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Each of us has faced such a problem as pain in the right side more than once - overeating, various stresses and experiences, as well as bad habits- all this can cause discomfort in this area. And most often we do not attach any importance to such pain sensations, assuming that the reasons due to which discomfort arises in the right side are not serious enough and they do not pose a great danger to our health. However, in fact, such painful sensations can be symptoms of many dangerous diseases, which, if not detected in time, can pose a great threat to our health. In this article, we will tell you about why the right side may hurt, as well as what to do if your right side hurts.

Classification of pain in the right side

Pain in the right side can be of a different nature, thanks to which it is possible to determine the cause of these pain sensations. Next, we will tell you what different types of pain in the right side may indicate:

    dull pain that comes on gradually and gets worse and doesn't get better enough long time. This type of pain most often indicates any existing chronic diseases of the abdominal organs;

    acute pain that begins completely suddenly and which in shortest time increases greatly. This type of pain is a symptom of the presence of hepatic colic in cholelithiasis;

    aching pain that occurs regularly and which can be compared with a feeling of heaviness in the right side. This type of pain indicates the presence of a chronic inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the large intestine (colitis) or the presence of an inflammatory process in the gallbladder (chronic cholecystitis);

    cramping pain, the intensity of which constantly changes from a weak attack to a strong one, and vice versa. This type of pain occurs against the background of intestinal spasm in its various pathologies.

Localization of pain in the right side

    pain in the right hypochondrium. In the right hypochondrium we have the liver and gallbladder; it is the failures in their work that cause regularly occurring bouts of aching pain, which, in turn, can be compared with a feeling of heaviness;

    pain in the middle of the abdomen. The pain that manifests itself in this place indicates the presence of pathological processes in the large intestine (colitis);

    lower abdominal pain. The pain that occurs in this place can appear for various reasons. So, for example, in men, the lower abdomen can get sick due to infringement of the inguinal hernia or because of the appendix. In women, this pain can also be associated with appendicitis, however, in addition, these painful sensations may indicate the presence of any diseases of the ovaries and their appendages;

    pain in the umbilical region. If you have pain in the navel, then in this case the body signals the presence of an inflammatory process in the small intestine called enteritis;

    pain in the right side in the back. In this case, pain can occur for two different reasons: either due to a liver abscess, or due to pleurisy of the chest.

Causes of pain in the right side

So, as we have already said, pain in the right side can be associated with various diseases of the genitourinary and digestive systems. Next, we will tell you about the most common diseases that are accompanied by a similar painful symptom.

    Bowel disease

    Appendicitis. This disease can be conditionally divided into two types - acute appendicitis and chronic, where in each individual case the patient feels completely different painful sensations. So, for example, in chronic appendicitis, the pain is aching and pulling. In acute appendicitis, the patient is accompanied by quite intense and stabbing pains in the lower abdomen, which increase significantly with the slightest movement. As this disease "develops", the pain begins to be acute, thereby forcing the patient to take a certain position, namely, to lie on his right side, tightly pressing his knees to his stomach, which, in turn, in this situation becomes very hard. It should be borne in mind that with similar symptoms, it is imperative to immediately call ambulance because this disease requires immediate surgical intervention;

    Hepatitis. With this disease, the essence of which is the presence of an inflammatory process in the liver, the patient constantly feels a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium. And this feeling arises due to the fact that the liver itself increases in size, thereby stretching the capsule. Also, in patients with hepatitis, very often this painful symptom manifests itself during movement, for example, while walking or running;

    Chronic cholecystitis. The essence of this disease is the presence of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the gallbladder, while the patient is accompanied by pulling pains and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium. Often the pain syndrome manifests itself after drinking alcohol and fatty and fried food. By the way, in this case, for a cure, you must adhere to a strict diet;

    Colitis or inflammation of the large intestine. With this disease, which, in turn, occurs due to the presence of an infection or an autoimmune disease, the patient is accompanied by a pulling pain in the right side;

    Liver abscess. With this disease, a certain cavity with pus forms in the liver tissue, which in turn occurs against the background of chronic cholecystitis or against the background of cholelithiasis. A patient with a liver abscess feels pain in the right side from the back. This disease is treated only surgically, so it is better not to delay a visit to a specialist;

