
Broths. How to make cloudy broth clear? A trick that every housewife must own

The word "broth" comes from the French verb "boil". Let's learn how to cook the right transparent and delicious broth that will appeal to even the most sophisticated gourmets.

Broths and decoctions

What is the difference and how are broth and broth similar? Broths are anything that is cooked from meat, fish or poultry, while decoctions are quick broths based on vegetables or mushrooms. In both cases, the same cooking technique should be followed. Below we have collected the basic rules, following which you can cook your perfect broth.

Rule #1

We always put food in cold water. This is necessary so that all substances and taste pass into the liquid. Water is usually taken 3-4 times more than the product itself. If you do not have a large saucepan, then cook a concentrated broth, for it the proportion is reduced to 1.5-2.5 parts of water in relation to the main product, and then diluted when used in soup. Example: for 1 kg of chicken, take 1.5 liters of water, at the exit you will most likely get 1.2 liters of ready-made broth due to the boiling of moisture in the process. Add another 1.2 liters of water to boil the soup.

Rule #2

Add vegetables and herbs to flavor the broth. Pick spices, seasonings, vegetables and root vegetables in broths so that they do not interrupt the main taste. For example, in fish, use them minimally, as it has a very light taste. And in meat, you can add more, since it will be very difficult to interrupt the taste in it with anything. It is always better to add root vegetables to the broth: onions, carrots, celery root, parsley root, they make the broth tastier and cleaner. Cut them up big. Onions into 2-3 parts, and carrots into 2-4. Herbs can be added either fresh by tying them with a thread, or dry by putting them in a gauze bag first, so that it is easier to remove later. Universal combination of herbs (bouquet garni): thyme, bay leaf, parsley. It is better to put dry herbs at the beginning of cooking, while fresh ones can be put 20 minutes before the end.

Rule #3

It is better to salt in parts. At the very beginning, add just a couple of pinches of salt to help the extractives pass into the water. But we recommend bringing the broth to taste at the end. Firstly, if you cook stock stock, it is preserved without salt. Secondly, during the cooking process, the liquid will evaporate, and the concentration of added salt will increase at the beginning, so if you add salt at the end, you do not risk oversalting the broth.

Rule #4

It is not necessary to drain the first broth. Often there is advice to be sure to drain the first broth: bring the product to a boil, cook for a few minutes and drain the water. It is believed that in this way the future broth is cleared of harmful substances. But this is only the point of view of some culinary specialists - there are serious justifications, and even more so, there are no studies on this topic. Traditionally, this method is used to prepare light or dietary broth, the recipes for which can be found in cookbooks, especially on dietary nutrition. Such a broth is called the second or third: after boiling, the meat, poultry or fish is taken out and washed, and the broth is drained and they start all over again - pour cold water, wait for it to boil, remove the foam. For the third broth, these steps are repeated twice.

Rule #5

It is better to remove the foam with a ladle or a large spoon. When the broth boils, foam forms. It is removed so that the broth remains clear. To remove it, contrary to tradition, is better not with a skimmer (you won’t catch much with holes), but with an ordinary spoon or a small ladle. And at the moment of boiling, it is better to spend all the time next to the pan, otherwise it is easy to miss the moment when the foam settles to the bottom. It is important to know that the stronger the boil, the more foam is formed. Therefore, do not forget immediately after boiling to reduce the fire to a minimum.

Rule #6

Rule #7

Ready broth must be filtered, if necessary, clarified. The theme of transparency runs like a red thread through the entire process of cooking the broth. Therefore, after it is welded, the last battle for transparency awaits us. We strain the broth through a damp cloth or cheesecloth so that excess fat and escaping foam flakes remain on it. But it happens that in spite of everything, the broth still turns out to be cloudy. It can be brightened up. The easiest and most affordable way is clarification with egg whites. Proteins are taken at the rate of 1 protein per 1.5 liters of broth and whipped into foam until their volume increases by 2-3 times. The broth is cooled to 60 degrees. After that, the broth is mixed with proteins and brought to a boil. It is boiled a little and filtered through a sieve or gauze.

