
How long to cook pasta in boiling water. Cooking durum wheat pasta

Macaroni is a dish that everyone loves. They are tasty, nutritious and quite easy to prepare. However, to get a really tasty dish, it’s not enough just to cook pasta. It is necessary to cook them well, because even the recipe for a delicious dish can be spoiled if you do not know how to cook pasta correctly.

In addition, in order not to be disappointed as a result of cooking, pasta must be of good quality. Therefore, the success of the cooking result depends on the correct choice of pasta.

The highest quality and most delicious are pasta, for the production of which durum wheat was used. And although such pasta is more expensive, but be sure that they will not stick together and will not break apart during cooking. In addition, unlike pasta made from white flour, they are healthy, and even those who monitor their weight can use them.

Pasta made from durum wheat is a real storehouse of useful complex carbohydrates, thanks to which the human body is provided with energy for a long time. In addition, when using a reasonable amount of this product, the body will receive a number of vitamins and substances necessary for health. These products are virtually free of sodium, known for its ability to cause aging.

Choosing the Right

When choosing pasta in the store, pay attention to their appearance. To better view the product, give preference to transparent packaging. A quality product has a smooth surface, a clean glassy cut and a cream or golden hue. A product with a whitish or yellowish tint and a rough surface can be classified as low quality. Also, the bag should not contain flour dust. In addition, it is important when buying to look at the composition of the product indicated on the package. Only flour and water are used in quality pasta. In rare cases, eggs are added.

If you prefer colored pasta, make sure it is dyed with natural dyes. Also check the packaging for integrity. If it is violated, the products can absorb moisture, and this negatively affects their quality. And, of course, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the product.

Golden rules for cooking traditional types of pasta

To cook pasta well, you must adhere to the following time-tested rules:

  1. The main rule is the use of water in sufficient quantities. It must be taken at least 1 liter per 0.1 kg of pasta. The more water, the more reliable, because during the cooking process, pasta absorbs a fairly large amount of water, due to which they increase significantly in volume. If there is not enough liquid, the finished products will be sticky as a result of cooking. Therefore, even when cooking a small amount of pasta, use a large-capacity pan and, if possible, thick-walled;

  2. salt water is necessary before filling the pasta, and not during their cooking. Add salt to boiled water at the rate of 10 to 12 grams per 1 liter of water;
  3. Pour pasta into boiling water. After adding the salt, wait for the water to boil again and add the pasta to the center of the pot, stirring with a spoon to evenly distribute;
  4. cook pasta with the lid open. The lid can be closed after pouring pasta for a few seconds so that the water boils faster. Then open the pan, stir and cook over moderate heat with the lid removed to prevent water from leaking onto the stove;
  5. so that the pasta does not stick together, you can add one or two tablespoons of sunflower oil to the pan and mix;
  6. don't overcook the pasta. Cooking time depends on the type of pasta. On average, it takes from 7 to 15 minutes. It is better to stick to the time indicated on the package when cooking. But in order not to be mistaken in readiness, two or three minutes before the end of the specified time, you must try the pasta and determine the readiness to your liking. If the pasta was bought by weight, then you will have to periodically try them during cooking. Ideally, turn off the heat when the pasta is almost cooked, but firm in taste. It is necessary to cover the pan with a lid and hold them for one or two minutes;

  7. Before draining the pasta, pour boiling water over the colander. This will prepare it for contact with the hot pasta. So he does not take away excess heat. In addition, this will prevent pasta from sticking to the walls of the colander;
  8. so that the finished pasta does not dry out, you can add a few tablespoons of water in which they were cooked, left in advance before draining;
  9. Don't rinse cooked pasta. This procedure leads to the loss of nutrients contained in pasta. Also, as a result of washing, they cool down, which negatively affects the taste. Rinse pasta is recommended only when they are cooked for salads. From the colander, send them back to the pan and add oil or sauce to taste;
  10. serve hot pasta. To keep hot for longer, pasta can be served on preheated plates;
  11. in the case of using pasta to prepare a more complex dish that will be cooked (for example, a casserole or pasta in a hot sauce), it is recommended not to overcook them, taking into account the time that they will be cooked next.

