
Recipe for chicken soup for the sick. Getting rid of vegetables

amazing dish, which has a long-standing reputation for natural medicinal product. It restores the strength of patients, helps in rehabilitation after operations, helps fight colds and viral diseases. Fresh homemade broth improve the patency of the bronchi and dilute sputum, increase the work of the stomach in case of indigestion, alleviate the condition of patients with gastritis with hyperacidity normalizes the heart rhythm.

There is a lot of protein in the broth - more than in meat. IN chicken broth contains B vitamins that regulate the work nervous system, fat metabolism and stimulating hematopoiesis, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acid protecting against hypertension, heart attacks and strokes. The broth also contains easily digestible iron, copper, selenium, calcium and magnesium. In people with excess hemoglobin, the broth thins the blood.

To properly prepare this delicious and such a healthy dish, you need to follow a few simple recommendations.

First of all, choose the type of dish you want. If you want to get rich and strong broth, take a whole gutted . The more clear broth you want themes less meat should be in it. The most transparent diet broth chik is cooked only from bones.

If you cook the broth from a whole chicken, then, depending on the size of the pan and your desire, you can cook it whole or cut it into pieces - this will not affect the taste of the dish.

Dip the washed meat into the pan, wait for it to boil and drain the first broth - those chemicals that, unfortunately, are now found in almost any product, will pass into it: they enter the body of the chicken with food. Wash the chicken again and rinse the pot. Cover the chicken again with water and bring to a boil. small fire, after a while, add vegetables - (right in the husk), whole or halved carrots, greens. Don't add too much fragrant spices: allspice, etc. Boil the broth for two hours. If you do not want it to be greasy, remove the fat that stands out with a spoon. At the end of cooking, put a bay leaf.

Remove all meat, bones and vegetables from the finished broth. Strain the broth - and you can eat it (or drink it, depending on your preference). If desired, add raw, greens and pieces of carrots to the broth.

A more transparent broth is cooked in exactly the same way, but for its cooking only bones are used without meat or with its remains and chicken giblets. You can buy a special soup set - it includes what remains after cutting chicken carcass on a fillet. It takes less to cook such a broth than from whole carcass A: about an hour and a half.

most transparent and light broth cooked only from bones. It only takes one hour to cook.

You can not add any vegetables to the broth, but cook it only from chicken. It will be almost as tasty, although not as rich in flavor.

Finally, we will give you some tips for using chicken broth. It can be used to make soups, gravies and sauces, added a little when cooking rice or buckwheat porridge. The broth will add flavor and juiciness. stews- add a little to meat or poultry, and the result will please you very much.

The broth can be stored for a long time, if you pour it into Plastic container or plastic bag and place in freezer. You just need to defrost the broth when you want it, and then use it as usual.

Stay with "Home Guru" and you will learn all the secrets of delicious, healthy and simple meals which can be prepared from chicken.

After major operations on the abdominal organs, they usually refrain from introducing food to the patient for 24-36 hours. However, longer fasting is unacceptable, since it not only exhausts the patient, but also maintains postoperative acidosis, suppresses the motility of the stomach and intestines, and predisposes to various complications.

In the postoperative period, the surgeon individually, depending on the nature of the surgical intervention and the patient's condition, determines the necessary diet, meal times and further expansion of the diet. As before surgery, in the postoperative period, much attention is paid to the introduction of enough liquids, salts and carbohydrates, in the following days - proteins and vitamins.

After resection of the stomach, hunger is prescribed for 36-48 hours. In case of dry mouth, it is allowed to rinse the mouth or wipe the oral cavity with a damp swab. The body's need for fluids and salts is met by intravenous administration of saline and 5% glucose solution.

On the 2nd day, the attending physician may allow one glass of sweet tea, which is given in a teaspoon every 15-20 minutes during the day.

On the 3rd day, the patient receives two glasses of liquid (low-fat, weak broth and sweet tea) also in separate sips throughout the day.

On the 4-5th day, broth or slimy soup, jelly, jelly, sweet tea, fruit or berry juices, divorced sweet warm water(diet 0).