Well, we have gone through the basic rules for making broth, now we will consider the nuances of popular types.

meat broth

A tasty meat broth requires bones, some meat and a minimum of fat - the less fat, the clearer the broth. The extractives contained in the bones will add richness and flavor to the broth, and if you cook the broth only from meat, it will turn out too light. It is recommended to combine the bones with the sinewy parts of the carcass. For pork broth, choose lean, bone-in and skinless cuts. A shoulder blade, front and back knuckle, ribs, or any bones with leftover meat are perfect. Use as an addition to other broths or use smoked pork belly or smoked ribs on your own. For 1 kg of bones, you will need 2-5 liters of water and 2-4 hours of cooking. The pork broth will be a little cloudy, but that's the nature of the meat. For beef broth, parts of the carcass with a high content of connective tissue are used - beef shank, shoulder blade, lower thigh, neck, costal part. It is also highly recommended to use the bones with the remnants of meat. If possible, ask the butcher to cut the bones in half before buying - this way the contact with the liquid will be maximum, and the broth will be more rich. For 1 kg of bones, use 2-5 liters of water; such a broth will cook from 2 to 6 hours. Lamb broth is cooked almost according to the rules of beef broth, but it is important to consider that lamb is fatty meat with a specific taste. Such a broth requires more spices to mask this aftertaste. Water for 1 kg of bones also needs from 2 to 5 liters, the cooking time will be 2-5 hours.

Poultry broth

The ideal poultry broth is made from a whole special soup carcass or "frame" - a skeleton, for example, of a chicken with the remains of meat on it. For chicken or turkey broth, you need to take an adult bird, it cooks longer, but does not fall apart, and its firm muscles have a brighter taste that will be clearly visible in the broth. The back, wings and hips are also suitable. Be sure to remove the skin - it makes the broth more cloudy and oily. You can add extra flavor to the broth by adding bones or smoked poultry meat. For 1 kg of bones, 2-4 liters of water and 1.5-4 hours of time will be required. Those who are on a diet should boil chicken breast broth without skin.

fish broth

The backbone, tail and head of the carcass go into the fish broth. From the head, you must first remove the gills and remnants of the scales. The most delicious fish broth will come from a mixture of river and sea fish. The addition of red fish to the broth gives a beautiful hue, and the chicken bones when boiling the fish broth add richness. For broth from any fish, take 1.5-3 liters of water per 1 kg of fish and bones - the less water, the higher the concentration of the broth, but it will also be more cloudy. Cooking time - from 1 to 3 hours. For red fish broths, use small gutted sea fish. The taste of this broth is the most delicate and rich. A broth made only from red fish will have a reddish tint.

When cooking white sea fish broths, remember that white fish of the northern seas are often oily, and when boiling broths, it is best to mix it with other varieties. The taste of fat when cooking broth only from northern breeds will be especially pronounced. It can be softened by adding fennel - a few stems and part of a white head. You can use river fish for broth, but it is better partially, in half with sea fish. The broth only from river fish can have a specific taste, we recommend draining the first broth and adding root vegetables and a bouquet of garni.

A decoction of vegetables

The composition of vegetable broth is always variable: onions and carrots are required in it, and then use vegetables as desired - parsley and celery roots, celery stalks, leeks, a little garlic. Vegetables need to be cut into several parts, so they will better give the taste to the broth. Spices must be added to the vegetable broth. Classics of the genre - black peppercorns and bay leaf. A decoction with the addition of a couple of sprigs of thyme is very good. For 1 kg of vegetables, take 2 liters of water, bring to a boil, cook for 20-40 minutes and let it brew for 1 to 5 hours.

Decoction of mushrooms

The best choice for such a decoction is dried forest mushrooms, ideally porcini. First, the mushrooms will need to be washed and soaked for 1-2 hours. For 100 grams of dried forest mushrooms, use 1-1.5 liters of water, boil them for 15-25 minutes, and then let them brew for 1 to 5 hours. In the absence of dried mushrooms, you can take frozen ones, after washing, boil them without soaking. For every 100 grams you need 1 liter of water. You can take fresh champignons, but the taste of the broth will turn out to be less saturated. Before cooking, be sure to cut them into 3-4 parts. You will also need 1 liter of water for every 100 grams, after boiling, you need to cook the mushrooms for no more than 2-3 minutes, and after cooling, they must be filtered.

