
How to make homemade chocolate: cooking recipes. How to make homemade filled chocolate bar

Since the outlandish cocoa beans came to the European continent, confectioners have no rest.

More and more delicious sweets they invent from products obtained from exotic fruits chocolate trees.

Sweet tooth also does not sit still.

Each of them at least once was lucky enough to make a delicacy at home, using both specially purchased ingredients and various little things from home stocks: nuts or vanilla, raisins or dried fruits.

The inventors of new forms of antidepressant (namely, chocolate) do not stop there, improving their culinary skills, inventing fresh sweet combinations and configurations. But for starters, a beginner in the home chocolate industry would do well to get acquainted with the basic recipes and general principles for making real chocolate at home.

Chocolate at home - general principles of preparation:

Don't skimp on products! The main ingredients of chocolate are cocoa powder, butter, sugar or honey, as well as nuts and raisins. Having bought a little fewer ingredients, you risk getting a delicacy of inadequate quality and taste at the output.

When making chocolate at home, remember that the normal temperature for making quality chocolate is not too high: no more than 32 degrees Celsius. This is easy to check manually: touch the mixture with your hand - and if it does not burn the skin, then your chocolate is not ruined yet.

Connoisseurs say that the mixture should not be put on open fire, although some recipes indicate just such a method. But it is better to use a double boiler or a water bath.

Do not start making chocolate with industrial scale. Start with a small portion. If you are satisfied with the taste and quality, then you can make a larger portion of the treat.

To make the filling “inside” your sweets, add it in layers alternately with chocolate.

Filling for making delicious chocolate at home:

The filling for homemade chocolate can be any sweetness that you like. Some sweet tooth prefer nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts) and dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes), others - citrus peel, the third - cracker or wafer crumb. The filling is crushed and added already in hot mix, then stir and pour into molds.

Recipes to help you cook delicious chocolate at home

Classic chocolate: nothing more

Don't even try to make an exact replica of a shop bar if you haven't stocked up on cocoa butter. It is this rare ingredient that allows sweets to keep their shape. But if your rarity hunt is still successful, you will receive delicious treat. This recipe is for lucky hunters.


Grated cocoa - 200 grams;

Cocoa butter - 40-50 grams;

Butter - 20 grams.

In a water bath or in a double boiler, melt both types of oils (cocoa and butter), then add grated cocoa, sugar (powder) to the mixture and stir until the composition becomes homogeneous. Then cool the contents of the bowl a little, pour into prepared molds and place in the refrigerator.

Vanilla chocolate "Refined" with nuts and dried fruits

If you opted for vanilla chocolate, then you will need following products:

Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l;

Milk - 100 ml;

Butter - 125 grams;

Sugar or powdered sugar - 1 cup;

Vanillin - half tsp;

Walnuts, raisins and dried fruits.

Pour milk into the container, then put on slow fire and warm up. Vanillin and sugar add to the warmed milk, without removing the bowl from the heat and constantly stirring the mixture. Then you need to make a separate water bath, melt the butter in it and pour the already melted butter into a container with milk and sugar. Cocoa powder is added there after mixing the previous ingredients. Then the container stays on low heat for about 25 minutes. The dried fruits or nuts chosen as the filling are added just before the chocolate is poured into the molds. A few hours in the refrigerator, and your treat is ready.

Coffee chocolate "for true gourmets"


Cocoa powder - 50 grams;

Powdered milk - 250 grams;

Sugar - 500 grams;

Butter - 250 grams;

Brewed ground coffee - 1 tsp;

Dried fruits, nuts, lemon peel, vanilla (to taste).

Before starting the main process, you should prepare the main “flavor” - coffee. Of course, the dosage depends only on your taste, but in basic recipe the following steps are suggested: 3/4 cup of water to one spoon of coffee. When the coffee boils, you need to add zest or vanilla to it and continue to boil for 4-5 minutes over low heat. Then strain the liquid removed from the stove from coffee pomace and again put the container on fire. When the coffee begins to rise, add cocoa and sugar to the mixture, and then boil for another five minutes.

Now the turn of powdered milk will come - it should be added here, mix thoroughly, turn off the heat and dissolve the butter, previously cut into pieces, in the resulting chocolate. The filling - nuts, candied fruits, raisins, dried apricots or prunes - are added to an almost ready-made delicacy at your discretion right before pouring into molds.

Milk chocolate "Gentle"


Cocoa powder 4 tbsp. l;

Butter - 50 grams;

Sugar - 1 tsp;

Milk - 100 grams.

In a suitable bowl, first you need to pour the milk and heat it up over medium heat. Next add sugar and cocoa powder. Meanwhile, the butter is melted in a separate container in a water bath, and then poured into a bowl with the main mixture, which, after adding the oil, should be brought to a boil. After that, the fire should be reduced and the chocolate should be cooked for another 2-3 minutes.

Chocolate "a little bit of everything"

Cooks who have tried next recipe, claim that the taste of this product is not much different from store-bought tiles. But in its composition - available ingredients, for which a zealous hostess does not need to run to the store - they will always be found in the kitchen cabinet and refrigerator.


Cocoa powder - 150 grams;

Butter - 70 grams;

Sugar or powdered sugar - 100 grams;

Milk - 5 tbsp. l.;

Flour - 1.5-2 tsp.

On a slow fire, heat the milk, gradually pouring sugar (or powdered sugar) and cocoa into it. Separately, in a water bath, you need to melt the butter, and then pour it into the milk mixture and mix. Continuing to stir, you need to bring the mass to a boil, and then turn off the heat.

Chocolate flour is first sifted through a fine sieve, added to the mixture and mixed thoroughly - so that there are no lumps left, as if you were preparing pancake dough. Now once again you need to turn on the fire and hold the mixture on it for about 2 minutes - until it boils.

As a result, the mixture will resemble sour cream in density. Slightly cooled chocolate should be poured into molds greased with oil, and then put in the freezer to harden. After 3-4 hours, the treat will be ready.

Dark chocolate "Elementary, Watson!"

This recipe does not provide for any tricks or an abundance of components.


Cocoa powder - 100 grams;

Butter - approximately 50 grams;

Sugar - 1 tsp.

As you can easily understand from the list of ingredients, cocoa powder will be the most in this chocolate. Because chocolate will turn out bitter or bitter. More experienced confectioners will change the ratio of sugar and cocoa. But one detail should be taken into account: it is on the basis of these proportions that more complex chocolate desserts are prepared.

The process itself is very simple: the butter cut into pieces must be melted in a water bath, then add a mixture of cocoa and sugar. The result is a mass with the consistency thick sour cream. The composition must be brought to a boil, and then cook for about 2 minutes, stirring evenly. Then everything is the same as in other recipes: the chocolate should be cooled down a little, poured into molds and put in the refrigerator or freezer.

Homemade chocolate "honey"

The simple process of making real honey chocolate is fully offset by the rarity of the two main ingredients and the long wait for the final product to be ready.


Grated cocoa - 400 grams;

Cocoa butter - 200 grams;

Liquid honey - 100 ml.

In a water bath, as it should be in cases with the “correct” chocolate, you need to melt the cocoa butter, then pour the grated cocoa into it in small portions and pour liquid honey. Heat the mixture to a temperature of about 40 degrees (not higher, since in this case the properties of honey deteriorate), and then pour into molds. For readiness, honey chocolate should “settle” at room temperature for 8 to 12 hours, until it completely hardens.

What you need to know when making real chocolate at home - secrets, tricks and tips

The more cocoa you add, the more bitter it will turn out. But the hardness of the delicacy also depends on the amount of cocoa!

If chocolate made with flour doesn't set well in the freezer, add more flour next time.

If instead white sugar cook chocolate with brown cane, then the delicacy will become much more useful. Cane sugar contains valuable minerals and makes chocolate tastier.