The above information on how to cook pasta applies to such common and beloved products as, for example, horns, shells, noodles, feathers, spaghetti. At the same time, long products (spaghetti) do not need to be broken into smaller ones. It will be enough just to put a little pressure on them for immersion in water. During the cooking process, they will soften, after which it will be convenient to distribute them around the perimeter of the pan.

Alternative ways to cook pasta

Today, pasta can be cooked in other, more modern and convenient ways that do not require mixing or monitoring the level of fire:

  • in the microwave;
  • in a multicooker;
  • in a steamer.

For products in the microwave, the amount of water should be twice as much as the amount of pasta, that is, for 0.1 kg of dry product, at least 0.2 liters of liquid should be taken. A glass pot of water is sent to the microwave until boiling. Next add pasta. It is important to ensure that the pasta is completely covered with water. Then salt and vegetable oil are added (1 tablespoon). Pasta is cooked in the microwave in a closed container for an average of about 10 minutes at a power of 500 watts. It should be borne in mind that these parameters are optimal for making horns, feathers or shells. When cooking smaller and thinner products, reduce the time or reduce the power.

When using for the water level in its pan should be 2-3 cm higher than the level of pasta. Butter is added to the pasta (about 1 tablespoon). Pasta is cooked for about 12 minutes in the “pilaf” or “steaming” mode. Some housewives, in order to simplify the process of preparing dinner, cook another dish at the same time as pasta (for example, sausages or chicken fillet pieces) using a special steaming tray.

When cooking pasta in a double boiler, they are poured into a rice bowl and filled with water. The water level should be about two inches above the pasta. To avoid sticking, a spoonful of vegetable oil is also poured into the bowl and salt is added. Pasta is cooked for about 15 minutes under the lid.

Cooking pasta nests

Pasta nests are very popular now, from which you can cook a wide variety of dishes. They are prepared in a slightly different way than the types of pasta we are used to. Knowing how to cook pasta in the form of nests correctly, you can avoid their falling apart. In order for them to keep their shape during cooking, nests are prepared in a pan with high sides, or in a pan with a wide bottom. Pasta nests should be laid out in one layer, leaving small spaces between them. Next, boiling water is poured exactly in such an amount that it covers the nests. When the water boils, salt and a little vegetable oil are added. Cook with the lid closed over moderate heat for the time written on the package, or a couple of minutes less for a firmer pasta. Put the finished pasta nests on a dish with a slotted spoon and, if desired, fill with stuffing.

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Pasta is a versatile dish that can be served for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Depending on the type, cooking may differ, but the principle of cooking is the same everywhere. Of course, there are a number of features that experienced chefs have noticed. So, if you want to know, then you definitely need to read them.

What is the main advantage of pasta? The fact that they are quickly prepared and quite pleasant to the taste. Especially if you fill them with some kind of sauce or ketchup. Men love this dish for its ease and speed of preparation, and women for a huge number of recipes and varieties. In addition, they are much more useful than ordinary semi-finished products, and they are much cheaper, so you can safely refuse doshiraks and start learning how to cook pasta.

You will need:

Before cooking

Be sure to read the instructions (if any), which is located on the pack. The manufacturer knows better how long his product is cooked. But it’s better not to leave the stove, especially if you are cooking for the first time.

Keep in mind that depending on the type of pasta you may need a different amount of time. Also, this indicator depends on the type of wheat and composition. It is better to additionally verify the result by asking the search engine a query like " how to cook pasta horns».

If you are going to cook spaghetti, then keep in mind that they stick much more than others to the walls of the pan and other pasta. Therefore, it is recommended to constantly stir the products until they are completely cooked. In addition, it is recommended to cook them in small portions. If the length of the pasta is not of fundamental importance to you, then it is recommended to break it into two or three parts before cooking.

Remember to keep a close eye on the three main things: pasta is overcooked, undercooked, and sticky. You need to determine these indicators by eye, but there is nothing complicated in this. Just try to do this at least once and you will easily begin to distinguish between cooked and undercooked pasta. Don't forget to taste them.

