
Lettuce layers first smoked leg last tomatoes. Salad with smoked chicken

step by step recipe with photo

Incredibly tasty and appetizing appetizer. Tomatoes unconditionally favorably combine with smoked chicken, cheese and mayonnaise. The croutons that cover the dish create a bright and crunchy finishing chord. Anyone who loves the combination of cheese, tomatoes and garlic can squeeze the latter into mayonnaise and dress the salad with this composition, and not with pure sauce, as in our recipe.

Lettuce is laid out in layers, so it looks elegant and very solemn, like a birthday cake, only better. The dish will certainly decorate the table and please with its pleasant and interesting taste. Cook, serve, it's delicious!


Prepare for a salad with smoked chicken and tomatoes next set of products:

  • smoked chicken - 1 breast (300g)
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pieces (dense, medium size)
  • cheese - 100 grams
  • white loaf - 3-4 pieces
  • mayonnaise - to your taste
  • poppy seeds - for sprinkling
  • salt and ground pepper to taste


1. Prepare a large flat plate or dish to put our salad on it. The first layer we will make meat. Cut the chicken meat into strips or cubes. Spread on a plate, forming an even layer. You can pepper and salt a little if desired.

Cover with mayonnaise. This can be done with a spoon, or cut off a small corner from the bag and squeeze out the sauce in the form of a frequent mesh.

2. Wash the tomatoes with cold running water, dry with a towel, cut off the attachment points with cuttings. Cut into cubes. Spread the pieces over the chicken. We cover the tomatoes with mayonnaise. If the tomatoes are very juicy, then discard (already chopped), for 10 minutes in a colander to drain the juice.

3. Rub the cheese on a medium grater. Spread over the tomatoes. Cover with mayonnaise.

4. It's the turn of the loaf. It’s easier to cut yesterday’s loaf, fresh will crumble. Cut the bread into small pieces. We heat a frying pan without oil on the stove. We put the cubes of the loaf into it, fry, stirring for about 10 minutes, until the pieces become golden. Put in a separate plate, let the crackers cool.

5. Spread the cooled crackers evenly over the cheese layer. On top of the crackers we make beautiful wavy lines from mayonnaise. Sprinkle with poppy seeds.

6. Salad is ready! Before serving, let the salad soak a little, like any layered salad. However, we take into account that our delicious salad contains tomatoes, which invariably give juice. In addition, croutons also get soaked over time and lose their crunchiness. Therefore, the salad is not overexposed, 10 minutes is enough.

We serve on the table. The salad looks very bright, beautiful and festive! Eat it to your health, bon appetit!

Smoked chicken is a hearty treat with a delicate taste, but its main advantage is that it goes well with other products. There are many recipes for salads, one of the ingredients of which is smoked chicken meat. We bring to your attention three recipes that differ in spicy taste. You can cook salads on them both for family holidays, and treat relatives and friends on ordinary days. In each of them, the main ingredient is smoked chicken, loved by everyone for its delicate and unique taste.

How to choose meat?

Since the main ingredient in our salads is smoked chicken, you need to make sure that this product is of high quality. This is especially important if the salads prepared by you will be eaten by children, too.

To reduce the cooking time of smoked chicken, some manufacturers use liquid smoke, which is a chemical copy of natural smoke. During the cooking process, chicken meat can be processed with all kinds of preservatives and flavorings. The real process of smoking meat or fish involves exposing the product to wood smoke for a long time.

Natural smoking is associated with both large time and fuel costs. If you want to buy smoked chicken, it is best to contact trusted people who have their own smoking chamber. If this is not possible, pay attention to the cost of the product. Good quality chicken, especially smoked, cannot be cheap. Buy products from well-known manufacturers who value their reputation, because the health of the household is above all.

Salad with smoked chicken and fresh cucumber

This cucumber and smoked chicken salad is ready in 10 minutes! You will need for cooking:

* breast - 200 grams
* chicken eggs - 3 units.
* cucumber - 2 units.
* fresh dill - 1/3 bunch
* hard cheese - 80 g
* edible salt - to taste
* light mayonnaise - to taste

Cucumber and Smoked Chicken Salad Recipe:

1. Remove the skin from the smoked chicken, and then cut the flesh into cubes.
2. Rinse the cucumber, then dry and cut into strips.
3. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater.
4. Hard boil the eggs, then cool and peel. Cut into small pieces.
5. Rinse fresh dill with water, then dry and chop finely.
6. Combine the ingredients in a large bowl and mix. Add dressing (mayonnaise) and salt. Stir again.
7. Decorate the salad with a sprig of fresh herbs.

Smoked Chicken Salad - Recipe with Tomatoes

This salad will appeal to those who care about their health, as there is no mayonnaise in it. A spicy taste is given to it by tomatoes and bell peppers. Let's prepare the ingredients.

Smoked chicken (preferably breast) - 300 grams, tomatoes - 2 pieces, the same number of medium-sized fresh cucumbers, Bulgarian pepper (red) - 1 piece. For dressing, we need a little vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, ground pepper and a pinch of salt.