We all know well that meat broth is not only very nutritious, but also very healthy. Also, meat broths are an excellent basis for many dishes in all cuisines of the world.

Various soups, gravies, sauces are prepared from meat broths, and can also be served as an independent dish. Therefore, it is very important to be able to prepare a good meat broth so that it can become a really good basis for your culinary creations.

How to cook meat broth?

To make a good broth, you need to choose meat with bones. It is from them that the same fat is obtained, sometimes it even makes sense to use ordinary soup sets sold in meat departments.

Meat cut into small portions is not suitable for cooking broth. This way you will get dry meat in the plates, and not a juicy and soft mouth-watering piece in a spoon. Meat should be cut after cooking. It is very important!

In our article, we consider meat broth cooked on the bone (even better if with cartilage, it is very useful for human bones and joints). You can take any meat for the broth:

  • beef, beef ribs, legs, etc.
  • pork is better without fat, on the bone, pork ribs, legs
  • lamb (also with bone)
  • veal
  • game meat (slightly different in its rigidity, so cook for an hour and a half longer)
  • rabbit meat

meat broth recipe

There are various ways to prepare meat broths, I suggest you choose one of them or use different methods, depending on the purpose for which you are preparing the broth. If you want to cook meat broth with a minimum number of bones and at the same time keep the meat as juicy as possible, you should use cooking method No. 2.

So, meat broth! How to cook meat broth?


  • 0.5 kg of meat;
  • 1.5 liters of cold water;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt,
  • peppercorns,
  • Bay leaf.

Meat broth - Cooking method No. 1

Rinse the meat well, put in a saucepan with cold water and put on fire.

When the water boils, remove the foam from the broth and reduce the heat.

Peel carrots and onions, without slicing, put them in a saucepan.

Add spices to the broth.

Boil the meat broth until tender over low heat, about 2 hours, then remove the vegetables and meat with a slotted spoon. Strain the broth through 2 - 3 layers of gauze, salt to taste.

Meat broth - Cooking method number 2

With this method of preparation, bring the water to a boil first.

After that, put pre-thawed, washed meat into boiling water (especially if it is practically or completely without bones).

Now the fire must be reduced to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid. It is very important not to let the meat boil! We simmer the meat in this way for 2-3 hours.

Add vegetables, bay leaf and pepper to the pan. It is better to salt the broth with this method of preparation 20-30 minutes before the end of cooking.

When the meat is lowered into boiling water, its top layer is “baked” and the meat juice remains inside, making the meat more juicy than with the first cooking method. Also, thanks to this, scale does not form in the broth, and if the broth does not boil, it will turn out transparent and will not require straining.

Meat broth - Cooking method number 3

Put the defrosted, washed meat into a saucepan with cold water and put on fire.

Wait for the water to boil, let the meat boil, but no more than 2 - 3 minutes.

After that, the meat must be removed, pour the broth, rinse the pan and pour cold water again, then put the meat back into the pan.

Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat so that the broth does not boil, but “languishes.” Now you need to add whole vegetables and spices to the broth (I put the onion in the husk and the whole carrot), and cook until the meat is fully cooked.

The readiness of the meat in the broth is checked by how easily it moves away from the bone. It should come off completely, not like jelly, but quite easily.

Meat broth - Cooking method No. 4

Wash defrosted or freshly cooled meat, pour cold water over it and put on fire. After the water boils, remove the

Well, cook over medium heat. To prevent the broth from boiling away, cover the lid of the pan. We cook 1 hour.

An important difference of method 4 is the preparation of vegetables for cooking along with meat in the broth. We also take carrots and onions (or you can also take celery root or parsley). We clean the carrots and cut them lengthwise so that we get a flat part (it can be 4 parts for convenience). Peel the onion and cut in half.

You need to char the vegetables!