1. First, prepare the saucepan. You can grease it a little with oil so that the pasta is less sticky to the sides and bottom. Pour about three-quarters of the water in. No more needed, because the volume will increase after the pasta is put there. Moreover, the water will begin to boil and may splash over the edges.

2. Place the pot on the stove. Turn on the fire and wait until the water boils. To make this happen faster - cover the container with a lid. You can also increase the fire. Then add salt and mix well. In addition to taste, the presence of salt also reduces the "stickiness" of our products.

3. As soon as the water boils, immediately reduce the heat. Then add pasta to the water and stir a little. Do not look at the fact that the water has stopped boiling - this is normal. After a while, everything will resume. Then you can start timing. It is best to focus on the indicators indicated by the manufacturer on the pack. In any case, if you are cooking for the first time, then do not leave the pan.

4. Take a long spoon or any other device and start stirring the pasta. For at least the first three minutes, you must do this without ceasing. So it is recommended to do for those who want to know how to cook pasta so it doesn't stick together. Then you can slow down a bit. But it is not necessary to do this everywhere (only for horns, shells and spirals).

5. Periodically check the pasta for doneness. This can be done 8-10 minutes after the start of mixing (and preferably 3-4 minutes before the end of the period indicated on the package). Catch one or two pasta in the water, blow a few times and taste. They should not be too soft, but not too hard either. In general, it is better to focus on your own taste preferences. As soon as the pasta finds the optimal taste, the fire can be turned off.

6. Then place the colander in the sink or any other drain. Pour out the contents of the saucepan and shake gently. Do not overdo it so as not to turn products into porridge. Then let them stand for two to three minutes. Here you have a choice: leave the pasta just cooked or continue cooking (for example, fry). In the first case, you just need to pour the contents back into the pan, and in the second, rinse them under cold water.

7. Next, put a piece of butter on the pasta and let it melt. You can stir the products lightly to properly touch each pasta. This will not allow the cooled products to stick together, and will also give a unique creamy taste. On average, this all takes no more than one or two minutes.

8. You can also immediately add some kind of sauce, cheese or ketchup - it all depends on your taste preferences. And that's it, pasta can be served on the table. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process. Just follow the instructions and you will be fine. But be sure to try these tips in practice. This is how you can fully understand how to cook pasta.


Pay special attention to the volume of water in the pot and the salting procedure. The water must be salted before the pasta is lowered into the container. The volume of water must be below three quarters, otherwise you will flood the kitchen. If you are not going to continue cooking further, then you do not need to rinse the products under cold water, because of this the taste can be seriously affected. Many novice cooks do not pay attention to this, and as a result, the result is not the most pleasant.

It is also recommended to cook in the presence of someone for the first time. An experienced person can give recommendations, and an inexperienced person can try pasta with you and draw a conclusion about their readiness. In addition, cooking together is much more interesting. Just don't get too distracted by talking, otherwise you might spoil the dish.

By the way, the Italians, true masters of cooking pasta (not only spaghetti, but also horns, shells, spirals, nests and others) serve a fresh dish on hot plates. This allows the product to retain its taste characteristics longer. I wonder how the Italian waiters get out of this situation. Most likely, they use special stands.

If you have any questions, tips or suggestions on how to properly cook pasta, then be sure to write them in the comments.

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Pasta is one of the most popular and loved by many side dishes, which is not only delicious, but also quickly cooked, so in this article we will take a closer look at how much pasta needs to be cooked and how to cook pasta in a saucepan so that they do not stick together during cooking and turn out delicious.

How long to cook pasta?

In order for the pasta not to boil or, on the contrary, to undercook, you should know the time of their cooking:

Pasta should be cooked for 7-10 minutes after boiling water in a saucepan (the exact time is indicated by the manufacturer of the product on the package, as it depends on the quality and type of the product being produced).