Chocolate that is chilled in the freezer will be firmer; chocolate that is refrigerated will be softer.

The milk provided by the recipe can be replaced with water, although some experienced confectioners do not recommend this.

Chocolate molds are easier to remove from silicone molds.

What could be tastier chocolate bar with a delicate milky taste or real, bitter, with a tart cocoa flavor? Or maybe you are a fan of white chocolate and always prefer this particular type? For everyone, there is sure to be a delicacy that can fully satisfy your needs. taste preferences. But what if you want to diversify your sweet table? What can be made from chocolate to please yourself and loved ones? There are a lot of such options! This includes pastries, desserts, and drinks. Best Recipes to your attention on this page.

What can be made from melted chocolate: sweets, soufflé and cream

The first selection of recipes is dedicated to what can be made from melted chocolate hastily.

Chocolate sweets with almonds and berries from Victoria Argyru

  • 100 g
  • 100 g organic cocoa
  • 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil
  • some stevia
  • nuts and berries to taste
  • chocolate for pouring

All except chocolate, nuts and berries, slowly mix in a water bath. IN silicone molds put nuts and berries, pour chocolate on top and put in the freezer for 15 minutes. It tastes especially good with fresh cherries.

Don't know what can be made from a chocolate bar? Then try making soufflé mocha.

Chocolate soufflé mocha


  • 6 art. l. butter
  • 100 g chocolate
  • 2 tbsp. l. ground coffee
  • 400 ml milk
  • 40 g flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder
  • 3 eggs
  • 50 g powdered sugar
  • 200 ml chocolate cream or coffee liqueur

Pour boiling milk over coffee and leave for 5 minutes, then strain. 4 tbsp. l. Melt butter in a saucepan, add flour and cocoa to it and mix thoroughly until smooth. Warm up for no more than a minute, then pour in the coffee milk, stirring all the time to get a thick mixture. Warm up on the smallest fire for a couple of minutes, then turn off the fire and add the egg yolks, without ceasing to beat the mixture. Cool 5 minutes, then stir in half of the chopped chocolate. Beat the remaining egg whites until stiff peaks form, gently fold in the icing sugar and combine the egg whites with the chocolate mixture. Preheat the oven to 200°C, take 6 small molds and grease them with the remaining butter, then sprinkle with the remaining grated chocolate. Spread the chocolate mixture into molds, place in a deep baking sheet, pour hot water into it so that it covers 2/3 of the height of the molds. Bake 15 minutes. Remove the baking sheet from the oven, take out the molds and put on the table. Let them cool completely. Before serving, pour a tablespoon of chocolate or coffee liqueur for each serving of soufflé and place in a warm oven for 5-7 minutes. If the dessert will be served immediately, then you can not let it cool completely and then do not reheat.

The next recipe on what can be made from chocolate is dedicated to chocolate cream.

chocolate cream


  • milk - 500 ml
  • sugar - 60 g
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • grated chocolate - 25 g

Take flour and add so much milk so that, after stirring, you get batter. Put grated chocolate and sugar into the remaining milk, stir and pour in the flour diluted with milk, stirring. Put on low heat and cook, stirring, until thickened (15-20 minutes). Pour into molds moistened with cold boiled water, let cool and put in the refrigerator. Before serving, the mold should be dipped in hot water for a few minutes, then shake out the contents on a plate.

In the next section, you will learn what can be made from chocolate and milk.

What can be made from chocolate and milk: hot drink recipes

Hot chocolate


  • Milk - 700 ml
  • chocolate with cocoa content 55% - 200 g
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks
  • cream with a fat content of 20% - 300 ml


Combine milk and cream, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Coarsely crush the cinnamon sticks in a mortar. Remove the pan from the heat, put the cinnamon, let it brew for 5 minutes. Strain the milk through a fine sieve, add the chocolate pieces and mix thoroughly with a whisk.

Grandma's chocolate baguette

  • 3-4 squares of dark chocolate (cocoa content of 70% or more)
  • 1 fresh baguette, cut into 4 equal pieces
  • Butter

Make a shallow longitudinal cut in each piece of baguette (on the side, not on top). Open the baguette about halfway (not all the way!) and evenly spread a piece of butter inside. Break the chocolate bar into pieces, spread them along the entire length of the cut so that the chocolate filling is evenly distributed over the butter.

What else can be made from chocolate as a hot drink is "Austrian Cocoa".

Hot chocolate "Austrian cocoa"

  • 100 g broken chocolate
  • crushed zest of 1 orange
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of heavy cream
  • hot chocolate powder
  • cinnamon sticks for decoration

In a small saucepan, put chocolate, zest, cinnamon, pour 3 tbsp. tablespoons of milk and melt everything together over low heat, stirring occasionally. Pour in the remaining milk and slowly bring to a boil, stirring. Whip the mass with a mixer thick cream. Cook from bags hot chocolate and pour into cups. In each cup put 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cooked cream and a cinnamon stick.

What can be made from bitter unsweetened chocolate: cakes and balls

The first thing you can do with dark chocolate is chocolate cake with an eye.

Chocolate cake with icing

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1/2 cup cocoa
  • 100 g
  • 1 ½ cups sugar
  • 150 g butter
  • 1 tsp drinking soda
  • ¾ cup milk
  • 3 eggs

For glaze:

  • 100 g dark chocolate
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa
  • some water

Melt butter and chocolate in a water bath or microwave. Whisk the whites. Mix the yolks with milk and add butter and chocolate to the cooled mixture. Mix flour, cocoa, sugar and soda. Add chocolate mixture. Carefully introduce proteins. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Put the dough on a greased baking sheet, bake for 50 minutes. For glaze: heat some water, add cocoa and chocolate. Grease the cake with icing and decorate according to the theme of the birthday.

Dark Chocolate Cake

  • 470 g dark chocolate
  • 350 g melted butter
  • 300 g + 50 g powdered sugar
  • ½ glass of water
  • 7 eggs

Melt chocolate and butter. Heat water and dissolve 300 g of sugar in it. Pour water over chocolate mixture. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with 50 g of sugar until a smooth, shiny mixture is obtained. Gently combine egg and chocolate mixture. Pour the dough into an oiled baking sheet. Place the baking sheet with the dough in a larger baking sheet filled with water.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Place both baking sheets in the oven, bake for 50 minutes. Remove the baking sheet with the dough from the baking sheet with water, cool and place in the refrigerator for several hours. Brush the cake with icing or fondant and decorate according to the theme of the birthday.

Dark chocolate balls

  • 250 g cookies
  • 150 g dark chocolate
  • 50 g butter
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 glass of milk
  • coconut flakes or colored dragee

Chop cookies. Melt chocolate and butter in a water bath or microwave. Add milk and sugar, stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Add crushed cookies. Mix and make balls out of the resulting dough. Roll the finished balls in coconut flakes or colored dragee. Place in refrigerator for several hours.

Below you will find out what else delicious can be made from melted chocolate.

What delicious can be made from melted chocolate

Easter chocolate egg

Required products:

  • for an egg 18 cm high - 200 g of chocolate
  • for 1-3 eggs 10 cm high - 225 g of chocolate
  • for an egg 20 cm high - 450 g of chocolate

Cut the chocolate into pieces and place in a small bowl over a saucepan of simmering water (over a double boiler). Stir until the chocolate has melted. Remove the bowl from the saucepan, spoon some of the chocolate into a clean baking dish easter egg. Tilt the mold to distribute the chocolate evenly, then pour the remaining chocolate back into the bowl. Place the mold upside down on wax paper and let it dry. Add 1-2 layers of chocolate in the same way if using large molds. Trim off any excess chocolate and carefully remove the egg. Brush the edge of both halves of the egg with melted chocolate and gently press them together, holding them with parchment paper. Let it freeze.