Then, in a dry frying pan, we bake and even lightly coat our slices of vegetables, without fear, until black! The picture shows a little differently, you need a half onion, not rings, but the essence is clear. We send it to the pan to cook with the meat. We throw lavrushka and black peppercorns.

After 1.5 hours, discard the vegetables, strain the broth, separate the meat from the bones, cut into portioned pieces. Salt at the end or already soup.

Note to the owner!

You can also add celery root and/or parsley root to the broth while boiling. After cooking, of course, they will need to be removed, like vegetables, but they will give the broth a delicious taste and aroma.

In case, when cooking the broth, you missed the moment when it was necessary to remove the foam and it went down - just add a little cold water to the pan. From this, the foam will rise again to the surface of the broth, and you can easily remove it.

Cooking broth is a real art, it’s not enough just to put meat in a pan and cook it, you need to choose the right cuts that will make the broth play with taste, the necessary fat and aroma. Meat broth is not easy to cook, but the article will help you comprehend the science without much difficulty.

Meat preparation

Cooking meat broth begins with the purchase and preparation of meat cuts:

- for chicken broths, wings, chicken paws (the ones that are sold with claws), necks are suitable;

- for beef, you should pay attention to the tails, legs (without hooves), large bones with cartilage;

- for pork broth, front or hind legs, tails, a “piglet” of a pig (there is a lot of gelatin in it), ears are suitable.

After the purchase, the meat is thoroughly washed, cleaned of impurities, especially pig ears and tails, chopped to medium size so that the meat fits in a pan where the broth will be boiled. This is how fish and vegetable broths are prepared, only for fish one should take fish bones, heads, fins, and for vegetable - carrots, celery root, parsnips, onions.

Meat, fish, vegetables prepared for cooking are sent to the liquid for further cooking. Traditionally, the blank is placed in a container, filled with water so that it barely covers the products, then the broth will turn out to be rich, thick and tasty. Water with vegetables or fish lowered there should be brought to a boil, then with a ladle or slotted spoon it is worth removing the foam from the surface, then simply boil for 25-30 minutes until fully cooked.

As for meat broths, it takes much more time to cook. It is important to extract more gelatin to enrich the liquid, so you need to cook it for several hours: chicken for at least 2 hours, beef and pork for 3-4 hours. The dissolution of gelatin in the liquid is necessary, if the broth is boiled down to make sauces, this ingredient will give the sauce the necessary consistency.

To make the broth clean and transparent, you should add and heat cold water gradually at the beginning of the process. With this approach, the proteins released from the meat slowly curl up, settling on the bottom and walls of the pan, or rise to the surface, from where they can be easily removed with the back of the ladle.

Maximum taste

Evaporation of the broth is an important process in which foreign matter in the pan rises to the surface of the liquid in the form of foam, because of this, the finished broth can become cloudy, and in some cases even bitter. Therefore, the liquid should be boiled over low heat, then the meat particles will not disperse and it will be easy to collect them. To collect exfoliated proteins, it is necessary to carry out manipulations, which in the culinary world are called the French word “depouillage”, that is, the removal of foam and foreign particles with a skimmer, ladle with a ladle.

When the broth is barely boiling, the curdled protein is grouped into one mass and rises to the surface in a “heap”, it is worth moving the pan off the heat and the foam will immediately move to the cold side, then it is easy to remove it with a slotted spoon and the broth will become clean, light, almost transparent.

How long to boil the liquid?

Cooking time depends on the further use of the product. The broth for glazing or concentrated extract for the sauce must be boiled out longer than the usual broth for soup. When the liquid evaporates, the taste becomes more concentrated, the consistency thickens, and it is important to strike a balance here. If the sauce has been reduced to the desired taste, but not thick enough, there is no point in evaporating further, as it will become very salty and the taste concentrated, which is not always good for demiglace-type sauces.

How to cook broth?

