
Easter yeast-free cake - recipes for simple and quick cakes without yeast. Easter cake without yeast - general principles of cooking


  • egg - 3 - 4 pcs.
  • milk - 150 g
  • sugar - 150 g
  • raisins - 100 g
  • flour - 500 g
  • creamy margarine - 200 g
  • vanilla sugar(vanillin) - 1 sachet (8 - 10 g)
  • baking powder - 10 g
  • icing sugar with jelly
  • topping - optional


Softened creamy margarine transfer to a bowl, add sugar, vanilla and beat with a mixer until a fluffy oily mass.

Add eggs one at a time and beat until creamy.

Add baking powder while continuing to beat with a mixer.

pour milk room temperature, stir everything a little and then beat lightly.

If you immediately turn on the mixer at high speed, then the milk will splatter in your kitchen.

Sift flour and in small portions add to the dough - it should turn out a little thicker than sour cream. Since the flour is different for everyone, so try to focus on the sour cream consistency of the dough itself.

Prepare raisins in advance: rinse under running water, dry on paper towel. If your raisins are too dry, then leave them in water for 15-20 minutes, and only then dry them.

In a bowl with clean and dry raisins, add about 0.5 tbsp. l. flour and mix well. We need to roll each raisin - this is done so that the raisins in the dough do not settle.

Pour the raisins into the dough and mix well with a spatula. The dough will become a little thicker, but still the consistency allows you to knead with a spoon or spatula.

Grease clean, dry baking dishes with vegetable oil and fill with dough: it should take up a little more than half of the form.

Put in the oven for 35 - 40 minutes, at a temperature of 200C. On the bottom of the oven, I always put a bowl with hot water to prevent the cookies from burning.

Lubricate ready-made and already completely cooled Easter cakes with freshly prepared icing sugar with gelatin. You can decorate with colored sprinkles if you wish.

Bon appetit!

Watch the video how to cook icing sugar with gelatin

On Easter, I want to please loved ones with a particularly tasty Easter cake - the kind that you can’t buy in stores. Most often there are recipes that involve the ability of the hostess to cope with yeast dough. But Easter cake on soda turns out no worse than yeast. Want to avoid the hassle of testing? Bake cottage cheese cake on soda.

Classic recipe

In addition to ease of execution, soda cake is good because it does not take much time to bake. No time consuming, delicious - what else is required from an ideal holiday dish? Stock up on the list of items:

  1. sugar - 1 cup;
  2. flour - 400 g;
  3. milk - 300 ml;
  4. butter - 60 g;
  5. soda - half a teaspoon;
  6. eggs - 2 pieces;
  7. 3 chopped nuts (almonds).

Easter cake can be prepared in an hour, it is not necessary to devote the whole day to this activity

You will also need candied fruits, 3 tablespoons of juice squeezed from a lemon, a few pieces of lemon zest and vanilla (the latter will give the pastries a very pleasant aroma).

Easter cake on soda according to this recipe is prepared as follows. Separate the egg yolks. Pour them into a bowl, where add sugar (immediately rub it with yolks), lemon juice, milk, zest, flour, nuts, soda, candied fruit.

After whipping the whites in another container, enter them into the dough. Then put the whole mixture into a greased form. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes. When the cake is ready, cover it with icing (recipes will be given below - choose the one you like).

It turns out very tasty cake on soda and kefir. In 300 ml of kefir, add half a teaspoon of soda. Then add sugar (150 g), one teaspoon of lemon peel, flour (300 g), a teaspoon of turmeric. Stir, add raisins (100 g), mix again. Bake Easter cake at a temperature of 180-200 0 C.

Cottage cheese cake on soda

This recipe uses 9% fat cottage cheese. To bake cottage cheese cake on soda, you need 900 g of cottage cheese. In addition, you need 9 chicken eggs and 6 cups of flour. Sugar will be required in the amount of 4.5 cups, butter - in the amount of 300 g, soda - in the amount of 1.5 teaspoons. Additionally, if desired, take vanilla, raisins and juice of one lemon.