On the 6th-7th-8th day, a surgical diet 1 is prescribed, which includes following products and dishes: 100 g of crackers from white bread all day liquid semolina or porridge made from rice or buckwheat flour, cooked in water with the addition of not a large number milk and butter, broth or slimy soup, meat steam soufflé or meat puree, steam omelet, soft-boiled eggs, butter, kefir, jelly, jelly, rosehip infusion, sweet tea, juices from fresh berries and fruits. Necessary frequent meals every 2 hours, one dish should be no more than 200-250 g per reception.

On the 8-9th day after the operation, the patient is transferred to a diet of 13. In some medical institutions this diet is designated 1 surgical.

In case of total resection of the stomach in the first days after the operation, nutrition is carried out according to Spasokukotsky: nutrient mixture from two eggs, 400 g of milk, 50 g of sugar and 25 g of butter. As prescribed by the doctor, the patient is fed 2-3 times a day.

After surgery on the biliary tract, with a normal course without complications, the patient's nutrition is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • 1st day the patient does not receive food through the mouth
  • on the 2nd day - sweet tea, jelly, slimy soup without oil; you can write a diet 0
  • on the 3rd-4th-5th day, a surgical diet 1a is prescribed with the replacement of the broth with slimy soup and eggs with protein steam omelet
  • from the 6th day the patient is transferred to a diet 5a
After resection of the small intestine, which is performed by urologists for ureteroplasty:
  • 1st day the patient is fasting
  • 2nd day get diet 0
  • 3-4-5th day - surgical diet 1 with subsequent transfer to diet 13, 5a or 4
Patients operated on for acute uncomplicated appendicitis are prescribed surgical diet 1 for the first 2-3 days, then diet 13, before discharge the patient is transferred to diet 2 or 5. In case of complicated appendicitis, nutrition is carried out according to the patient's condition.

After a gynecological or urological operation, diet 1 surgical is prescribed for 2-3 days, then diet 13 or 5.

If a person is weakened, squeezes out after an injury or operation, poisoning, the first thing he is given is chicken broth, which is capable, with correct use very helpful in recovery. Let's look at how to cook chicken broth for a patient in case of poisoning, in order to bring maximum benefit to him, and not harm him. To do this, you need to know some rules.

What are the benefits of chicken broth?

If a person has gone, he severe vomiting, he is sick, he has diarrhea - he loses a lot of fluid and, along with it, useful substances such as sodium and potassium. To restore all these components, after poisoning, the patient is given droppers that restore the lost nutrients and restore the intestinal microflora.

Chicken broth is useful, because the product is not fatty, easily digestible, and will not harm the patient's body. But - when cooking, you need to remove fat and skin, the most harmful chicken part.
To bring the broth maximum benefit, it must be given according to the scheme - on the first day, nothing at all, or 50 grams, on the second already 100-120 ml, on the third you can already add vegetables, on the fourth - meat, well boiled, and better - grated.

Chicken broth contains many useful substances in the form of vitamins of almost the entire group B, and the most important for us: A, E, C, D. In addition, a whole set of trace elements in the form of phosphorus, magnesium, iodine with iron and potassium will be very useful to the patient.

Chicken broth after poisoning is also useful for the presence of proteins with amino acids in the composition.
Such an excellent composition allows the patient to get back on his feet faster after poisoning, and increase immunity, while it is light, and does not give an extra burden to the sick organism.

When cooked broth can harm

Not every broth can be useful for a sick person. It is unacceptable to give it in case of poisoning, if it is cooked:

With factory, stuffed with chemistry of early chicken;
- if you decide to create soup from cubes, in which there is nothing useful, only harm;
- not possible with alcohol poisoning soak in chicken broth. It is supposed to drink plenty of water, moreover, in the form of clean water that removes toxins;
- it is unacceptable to add hot spices in the first days of illness.
- on the first day, cook without vegetables and with a minimum of salt.

It must be remembered that in severe cases of departure, the broth will not help at all, you need to urgently call an ambulance. When treatment is already prescribed, you can already give chicken broth after poisoning, but starting from the very easy option, which we will discuss below.
By the end of the treatment week, you can already think for the patient.