First, cut the flesh of the chicken fillet into small cubes. Then, having cleaned the pepper from seeds, cut it into thin strips. If the cucumbers are not bitter, then you do not need to cut the skin, just chop them into cubes. Do the same with tomatoes. After mixing the oil with vinegar, salt and pepper, dress the salad with tomatoes and smoked chicken, mixing it well with a spoon.

Advice! If you are a real gourmet, then try to cook this salad not with fresh tomatoes, but with dried ones. Then its taste will become even more unusual. You can buy sun-dried tomatoes from the market or make your own using the oven.

Salad with smoked chicken and corn

A distinctive feature of this salad is tenderness and juiciness. Even such hearty foods as eggs and chicken, combined with corn and fresh cucumber, are easily perceived. Let's try to create this masterpiece?

You will need: 1 smoked chicken ham, a can of corn, two juicy and crispy cucumbers, 4 eggs, a few sprigs of dill, 1 teaspoon of mustard, equal parts mayonnaise and sour cream - a tablespoon each.

First, hard boil the eggs, leave them to cool in cold water. Clean them and cut into cubes. Grind the chicken meat, after removing the skin. Cut off the top green layer from the cucumbers, chop the vegetables into strips. Chop the dill. Combine all ingredients together in a bowl, adding corn kernels there (drain the liquid from the jar). Prepare the dressing by mixing mayonnaise with sour cream and mustard. Sprinkle it with a salad with corn and smoked chicken.

You can serve this dish by decorating it on top with green sprigs of parsley and dill.

Salad with cheese and smoked chicken

This salad is for those who have a weakness for hearty dishes. It is not only chicken and eggs that give it nutrition, but also nuts and cheese. Such an unusual combination of ingredients will be appreciated by everyone who tries this dish. Celery and apples bring their note - they are very healthy.

Ingredients: 1 smoked ham or chicken breast, 4-5 stalks of celery, 3 eggs, 3 green apples, 100 g of hard cheese, 10 g of walnuts. To dress the dish, mix 100 g of sour cream and 50 g of mayonnaise, a couple of sprigs of dill.

While the eggs are cooking, cut the chicken flesh, peeling it from the skin. Wash and clean the celery, cut it into small pieces. After removing the skin from the apples, cut them into small cubes. You need to grate the cheese, and chop the walnuts in a way convenient for you. Leave a bunch of nuts to decorate the dish. Now add the grated eggs. Dress up the salad. Salt can be omitted, its taste will be formed by cheese and chicken, but if you prefer it saltier, a pinch will be enough.

Decorate the dish by sprinkling it with nuts and chopped dill. You can eat a salad with smoked chicken and cheese right away, or you can let it stand in the refrigerator so that it is saturated with the aroma of smoking.

Delicious meals start with a selection of quality products. If you care about your health, carefully choose the ingredients for their preparation. You will certainly be able to surprise your family and guests with salads prepared according to the presented recipes. But most importantly, the benefits that your loved ones will receive by tasting these hearty and delicious salads with smoked chicken.

Salad with smoked chicken, tomatoes and cheese is prepared in 10 minutes with the necessary ingredients. You can buy smoked chicken or part of it at any convenience store or supermarket. I bought a smoked chicken fillet, but it is not forbidden to use its breast, legs, wings or other parts.

You can replace cheese with hard or soft cheese, such as brine: feta, mozzarella, etc., but tomatoes cannot be replaced with other vegetables. Remember that all salads with cheese are often dressed only with mayonnaise of your chosen fat content.

So, prepare all the necessary ingredients and start cooking!

We cut the smoked chicken part into plates, and cut the plates into small cubes and pour into a deep container.

In the same way, we cut hard or soft cheese and add it to the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcontainer.

Peel the onion, wash and cut into small cubes. If desired, marinate the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin apple cider vinegar or add immediately to the container.

Rinse the tomatoes in water, remove the cores and cut into small cubes, add to the container.

Salt, pepper, lay out the mayonnaise of the selected fat content and mix. If desired, add chopped washed greens.

Put the salad with smoked chicken, tomatoes and cheese on a plate or dish and serve.

Happy you!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 20 minutes

I suggest you cook this very tasty salad with smoked chicken and tomatoes. The recipe with a photo of a simple, very tasty cold appetizer with a light smoky flavor is described in detail for you below. This dish is from the category of snacks that can be quickly prepared for dinner, it will also help out in a situation when guests are on the doorstep. The ingredients are simple and affordable, you need to prepare the salad before serving, as tomatoes release moisture when in contact with salt. This one is very tasty.
It will take 20 minutes to prepare. The ingredients in the recipe make 4 servings.


- smoked breast - 500 gr.;
- boiled eggs - 4 pcs.;
- hard cream cheese - 150 gr.;
- Black Prince tomatoes - 300 gr.;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- chili pepper - 1 pod (to taste);

For refueling:

- mayonnaise - 100 gr.;
- extra virgin olive oil - 30 ml;
- table mustard - 6 gr.;
- black pepper, salt.

How to cook with a photo step by step

We cut the breast into thin strips along with the skin so that the finished salad is saturated with the aroma of smoked meats.

