
How to beautifully paint eggs with your own hands. Decoupage of Easter eggs from a napkin

Hello dear friends!

The bright holiday of Easter is approaching.

And we have prepared for you a selection of how beautiful and original you can decorate Easter eggs.

The oldest, simplest and budget way!

We'll need

  • onion peel
  • chicken eggs


Pour water into a saucepan and boil it. Add onion skins to boiling water.

The more peel, the richer the color will be.

Cook for 15-20 minutes. The finished broth will have a dark red-brown color.

Strain the onion broth, removing the husk from it. This is necessary so that the eggs are colored evenly.

Place the eggs in the solution and boil as usual for 10 minutes after boiling, hard boiled.

Then remove from heat and fill with cold water. This is such a beautiful color for your Easter eggs.

For a beautiful shine, wipe them with a cloth dipped in vegetable oil.

Coloring eggs in onion skins with a pattern

Another simple and very budgetary way to paint eggs for Easter.

The testicles are obtained like this, as if from amber, very beautiful!

We'll need

  • Eggs are white
  • Gauze
  • onion peel
  • Zelenka


Tip: for best results, choose white eggs, they will show the pattern better.

Prepare the onion skins. In a small bowl, cut it into small pieces with scissors.

Cut the gauze into pieces so that you can completely wrap the egg and still have free edges.

If you don't want your marble green hands, it's best to protect them with gloves.

Here is such a shaggy egg, with a peel adhering to it, placed on gauze.

We close it inside, fixing our husk with gauze. We twist the tail and tie it with a thread.

So that it is not very large, we cut off the excess gauze.

After preparing the eggs in this way, place them in a saucepan of cold water.

Take the dishes, which will not be a pity if it is stained.

Pour a vial of brilliant green there and put the saucepan on the fire.

Boil the eggs in green water hard-boiled, until cooked - 10 minutes after boiling the water.

Then drain the boiling water and fill them with cold water to cool them.

Our eggs are ready. We unfold them from gauze, clean them from adhering onion peel.

To make them look even better and shine, wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil.

Well, it turned out to be a beauty!

Very interesting coloring. The drawings are so different, very beautiful!

These testicles immediately attract the eye!

For detailed technique, see the video:

The easiest and easiest way is to decorate eggs with thermal stickers.

There are a lot of them for sale, they are all very beautiful and bright! They look very elegant and festive.

Gluing them on is very easy!

In addition, it is ideal for eggs that cracked a little during cooking. The sticker will hide all the errors.

We'll need

  • Pot with boiling water
  • Thermal stickers in assortment
  • boiled eggs


Place the boiled egg inside the film. It is very convenient to use a ladle for this procedure.

We put it in a ladle and carefully lower it into boiling water.

The film will immediately begin to shrink and wrap the egg very tightly and beautifully.

We do the same with others. We put on a “shirt”, lower it into boiling water.

When the thermal sticker tightly wraps around the testicle, take it out. Beauty!

Easter painting of eggs - Easter eggs

A special place is occupied by wax painting, popularly called pysanka.

This is a whole ritual, which has its own rules and customs, dating back to ancient times.

People believed that a properly painted pysanka could affect the whole life, improve it and bring grace.

Watch this video about the traditions of Slavic pysanka:

It is enough just to decorate the eggs in an original way with the help of food coloring.

The drawing is very elegant, bright, with interesting prints.

We'll need

  • Food coloring in different colors
  • Paper napkin
  • Cotton buds
  • Gloves


Boil the eggs first.

To prevent eggs from bursting, boil them in salted water.

Wrap the finished egg tightly with a wet paper towel.

Dip a cotton swab in the dye and color the napkin in random places.

Let the whole egg be in multi-colored spots.

Leave to dry for 10-15 minutes.

After the specified time, remove the napkin and you will see what a masterpiece you have!

Watch a few more ways to color with food coloring in this video:

Decoupage Easter eggs video

Beautiful and very elegant eggs can be made using decoupage technique.

It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and you will definitely succeed!

We'll need

  • Patterned napkins
  • Scissors
  • tassel
  • Egg white


Take already boiled and cooled white eggs.

Separately, break a raw egg into a bowl and separate the protein, we will need it.

Divide the napkin into layers. We take only the one on which the picture is printed, we do not need the rest.

Gently with our hands, we will need to tear off a piece with a pattern.

If you still have little experience and you are afraid to spoil the picture, then you can cut it out with scissors.

In decoupage, the tear-off technique is used, because then the edges of the pattern are not so noticeable.

Attach the resulting fragment of a napkin with a pattern to the egg. Dip the brush in the protein and brush the picture well so that it is soaked and sticks to the shell.

We decorate all the eggs in the same way, applying a napkin with a pattern in the right places and smearing it with protein.

When it hardens, it will hold the picture on the shell like glue.

Beauty is incomparable! You can create a spring joyful mood!

Watch also a video about decoupage Easter eggs:

Easter egg gilding

Check out the very beautiful technique of gilding Easter eggs. On any table, they will delight everyone!