Chicken broth recipe for the sick

It would seem that what kind of wisdom is to cook a broth: he threw the chicken into the water, cooked it and gave it to the patient to drink. But no, there are a lot of rules here, and they must be followed if you want recovery, and not aggravation of the disease.

Important steps in the preparation of medicinal broth:

1. The chicken must be a laying hen, grown at home, without the use of chemicals, on grass and normal feed. Not a broiler, in the cultivation of which all kinds of additives are used for their rapid growth, namely, the usual laying hen, which the hostesses keep for eggs, it can be 2-3 years old, and the quality of the yushka will not suffer from this.
2. How to cook chicken broth for a patient correctly - wash the chicken thoroughly, feathers, paws, remove the head, all the insides - be sure, and rinse thoroughly. By and large, you can safely remove the breast from the chicken, there is no fat from it. As the patient recovers a little, after 2-3 days, steamed cutlets can be cooked from the breast for a second.
3. If you are thinking whether chicken broth is possible in case of poisoning, it is definitely necessary, but - we remove the skin and all the fat - the load for the sick body in the form of fats is not needed. Next, cut up the chicken and put it in a bowl. Pour in clean water so that all the meat is covered, let it boil, after a couple of minutes we ruthlessly drain everything, wash the chicken, and fill it with clean cold water. Everything, as soon as it boils - without covering with a lid, we make the fire the smallest, and cook, observing that it barely boils, slightly swaying. Such a recipe will give a clear broth and the most useful.
4. When cooking, it is possible and even desirable to add an onion head to the chicken. By the way, if you do not completely clean it, leave the lower layers, the broth will get golden color. Aesthetics is also, you know, an important matter.
5. On the second day, you can also add carrots, on the third day, if you are thinking about how to cook chicken broth for a patient, you can also add potatoes, and if his health has improved significantly - the very boiled breast, which was separated from the chicken on the first day.
6. How much to cook the broth: the recipe says - until the meat is completely cooked and begins to separate freely from the bones.
7. On the first day, serve the broth without anything, in an amount of 50-70 ml, on the second - add croutons (we take white bread, yesterday), on the third - vegetables, and according to the patient's condition - pureed meat.
8. Such a chicken broth, a recipe for a patient, in case of poisoning is just salvation. If you adhere to all of the above tips, you will get a healing yushka.

Keep in mind that the healing process can take up to a week or more. Need to be carefully monitored right diet, consult a doctor, be sure to wash your hands, because the body is weakened, the infection immediately grabs. In addition to the fact that you need to know how to cook the broth correctly, the recipe is correct, you also need to add non-sweet compote to the menu, it is better to use dried fruits, rice porridge, just boiled on water, buckwheat (the same way), you can rice water, also allowed during this period, enveloping the intestines. All these products do not injure the mucous membrane and start the mechanism of recovery.
After the start of the healing process, you can already give.

Chicken broth after poisoning

We have described the broth recipe in detail, now we will give some recommendations received from nutritionists, doctors and cooks in preparing chicken broth for a sick person:

The best leg broth;
- the foam can not be removed, it will settle in the process, then strain, and all the useful substances will remain in place;
- cook the broth for about 3 hours, if we throw vegetables - then after 1.5 hours of cooking, then remove after turning off. They have already given everything useful to Yushka.

Jewish penicillin - this is the name received healing broth from chicken. It will enhance the taste and color of its preliminary baking in a dry frying pan of carrots and onions.
Do not put sweet peas - the whole taste of the chicken will be killed, only black and lavrushka.
Parsley, dill, celery, parsnip are good for cooking broth.
For better taste salt the broth at the beginning of cooking.
By the end of the week, you can already give.

For convalescents, Masha Zolina talks very interestingly about the preparation of chicken broth, or rather, even soup, see:

It is one of the keys to maintaining the beauty, health and youth of our body. A balanced meal allows you to get a certain set of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems.