Yeast-free Easter cake dough rises due to soda

You will get cottage cheese dough for cake on soda by mixing all the products (the eggs should be beaten). Then place it in the preheated oven, brushing the baking tins with butter. After baking, sprinkle with icing sugar or glaze.

  • Caloric content of products

To cook cake on soda with cottage cheese, you need butter, cottage cheese, eggs, sugar. The output will be quite high-calorie dish. So, 900 g of cottage cheese contains 81 g of fat, 300 g of butter - 300 g of fat. Sugar is entirely carbohydrates (more than 700 g). A lot of carbohydrates in flour: 584 g.

The calorie content of Easter cake with cottage cheese on soda will be approximately 10,000 Kcal. And if you take a 100-gram portion, then it will add about 300 Kcal to those who wish to treat themselves. Most of those calories come from carbohydrates.

Video: quick Easter cake

Easter cakes

Curd on soda

If you have little time, you can try a quick curd cake on soda - its recipe is simple, it cooks quickly:

  • 300 cottage cheese;
  • a teaspoon of soda;
  • 200 g of granulated sugar;
  • 100 butter;
  • three eggs;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • vanillin, dried apricots, candied fruits and raisins can be taken at your discretion;
  • a pound of flour

Whisk eggs with sugar. Separately, melt the butter in a saucepan. Combine butter and eggs, add cottage cheese, vanillin and dried fruits to the mixture. After extinguishing the soda in lemon juice, combine it with the resulting mass. Then gradually add flour, stirring the dough well.

It remains only to grease the forms with oil, put the dough in them and put in a preheated oven.

On mayonnaise and soda

Take on arms original recipe Easter cake with mayonnaise and soda. For 2 cups of flour you will need:

  • sour cream (150 g);
  • mayonnaise (200 g);
  • sugar (2 cups);
  • 4 eggs;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda.

First, grind the sugar and eggs. Then add the rest of the ingredients (do not forget to extinguish the soda with vinegar first). For taste, put a little raisins and vanilla. Place in a mold and bake.

Easter cake on soda can be cooked not only for Easter - pamper loved ones when there is time

lazy cake

Easter cake on soda without yeast can be cooked like this. Take 250 g of butter (butter), soften. Beat 3 eggs with 300 g of sugar. Quench soda (2 teaspoons) with 9% vinegar and add to the dough. Add 650 g of flour to the dough, stirring it.

Put the mass into molds and bake. Time - 20 minutes. The temperature must be maintained at 180 0 C.

Decorate the finished Easter cakes with icing prepared according to any of the options below.

Soda, which is used in each of the above recipes, can be quenched in vinegar essence, and you can - in lemon juice. It is better to sift the flour so that the dough is fluffy and without lumps.

If you are preparing cottage cheese cake - choose cottage cheese with the fat content that seems optimal to you. But Easter cakes on cottage cheese with a higher percentage of fat are tastier.

Another point: if the cake is ready on top, and the bottom is still raw, cover it with foil so that the pastry does not burn.

Even if you have never cooked Easter cake, why not give it a try, because it's so easy?

How to decorate the top of the cake

  1. Icing.

Mix 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and 100 g powdered sugar. Pour over the top of the cake.

  1. Berry sweet.

Taking a glass of powdered sugar, combine it with 4 tablespoons of berry juice (any), rub it. The consistency of the resulting mass should be like that of sour cream. It should be carefully poured onto Easter cakes.

  1. Chocolate glaze.

100 g of sugar and 2 tablespoons of cocoa are mixed, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water and 50 g of butter is small. For taste and aroma, you can pour in another teaspoon of orange liqueur.

Video: cooking Easter cake in 30 minutes

As a rule, it is customary to bake Easter cakes from rich yeast dough, but even in such well-established traditions there are exceptions. Namely, you can bake no less tasty cake without the use of yeast.