One of the largest church holidays is Easter. People start preparing for it in advance. Right before the holiday, the housewives prepare Easter cakes and paint eggs. It is here that women can show all their creative imagination. Particularly diverse

This article talks about how to beautifully paint eggs for Easter with your own hands at home. The above methods are so simple that even a novice hostess can handle it. In addition, they do not require any artistic skills from the hostess. Before you start painting the eggs, you should prepare them.


  1. The first step is to take the eggs out of the fridge. They must be at room temperature. This is necessary so that the eggs do not burst during the cooking process.
  2. If you want the paint to lay on the surface of the eggs evenly, then you should wash them with soapy water under running water before processing.
  3. To give the eggs a smooth and shiny surface, after applying paint to them, wipe them thoroughly and treat them with vegetable oil.

Now let's take a closer look at the technique of painting eggs for Easter.


Onion peel is one of the old methods used by our grandmothers. The result of using the husks are eggs of red, yellow and brown colors. This effect can be achieved by adding onion peel and increasing the time the eggs are in the water: if the egg is in the water for several minutes, then the color will turn yellowish. Provided that the eggs spend several hours in the onion water, it guarantees the coloring of the eggs in bright red and scarlet tones.


A large number of foods that we eat have a coloring effect. These products include: beets, carrots, cabbage, coffee, lemon, orange, various greens and wild berries. The result is eggs of such shades as: orange, blue, purple, green, yellow. It should be noted that the color in such cases is not very saturated. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to increase the time the eggs are in the broth.


Currently, many tools have been created that help to significantly facilitate the process of coloring eggs for the hostess. These include various stickers. In addition, you can apply the decoupage technique. Initially, you should boil the eggs and prepare the gelatin glue. You need to prepare it according to the instructions on the package. Next, you should choose napkins with a beautiful pattern. You need to remove the white layer of paper. Cut out the desired fragment and put on the egg. Next, the picture is processed using the prepared glue, waiting for it to dry completely and slowly and carefully get rid of the stencil.


Now the culinary industry does not stand still and many confectionery additives have been developed. Various food dyes can be used not only in the manufacture of sweet dishes, but also for coloring eggs. To use them correctly, you must carefully read the instructions on the package. It should be remembered that the tinted water should completely cover the egg.


In order to get beautiful patterns on eggs, you can use ordinary floss threads. Eggs should be wrapped in multi-colored paints and dipped in boiling water. As a result of high temperatures, interesting patterns of bizarre shapes will appear on the eggs. After heat treatment, all threads should be cut.


They look very solemn and impressive. To properly paint eggs, you need to take vegetable oil and paints of different colors. This method is very complex and requires the hostess to have artistic skills. Coloring is carried out in the following way: first, the eggs should be painted with paints of light shades. Then they need to dry. Next, dark colors must be diluted in a cup with a small amount of water and oil. It should be remembered that cups with liquid should never be shaken. It must be placed so that small drops of paint appear. Then each egg must be lowered into this solution. It should be lowered once, maximum twice. The duration of the egg in the paint determines the intensity of staining. You should carefully select shades to each other and correctly combine colors.


For this method, you need a fabric of bright colors with a beautiful pattern. For this, silk ties or Pavloposad shawls are most often used. A raw egg at room temperature should be wrapped in a cloth so that its bright side is on the outside. You can sew along the contour of the fabric to prevent slipping of the fabric. Next, the egg with the cloth should be wrapped in a plain white cloth and carefully fastened on both sides. Then add water and 3 tablespoons of vinegar to the pan. Eggs should be boiled until cooked right in the fabric. The same process is carried out if silk fabric is used. After the eggs have completely cooled, remove the fabric.


  1. Before staining, wet eggs should be rolled over any cereal.
  2. In addition, you can use fresh herbs for decoration. In order for it not to fall out during the cooking process, the egg with greens should be fixed with gauze, stocking or bandage.
  3. To decorate the egg in straight lines, adhesive tape pasted in the form of strips is used. You can also use a rubber band.

After processing is completed, all fixtures must be removed.


Easter is considered a family holiday and you can make it a tradition at home to decorate eggs together with your children. It will be interesting for children to make chickens out of eggs. To do this, parents together with their children can paint them with yellow food paint, and use egg cells as coasters. We cut out the legs, eyes and beak of the chicken from paper and attach it to the egg with gelatin glue.


Most parents do not have creative skills, but everyone wants to decorate eggs exquisitely. You can remember the times of youth and cut out stencils from tracing paper. It can be one or more, also one stencil can be placed on both sides of the egg. On them already carry out the processing of paints. Stencils can be used in several types.


If you don’t want to bother with various stencils and tie eggs with threads, then in this situation there is a way out. Permanent markers will come to the rescue, which can be bought at any stationery store. In the absence of creative impulses and imagination, you can use the patterns available on the Internet. When decorating, a child can help you. For it, you can use ordinary felt-tip pens or watercolor, water-based gouache. After dyeing is completed, the eggs should be dried.