    Enteritis or inflammation of the small intestine. This disease occurs due to spasms of the intestine itself, while the patient feels cramping pain in the navel on the right;

    Pancreatitis. The essence of this disease is an inflammatory process in the pancreas. With pancreatitis, the patient feels pain, which is localized in the right and left hypochondrium;

2. Diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system

    Pyelonephritis of the right kidney. With this disease, the patient feels girdle pain in the right side. Another symptom of pyelonephritis is a decrease in urine during urination;

    Right-sided adnexitis and orphoritis. These diseases of the internal female genital organs are most often accompanied by pulling pain in the lower abdomen on the right; at the same time, painful sensations can be intense;

    Premenstrual syndrome. Of course, premenstrual syndrome has nothing to do with the disease, rather, it is just a physiological feature of each individual female body, however, the patient may be accompanied by quite severe pain in the lower abdomen. To eliminate the pain syndrome in this case, it is necessary to resort to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;

    Prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate. This disease is most often affected by men over the age of forty, who feel painful sensations of a pulling nature in the lower abdomen on the right and left sides;

    Infringement of inguinal hernia. It should be noted right away that this disease requires mandatory surgical intervention, because this infringement can lead to necrosis (necrosis) of the hernial sac. The symptoms of an incarcerated inguinal hernia are as follows: a sharp pain in the lower abdomen that occurs after performing any heavy physical exertion;

    Urethritis. The essence of this disease is an inflammatory process in the urethra, which is accompanied by burning and pain at the time of urination. At the moment when the inguinal lymph node is "involved" in this process, the patient feels a pulling pain, which is localized in the groin area on the right.

Additional symptoms

In addition to the pain in the right side itself, the patient may also be accompanied by "additional" symptoms, which, in turn, also help to establish the correct diagnosis. Next, we will tell you in more detail about what their presence can mean:

    Increased body temperature:

    regularly fever body one or two degrees above normal - clear sign the presence of a normal inflammatory process in the organs;

    temperature constantly changing throughout the day, rising above two degrees relative to the norm - a symptom of the presence of any purulent processes in the internal organs;

2. Vomiting and nausea. These symptoms can occur with absolutely any diseases associated with the digestive, genitourinary and nervous system, which is why nausea or vomiting cannot indicate any specific disease;

3. Burning. This painful symptom is manifested in diseases of the pelvic organs. In this case, the patient may feel pain during urination and during sexual contact.

Pain on the right side in the upper lateral region may indicate pathological damage to the kidneys, pancreas, ailments of the hepatobiliary tract, and sometimes damage to the lung tissue.

For accurate differential diagnosis, it is necessary to collect complete patient history data, pay attention to the data laboratory tests, and then establish a diagnosis, on the basis of which further therapy will be carried out. There are clinical cases when examination is necessary at once from several doctors. Soreness on the right at the level of the waist manifests itself for a number of different reasons.

To establish the exact causes of pain in the right side, a diagnostic examination is necessary.

It is very difficult to answer unambiguously what is disturbing on the right side, since several organs are located in this area. When one of the organs becomes inflamed, pain immediately occurs. So, pathological condition with characteristic pain on the right, can be triggered by the following diseases:

The nature and intensity of pain

In medical practice, there are various painful conditions characterized by mild pain that does not require therapeutic intervention and acute painful conditions that portend danger. Therefore, during a consultation with a doctor, it is necessary to report the location, nature and intensity of pain, as well as additional symptoms.

Table. Pain types

The nature of the paina brief description of
In the presence of pathologies, a dangerous sign may appear in the right side - acute pain. In this case, it is urgent to call an ambulance, there is a threat to life. A similar condition can occur during an exacerbation of appendicitis. Additionally, there is an increase in temperature.

Severe pain indicates an ectopic pregnancy, in this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance, since the risk of internal bleeding is high.

If the pain is localized from the back at waist level, this is a sign of renal colic.

Dull nature of the pain may occur along with constipation. With the localization of pain in the right hypochondrium, an inflammatory process of the appendage or cirrhosis of the liver is diagnosed. Pain occurs in the lower abdomen for the following reasons:

● inflammatory process in the intestines;
●pathology of the kidneys;
●problem ovulation;
● ectopic pregnancy.