Chocolate glaze


  • chocolate - 100 g
  • cream 33% - 120 ml
  • butter - 20 g

Melt the chocolate, stirring, pour in the cream. Add butter, stir until smooth and set aside.

Don't know what can be made from dark chocolate? Then prepare a delicious mousse.

Dark chocolate mousse

  • 200 g dark dessert chocolate
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 pinch of salt

Chop the chocolate into a bowl and pour hot water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. Separate egg yolks from whites. Drain the water from the pan with chocolate, stirring, pour in the yolks. Add a little salt to the proteins and beat them into a steep foam. Add egg whites to the prepared mass, stirring gently. Refrigerate the mousse at least 3 hours before serving.

Pear with bitter chocolate

  • 4 hard pears
  • 500 ml port wine
  • 500 ml grenadine syrup
  • 200 g sugar
  • juice of 1/2 lemon

For filling:

  • 250 g dark chocolate
  • 150 ml 30% cream
  • 3 art. tablespoons of peeled and coarsely chopped nuts (walnuts or hazelnuts)

Peel the pears, remove the core and place in a saucepan. Mix port wine, syrup, sugar and lemon juice. Pour the resulting mixture of pears and put the saucepan on medium fire. Let it boil and cook for 5-7 minutes. To prepare the filling, melt the chocolate in a water bath. Add cream in small portions, then add nuts and mix. Remove the pears with a slotted spoon, cool and stuff. You can serve pears by placing each of them in a basket of shortcrust pastry or in cream.

The following collection of recipes is dedicated to what can be made from milk and white chocolate.

What can be made from milk and white chocolate

chocolate chip cookie


  • milk and white chocolate - 250 g each
  • vanillin - S tsp
  • shortbread cookies - 250 g
  • butter

Melt both types of chocolate in a water bath, when it melts, add vanillin. Then pour the hot chocolate mass into the mold and sprinkle it with pieces of crushed cookies. Gently press them into the chocolate with a metal spatula. Lay the parchment on a baking sheet, grease it with oil. Pour the resulting mass on parchment and put it in the refrigerator. When cool, cut into pieces and put back in the fridge.

Chocolate biscuit roll


  • double strength coffee - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • grated - 170 g
  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • powdered sugar - 0.75 cups
  • cognac - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • 30% cream - 1.5 cups
  • vanilla sugar- 1 teaspoon
  • cocoa powder

Grease a baking sheet measuring 30x40 cm with oil, put oiled glassine in it. Put chocolate and coffee in a saucepan, put on low heat and stir (chocolate should melt). Cool down. Grind the yolks with sugar until the mass turns white and thickens, mix with the cooled chocolate and cognac. Whisk the egg whites until fluffy, but not dry, and pour into the chocolate in a thin stream. Pour the mixture onto a baking sheet and smooth out. Put the baking sheet in a well-heated oven for 15 minutes (a knife dipped in chocolate should come out clean). Chocolate mass should not be overexposed in the oven. Remove the baking sheet, cover with a damp towel and refrigerate for an hour. Spread a sheet of glassine on the table, slightly larger than the cake, sprinkle it with cocoa powder, carefully turn the baking sheet with the cake onto the sheet and carefully remove the glassine that was lined with the baking sheet. Whip the cream with vanilla sugar, grease the surface of the chocolate, roll the chocolate into a roll, lifting the edges with the glassine on which it lies. If the roll bursts, cover the gaps with cocoa powder or fill with whipped cream.

White chocolate icing


  • white chocolate - 100 g
  • cream 33% - 80 ml
  • oil food coloring

White chocolate icing can be made so that it becomes multi-colored. To do this, melt the chocolate, add cream, mix until smooth and add a dye of any color.

What can be made from melted chocolate: pies and roll

What else can be made from melted chocolate? delicious pies and rolls. Try to cook them according to the recipes below.

Chocolate pie

For test:

  • 5 st. spoons of flour
  • 150 g softened butter
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 100 g chocolate

For decoration:

Prepare butter biscuit dough adding melted chocolate after the yolks. Pour it onto a greased and floured baking sheet, place in an oven heated to 200 ° C and bake until done. hot pie smear with jam and sprinkle with chocolate or nuts.

Chocolate roll "Cheerful Negro"

For test:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of potato starch
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 3 art. tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • 1 st. tablespoon vegetable or softened butter

For filling:

  • 150–200 g butter
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 200 g walnuts
  • 100 g chocolate

Separate the egg whites from the yolks and beat into a strong, tight foam. Rub the yolks with powdered sugar, add cocoa powder and mix with whipped egg whites. Pour the flour and starch sifted through a sieve into the resulting mass and knead everything thoroughly. Ready dough put on a baking sheet previously greased with vegetable or softened butter and put in a preheated oven. It is best to bake the roll at a temperature of 200 ° C for 40-50 minutes. Grind the softened butter with powdered sugar until a homogeneous mass is formed. Grind part of the shelled and roasted walnuts, pour hot milk over it and mix with the resulting mass, then add the grated coarse grater Mix chocolate and all ingredients well. On the surface of the finished, chilled biscuit cake evenly apply the prepared filling, roll up the roll and decorate with cream buds on top. To do this, fill a pastry bag with a carved tube with cream and deposit curls along the entire length.
roll, put a piece of walnut on each creamy curl. Ready roll cut into portioned pieces and bring to the table.

Chocolate pie


  • butter - 150 g
  • egg - 4 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 120 g
  • chocolate - 100 g or condensed milk with cocoa - 60 g
  • flour - 120 g
  • jam
  • grated chocolate or ground walnuts

Beat butter, add egg yolks and sugar, then melted chocolate or canned condensed milk with cocoa, flour and whites whipped into foam with sugar, knead the dough. Put the dough on a baking sheet greased with butter and sprinkled with flour and bake until done. Spread hot cake with marmalade and sprinkle with grated chocolate or ground walnuts.

What can be made from dark chocolate: straws, jelly and mousse

"Tubules" with sweet cream and chocolate


  • flour - 400 g
  • egg - 10 g
  • powdered sugar - 400 g
  • cinnamon - 5 g
  • cocoa powder - 20 g
  • oil

For cream:

  • cream - 1.5 l
  • powdered sugar - 160 g
  • gelatin - 5 g
  • dark chocolate or nuts - 300 g

To prepare this dish, first of all, you should prepare a template made of soft metal (food) or a cardboard rectangle measuring 9 by 12 cm, as well as a rolling pin with a circumference of 8.5 cm. Knead the sifted flour, eggs, powdered sugar, cinnamon into dough. Grease a baking sheet with oil and dust with flour. Using a template and a spatula or a wide knife, lay the dough on it. You can mix part of the dough with cocoa powder and use a pastry bag or envelope to apply an arbitrary pattern to the dough rectangle. Using a prepared rolling pin, roll the rectangles baked in the oven into overlapping tubes, squeezing the edges. This operation should be done as quickly as possible, otherwise the baked dough dries out and the tubes crumble. Whip fresh cream with the addition of powdered sugar so that it increases in volume several times, add melted gelatin before the end of whipping. Finished tubes Fill with cream from a pastry bag with a wide tip. Sprinkle the ends of the tubes with grated chocolate or nuts.

chocolate jelly

  • 500 ml cream
  • 100 g dark bar chocolate
  • 65 g vanilla sugar
  • 3/4 cup water

Homemade dark chocolate jelly can be made in such a way that no one will distinguish it from a restaurant one. To do this, gelatin must be dissolved in warm water, add everything else, boil, strain through a sieve, cool, stirring. Pour into moulds. Put in the cold.