Among the most popular types of pasta, their cooking time can vary from 3 to 15 minutes: ravioli is cooked for 3-5 minutes, nests are cooked for an average of 5 minutes, noodles are cooked for 5-7 minutes, shells and bows for an average of 10 minutes, spiral pasta is cooked for 10- 12 minutes, and horns 12-15 minutes.

Note: under the term pasta, it is customary to take pasta such as shells, horns, bows, feathers, spirals, cobwebs, therefore the above cooking time for pasta in a saucepan is also relevant for most of them.

To cook pasta in a saucepan, you need to follow only a few sequential steps:

  • We choose a larger pan, while it is desirable that it has thick walls.
  • Pour cold water into the pan at the rate of 1 liter of water per 100 grams of dry pasta.
  • We put the pan on a large fire, cover it with a lid and bring the water to a boil, after which we add salt to taste (on average: a teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water).
  • Pour the measured amount of pasta into boiling water in a saucepan and wait until the water boils again, then reduce the heat by 2 times (so that the water does not continue to boil much), while stirring the pasta itself with a tablespoon so that they do not stick together.
  • We look at the package how much to cook the selected pasta and measure the time (usually 7-10 minutes) after boiling water with pasta, while stirring the pasta every 1-2 minutes so that they do not stick together during cooking.
  • At the end of the timer, we taste the pasta and if it is cooked (not raw inside), pour the water with the pasta into a colander over the sink and rinse the pasta with water.
  • After the water from the pasta in a glass colander, pour them back into an empty pan or into prepared plates and add butter or sauce (optional). That's all! A delicious side dish is ready.

Below we will briefly consider useful tips that will help you cook pasta in a saucepan that is not sticky and tasty.

Useful tips on how to cook pasta in a saucepan so that it does not stick together

  • Pasta should always be boiled in a large amount of water (at least 1 liter of water per 100 grams of pasta).
  • After adding pasta to boiling water and until the end of cooking, do not cover them with a lid.
  • It is better to salt the water after boiling the water, while it is better not to add salt while cooking the pasta.
  • High-quality pasta often does not need to be washed, it is enough to drain the water from the pasta through a colander at the end of their cooking.
  • In order for the pasta not to stick together during cooking, they should be stirred, and you can also add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to the pan.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how to cook pasta in a saucepan at home, you can always quickly prepare a delicious side dish for dinner for yourself and your loved ones. We leave our feedback and useful tips on how and how much to cook pasta in a saucepan on the stove in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Despite a completely different technology for creating flour products than now, pasta has always been loved. They cook quickly and are a great side dish. Often they boiled soft, taking on huge sizes, or stuck together into a single lump. For the most part, this was due to the fact that such products were made from premium flour, now they are made from durum wheat.

Pasta, pasta, spaghetti - perhaps one of the favorite dishes of many people. They are prepared from dried wheat dough in water. Varying in appearance (shells, feathers, spirals, spaghetti, etc.), with the right supply of the right seasonings, each pasta turns into a special dish.

Cooking time for pasta by type

Traditionally, the cooking procedure looks like this. Pasta is poured into boiling salted water. Boil them for 7-10 minutes. The finished dish is drained through a colander and served at the table. Various sauces and cheese are a common accompaniment to it.

The most important point in cooking a pasta side dish is the question: “How long to cook pasta?” After all, many have learned from their own deplorable experience that even a quality product can be spoiled by improper cooking. But there is no definite answer, because. the cooking time will depend on their type and the type of flour from which they are made.

Even in the process of preparation, you should check the information on the package. The manufacturer always indicates the cooking time of his product. Another factor influencing the time regime is the further use of pasta. With their subsequent heat treatment (baking or frying), the cooking time is reduced.