It is important not to cover the pan with a lid when cooking meat or fish broth so that the liquid does not boil too much and the foam can be easily removed from the surface as it appears. This cooking method is the most correct, but the product will turn out even tastier if you use a well-known and even slightly old-fashioned pressure cooker for cooking. It may seem to some that using a pressure cooker is a throwback to the 70s, in fact, modern kitchen appliances have become more advanced and are ideal for cooking broths.

A pressure cooker is a secret weapon for preparing excellent meat, vegetable or fish broth. When the lid is hermetically sealed, the odors do not evaporate, but remain inside the pan, cooking at a high temperature enriches the aroma more, as it triggers the Maillard reaction, in which the aromas and flavors of the products are revealed and dissolved in water.

Higher brewing temperatures offer huge benefits:

- the ingredients release more flavor;

- the high temperature inside the hermetically sealed pan triggers the Maillard reaction, it is also called the browning reaction;

- more saturated, complex and rich aromas and tastes are created.

The result of high-pressure cooking is a deep broth flavor that cannot be achieved when cooking broth in a conventional saucepan.

How to make the right broth?

When the broth is ready, it must be filtered to remove particles of the original products. The matter is simple, but requires a reasonable approach. If you are not preparing consommé (the broth for this meat dish should be filtered, not strained), then pieces of the fragments should be caught with a slotted spoon, and the rest of the liquid should be passed through a colander. To improve the taste, before straining, you should mash vegetables, spices, meat with a ladle so that they give the liquid a taste, add juiciness, after which the broth should be filtered again.

The second filtering is performed through a fine sieve or through a colander with a clean towel or three times folded gauze lined at the bottom. Remember, wet gauze filters better than dry gauze, so it should be pre-moistened. Double straining through a coarse sieve, then through a fine sieve may seem like an extra complication, but this is how you get a beautiful clear broth without extra particles and inclusions.

Storage of the finished broth:

1. When the preparation of the broth is over, you need to deal with its storage. The great thing about cooking broths is that if you take a large pot and boil the broth with a margin, you can freeze it, as the finished product retains its taste and aroma well when frozen. But if you are going to store a fragrant preparation in large volumes (1-2 liters), do not freeze it in one huge lump. This is not practical, suddenly then you need to separate 200 or 500 ml for the sauce. Take special ice-forming cells for freezing or ordinary silicone baking molds and fill them with saturated liquid. Place in freezer and store until needed.

2. It is ideal to boil the "extra" broth to a concentrated state, when it takes the form of a viscous and dense syrup consistency, then pour it into silicone molds for ice. In the future, ice pieces can be used instead of bouillon cubes, which are sold in the store in the form of a pressed powder, only a decoction cooked at home will be much more useful.

How to get the best taste?

When preparing meat brown broths, you want to add characteristic, complex flavors caused by the Maillard reaction (high-temperature frying of ingredients). This can be achieved by frying the meat and / or bones in a frying pan, grill, in the oven in a baking dish before cooking.

The meat, when fried in a dry frying pan or when baked, will acquire a rich taste that will enrich the broth. After frying, you can use the pieces that have stuck to the bottom of the mold or pan, for this you need to deglaze the sediment: pour in the liquid, heat, scrape with a spatula so that the liquid absorbs the caramelized nuances of the residue, their taste and aroma, then add the resulting mixture to the broth, any other dish or prepare a sauce based on it.

Deglazing allows you to enrich sauces, broths with complex shades of aromas and tastes. Most often, the pan is deglazed with alcohol (wine) or vinegar, but any liquid that goes well with the dish will do. If the decoction is intended for a rich sauce prepared on the basis of port wine, red wine, then the pan should be deglazed with brandy, port wine, red wine. For chicken broth, white wine is suitable, for fish - vermouth or a couple of drops of Pernod. A small amount of lemon juice is good for deglazing a frying pan where poultry was fried, rum is good for caramelizing bananas.


Deglazing is a great cooking technique that will help you make a great sauce. Once you have baked the chicken, left it to "rest", the remaining meat juices should be deglazed over high heat, adding grain mustard and water to the container. After frying the fish, it is best to “treat” the pan with lemon juice, add butter there, warm it up a little and pour the finished fish with this sauce, it will turn out unforgettably delicious.