Chocolate mousse crocant

  • 150 g dark chocolate (70%)
  • 4 tbsp. spoons strong coffee
  • 1 st. a spoonful of dark rum
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 3 egg whites

For crocant:

  • 30 g nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts)
  • 2 tbsp. butter spoons
  • 1/2 cup sugar

Crumble the chocolate into a bowl that can be placed in a water bath. Add coffee and rum. Put the mixture in a water bath and melt the chocolate. When it melts, remove the dishes from the heat and add the yolks (one at a time). Mix thoroughly before adding each next. Let the mixture cool for 15 minutes. To prepare crocanth, melt butter in a saucepan and add sugar. Cook while stirring creamy mass will not turn light brown. Add nuts and cook for 2-3 more minutes, stirring constantly. Put the finished crocant on a plate and let cool. Add the crocant first, and then the whites, whipped into foam. The mixture should be liquid. Pour the mousse into dessert bowls and put it in the refrigerator to cool. After 2 hours the mousse is ready. It can be garnished with a little whipped cream and sprinkled with a little crocant crumble on each serving.

What else can be made from melted chocolate

Pears in chocolate

  • 4 pears
  • 100 g chocolate
  • 50 g butter

Preheat oven to 200-240°C. Wash the pears, wrap each in aluminum foil. Place the fruit on a heat-resistant tray and put it in the oven for 30 minutes. After that, unfold the foil and let the pears cool. Cut them into 4 pieces and remove the seeds. Melt the chopped chocolate and butter in a small saucepan until smooth. Arrange pear quarters in the shape of a flower on plates and pour over them with melted chocolate.

Chocolate mousse

  • 200 g chocolate
  • 3–4 tbsp. spoons of hot water
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar
  • 200 g sour cream

Melt chocolate in hot water then add powdered sugar. Beat the mixture until it becomes light fluffy cream. At the end, put, gently stirring, sour cream. Pour cream into glasses and refrigerate. You can give the mousse a wine flavor by adding 1 liquor glass of rum, cognac, coffee liqueur.

What can be made from dark chocolate and banana

And in conclusion, find out what can be made from chocolate and banana.

banana cake chocolate

Required for 4 servings:

  • 150 g butter
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 st. l. vanilla sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 bananas for dough and 6 slices for decoration
  • 1 st. l. Roma
  • 2 tsp baking powder for dough
  • 100 g chocolate, grated fine grater
  • 1 cup wheat flour
  • 100 g dark chocolate icing
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 st. l. chopped pistachios
  • 50 g chopped hazelnuts

Cooking. Beat butter with sugar and vanilla sugar. Add egg yolks. Peel bananas, mash with a fork and mix with rum. Mix baking powder, chocolate, nuts and flour. Add sugar-butter and banana mixture. Whisk the whites and mix with the resulting mass. Lubricate the figured form with oil and sprinkle with a thin layer of wheat flour. Fill it with dough. Bake in a preheated 180° oven for 30 minutes. Take the cake out of the mold and cool. Melt chocolate icing in a water bath. Cover the cake with it and let it dry. Whip the cream, fill a pastry bag with it and put it on the icing in the form of roses. Top with banana slices and sprinkle with pistachios.

Bananas with peanuts and chocolate

Required for 6 servings:

  • 6 bananas
  • 6 art. l. peanut
  • 1 st. l. butter
  • 100 g dark chocolate

Cooking. Peel bananas, cut lengthwise into halves and make cuts in the middle. Roast the peanuts lightly and finely chop. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and add butter to it. Arrange bananas on a dish, sprinkle with peanuts along the entire length and pour over chocolate.

This video demonstrates what can be made from chocolate for a sweet table:

Sometimes you need to melt chocolate: to decorate a cake, to make chocolate sauce, or just to pour over ice cream. In order not to spoil the chocolate, but to get a plastic and homogeneous mass, you need to know some tricks.

You can heat any chocolate: black, milk or white. The main rule for all types is not to overheat it. At too high a temperature, any chocolate becomes very thick and lumps form in it. It is better to melt chocolate in a water bath. The second thing you should never do is add water to melted chocolate. The water or steam from the lid that is sometimes placed on the chocolate will change the consistency of the chocolate to a more runny one, and it will not be tender and gooey. To dilute it a little, it is better to add cream or butter to a container with chocolate.

The third rule for proper melting of chocolate is to constantly stir it. If this is not done, then the chocolate will melt unevenly, and with further cooling, solid inclusions will form in it.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath as follows:
  1. Pour water into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  2. Break the chocolate bar into pieces and place in a bowl.
  3. Place the bowl on top of the saucepan so that the bottom does not touch the boiling water.
  4. Add 20-30 grams of butter or a couple of tablespoons of fresh heavy cream to the chocolate.
  5. Constantly stir the chocolate, preferably with a silicone spatula.

You can melt chocolate in the microwave, but this is a more labor-intensive method. In this case, the oven door will have to be constantly opened to stir the chocolate. So:
  1. Break the chocolate bar into pieces and place them in a ceramic bowl.
  2. Heat chocolate at maximum power for one minute.
  3. Stir the chocolate every 30 seconds until it is completely melted.

In this case, add butter or cream at the very end and mix the resulting chocolate mass well.

If you follow the melting process very carefully, then chocolate can be melted simply over an open fire:
  1. Turn on the gas or electric stove at the lowest power.
  2. Place the chocolate pieces in a small saucepan with a double bottom.
  3. Add cream or butter if desired.
  4. Put the saucepan on the fire and constantly stir the chocolate until it is completely melted.

With this method of melting, the chocolate can be removed from the stove before it is all melted. Some of the smallest pieces will “get” to the right condition due to the heat that the double bottom of the pan provides. But you need to stir the chocolate even after removing it from the heat.

Following our advice, you will melt chocolate quickly and efficiently. And then decorate them with a cake, ice cream or fruit dessert. Keep in mind that if you do not add butter or cream to the chocolate, it will begin to solidify again, and quite quickly. So melted chocolate should be used immediately for its intended purpose.

Perhaps one of the most beloved delicacies is chocolate. The dessert has an amazing taste, moreover, it can improve your mood! But they shouldn't get too carried away. Still attribute the delicacy to low calorie dessert it is forbidden. Read on to find out how to make chocolate at home. .

Making dessert at home

Chocolate at home tastes the same as the factory version. Perhaps the most important advantage of making dessert is that you can independently monitor the quality of the products used. Is it worth talking about excellent taste homemade chocolate?

Homemade chocolate can take its rightful place in your cookbook. And by adding a little creativity and your own imagination, you can turn the sweet into a real one. culinary dessert, which will not be ashamed to present on the festive table.

To prepare treats at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Tablespoon of sugar.
  • 50 grams of softened butter.
  • A couple of spoons fat milk.
  • 100 grams of cocoa powder.

This classic recipe homemade chocolate. Additionally, you will need a mold for pouring the chocolate mixture. If one is not available, you can place the mass in a bowl.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, putting it on a small fire. When the milk is warm, pour sugar into it, stirring with a spoon. It is not necessary to bring the mass to a boil.
  2. Melt the butter in microwave oven and add it to the milk. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. We begin to sift cocoa through a sieve, constantly stirring the chocolate mass with a wooden spoon. Let the chocolate boil for a couple of minutes and remove from heat.
  4. Pour the sweet mass into molds, and put in cool place until completely frozen.

Even a novice cook can prepare such a homemade chocolate recipe. The only thing is that you definitely need to use non-stick cookware. The delicacy from has quite rich and tart taste. To soften it, you can add vanilla or orange extract.

cooking secrets

Homemade treats made from cocoa powder can be safely given to children. It does not contain harmful food coloring, flavors and preservatives. Cocoa - main ingredient in the homemade chocolate recipe, so the product must be of high quality and fresh.

How to make chocolate from cocoa and bring the dessert to the perfect taste?