One of the advantages of this version of the recipe is that, according to it, the product is prepared much faster than the one in which the ingredients contain yeast. Also, it should be noted that even a novice cook who is not yet ready to work with yeast dough can cope with its preparation.

Step by step recipe

How to cook delicious Easter cake without yeast:

  1. Rub the soft spread with a whisk with granulated sugar and fresh chicken eggs;
  2. Enter into the mix required amount sifted wheat flour and baking powder. Mix thoroughly;
  3. Then pour into the resulting mass warm milk. Stir until smooth;
  4. Lastly, enter the washed and slightly dried (with a napkin) into the dough. light raisin and a handful of lemon zest. Gently mix, evenly distributing them throughout the dough;
  5. Grease baking molds a small amount creamy or vegetable oil and half fill with cooked pastry;
  6. Bake products for 30-35 minutes at 180 0 С;
  7. Decorate the finished Easter cakes with protein glaze and confectionery powder.

simple recipe

  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • sour kefir- 1.5 st.;
  • granulated sugar - 230 g;
  • baking soda - 1 tsp;
  • table salt - ½ tsp;
  • candied fruits - 100 g;
  • chopped lemon zest - 1 tbsp;
  • margarine - 30-40 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 pack.

Cooking Easter cake without yeast on kefir:

  1. To prepare Easter cake without the use of yeast, it is best to use rather sour kefir, which must then be mixed with a small amount of sugar, mix thoroughly and, covered with a lid, set aside;
  2. If you don’t already have chopped lemon zest ready, you can cook it yourself. To prepare it, you need to take 1 washed and dried lemon, and then rub it with a peel on a fine grater. crushed fresh zest- ready;
  3. Melt a piece of margarine slightly (do not bring to a boil!), Add the remaining sugar, a little salt, prepared zest and a bag vanilla sugar. Mix the mass well, and then pour kefir and a spoonful of soda into it. Stir quickly;
  4. Pour the sifted flour and candied fruits into the prepared mass and mix thoroughly;
  5. Fill the baking molds with the prepared dough (at the bottom of which you need to place an oiled circle of food parchment) and bake in an oven preheated to 170 0 C for 40-45 minutes. Please note that the dough will rise at least twice during baking, so the molds need to be filled only halfway;
  6. Easter cakes prepared on the basis of kefir are ready. It remains only to cover them with protein glaze and decorate at your discretion.

Cottage cheese Easter cake without yeast

Have you ever tried cottage cheese cake? If yes, then you should have memorized it unique taste. And if not, then hurry up to cook it as soon as possible. Perhaps it will become your favorite on the festive table!

Cottage cheese cake is prepared without the addition of yeast, which greatly simplifies and shortens the process of its preparation. Crumb at finished product turns out juicy, tender and fragrant. Does not dry out for several days.

Pay special attention to the choice of high-quality and always fresh ingredients.


  • unsalted butter - 250 g;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • white crystalline sugar - 250 g;
  • natural vanilla - ¼ tsp;
  • lemon juice - 3 tablespoons;
  • grained cottage cheese - 700 g;
  • flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • baking powder - 2 sachets;
  • dried apricots - 150 g;
  • confectionery powder - for decoration.

Cooking time: 1 hour

Number of kcal per 100 g: 300 kcal.

Cooking cottage cheese cake without yeast:

  1. Cottage cheese for cooking Easter cake is better to take slightly dry. Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder;
  2. Put the butter to melt over a water bath;
  3. In the meantime, while the butter is melting, prepare the eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks. Put the whites in the fridge - you will need them when preparing the glaze. Rub the yolks with sugar and vanilla;
  4. Enter the yolks pounded with sugar into the melted butter and flavor the mixture lemon juice, as well as a small pinch of salt;
  5. Next, you will need to mix the grated cottage cheese and flour with baking powder into the prepared mixture. By the way, it is very convenient to mix flour with baking powder at the time of sifting;
  6. At the very end of cooking curd mixture it is necessary to introduce chopped in small pieces dried apricots. Gently knead the mass, trying to evenly distribute it throughout the entire volume of the dough;
  7. Ready curd dough fill (½) pre-oiled baking molds, and then send them to an oven preheated to 180-185 0 C and bake for 40 minutes;
  8. Finished cottage cheese cakes remove from the oven, let them cool completely, and then decorate the tops with icing made from egg whites and powdered sugar, and confectionery powder.