How many minutes to cook:

  1. You should buy only quality goods. Broken products will spoil the taste of the whole dish.
  2. If the composition of the product includes egg powder, then the products will turn out soft and boiled.
  3. You should always remember that products increase by 3 times. Therefore, 100 gr is enough for 2 large servings.
  4. Boil pasta so that they do not stick together, it is better in oily water. Therefore, it is recommended to add 1 tbsp to the water. a spoonful of any vegetable oil.
  5. The water ratio must be at least 1:3. For 100 g of dry products, you can take from 300 ml to 1 liter of water.
  6. To avoid sticking after cooking, immediately drain the water after cooking.
  7. When preparing dishes from non-durum wheat varieties, rinse them after cooking with hot water.
  8. It is believed that undercooked pasta for 2-3 minutes will become less high-calorie.
  9. Properly cook should be in a wide saucepan without a lid.
  10. Slightly overcooked can be saved by rinsing them with cold water.
  11. If boiled pasta is used to prepare complex dishes with further heat treatment, then they should not be cooked for as many minutes as they will be cooked in the future.

Methods for making curly pasta

So that the result of your favorite side dish always turns out to be successful, you should remember a few rules for cooking pasta in different ways: in a saucepan, microwave, double boiler or slow cooker, and even in an electric kettle.

The traditional way on the example of horns

The classic cooking method always guarantees an excellent end result. Consider it using the example of a specific type of product in order to understand how to cook pasta horns in a saucepan.

Required Ingredients:

  • horns - 200 gr;
  • water - 1 l;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Pour water into a wide bowl. Add oil so that the horns do not stick together. Salt the water. When the liquid boils, pour in the horns. Mix them well with a spoon so that the products do not stick together and stick to the bottom of the dish. Boil the horns for 7-10 minutes until tender. Drain the water by draining the pasta into a colander. If necessary, rinse finished products with cold water. Serve with sauces and gravies or sprinkle with grated cheese.

Cooking shells in a slow cooker

A quick and tasty dish if you cook pasta in a slow cooker. Figured types of products are better suited for this type of household appliances: horns, bows, spirals. The slow cooker will allow you to cook from the simplest to the most delicious and original pasta dishes.

Required Ingredients:

  • shells - 200 gr;
  • water - 400 gr;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable/butter oil.

Simple cooking option:

Pour the shells into the bowl and pour them with water so that the water covers them 2 cm higher. Put 1 tablespoon of butter. How long to cook pasta in time will depend on the selected mode. It is better to cook them in the “Steam” or “Pilaf” mode for about 12 minutes.

Roast option:

Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl so that it covers the bottom. Pour dry shells and mix them well so that the oil envelops each product. On the “Baking” or “Frying” mode, fry the shells for 10-15 minutes until they take on a pale brown color. During the frying process, mix everything 2-3 times.

As soon as the pasta has changed color, pour in hot boiled water so that it rises 2 fingers above the shells. Salt the liquid and season with spices to taste. You can add black pepper or suneli hops. Further cooking takes place in the "Pilaf" mode until the liquid is completely evaporated.

In this recipe, you can add chopped onions and carrots to the shells. They should be fried and boiled together.

Cooking "feathers" in the microwave

A simple way to cook gives a microwave. The presence of such household appliances will allow you to cook dinner not at home without the hassle. In addition, this cooking method ensures that the pasta "does not run away."

Required Ingredients:

  • feathers - 200 gr;
  • boiling water - 400 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - to taste.
  1. To save time on cooking, prepared water should already be hot. It can be boiled with a kettle. Pour boiling water into a deep bowl and add feathers. The liquid should cover the products by 2-3 cm. After boiling, add salt, pour in a spoonful of oil.
  2. Stir, close the container with a lid and cook the feathers for 20 minutes at 300 watts. If the power is increased to 550 W, then the cooking time should be reduced to 10-15 minutes. In general, how much to cook pasta in the microwave depends on the thickness of the product. These parameters are typical for pasta with thick walls (feathers, horns), but for thin vermicelli, the cooking time is significantly reduced.
  3. Remove the finished feathers from the microwave, put them in a colander and rinse them under running cold water.

Cooking spirals in an electric kettle

The method is suitable for students and those who are "impatient" to eat pasta here and now. The method is more like a humorous one, but it makes it clear that cooking pasta under any conditions is not so difficult. Naturally, it must be taken into account that the electric kettle is only suitable for a certain type of product; you cannot cook spaghetti, cannelloni and nests in it.