One of the most useful products that have a beneficial effect on human health is dietary chicken broth. It is no coincidence that it is his doctors who advise patients to use it with severe colds or in the postoperative period.

In this article, we will talk about useful properties ah light chicken broth, and also share recipes for its preparation.

Benefits of chicken broth for our body

Properly prepared chicken broth is the most valuable source of:

  • squirrel;
  • proteins and peptides;
  • polyunsaturated acids;
  • minerals: iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, etc.;
  • cysteine.

It contains a large amount of protein, which supports the normal functioning of all systems of our body. Wherein this dish does not create an additional load on the digestive tract, therefore, its digestion does not require large energy costs.

The increased protein content in the broth helps the body gain strength to fight infections and viruses, which means it can recover faster. Thanks to high content proteins, peptides and polyunsaturated acids, light, unsalted chicken broth is indicated for patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

It helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood, restores the muscle tissue of the heart, and normalizes the heartbeat. And after surgical operations, it helps to improve blood circulation in damaged areas.

Dietary chicken is indicated for various diseases digestive system, as it affects the secretion of digestive juice.

The broth made from chicken contains B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes in our body. Regular use this healthy dish improves immunity, normalizes the work of the central nervous system.

A sufficiently large amount of easily digestible iron contributes to an increase in hemoglobin, enrichment of the body with oxygen, and also has a beneficial effect on the processes of hematopoiesis.

Is all chicken broth considered equally healthy?

Homemade chicken broth is especially useful.

Any chicken broth contains a certain set of vitamins and minerals. But their quantity and, consequently, the useful properties of the dish largely depend on which part of the bird it was cooked from.

The broth brewed from soup set, since the bones and cartilage contain more elements necessary for health than the pulp.

The broth made from breast meat is considered the most dietary, although it is very inferior in terms of the content of useful substances to the "on the bone" soup. But for many diseases, this option is the most preferable.

For tasty and healthy broth you need to choose lean chicken carcasses. Better choose meat poultry and not broiler chickens. When preparing a dish, it is recommended to drain the first water, as substances harmful to the body are released into it.

Improve taste and useful features broth can be added to it various vegetables, herbs and some salt.

Energy value of chicken broth

The calorie content of the broth is largely determined by what part of the chicken it was made from. The fat content of the taken carcass, the duration of cooking, as well as the use of additional ingredients also affect the nutritional value of the dish.

The average calorie content of 100 g of chicken broth ranges from 50 to 250 kcal. The lightest and most dietary broth is obtained from skinless chicken breast meat. His energy value is only 15-20 kcal per 100 g of product.

Popular recipes for making diet chicken broth

Making broth is not difficult at all.

It is better to cook dietary broth from fresh chicken breasts, necks or backs. The skin must be removed from the meat.
On the Internet you can find various options making chicken broth. Consider the most popular of them.

Classic variant

To prepare the broth you will need:

  • bulb;
  • medium carrot;
  • parsley root;
  • seasonings to taste (bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns).

Wash and clean vegetables. Pour the washed meat without skin necessary quantity cold water and set to boil. After boiling, continue to cook the meat for 5 minutes over medium heat, then drain the first water and rinse the chicken with warm boiled water.

Then pour it into a clean bowl. cold water, lay the meat, prepared vegetables and spices and cook the broth over low heat for 40-50 minutes, stirring occasionally and removing the foam.

Ready broth must be filtered. It can be served with fresh herbs, boiled eggs, vegetables, chicken meat on which the broth was cooked.

Diet broth with rice and egg

To prepare the broth you will need:

  • chicken meat (breast, neck or back) - 0.5 kg;
  • rice - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • bulb;
  • medium carrot;
  • - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley root;
  • salt and seasonings to taste (bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns).

The first stages of preparing the broth will be the same as in previous recipe. After the carrots are ready, meat and vegetables must be caught from the broth. Chicken and carrots are cut in small pieces, the bow is thrown out.

Chopped meat, carrots, washed rice and spices are sent to the pan. In parallel, eggs are boiled in another pan. The broth is cooked until the rice is ready. Ready meal served with half an egg.