This method will not only help to creatively decorate the eggs, but also cheer you up while working. If you want to leave the surface of the egg untouched, you can simply wrap the eggs in colored foil and attach decor elements to them. It is not necessary to use gold or silver shades, you can choose colored foil.


This method is very simple, but at the same time makes the surface of the egg more heterogeneous and gives it an interesting look. First, boil the eggs using food coloring. Next, you need to mix powdered sugar with water until a thick slurry is obtained. When the eggs have cooled, you can use a pastry bag to apply a pattern of your choice. It all depends on the imagination of the author. In addition, you can use special stencils, of which you can find a huge number on the Internet and for every taste.


This method of coloring will give the eggs uniqueness, originality and make them more extravagant. Initially, you should boil the eggs and cool a little. This will make the application process more efficient. Next, you should dilute several types of paints in various containers and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar there.

Initially, the egg should be dipped in the desired paint, repeat with everyone. Eggs should be laid until completely dry. Next, you need to lower the painted egg halfway into another paint. Also let dry. This procedure can be carried out several times.

You can afford the most daring color combinations. After staining, any decorative element can be applied to a colored egg. However, even without them, they will look very beautiful.


One of the most unique egg decorating techniques is the use of a new technique. One of these is quilling. This is the art of making various patterns out of paper without the help of scissors. Currently, you can find whole paintings created in the quilling style. Of course, the egg does not have a large surface, but you can also make a real masterpiece out of paper on it. But many craftsmen manage to create whole pictures: various voluminous animals, people, decorative elements can be folded out of paper.

Thus, using these egg coloring methods will help make your Easter table more refined and unique. Just imagine how delighted your loved ones will be at the sight of painted eggs, also made with their own hands.

Meat dishes. And one of the most important treats for this day is, of course, eggs - a symbol of birth. And any hostess, in order to surprise everyone, painted testicles according to a non-standard solution - with imagination.

And how beautiful to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands? Here you will see how you can decorate Easter eggs in an unusual and original way at home - not like everyone there! Marble, iridescent, classic in onion peel, without dyes, using food and natural dyes, rice or cloth (decoupage).

Everyone treated each other with these symbols and said “Jesus is Risen!”, and heard in response - “Truly Risen!”. "Krashenki" (the so-called colored eggs) we fight. But before that, we admire them - how beautifully decorated they are!

How to beautifully paint eggs for Easter with your own hands: general rules

There are no clear rules on how to paint eggs for Easter, but there are still recommendations that must be followed. They are proven by experience - by trial and error. Therefore, I trust them and fulfill them. And I advise you!

  1. Eggs must be at least room temperature before boiling. Therefore, if the eggs are in the refrigerator, then you should get them in advance. This is necessary so that the shell does not crack during cooking.
  2. In order for the egg to color evenly, it is necessary to wash it. Do not just rinse with water, but with a dish sponge, and preferably with soapy water.
  3. After washing, degrease. You will need vodka or alcohol. Then wipe dry.
  4. In order for the egg to shine with a healthy look after painting, it must be coated with vegetable oil. Thus, a gloss will appear on the shell.

Now you are ready to decorate Easter eggs with your own hands. The material is ready, now it's time to start painting. Follow the clear instructions and you will get the most beautiful Easter eggs.

Onion peel is a traditional classic natural material for dyeing Easter eggs at home. Colors come in various shades. It depends on the volume of the main ingredient and how long the eggs stay in it - from light beige to dark brown.

Also, along with onion peel, various additives are used: brilliant green, dyes, lace, create patterns.

The classic version of painting eggs in onion skins

This method is the most popular. Because it has been used for decades. The more peel, the darker and richer the color.

Remove the eggs from the refrigerator and leave for 2 hours to bring the temperature up to room temperature.

At this time, pour onion peel into the pan, pour water and cook for at least half an hour. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes.

Then add a spoonful of salt to the broth and place the testicles there. Cook the dog of readiness. Remove carefully and cool in cold water. You can strain the onion broth, and only then cook in it.

If the eggs have not acquired the desired effect, then place them back and bring them to condition.

Be sure to wipe dry and lubricate with vegetable oil so that gloss appears.

To get a bright red and brown color, you need a couple of kilograms of onions for a dozen eggs.

How to dye eggs marbled with onion skins

For this method, you need to prepare the main material: cut the husk and paper randomly into small pieces.

Moisten the eggs with water and roll in the husk with paper.

Prepare gauze or nylon stocking. Cut them so that one testicle fits. Tighten tightly and tie with a thread. The denser, the sharper the pattern.

Place onion peel and eggs in a saucepan, salt and cook for 30-40 minutes.

When ready, cool in cold water and remove the gauze or stocking.

Dry and coat with vegetable oil.

Marble Easter eggs - a method in onion peel and greenery

Quite an original way and many people like it. It turns out an unusual marble color.

Dip the eggs soaked in water in the onion skins. And as in the previous version, we wrap it with gauze or nylon. We pull the ends with a thread.

Pour water into the pan and pour in a whole vial of brilliant green.

We place the eggs. They must be covered with water. Bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes.