The beginning of the inflammatory process of the appendix. A similar symptom is manifested in cholelithiasis, colitis. In women, the aching nature of pain can occur during an inflammatory process in the appendages, and in men it can signal the presence of an inguinal hernia. From the side of the back, pain is localized in the case of an ovarian cyst, a pathological lesion of the kidneys. Ailments accompanied by aching pains:

●diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Drawing pain can occur as one of the symptoms of the following diseases:

● colitis;
Often this type of pain is characteristic of gynecological pathologies. Periodically, women during menstruation may experience inflammation in the appendages, or endometriosis.

For colitis, in addition to pulling pain, symptoms such as nausea, increased gas formation, discomfort in the waist area are characteristic.

The following symptoms are reported about hepatic colic:

● vomiting;
● Stitching pain in hypochondrium.
The sharp nature of the pain is typical for intestinal obstruction, rupture of the fallopian tube, miscarriage. In addition, sharp pain is observed among the symptoms:

● ulcerative lesions of the duodenum;
●intercostal neuralgia;

Unpleasant sensations in the form of cramping pain are characteristic of renal colic or the presence of stones in the liver. The root cause of this condition lies in the dysfunction of the gallbladder. The inflammatory process that affects the large intestine is also accompanied by cramping pains.

Pain localization

In order to reliably diagnose pathology, it is necessary to accurately determine the localization of painful sensations. Pain on the right side can disturb in the hypochondrium or back, while characterizing various diseases.

Reference! If the pain is below the waist (lower abdomen), then women have gynecological problems, and men have pathologies of the genitourinary system.

In women, pain in the lower abdomen means mainly gynecological problems.

Back pain

This symptom indicates a variety of diseases:

It is worth noting that this localization of pain may indicate an infringement of the nerve roots in the back. To confirm an accurate diagnosis, a comprehensive diagnosis should be made.

Pain in the hypochondrium at the waistline

This pain syndrome is typical for many pathologies. First you should consider what internal organs are in this area. These are the pancreas, liver, intestines. Their pathologies can cause a painful condition in the patient. Problems with the gallbladder are not excluded.

With diaphragmatic hernia, hypochondrium pain is noted, which increases each time you inhale, and when you walk, you feel a burning sensation. An urgent (and later a comprehensive diagnostic examination) is needed.

Pain radiating to the lower abdomen

Malaise in women may be accompanied by pain on the right side. Thus, the inflammatory processes of the reproductive system are characterized by the spread of pain to the lower abdomen. An increased level of danger is determined during pregnancy and the presence of this type of pain. High chance of miscarriage.

Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is a dangerous sign

For men, this symptom is no less dangerous, since it indicates an infringement of an inguinal hernia. It is not excluded the appearance of prostatitis.

Reference! Pain that radiates down the abdomen is one of the signs of ailments of the lower back or caecum.

Who will help

If there is pain on the right side at the level of the waist, then it is necessary to go for a diagnosis. However, the question arises what kind of specialist is needed.

First you need to independently collect an anamnesis, that is, determine the nature of the pain, the exact localization and concomitant symptoms (the presence of vaginal discharge in women, frequent urge to urinate, etc.).

Professionals to visit

What to do when pain occurs

Most patients, when any symptom appears, begin to take independent actions, despite the fact that self-medication is strictly prohibited. So, what can be done if there is pain on the right at the level of the lower back:

Sometimes our body experiences pain. This brings suffering also because we do not know their causes, which in fact are not always serious.

If this condition lasts for several days in a row or the pain is very severe, then you need to seek help from a doctor.

Causes of pain in the right side

Regardless of which part of the abdomen hurts, right or left, or both, it can be a kidney problem. Although, in most cases, kidney pain is accompanied by other symptoms, such as frequent urination, fever, chills, blood in the urine.

Such a condition in which the right side or left lower abdomen of a woman hurts can be the cause of diseases and other organs located in this area, or due to muscle spasm in liver diseases, spinal infections, arthritis.

Appendicitis is the most common cause of pain on the right side of the abdomen.

Sometimes it happens fundamentally, in which part, left or right, the stomach hurts. If the pain spreads to the left, then these may be signs of pancreatitis, pancreas, diverticulosis or deverticulitis, stones in the left kidney.

But if pain prevails in the right side of the abdomen, then this may be a manifestation of diseases such as:

This is the most common cause of pain on the right side of the abdomen. There is swelling or inflammation of the process of the colon in the form of a small bag. Sometimes the cause of its inflammation becomes trapped in it foreign body.