Simple cake "Spring"

Cooking Ingredients:

  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • white crystalline granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • soda (slaked) - 15-20 g;
  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • raisins - a handful;
  • salt;
  • powdered sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife.

Number of kcal per 100 g: 256 kcal.


Easter cake with chocolate

We present to your attention an unusually tasty and interesting Easter cake with chocolate. It differs somewhat from traditional Easter cakes, but in no way inferior to them in their taste properties. The dough used is not yeast, and therefore the cooking process takes minimal amount time.

Required Ingredients:

  • margarine - 80 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream 20% - 40 g;
  • flour - 300 g;
  • dark chocolate - 1.5 tiles;
  • soda - 1.5 tsp;
  • vanilla.

Cooking time: 60 min.

Number of kcal per 100 g: 266 kcal.


  1. Divide eggs into whites and yolks. Beat egg whites with a mixer until firm lush foam. The yolks also need to be beaten, but already together with sugar;
  2. Dissolve margarine in a water bath, and then pour in a thin stream into beaten yolks and mix;
  3. Then add slaked soda, sour cream, vanilla and whipped egg whites. Stir again;
  4. Gradually start adding the sifted flour, without stopping the mixing process;
  5. Grind the floor of a bar of dark chocolate (without additives) with a knife, and then pour it into the dough and, evenly distributing, knead;
  6. Fill the pre-oiled cake molds with the prepared dough and put in the oven for 30 minutes (at 180 0 C);
  7. Spread the cooled Easter cakes with melted chocolate and decorate as you wish.

Candied fruits, raisins and chocolate are always added to the dough at the very end of its preparation. In order to yeast-free products do not get stale for a long time, be sure to add butter or margarine to the dough.

Step-by-step preparation of Easter cake without yeast on kefir:

  1. Sift the flour through a sieve to make the cakes airy.
  2. Pour into kefir granulated sugar, stir and leave for 2 minutes.
  3. Wash the lemon and fine grater rub the peel.
  4. Steam the raisins in boiling water for 15 minutes, then pat dry with a paper towel and sprinkle with flour.
  5. Melt the butter in a water bath, add sugar, salt, vanillin and lemon peel. Stir and pour kefir with soda.
  6. Combine flour with liquid mass and raisins. The consistency of the dough should be very liquid.
  7. Grease baking molds butter and pour in the dough. If you fill them 1/2 of the height, then the cake will turn out to be light and airy, and 3/4 - dense and tight.
  8. Heat the oven to 180 ° C Celsius and put the cakes to bake for an hour and a half on the bottom shelf. If baking bigger size it will take longer to bake. Readiness can be checked by puncturing a dry toothpick - if it is dry, Easter is ready.
  9. baked holiday cake without yeast, remove from the oven, cool well, remove from the molds and cover with any glaze.

Recipe number 2: sourdough cakes without yeast

Easter sourdough bread is an old Russian recipe that makes baking easy and delicious. amazing taste. Easter cakes on sourdough long time remain fresh without changing their taste.