Carefully take out and under the tap. Remove the gauze and rinse again.

Dry and polish with vegetable oil.

How to dye patterned eggs with onion skins and rice

With the help of rice, we can get the so-called "specks" - when the shell is painted as if in a speck.

Moisten eggs with water and roll in rice.

Wrap with gauze and tie the ends with thread.

Place in a prepared saucepan with water and husks and cook for a little more than half an hour.

After the time has elapsed, cool, remove the gauze, dry and grease with oil for a gloss effect.

You will also be interested in what to cook delicious for Easter:

  1. Juicy and tasty rustic potatoes

How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands without dyes with a pattern

In order to get Easter eggs with a pattern, there are several options. The patterns come out lacy, iridescent and abstract.

For all methods, the main ingredients and recipe are the same. The difference is that as objects we will use improvised means found at home. With their help, paint the eggs in the desired pattern.

DIY Easter Egg Patterns: General Rules

We will need:

  • onion peel
  • Sprigs of dill, lettuce, basil, celery and others (any, at your discretion),
  • Gauze or nylon tights,
  • Threads, electrical tape, fabric and rubber bands,
  • Various cereals (their seeds),
  • Vegetable oil,
  • Salt.


  1. We cook the coloring solution.
  2. We decorate Easter eggs.
  3. We fix the pattern with gauze or nylon.
  4. We cook in the mixture.
  5. Cool, remove fasteners and wash.

Coloring eggs with cereal grains

The painting technology lies in the fact that the testicles must be moistened and rolled in grains of cereals - either one variety or all in a row. It turns out here is such an uncomplicated pattern. Various cereals are suitable: sesame, buckwheat, rice (we have already said above how you can paint in the form of “specks” with the help of rice) and others.

Patterns with fabric

This is also an unusual way of coloring eggs. It consists in the fact that the product is tightly wrapped with a fabric pattern inside. Any fabric can be suitable, both old and new, specially purchased for this purpose.

Well, if you use lace instead of a fabric with a pattern, then a very beautiful lace pattern will remain on the shell.

Patterns on Easter eggs using stencils

This guys is a really easy way. Buy a stencil or cut yourself out of paper. Glue on a wet shell, wrap with gauze and boil with a coloring solution.

Uncomplicated ornaments are obtained. You can pick up drawings of animals and flowers, but whatever. Everything is in your hands and your imagination!

Patterns with greenery:

For this case, we need celery and basil leaves (maybe you have other types). Dill can also leave a nice pattern. We glue it to the testicle with the front side, wrap it around with nylon and tie the ends. We cook in dye.

Insulating tape, threads and rubber bands

It is also a suitable material for decorating Easter eggs. We wrap the thread in a chaotic or vice versa in a predictable way around the egg. The electrical tape should be cut into thin strips and also applied with a thread. Stationery rubber bands - they can be wrapped randomly crosswise.

These methods listed above must be applied to already boiled eggs. And also to get colorful. First you need to dip in one color, hold to dry and then in another color.

Now just before Easter, you can find a lot of tools for Easter decoration in shops and supermarkets. I have come across food coloring, shrink wrap, rice napkins for decoupage, and much more, no less interesting.

Today we will talk about natural dyes and their help in dyeing eggs at home. It is always more pleasant to do it with your own hands, especially if there are children nearby.

Natural dyes speak better than artificial ones. I would not say so and there is nothing chemical in them. They are as harmless as natural ones. And the color palette is richer. Another minus naturalki - time. To prepare a saturated coloring solution, it will take from 2 to 10 hours.

Consider several popular options for natural dyes for coloring Easter eggs. Let's figure it out.

Natural vegetable dyes for Easter eggs and how to dye them

  • Onion peel. We already know about her, she sets the shell from light yellow to dark brown. I like the second shade. How to paint, we explained in detail and step by step above (you can return if you started from this point).
  • Beet. Beetroot colors the eggs in various shades of red, pink and burgundy (purple in some cases). How to paint: grate the beets (you can do it whole, but it will take longer), boil the beetroot juice. Add a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of vinegar, place the eggs and boil hard.
  • Red cabbage. This version is dominated by blue. How to color eggs: finely chop the cabbage, pour boiling water and vinegar (a couple of spoons) and leave for 8-10 hours. Then place the eggs and leave until the color is fully saturated.
  • Turmeric. Love golden eggs. Here's the dye. The turmeric will color the eggs a sunny golden color. Pour 100 grams of ground turmeric into boiling water, add raw eggs and continue to cook until tender. Leave it like that until the morning.

How to dye eggs rainbow colors

You can also paint eggs for Easter with paints that are sold in the store in the form of food coloring. There are from 4 to 15 colors - a rich palette. So something beautiful will turn out! The main desire and patience!

How to paint - read the instructions, and you will not be mistaken.

When using several colors, eggs in iridescent color are obtained. Just dip the eggs in the beauty not to the end: not a third or half. And let it dry before painting with another paint.

Everyone will be surprised by this type of painting - very beautiful, unusual and original!