Appendicitis - swelling or inflammation of the colon

The first symptom when it occurs is sensations of pain around the navel. At first it is a mild pain, but then it becomes more acute. Nausea and a slight increase in temperature may also occur.

  • flatulence and increased gas formation

Various disorders associated with the intestines cause pain, especially in the lower abdomen on the right side. This is often due to the fact that gases accumulate. Their reasons are very diverse: the use of foods that form increased gas formation is too fast food, stressful situation, poor digestion.

The most common symptom is a tingling sensation in the abdomen, accompanied by bloating.

  • liver disease

Liver - big organ, located in the upper right part of our abdomen, but when problems arise with the liver, the right side in the lower abdomen usually hurts. A woman, like a man, The most common cause of discomfort and pain in the liver is fatty liver.(accumulation of fat in this organ) and inflammation of its tissues.

  • peptic ulcer

Pathologies such as ulcers occur on the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum(the first part of the small intestine). The symptoms of the disease are burning in the stomach and a feeling of discomfort, mainly in the lower abdomen.

Frequent use of aspirin and ibuprofen can attract serious stomach problems

Among the causes of ulcers can be noted long-term use of drugs (such as ibuprofen or aspirin) and Helicobacter pylori.

  • bladder inflammation and kidney problems

This disease has a medical name - cystitis. The inflammatory process is caused by an infection. But hypothermia also plays an important role in this disease.

Also, cystitis can cause microtrauma or radiation.

In this case, the pain can spread to such places that it is difficult for them to contact the inflammation of this particular organ. Often the right side of the lower abdomen hurts.

But a woman may, for example, have pain in the spine, in the anus, or have a headache.

If the right side of the lower abdomen of a woman hurts, this may indicate the presence of stones or an inflammatory process in the right kidney. In this case, the pain can be given to the right side of the back.

  • diseases of the genital organs

In diseases of the uterus and appendages, the main symptom is abdominal pain. The same manifestation in the presence of malformations of the female genital organs.

Usually the right side of the lower abdomen hurts. In addition, a woman gradually develops pain in the rectum, lower back, and sacrum.

The most noticeable pain manifestations in such diseases:

  • torsion of the cyst leg;
  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • benign tumors of the ovary;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the uterus;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • menstrual pain with malformations of the uterus;
  • endometriosis.

At the beginning of the inflammatory process in the uterus and appendages, the pain is localized above the pubic part, and in case of disease of the appendages, it covers the lower lateral parts or on one side. After a few hours, the condition deteriorates sharply.

Body temperature can rise up to 39 degrees.

Pain may appear in the postpartum period, after an abortion, after using an intrauterine contraceptive, or after an X-ray examination of the fallopian tubes, in which the uterine cavity is filled with a special substance.

  • breaking cycles

The most common cause in which the right side of the lower abdomen in a woman hurts is a violation of the menstrual cycle.

More than half of women experience this problem during their lifetime.

It's a departure from the norm may occur after heavy menstruation after the stress, colds taking certain medications, etc.

normal cycle woman

If the cycle is disturbed, symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen, heavy bleeding and irregular menstruation. This process is disrupted hormonal background pituitary and ovaries. Pathology is considered when the interval between cycles is from 1,5 before 2 months or less 21 day.

  • ovulation

It is arranged by nature that in one month an egg matures in the left ovary, and the next month in the right. Between periods, women ovulate. In this moment mature egg is released from the ovary. At this time, the right side of the lower abdomen hurts. Sometimes a woman has minor spotting.

Such pains are usually not dangerous and do not require treatment. But sometimes this pain syndrome is quite noticeable. The appendix is ​​located on the side of the right ovary, it is noticed that more often, women experience pain during ovulation, when the egg matures in the right ovary. With this manifestation of ovulation, you should contact a medical institution.

Sometimes the follicle is large enough that when it ruptures, the walls of the ovary are damaged, causing bleeding into the abdominal cavity.

This is a very serious situation and requires mandatory hospitalization of the woman.

A pregnant woman may experience pain in the lower abdomen. Should be paid Special attention if the pain is constant or has an increased intensity.