  1. The recipe for homemade cocoa treats involves the use of fresh produce nutrition. Be sure to follow the proportions prescribed by the recipe.
  2. To prepare a dessert without milk, you will need powdered milk or infant formula. Do not be afraid that the milk analogue will spoil the taste of the dessert. On the contrary, the delicacy comes out more tender and airy.
  3. Don't be afraid to experiment with taste. You can add rum, liquor, cognac, cookie crumbs, raisins, nuts, cardamom, cinnamon and marzipan to the finished mass of cocoa beans.
  4. The bittersweet chocolate recipe involves the use of a large number cocoa. Please note that the more cocoa beans you add, the richer and firmer the dessert will come out.
  5. Instead of classic sugar, you can add reed. It is nutritious and has useful minerals, which is especially suitable for the category of people who adhere to proper nutrition. Beneficial features cane sugar proven in practice, the product has practically no contraindications for use.

There are many chocolate recipes for every taste. Adherents of the classics will certainly be delighted with cocoa and milk chocolates. Creative personalities will be able to express themselves by diluting the composition with unusual, but compatible ingredients.

Milk chocolate at home

What could be tastier than homemade? The delicacy will strike your household on the spot. Get ready to stand at the stove again and again to delight your loved ones with a delicious dessert.

Milk chocolate recipe at home:

  1. Heat 5 tablespoons of full fat milk in a saucepan.
  2. Add 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder and cane sugar, constantly stirring the ingredients and bringing the mass to a boil.
  3. We introduce 50 grams of melted butter and a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream into the chocolate mass.
  4. While stirring the chocolate mass with a spoon, we introduce 5 grams of wheat flour through a sieve.

Vanillin extract should be added to soften the taste. Pour the prepared chocolate mass into molds and let it harden. Now you know how to make milk chocolate at home!

Dark chocolate recipe

The benefits of dark chocolate are invaluable. Do-it-yourself sweetness is doubly useful. The only disadvantage of such a dessert is that it needs to be eaten quickly, because due to the lack of preservatives, the delicacy can quickly disappear.

To make your own cocoa sweets, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Half a glass of cocoa powder.
  • 75 grams of cocoa butter.
  • Honey to taste.
  • 50 grams of any nuts.

Making chocolate at home is very easy! To prepare a yummy, you will need to prepare a dessert mold by pouring right amount nuts. Melt the butter in a saucepan, adding cocoa powder to it. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add honey or cane sugar, and bring the mass to a boil. Pour warm liquid into molds and enjoy delicious dessert. Yummy can be cooked without butter, replacing it with cream!

Making white chocolate - you will be delighted

If there is a paradise for the sweet tooth, then this paradise is in the fragrant bar. In production, a white delicacy is made from cocoa butter, milk powder and sugar. The technology for preparing sweets implies the presence additional ingredients- nuts, dried fruits and other food products.


  • 100 grams of dry milk.
  • 70 grams cow's milk.
  • Sugar to taste.
  • Vanilla extract.
  • 50 grams of cocoa butter.

Bring cow's milk to a boil, adding dry milk to it. Constantly mix the mass. Melt the butter in a water bath, and introduce it into the milky liquid. Add sugar and stir the mass. Let the chocolate boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and pour into moulds. As you can see, the preparation of a white delicacy is practically no different from the recipe for dark chocolate. It's just the ingredients!

Coffee chocolate at home

A do-it-yourself chocolate bar begins to please the chef even at the time of preparing the dessert. coffee dessert will certainly surprise confectionery gourmets with excellent taste qualities. He is different amazing aroma, and for its preparation, you will need the following ingredients:

  • A teaspoon of ground coffee.
  • 100 grams of water.
  • Orange peel to taste.
  • Half a kilo of sugar.
  • A glass of dry milk.
  • 250 grams of butter.
  • 10 tablespoons of cocoa.
  • Vanilla to taste.

Brew strong coffee. A teaspoon of coffee, pour 100 grams of water, and bring to a boil. Add orange zest and vanillin to the Turk, and let the liquid brew for 20 minutes. Pass the drink through a sieve and boil it again.

Pour the coffee into the saucepan, putting the dishes on the fire. Add sugar and cocoa powder. After boiling, start introducing powdered milk, constantly stirring the mass with a spoon. Remove the chocolate drink from the heat, and throw in the chopped, softened butter. Put the pot on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes, constantly stirring the mass with a spoon. If it doesn't seem thick enough to you, add flour to it. Remove the dessert from the heat and pour into a mold. Write down the recipe , how to make chocolate from cocoa and coffee cookbook. He's incredible!

Hot chocolate is always on trend

- this is exactly the drink that will delight you in the autumn-winter period. It will not only warm you after the Christmas frosts, but will also take you to the atmosphere of childhood.

To prepare the drink, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Half a liter of fat milk.
  • Black chocolate bar.
  • Half a bar of milk chocolate.
  • 100 grams of heavy cream.
  • Cinnamon and vanilla to taste.
  • A pinch of salt.

Bring half of the milk to a boil. Remove from the heat and add the broken into pieces delicacy to it. Stir the chocolate mass, bringing the consistency to a homogeneous state.

Pour the rest of the milk, cream, as well as vanilla, cinnamon and a pinch of salt into a saucepan. Without bringing the drink to a boil, remove the saucepan from the heat. Mix milk mixture with chocolate, and pour into cups. You can use marshmallows as a decoration.

Well, now you are familiar with several recipes for making chocolate from cocoa. It's time to stock up on the necessary ingredients and start cooking light and simple meals. The best cooking recipes are already in your piggy bank!

Did you like the recipe?


When buying sweets in the store, it is recommended to carefully study the label to find out what exactly they are made of. But even better - do it yourself, because then you will get 100% confidence in their quality. Is it possible to make chocolate at home - real, slab? Of course! The best recipes for making chocolate yourself are collected on this page only from trusted cookbooks.

Basic ingredients for making real chocolate

What is chocolate made from industrial environment? The main ingredient for making chocolate are cocoa beans of all three varieties. Interestingly, the fats that make up the cocoa beans melt when heated and after grinding the cocoa liquor is obtained in liquid form, but thickens and hardens during cooling. Now the product is suitable for the production of chocolate, as well as use in cosmetic and pharmacological products. Most valuable product, obtained by pressing cocoa liquor, is. It is not only one of the essential ingredients of real chocolate, but is used to make ointments in cosmetics. Cocoa butter is what gives chocolate its unique taste. But it also has some unique properties, as it consists of three types of fats. One of them is identical to the fat of olive oil. The second is a type of so-called saturated fat, which is converted in the liver into a fat similar to that of olive oil. The third type of fat helps to strengthen the cell membranes of our body. All this suggests that the fat contained in cocoa butter is not harmful to humans.

In the process of making chocolate, the dry residue obtained during the preparation of cocoa butter is ground, and the well-known cocoa powder is obtained, which is used in confectionery production and for making cocoa drink.

Often the ingredient for making lumpy chocolate is Palm oil very unhealthy. Beloved by Swedes since childhood, the brand of cocoa "Egonkakao" (Oegonkakao) owes its taste and aroma to artificial additives and flavors. Therefore, think carefully before grabbing a chocolate bar from the shelf at the checkout and throwing it into the cart. Instead of eating bad chocolate, it's best to avoid it altogether.

Don't keep chocolate at home, in your bag, or in your nightstand at work. Better make your own chocolate for special occasion and serve it for dessert. Its preparation will not take you more than a quarter of an hour, only the mass will need to be put in the refrigerator for a while.

Making homemade chocolate from cocoa powder


  • 100 g of high-fat cream;
  • 500 g of sugar;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar;
  • 100 g cocoa without fats and flavors;
  • 1 st. l. butter.

Cooking method:

To make chocolate at home, mix all the ingredients in a saucepan. Put on low heat and stir for a couple of minutes. If the mass begins to roll in lumps, add a teaspoon of water and stir with a slotted spoon. Bring up uniform consistency, pour the resulting black mass onto a dish and put it in the refrigerator to cool.