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Paint Easter eggs with varnish or vegetable oil

I don’t know about you, but this method is new to me and I really liked it. It is suggested to use vegetable oil as a working tool, along with dyes and colored nail polish.

It turns out not only rainbow and marble eggs, but also abstract and symmetrical. Due to the even distribution of paint in both cases, an unusual symmetry is created.

Coloring eggs marbled with nail polish

In this case, we need ordinary eggs with a white shell (although not necessary). Drip nail polish into a container of water in the center. You can alternate colors.

Right in the bowl with a toothpick, draw everything that comes to mind: abstraction, flowers, waves, cobwebs. Put on gloves and dip the egg in this colorful liquid, and then the other side.

If you don’t want to bother with gloves and dipping, then just draw directly on boiled eggs.

How to dye eggs for Easter without dye: DIY decoupage

Now in our time, people are increasingly trying to pursue their hobby. There are new masters of their craft, new directions. Decoupage in the general concept is one of the most popular areas of the crafts fair.

This is the art of creating something stunning out of nothing! They decorate everything that is possible, old furniture, clothes, photos, crafts, including eggs. And by the way, not only for Easter, but also for the sake of creativity. In addition, this is another way to dye eggs without dye!

Video - Decoupage eggs with napkins

Tip: choose wipes with a small pattern, as the surface of the testicles is small.

In order for the decoupage of eggs for Easter to turn out so neatly and beautifully, care, attentiveness, patience and a little bit of skill (experience) are needed. You can practice, you even need to! The video shows that the most common egg white was used as an adhesive.

In any case, if you really want something, you will definitely succeed!

Video - Decoupage eggs in gold color

And here is another video and a master class for you on how to paint an egg golden. This gilding technology is actually as safe as it is without dyes.

Why paint eggs for Easter?

Somehow I never thought about why eggs are painted for Easter. They paint and paint, give and give - so what? Became interesting.

It turns out there is a legend.

Saint Mary Magdalene gave an Easter egg to the Roman emperor. The egg was dyed red. And according to church tradition, the stones on Golgotha ​​turned into red eggs on the day of the Resurrection of Christ.

According to another version, the emperor, having accepted an ordinary testicle and doubting that Jesus was Risen, said: “Just as an egg cannot turn from white to red, so the dead do not rise!” And at that very moment, the egg turned red. Taken aback by what he saw, the emperor exclaimed: “Truly Risen!”

Since then, it has been customary to paint eggs for Easter and give them to say - "Christ is Risen!". And they answer - "Truly Risen!"

Here's a master class for you:

Creative and original solution. Call your kids and get started. There is nothing difficult in this.

You will need:

  • beautiful with a pattern and patterns pieces of fabric,
  • white cloth,
  • vinegar,
  • water pot,
  • the eggs themselves
  • desire and time (20 minutes).

1. Now we cut the fabric into shreds approximately along the side lengths of 18 centimeters, as in the video.

2. We wrap each egg first in a colored cloth, and then in a white one.

3. We put the original bags in a saucepan. Fill with water and add 3 tablespoons of vinegar. We cook for 15 minutes.

4. Let's cool and Vo-alya - the beauty is indescribable! Can it still be so beautiful somewhere?

Short video:

Easter eggs from beads video tutorials

Three very useful and simple, and most importantly without water, clear lessons and a master class from Shurochka:

Summing up, we can safely say that you now know and know how to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands at home. With such a variety of options, it is simply impossible that something will not work out.

My children have already decided to cook Easter eggs in golden color - it painfully reminded them of a fairy tale about the Ryaba chicken. And I think you need to try several options so that the festive table looks really fabulous with an abundance of various decorations.

Good to your home, mutual love, peaceful sky and well-being! So that there is no grief and sadness in your life, so that illness and failure pass by! Happy holiday to you, Happy Easter! Christ is risen!

Dyeing eggs for Easter is a tradition that has been established for a very long time. Each hostess tries to bake fragrant and cook Easter cottage cheese for the holiday. And very often faces the problem of decorating testicles for Easter. Everyone wants to make unusual and original Easter eggs as a gift, delighting both adults and children.

In this article, we will talk about what methods and tricks exist for creating unique and beautiful Easter eggs at home. With the help of them you can not only please the household, but also surprise your dear guests and friends.

Preparation for painting

Boil chicken white eggs. After you finish cooking, you need to cool them down a bit. Just make sure they are at room temperature. We will not be able to work with excessively hot or icy eggs. Then, wipe the eggs from moisture, remove dirt (if any).

  1. Cracked eggs will have to be laid aside - these are no longer suitable for drawing a picture. If you are going to use the method of painting with onion peel - wait a while with cooking.
  2. If you decide to paint eggs with a pattern for the holiday, mix the starch paste (glue) in advance - it is absolutely harmless, so it is suitable for coloring Easter eggs.

In the store you can buy ready-made starch, ready to go. Pour the starch into a bowl, then add warm water, not higher than room temperature. Soak it in there and then stir well. After that, you will need hot water, but not boiling water - pour hot water in portions into the resulting mass, stirring the starch mass along the way. In case the lumps could not be avoided by mixing, take a gauze mesh and separate the glue from the lumps. Okay, the glue is ready!