In addition to problems with digestive system when the right side of the lower abdomen hurts, a woman may have an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the fertilized egg, falling into one of the fallopian tubes, begins to develop and increase in volume.

During gestation, natural pain may occur.

The fallopian tube stretches and becomes thinner, and then it ruptures. At the same time, internal bleeding begins, the pain intensifies, the body temperature rises significantly, dizziness may begin and fainting may occur.

In this case, immediate medical attention is required. Usually an ectopic pregnancy ends with a rupture of the tube in 3 or 6 - a week after fertilization. Sometimes this happens a spontaneous abortion, when the fallopian tube, contracting, pushes the egg.

Besides, during gestation, natural pain may occur that do not require medical intervention. For example, when the fetus moves or when the uterine cavity is stretched due to the growth of the fetus.

  • vascular and lymphatic diseases

The lymphatic system removes pathogenic lymphocytes from the body, thus protecting the body. But if the attack of lymphocytes is too extensive, then the lymph nodes do not cope with the task and inflame.

With inflammation of the lymph node located in the groin, lymphadenitis occurs. The pain often radiates down the abdomen on the right side.

When layering intoxication, body temperature may increase.

Dilated veins in the pelvis disrupt the normal outflow of blood from the organs located in this place. Such pathology can develop in girls and women during puberty or during pregnancy.

This is caused by hormonal changes in the body. Periodic pain in the future becomes permanent. Localized in most cases on the right side.

How to recognize appendicitis

Many adults have a specific scar in the lower abdomen, indicating an operation to remove the appendix. Although this the operation is not dangerous, but you should be aware of the symptoms, for its timely diagnosis and prevention of danger to life.

Appendicitis test: When you press the lower abdomen, the pain appears, and when the hand is abruptly released, it disappears

Unpleasant sensations in the umbilical part after a while can shift down and to the right side of the abdomen. If the pain increases with movement, it is recommended to visit a doctor.

The condition of appendicitis will deteriorate rapidly.

This should be a signal to immediately go to the emergency room. Very common with appendicitis chills and fever appear. If such a condition is combined with abdominal pain, then this fact should not be ignored.

Patient's appetite decreases, nausea and, in some cases, diarrhea appear. If this condition lasts for 12 hours, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Physicians have small test who never fails. When you press the lower abdomen, the pain appears, and when the hand is suddenly released, it disappears. However, you do not need to repeat such a test often, so as not to risk it.

If you or your loved ones have these symptoms, go to the hospital immediately.

Dangerous symptoms

Often, abdominal pain is not given due attention, but such an attitude to health is unreasonable. This could lead to serious illnesses. requiring emergency surgery.

If assistance is not provided on time, it can lead to peritonitis and blood poisoning. This condition of a person in which there is a danger to life, doctors call "sharp belly".

According to doctors, the danger is the following symptoms:

  • abdominal trauma;
  • vomiting bloody mass;
  • black feces;
  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • sharp pain that came on suddenly;
  • pain in the abdomen, in which muscle tension occurs;
  • pain in abdomen, with retention of stool and without passing flatus;
  • cold sweat and pallor, accompanied by pain in the abdomen;
  • palpitations associated with abdominal pain.

Even if the pain is intermittent and sometimes weakens, after which it increases again, you should call an ambulance. Every hour of delay can aggravate the condition. This not only increases the cost of treatment, but can also cost the patient his life.

What to do if there is pain?

Any pain in the abdomen its heating is strictly contraindicated, taking antibiotics, washing the stomach or intestines, as well as taking laxative drugs.

It is allowed to take some antispasmodic, for example, no-shpu

Doctors advise putting such a patient to bed.

Until the arrival of the doctor, do not give him food and water. You can put a cool heating pad on the patient's stomach for a while. It is allowed to take some kind of antispasmodic, for example but-shpu.

Do not risk your health and the health of your loved ones - do not postpone the moment of contacting a medical institution with acute pain in the abdomen.

In this video you can learn about the causes of pain in the right side of the lower abdomen:

In this video, you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the causes of pain in the lower abdomen in women and methods of treatment:

In this video, you can learn about the causes of pain in the lower abdomen in women:

Pain in the right side can occur with various diseases and injuries. With acute pain in the right side, you should immediately call an ambulance, as this may be a symptom of appendicitis.