Bouillon with herbs and eggs

How to cook chicken broth? Properly and tasty cooking chicken broth is not difficult. You will need quality meat, clean filtered water and a small amount of spices and fresh vegetables taste. At the end, chopped greens are added for decoration and pleasant aroma.

Chicken broth - liquid chicken broth, fragrant and pleasant to the taste dietary product with useful features. used as independent dish with disorders of the digestive system and mild colds, for the preparation of sauces, soups, cereals, side dishes and gourmet dishes - salad soups (Laotian green peas with yogurt), etc.

chicken broth calories

The nutritional value and richness of the broth depends on the part of the chicken taken for cooking. From the breast skinned it turns out a lean and light decoction. When using drumsticks and wings, the broth has rich taste and rich texture.

Average calorie content 100 g of chicken broth is 15 kcal (2 g of protein per 100 g).

Do not be afraid to get better by eating diet chicken-based soup. Use one of several proposed recipes for a delicious and healthy meal, but first culinary tricks. Without them, nowhere.

  1. For tasty and juicy meat salt the broth when boiling. To achieve a beautiful, clear chicken broth, add salt at the end of cooking, as you would with beef broth.
  2. Cook with the lid fully closed to speed up the process - risk of getting cloudy broth due to the strong boiling of water and active foaming.
  3. To make the broth golden, add a small amount onion peel or an unpeeled onion.
  4. When cooking diet soup it is not recommended to use vegetable frying in vegetable oil. It increases calories. Passing is undesirable for baby food.
  5. The transparency of the broth depends on the fat content of the chicken pieces. Take a breast or fillet, carefully remove excess fat from the thighs and the whole carcass. The sirloin part makes the product more dietary, but less rich, with a mild chicken flavor compared to products from other parts of the bird.

Classic chicken broth recipe


  • Chicken (chilled gutted) - 700-900 g,
  • Carrots - 1 piece,
  • Onion - 1 head,
  • Black pepper - 2 peas,
  • Dill - 2 sprigs.


  1. My chicken running water.
  2. I take a large bowl (3-liter pan) to fit the gutted bird carcass. I pour cold filtered water.
  3. I put it on the stove. I turn on the maximum fire, bring the water to a boil.
  4. I pour the first chicken broth into the sink. I pour new filtered and clean water.
  5. I boil, remove the foam as it forms. I lower the temperature to the lowest.
  6. I cut the peeled carrots into two parts. I cook chicken with it for 15 minutes. Then I take the carrots out of the broth without removing the pan from the stove.
  7. I throw the whole onion, peeled from the husk, into the prepared broth, salt and pepper.
  8. I cook for 1.5-2 hours at a minimum temperature. I check the readiness of the chicken with a fork. Cutlery should easily go into the meat.
  9. I take out the onion and chicken from the broth. Boiled meat can be used in the preparation of Chicken with Pineapple salad.
  10. I filter and pour the broth, on top I throw chopped sprigs of dill.

Video recipe

How to make chicken breast broth

Breast - the most useful part Chicken. White meat contains a large amount of valuable protein (23 g per 100 g of product) with a minimum fat value (1.9 g/100 g). Thanks to this, the breast (especially in boiled) is used in dietology, is part of the daily diet of athletes and active followers of a healthy lifestyle.

The recipe is very simple. Let's cook delicious broth from chicken breast without adding vegetables and a lot of spices.


  • Breast - 500 g,
  • Water - 1 l,
  • Salt - half a teaspoon
  • Dill - 5 g.


  1. my chicken breast flowing water. I send it to a pot with a 2-liter capacity. I pour water. Salt.
  2. After boiling, cook the breast on low heat for 50 minutes. I do not allow the foam to spread over the broth, I remove it in a timely manner with a slotted spoon.
  3. 10 minutes before readiness, I throw in finely chopped dill.

I serve dietary broth in a deep plate with cut pieces of breast.