Rainbow colored eggs are a fun, easy and perfect way to spruce up your Easter menu.

To create colored shells, you can use both ready-made food paints (which can be found in any store) and do-it-yourself pigments. To do this, you can use red cabbage, beets, blueberries, turmeric, tea, onion peel, coffee beans, and fresh herbs.

Natural dyes will give the eggshell interesting, rich shades. Below is a step-by-step recipe with a photo of cooking Easter eggs using red cabbage. Thanks to a bright and natural solution, after 10-14 hours, the workpiece acquires a pleasant lilac-blue hue. Of course, the natural pigment does not lay down very evenly (unlike artificial paints), but this gives the workpiece an authentic, natural look.

And also some other fun ways to color eggs at home for Easter using onion skins, ready-made dyes and stickers. And to decorate Easter eggs with a beautiful and original pattern, use paper napkins or a piece of cloth. Consider the most interesting ways to color eggs for Easter - both popular and rather unusual.

Coloring Easter eggs with natural dyes

How to dye Easter eggs blue with red cabbage

When creating Easter eggs, you should follow some guidelines. To ensure the eggs are of good quality, wash them thoroughly before processing. When cooking, add a handful of salt to the liquid, and pour vinegar into the natural coloring infusion. All this will help you make your Easter feast not only festive, but also useful.


  • eggs (3-4 pieces);
  • cabbage (200-250 grams);
  • vinegar (2 tablespoons);
  • salt (1 tbsp. l.).


We spread the eggs in a cold liquid, pour salt. We make sure that the water covers the entire shell. Cook for 8-10 minutes (after boiling).

We begin to prepare the infusion: pour water into the container (800-1000 ml). Shred the red cabbage into small pieces and place in a saucepan.

Pour vinegar into a container. Cook the vegetable mass for 8-10 minutes.

After the cabbage becomes soft, and the liquid turns purple, dip the eggs into it. We make sure that the thick mass covers the entire shell.

We leave the Easter preparation for 10-14 hours. Put the eggs on a paper towel.

After the product is completely dry, use it as you wish. If desired, decorate the shell with Easter stickers.

How to dye eggs for Easter in onion skins

You will need:

  • water;
  • onion peel;
  • eggs;
  • salt;
  • for a glossy effect: vegetable oil;
  • for patterns: plant leaves, threads, nylon / gauze, etc.

Coloring process:

The most famous, classic way of coloring eggs, which is passed on to us by grandmothers and mothers, is the usual onion peel. This is the easiest way, but very interesting and most importantly, environmentally friendly. Prepare in advance all the necessary components and be sure to warm the eggs if they were put in the refrigerator.

To color the testicles with onion peel, you need to pour boiling water over the peel in a saucepan for 2 hours. As soon as the time is up, salt the water, put the eggs in it and boil the water. After the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 10 minutes. In case you want eggs with a beautiful pattern, you must first apply the pattern, and then boil with the husk.

To create patterns on Easter eggs, you can use ordinary parsley or dill leaves, threads or cereals. Moisten the egg, attach the leaves to it or roll in the groats. An unusual pattern can be achieved by attaching lace or wrapping an egg with threads. Wrap the resulting structure in gauze or nylon (for example, from tights) and cook in onion water for the specified time.

What colors can you dye eggs with natural dyes (table)

Foods You Can Use When Dyeing Easter Eggs (Infographic)

Color with store-bought food coloring

You will need:

  • white chicken eggs;
  • water;
  • table vinegar 9%;
  • food coloring in desired colors.

Coloring instructions:

For this method, you need to purchase food coloring. Many food colorings are sold in stores, including in special kits for Easter.

This method is the simplest, since the manufacturer most often attaches instructions to the dyes. It is from this information that you will need to push off. If there is no information, count about one packet of dye per 200-300 ml of water.

Boil and cool chicken eggs. While the boiled eggs are cooling, you can do the dye. Take a saucepan or a large and deep bowl. Pour 50 ml of warm water there, dissolve the food coloring of the desired color in it, add table vinegar (9%).

After that, mix and add water in portions to achieve the desired shade, or according to the instructions on the package (usually 200 ml per small bag). In the finished dye, lower the testicles in turn. Turn them over for 3-5 minutes, then remove and dry.

Do not use a dry cloth to avoid staining and sticking - paper towels work best.

Video: How to dye eggs beautifully with dyes at home

Easter eggs with do-it-yourself drawings from napkins

You will need:

  • chicken eggs (white);
  • paper napkins (choose napkins with bright and beautiful pictures that you would like to place on the surface of the testicle, and not ordinary ones without a picture!);
  • starch glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take napkins. As a rule, patterned napkins are sold in a three-layer format. We only need the top layer. Choose patterns, patterns, or details on the napkin that you like. It can be flowers, drawings with characters, animals or interesting patterns.
  2. Carefully cut or tear off a piece with the selected picture (it should be compact enough to fit on the testicle).
  3. Then, put an egg in front of you or take it in your hand, attach a picture to it and start covering it with starch paste directly on the surface of the picture. Apply glue completely to the picture and corners to stick to the Easter egg. This method can be applied several times on the same egg.