Roll into cherry-sized balls, shape them into truffles and dust with cocoa powder. In every chocolate ball you can put a macadamia nut or hazelnut. Pieces of orange peel can be dipped in still warm chocolate, put on oil paper and put in the refrigerator. The taste can be varied with a couple of drops of Italian almond liqueur, cognac, Cointreau liqueur or by adding red pepper or chili.

By diluting the mass for chocolate at home with water, you can get a luxurious chocolate sauce. Just don't waste it on mediocre store-bought ice cream.

How to make hot chocolate at home (with video)

There are many ways to make hot chocolate at home, below are some of the best.

Recipe #1


  • 1 bar of chocolate, 2 cups of milk.

Cooking method:

Before making at home, place the tiles broken into pieces in a saucepan and melt over high heat. Add some milk, stir and boil. Let the drink stand a little and bring to a boil again. Repeat this procedure again and, after removing from heat, whisk. Serve hot homemade hot chocolate on the table.

Recipe number 2


  • Chocolate - 1 bar, fresh milk - 2 cups.

Cooking method:

Put the broken chocolate into the dishes and heat in the oven at full power for 2 minutes. Then pour in some milk, stir and bring to a boil.

Let the drink stand for 2-3 minutes and bring to a boil again. Repeat this procedure a third time, and then beat.

Hot chocolate prepared according to this recipe should be served hot on the table.

Recipe number 3


  • 50 ml cream;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 2 g cinnamon;
  • 50 g chocolate.

Cooking method:

Mix everything, bring to a boil. Melt chocolate, add to milk, beat everything. Serve hot.

Watch the video "making chocolate at home" and choose the recipe you like best:

How to make hot chocolate with ginger at home


  • Dry powder for hot chocolate - 1 serving;
  • ginger root -50 g;
  • hot water.

Cooking method:

To prepare hot chocolate at home, according to this recipe, you need to cut the ginger root into small pieces, place in a cup, pour a portion of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Place a portion of the dry hot chocolate powder in another cup and pour the ginger-aged water through a strainer, being careful not to let any pieces of ginger get in. Stir until a homogeneous structure is formed and immediately drink hot.

Do-it-yourself hot chocolate "Australian"


  • 100 g of chopped chocolate;
  • crushed zest of 1 orange;
  • ½ tsp cinnamon;
  • 1½ cups of milk;
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of heavy cream;
  • hot chocolate powder;
  • cinnamon sticks for decoration.

Cooking method:

To make your own "Australian" hot chocolate, in a small saucepan you need to put crushed tiles, zest, cinnamon, add 3 tbsp. spoons of milk and melt over low heat, stirring. Pour in the remaining milk and slowly bring to a boil, stirring. Whip the cream with a mixer into a thick cream.

Boil hot chocolate and pour into cups. In each cup put 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cooked cream and a cinnamon stick.

Cooking time - 30 min.

Recipe for making hot chocolate for adults (with chili)

The combination of dark chocolate and chili is undeniably good: the chili itself produces a sensation of tingling heat that contrasts with the bitterness of the chocolate. This full-bodied warmth makes the taste more mature. Until relatively recently, chili and chocolate were considered a rather strange combination, but modern trend to the addition of plants and spices to chocolate, from lavender to cardamom, brought chili back into fashion. You can even buy a Lindt chocolate bar with chili in the supermarket, which makes things very easy, although not as tasty.

Before you do homemade chocolate with chili, remove the seeds from half of a red peppered pod (it has a stronger flavor than grass green) and soak it in a mug of warm milk for ten minutes. Take out the pepper and use the milk to make hot chocolate in the usual way.

Creamy Chocolate Soufflé Recipe


  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • chocolate - 1 bar;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.; cream - 1 glass;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • gelatin - 2 teaspoons, cinnamon.

Cooking method:

To prepare this chocolate dessert with your own hands, you need to combine most of the sugar and gelatin in a bowl. Separately, beat the yolks, pour them into the milk. Add the resulting mixture to gelatin with sugar and heat at power below average for 3 minutes.

After the souffle mixture thickens, pour in the melted chocolate, pour ground cinnamon and beat thoroughly.

In the meantime, beat the whites, gradually adding the remaining sugar. Add whipped egg whites and cream to the chocolate mixture, mix thoroughly.

Made with this recipe chocolate soufflé Pour into molds and refrigerate for 2 hours.

DIY chocolate dessert: how to make pudding with almonds


  • Chocolate - 1 bar;
  • ground almonds - 2 tablespoons;
  • cocoa powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • butter - 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tablespoons;
  • cream - ½ cup;
  • vanillin, cinnamon.

Cooking method:

Before cooking chocolate pudding with almonds, you need to mix softened butter, sugar, yolks, grated chocolate, breadcrumbs, ground almonds, vanilla, cocoa and cinnamon, grind thoroughly. Beat egg whites for chocolate dessert with cocoa in a steep foam and gradually add to the main mixture.

Grease the mold, sprinkle breadcrumbs and put the finished mass into it. Bake at full power for 3 minutes. Chocolate dessert prepared according to this recipe should be served with whipped cream.

The video "Homemade Chocolate Recipes" will help you prepare your favorite dessert correctly:

The process of making milk chocolate at home

As you know, milk chocolate contains a small amount of cocoa. And in order for such a delicacy to thicken properly, they add to it wheat flour. How to make milk chocolate yourself?


  • Fatty cream - 100 ml;
  • country milk - 100 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 6 large spoons;
  • creamy fresh oil- about 40 g;
  • marshmallows - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Jubilee-type cookies - 3-6 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 2 large spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g (add at your discretion).

Cooking method:

To make milk chocolate at home, you need to take a thick-walled saucepan, pour village milk and heavy cream into it, and add cocoa powder and granulated sugar. After that, the dishes with the ingredients must be put on low heat. In the process of cooking, after waiting for the sugar to dissolve, fresh butter and wheat flour should be added to the products. After mixing all the ingredients together, they need to be slightly warmed up, and then immediately removed from the heat. Then milk chocolate, prepared at home, must be set to harden.

Chocolate dessert at home: whiskey ice cream

The preparation time for this chocolate dessert at home is 40 minutes. freezing time 6 h.


  • 1 l 33% cream;
  • 225 g dark chocolate;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar or fine sugar;
  • 100 ml whiskey;
  • 7 yolks;
  • 1 vanilla pod or 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Cooking method:

1. To prepare a homemade chocolate dessert, pour cream into a saucepan, add vanilla extract or a vanilla pod cut in half and heat without boiling.

2. Beat the yolks with powdered sugar.

3. Melt chocolate in a water bath, add whiskey and mix, but only after the chocolate has completely melted.

4. Mix warm cream with yolks, put on fire and heat well, stirring constantly, so that the creamy yolk mass thickens.

5. Add to buttercream chocolate, mix, pour into a plastic container.

6. When the mass has cooled down, put in the freezer for 6-8 hours. Stir the ice cream several times so that it freezes evenly.

Before serving, chocolate dessert according to this recipe can be sprinkled with chopped nuts.

homemade dark chocolate recipe


  • 75 g cocoa butter;
  • 125 g cocoa powder;
  • to taste: honey, sugar or powdered sugar;
  • 50-100 g various kinds nuts.

Cooking method:

Before preparing bitter chocolate at home, it is necessary to prepare the dishes in which the sweetness will harden. For this purpose, a small flat aluminum plate or saucepan is well suited. It is undesirable to take a glass container, because when pouring hot chocolate, it can crack, unable to withstand the temperature. Put all the nuts that you like into the prepared dish.