How to cook chicken broth with eggs


  • chicken bones with pieces of meat - 400 g,
  • Onion - 1 small head
  • Carrots - 1 piece,
  • Black pepper - 4 peas,
  • Fresh herbs - a few sprigs of dill, green onion,
  • Bay leaf- 1 piece,
  • Vegetable oil - half a tablespoon,
  • Salt - to taste.


  1. For getting rich broth I take chicken bones with pieces of meat. I carefully sort and wash. I send it to the pan, pour 1.5 liters of water. Bring to a boil and skim off the foam.
  2. I turn the fire down to low. While the chicken bones are languishing and give all the juices, I am engaged vegetable dressing.
  3. I clean vegetables, cut into large pieces. I fry in a skillet. I pass on vegetable oil.
  4. I shift the vegetables to the meat base, add black pepper. I cook for 45 minutes. I set the fire weak. 10-15 minutes before readiness, I put the eggs in a separate bowl to boil.
  5. I throw lavrushka into the broth. A little salt. I let it brew for 10 minutes, removing it from the stove.
  6. I filter with a sieve, pour the fragrant chicken broth into plates. I decorate with a half on top boiled egg I sprinkle with herbs. I prefer green onions and dill.

chicken noodle broth recipe


  • Water - 2 l,
  • legs large sizes- 2 pieces,
  • Noodles - 100 g,
  • Onion - 1 small head
  • Potato - 1 piece,
  • Carrots - 1 piece,
  • Garlic - half a clove
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece,
  • Salt, pepper, parsley (greens and root) - to taste.


  1. Chicken legs I rinse, pour water. I salt a little, throw in a bay leaf and set it to boil. After 10 minutes, I remove the lavrushka. After 20 minutes, I take out the boiled chicken legs and put them on a plate to cool.
  2. I also peel my carrots and parsley. I cut into straws. I peel the garlic, but I don't grind it. I cut potatoes into cubes. I leave a small onion head whole.
  3. I send vegetables to the boiling broth, season with pepper. After 10 minutes, I send the noodles to the broth. I don't mix. I turn the fire down to low. I cook until the noodles are cooked (8-10 minutes).

Helpful advice. To make the broth clearer, add beaten egg whites 2 chicken eggs. Bring to a boil, carefully strain from the resulting protein flakes.

Video recipe

I pour the soup into bowls. Sprinkle with chopped herbs (parsley) on top. Bon appetit!

How to cook chicken broth in a slow cooker


  • Poultry meat - 800 g,
  • Water - 2 l,
  • Carrots - 1 piece,
  • Onion - 1 piece,
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces,
  • Salt, pepper (ground and peas) - to taste.


  1. I wash the meat, remove the skin and excess pieces of fat.
  2. I clean vegetables. I cut the carrots and onions into large pieces.
  3. I spread the bird on the bottom of the multicooker, add vegetables on top along with lavrushka and black pepper. I pour water. A bit of salt.
  4. I turn on the multicooker with the selected operating mode "Extinguishing". I set the timer to 1.5 hours.
  5. Open every 20-30 minutes kitchen appliance and perform a simple procedure for removing foam with a slotted spoon.
  6. After the end of the program, I let the broth brew. After 10 minutes, I take the cup out of the multicooker. I get boiled chicken and use it in other dishes.
  7. Strain the broth with a sieve.

Videos cooking

How to cook chicken broth for a patient with a cold and flu


  • Wings - 6 pieces,
  • Onion - 1 piece,
  • Garlic - 3 cloves,
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece,
  • Carrots - 1 piece,
  • Quail egg - 2 pieces,
  • Black pepper, salt, fresh herbs- taste.


  1. Chicken wings I wash it, put it on the bottom of the pan. I fill with bay leaves.
  2. I clean vegetables. I cut onions and carrots. I send whole carrots to the pan without frying in a pan, and only a part of the onion.
  3. I pour water. I cook the meat right away with the vegetables.
  4. While the broth is cooking, I'm doing the garlic. I clean and finely crumble.
  5. After 50 minutes, the nutritious chicken broth will be ready. At the end, I put finely chopped onions and pour fresh herbs, pre-chopped.