The last way to bring out and enhance the taste of fish or meat broth is to fry a finely chopped onion and a couple of anise stars in butter. You can experiment by changing the amount of anise and onion, add vegetable oil instead of butter, but the result will always be the same. It will be delicious!

The effect of frying onions with anise is incredible! The ingredients, when combined, create notes of cinnamon, cloves, thyme, black pepper, chili, very suitable for a meat dish or onion soup. They simply enrich the meaty flavor of the meat broth. In order for the method to “play” with shades, you should add the fried components to the liquid. Then, bring the entire mixture to a concentrated state. Then the components that make up the decoction will begin to interact with each other, creating new shades of aroma and taste. Now you know how to cook the broth correctly so that it turns out delicious! Enjoy cooking and successful experiments in the kitchen, friends!

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It is hard to imagine home cooking without mouth-watering and golden meat broth. It is good as an independent dish and is the basis for the preparation of soups, jelly, cereals, meat and vegetable stews, gravy and sauces. Traditionally, chicken broth is used to treat a protracted cough, and in order for children to take this “medicine” with pleasure, the broth must be appetizing and rich. Delicious meat broth is not so difficult to cook if you know some tricks and do not save on meat.

How to cook meat broth: what kind of meat to choose

For beef, always choose the meat of bulls, whose age does not exceed three years. Veal cooks quickly and is ideal for broth because it is healthy, soft, juicy, lean, and high in collagen, which releases gelatin when cooked. The best pork for broth is lean and tender bacon pig meat with a very thin layer of lard, and lamb should be fresh and tender. Chicken broth is made from fresh farm chickens raised without hormones and antibiotics and not frozen. This is especially important if the broth is intended for baby food or to maintain strength during an illness. Rabbit, poultry and its offal, offal, meat bones and smoked meats are perfect for broth. The use of meat of different varieties makes the broth more tasty and rich.

The Best Chunks for Concentrated Meat Broth

The most delicious is obtained from meat with connective tissue, which releases gelling substances into the broth, making it rich and thick. Tenderloin from different parts of the carcass of an animal differs in quality and nutritional value, so experienced chefs can determine the "suitability" of meat at a glance. Beef brisket, ham and neck, pork and lamb shoulder, lamb ribs, shank, brisket and neck are ideal for broth. Rabbit and poultry for broth can be boiled whole or in parts, it all depends on your culinary preferences. It is best to use fresh meat, but it is not always possible to buy it, so meat from the freezer is also suitable. The main thing is that it be thawed according to all the rules at room temperature.

How to put meat in water

Ideal if you cook the broth on spring, well, filtered or bottled water, which must be soft. This is one of the secrets of making delicious broth. So, well-washed pieces of meat are poured with cold water and the pan is put on fire. Why do we take cold water and not boiling water? The fact is that with slow heating, the meat releases extractive substances and saturates the broth with them. If you lower the meat into hot water, then the proteins immediately coagulate, and a film instantly forms on the surface of the meat. It turns out that all the nutrients remain in the pulp. In this case, the meat is tender, juicy and aromatic, and the taste of the broth, unfortunately, leaves much to be desired.

For this reason, for an appetizing broth, the meat is poured only with cold water, and at the same time it should not be cut into small pieces. The meat should release its juices slowly to enrich the taste of the broth. The more water, the less concentrated the broth will turn out - usually up to 3 liters of water are taken per 1 kg of meat with bones.

How to cook clear meat broth

For the transparency of the broth, some housewives pre-soak the meat for several hours in cold water, and then boil it, draining the old water. Naturally, the water will evaporate during the boiling process, but you should not add it, otherwise the broth will become cloudy, and its taste will disappoint you.

Do not allow the liquid to boil rapidly and remove the foam in time, which will settle to the bottom in large, ugly flakes, and the broth will lose its appetizing appearance. A good effect is given by an onion or an eggshell - they are added to the water at the beginning of cooking. After readiness, the broth must be strained, otherwise it will be cloudy. And by the way, if you cook the broth only from meat tenderloin without bones, it will turn out much more transparent.