To prepare dark chocolate according to this recipe, remember that it should be from 56% to 90% cocoa. It is necessary to produce the product at a temperature of 31.1-32.7 ° C. First you need to melt the cocoa butter in a water bath. In this case, it is desirable that the fire is very weak and the water does not boil much. After the butter has melted, it must be poured into a pre-prepared saucepan and add cocoa powder. All ingredients for making homemade chocolate from cocoa powder must be mixed well. The fire during the entire process of making chocolate at home must be kept weak, not twisted. Since with a strong flame, the oil will boil and burn to the bottom of the pan, which should be avoided. According to the dark chocolate recipe, the entire contents of the container are mixed until the consistency is uniform. This will only last a few minutes. The hostess should try not to be distracted, because everything boils very quickly and can burn. And the oil will simply boil away and spill without supervision.
on the plate.

After achieving a uniform color of the mixture, a small amount of honey can be added to homemade cocoa chocolate by pouring it into the butter. At the same time, the liquid mass must be stirred. If the decision is made to make chocolate with powdered sugar, then the sweet powder should be poured in small parts, and not poured out all at once. When sugar or honey dissolves, you can pour chocolate into prepared molds and refrigerate for 5-6 hours until completely solidified.

Recipe for making chocolate with raisins at home


  • Chocolate - 2 tiles;
  • raisins - 1/2 cup;
  • almonds - 1/2 cup.

Cooking method:

Before you make such chocolate at home, you need to grind the bar, put it in a bowl, warm it up at a power above the average for 2 minutes.

After that, add raisins and almonds, mix and, until the mixture has cooled, spread it in an even layer on parchment paper. Cut into small pieces.

How to make milk drinks from chocolate

Hot chocolate with spices


  • Unsweetened chocolate - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • semi-fat milk - 2 cups;
  • cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves.

Cooking method:

To make homemade hot chocolate with spices, pour half a glass of milk into a bowl, add crushed tiles, sugar and spices. Place in the oven for 3 minutes until the chocolate is completely melted.

During the heating process, mix the mass several times. Add the remaining milk and heat again in the oven at full power for 4 minutes.

Chocolate drink with cream


Cooking method:

Melt the chocolate in a water bath, pour in the golden mustache tincture. Cool the mixture, then add the cream and crushed ice. Ready drink submit immediately.

A cup of chocolate for special occasions


  • 200 ml milk - skimmed or full fat;
  • 30 g of suitable chocolate;
  • a good proportion of heavy cream (optional).

If there's a cure for the dankness of a gray morning, when wind and light rain seem to crawl through the window frames into the house and right under the skin, it's hot chocolate. Agree that you don't drink it often. But at the appropriate moment, it's nice to get a sweet refreshment and warm your hands, clasping hot cup. Mild-tasting French drinking chocolate, which is customary to pour into a large mug, seems so suitable in the tenacious cold of winter. In order to drive away the remnants of sleep, it is worth treating yourself to a good portion of sweet cocoa. Late breakfast, which happens at a time when you are already fully awake and would like to please yourself with something, is the most right time in order to melt some solid chocolate in milk. I use regular chocolate, like Lindt 85%, to which I sometimes add half a teaspoon of sugar, but it is clear that you need to use the chocolate that you like. According to this recipe, you can brew a drink with great taste, but if you don't really like bitterness about
hundred chocolate, but you prefer more noble taste, then either use a variety with less cocoa content, or reduce the proportion of chocolate.

Cooking method:

Break the chocolate into small pieces. Reheat in a jug in the microwave or in a small saucepan on the stovetop. Once the milk is warm but not yet boiling, add the chocolate pieces to it. Stir with a wooden spoon and continue to heat over low heat until the chocolate has melted without allowing the milk to boil. Pour into a mug, add cream, sugar to taste and drink.

Below you can watch a video of homemade chocolate drinks prepared in several ways:

Recipe for homemade chocolate with liquor and cooking photo


  • 100 g of chocolate;
  • 30 g cream;
  • 1 st. l. liquor;
  • 1 st. l. tinctures of a golden mustache;
  • crushed ice.

Cooking method:

Break the chocolate into pieces, melt in a water bath, add the golden mustache tincture. Cool the drink slightly, pour cream and crushed ice into it, and at the very end - liquor.

As you can see in the photo, homemade chocolate with liquor looks very appetizing:

Homemade chocolate desserts: cream and mousse

chocolate cream


  • 50 g of chocolate;
  • 1/2 l of milk;
  • 3 art. l. golden mustache juice;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • vanillin, crushed ice to taste.

Cooking method:

In a well-beaten yolks with sugar, pour in a thin stream warm milk. Cook the resulting mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, for 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat, add grated chocolate, golden mustache juice and vanillin. Mix everything well. Ready cream to cool, mix with crushed ice and submit immediately.

Chocolate mousse


  • 200 g of chocolate;
  • 80 g of powdered sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tinctures of a golden mustache;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 200 g cream.

Cooking method:

Break the chocolate, put in a suitable vessel, pour warm water and put on a low fire. Then pour in powdered sugar, pour in the tincture of the golden mustache and, without removing it from the heat, grind the mass until fluffy. Add whipped cream to the chocolate mousse and refrigerate.

How to make homemade filled chocolate bar

How to make chocolate yourself - real, slab, regular or stuffed? The most important thing in this recipe is cocoa butter. It can be obtained from wholesale suppliers - it is sold in boxes of 20 kg. You will also need grated cocoa (bitter chocolate). But in extreme cases, it can be replaced with ordinary cocoa powder. Cocoa liquor is essentially cocoa powder, but containing some cocoa butter.

Before making a chocolate bar, prepare 120 g of cocoa butter and 30 - 60 g grated cocoa. Put a metal bowl in a water bath at a temperature of about 60 degrees and put the chopped cocoa butter and grated cocoa there. Wait until the whole mass melts. To brighten up the expectation, prepare the filling and the mold for pouring.

To prepare the filling for chocolate from cocoa butter at home, you need to take about 20 g of coarsely chopped walnut and the same number of washed and dried raisins. The form for filling can be arbitrary.

Before making homemade chocolate with filling, place aluminum foil on the bottom of the mold so that its edges extend 5 to 7 cm beyond the limits. After that, spread the filling evenly in the mold and pour the melted chocolate mixture over. If you want the chocolate to be a uniform color, the mixture in the water bath must be stirred properly. If the mixture is stirred only slightly, beautiful smoky stains form when it solidifies.

In order to decorate the filling, you can add coarsely chopped cocoa butter. When breaking the pieces of chocolate, they will stand out brightly.

To speed up the hardening when making homemade chocolate, place the filled form in a vessel with cold water Or refrigerate for 10-15 minutes.

Finally, pulling on the edge of the protruding foil, you need to pull the chocolate out of the mold. It's almost finished product- just not sweet at all! Basically, you can eat it. But to add sweetness, it should be spread on top with a thin layer (0.5 mm, no more) of a mixture of honey and soaked pollen. And then cover the chocolate bar either with the second same tile, or sprinkle with fine crumbs of grated cocoa, or coconut, or walnut.

Remember that when making homemade chocolate according to this recipe, honey gives sweetness and aroma, and pollen gives a very pleasant sourness.

Now you can enjoy! This chocolate melts so gently in your mouth that there is simply nothing to compare it to, you have to try it yourself. It is so delicious that tasting takes us somewhere to the very border of human existence - then the realm of celestials begins.

Despite the amazing taste qualities This chocolate is practically not sweet. It completely lacks sugar, emulsifiers and margarine-like fats, which the confectionery industry is so famous for. But maximum dose- 30 g per day.

As you can see in the photo, for this recipe for making chocolate, you can use an empty box of chocolates as a pouring mold:

At the bottom of the holes where the sweets lay, put the filling - for example, dried fruits, and pour in the melted chocolate mass.

Chocolate desserts with cocoa butter: truffles

This recipe for chocolate truffles will be a hit with the kids.