Such a chicken broth for a patient with colds and flu will turn out to be very fragrant and satisfying (I don’t catch vegetables). To give additional useful properties, I use boiled quail egg.

Spicy chicken broth for colds


  • whole chicken- 1.4 kg,
  • Chili - 2 peppers
  • Carrots - 1 piece,
  • Onion - 1 piece,
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece,
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons,
  • Peppercorns - 3 pieces,
  • Fresh ginger - to taste.


  1. My chicken, I divide into large pieces I take off the skin. I fill it with water and send it to a strong fire. After 5 minutes, I drain the liquid, rinse the bird, wash the pan from the foam and set it to cook again.
  2. Reduce the burner temperature to medium. I put chopped vegetables and spices in the broth. First, onions with carrots, after 10 minutes, pepper cut into 2 parts and ginger root.
  3. I cook for 40 minutes on a fire a little more than the minimum. 10 minutes before the broth is ready, add salt. I decorate with greens.
Now I will present 5 step by step recipes delicious soups in chicken broth.

Buckwheat chicken soup


  • chicken leg- 1 piece,
  • Potatoes - 4 things,
  • Bulb - 1 piece,
  • Carrots - 1 piece,
  • Buckwheat- 3 large spoons
  • Allspice- 4 peas,
  • Vegetable oil - 3 large spoons,
  • Garlic - 1 clove,
  • Dill - 1 bunch,
  • Black pepper (ground) - 5 g,
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces,
  • Salt - 5 g.


  1. For chicken broth, I take a ham, without hurrying mine, put it in a 3-liter saucepan. I throw in peppercorns, 2 bay leaves, a whole clove of garlic and salt. I bring the chicken to a boil over low heat, removing the foam in a timely manner. Cooking time - 40-60 minutes.
  2. I am preparing a fragrant vegetable passivation from onions and carrots, as for pollock under marinade. Finely chop the onion, spread it on the pan. I rub the carrots coarse grater, I add after the onion. frying on sunflower oil. I take it off the stove.
  3. I remove the peel from the potatoes, mine and cut into medium-sized pieces.
  4. I sort through the buckwheat, wash it several times in water.
  5. When the broth is cooked, I take out the bird. I spread it on a plate and carefully cut it into pieces. I return to the broth along with potatoes and sorted cereals. Cook until the potatoes are cooked for at least 15 minutes.
  6. Then I put the passivation, add salt and pepper, mix thoroughly. I simmer on low heat for 5-10 minutes.
  7. I take it off the stove, leave it to infuse, tightly closing the lid. spilling fragrant soup on plates, decorate with chopped dill on top.

Simple and delicious vegetable soup with chicken broth

Prepare useful and tasty dish based on chicken fillet and a large number of fresh vegetables stewed in a pan. It will turn out very tasty!



  1. I wash the chicken fillet and put it in a saucepan. I pour cold water. I bet on medium fire. After 5 minutes, I lay a whole onion head. I skim off the foam as it develops. Cook for 15-25 minutes depending on the size of the pieces.
  2. My beans, salt and put to cook in a separate bowl for 10-15 minutes. I disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences. Peel carrots, cut into small pieces. I chop the celery and onion. I cut the tomatoes into cubes.
  3. I strain the chicken broth. I transfer the fillet to a separate plate. Suitable for other dishes. I wash the pan from the remnants of foam on the walls.
  4. I pour the strained broth into a saucepan. I put it on fire. I put in potatoes and rice.
  5. In a frying pan, I cook frying from ingredients prepared in advance: carrots, onions and celery. I use a little (1 large spoon) vegetable oil. A few minutes later I lay the beans. I mix thoroughly. After 5 minutes, I throw up to vegetable mix chopped tomatoes. I reduce the heat to a minimum and sauté until the tomatoes soften.
  6. In a boiling broth with potatoes and rice, I spread cabbage inflorescences. After 5-8 minutes I add fragrant vegetable base. Stir and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. At the end, I decorate the dish with a mix of greens (I use dill, parsley, green onions).