That's all, the drawing will remain on your testicle! You can get rid of excess starch with a dry sponge, the remnants of a napkin or a cloth. And a beautiful Easter egg is ready, you can present it as a gift for Easter or treat your family and friends.

We use ready-made dyeing kits for coloring eggs

In stores, there are now many kits for coloring eggs for Easter. This is also an option for decorating your testicles. Each kit usually comes with dye, stickers or "covers" for eggs with detailed instructions for decorating.

The big disadvantage of these kits is that the patterns and pictures in them are monotonous and it is very difficult to find something unusual. A big plus is the reduction of cooking time and the absence of the need for additional materials.

Video: Colorful and unusual eggs for Easter 2018 without dyes

Unusual Easter eggs with fabric pattern

You will need:

  • chicken eggs (any color);
  • starch glue;
  • unnecessary, but clean fabric with patterns or other images and drawings you like.

How to paint:

Prepare the fabric and choose the patterns or designs you want to place on the eggs for Easter. In one of the previous coloring methods, we have already figured out how to place an image on an egg - this knowledge will come in handy here.

Cut out the desired image from the fabric. To fix the fabric pattern on the egg, you need to apply starch paste with a brush on the egg itself, attach the picture and paint over the fabric, as you did with the napkin.

In case the fabric is tangled or crooked, hot water is enough to peel off the pattern and reattach. After all the pictures are placed on the egg, wipe off the excess starch. A beautiful egg with drawings for Easter is ready!

Video: Marble eggs for Easter. How to dye eggs with onion peel and brilliant green

Happy Easter and creative creativity!

Hello dear readers!

Ahead of a bright holiday - Easter. And according to tradition, Easter cakes are prepared in advance and eggs are painted. The two most important attributes of this holiday. I have an article on my blog where I describe the process. You can check it out.

But today we’ll talk about how you can paint eggs with your own hands at home.

Why paint eggs for Easter?

Easter eggs and Easter cakes are the main symbols of the holiday. The tradition of dyeing eggs originated with Mary Magdalene. In the Orthodox Church, she is revered as a saint and myrrh-bearer who preached about the risen Christ in Rome. Once she came to the Roman emperor Tiberius with a sermon.

And in ancient Rome, it was customary to come to the emperor with a petition only by bringing something to him as a gift. Wealthier people brought gold. And who could not afford it, they brought something from the household.

And so, when Mary came, she brought an egg. It was white, as usual. And she said to the emperor - "Christ is risen." The emperor, in turn, thought this was ridiculous. And he said that he would believe it only when the egg turned red. This is how it sounded like before: like an egg is white, not red, so the dead do not rise. And the egg immediately turned red.

The emperor was stunned and replied: - "Truly risen!". So there was another tradition, comes to the house with these words.

How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands?

There is a wide variety of coloring methods. In the beginning, I will analyze the classic and most common. We will paint with husks from onions and beets. But we will improve it a little. We get them not only in red, but also with a pattern. This method is also good because we will use natural ingredients. In which chemistry will not be used.

To do this, we need onion peel, beets grated through a coarse grater, a couple of parsley leaves and boiled eggs.

Take white eggs. The paint shows up better on them!

Coloring process:

1. Let's start with beets. Take a small bowl and put the grated beetroot in it. We fill it with boiling water. Just a little bit.

2. Then we put the eggs. They should lie down for about 20 minutes. It all depends on the degree of coloring. If you want to be brighter, then hold a little more. We leave aside.

3. Now I will show you how to make patterns. Take a leaf like parsley. We put it on the egg. To make the sheet fit well, moisten it. Thus, we stick around the egg from all sides.

3. Now we need an old sock or stocking. Stockings are better. Naturally, it must be clean. In our case, I use a nylon stocking. Now you need to carefully put it on the egg with leaves. To keep the parsley leaves from falling off. And tie or tie with a thread. Put in a bowl with onion skins.

4. Now pour boiling water. We put on fire. We can also put just an egg, without a pattern.

The more you cook, the brighter the color will turn out.

5. We check the eggs that lie in the beets. They came out light red. Lay them out and pat dry with paper towels. And the sticky pieces of beets give a certain pattern.

To give the eggs a shine, you need to rub them with vegetable oil. To do this, wetting a paper towel with oil, rub a thin layer.

6. As we finished cooking in the husk, we take out the eggs. Cool down. They can also be wiped with vegetable oil for shine. This is how they turned out.

Colored eggs: a simple and original way

Easter is always associated with spring, flowers, sun and good mood. And it is not surprising, because there is something magical in this holiday. And you can decorate it with the help of originally painted eggs. Let's take a step-by-step look at the entire staining procedure.

First option

1. We prepare the paint in advance. We will use liquid dyes of three colors: red, yellow and blue. We breed, as described in the instructions.