Required Ingredients:

  • spirals - 100 gr;
  • water 1 l;
  • sauce, salt, cheese - to taste.
  1. Pour the liquid into a clean teapot. Bring it to a boil. Add pasta to boiling water. It is difficult to say how much pasta should be cooked in this way.
  2. Turn on the kettle to bring the water to a boil and turn it off. Do this operation every 30 seconds, turning the kettle on and off for 7-9 minutes. At the end of cooking, drain the water and pour the spirals onto a plate.
  3. Sprinkle them with salt to taste, add sauce and cheese if desired. The teapot is recommended to be washed immediately after use.

Features of cooking some types

Despite the simplicity of cooking all pasta, some types of products require a special approach, because. do not fit into the "usual" options. For example, improperly welded nests will change their appearance and lose their individuality. And classic spaghetti, if cooked incorrectly, can easily be broken or molded into a large lump.

We cook nests correctly

Many are tempted by the original appearance of these pasta, reminiscent of bird nests. However, careless handling easily turns them into ordinary vermicelli. To keep them in their original form, you can cook them in two ways.

Frying method

Prepare a small clean tin can without a lid. From the inside, grease the mold with oil. Put a nest in it. The dish itself is prepared in a frying pan with oil. To do this, pour vegetable oil and butter into the pan in equal portions. Heat the fat and fry the nests over a very low heat, turning them over after a while.

Put the finished nests on a plate and stuff with any filling.

Cooking method

For lovers of the traditional way of cooking, you need to stock up on a wide pan. Fill the dishes with water so that it covers the nests by 2-3 cm. Salt the liquid brought to a boil to taste. Place the pasta in the pot, being careful not to turn it over while cooking.

Cook them in a saucepan according to package instructions. Creamy mushroom sauce with cheese is perfect for ready-made nests.

Cooking the perfect spaghetti

Served as the only or second course for lunch or dinner, spaghetti requires some nuance during its preparation.

Unlike short pasta, spaghetti requires as much water as possible. Therefore, it is worth boiling them in liquid, taking it at the rate of up to 10 units. The cooking pot must also be of the appropriate size.

Long pasta should not be broken. It is enough to just leave them in the pan. After 1-1.5 minutes, the ends in the water will soften and all products can be lowered to the bottom.

Spaghetti cooking time is usually indicated on the package, but should not exceed 8 minutes. But cook black spaghetti should be 2 times less, up to 3-4 minutes.

Since spaghetti is not ordinary pasta, rinsing after cooking is not one of them. With the right approach, focusing on the opinion of Italians, long pasta should be slightly firm. The best way to check readiness is to taste it. Finished products should be laid out with the help of special tongs, raising them high. Thus, it will be easy to separate portions from each other. And the best addition to them will be a variety of sauces that can be prepared based on the water where the pasta was cooked.

Easy pasta recipes for everyone

Having dealt with the rules for cooking pasta, it is time to create with their help full-fledged, nutritious and delicious dishes for the whole family. Meat and vegetable options will appeal to avid gourmets and staunch vegetarians.

Naval pasta with stew

A quick hearty quick dinner can feed the whole family, saving time for relaxation. A camping or country option with stew instead of minced meat is simple and ingenuous. Mix boiled pasta in any way with the contents of the jar and serve. But even such a simple “naval” option can be slightly diversified, giving it bright flavor notes.

Required Ingredients:

  • horns - 200 gr;
  • stew (350 gr) - 1 can;
  • onion - 1 pc.

How to cook:

  1. Cook the horns in salted water, do not cook them for 1-2 minutes. Drain the water, leaving some at the bottom of the pot.
  2. When choosing a stew, focus on the quality of the product, and not on the price. Melt the fat from the jar in a frying pan. Chop the onion into small cubes and fry it in melted fat until golden brown.
  3. Put the meat pieces of stew on the horns. Cook the pasta over low heat until the fat dissolves completely and the liquid boils.
  4. Put the onion in a dish, mix everything gently. Hearty and quick dinner for 2-3 people is ready.