Sorrel soup with chicken broth


  • Water - 2 l,
  • Soup set - 500 g,
  • Carrots - 1 piece,
  • Onion - 1 head,
  • Potato - 2 tubers,
  • Boiled fillet chicken - 200 g,
  • Sorrel - 200 g,
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece,
  • Peppercorns (black) - 4 things,
  • Salt - 1 pinch.


  1. I cook the broth from the soup set. Thoroughly rinse the mixture different parts chicken and put on the bottom of the pan. I pour water in a volume of 2 liters. I throw lavrushka and salt.
  2. As it boils, carefully remove the foam. While the broth is cooking, I am engaged in vegetables. I clean and chop carrots (on a coarse grater), cut onions (half rings) and potatoes (straws).
  3. After boiling, the first to the future sorrel soup potatoes are sent. Cook over low heat until vegetables are cooked.
  4. While the potatoes are cooking, I fry fragrant and tasty frying of onions and carrots in vegetable oil. Carcass until the softness of the beam. I interfere thoroughly.
  5. Together with the remnants of vegetable oil, I send the passivation to the pan.
  6. I cut the fillet into small pieces, send it to the soup.
  7. At the end of cooking, I add sorrel. Carefully my greens, carefully cut and send to the dishes. I languish for a few minutes. I interfere, taste, salt and pepper if desired.

Chicken soup with vermicelli and potatoes


  • Water - 2 l,
  • Fillet - 500 g,
  • Potatoes - 250 g,
  • Carrots - 100 g,
  • Vermicelli - 60 g,
  • Onion - 1 head,
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces,
  • Black pepper, salt - to taste.


  1. I take a 3-liter pan and low-fat loin Chicken. I wash the chicken meat in a deep bowl, cut into pieces of medium size. Transfer from cutting board to a bowl.
  2. I pour water. I make it boil. After boiling, I reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for half an hour. I remove the foam, do not let the broth become cloudy.
  3. I do vegetables. I grate the carrots. I finely chop the onion and throw it into the pan. After 3 minutes, I send carrots to him. Passing the same amount of time. I take it off the stove.
  4. I chop the potatoes into small and neat cubes.
  5. boiled chicken I take it out of the broth. I cut into pieces after cooling. I pour chopped potatoes into the broth. After 10 minutes, it's time for the fillet pieces and carrot-onion mixture.
  6. At the end of cooking, pour out the vermicelli. I mix, do not allow pasta to stick to the bottom of the pan. Cook for 5-10 minutes, add pepper and salt.

Mexican Chicken Soup

gourmet dish with the addition of lemongrass, jalapeno peppers and freshly squeezed lime juice for real gourmets.


  • Ready broth - 1 l,
  • Jalapeno pepper- 1 piece,
  • Garlic - 6 cloves,
  • Lemon grass (lemongrass) - 1 stalk,
  • canned chili peppers - 150 g,
  • Lime juice - 50 ml,
  • Olive oil - 1 large spoon,
  • Green onions - 1 bunch,
  • Cayenne pepper- 1 piece,
  • Wheat flour - 1 teaspoon
  • Chicken breast - 800 g,
  • Tomatoes - 400 g,
  • White beans - 400 g,
  • Salt, pepper, cilantro - to taste.


  1. I take a big pot. I'm pouring ready broth from chicken.
  2. I chop the jalapeno and garlic cloves. I add the chopped ingredients to the broth.
  3. I put chopped lemon grass (stalk), canned chili(leave some for passivation) and pour lime juice previously obtained in a juicer. I bring the broth to a boil over high heat, then reduce to a minimum. I cook for 20 minutes. Then I take out the ingredients with a sieve.
  4. I'm preparing a vegetable pass. I heat up the pan with olive oil. I chop the green onion and fry until soft. After I add canned pepper chili, chopped garlic cloves and cayenne pepper. At the end I put it in the passage wheat flour. Stir, simmer together for 1 minute.
  5. To the vegetables I spread the chicken breast, cut into several parts. Carcass with vegetables. Fry lightly on each side until half cooked.
  6. I spread the passivation in the pan along with the meat. I add chopped tomatoes, throw white beans. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes, stirring well.