Grate on a fine grater equal proportions pre-chilled cocoa butter and dark chocolate. Then walk a little with a piece of chocolate on a coarse grater - large chips will crunch nicely when you chew the finished candy.

For 100 g of such a mixture, 1 teaspoon (with top) of honey is enough to make it pleasantly (but not cloyingly!) Sweet. This mixture must be thoroughly mixed, crushing with two teaspoons. Finely chopped nuts and raisins can be added to the mixture. You can finely chop the dates and prunes.

When the mixture for chocolate dessert turns into a dense mass, it must be divided into pieces, rolled into balls and then refrigerate. Meanwhile, a small amount of grated cocoa is heated in a water bath until completely melted.

Now the most interesting thing: we take the balls out of the refrigerator, put them on toothpicks and dip them in turn into the melted cocoa mass. Since the balls are cold, the bitter chocolate on their surface immediately cools down.

It remains to wrap the resulting sweets in aluminum foil, the glossy side of the chocolate ... and do not allow yourself more than two pieces at once!

If you dip chilled truffles in melted cocoa butter, they will turn white.

How else to make chocolate candies

This recipe for making chocolate candies at home will appeal to everyone without exception.


For the black truffle:

  • Cream 33% - 250 g;
  • Dark chocolate - 260 g;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Rum or cognac - 30 ml;
  • Dark chocolate for glazing;
  • Cocoa powder - 60 g.
  • For the milk truffle:
  • Cream 33% - 150 g;
  • Milk chocolate - 250 g;
  • Butter - 25 g;
  • Nut paste ("Nutella") - 50 g;
  • Liquor "Amaretto" - 25 ml;
  • Hazelnut - 200 g;
  • Milk chocolate for glazing.

For the white truffle:

  • Cream 33% - 250 g;
  • White chocolate - 600 g;
  • Butter - 25 g;
  • Malibu liqueur - 25 g;
  • Almonds - 300 g;
  • White chocolate for glazing;
  • Coconut shavings for sprinkling.

Cooking method:

To make chocolate candies, bring the cream to a boil, pour over the chocolate and stir. Add oil (in milk truffle also nut butter), mix again, pour in alcohol. Stir and refrigerate until the mass is slightly frozen.

Transfer each chocolate mixture to a piping bag and pipe in small portions onto a sheet of parchment. Put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Dark Truffles: roll into balls, glaze with melted chocolate and sprinkle with cocoa.

Milk Truffles: roll into balls, sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts and glaze with milk chocolate.

White truffles: stick a whole almond into each slide of chocolate mass. Once set, roll into balls and sprinkle with the remaining chopped almonds. Glaze with white chocolate and roll in coconut flakes.

Homemade Chocolate Mousse Recipes

Chocolate mousse with milk


  • 100 g of chocolate;
  • ½ l of milk;
  • 3 art. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of gelatin;
  • vanilla (or vanilla sugar).

Cooking method:

Put a saucepan with milk in a water bath. Dissolve grated chocolate and sugar in it, put vanilla, bring the mixture to a boil and pour in the pre-diluted gelatin, bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool. Then put on ice and shake. Divide the homemade chocolate mousse into molds and refrigerate to set.

Chocolate mousse with egg


  • 45 g dark chocolate;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • a pinch of salt;

Cooking method:

Beat sugar with egg yolk until white. Chop the chocolate into pieces and melt it in a water bath. Mix the melted chocolate with the yolk-sugar mixture. Whisk egg whites with a pinch of salt until you get a firm foam. Very carefully fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture. Fill small baking dishes with the mixture. Place in the refrigerator to cool for 3-4 hours.

Chocolate Dessert Recipe: Dairy-Free Mousse

Cocoa butter makes chocolate blend easily with other fats, such as butter and milk fat in cream. Therefore, dozens of creamy chocolate desserts have been invented.

This recipe chocolate mousse does not contain milk and dairy products - it is cooked in olive oil. This dessert has a bright chocolate taste, and despite a generous helping of olive oil, its flavor is very subtle. There is no need to embellish this mousse, but you can serve it with fresh raspberries. The mousse will not settle, and you will not feel the taste of olive oil.


  • 180 g finely chopped semi-sweet dark chocolate;
  • 3 large eggs;
  • ⅔ cup powdered sugar (sifted)
  • ¼ cup strong coffee room temperature or 1 tbsp. l. powder for espresso coffee;
  • 2 tbsp. l. berry or orange liqueur;
  • ¾ cup extra virgin olive oil;
  • raspberries for decoration;

Cooking method:

Melt the chocolate in a small bowl either in the microwave or in a saucepan over very low heat. Let cool.

In a medium bowl, beat the egg yolks with the icing sugar with a mixer on medium speed until smooth. Continuing to beat, add coffee and liqueur. Add melted chocolate and olive oil and mix well. In another medium bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Whisk in a third of the beaten egg whites into the chocolate mixture, so that the protein is not visible. Whisk in the remaining whites, adding one-third at a time, until the mixture is an even chocolate color with no trace of protein. Do not mix more than necessary! Pour the mousse into a clear bowl or serving bowls, cover and chill in the refrigerator. Serve the mousse chilled, garnished with raspberries.

How to make chocolate jelly

Chocolate jelly with dark chocolate


  • Dark chocolate - 150 g;
  • milk - 750 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 3 g.

Cooking method:

Grate the chocolate on a coarse grater, combine with sugar, pour hot milk and stir until completely dissolved. Add gelatin and vanilla sugar previously soaked in water.

Mix everything, put on fire and bring to a boil, then pour into molds and cool until solidified.

Chocolate jelly with milk chocolate


  • 70 g of milk chocolate;
  • 45 g of granulated sugar;
  • 25 g gelatin; 1 g vanilla sugar;
  • 500 ml of milk.

Cooking method:

Grate chocolate on a coarse grater, pour into warmed milk, add granulated sugar and bring to a boil, reduce heat, then add soaked gelatin and heat until it dissolves. At the end, add vanilla sugar. Pour the prepared jelly in layers into a thin tall glass. When the jelly hardens, string it on a skewer and decorate the cocktail.

Recipe for making your own white chocolate at home


  • 1 tablespoon dry soy powder;
  • 1 tablespoon of syrup, honey;
  • 1/3 cup cocoa butter (or coconut)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla.

Cooking method:

Heat the oil, add the rest of the ingredients, then pour the chocolate into the molds. For this white chocolate recipe, it is very convenient and beautiful to use special chocolate molds. If you have left over molds from candy boxes, they will work too. Or you can pour the mixture into rectangular shape, then you get a smooth tile.

Unfortunately, homemade chocolate does not always turn out to be as perfect in appearance and taste as in the store. You may need to make it several times before you find the perfect ratio of ingredients. But when you succeed, you can enjoy a wonderful dessert and know what and how it is made from.

Making white chocolate at home without cocoa butter


  • Dry milk formula "Baby" - 150 g;
  • liquid milk - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • softened butter - 50 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • dried sesame seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Not only sesame seeds can be added to the mass. Raisins, crushed nuts, coconut flakes, cinnamon and other ingredients also enrich the taste of homemade white chocolate.

Cooking method:

Mix all dry ingredients - powdered baby formula, sugar, vanilla sugar, sesame seeds. Then, to make white chocolate at home, you need to mix the butter and milk thoroughly. Lubricate the "Gold" from the package of bar chocolate or a piece of foil with butter and place in a frost-resistant form. Put part of the prepared mixture into this mold, distributing it as evenly as possible and giving the mass the shape of a store-bought chocolate bar. With the rest of the mixture, fill in the molds for cutting dough for baking figured cookies, which are preliminarily placed on the foil. Put all completed forms in freezer hours for 2-3. Get the resulting dessert, put it on plates - and enjoy delicate taste homemade white chocolate.