Grate hard-boiled eggs on a fine grater. By the way, to boil hard-boiled eggs, it is not necessary to boil them, just put the eggs in cold water, bring to a boil, remove the saucepan from the stove, cover and leave for 10 minutes. The yolk will remain yellow, the white will not be rubbery and the shell will separate easily.

Finely grate hard cream cheese. For salads, cheddar or parmesan is best, but you can choose any cheese you like.

Ripe sweet tomatoes (I advise you to choose small tomatoes or cherry tomatoes) are cut into four parts, cut out the stalks. I made a salad with Black Prince tomatoes.

Next, peel the garlic cloves, crush with a knife, chop. If you want to add a spicy note to the dish, then finely chop a small pod of hot chili.

We mix the dressing - rub mustard, high-quality extra virgin olive oil, mayonnaise, ground black pepper and salt to taste in a bowl. I think you'll like this one too.

We mix all the ingredients in a deep salad bowl, add dressing, mix and leave for 10-15 minutes so that the products “get acquainted” with each other.

Before serving, decorate the dish with fresh herbs and cherry tomatoes.

Bon appetit!

A simple and extremely tasty salad with chicken, cheese and tomatoes has many cooking options. Among them, especially popular are low-calorie recipes for daily preparation, as well as more complex dishes that will look great both on the dinner table and on the occasion of the holiday.

Such salads include chicken fillet or smoked chicken, fresh tomatoes or cherry tomatoes. Everyone chooses their own recipe, according to individual taste preferences. We offer you several salad recipes that will be a delicious addition to your table.

Caesar salad with chicken

Caesar salad with chicken is a classic of modern cuisine. Alternatively, many people prefer to prepare this salad using smoked chicken. Thanks to the presented delicious recipe, you can learn how to prepare a salad as a cold appetizer, and as a separate dish with an original unique taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • 400 g smoked chicken fillet
  • 300 g white bread
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 6 pcs cherry tomato
  • 500 g romaine lettuce
  • Lemon juice
  • 150 g olive oil
  • mayonnaise
  • Salt pepper

Start preparing the salad itself with crackers. To do this, chop 2 cloves of garlic, pour them with olive oil and leave for half an hour.

Peel the loaf, cut the flesh into small cubes, place the sliced ​​​​pieces in a frying pan and pour over the garlic and oil sauce prepared in advance. Fry the slices of bread until tender for 10-15 minutes over medium heat.

Cut the already prepared smoked chicken fillet. Divide the cheese into two halves: grate the first on a fine grater, and finely chop the other on your own.

To keep lettuce leaves looking fresh, soak them in cold water for an hour before use. Then wash and dry thoroughly. Only then tear it into small pieces with your hands. Cherry tomatoes also need to be washed, then cut them into 4 parts.

Hard boil the eggs. Separate the cooked proteins from the yolks and set them aside for a while. Add a crushed garlic clove and a little lemon juice to the yolks. The resulting mixture must be mixed and then poured with olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste.

Put in a large salad bowl all the ingredients included in the salad - this is smoked chicken, cheese, tomatoes, croutons, eggs, Romaine lettuce. You can dress the salad with either olive oil or mayonnaise, which is best served separately. However, the most suitable option for this salad would be the appropriate dressing. It is not difficult to make it, and the salad will acquire the necessary taste and aroma. For the sauce, simply mix mayonnaise with garlic juice and let it brew for 10-15 minutes in a cold place.

A ready-made salad, which includes smoked chicken, tomatoes and cheese, will be a great breakfast at the beginning of the day, a great addition to a hearty lunch or dinner, and an indispensable appetizing decoration for a festive table!

Salad "Fairy Tale"

Salad "Fairy Tale" with chicken, which contains tomatoes, cheese and eggs, got its name due to the fabulous taste of the ingredients combined in it, seasoned with spicy sauce. It has a similar composition of ingredients with the previous recipe, but the appearance, aroma and, most importantly, taste are nothing alike. The presented salad has a simple recipe, but at the same time, it has an incredible taste.

You will need:

  • 2 pcs. chicken fillet
  • 3 pcs. chicken eggs
  • 2 pcs. tomato
  • 1 PC. cucumber
  • 200 g cheese
  • Mayonnaise
  • 100 g fresh dill
  • Salt pepper

Your actions:

  1. First, boil the chicken fillet in lightly salted water. Then cut the finished fillet into small pieces.
  2. Hard boil the eggs. Separate the proteins from the yolks and chop them one by one, laying them out in different containers.
  3. Grate the cheese on a medium or fine grater. Cut tomatoes and cucumber into cubes.

The salad should be served in a layered form, so put each layer in turn, spreading it with a small amount of mayonnaise. The first layer is chicken fillet, which is placed in a large plate, spread with mayonnaise. The second layer is chopped squirrels; then grated cheese. The fourth layer is tomatoes and cucumber, and the last layer is yolks.

Garnish the resulting salad with fresh herbs, in this case dill. Leave the salad for a while and then serve. Tomato chicken salad with cucumber and cheese is ready! The presented video will help you to learn in detail and in detail all the subtleties of cooking.