If the right side under the ribs hurts a lot

Strong under the ribs can indicate both acute or chronic diseases, as well as injuries or physical overload. Most often, this symptom indicates the presence of the following problems:

  • Diseases of the liver. Frequent pains in the right side under the ribs most often indicate problems with the liver. It can be viral diseases liver, for example, B, C and others. Lifestyle can also negatively affect the health of this organ. For example, abuse alcoholic drinks contributes to liver dysfunction. In this case, the development of alcoholic hepatitis is possible. The liver can also hurt with the abuse of fatty foods, as well as with smoking. Another cause of pain in the liver is poisoning. medicines. Most often, these are antibiotics and other drugs that have a toxic effect on the liver tissue. If a person has heart problems, then the liver can also suffer. Due to the fact that the heart cannot cope with its functions, stagnation of blood forms in the liver, which leads to the appearance of painful sensations.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder. For the digestion of food, bile, which is produced by liver cells, plays a huge role. The main role of bile is the breakdown of fats, which then enter the intestines, and in this state can be absorbed into the blood. Excess bile enters the gallbladder. If a person consumes too much, then additional portions of bile come out of the gallbladder, since the bile produced by the liver may not be enough. In this case, if there is an infection or stones in the gallbladder, then the release of bile when eating fatty foods (or other choleretic products) may be accompanied by severe pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • Diseases of the pancreas. This organ is located in the abdominal cavity and performs a number of important functions, in particular, it is responsible for the production of certain hormones and digestive enzymes. Severe pain in the right side, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and profuse sweating, can signal pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas. Inflammation of the pancreas can occur with overuse alcohol, complications of diseases of the gallbladder, with complications of operations on the stomach, as well as with various injuries of the abdominal cavity.
  • Diaphragm diseases. Diaphragm disease is quite rare. Pain in the right side under the ribs can occur with diseases internal organs that press on the diaphragm. Diaphragm enlargement is also noted during pregnancy. Other causes of diaphragmatic pain can be tumors of the diaphragm, hernia of the diaphragm, thinning of the right dome of the diaphragm (very rare), abdominal trauma, in which diaphragm ruptures are possible.
  • Intestinal diseases. Often, with severe pain in the right hypochondrium, doctors suspect appendicitis. As a rule, this suspicion is not removed until other causes of such a symptom are discovered. With sharp pains in the right side, you should immediately seek medical help, because if the appendix ruptures, a person can die.

If the right side of the lower abdomen hurts a lot

Pain in the right side in the lower abdomen can occur due to the following reasons:

  • Acute appendicitis . This is one of the most common causes of severe pain in the right side of the lower abdomen. As a rule, with acute appendicitis, pain is first felt in the pit of the stomach. At first, it is quite tolerable, but over time it constantly intensifies and passes to the iliac region. Then the pains begin to spread into the rectum, which makes it painful for a person to stand and walk. In addition to pain, a person with acute appendicitis also has a fever and nausea. With such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Acute pancreatitis. Attacks of acute pancreatitis are often accompanied by severe pain in the right side of the lower abdomen. In this case, the patient may have moving pain throughout the lower abdomen. As with appendicitis, an attack of acute pancreatitis may be accompanied by severe bouts of vomiting and high temperature.
  • Infectious and inflammatory bowel diseases. Pain in the right side of the lower abdomen is possible with some infectious and inflammatory bowel diseases. In particular, such a picture is given by ulcerative colitis, ileitis, Crohn's disease, diarrhea provoked by worms or infection.
  • Compression of nerve endings. In some cases, pain in the right side is caused by compression of the nerve fibers passing in this area.
  • Diseases of the urinary organs. may be associated with bladder or kidney disease. Sharp pain may indicate the advancement of a stone that descends into bladder along the ureter.

If the right side hurts a lot during pregnancy

During pregnancy, pain in the right side can occur due to the above diseases. Pregnant women may also have problems with the liver, appendix, pancreas and genitourinary system that gives these symptoms.

But most often, pain in the right side during pregnancy is associated with pressure from the uterus on the diaphragm, which causes aching pain and a feeling of heaviness.

In some cases, pain in the right side during pregnancy may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

On later dates pregnancy, a woman is often worried about dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract. This violation can contribute to the appearance of the inflammatory process and the formation of stones. On the other hand, dyskinesia itself can be one of the manifestations of cholelithiasis.