  • Wheat flour - 1.5 kg
  • Sourdough - 300 g
  • Milk - 600 g
  • Eggs - 10 pcs.
  • Cognac - 200 ml
  • Sugar - 500 g
  • Candied fruits - 250 g
  • Butter - 300 g
  • Zest of one orange
  • Vanilla sugar - 3 tsp
  • Salt - 2 tsp
Step by step preparation:
  1. Boil milk and cool to 30–35 °C. After, dissolve fresh sourdough and 750 g of flour in it. Mix the food and leave in a warm place, about 25-30 degrees, for about 3 hours, so that the dough comes up, becomes bumpy and loose.
  2. Cream the butter with a mixer until white. Then add one at a time egg yolk continuing to beat the mass. Then add sugar, vanillin and continue to beat the mass. The more magnificent it is beaten, the better the cake will turn out.
  3. Wash the orange, grate its zest on a fine grater and add it to the whipped yolks.
  4. Pour cognac into the approached dough, pour a glass of flour and mix. After, add the butter mixture and knead the dough, gradually adding all the remaining flour. Knead the dough so that it stops sticking to your hands.
  5. Whip the egg whites into a stiff, thick, stable foam and add to the dough, then the Easter cakes will turn out light and airy.
  6. The last step is to put candied fruits into the dough, stir them in, cover the dough with a clean towel and leave for an hour and a half.
  7. After this time, generously grease the molds with butter, fill them 1/2 of the volume with dough and leave to stand for 15-20 minutes. After, send to the oven heated to 180 ° C for 1.5 hours. Readiness of baking check wooden skewer if there is no sticky dough on it, Easter is baked.
  8. Remove the finished cake without yeast from the oven, cover with a dry towel and let cool. Then remove from the mold and cover with fondant.

How to make a sourdough starter

In order for Easter without yeast to turn out lush, tasty and fragrant, you should make a starter that will help achieve an amazing result of a delicious Easter cake.

Sourdough Ingredients:

  • Flour - 150 g (any: wheat, rye, whole)
  • Water - 150 ml
Preparing the sourdough starter:
  1. Mix 50 g of flour with 50 ml of water. The consistency of the mass should be pasty, like thick sour cream. Cover the starter with a towel and leave in a warm place for a day, while stirring it 3-4 times.
  2. After a day, the mass will be covered with small, rare bubbles. This means that you need to add another 50 g of flour and add 50 ml of water. Knead the starter and again leave for a day under a dry towel in a warm place. Stir again 4 times a day.
  3. After 2 days, repeat the procedure: add the remaining flour with water, knead the mass, cover with a towel and leave for another day.
  4. The next day, the starter will increase in size and will consist of a foam cap. This means that it is ready for further use in baking.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Those who do not know how to bake with yeast will be able to please their loved ones lazy cake. Maybe one of the hostesses will bake an Easter cake for the first time in their life, and yeast dough for them there is still an uncharted path in their culinary experience, so feel free to take this recipe into your arsenal and bake Easter cakes for the holiday. Easter cake on soda, the recipe with the photo of which I propose, comes out lush, tasty and sweet.

Required Ingredients:
- 3 pcs. chicken eggs;
- 250 grams of butter;
- 250 -300 grams of sugar;
- 650 flour;
- 2 tsp. soda;

- vanillin;
- 150 grams of powdered sugar;
- 40 ml of milk;
- 20 grams of colored powder.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Lazy cake on soda is easy to prepare. Beat eggs with sugar until white.

To do this, you can use a mixer. If you beat with a whisk, then it will take you twice as much time, so kitchen appliances we often find it easier to spend time in the kitchen. Beat with a mixer until many bubbles appear. Thus, the dough will receive additional oxygen.

If it is at room temperature, it will perfectly connect with the dough. It will be possible to melt it in microwave oven. Soda extinguish 9% vinegar and add to the dough.

Add flour little by little so that no lumps form when mixing.

Make a mass of dough similar in structure and consistency to sour cream.

IN metal molds for Easter cakes, place non-stick baking paper. Fill them with dough 1/3 of the entire volume, as they will rise high in the oven during baking.

Bake cakes mixed with soda in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 °. They will become fluffy and ruddy.

Beat powdered sugar with milk until viscous. Pour glaze over Easter cakes and decorate with colored sweet powder. The icing will evenly drain over the Easter cake, and the powder will stick to it well and will not crumble. By the way, take a look at