2. In order for the paint to dry qualitatively and without divorce, you need to make a special stand. We make it simple. We need a sponge and needles. We stick the needles into the sponge around the circumference, as shown in the figure. The circle should be large enough so that the egg does not fall through.

3. After hard-boiling the egg, dry it with a paper towel.

An important condition for high-quality staining is the maximum possible temperature of the egg. Those. to keep it hot. This will better capture the color.

4. And blot the tip from the bottom with a paper towel to remove the resulting droplet. And then we put it on a stand so that the paint dries. It dries very quickly, because. the egg is still warm.

5. The next step is to repeat the absolutely tighter procedure, but only with yellow paint. We lower the egg also by 1/3, but on the other side.

At the intersection of red and yellow paint, an orange color is formed. We also put the egg on a stand,

6. And finally, the third stage. In exactly the same way, but with the second non-painted side, we lower it into blue exactly in the middle. And hold on for 1-2 minutes. As a result, blue combined with red gives purple. And in combination with yellow gives green. Thus, we get a rainbow egg, which consists of six colors with clear transitions.

Second option

Another easy way is to make original lines on the egg. To do this, you need ordinary electrical tape. We cut it into thin strips and gradually glue these strips tightly around.

Once pasted, you need to check again so that no air gets under the electrical tape. Otherwise, water will get in there and color the egg underneath.

Third option

I want to show another original and at the same time simple way. One of my favorite. It's called marble chips. To do this, we need onion peel, bandage and brilliant green.

1. First of all, with the help of scissors, finely and variously cut the husk. Or if it is dry, chop the pieces into various shapes with your hands straight.

The smaller the pieces, the smaller the pattern will be.

2. Cut the bandage into two wide strips. We lay it out so that the two strips are perpendicular to each other. How would you get a cross. In the center we put the strips, put the egg, rolled in the husk. In order for the husk to fix better, you need to moisten the egg. And carefully roll it up.

3. After rolled up, roll it tightly. At the base we twist with ordinary threads. We do all this in such a way that the bandage fits the egg as tightly as possible. To tightly pressed the husk.

5. Then add a full tube of brilliant green to boiling water. The more green you pour, the richer the color will be.

And you mean, a very important point! The pan must be made of stainless steel, so that it can be easily washed later.

6. At the end of this procedure, we take out the eggs. Carefully cut the bandage itself at the base. We wash. And the result is a very beautifully colored egg.

We make original Easter eggs with our own hands

Probably many will agree with me that painting eggs in solid colors is somehow boring. Therefore, we will analyze in several ways how to decorate and color in an unusual way. If you like to decorate something creatively for the holiday, then you should like it.

For all methods, we need dyes for eggs, which must be diluted according to the instructions.

polka dots

To paint with polka dots, we need regular candle wax. All we need to do is draw circles on the egg with wax using a cotton swab.

Then let the wax cool. By the way, you can draw any pattern you like. Next, dip the egg into a jar of paint. But be careful, it should not be hot. Once the paint dries, you can remove the wax from the egg.

You can use the paint dryer we discussed above: a sponge with needles.

Making with a rubber band

For the next method, we need stationery gum. Wrap the egg however you like. And then just dip in the paint for a while. After the paint dries, carefully remove the gum.

Stripe patterns

For the next option, you will need thin tape. Glue it to the surface of the egg. Can be used both dyed and unpainted. Dip it in the paint for about half a minute. Remove the tape from the dried egg.

unusual pattern

In order to make such a drawing, you just need to add vegetable oil to the paint. And lower the egg for a few seconds. Then we get it. As you can see, we got such divorces. Let dry completely.

Tricolor rainbow

First, color the whole egg. Then we dip it on both sides. We have already discussed this method above.

Grain drawing

For the next method, we need fig. Pour it into a separate glass. Add a couple of drops of dye to it. And we mix. It is necessary that the rice is colored, but not wet. It is better to do this procedure in a plastic container. Since you will need to add the egg, close the lid and shake everything together.

But I suggest you apply one more color. In the same rice, add a different color. In this way, different colors can be combined. Again we throw an egg into the container, close and shake. Here's what we got in the end.

Bright multi-colored pattern "Wave"

Now I will show the coolest way and the most favorite. To color an egg in this way, simply wrap it in a paper towel.

Apply a small amount of paint on top. We combine colors according to your taste. We leave the egg in napkins for half a minute so that it is saturated with paint.

And then unfold the napkin. And we get a wonderful drawing as a result. This way you will definitely surprise your family and friends.

How to dye with natural dyes?

Jelly Easter eggs

Well, here together we dismantled more than 10 coloring methods. And I hope I answered the question - How to paint Easter eggs with your own hands? But the main idea of ​​this article is that you can give free rein to your imagination. All methods do not limit, but only give a chance to create and create masterpieces.

It seems like a simple staining procedure, but how much unusual and beautiful can be done. Visual illustrations will help you with this.

Thank you for reading the article, for your attention. Put likes and classes article. Share information with friends. And I look forward to your comments below. Happy holiday, Happy Easter. Good luck and happiness to you!