As a rule, pains in the right side during pregnancy are aching and dull. Pain may be aggravated by fetal movements. In this case, the nature of the pain will largely depend on the position of the fetus in the uterus.

What to do if the right side hurts

If you are concerned about pain in your right side, then you should definitely consult a doctor to find out the causes of such a symptom. Acute pain with high fever and nausea may indicate appendicitis or an attack of acute pancreatitis. In such a situation, you should immediately call an ambulance.

If you call an ambulance, then doctors do not recommend drinking analgesics, as they can distort the symptoms of the underlying disease and mislead doctors.

Depending on the symptoms and suspicions of the cause of pain in the right side, a person may need the help of a gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, urologist, gynecologist, surgeon and other specialists.

Even at completely healthy person at times, there may be a pulling and aching pain in the right side of the abdomen. This phenomenon usually accompanies sudden physical exercise(running, brisk walking) or eating disorders. In this case, an experienced gastroenterologist will say that you have congestion in the biliary tract. An overflowing gallbladder can respond to the tension of the anterior abdominal wall in this way. If, after an attack of pain in your right side, you feel discomfort along the intestines in the form of burning and spasms, this will only confirm the preliminary diagnosis in absentia. This will mean that the gallbladder under tension of the anterior abdominal wall has contracted, and bile has gone through the intestines. Most likely, the attack will end for you with loose stools and subsequent relief of the condition. But you should not ignore such a reaction of the body.

Right hypochondrium starts below the diagram

The location of the area, which is called the "right hypochondrium", begins below the diaphragm, which is hidden under the second rib on the right. Vertically, this space is bounded by a semicircle that covers the ribs on the right side from the midline of the abdomen to the back of the spinal column.

By localization, the location of organs in front and behind is determined. Horizontally from below, this area ends with a visual line that runs from the ilium to the navel. Below this line is the inguinal region.

Behind the anterior abdominal wall in the region of the right hypochondrium are the liver (above the costal arch in the physiological state), colon, duodenum, gallbladder, upper loops of the small intestine. Behind in this area, the tail of the pancreas and the right kidney can be identified. Back pain may also indicate radicular syndrome with osteochondrosis of the thoracic or lumbar part of the spinal column.

What are the causes of discomfort

In addition to the acute conditions listed above, pain in the right hypochondrium can cause cholecystitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, helminthic invasion of the liver and gallbladder. If the sensations are localized behind, then a differential diagnosis of pyelonephritis and osteochondrosis of the lumbar and thoracic spine is carried out. In case of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, their pelvises and glomeruli, Pasternatsky's symptom will be positive (with a light blow with the edge of the palm on the lower costal edge from the back, the patient feels pain). With osteochondrosis, there is a radicular syndrome (drawing pains along the nerves) and tension syndrome (muscles along the spine are tense and painful on palpation).

If discomfort is caused by diseases of the liver and gallbladder, then the symptoms are accompanied by nausea, heaviness, poor health, yellowish coating on the tongue, bitterness in the mouth. On palpation of the anterior abdominal wall, a tense gallbladder or an increase and induration of the liver is determined.

With pancreatitis, pain in the right hypochondrium is diffuse and often turns into. Gallstone disease gives an attack of burning, acute, almost unbearable pain in the right side. This is often accompanied by vomiting and severe weakness. The patient feels chills. The skin is covered with a cold sticky sweat. The anterior wall of the abdomen is tense and painful.

Table: Localization of pain syndrome and symptoms of diseases

Where is the pain in the right side Supposed Problem
Up Diseases of the liver, pancreas
At the bottom Adnexitis, ovarian apoplexy, inflammation of the colon
Under the ribs Pancreatitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia
Front congestion of bile, inflammation or injury of the diaphragm, inflammation of the lower lobe of the lung, cholelithiasis
Behind Pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, osteochondrosis, herpes zoster
In the groin Acute appendicitis, colitis, constipation, adnexitis
Near the navel peptic ulcer duodenal ulcer, ascariasis, giardiasis, echinococcosis

What to do if there is pain in the right side of the abdomen - treatment options

Feeling pain in the right side of the abdomen, you should not delay contacting a doctor

For any pain in the right side of the abdomen, you should immediately seek medical help. If the pain in your side is so severe that you cannot move on your own, call an ambulance.