Vegetables, spices and herbs

Carrots, celery root and onions are considered classic additives for making meat broth. For taste, you can add turnips, garlic, cloves, black peppercorns, various roots and related bunches of greens. The French flavor the broth with the famous Bouquet Garni seasoning, which includes thyme, leek, bay leaf and parsley. If the vegetables are first fried in a pan without oil or baked in the oven, the taste and aroma of the broth will be more original and bright. Vegetables are laid half an hour before the dish is ready. Interestingly, if you add onion peel to the water, the broth will turn golden, and a piece of dry cheese will give it an unusual piquancy.

A few subtleties of cooking broth

Before boiling, the pan is tightly closed with a lid, and then it is cooked without a lid so that drops of evaporating moisture do not spoil the taste of the dish. The fat that appears on the surface is usually removed, and not only for dietary purposes. The fact is that a large amount of fat gives the broth an unpleasant oily-soapy taste. But do not rush to part with this valuable product - you can fry vegetables on it for seasoning soups.

It is good if the pan has thick walls and a bottom. So the broth will cook evenly and slowly, which will improve its taste and aroma. It is better to add salt at the very end, because you don’t know how much liquid will boil away during the cooking process, and it will be very annoying if the broth turns out to be too salty.

How long does the broth take to cook? Appetizing smells are already spreading around the apartment, and the stomach begins to growl treacherously, and the household looks impatiently at the clock - when is it time for dinner? Veal and rabbit broth is cooked for up to 1.5 hours, until beef or smoked meat is ready, you will have to wait longer - 2.5-3 hours, pork - up to 2.5 hours, chicken - 1-2 hours, and lamb - up to 2 hours . The main thing is not to overdo it, because the overcooked broth acquires an unpleasant taste.

There is another way to check the readiness of the broth - to pierce the meat with a knife. If the knife enters the flesh easily, then the meat is cooked, and you can separate it from the bones. The bones are usually boiled for some more time, and the meat is either cut into pieces and returned to the pot, or left to prepare the second course. After straining the broth, the bones, vegetables and spices are thrown away - they have done their job and gave the dish vitamins, nutrients, taste and aroma.

If you don't have time and want to make a quick meat broth, you can make it with minced chicken, beef, lamb, or pork. The cooking technology remains the same, and the time is reduced to half an hour. True, it is advisable to let the broth brew for 20 minutes, and then serve it on the table. In a slow cooker, meat broth is cooked for the same amount of time, but the cooking process is greatly simplified. You still have to remove the foam, since scientific and technological progress has not yet gone so far as to entrust this responsible task to technology, even the smartest.

Fragrant appetizing and transparent broth is ready. In old recipes, it is advised to pour 1 tbsp. of meat broth into each bowl of meat broth. l. Madeira. And you can do it in a simple way - with fresh herbs, homemade pies, ruddy croutons and toasts. You can store the broth in the refrigerator for several days, but it usually disappears from there faster - too tasty!

In cooking, there are several recipes for dishes, especially soups and aspics, where a clean, literally transparent broth is needed.

What should I do if the broth becomes cloudy during cooking? Is it possible to return to him a golden, amber color, so that he looks appetizing? There are many ways to help achieve the desired result. Some must be used during cooking, others - when the soup has cooled.

How to make the broth clear

Let's try to give detailed instructions with step-by-step recommendations. So, how do you make the broth clear?

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove it from the fire at the very moment, as soon as they noticed that the broth began to become cloudy. Let the soup cool down.
  2. While the broth is cooling, prepare raw chicken protein. To do this, you need to carefully break the egg into two parts, transfer the yolk to another bowl, and place the protein in a small bowl.
  3. Use a fork to beat the egg white as if you were making an omelet. Beat until foam forms.
  4. Now pour the protein into a cloudy, slightly chilled broth, and begin to stir it slightly.
  5. Next, put the pan back on the fire and wait until the broth boils, but do not stop stirring.
  6. As soon as the consommé boils, remove it from the heat and leave it again for five minutes, no more. Cooled down - again on the stove. And so we do it two or three times.
  7. When the broth has cooled for the last time, scoop out large pieces of protein from the pan. A slotted spoon or large spoon will help with this.
  8. After the done actions, pour all the contents into a clean saucepan, you can strain through a fine sieve. It is advisable to line it with gauze folded four to five times.