Spaghetti Al Dente with vegetables

Al dente is a special way of cooking pasta until “delicately crunchy” or “to the tooth”, when it is already cooked, but remains firm. Simply, this is a kind of slightly undercooked pasta, when, while eating, the tooth bites into the product, but at the same time it feels a little dense. Italians consider this type of cooking the most correct and non-caloric. It should be noted that only hard varieties can be prepared al dente.

Required Ingredients:

  • spaghetti - 350 gr;
  • tomatoes - 500 gr;
  • olives - 100 gr;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • capers - 1 teaspoon;
  • hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • parsley, oregano - optional;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. The basis of this dish will be tomato vegetable sauce. To do this, peel the tomatoes from the skin by dousing them with boiling water and removing the skin. Chop the pulp.
  2. Finely chop the oregano and parsley.
  3. Heat olive oil in a frying pan. Flatten the garlic cloves with a knife and fry them in oil with pepper. As soon as the garlic is fried, remove it from the oil, and put the tomatoes, capers, pitted olives and oregano in the pan. Cook the sauce for 10-12 minutes, then add parsley and boil for another 2-3 minutes.
  4. Throw spaghetti into boiling water with salt and cook them al dente. It is impossible to say with certainty how much to cook al dente pasta. The main thing is to constantly try and taste, because seconds count. If, when breaking pasta, it has a white mark in the middle, it means that it has not yet been cooked.
  5. Pour the spaghetti boiled al dente with sauce and serve in serving bowls.

Today we will tell you how much to cook pasta. As you know, during the cooking process, many make mistakes, not adhering to the correct recipe. After all, knowing all the nuances and secrets, you can cook incredibly tasty and healthy pasta. Interesting? Then be sure to read this article.

First of all, the taste and quality of the dish depends on the shape and variety of pasta. The assortment is greater than ever: horns, spaghetti, fettuccine, ravioli, vermicelli, bows, etc.

How and how much to cook pasta?

1. We take a large saucepan, pour 0.5 liters of water into it, put it on the stove and turn on the maximum fire. Add 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil (so that the pasta does not stick together during the process) and salt to taste.

2. When the water boils, add the pasta. After the second boil, make the fire smaller and cook for 7-10 minutes. Open the lid slightly, do not close completely (thus, the pasta will turn out whole and not boiled).

3. Taste it. When everything is ready, pour into a colander and wait for the water to drain. If you want to leave the cooked portion for tomorrow, then be sure to rinse under cold water so that they do not stick together.

How to cook pasta in the microwave? Cooking time 10 min. Pour the pasta with water, add oil (1 tbsp) and salt to the bowl. We close the container, set the power to 500 W and cook for up to 10 minutes. All is ready.

How to cook in a slow cooker? Pour pasta with water, add butter (1 tsp), set the “steaming” mode and cook for up to 10 minutes.

How to cook pasta in a double boiler? Fill the bottom container of the steamer with water. Then pour pasta into a bowl, pour water, salt, add vegetable oil, cover with a lid and cook for up to 15 minutes. Place in a colander and drain off excess liquid.

How long to cook pasta?

– spaghetti (8-9 min)

– vermicelli (3-5 min)

– pasta horns (7-9 min)

– fettuccine (up to 10 min)

– tagliatelle (up to 5 min)

- sheets of lasagna (up to 5-6 minutes)

- noodles (5-7 min)

– ravioli (4-7 min)

- "bows" (up to 10 min)

- pasta (8-10 min)

7 Secrets to Cooking Delicious and Healthy Pasta

  • If the pasta is not cooked for 2-3 minutes, then they will be less high-calorie.
  • To prevent the pasta from sticking together during the process, be sure to add vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) and stir occasionally.
  • Do not close the lid during cooking
  • If the pasta turned out overcooked, don't worry, everything can be fixed. Rinse under cold water.
  • If you are preparing a complex pasta dish, which must then undergo heat treatment, then you should not cook them to the end.
  • In order for the pasta to be warm when serving, you must first pour hot water over the colander.
  • To make the dish tasty and tender, then do it as follows: put 60-80 grams of butter in the saucepan where the pasta was cooked and melt it. Then lower again and stir. All is ready!
