out the dough on the table and place it back in the bowl. Seal with foil so that the dough remains without air. Soak it in this form, near heat, for at least an hour. Then cut the semi-finished product into portioned pieces, and dusting the work surface, roll out the pizza dough on kefir. Layers should be no more than 1 cm thick. Turn the edges of the cakes inward by 3 cm, then place the dough in a mold, seam down and cook the pizza.

Recipe 7. Kefir pizza dough, with fatty, homemade cottage cheese, for a sweet filling

If you add less sugar, then from the same dough you can make pizza with any unsweetened toppings.

Cottage cheese, fatty (15%) 250 g

A mixture of soda and ammonium 10 g

Creamy margarine (or butter) 125 g

Combine, first separately, the wet and dry ingredients of the dough. Sift flour beforehand. Thoroughly beat cottage cheese, eggs and kefir with a mixer into a lush and homogeneous mixture, add melted fat. After that, start pouring the dry mixture, mixing the dough with a whisk, and then manually. Let the dough stand so that the semolina absorbs moisture. It should be thick but very soft dough. It should be thick enough to be comfortable to work with. If the flour is not enough, then mix it right on the table. Each portion should be rolled in flour, and the product should be formed in the prepared form. Immediately spread the filling on the surface, making a recess in the cake, closer to the center.

The test on kefir should be allowed to brew so that it becomes plastic and pliable, and lactic acid bacteria have time to interact with an alkaline environment (soda, ammonium, baking powder). To prevent the released gas bubbles from escaping, cover the container with the dough with a film so that it does not wind up and start working with it when it softens slightly. Dust your work surface with flour.

Flour is poured into liquid base dough, and not vice versa, so that the dough is smooth, without lumps.

If you are preparing the dough on kefir, then there is no need to use an additional oxidizing agent contained in baking powder for the dough, and citric acid or vinegar. Kefir - enough acidic environment to start the reaction. Adding acid can speed up this reaction so much that the dough doesn't have time to rise.

When adding soda, try to observe the measure. Its excess will give the dough a dark color and an unpleasant taste. It is better to replace it with ammonium or mix with it in equal parts.

Pizza is one of the most popular dishes in the world.

What is pizza? This thin flatbread with a filling that is baked at 180 degrees. Exist various recipes making pizza dough, but most cooks prefer yeast-free dough on kefir.

Before you cook pizza and stuff it with food, you need to make a base. So what do you need?


  • kefir - 250 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - an incomplete teaspoon;
  • soda - ¼ tsp;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • butter - about two tablespoons.

Cooking method:

  1. We take a bowl, put eggs and salt there. We whip everything.
  2. Kefir needs to be poured into a separate container, add slaked soda to it. A reaction will occur and bubbles will begin to appear.
  3. Next, mix the eggs with kefir, add flour and butter. Mix everything thoroughly again.
  4. The dough will turn out liquid, more like sour cream. If you are going to bake in a pan, then this is the best option. If you bake in the oven, you can add more flour. Then the dough will be dense.
  5. The dense dough can make two pizzas if rolled out thinly. Here you already need to take into account your tastes: do you prefer thick pizza or thin.

How to cook on this basis?

We moved on to the most important thing - the pizza toppings. It has been said more than once that it can be the most diverse. Sausage is often used in pizzas, but there is interesting recipe with chicken fillet.


  • chicken fillet - 1 piece;
  • red onion (can be replaced with regular white) - 1 piece;
  • bell pepper - 2-3 pcs.;
  • mozzarella cheese (or any other) - 200 grams;
  • red tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • one pack of arugula.

Cooking method:

First of all, put the dough on a baking sheet and grease it tomato sauce. Here you can also use spices, but at the request of the hostess.

All products are laid out in layers. First layerit's a finely chopped chicken.

Second layeronion. You can cut it into rings or finely chop.

third layerbell pepper.

And already the most last layerthese are tomatoes. It is best to cut them into half rings.

final step- add grated cheese.

Pizza is baked at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. It all depends on the power of your oven. Don't forget to garnish with arugula before serving.

If you prefer to cook pizza in a pan, then the dough should be liquid. And in the filling of this option will be used less products. For example, in place of two tomatoes, one will be enough.


Most nutritionists claim that yeast is not at all safe product and also high in calories. Therefore, a recipe for yeast-free kefir dough appeared.

Why choose kefir? The base on it is thin, airy and tender. And the filling can be anything: seafood, cheese or even vegetable.