How to make chicken broth clear

How to make chicken broth clear? In order to achieve excellent results in the preparation of chicken decoction, you will need to rinse the meat in advance under running water, and then boil it over low heat. It turns out that the first broth will simply have to be poured. It will help to collect the ichor from the bird and other unnecessary garbage. After the carcass, rinse thoroughly again.

While the broth is on fire, try not to interfere with it, but remove the foam that forms on the surface regularly.

It is necessary to add grated carrots, small noodles, onions to the finished product for beauty, they will help to make the consommé more saturated, tasty and fragrant.

golden chicken broth recipe

How to make chicken broth clear and golden? In order to prepare a delicious decoction of chicken fillet, you need to rinse it thoroughly, boil it first and wash it again.

Fry finely chopped onions and carrots in a frying pan to form a golden crust. It will help to give the soup a beautiful color.

And in order to make the broth even lighter, strain it through cheesecloth, folded at least twice.

This is such a simple recipe. It is the chicken fillet that will give the broth tenderness and unique taste.

Making the broth clear, especially if it has become cloudy

Let's share a couple of secrets that need to be adopted by those who are thinking about the question of how to make the broth transparent if it has become cloudy?

  • The meat must be thrown in a whole piece, so that it gives up its juice gradually, and not immediately. Be sure to remove the skin from the chicken, otherwise the soup will be too oily. Never pour meat into too cold water, but you should not throw it into boiling water either. The surface of the water will be covered with a film and the broth will not look attractive.
  • In the case of a cloudy broth, you will have to use a dense cloth through which you need to filter the soup.
  • Skim off the resulting foam immediately, otherwise it will spoil the appearance of the broth.
  • Cook food only on low heat, do not let the broth boil too much.
  • Avoid frozen meat.
  • In a cloudy broth, you can throw a raw onion or a potato cut into several pieces.
  • Pork and beef need to cook from one to two hours, but chicken is cooked for up to an hour.
  • As already mentioned, a simple protein will help to make a cloudy broth transparent.
  • Strain the broth through a fine sieve, then the consommé will become more transparent and tasty.

Secrets of competent lighting

So, how to make the broth clear and golden? There are some tips:

  1. The water temperature should not exceed 70 degrees.
  2. We prepare a broth guy from protein, eggshell.
  3. The guy should be cold and introduced into the decoction in parts, and not pour out immediately.
  4. It is desirable to put the shell in gauze, it is also desirable to place raw minced meat there.
  5. The time for which the guy will lighten the broth is 10 minutes.
  6. We are preparing an additional dressing for the soup (carrots, onions, herbs), it will help hide its turbidity and opacity.

Bouillon for delicious jelly

For such a delicate dish, the hostess will only need a clear meat broth.

Kholodets is a dish traditionally prepared in ancient Rus'. This is a great snack for strong drinks, as well as an incredibly tasty and healthy product. The dish contains gelatin, which is formed due to natural ingredients and helps to strengthen bones and make tendons elastic.

If during cooking the broth has become dark, do not worry, it can still be lightened. To do this, pour the broth into another pan in order to rid it of the resulting sediment, then strain and bring to a boil again.

In a bowl, you can beat the onion with ice and put it in consommé in gauze, and then let it cool. Drain off any sediment if necessary.

How to make chicken broth golden

How to make the broth clear and golden? In order to give the rich broth an amber color, you will have to try, but it is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

It is advisable to fry carrots and onions in olive oil, turmeric will not hurt either, it will help make the broth golden.

By the way, large carrots can be thrown whole into the soup, it will give a pleasant, orange color.

Remember that consommé is always lighter, richer, tastier and more transparent among domestic chickens, and the color will be soft yellow, appetizing.

Now you know several ways to make the broth clear. And finally: do not forget to decorate it with finely chopped greens. Bon appetit!
